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1. Gesture with face
a. Eyes

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
1. Check sth V /ʧɛk/ Kiểm tra The woman is checking some
2. Examine sth V /ɪgˈzæmɪn/ Kiểm tra, khảo He is examining an X-ray image.
3. Gaze at sth V /geɪz æt / Nhìn chằm chằm A man is gazing at the computer
4. Glance at sth V /glɑːns æt/ Liếc nhìn Both of them are glancing at the
5. Inspect sth V /ɪnˈspɛkt/ Kiểm tra, thanh She is inspecting some documents
tra on the table.
6. Look at sth V /lʊk æt/ Nhìn The man is looking at the door.
7. Review sth V /rɪˈvjuː/ Xem xét He is reviewing some papers.
8. Stare at sth V /steər/ /æt/ Nhìn chằm chằm The woman is staring at the
9. View sth V /vjuː/ Xem, xem xét They are viewing some slides.
10. Watch sth V /wɒʧ/ Quan sát, nhìn They are watching movies in the
theo dõi living room.

b. Mouth

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
11. Talk to sb V /tɔːk/ /tʊ/ Nói chuyện The man is talking to the woman.
12. Speak to sb V /spiːk/ /tʊ/ Nói The policeman is speaking to a
13. Have a V /həv/ /ə/ Có cuộc hội They are having a conversation
conversation /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ thoại with their teacher.
with sb /wɪð/
14. Give a V /gɪv/ /ə/ Giảng bài, The professor is giving a lecture to
lecture to sb /ˈlɛkʧə/ /tʊ/ thuyết trình the class.
15. Make a call V /meɪk/ /ə/ /kɔːl/ Gọi điện The business woman is making a
thoại call at her office.
16. Address V /əˈdrɛs/ Nói chuyện The teacher is addressing herself
oneself to riêng với to the pupil at the front table.
17. Deliver a V /dɪˈlɪvər/ /ə/ Phát biểu The speaker is delivering a speech
speech /spiːʧ/ in the meeting room.
18. Give a V /gɪv/ /ə/ /spiːʧ/ Phát biểu A woman is giving a speech to the
speech audience.
19. Laugh at sth V /lɑːf/ /æt/ Cười People are laughing at the
20. Smile at sb/ V /smaɪl/ /æt/ Cười The child is smiling at his puppies.

2. Gestures with hands

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
21. Carry sth V /ˈkæri/ Mang, vác He is carrying a box full of items
22. Move sth V /muːv/ Di chuyển They are moving a heavy object.
23. Hold sth V /həʊld/ Cầm, nắm A woman is holding a pen in her right
24. Use sth V /juːz/ Dùng He is using a public phone on the
25. Operating sth V /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ Vận hành She is operating the machine.
26. Shake hands V /ʃeɪk/ Bắt tay The businessmen are shaking hands
/hændz/ with each other.
27. Point at sth V /pɔɪnt/ /æt/ Chỉ The speaker is pointing at the screen.
28. Applaud V /əˈplɔːd/ Vỗ tay The audience are applauding at a
29. Clap for V /klæp/ /fɔː/ Vỗ tay They are clapping for the
30. Touch sth V /tʌʧ/ Chạm, sờ She is touching her cheek.
31. Reach for sth /riːʧ/ /fɔː/ Với The doctor is reaching for the
32. Pick up sth V /pɪk/ /ʌp/ Chọn, cầm lên They are picking up some apples
from the shelf.
33. Stretch V /strɛʧ/ Kéo, duỗi ra A woman is stretching one of her

3. Postures

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
34. Stand on V /stænd/ /ɒn/ Đứng trên The conductor is standing on
the platform.
35. Stand across V /stænd/ Đứng đối diện The women are standing across
/əˈkrɒs/ from the men.
36. Stand in V /stænd/ /ɪn/ Đứng phía trước The cashier is standing in front
front of /frʌnt/ /ɒv/ of the counter.
37. Sit around V /sɪt/ /əˈraʊnd/ Ngồi xung quanh They are all sitting around a
conference table.
38. Sit across V /sɪt/ /əˈkrɒs/ Ngồi đối diện One woman is sitting across
from the rest.
39. Sit in rows V /sɪt/ /ɪn/ /rəʊz/ Ngồi theo hang The people are seated in rows
40. Sit on V /sɪt/ /ɒn/ Ngồi trên There are passengers sitting on
the bus.
41. Lean on V /liːn/ /ɒn/ Dựa vào One woman is leaning on the
42. Lean against V /liːn/ /əˈgɛnst/ Dựa vào The women are leaning against
the lamp post.
43. Rest V /rɛst/ Nghỉ ngơi The women are resting on the
44. Walk V /wɔːk/ /θruː/ Đi xuyên qua They are walking through the
through forest
45. Walk hand in V /wɔːk/ /hænd/ Đi bộ tay trong The girls are walking hand in
hand /ɪn/ /hænd/ tay hand
46. Walk across V /wɔːk/ /əˈkrɒs/ Đi bộ sang phía Some people are walking
bên kia across the street.
47. Stroll along V /strəʊl/ /əˈlɒŋ/ Đi bộ/ tản bộ dọc People are strolling along the
theo waterfront.

4. Appearance

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
48. Wear sth V /weə/ Đeo, mặc They are wearing protective
49. Have sth on V /hæv/ /ɒn/ Đeo, măc The couple have sunglasses on.
50. Be dressed V /biː/ /drɛst/ Mặc trang trọng, They are dressed formally.
formally /ˈfɔːməli/ lịch sự
51. Be dressed V /biː/ / drɛst/ Mặc không trịnh The students are dressed
casually /ˈkæʒjʊəli/ trọng casually at the school festival.
52. Put on sth V /pʊt/ /ɒn/ Mặc vào, đeo vào A man is putting on his name
53. Try on sth V /traɪ/ /ɒn/ Thử đồ A woman is trying on some
54. Remove sth V /rɪˈmuːv/ Tháo, cởi He is removing his glasses.
55. Take off sth/ V /teɪk/ /ɒf/ Tháo, cởi He is taking off his striped
take sth off sweater


1. Transportation
a. Vehicle
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
56. Park alongside V /pɑːk/ Đỗ xe dọc theo Each truck is parked alongside
sth /əˈlɒŋˈsaɪd/ another truck.
57. Park next to sth V /pɑːk/ Đỗ xe bên cạnh Trucks have been parked next
/nɛkst/ /tuː/ to the building
58. Place on sth V /pleɪs/ /ɒn/ Đặt trên A car has been placed on the
59. Left open V /lɛft/ Để mở The car door has been left open.
60. Be raised into V /reɪz/ /ˈɪntuː/ Được nâng lên The vehicles have been raised
into the air.
61. Be elevated for V /biː/ Được nâng lên The vehicle has been elevated
sth/ doing sth /ˈɛlɪveɪtɪd/ for repairs.
62. Be loaded in V /biː/ Được xếp lên Some bags have been loaded in
/ˈləʊdɪd/ /ɪn/ the back of the vehicle.
63. Be left near sth V /biː/ /lɛft/ Được để gần Three bicycles have been left
/nɪə/ near the tracks.
64. Put air into the V /pʊt/ /eər/ Bơm xe People are putting air into the
tire /ˈɪntuː/ /ðə/ tires.

b. Aircraft & Boat

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
65. Land on V /lænd/ /ɒn/ Hạ cánh ở The helicopters have landed on
the grass.
66. Take off V /teɪk/ /ɒf/ Cất cánh The plane is taking off.
67. On the runway Adj /ɒn/ /ðə/ Trên đường bang There are several airplanes on
/ˈrʌnweɪ/ the runway
68. Be tied up V /biː/ /taɪd/ Được cột vào The boats are tied up along the
/ʌp/ water’s edge.
69. Pass under sth V /pɑːs/ Đi phía dưới A boat is about to pass under
/ˈʌndə/ the bridge.
70. Board a plane V /bɔːd/ /ə/ Lên máy bay The passengers are boarding a
/pleɪn/ plane.
71. Flight attendant N /flaɪt/ Tiếp viên hàng A flight attendant is serving
/əˈtɛndənt/ không water to the passenger.
72. Ground crew N /graʊnd/ Nhân viên kỹ The ground crew is examining
/kruː/ thuật mặt đất the aircraft.
73. In the departure Adj /ɪn/ /ðə/ Phòng chờ khởi People are waiting to board in
lounge /dɪˈpɑːʧə/ hành the departure lounge.

c. Road & Street

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
74. a lot of traffic N Nhiều phương There is a lot of traffic on the
tiện lưu thông street.
75. curves into sth V Uốn cong theo The road curves into the
76. one - way traffic N Đường 1 chiều The street is open to one - way
traffic only.
77. on the road Adv ở trên đường There aren’t any cars on the
78. be resurfaced V (mặt đường) được The road is being resurfaced
làm lại, làm mới

2. Architecture
a. Building
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
79. At the foot of sth Adj /æt/ /ðə/ ở chân (núi, There are buildings at the foot
/fʊt/ /ɒv/ tháp,..) of the mountain.
80. Around the Adj /əˈraʊnd/ Xung quanh tòa Workers are standing around
building /ðə/ /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ nhà the building.
81. Near the river Adj /nɪə/ /ðə/ Gần sông There are buildings near the
/ˈrɪvə/ river.
82. Overlook sth V /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk/ Nhìn ra, xoay ra Buildings overlook the lake.
83. On both sides of Adj /ɒn/ /bəʊθ/ ở 2 phía Buildings are on both sides of
sth /saɪdz/ /ɒv/ the street.

b. Construction

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
84. building material N /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ Vật liệu xây dựng Some building materials are
/məˈtɪərɪəl/ piled up behind the vehicle
85. Be painted V /biː/ Được sơn The building is being painted
86. Be demolished V /biː/ Bị phá hủy A fence is being demolished
87. Be paved with V /biː/ /peɪvd/ (Đường) được lát The path is being paved with
sth /wɪð/ bằng bricks.
88. Pour the V /pɔː/ /ðə/ Đổ bê tông The workers are pouring the
concrete /ˈkɒnkriːt/ concrete in to the tank.

