Development of Carboxymethyl Cellulose/ Polyphenols Gels For Textile Applications

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AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.

2478/v10304-012-0021-9 © AUTEX



Hana Krizova, Jakub Wiener

Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Studentska 2, Liberec 46117, Czech Republic


The aim of this study was to determine release rate and changes in polyphenols’ content, which were sorbed to
carboxymethyl cellulose gel and subsequently desorbed. An aqueous extract of blue marc vine variety Fratava was
used as a source of polyphenols. The gel was dried into a solid film and polyphenols were then desorbed again by
dissolving this film in saline (isotonic) solution. Further, the influence of different times of high temperature (180°C)
of drying gel on change in the amount of released polyphenols and also kinetics of their release in re-transfer of
the film on the gel and solution was studied. The process simulates the possible use of carboxymethyl cellulose/
polyphenols film sorbed on textile materials and its contact with the tissues and body fluids such as course of wound


Carboxymethyl cellulose, polyphenols, desorption, thermal crosslinking

1. Introduction 1.2.1 Hydrolyzable tannins

1.1 Polyphenols (PF) Their basic monomer unit is gallic or ellagic acid and their
molecular weight ranges from 500 to 3000. They are well
Polyphenols are a very varied group of chemically diverse soluble in water, hydrolyze due to heat, weak acids or weak
compounds that contain hydroxyl groups bound to the bases. They are also easily decomposed by digestive enzymes
aromatic ring. They are easily oxidizable substances with a low of mammals. Among these is e.g. oenothein present in the
redox potential which are able to reduce some radicals (e.g. wine or tannic (Figure 1) [1] contained in fruits and bark of oak,
superoxide, peroxyl and hydroxyl ones) with oxidative effects. chestnut or in leaves of sicilian sumac [1].
Polyphenols are a broad group of plant bioactive substances
able to protect cells from oxidative damage due to their strong 1.2.2 Condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins)
antioxidant and antiradical activities. PF include for example
amino acids (tyrosine), essential oils, phenolic acids (e.g. vanil, Their basic unit of condensed tannins is a monomeric flavan-3-ol
gallic, coumaric and ferulic ones), flavonoids (e.g. catechins, (Figure 2) [1], and according to the degree of polymerization
quercetin, rutin, anthocyanidins) and tannins. their molecular weight also reaches over 20,000. Condensed
tannins contain strong bonds between carbons, and are
1.2 Tannins therefore not easily hydrolyzable and in the tract of mammals
hardly decompostable. An example of condensed tannins is
Tannins are oligomeric and polymeric polyphenol compounds procyanidin or prodelphinidin. Condensed tannins accumulate
contained mainly in the leaves and bark of trees, but also in
seeds, herbal stems, tea, oak apples, fruits, vegetables and
vine (especially in the red one). Tannins are used to protect
plants against pests, parasites and adverse conditions. They
are substances with a wide spectrum of biogenic effects. Often
it is a bitter substance and adstringens (drugs with astringent
effect) inhibiting glandular secretion, act local vasoconstriction
and has antidiarrheal effect. Tannins form through their hydroxyl
and carboxyl groups complexes with various ingredients –
especially with proteins (coagulation proteins which are based
on the process of tanning of skin tannins), amino acids and
alkaloids. They form complexes with metal ions, carbohydrates
and fats. These chemical properties also lead to antimicrobial
effects of tannins as complexation of enzymes and ions may
subsequently inhibit proliferation of microbes and some molds.
Tannins are generally divided into two large groups. Figure 1. Gallic acid and tannic acid. 33
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0021-9 © AUTEX

mainly in vacuoles and in epidermal and subepidermal layer

of leaves and fruit. Their richest source is the bark of various
trees, especially very hard South American wood quebracho
or acacia wood. A higher content of condensed tannins in dark
fruits, vegetables (red beans, cocoa beans, blue grapes) relates
to the content of anthocyanins, which are also substances
of flavonoid nature and have similar synthesis, as well as in
seeds, where they are incorporated together with flavonoids
into a comprehensive polymer in the ovary that protects the
embryo of the plants from drying [1].

