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Task 3

1. Develop a communication plan defining the roles and responsibilities

of those involved in the HRSP implementation process

All roles for implementing the strategic HR plan must be clearly described, explained
and agreed to. This can be achieved by creating a matrix that defines roles,
expectations and levels of accountability. The following is an example of a
responsibility matrix that outlines key roles and responsibilities in a development
plan. This matrix allows you to clearly identify and communicate who is responsible

for what part of the implementation process:

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• A: defines a responsibility for approving (they have ultimate accountability).

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• R: defines a responsibility for reviewing material that will be distributed, which may
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include reports, documents, workbooks or key information.

• C: defines a responsibility for creating or developing. This should only be the


person who is ultimately responsible, not people in the team who might participate in
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or contribute to this.

• I: defines key people who provide input.

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Core Activities
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Implementation plan Budge Communication and

Roles and development t engagement Implementation Evaluation
HR director A,I A A A A
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HR manager R,C R,C R,C R,C R,C


HR team leader
1 C C A,C R C
HR team leader
2 C C C C C
managers I I I,C I I,C

The schedule should include the activities required to implement the HR strategies
and services, with assignment of each activity to HR team members. Start and
completion dates for each activity and the required resources should also be

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identified. The HR team should identify a number of milestones, or achievement
dates, throughout the implementation process. A milestone might be the approved
design for the restructure of the marketing team. These milestones need to be
monitored to ensure activities and tasks are tracking according to identified
organisational time frames. The schedule is often presented in the form of a table,
but some managers may develop a Gantt chart. The bar shows activity start,
duration and completion, so long as the project manager regularly updates the chart.

2. Develop and conduct a survey and collect a data regarding success of

the plan.

a. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at work?

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To get employee engagement right, VTI group must start with this question and ask it

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regularly. It's undoubtedly the most direct of questions to ask employees regarding

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workplace satisfaction. Regularly finding out where your company’s morale falls on
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the 10-point scale allows you to track morale over time. The key, however, is
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b. Would you refer someone to work here?

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How likely an employee would refer someone is a reflection on how satisfied this
person is at their job. If they’re unhappy with their job, you can bet they don’t have
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much good to say to their friends about the company.

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c. Do you have a clear understanding of your career or promotion path?

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Employees who get the opportunity to continually develop are twice as likely to say

they will spend their career with their company. Find out if your workers have a clear
understanding of what lies ahead of them. If their answers are negative, VTI group
needs to start offering developmental opportunities to prevent people from quitting in
rapid succession.

d. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your work-life balance?

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Employees need to balance work and their personal life in order to be productive and
engaged. If employees are feeling lopsided, then that’s a red flag that signals
burnout is right around the corner.

e. Hypothetically, if you were to quit tomorrow, what would your reason be?

Bad communication, lack of transparency, feeling unvalued — these can all be

uncovered by asking this question. Responses to this ultra-insightful of engagement
questions will inform you if your employees feel like they’re there to stay or if there
are underlying issues that are driving them to look elsewhere for work.

Questions to ask employees about their manager

f. Do you feel valued at work?

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Our research has revealed that only 21% of employees feel strongly valued at work.

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Use this question to gauge how valued workers in your organization are feeling.

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g. How frequently do you receive recognition from your manager?
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Find out how the leadership team is doing with recognizing their employees. If the

majority of workers have said they’ve gone more than two weeks without recognition,
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there’s a good chance morale is dropping. And that can lead to disengagement, loss
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of productivity, and attrition.

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h. The last time you accomplished a big project, did you receive any
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Feeling valued at work is a huge motivator. This question will help uncover if leaders
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(or peers) have missed the mark when it comes to recognition. If employees don't

feel their hard work is properly recognized, you can work together to find a solution
to this problem.

Employee Retention

i. Do you believe you'll be able to reach your full potential here?

Employees want to work at a place that will nurture their desire for growth. The more
opportunities for growth your organization can offer, the longer employees will stick

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j. If you were given the chance, would you reapply to your current job?

This is a tricky question — the happier an employee is at their current job, the more
likely they would be to reapply to that very same position. So if an employee rates on
the lower end of the spectrum then they’re most likely unhappy and won’t be at the
job for long.

k. Do you foresee yourself working here one year from now?