3. Scenery

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
89. Flow over V /fləʊ/ /ˈəʊvə/ Chảy qua The water is flowing over the
90. Be planted in V /biː/ Được trồng theo The trees have been planted in
rows /ˈplɑːntɪd/ hàng rows
/ɪn/ /rəʊz/
91. In the Adj /ɪn/ /ðə/ Ở phía sau There is a mountain in the
background /ˈbækgraʊnd/ background
92. In the forest Adj /ɪn/ /ðə/ Ở trong rừng There is a lot of grass in the
/ˈfɒrɪst/ forest
93. Flow down V /fləʊ/ /daʊn/ Chảy xuống The river is flowing down the
94. At the bottom of Adj /æt/ /ðə/ Ở dưới chân/ There is a lake at the bottom of
sth /ˈbɒtəm/ /ɒv/ dưới đáy the hill.
95. Extend from sth V /ɪksˈtɛnd/ Kéo dài từ A ramp extends from the shore
/frɒm/ to the boat
96. Rough Adj /rʌf/ Dữ dội, gồ ghề The water in the harbour is
97. Be reflected in V /biː/ Phản chiếu vào The birds are reflected in the
sth /rɪˈflɛktɪd/ pond.
98. along the edge Adj /əˈlɒŋ/ /ði/ Ven theo mép The horse is walking along the
of sth /ɛʤ/ /ɒv/ edge of the water.
99. Line sth V /laɪn/ Kéo dài dọc theo Many trees line the water

4. Household Items
a. Store & Product, Interior Decoration

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
100. Lay out sth V /leɪ/ /aʊt/ Bày ra, để ra Different kinds of bread are
laid out for sale.
101. Attach to sth V /əˈtæʧ/ /tuː/ Đính kèm Labels have been attached to
the bottles
102. Stack on sth V /stæk/ /ɒn/ Xếp chồng lên The bottles are stacked on top
of each other.
103. Decorate V /ˈdɛkəreɪt/ Trang trí The cakes have been decorated
104. Be displayed V /biː/ Được trưng bày The items are displayed in the
/dɪsˈpleɪd/ showcase
105. flower N /ˈflaʊər/ Bình hoa A large flower arrangement is
arrangement /əˈreɪnʤmənt/ on the table.
106. Fill with sth V /fɪl/ /wɪð/ Làm đầy The vases are filled with
107. Be hung on sth V /biː/ /hʌŋ/ Được treo trên Pictures are hung on the wall
/ɒn/ near the windows.
108. Above the Adj /əˈbʌv/ /ðə/ Trên lò sưởi There are candles above the
fireplace /ˈfaɪəˌpleɪs/ fireplace.

b. Appliance and Equipment

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
109. To be located V /tuː/ /biː/ Được đặt ở The table is located in front of
/ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ the sofa
110. Cover with V /ˈkʌvə/ Bao phủ The table is entirely covered
/wɪð/ with a table-cloth
111. Be neatly V /biː/ /ˈniːtli/ Được sắp xếp gọn Pillows are neatly arranged on
arranged /əˈreɪnʤd/ gàng the bed.
112. Folded blanket N /ˈfəʊldɪd/ Chăn đã được gấp There are some folded blankets
/ˈblæŋkɪt/ on the sofa.
113. in the corner of Adj /ɪn/ /ðə/ Ở trong góc There is a television in the
sth /ˈkɔːnər/ corner of the room.
114. Be arranged by V /biː/ Được sắp xếp The saucepans are arranged by
size /əˈreɪnʤd/ theo kích cỡ size.
/baɪ/ /saɪz/
115. on the left side Adj /ɒn/ /ðə/ Ở phía bên trái There is a lamp on the left side
of sth /lɛft/ /saɪd/ của of the bed.
116. Turn off V /tɜːn/ /ɒf/ Tắt The hall lights have all been
turned off
1. Who
No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Job/ Position
117. Accountant N /əˈkaʊntnt/ Kế toán Ask the account if having
any questions about your
118. Assistant N /əˈsɪstənt/ Trợ lý The director decided that.
119. Board of N /bɔ:rd ʌv Ban giám You have to receive
directors dəˈrektərz/ đốc agreement of Board of
directors to run this project.
120. Chief Executive N /ʧi:f Tổng giám Our CEO is in charge of it
Officer (CEO) ɪgˈzekjətɪ đốc điều
ˈɔfəsər/ hành
121. Division Head N /dɪˈvɪʒən Trưởng The Division Head had
hed/ phòng decision-making powers.
122. Editor N /ˈedətər/ Biên tập I think Jack is the best editor
viên of the year
123. Executive N /ɪgˈzekjətɪv Nhân viên It’s Executive officer who
officer ˈɔfəsər/ điều hành handled it.
124. Receptionist N /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ Lễ tân Just meet the receptionist to
check in.
125. Representative N /ˌreprəˈzentətɪv/ Người đại He is a representative from
diện the IT team.
126. Secretary N /ˈsekrəˌteri/ Thư ký Ask director’s secretary to
know his schedule.
127. Security officer N /sɪˈkjʊrəti Nhâ viên Our company has just hired a
ˈɔfəsər/ an niên new security officer.
128. Senior director N /ˈsi:njər Giám Đốc She is Senior Director at the
dəˈrektər/ cấp cao age of 30.
129. Supervisor N /ˈsupərˌvaɪzə/ Người Our supervisor wants to
giám sát review them in our meeting
at 4:00 P.M.
130. Colleague N /ˈkɑli:g/ Đồng A colleague of mine will
nghiệp take my place.
131. Payroll N /ˈpeɪˌroʊl Bộ Phận Contact payroll department
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ Lương to ask about your salary.
132. Human N /ˈhjumən Phòng Submit the leave of absence
Resources ˈrisɔrsɪz Nhân Sự letter to Human Resources
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ department
133. Personnel N /ˌpɜrsəˈnel Phòng Check your employment
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ nhân sự contract with personnel
134. Public Relations N /ˈpʌblɪk riˈleɪʃən Phòng Thanks to PR department,
department (PR) z quan hệ our sales doubled this month.
dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ công
135. Marketing N /ˈmɑrkətɪŋ dɪˈpɑ Phòng It’s marketing department
department :rtmənt/ Marketing that promotes your business.
136. Overseas N /ˈoʊvərˈsiz Phòng Overseas Division handles
Division dɪˈvɪʒən/ quan hệ any issues related to
quốc tế internation.
137. Customer N /ˈkʌstəmər Phòng Contact Customer Service
Service ˈsɜrvəs chăm sóc department if you have any
department dɪˈpɑ:rtmənt/ khách problem.
138. Security N /sɪˈkjʊrəti Phòng bảo You should go find your lost
department dɪˈpɑrtmənt/ vệ keys in Security department.
139. John N /ʤɑn/
140. Sammy N /ˈsæmi/
141. Yamamoto N /jɑmɑˈmoʊtoʊ/
142. Frank Jones N /fræŋk ʤoʊnz/
143. Lauren Kim N /ˈlɔrən kɪm/
144. Candace Black N /ˈkændəs blæk/