1.3 Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)

Figure 2. Flavan-3-ol and condensed tannin.

Carboxymethyl cellulose is a cellulose derivative whose
skeleton consists of glucopyranose polymer, often used
as the sodium salt (Figure 3). Some of its hydroxyls are
substituted by carboxymethyl groups. CMC is widely used
in many industries, especially as a thickener (viscosity
change), stabilizer and emulsifier. It is water-soluble, non-
toxic, hypoallergenic and shows high swelling. This ballast
aditivive is known in the food industry as E466 and it is added
e.g. to ice cream, beverages and spreads. CMC stabilizes in
acidic dairy products’ milk proteins during pasteurization. In
addition to food products CMC is also included in cosmetics,
eye drops, lubricants, tablets, coatings etc. The interactions
of CMC and polyphenols are currently under study such as
Figure 3. Carboxymethyl cellulose.
the actual research of biogenic activity of polyphenols [2]. It
is for example shown that CMC has from all the food industry
tested polysaccharides the highest ability to mask the bitter 2.2 Used methods
taste of polyphenols and tannins in beverages enriched
with antioxidants so that it reduces their astringent effect on 2.2.1 Extraction of polyphenols
the salivary glands [3,4]. CMC is used to stabilize wine by
preventing the precipitation of pottasium bitartrate (tartar) Pomace of blue grape vine were after the pressing of macerated
and to prevent the formation of sediment in bottled wines [5]. and fermented mash immediately freezed, then dried at 70°C
CMC can also be used as a protective layer for encapsulation to a constant weight, and eventually homogenized. 2 g of
of polyphenols for oral use as CMC housing protects these crushed dried pomace (mixed peels, seeds and stems with the
substances against the effects of digestive enzymes, and weight ratio 15:9:1) were extracted (in a dye cartridge of dyeing
in addition these substances are safely transported to the apparatus Ahiba Nuance ECO) with 100 ml of distilled water at
place of their maximum resorption in the colon. Only here 100°C for 90 minutes.
is the CMC pouch disrupted by the activities of the cellulase
enzymes present in intestinal bacteria. CMC is also used 2.2.2 Preparation of CMC gels and films
as a carrier for active substances and drugs for surface
application. Moreover, CMC is part of dressings for treating 3 g of CMC were dissolved in the extract of pomace by formation
particular kinds of wound including a mixture of hydrogels of gel. The gel was homogenized, spilled onto glass plate and
and different substances for the stimulation of wound healing. dried at 60°C to film of constant weight. Subsequently, one
These substances include enzymatic agents, activated third of the film was crosslinked at 180°C for 1 minute, one third
carbon, silver ions or antibiotics [6]. was crosslinked at 180°C for 3 minutes to achieve the partial
insolubility and one third stayed non-crosslinked [7].

2. Materials and Methods 2.2.3 Determination of total polyphenols

2.1 Materials The total polyphenol content was measured

spectrophotometrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. This
Blue grape pomace of Fratava variety (Lobkowicz castle winery reaction is based on colorimetric redox reaction of phenols
Roudnice nad Labem, Ltd.) [8]. To 1 ml of distilled water and 1 ml of Folin-Ciocalteu
Gallic acid (monohydrate) (Sigma-Aldrich) reagent (diluted 1:9 with distilled water) was added 200 μl
Powdered sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, medium viscosity, of skimmed sample (60 revolutions/minute for 3 minutes).
molecular weight 250 000 (Fluka) 1 ml 0.75 M solution of anhydrous sodium carbonate was
Folin-Ciocalteau reagent (Penta Chrudim) added after 5 minutes. Parallelly, a control sample (a blank
Anhydrous sodium carbonate (Lachema) and NaCl p.a. (Lach-Ner) one) was also prepared containing 200 μl of distilled water, 34
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0021-9 © AUTEX

