Communicative English-I-Ud1le01

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Program & Batch BSC(NS)-19 Semester I


Maximum: 60

1. Before attempting any question paper, be sure that you got the correct question paper.
2. The missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably
3. Use the sketches wherever necessary
Section A (5x 2 = 10 Marks) Answer all Questions

1. What is a discourse marker? Provide an example.

2. Punctuate the following sentence suitably:
Wow the dress is gorgeous
3. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence.
a) The study of ancient societies.
i) Anthropology ii) Archaeology
iii) History iv) Ethnology
b) A style in which a writer makes a display of his
i) Pedantic ii) Verbose
iii) Pompous iv) Ornate
4. Change the following into passive voice.
a) He made a mistake. b) Can anybody cure it?
5. What is a homonym? Explain with example.

Section B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks) Answer any Five Questions

Explain how the astrologer manages his last client of the day.

7. Write a telephonic conversation with at least fourteen exchanges of dialogues for each participant.
Assume the context suitably.

8. Write your cover letter and resume to apply for a suitable job.

9. Explain how the old woman’s attitude to the woodrose creeper changes after she sees its flowers in a

10. Write the different types of conditional sentences with two examples each.
11. Make Notes of the following paragraphs:
Flexibility and mobility are essential not only to reduce the risk of injuries but to generally feel
better. Living a nine to five desk life can be demanding on health and wellness. Here is how you can
keep the most common problems at bay. Even if you are not exercising you need to make sure that
you maintain correct posture and sit at your desk in the right way. It is important that your chair is
placed correctly and your legs are not left hanging. Proper alignment ensures that your neck and back
are not strained. Exercises and abdominal crunches two to three times a week can strengthen the
core. It will help take the pressure off your back and will make it easier to maintain good posture.
Chairs with a back that support your upper back are preferable for those who work long hours in
front of screens.

Constant typing, writing reports, and answering e-mails can exert your wrists leading to long-
term damage. The frequency of your use and how you position your wrists at your keyboard can be a
reason. The telltale signs of exertion would be a tingling sensation or numbness. One should not
ignore initial signs. Make sure that you rest your wrist at regular intervals. To relieve tension quickly
fold your hands in a NAMASTE in front of your chest with elbows moving out and lower your hands
till you feel a good stretch in your wrists. Also rotating your fists inside and outside provides much
relief to strained wrists. Since those who work on desks spend a lot of time looking at a computer
screen, they are at a risk of straining their eyes. This may also lead to dry eyes and fatigue. Poor
eyesight is the result of continued and improper exposure to screens. Keeping the computer screen at
an optimal distance helps a lot in minimising strain to eyes. The screen shouldn’t be too close or too
far. To ease eye strain use good lighting and make it a point to look at a distance away from your
screen every twenty to thirty minutes.

12. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
Professor Gavraud is an engineer who almost gave up his post at an institute in Marseilles
because he always fell ill at work. He decided against leaving when he discovered that the recurrent
attacks of nausea only worried him when he was in his office at the top of the building. Thinking
that there must be something in the room that disturbed him he tried to track it down with devices
sensitive to various chemicals and even with a Geiger counter ,but he found nothing until one day,
just as he was to give up, he leaned back against the wall . The whole room was vibrating at a low
frequency. The source of energy turned out to be an air-conditioning plant on the roof of the
building across the way and his office was the right shape and right distance from the machine to
resonate in sympathy with it. It was the rhythm at seven cycles per second that made him sick.
Fascinated by the phenomenon, Gavraud decided to build machines to produce infrasound that he
could investigate it further. In casting around for likely designs, he discovered that the whistle with
a pea in it issued to all French gendarmes produced a whole rang of low-frequency sounds. So he
built a police –whistle six feet long and powered it with compressed air. The technician who gave
the giant whistle its first trial fell down dead on the spot. A post- mortem revealed that all his
internal organs had been mashed in to a jelly by the vibrations.
Gavraud went ahead with his work more carefully and did the next test out of doors with all
observers screened from the machine in a concrete shelter. When all was ready they turned the air
on slowly – and broke the windows of every building with a half mile on the test site. Later they
learnt to control the strength of the infra sound generator more effectively and designed series of
smaller machines for experimental work. One of the most interesting discoveries to date is that
waves of low-frequency can be aimed and that two generators focused on a particular point even
five miles away produce a resonance that can knock a building down as effectively as a major earth
quake. These frequency -7 machines can be built very cheaply.
i) Choose the response which best reflects the meaning of texts (4x1= 4)
1. The Professor Gavraud fell ill because
A) there were chemicals in his room. B) his office was too high up
C) he was affected by vibrations D) he was a very sensitive man.

2. He constructed a very large copy of police whistle because he wanted to

A) produce low frequency sounds B) improve its design
C) compare it with an organ D) see the effect it had on people

3. The first experiment with the machine

A) caused major earth quake B) broke all the windows in nearby buildings
C) made a noise like an organ D) killed the man who switched it on

4. Which of the following precautions was not taken by Professor Gavraud in this second
A) The observers were protected by a concrete shelter B) The experiment was done outside
C) The compressed air was turned on slowly D) A smaller machine was used.

ii) State whether the following statements are true or false. (6x1= 6)
1. Professor Gavraud left his job because he felt sick.
2. The cause of sickness was not in his room.
3. The air- Conditioning plant had nothing to do with his sickness.
4. The result of first test was worrying.
5. He did his second test indoors.
6. Later on he designed even bigger generators.

13. Write an email to your HOD seeking permission to attend a two-day conference.

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