2. Where
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Preposition + Place
145. Across the Prep+N /əˈkrɔs ðə stri:t/ Phía bên kia Let's meet at the café across
street đường the street.
146. Around the Prep+N /əˈraʊnd ðə ˈkɔrnər/ ở quanh khu The post office is near here,
corner này just around the corner.
147. At the front Prep+N /æt ðə frʌnt ˈkaʊntər ở quầy trước Please serve yourself
counter / sảnh behind the counter.
148. By the front Prep+N /baɪ ðə frʌnt dɔ:r/ Bên cạnh cửa You will see a security
door trước officer by the front door.
149. From the Prep+N /frʌm ðə meɪn ˈɔfəs/ Từ văn phòng There is a great view from
main office chính the main office.
150. In front of the Prep+N /ɪn frʌnt ʌv ðə ˈlɑbi/ Trước sảnh Just wait me in front of the
lobby lobby.
151. Near the park Prep+N /nɪr ðə pɑrk/ Gần công viên There is a bus stop near the
152. On the first Prep+N /ɑn ðə fɜrst flɔr/ ở tầng 1 The conference room is on
floor the first floor.
153. On the next Prep+N /ɑn ðə nekst ˈkɔrnər/ ở góc phố tiếp The bank is on the next
corner theo corner.
154. Opposite the Prep+N /ˈɑpəzət ðə ˈbɪldɪŋ/ Đối diện toà Just park your car opposite
building nhà the building.
155. In one’s mail Prep+N /ɪn wʌnz meɪl bɑks/ Trong hòm thư I think it is in your mail box,
box điện tử của ai check it again.
156. In the file Prep+N /ɪn ðə faɪl ˈkæbənət/ Trong tủ chứa All the documents for the
cabinet tài liệu auction are in the file
157. In the Prep+N /ɪn ðə ˈspɔrtˌswer Ở khu vực đồ Look for swimming suit in
sportswear ˈsekʃən/ thể thao the sportwear section.
158. On one’s desk Prep+N /ɑn wʌnz desk/ Trên bàn ai đó I place your document on
your desk?
159. Near the bus Prep+N /nɪr ðə bʌs ˈtɜrmənəl Gần trạm xe I live near the bus terminal
terminal / buýt
160. Over there Prep /ˈoʊvər ðer/ ở đằng kia Look, the poodle over there
Phrase is so damn cute.
161. Straight down Prep /streɪt daʊn tu/ Đi thẳng đến Walk straight down to the
to Phrase basement, Vinmart is there.
162. To the post Prep /tu ðə poʊst ˈɔfəs/ Về phía bưu Head to the post office and
office Phrase điện you will see the bank.
163. To the left of Prep /tu ðə left ʌv/ Hướng bên trái The bank is to the left of the
Phrase của post office.
164. To the right Prep /tu ðə raɪt ʌv/ Hướng bên The post office is to the
of Phrase phải của right of the bank.
165. To the north/ Prep /tu ðə nɔrθ/ saʊθ/ ist Hướng Đông, The post office is to the
south/ east/ Phrase / west ʌv/ Tây, Nam, Bắc North of the bank
west of của
166. Take place + Prep /teɪk pleɪs/ Diến ra tại The meeting is taking place
prep Phrase in the space directly across
from the break room.
167. Be located Prep /bi ˈloʊˌkeɪtəd Nằm ở My house is located in
in/on/at Phrase ɪn/ɑn/æt/ Hanoi.
168. Head to Prep /hed tu ˈsʌmˌwer/ Đi về hướng… Head to the 14th floor
somewhere Phrase
3. When
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
169. From that day Prep /frʌm ðæt deɪ Từ ngày đó trở From that day forward, we don’t
forward Phrase ˈfɔrwərd/ đi talk anymore.
170. A week ago Adv /ə wi:k əˈgoʊ Một tuần trước We signed a big contract a week
/ ago.
171. Last week Adv /læst wi:k/ Tuần trước She got fired last week.
172. A little while Adv /ə ˈlɪtəl waɪl Một lúc trước He’s just left a little while ago.
ago əˈgoʊ/
173. A couple of Adv /ə ˈkʌpəl ʌv Vài ngày trước I stop eating junk food a couple
days ago deɪz əˈgoʊ/ of days ago.
174. A decade ago Adv /ə deˈkeɪd əˈ Mười năm trước I haven’t seen him for like a
goʊ/ decade.
175. Over the past Adv /ˈoʊvər ðə p Một thế kỷ qua The antique has been there over
century æst ˈsenʧəri/ the past century
176. Right now Adv /raɪt naʊ/ Ngay bây giờ I have another meeting so I have
to leave right now.
177. For now Adv /fɔr naʊ/ Bây giờ For now, we have to save as
much money as we can.
178. Rarely Adv /ˈrerli/ Hiếm khi I rarely express love to my
179. Hardly Adv /ˈhɑ:rdli/ Hiếm khi He hardly meet the deadline.
180. Regularly Adv /ˈregjələrli/ Thường xuyên She’s fit because she regularly
hits the gym.
181. Soon Adv /su:n/ Sớm, không bao He will recover soon.
lâu nữa
182. Sometime Adv /ˈsʌmˌtaɪm n Lúc nào đó trong I’m busy this week so let’s meet
next week ekst wi:k/ tuần tới sometime next week.
183. In about an Adv /ɪn əˈbaʊt ən Trong khoảng 1 The meeting is about to start in
hour ˈaʊər/ giờ nữa about an hour.
184. Not for Adv /nɑt fɔr əˈnʌð Sau 1 giờ nữa I just got called for a meeting so
another hour ər ˈaʊər/ I wont be available not for
another hour.
185. By the end of Adv /baɪ ði end ʌv Trước cuối tuần I will send you the report by the
this week ðɪs wi:k/ này end of this week.
186. In any minute Adv /ɪn ˈeni ˈmɪnə Bất cứ khi nào I’ll be by your side in any
t/ minute, as long as you need me.
187. Not until next Adv /nɑt ənˈtɪl ne Không cho đến The new discount store is not
week kst wi:k/ tuần sau open for business until next
188. As soon as Adv /æz su:n æz/ Ngay khi Call me as soon as you get home.
189. Right after + Adv /raɪt ˈæftər/ Ngay sau khi … I’ll contact him right after I hear
clause back from you.
190. When + clause Adv /wen/ + klɔz Khi… When the construction is
completed, we should pay a visit
to there.
191. ………at the Adv /æt ðə ˈleɪtəst Muộn nhất They're gonna finish this
latest / afternoon, by 3:00 P.M. at the
192. Date N /deɪt/ Ngày They didn’t mention the date

4. What
No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Office Things
193. Office supplies N /ˈɔfəs səˈplaɪ Đồ dùng We need to order more office
z/ văn phòng supplies.

194. Accommodation N /əˌkɑməˈdeɪʃ Chỗ ở She can provide you with

ən/ accommodation.
195. Presentation N /ˌprezənˈteɪʃ Bài thuyết There’s a presentation in the
ən/ trình meeting room.
196. Meeting N /ˈmitɪŋ/ Buổi họp
197. Agenda N /əˈʤendə/ Lịch trình What is the agenda for today?
buổi họp
198. Currency N /ˈkɜrənsi/ Tiền tệ We use different currencies in here.
199. Deadline N /ˈdeˌdlaɪn/ Hạn chót What’s the deadline for the report?
200. Exchange rate N /ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ r Tỉ giá hối The exchange rate is likely to rise.
eɪt/ đoái
201. Impression N /ɪmˈpreʃən/ Sự ấn I have a good impression about the
tượng product.
202. Improvement N /ɪmˈpru:vmə Sự tiến bộ The improvement is promising.
203. Interest rate N /ˈɪntrəst reɪt/ Tỉ lệ lãi I don’t know what the interest rate
204. Leave of absence N /li:v ʌv ˈæbs Xin nghỉ I sent him a leave of absence.
əns/ phép
205. Offer N/V /ˈɔfər/ Đề nghị I received the offer for the job.
206. Plan N /plæn/ Kế hoạch Do you have any plan this
207. Procedure N /prəˈsiʤər/ Thủ tục I’ll brief you about the procedure.

208. Receipt N /rɪˈsi:t/ Biên lai Please send the receipts again.
209. Refreshment N /rəˈfreʃmənt/ Sự thư giãn Light refreshments will be served at
the meeting.
210. Retirement N /rɪˈtaɪərmənt Sự nghỉ I am invited to Bill’s retirement
/ hưu party.
211. Job fair N /ʤɑb fer/ Hội chợ What kinds of job does the job fair
việc làm have?
212. Chicago N /ʃəˈkɑˌgoʊ/ I live in Chicago.
213. New York N /nu jɔrk/ New York is a busy city.
214. London N /ˈlʌndən/ I was born in London.
215. Detroit N /dɪˈtrɔɪt/ What do you know about Detroit?
216. Light purple ADJ /aɪt ˈpɜrpəl/ Màu tím I’ll pick the light purple shirt.
217. Sky blue ADJ /skaɪ blu/ Màu xanh I think this sky-blue tie matches it
da trời better.
218. Dark brown ADJ /dɑ:rk braʊn Màu nâu The dark brown one seems too dark
/ đậm in my opinion.
219. Color range N /ˈkʌlər reɪn Dải màu Can you show us how to switch
ʤ/ color ranges again, please?
220. Colorful ADJ /ˈkʌlərfəl/ Sặc sỡ How colorful the flowers are!

5. How
Word/ of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation spee
221. By car/ train/ ADV baɪ kɑr/ treɪn/ bʌs/ Đi bằng ô tô/ tàu/ I go to work by train.
bus/subway ˈsʌˌbweɪ xe buýt/ tàu điện
222. On foot ADV ɑn fʊt Đi bộ I go on foot to school.
223. Ride a bike/ a V raɪd ə baɪk/ Lái xe đạp/ cưỡi She doesn't know how
horse ə hɔrs ngực to ride a bike.
224. Drive a car/ a V draɪv ə kɑr/ ə Lái ô tô/ xe máy My dad taught me to
motorbike/ a ˈmoʊtərˌbaɪk drive a car.
van/ a truck
225. Commute V kə’mju:t Đi lại đều đặn He commutes to work
giữa 2 điểm every day by train.
How much
226. Discount N dɪˈskaʊnt Chiết khấu You can get a discount
227. Get 30% off V get 30% ɔf Giảm 30% You can get 30% off this
228. A real N ə riəl Món hời That’s bag is a real
bargain ˈbɑrgən bargain.
229. Sale off V seɪl ɔf Giảm giá They have a sale off on
all items.
230. Cost a fortune V kɑst ə Cực đắt The motorbike costs me
ˈfɔrʧən a fortune.
231. Dirt cheap ADJ dɜrt ʧip Rẻ như bèo Compared with that, coal
is dirt cheap.
232. Every Friday ADV ˈevəri ˈfraɪdi Mỗi thứ Sáu I pay my grandma a visit
every Friday.
233. Once a month ADV wʌns ə mʌnθ 1 tháng 1 lần He has his hair cut once
a month.
234. Twice a year ADV twaɪs ə jɪr 2 lần 1 năm We go on vacation
together twice a month.
235. Three times a ADV θri taɪmz ə 3 lần 1 tuần I hit the gym three times
week wi:k a week.
236. No longer ADV noʊ ˈlɔŋgər Không… nữa She no longer wears the
sun glasses.
237. Not any more ADV nɑt ˈeni mɔ:r Không nữa The army has arrived.
We should fear no more.
238. Once in a ADV wʌns ɪn ə Gần như không I eat fast food only once
blue moon blu: mu:n bao giờ in a blue moon.
Personal Opinion/ Feeling
239. Comfortable ADJ ˈkʌmfərtəbəl Thoải mái The chair is comfortable.
240. Satisfied ADJ ˈsætəˌsfaɪd Hài lòng Are you satisfied with
the results?