and calibration series of solutions of gallic acid (GA) with crosslinking of CMC occurs resulting in less swelling of CMC.
increasing concentrations from 0.01 to 0.06 mg/ml (Figure 4). This shortens the diffusion path of substances’ molecules
The presence of polyphenols causes after 50 minutes a which are in the closed path (CMC is inert and does not react
chemical reaction accompanied by a visual color change of the chemically with PF – it is only a mechanical sorption) and PF
solution from yellow to blue. Afterwards, the absorbance was can thus quickly desorb to the place of lower concentration).
measured by the means of UV/VIS spectrophotometer (Helios Second, it is expected that a thermal hydrolysis of polymeric
epsilon) in the absorption maximum at 765 nm. The resulting polyphenols (tannins) occur so that smaller PF molecules can
concentrations of samples (extracts prior to sorption into CMC again rapidly diffuse from the gel to the solution. The problem
gel and after the desorption of CMC) were calculated on the is a total thermolability of PF, wherein at 180°C their content is
basis of calibration curve of gallic acid and expressed in mg declining rapidly; that is why it is important to choose a time-
GA/ml of solution, respectively in g/liter. temperature compromise, where their content is still maintained
and at the same time their optimum release is under way.
2.2.4 Desorption of polyphenols
Figure 7 shows a percentage expression of decrease of
0.5 g of each of CMC/PF film was immersed in 80 ml saline polyphenols and also percentage expression of decrease of
(0.9% NaCl) and dissolved using a magnetic stirrer at 37°C. half-time speed of their release from CMC, depending on the
A sample was collected each time for the spectrophotometric
determination of polyphenols (at intervals 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and
60 minutes) to ascertain the kinetics of release of polyphenols
from CMC/PF gels. The process simulates the contact with the
tissues and body fluids such as the course of wound healing.

3. Experimental Details

3.1 Content of PF

The measured content of polyphenols in the extract was about

0,5 g of PF/liter (respectively gallic acid equivalent), which is
2,5% of the weight of the dried pomace. The theoretical content
in 100 ml of extract would be therefore 50 mg of PF. After adding
of 3 g of CMC, drying, removing 0,5 g sample and dissolving
Figure 4. Spectrophotometric calibration of gallic acid.
in 80 ml of saline, each solution should include ideally about
0,1 mg of PF/ ml of saline. However, it is necessary to take into
account that the CMC hygroscopic powder contained 5 wt.%
water and in 100 ml of extract was present (in addition to 50 mg
of PF) about 0,5 g of the dry matter (e.g. dissolved sugars and
minerals), and the real content of PF must be less than the
theoretical one (Table 1).

3.2 Release of PF from CMC/PF films

Figure 5 shows the release of PF from CMC/PF films in saline

at 37°C using the magnetic stirrer, for 1 hour. The increasing
content of PF was measured in the centrifuged samples which
were collected at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes.
All samples were measured in triplicate and the averages were

Figure 6 indicates that with the increasing degree of crosslinking

of CMC, the half-time release of polyphenols from CMC Figure 5. Release of PF from CMC films: non-crosslinked and partially
film decreases. This leads to two outcomes: first, a thermal thermal crosslinked CMC.

Table 1. PF content in the samples due to the dry matter.

Total dry matter (dry Content of PF in 0,5 g PF concentration of the

Content of CMC
matter+CMC+PF) samples resulting 80 ml saline

3g 3,40 g 7,35 mg 0,092 mg/ml 35
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0021-9 © AUTEX

Figure 6. Half time of release of PF from CMC, depending of the Figure 7. Decrease of PF content and of their half-time release
degree of crosslinking. depending time of crosslinking at 180°C.