A question like this is pretty self-explanatory. However, it can say a lot about your
retention rate. If a majority of your employees are saying they don’t see themselves
working here in one year, you’ve got some changes to make.

l. Do you believe the leadership team takes your feedback seriously?

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No one wants to work at a place that ignores their employees. When leaders don’t

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take feedback or suggestions seriously, it shows that they’re not committed to

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making improvements. And frankly, it makes employees feel unvalued.
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3. Develop a review and provide a suggestion for continuous

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A number of methods can be used to measure the progress of the strategic HR plan,
but a commonly used technique is to perform variance analysis between the planned
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and actual performance outcomes. VTI can compare metrics results from the period
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before introducing the service to the period post-implementation. The HRMS should
be able to generate variance reports related to services performance. VTI can also
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gather feedback evidence from discussions and surveys to determine reasons for

variances. One of the key activities of the implementation process is monitoring the
budget allocated to the strategic HR plan.

Monitor the budget

Monitoring the HR budget is an essential process as it allows you to identify how the
HR function is tracking based on its spending. This will give you an indication of
whether or not the HR strategies are effective. Variance analysis is the key method
used to monitor budget performance, where the planned amounts of funds used are

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compared against the actual amount used. The root causes of variances or issues
identified from qualitative data need to be determined and addressed. For example,
if there is a significant decrease in the use of WHS training funds from one month to
the next, it may be due to a problem with managers ensuring staff are undertaking
their required training.

Milestones review

A review of the effect of any barriers to reaching milestones is also required. If

objectives or milestones are not reached, you need to identify the reasons why and
develop solutions to the challenges and issues, which may include implementing
new or additional actions. For example, if a target is to have 95 per cent of staff

using the self-service function by month six of introduction, and your HR system

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reports indicate that only 80 per cent have used the service, you would follow up with

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a discussion with managers and perhaps an online survey of employees. Feedback

may indicate that some of the self-service features are difficult to use. This will mean
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that features will need to be redesigned, and training on how to use the new features
will need to be implemented. Another example might be that the wrong metrics are
being used to determine results, and new metrics will need to be identified to
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effectively measure performance. Any adjustments will need to ensure that corrective
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action activities and tasks are incorporated into the plan and that the changes are
communicated effectively to all stakeholders. It is important to note that corrective
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actions will generally need to be approved by senior management.

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4. List the steps/plan that should be implemented, should any

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circumstances changes

The most stringent planning process can still be affected by unforeseen

circumstances. A range of factors may affect implementation of the strategic HR
plan, including changes in both the internal and external environments. Here are
some of changes and impacts.


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 An increase in turnover – due to the changes being implemented, staff decide
to leave the organisation
 Time lines for implementation of the strategic HR plan are extended due to an
inability to retain expert consultants
 Inability of staff to use new services due to lack of skill
 Changes to workplace legislation requiring a change in one or more HR
strategies or services
 Other projects in the organisation impacting on its ability to resource
implementation of the strategic HR plan
 VTI has an opportunity to merge or acquire another company
 Insufficient experience in the HR team to service new HR strategies due to
staff leaving unexpectedly


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The changes mentioned would require adjustments to the implementation plan,

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such as:

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• changing the implementation option to a partial rollout instead of a full
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organisational rollout

• increasing or changing the training for staff in how to use the new HR processes
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and practices being introduced as part of the strategic plan

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• changing the HR service to ensure it meets legislative requirements.

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5. Evaluate and review the performance of the plan against objectives

The plan has introduced changes to increase productivity, improve staff morale,
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decrease the number of staff, increase workforce diversity, provide a staff incentive

scheme or offer redundancies. Corresponding changes may have involved a

restructure or the introduction of a reward system, a redundancy program, a
redeployment scheme or a training and development program.

The outlined objectives of VTI are increasing market share and profit through the
new internet store of the corporate. The performance of the online store has been
effective up until currently and also the teams are performing effectively. The new
employees might find it troublesome to cope up with the prevailing teams however

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the management has determined to begin associate informal program for new
recruits. Up until currently the profits haven't increased as a result of the new store is
functioning on the purpose of break-even however the feedback coming back from
the shoppers is positive and it's expected within the next around the company can
begin to form profits and lower their operational costs.

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