241. Dangerous ADJ ˈdeɪnʤərəs Nguy hiểm The road is dangerous.

242. Positive about ADJ ˈpɑzətɪv Suy nghĩ tích cực I am not positive about
əˈbaʊt về my exam result .
243. [book] A N ə peɪʤ Quyển sách rất That book is a page
page turner ˈtɜrnər hay turner to me.

6. Why
No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Positive and Neutral Reason
244. Get/receive a V get/rəˈsiv ə Thăng chức She just received a special
promotion prəˈmoʊʃən promotion.
245. Have a V hæv ə Có sự nghiệp He has a distinguished career in
distinguished dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt nổi bật his 40s.
career kəˈrɪr
246. Be closer to ADJ bi ˈkloʊsər tu Gần với The bookstore is close to my
247. Transfer to V ˈtrænsfər tu Chuyển đến She is transferred to Human
248. More ADJ mɔr Thuận tiện I think it’s more convenient to
convenient kənˈvinjənt hơn go by bike.
Negative Reason
249. Traffic jam N ˈtræfɪk ʤæm Tắc đường There is traffic jam on the 5th
250. Traffic N ˈtræfɪk Tắc đường The traffic congestion in the
congestion kənˈʤesʧən city gets worse.
251. Heavy traffic N ˈhevi Giao thông ùn The heavy traffic slowed it
ˈtræfɪk tắc down
252. Scorching hot ADJ ˈskɔrʧɪŋ hɑt Nóng nực It’s a scorching hot day.
253. Run out of gas V rʌn aʊt ʌv Hết gas Our car ran out of gas on the
gæs way here.
254. Get fired V get ˈfaɪərd Bị sa thải If you keep missing deadlines,
you'll get fired.
7. Yes/ No Questions; Request & suggestions
Part of
No. Word/ Collocation Phonetic Meaning
Acceptance/ Neutral
255. That sounds good ðæt saʊndz gʊd Nghe hay ho đó.

256. That’s a good idea ðæts ə gʊd aɪˈdiə Đó là một ý tưởng hay.
257. What a great idea! wʌt ə greɪt aɪˈdiə! Thật là một ý tưởng tuyệt vời

258. I’d be glad to. aɪd bi glæd tu Tôi rất sẵn lòng
259. I’d be happy to aɪd bi ˈhæpi tu Tôi rất vui lòng
260. Sure ADJ ʃʊr Chắc chắn rồi
261. Certainly ADV ˈsɜrtənli Dĩ nhiên
262. Definitely ADV ˈdefənətli Tất nhiên rồi
263. Not at all ADV nɑt æt ɔl Không một chút nào
264. At all times ADV æt ɔl taɪmz Bât cứ khi nào
265. By all means ADV baɪ ɔl minz Bằng mọi cách
266. I’d appreciate that aɪd əˈpriʃiˌeɪt ðæt Tôi cảm kích điều đó

267. Follow one’s advice V ˈfɑloʊ wʌnz ædˈ Nghe theo lời khuyên của ai
268. Sure. I’ll do it right ʃʊr. aɪl du ɪt Chắc chắn rồi, tôi sẽ làm ngay
away raɪt əˈweɪ bây giờ
269. Let sb do sth V let sb du sth Để ai đó làm gì
(Let me check my
270. I’d love to but I have aɪd lʌv tu bʌt aɪ h Tôi rất muốn nhưng tôi có kế
other plans æv ˈʌðər plænz hoạch khác rồi
271. That’s Ok, I don’t ðæts ˈoʊˈkeɪ, aɪ d Như vậy ổn rồi, tôi không cần
want it oʊnt wɑnt ɪt thêm.
272. We'd better +V wid ˈbetər Chúng ta nên…
(We’d better take
something to eat or
we will be hungry
273. Maybe we should V ˈmeɪbi wi ʃʊd Có lẽ chúng ta nên…
274. I don’t think + clause aɪ doʊnt θɪŋk Tôi không nghĩ là…
275. Thank you, but I can θæŋk ju, bʌt aɪ k Cảm ơn nhưng tôi có thể tự
manage it. æn ˈmænəʤ ɪt xoay xở được
276. No, thanks. noʊ, θæŋks Không, cảm ơn
277. Sorry, but ~ ˈsɑri, bʌt ~ Xin lỗi nhưng…
278. I’m afraid ~ aɪm əˈfreɪd ~ Tôi e rằng…

1. Office
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
279. Headquarters N ˈhedˌkwɔrtə Trụ sở I have to make a call to
rz headquarters before we get down
to business
280. Branch N brænʧ Chi nhánh I am transferring to the San
Francisco branch to be closer to
my family.
281. Department N dɪˈpɑrtmənt Phòng ban Your letter has been forwarded to
our sales department.
282. Document N ˈdɑkjəment Tài liệu It is important to keep all of your
financialdocuments in a safe
283. Paid vacation N peɪd Nghỉ phép Employees are entitled to 120
veɪˈkeɪʃən có lương hours of paid vacation.

284. Conference N ˈkɑnfərəns Phòng hội The conference room was silent,
room rum thảo the air purified, the lighting
285. Paycheck N peɪ ʧek Chi phiếu With new system, Payroll
để trả Department will send out
lương paychecks faster.
286. Payroll N ˈpeɪˌroʊl Bảng He's the manager of a baseball
lương team with a $50 million payroll.
287. Payday N ˈpeɪˌdeɪ Ngày trả I give my mother $100
lương on payday every month.
288. Wages N ˈweɪʤəz Tiền The company offers
lương competitive wages and good
289. Bonus N ˈboʊnəs Tiền Staff members were given
thưởng a bonus for finishing the project
on schedule.
290. Raise taxes V reɪz ˈtæksəz Thu thuế A government has
a duty to raise taxes in order to de
fend the nation.
Employer – Employee
291. Go on a V goʊ ɑn ə Đi công He has to go on a business trip,
business trip ˈbɪznəs trɪp tác but telephones and writes to her
292. Turn in sth V tɜrn ɪn sth Nộp gì đó I've never had to turn in an expense
293. Expense report N ɪkˈspens Báo cáo report before.
rɪˈpɔrt chi tiêu
294. Submit sth to V səbˈmɪt … Nộp cái gì How should I submit expense
sb tu .. đó cho ai report to the accounting
295. Attach sth V əˈtæʧ sth Đính kèm Scan each receipt and attach them
along with sth əˈlɔŋ wɪð gì đó along with the report to an e-mail.
296. Participate in V pɑrˈtɪsəˌpeɪt Tham gia I'm supposed to participate in an
ɪn vào orientation session organized by
297. Orientation N ˌɔrienˈteɪʃən Buổi định the human resources department.
session ˈseʃən hướng
298. Settle in V ˈsetəl ɪn Ở yên tại I'm still settling in here since it's
299. First day of N fɜrst deɪ ʌv Ngày đầu my first day of work.
work wɜrk đi làm
Employee - Employee
300. Competitor N kəmˈpetətər Đối thủ Our competitor is launching a free
301. To launch V lɔnʧ Khai delivery service next month.
something trương, ra
mắt gì đó
lần đầu
302. To stay V steɪ Giữ vị thế To stay competitive, we should
competitive kəmˈpetətɪv cạnh tranh consider eliminating the fee to
deliver furniture from our store to
303. To consider V kənˈsɪdər Cân nhắc customers' homes as well.
sth/ doing sth về cái gì/
việc gì
304. Delivery N dɪˈlɪvəri trʌ Xe giao I'm concerned we'd need to buy
trucks ks hàng additional delivery trucks.
305. No charge N noʊ ʧɑrʤ Không More customers would use that
mất phí service if there were no charge.
306. To lease sth V lis Thuê We could just lease them instead of
307. Initial N ɪˈnɪʃəl Vốn ban That would require less initial
investment ɪnˈvestmənt đầu investment.
308. Suggestion N səgˈʤesʧən Đề xuất I like your suggestion.

309. A cost N ə kɑst Báo cáo Should we prepare a cost

projection prəˈʤekʃən chi phí dự projection report before we
report rɪˈpɔrt trù discuss the idea with our
310. Report N rɪˈpɔrt Mẫu báo Meeting report template at our
template ˈtemplət cáo company includes Date and Time,
participants and main contents.