time of thermal crosslinking. It is obvious that, for example, a References

distance between the two curves is the largest after 1 min. of
crosslinking. At this point the release of PF is already short [1] Schofield, P., Mbugua, D.M., Pell, A.N.: Analysis of
enough while maintaining a high content of PF. condensed tannins: a review. Animal Feed Science and
Technology 91 (2001), p.21-40
[2] Serrano-Cruz, M.R. et al.: Controlled release and
4. Conclusion antioxidant activity of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
extract encapsulated in mixtures of carboxymethyl
cellulose, whey protein, and pectin. Food Science and
This research was aimed at the kinetics of release of
Technology 50/2 (2013), p. 554-561
polyphenols from carboxymethyl cellulose film which was
thermal crosslinked at 180°C for 1 and 3 minutes and the [3] Troszyńska,A. et al.:The effect of polysaccharides on the
astringency induced by phenolic compounds. Food Quality
results were compared with the completely soluble non-
and Preference 21 (2010), p.463–469
crosslinked CMC. Thermolabile PF are partially protected by
CMC and the short high temperatures decreased their content [4] Smith A., K., June, H., Noble, A.C.: Effects of viscosity on
the bitterness and astringency of grape seed tannin. Food
to 85% of the initial content (and to 70% respectively). After
Quality and Preference 7 (1996), p.161-166
one hour in saline, the CMC/PF gels were dissolved in 92, 36
and 24%. Depending on the degree of crosslinking, the rate of [5] Bosso, A. et al.:Carboxymethylcellulose for the tartaric
stabilization of white wines, in comparison with other
release increased because partial crosslinking of CMC reduces
oenological additives. Vitis 49/2 (2010), p.95–99
its swelling, reducing the diffusion path.
[6] Skórkowska-Telichowska, K. et al.: The local treatment
and available dressings designed for chronic wounds.
Measurement results show that CMC can be used as a carrier
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2011),
of polyphenols and their release can be influenced by degree
In press
of crosslinking and solubility of CMC.
[7] Borůvková, K., Wiener, J., Kukreja, S.: Thermal self cross-
linking of carboxymethylcellulose. ACC Journal XVIII/1
(2012), pp. 6-13
[8] Singleton V.L., Orthofer R., Lamuela-Raventós R.M.:
Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates
The paper has been supported by the grant project SGS 48008 and antioxidants by means of folin-ciocalteu reagent.
(provided by Faculty of Textile of Technical University of Liberec) Methods in Enzymology 299, 1999, p.152-178
and TACR program ALFA TA01010244 (Czech republic). 36
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0024-6 © AUTEX



Marta Safandowska, Krystyna Pietrucha

Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology, Lodz University of Technology, Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland


The paper describes the possibility of using Sirius red dye for the determination of collagen conjugated with keratin
of wool. Sirius red assay was shown to be feasible for collagen detection, which was enzymatically coupled onto
wool fibers and woven fabric. The effectiveness of combination of keratin protein with collagen was evaluated .


Collagen, Sirius red, keratin

1. Introduction detection of collagen on keratin substrates has not been

reported previously. The capability of tyrosinase to catalyze
Collagen is the major component of the extracellular matrix the oxidation of tyrosine residues of keratin and for coating
(ECM) and is the most abundant mammalian protein collagen on wool materials has to be assessed.
accounting for about 20–30% of the total body proteins. The
unique biocompatibility due to its biological characteristics,
such as biodegradability and weak antigenicity, made collagen 2. Materials and methods
the primary resource in medical applications [1]. Collagen can
also be used to modify the surface of various types of synthetic 2.1. Materials
polymers. For example, coating polypropylene meshes with
collagen results in their improved bio- and cytocompatibility; Wool fibers and woven fabric (twill weave) were chosen for
modification of polyester vascular prosthesis by collagen preparation of the samples. Fibers from sheep wool was
increases their leak-proof properties [2-4]. Furthermore, cleaned by Soxhlet extraction using dichloromethane to
collagen displayed bacteriostatic properties against remove fatty matters (t=14 h, 6 transfers to 1 h). Collagen type
Staphylococcus epidermidis and b-hemolytic Streptococcus I was prepared from fresh skin of silver carp and supplied by
[5], and therefore it can impart antibacterial properties to AAG Sp. z o.o. (Poland).
natural textile fibers [6].
Tyrosinase from mushroom (EC, ≥1000 unit/mg
A multitude of applications of collagen indicates that it is solid) and Sirius red F3BA were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich
very appropriate to use a rapid and precise method for its (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). All other chemicals of analytical
determination. Many physicochemical methods, such as grade were obtained from POCh–Gliwice (Poland).
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), chromogenic
reactions (hydroxyproline assay, amine dyes: ninhydrin or 2.2. Preparation of samples
Rhodamine B isothiocyanate), molecular weight comparisons
(gel electrophoresis, chromatography), radioactive procedures Samples of wool fibers and fabric were modified with enzyme
(radioactive labeling of proline) and immunological reactions and collagen in accordance with a method [6]. For this purpose,
(enzymeimmunoassays using specific antibodies) are used to 0.5 g wool was placed in 50 ml 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH=6.5)
estimate the amount of collagen [2,3]. The most precise and containing tyrosinase (2000 U/g). In addition, ascorbic acid
specific method of collagen determination is based on the solution at 0.42 mg/ml was added. After 1 h, collagen solution in
quantitation of its hydroxyproline content; unfortunately, it is 1% CH3COOH was added to the buffer/wool incubation mixture
a complex and time consuming procedure. Sirius red staining in a final concentration of 2 mg/ml. Incubation was continued at
seems to be an excellent alternative technique for quantitative 25 °C for 24 h. To terminate the enzymatic reaction, the pH was
or qualitative measurement of collagen. It is a fast and non- raised to pH 9 using 0.1M KOH. Then, the sample was rinsed in
destructive method, which has been used for histological distilled water and 1% CH3COOH, and air-dried.
staining of collagen in tissue sections from many years [7].
2.3. Characterization of the products
The goal of this study is to elaborate a simple and accurate
method of collagen examination. In this work, the method of Color measurements. In order to determine the enzyme-
Sirius red staining was applied to assay collagen conjugated catalytic modification effect on the wool-derived keratin, the
with keratin of wool. The application of Sirius red dye for the reflectance measurements were evaluated by using Datacolor 37
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0024-6 © AUTEX