2. Agency
No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Insurance Agency
311. Coverage N ˈkʌvərəʤ Phạm vi bảo This is an insurance policy
hiểm with extensive coverage.
312. Cover V ˈkʌvər Bao gồm, chi trả Travel insurance policies
cho provide a list
313. Policy N ˈpɑləsi Chính sách of covered reasons for trip
cancellation. If your reason is
not on the list, you will
not be covered.
314. In the event ɪn ði ɪˈvent ʌv Trong trường In the event of breaching the
of hợp contract, you will have to
compensate $2000.
315. Theft N θeft Trộm cắp The insurance will cover 30%
value of the phone in the event
of theft.
316. Breakage N ˈbreɪkɪʤ Vỡ The warranty will only cover
damage that occurs as a result
of a defect-not normal wear
and tear-so scratched lenses
and accidental breakage
317. Insurance N ɪnˈʃʊrəns Người hưởng I'm one of your insurance
policy ˈpɑləsi ˈhoʊldər bảo hiểm policy holders. I was just in an
holder accident, and I would like my
car to be towed to an auto
repair shop.
318. Feel + adj + V fi:l Cảm thấy thế I don't feel comfortable
Ving nào khi làm việc driving it.
gì đó
319. Confirm V kənˈfɜrm Xác nhận I'd just like to confirm that
you've notified the police
about the situation.
Travel Agency
320. Book V bʊk Đặt
321. Outstanding ADJ ˌaʊtˈstændɪŋ Nổi bật We received an outstanding
322. Review on V ˌriˈvju ɑn Nhận xét về review on famous travel
323. Travel N ˈtrævəl ˈblɔgər Người viết blog blogger George Leeland’s
blogger về du lịch Web page.
324. Lead a tour V Li:d ə tʊr Dẫn đoàn Is everything ready for the
tour we’re leading today?
325. To stock sth V stɑk Dự trữ cái gì cho I just stocked the bus with
with sth cái gì water and snacks.
326. Safety gear N ˈseɪfti gɪr Thiết bị an toàn And we’ve got the safety gear
in case any wild animals get
too close to the vehicle.
327. Bugs spray N bʌgz spreɪ Đồ xịt côn trùng Bring along cans of bugs
spray because there are lots of
mosquitoes in the jungle.
328. Depart V dɪˈpɑrt Khởi hành Let’s depart to Paris.
329. Be prepared ADJ priˈperd Được chuẩn bị Remember to be prepared
kỹ lưỡng before a trip.
Real Estate Agency
330. Apartment N əˈpɑrtmənt Căn hộ The apartment comes with
two bedrooms, a bathroom
and a modern kitchen.
331. Skyline N ˈskaɪˌlaɪn Đường chân trời The Chicago skyline can be
seen from the bedroom.
332. Rent V/N rent Thuê/ giá thuê Rent is S1,900 a month
333. Fill out an V fɪl aʊt ən Điền đơn If you're interested in filling
application ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən out an application, I have one
right here.
334. Have a V hæv ə ˈʃoʊɪŋ Đi xem nhà I have another showing
showing tomorrow, which I'd like to
335. Make a V meɪk ə dɪˈsɪʒən Quyết định follow through with before
decision making a decision on where to
336. Tenant N ˈtenənt Người thuê Just be aware that another
337. Be aware of ADJ əˈwer Lưu tâm, nhận potential tenant saw the unit
N/ thức this morning.
Be aware
that +
338. Be given V bi ˈgɪvən Được ưu tiên Whoever turns one in first will
priority praɪˈɔrəti be given priority.

3. Store/ department store

No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Customer – Shop owner
339. Try on V traɪ ɑn Thử I would like to try on that
pink dress.
340. Display V dɪˈspleɪ Trưng bày They are displaying new
341. Model N ˈmɑdəl Người mẫu/ model of Mercedes Benz.
342. Look for V lʊk fɔr Tìm kiếm I’m looking for Dairy Area
343. Pay by cash/ V peɪ baɪ kæʃ/ Trả bằng tiền I don’t have cash here,
check/ card ʧek/ kɑrd mặt/ séc/ thẻ would I pay by card?
344. Shop window V ʃɑp ˈwɪndoʊ Mua sắm chỉ My favorite time-killing
ngắm nhưng thing is window shopping.
không mua
345. Counter N ˈkaʊntər Quầy thanh Please come to the counter to
toán make your payment.
346. Refund N ˈriˌfʌnd Tiền hoàn lại We will give you a refund if
any defect of product is
347. Take the V teɪk ði Đi thang Please take the escalator
escalator ˈeskəˌleɪtər cuốn over there to reach sportwear
348. Loyalty program N ˈlɔɪəlti Chương trình Would you like a card for
ˈproʊˌgræm cho khách our loyalty program, with
hàng trung which you can earn points
thành with everything you buys?
349. International N ˌɪntərˈnæʃənəl Dịch vụ giao Does your shop offer
shipping ˈʃɪpɪŋ hàng quốc tế international shipping
services ˈsɜrvəsəz services?

350. Bubble wrap N ˈbʌbəl ræp Bọc chống va I can put the teapot in bubble
đập wrap for you to protect it
while you're traveling.
351. Purchase V ˈpɜrʧəs Mua I'm looking to purchase
some moisturizer.
352. Top provider of N tɑp prəˈvaɪdər Nhà cung cấp Kiehl’s is the nation's top
sth ʌv sth hàng đầu provider of cosmetics.
353. Cosmetics N kɑzˈmetɪks Mỹ phẩm
354. Cashier N kæˈʃɪr Thu ngân Please pay your bill with the
Boss – Employee
355. Inventory report N ˌɪnvənˈtɔri Báo cáo kiểm Here's the completed
rɪˈpɔrt hàng inventory report you wanted.

356. Run low on sth V rʌn loʊ ɑn sth Bán chậm Our shop is running low on
mặt hàng nào stationery goods
357. Stationery goods N ˈsteɪʃəˌneri Đồ văn Do you have stationery
gʊdz phòng phẩm goods, like notebooks and
358. Delivery service N dɪˈlɪvəri Dịch vụ giao The free delivery service we
ˈsɜrvəs hàng offered in September helped
us sell more.
359. Order new stock V ˈɔrdər nu stɑk Đặt thêm Can you please order new
hàng mới stock by this weekend?
360. Supplier N səˈplaɪər Nhà cung cấp I found a supplier who will
provide goods at lower price.
361. Confidential N ˌkɑnfəˈdenʃəl Thông tin This is confidential
information ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən tuyệt mật information so no one have
the right to leak it out.

1. Library
Part of
No. Word/ Collocation Phonetic Meaning Example
362. Return sth to sth V rɪˈtɜrn sth tu sth Trả lại I need to return this
book to the library.
363. Due ADJ dju: Đến hạn But it’s due tomorrow,
364. Pay a late fee V peɪ ə leɪt fi Trả phí quá which means you’ll
hạn have to pay a late fee if
you bring it back then.
365. Overdue ADJ ˈoʊvərˈ dju: Quá hạn I need to return this
book to the library. It’s
366. Check out V ʧek aʊt Ghi tên khi Could you check out a
ra về book for me?
367. Library card N ˈlaɪˌbreri kɑrd Thẻ thư viện Sign up for a library
card and you will be
allowed to study in the
368. Section N ˈsekʃən Khu vực The book you are
finding is in Section4,
which is to the left.
369. Journal N ˈʤɜrnəl Báo hằng The doctor is reading
ngày the Journal of Medical
370. Shelf/ Bookshelf N ʃelf/ ˈbʊkˌʃelf Giá sách Find it in shelf 4,
section 6.
371. Aisle N aɪl Lối đi giữa I love sitting between
các giá sách the aisles and reading a
novel by Jane Austin.
372. Under the name ˈʌndər ðə neɪm Dưới tên ai My account is under
the name David Harris.
373. a novel by [author] N ə ˈnɑvəl baɪ [ˈɔθər] Tiểu thuyết It looks like you still
của tác giả… have a novel by Brad
374. Release V riˈli:s Ra mắt Thompson called
Forgotten Time. It was
released just last

375. Drop it off V drɑp ɪt ɔf Để lại cái gì I’ll be visiting my

đó family in Tacoma for a
few days, so I’ll drop it
off next week.
376. Renew N rɪˈnju Hồi phục lại, Could you renew that
làm mới lại book for me?

2. Bank
No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
377. Teller N ˈtelər Giao dịch viên The teller at the end of the counter is
helping another customer
378. Loan N loʊn Đăng ký vay The appropriate policies would be
application ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən tiền decided separately for
each loan application.

379. Deposit N dəˈpɑzɪt Tiền đặt cọc Payment through a banker or by

written draft against deposit was
380. Balance N ˈbæləns Số dư My bank balance isn't very healthy.
381. Account N əˈkaʊnt Tài khoản We invested the money in a high-
interest bank account.
382. Savings N ˈseɪvɪŋz Tài khoản tiết I was here about an hour ago to open
account əˈkaʊnt kiệm a new savings account.
383. Withdraw V wɪðˈdrɔ Rút I need to withdraw cash before I fly
to Vancouver for a business trip.
384. Overdraw V ˈoʊvərˌdrɔ Rút quá số tiền The exception occurs if
gửi you overdraw your account.
385. Transfer V ˈtrænsfər Chuyển khoản My mother transfers $500 to me each
386. Identification N aɪˌdentəfəˈke chứng minh You need to bring your identification
ɪʃən thư to open an account.
387. In line Prep ɪn laɪn Xếp hàng Quite a few people are in line to use
+N that one.

388. ATM N ˈɔtəˌmeɪtɪd ˈt Cây rút tiền tự I need to go to the nearest ATM to
(Automated elər məˈʃin động draw some cash.
389. Cash N kæʃ Tiền mặt
390. Accessible ADJ ækˈsesəbəl Có thể kết nối The ATM is undergoing regular
maintenance and won't be accessible
for about an hour.
391. Credit card N ˈkredət kɑrd Thẻ tín dụng Your credit card is no longer valid.
392. Debit card N ˈdebɪt kɑrd Thẻ ghi nợ The debit card balance must be paid
in full by the end of each month

3. Museum/ Art gallery/ Theater

No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Client – Theater
393. Be ADJ ˈɪntrəstəd ɪn Thích thú I'm interested in seeing the
interested in việc gì musical Coral Sea.
394. Ticket N ˈtɪkət Vé Are there any tickets available
395. Available ADJ əˈveɪləbəl fɔr Có sẵn for the opening show on
for sth Saturday?
396. Opening N ˈoʊpənɪŋ ʃoʊ Màn mở
show đầu
397. Leading N ˈlidɪŋ ˈæktər Diễn viên The leading actor was nominated
actor chính for several awards last year
398. Be PII bi ˈnɑməˌneɪtəd fɔr Được vinh
nominated danh cho
399. Stage N steɪʤ Sân khấu I'd like two that are next to each
other and as close to the stage as
Artist – Art Gallery
400. Artwork N ˈɑrˌtwɜrk Tác phẩm I can't believe Pasadena Gallery
nghệ thuật is going to display my artwork!
401. Take pride V teɪk praɪd ɪn Tự hào về We take great pride in supporting
in local artists.
402. Appeal to V əˈpi:l tu Thu hút I think your paintings will appeal
to our clients.
403. Achieve V əˈʧi:v səkˈses Đạt được If you go on to achieve success,
success thành công we can say that your first exhibit
404. Exhibit V ɪgˈzɪbɪt Trưng bày was held at our gallery.
405. To decide V ˌdɪˈsaɪd ɑn Quyết định Have you decided on the dates
on về yet?
406. Meet-and- N mi:t-ænd- Sự kiện gặp I'm traveling to Berlin to
greet event gri:t ɪˈvent mặt chào participate in a meet-and-greet
mừng event with other aspiring painters
407. Aspiring N əˈspaɪrɪŋ ˈpeɪntərz Hoạ sĩ đang on September 8.
painters lên
Film Festival
408. Big star N bɪg stɑr Ngôi sao All the big stars will make their
hàng đầu appearance here
409. Make one’s V meɪk wʌnz əˈpɪrəns Xuất hiện
410. Get the V ˈsɪgnəʧərz Xin chữ ký I'm also going to get the
signatures của signatures of every star I know.
of sb

4. Hotel/ Convention Center

No. of Phonetic Meaning Example
Convention Center
a presentation N ə ˌprezənˈteɪʃən ɑn Bài thuyết He requested a presentation
411. on trình về on the summer sports
run late for V rʌn leɪt fɔr Làm gì đó I'm running late for my
412. muộn meeting with Mr. Baxter this
on the [third] Prep ɑn ði [θɜrd] flɔr Trên tầng The recreation department is
floor … on the third floor.
Elevator N ˈeləˌveɪtər Thang Take the elevator and go to
máy 6th floor.
go upstairs/ V goʊ əpˈsterz/ Lên/ I'll go upstairs to attend the
415. downstairs xuống meeting.
Airport shuttle N ˈerˌpɔrt ˈʃʌtəl bʌs Xe đưa/ I'd like to take your hotel's
416. bus đón ở sân airport shuttle bus
bay tomorrow.
Arrange sth V əˈreɪnʤ sth fɔr sb Sắp xếp Can you arrange that for me?
417. for sb cái gì cho
At another æt əˈnʌðər taɪm Vào lúc I’m busy now so could I go
time khác at another time?
A spot N ə spɑt Chỗ trống We have a spot open at 8:30
Schedule V ˈskeʤʊl Lịch trình My flight is scheduled to
depart at 1 o'clock.
Check-in/ N ʧek-ɪn/ ʧek- Giờ vào/ Check-in time is from 6 pm
421. check-out aʊt taɪm ra to 6:30 pm
Reservation N ˌrezərˈveɪʃən Sự đặt I made a reservation for a
trước double room tonight.
House keeper N haʊs ˈkipər Quản gia The desk clerk is sending a
423. housekeeper to bring more
towels to your room.
424. Suite N swit Dãy Your room is in suite A.

5. Event Organizer

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
425. The talk on N ðə tɔk ɑn Buổi nói chuyện về The talk on renewable
426. Behind Prep+N bɪˈhaɪnd ˈske Muộn hơn so với lịch energy is going to start 20
schedule ʤʊl trình minutes behind schedule.

427. Speaker N ˈspi:kər Diễn giả

428. Notify sb V ˈnoʊtəˌfaɪ sb \ Thông báo cho ai đó về I'll notify the audience
about sth əˈbaʊt sth điều gì about the change.
429. Audience N ˈɑdiəns Khán thính giá
430. Keynote N ˈkiˌnoʊt Chủ đạo, quan trọng Regarding the keynote
lecture, over 200 people
signed up to hear it.
431. An N ən ɪmˈpɔrtənt ˈ Vấn đề quan trọng Food waste is an important
important ɪʃu issue
432. Best-selling ADJ best-ˈselɪŋ Bán chạy nhất Harry Porter is one of the
top 10 best-selling books
of all times.
433. Valet N væˈleɪ ˈpɑrkɪŋ Nhân viên giúp khách A valet parking driver
parking ˈdraɪvər đỗ xe called in sick
434. Call in sick V kɔl ɪn sɪk Gọi báo nghỉ ốm
435. Make things V meɪk θɪŋz wɜr Giúp mọi việc hoạt Hopefully, you can make
work k động things work with one less
436. A banquet N ə ˈbæŋkwət Buổi tiệc The number of guest to the
banquet is 200.
437. To seat sb V Sắp chỗ cho ai I'm trying to seat all the
tu si:t sb winners near the front of
438. Venue N ˈvenju Nơi gặp gỡ the venue.

439. An access to N ən ˈækˌses tu Tiếp cận với They should have easy
access to the stage.
440. Caterer N ˈkeɪtərər Người tổ chức We got an e-mail from the
caterer for the event about
30 minutes ago.
441. Seating N ˈsitɪŋ ʧɑrt Sơ đồ chỗ ngồi I'm almost finished with
chart the seating chart for
Friday's banquet.
442. Guest list N gest lɪst Danh sách khách mời Beeman Corporation
expanded its guest list this
443. Vegetarian N ˌveʤəˈteriən Bữa ăn chay The message just
meals milz mentioned the number of
vegetarian meals that will
be provided.
444. Auditorium N ˌɔdəˈtɔriəm ˈlɑ Hội trường cho thính We have to get the
lobby bi giả auditorium lobby ready
445. Debut N deɪˈbju pərˈfɔr Buổi biểu diễn ra mắt SNSD debut performance
performance məns công chúng in 2007 was great.
446. Refreshment N rəˈfreʃmənt st Khu vực đồ giải khát There are lots of tiramisu
stand ænd and bubble tea at
refreshment stand.
447. Shift N ʃɪft Ca làm việc His shift starts in 15

Check-up (File 8)
Weston Climate Change Lecture Series
Room 101 Room 102 Room 103 Room 104
8 A.M Reducing Food
9 A.M Renewable Cars Are the
Energy Problem
10 A.M Sea Levels and Weather and Its
Cities Changes
1. Airline
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
448. pre-boarding N /priː/-/ˈbɔːdɪŋ/ Thông báo This is the pre-boarding
announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ trước lúc khởi announcement for flight 89B to
hành Rome.
449. special N /ˈspɛʃəl/ Hỗ trợ đặc biệt We are now inviting any
assistance /əˈsɪstəns/ passengers requiring special
assistance to begin boarding.
450. boarding pass N /ˈbɔːdɪŋ/ Vé Please have your boarding pass
/pɑːs/ and identification ready.
451. boarding call N /ˈbɔːdɪŋ/ /kɔːl/ Thông báo gọi This is the final boarding call for
lên máy bay passengers Erin and Fred
452. proceed to V /prəˈsiːd/ /tuː/ Tiến tới, di Please proceed to gate 3
chuyển tới immediately
453. upright N /ˈʌpraɪt/ Tư thế thẳng Please keep your seats and table
position /pəˈzɪʃən/ đứng trays in the upright position for
454. Be prohibited V /prəˈhɪbɪtɪd/ Bị cấm Smoking is prohibited for the
duration of the flight.
455. carry-on N /ˈkæri/-/ɒn/ Hành lí xách tay We ask that you make sure that
luggage /ˈlʌgɪʤ/ all carry-on luggage is stowed
away safely during the flight.
456. inclement Adj /ɪnˈklɛmənt/ (thời tiết) xấu There will be a slight departure
delay due to inclement weather
457. Welcome V /ˈwɛlkəm/ Chào mừng tới Welcome onboard this flight to
onboard /ˈɒnbɔːd/ chuyến bay Seoul.

2. Bus
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
458. Next stop N /nɛkst/ Điểm dừng tiếp Attention, please! The next stop of
/stɒp/ theo the bus is the Art Museum.
459. Get on V /gɛt/ /ɒn/ Lên xe If you want to go to 5th Avenue, get
on the bus number 15.
460. Get off V /gɛt/ /ɒf/ Xuống xe Remember to get off the bus at
Mountain Road.
461. Bus lane N /bʌs/ /leɪn/ Làn đường cho It is illegal to park a car in a bus
xe bus lane.
462. Catch a/the V /kæʧ/ /ðə/ Bắt xe bus From here it is possible to catch the
bus /bʌs/ bus back to Peebles.
463. Miss a/the V /mɪs/ /ðə/ Nhỡ xe bus They missed the bus to school.
bus /bʌs/
464. Bus route N /bʌs/ /ruːt/ Lộ trình xe bus There will soon be a new bus route
circuiting the old city.

3. Train
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
465. Step on/ off V /stɛp/ /ɒn// Bước lên, xuống Please step on or off the train so
/ɒf/ tàu that we can depart
466. Conductor N /kənˈdʌktə/ Người lái tàu Attention, passengers: this is your
conductor speaking.
467. On platform Adj /ɒn/ Sân ga May I have your attention please
/ˈplætfɔːm/ on platform 14.
468. Leave V /liːv/ Không có người Luggage left unattended may be
unattended /ˌʌnəˈtɛndɪd/ trông nom removed without warning or
destroyed or damaged by the
security services.
469. Line up at V /laɪn/ /ʌp/ Xếp hàng ở Please have your boarding passes
/æt/ ready, and line up at door number
470. Automated N /ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/ Máu bán vé tự If you need to buy tickets for the
ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ động light-rail train, use the automated
machines /məˈʃiːnz/ ticket machines

471. Rail route N /reɪl/ /ruːt/ Bản đồ đường There are rail route maps and
map /mæp/ tàu information about the light-rail
system at the kiosks on both the
main and lower floors.

4. Theater
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
472. intermission N /ˌɪntə(ː)ˈmɪʃən/ Lúc tạm nghỉ There will be four acts with a 20-
minute intermission.
473. Permit V /ˈpɜːmɪt/ Cho phép Photography is not permitted
during the performance.
474. Box office N /bɒks/ /ˈɒfɪs/ Phòng vé You can buy tickets in person or
by calling the box office at 555-
475. in the lobby Adj /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈlɒbi/ Ngoài hành lang During intermission drinks and
snacks are for sale in the lobby.
476. Sold out Adj /səʊld/ /aʊt/ Hết vé Tickets for the play has already
been sold out.
477. Rehearse V /rɪˈhɜːs/ Diễn tập The orchestra is rehearsing a
piece by Schumann.

5. Museum
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
478. state-of-the- Adj /steɪt/-/ɒv/-/ði/- Tân tiến We are excited about the
art /ɑːt/ reopening of the museum
galleries with state-of-the-art
and upgraded exhibits.
479. Acquire sth V /əˈkwaɪə/ Đạt được, thu The museum acquired a Van
được Gogh during heavy bidding
480. Open/closed Adj /ˈəʊpən///kləʊzd/ Mở/ đóng với Please notice that our Museum
to the public /tuː/ /ðə/ công chúng will be closed to the public this
/ˈpʌblɪk/ weekend for renovation.
481. admission N /ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ /fiː/ Phí vào cửa Many museums do not have
fee admission fees.
482. curator N /kjʊəˈreɪtə/ Người quản lí The curator is an expert in her
bảo tang field.
483. wander V /ˈwɒndər/ Loanh quanh On Saturday I enjoyed
around (sth) /əˈraʊnd/ wandering around the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.


1. Business
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
484. Be glad to do Adj /biː/ /glæd/ Hân hạnh làm I'm glad to see all of you here in
sth /tuː/ gì the training session.
485. In order to Conj /ɪn/ /ˈɔːdə/ /tuː/ Để cho In order to enhance our
do sth productivity, we decided to
upgrade the Internet system.
486. Get used to V /gɛt/ /juːzd/ Quen với We'd like you to get used to our
sth/ doing sth /tuː/ new inventory software
487. To be well Adj /tuː/ /biː/ /wɛl/ Sắp xếp gọn I'm sure this program will help
organized /ˈɔːgənaɪzd/ gang you keep our stock well
488. Have an V /hæv/ /ən/ Có cuộc phỏng we have a special interview with
interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/ vấn với Gary Houston.
with sb /wɪð/
489. Be Adj /biː/ Có trách nhiệm He is responsible for making our
responsible /rɪsˈpɒnsəbl/ làm gì Web site truly interactive.
(for doing (/fɔː/ /ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ/
490. Have a V /hæv/ /ə/ Đi dã ngoại The staff will have a company
company /ˈkʌmpəni/ cùng công ty picnic this weekend.
picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/
491. Hire new V /ˈhaɪə/ /njuː/ Thuê nhân viên The officer is hiring some new
employees /ˌɛmplɔɪˈiːz/ mới employees.
492. Attend a V /əˈtɛnd/ /ə/ Tham dự hội We are attending a conference in
conference /ˈkɒnfərəns/ nghị the meeting hall.
493. Order V /ˈɔːdə/ Đặt thêm văn She's ordering supplies for the
supplies /səˈplaɪz/ phòng phẩm office.
494. Take a V /teɪk/ /ə/ Đi nghỉ The President is going to take a
vacation /vəˈkeɪʃən/ vacation next week and Mr. Park
will be in charge of the company
495. Start a small V /stɑːt/ /ə/ Thành lập/ khởi Our company decided to start a
business /smɔːl/ động 1 công small business in food and
/ˈbɪznɪs/ việc/ lĩnh vực beverage industry.
496. Write a list V /raɪt/ /ə/ /lɪst/ Viết 1 danh I wrote a list of names and job
sách titles.

2. Weather
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
497. drop to/ into V /drɒp/ /tuː// Giảm xuống The temperatures there will drop
/ˈɪntuː/ into the low 70s.
498. continue to V /kənˈtɪnju(ː)/ Tiếp tục Coast weather will continue to
do sth /tuː/ be warm and sunny for the next
two days.
499. At the start Adj /æt/ /ðə/ /stɑːt/ Khởi đầu At the start of next week, we
of sth /ɒv/ expect some clearing in the
500. Predict to do V /prɪˈdɪkt/ /tuː/ Dự báo The storm is predicted to strike
sth /duː/ southern Florida early this
501. Weather N /ˈwɛðər/ Cật nhật về thời This is Tony Malloy with a
update /ʌpˈdeɪt/ tiết valley weather update
502. Expect sth/ V /ɪksˈpɛkt/ Mong đợi We're expecting afternoon
to do sth clearing with partly cloudy skies
503. Chance of N /ʧɑːns/ /ɒv/ Khả năng Chance of rain is 40 percent
sth today but drops to 10 percent by
504. A blanket of N /ə/ /ˈblæŋkɪt/ Tuyết phủ This morning we discovered a
snow /ɒv/ /snəʊ/ blanket of snow in the garden.
505. A drop of N /ə/ /drɒp/ /ɒv/ Hạt mưa There was not even a single drop
rain /reɪn/ of rain.
506. Gloomy N /ˈgluːmi/ Thời tiết âm u The gloomy weather is
weather /ˈwɛðə/ depressing.
507. Rain cats and V /reɪn/ /kæts/ Mưa xối xả I am soaking wet because it is
dogs /ænd/ /dɒgz/ raining cats and dogs.
508. clear up V /klɪər/ /ʌp/ Quang đãng The sky was cleared up thanks to
the rain.
3. Traffic
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
509. Head to sth V /hɛd/ /tuː/ Hướng về/ đi về Let's head east to avoid the
phía traffic.
510. Commute N /kəˈmjuːt/ Đường đi The commute to work this
morning was slow due to bad
511. Interchange N /ˌɪntə(ː)ˈʧeɪnʤ/ Ngã 3 có đường The downtown interchange is
hầm và cầu chui closed due to construction.
512. Shift to sth V /ʃɪft/ /tuː/ Chuyển sang We ought to shift to the center
lane to pass these slow-moving
513. Bottleneck N /ˈbɒtlnɛk/ Nút thắt giao There is a huge bottleneck in
thông traffic at the intersection of
Center and State Street.
514. Car crash N /kɑː/ /kræʃ/ Đâm xe There was a car crash on the ring
515. Bumper-to- Adj /ˈbʌmpə/-/tuː/- Xe nối tiếp xe The cars on the highway are
bumper /ˈbʌmpə/ bumper to bumper right now
516. Congestion N /kənˈʤɛsʧən/ Tắc nghẽn Rising traffic congestion is an
inescapable condition in large
and growing metropolitan areas

1. Promotion
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
517. Offer a V /ˈɒfər/ /ə/ Giảm giá, chiết He's planning to offer a discount
discount /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ khấu on the overseas travel package.
518. (on) total N (/ɒn/) /ˈtəʊtl/ Tổng hóa đơn We will give you a 3% extra
purchase /ˈpɜːʧəs/ mua hàng discount on your total purchase.
519. Quantity N /ˈkwɒntɪti/ Chiết khấu cho I'm afraid we don't apply
discount /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ đơn hang số quantity discounts on orders
lượng lớn fewer than 50.
520. Pride V /praɪd/ Tự hào về We pride ourselves in selling
oneself’s in fresh products to our
doing sth community.
521. Receive a V /rɪˈsiːv/ /ə/ Nhận được If you reserve any international
discount /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ giảm giá flight during the week, you will
receive a 20% discount.
522. Special deal N /ˈspɛʃəl/ /diːl/ Thỏa thuận đặc I'm pleased to announce that
biệt Groger's special deals will be
available for the next week.
523. For free Adj /fɔː/ /friː/ Miễn phí And if you buy one of our
knives, we'll give you a table
cloth for free.
524. Be entitled Adj /biː/ /ɪnˈtaɪtld/ Được nhận You are entitled to the same
to/ eligible /tuː/ discount by entering the 4-digit
for sth /ˈɛlɪʤəbl/ /fɔː/ code on the back of the coupon.
525. A blowout N /ə/ /ˈbləʊˈaʊt/ Giảm giá lớn I'm happy to announce that our
sale /seɪl/ children's book section on the
second floor is having a blowout
sale today
526. A special gift N /ə/ /ˈspɛʃəl/ Quà tặng đặc Plus, for any order over 50
/gɪft/ biệt dollars, a beach towel will be
given out as a special gift.
527. Coupon N /ˈkuːpɒn/ Phiếu giảm giá Please stop by our personnel
office and pick up 20% coupons.

2. Grand opening
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
528. opening N /ˈəʊpnɪŋ/ Lễ khai trương I heard the opening ceremony is
ceremony /ˈsɛrɪməni/ pretty much a 'must-see' for
529. Commence V /kəˈmɛns/ /æt/ Bắt đầu lúc The opening ceremony
at commences at 3 p.m.
530. Behind Adj /bɪˈhaɪnd/ Chậm tiến độ Due to the rainstorm last week,
schedule /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ we've fallen a little behind
531. Prepare for V /prɪˈpeə/ /fɔː/ Chuẩn bị cho They are preparing for the
sth opening next week.
532. Express sth V /ɪksˈprɛs/ Bày tỏ As director of operations, I can
only try to express how proud I
533. Celebrate sth V /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ Kỷ niệm, chúc To celebrate the occasion, the
mừng hospital has decided to hold a
special ceremony on Saturday.
534. Give a V /gɪv/ /ə/ /spiːʧ/ Phát biểu James Rosenthal, Director of
speech Countydale Hospital, will give
an introductory speech.

3. New collection/ product

Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
535. Launch a V /lɔːnʧ/ /ə/ Ra mắt sản When a company launches a
product /ˈprɒdʌkt/ phẩm product, they have to consider
the Internet.
536. Release V /rɪˈliːs/ Ban hành, đưa The book will be released by
ra thị trường the end of the month.
537. Product range N /ˈprɒdʌkt/ Phạm vi sản It is still a new company with a
/reɪnʤ/ phẩm limited product range.
538. Range of N /reɪnʤ/ /ɒv/ Phạm vi màu A wide range of colors is
colors /ˈkʌləz/ sắc available for this camera.
539. Brand new N /brænd/ /njuː/ Thiết kế mới The sales team has to work on
design /dɪˈzaɪn/ the brand-new design of the
540. Specifications N /ˌspɛsɪfɪˈkeɪʃənz/ Đặc điểm, chi All products are made exactly
tiết kỹ thuật to the customer’s
541. Sample N /ˈsɑːmpl/ hàng thử I got 5 free samples of shampoo
to choose the best.

1. Job opportunities
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
542. Apply for V /əˈplaɪ/ /fɔː/ Xin việc Anyone with the suitable skill
can apply for this job.
543. Job-hunting N /ʤɒb/- Săn tìm việc How’s the job-hunting going?
544. Competitive Adj /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/ Cạnh tranh The rate of emerging graduates is
increasing daily, making the
labor market very competitive.
545. application N /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ Đơn ứng tuyển Please fill in this application
form /fɔːm/ form to complete the recruiting
546. Job N /ʤɒb/ Bản mô tả công You should read the job
description /dɪsˈkrɪpʃən/ việc description before applying for
547. Offer a job V /ˈɒfər/ /ə/ Mời làm việc After 2 interviews, they offer
/ʤɒb/ him a job in purchasing


1. Invitation
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
548. Invite sb to V /ɪnˈvaɪt/ Mời ai làm gì I was wondering if I should
do sth invite him to stay at our place.
549. Join sb/sth V /ʤɔɪn/ Tham gia cùng I don't have time for a drink now,
but I'll join you later.
550. Postpone sth V /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ Hoãn The negotiations have been
postponed indefinitely.
551. Attend sth V /əˈtɛnd/ Tham dự, có I don't think there's any need for
mặt all of us to attend the meeting.
552. Participate in V /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ Tham gia We want to encourage members
sth to participate in the running of
the club.
553. Apologize V /əˈpɒləʤaɪz/ Xin lỗi We apologize for any
(to sb) for inconvenience caused.
doing sth
554. Reschedule V /ˌriːˈʃɛdjuːl/ Đổi lịch I rescheduled my doctor’s
sth appointment for later in the
555. Host sth V /həʊst/ Tổ chức The organization will host a
conference about how to cut
corporate crime.

2. Request
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
556. reimbursement N /ˌriː.ɪmˈbɜːs.mənt/ Sự hoàn lại This is John Taylor from
tiền Accounting and I'm calling
about the reimbursement
request you made yesterday.
557. Give sb a call V /gɪv/ /ə/ /kɔːl/ Gọi cho ai Please give me a call and let
me know if you can send it to
me by either e-mail or fax.
558. Have inquiry V /hæv/ /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ Có thắc mắc If you have any inquiries
about sth về vấn đề gì about this, you are
encouraged to come by my
559. Make sure V /meɪk/ /ʃʊə/ Chắc chắn Please make sure that food
and drinks are not brought in
the conference room.
560. Upon sb’s Adj /əˈpɒn/ /rɪˈkwɛst/ Theo yêu cầu Our experienced staff are
request của ai ready to help you book hotels,
cars upon your request.
561. Do sb a favor V /duː/ /ə/ /ˈfeɪvə/ Giúp ai I'd like you to do me a favor.

3. Sales
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
562. Go up V /gəʊ/ /ʌp/ Tăng The president has expected
the sales of both models to go
up drastically.
563. Negotiate with V /nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪt/ Thương lượng Can we negotiate with the
sb owner of the house?
564. Refund V /ˈriːfʌnd/ Hoàn tiền I would like a refund for the
565. Guarantee N/V /ˌgærənˈtiː/ Bảo hành Our products come with a
Lifetime Guarantee.
566. Inclusive Adj /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ Đã bao gồm All of our prices are inclusive
of tax and service fees.
567. Exclusive Adj /ɪksˈkluːsɪv/ Không bao Prices shown are Tax
gồm exclusive.
568. Out-of-stock Adj /aʊt/-/ɒv/-/stɒk/ Hết hàng Unfortunately, we are out-of-
stock of the black iPhones, but
we do have it in gold.

4. Reminder
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
569. Remind sb to V /ˈrɪmaɪnd/ Nhắc ai đó nhớ We would like to remind all
do sth/ of sth our guests to leave their keys
at reception before they
570. Suppose to do V /səˈpəʊz/ Cho là/ cần You are supposed to come to
sth phải our clinic at 2 p.m. on Friday.
571. Make V /meɪk/ Sửa đổi If you want to make any
adjustments /əˈʤʌstmənts/ adjustments, please call me
back as soon as possible.
572. under Adj /ˈʌndə/ Đang được As you probably know, our
renovation /ˌrɛnəʊˈveɪʃən/ nâng cấp cafeteria will be under
renovation starting tomorrow
and the work won't be
finished until the end of next
573. Note V /nəʊt/ Chú ý Please note that only full-time
employees are eligible for
these coupons.
574. Upcoming N /ˌʌpˈkʌmɪŋ/ Sự kiện sắp I need to remind you of an
event /ɪˈvɛnt/ diễn ra upcoming event prior 10 the
beginning of our meeting.


1. Business problem
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
575. Renovate V /ˈrɛnəʊveɪt/ Cải tạo We are planning to renovate
our main lobby.
576. Temporarily Adj /ˈtɛmpərərɪli/ Đóng cửa tạm However, please note that our
closed /kləʊzd/ thời office will be temporarily
closed this Friday.
577. Telephone N /ˈtɛlɪfəʊn/ Hỗ trợ qua Our telephone assistance is
assistance /əˈsɪstəns/ điện thoại still available.
578. Unfortunately Adv /ʌnˈfɔːʧnɪtli/ Không may Unfortunately, the printer
model that you had requested
is presently unavailable.
579. Rectify V /ˈrɛktɪfaɪ/ Sửa chữa We can't continue with
production until this situation
is rectified.

2. Business strategy
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
580. Release sth V /rɪˈliːs/ Cho ra mắt This is our last meeting before
we release the first issue of
our quarterly fashion
581. A rush of Conj /ə/ /rʌʃ/ /ɒv/ Rất nhiều We have already had a rush of
orders from most major
bookstores across Australia.
582. Business N /ˈbɪznɪs/ /ˈmɒdl/ Mô hình kinh A business model is a
model doanh company's plan for making a
583. Customer N /ˈkʌstəmə/ Phát triển Customer development is a
development /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/ khách hàng big change for most
584. Business tool N /ˈbɪznɪs/ /tuːl/ Công cụ kinh Most types of business tools
doanh provide benefits when used
585. Implement V /ˈɪmplɪmənt/ Triển khai/ The plan was not
thực hiện implemented correctly.
586. Direction N /dɪˈrɛkʃən/ Hướng đi I think it's time to change
our future direction.
587. (In) high N (/ɪn/) /haɪ/ Nhu cầu lớn Small foreign cars are in high
demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ demand in the United States.

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