Int. PAGE: 2
Spectraflash 500 spectrophotometer with dataMaster to the corresponding quinones, which possess fluorescence
software. left
Results were expressed by the CIE whiteness (W) properties [8]. These o-quinones may either condense with
LINE: 6, 7, 8
according to the ISO 105-J02:1999 method and CIELab color each other or react with free amino groups, resulting in the
values and color difference (ΔE) at D65/10º. The degree of formation of covalent keratin-collagen crosslinks (Figure 2)
SHOULD BE: The quality of equation 1 in the proof is too poor, so please replace it with this, which I
GE: 2 whiteness (W)
present below: was calculated using the following equation: [8,9].
LUMN: left
E: 6, 7, 8 (1)
OULD BE: The quality
where: of equation 1 in the proof is too poor, so please replace it with this, which I
COLUMN: left 20
sent below:
W is the
18, 19, 20 Y the trichromatic component of the sample;

x, y the
IS: chromaticity coordinates of the samples, 0.3138 and
0.3310 the chromaticity
BE: The quality coordinates
of equation 2 inxthe
and y respectively
is too poor, so for thereplace it with15this, which I

W-CIE D65/10
SHOULD proof please
GE: 2
perfect lightbelow:
present scattered.

LUMN: left

E: 18, 19, 20
The color difference - ΔE - was calculated according to the
OULD BE: The quality of Commission
of equation Internationale
2 in the proof de l’Eclairage
is too poor, so please – this,
replace it with CIEwhich
Lab I
sent below: in relation to an unmodified sample:
COLUMN: right
(2) 0
LINE: 15 wool fabric
IS: Figure 4 A, B, D wool fibres
SHOULD BE: Figure 3 A, B, D, E
GE: 2 ΔE is the color difference expressed in CIELab units; ΔL the
LUMN: right difference in lightness; Δa the difference in the chromaticity Figure 1. CIE whiteness
Figure of1. samples of wool-derived
CIE whiteness of sampleskeratin.
of wool-derived keratin.
E: 15
coordinate, green/red
In addition, the qualityaxis; Δb the
of figures difference
which have been in the chromaticity
submitted is too poor, so please replace them to
Figure 4 A, B, D
OULD BE: Figure 3 A, B, D, E
that, which I axis.
present below: As can be seen from Table 1 the enzyme treatment also had a
slight impact on the color difference (ΔE) and color depth (K/S).
Sirius red staining. The presence of collagen onto the surface
layerof figures
ddition, the quality of wool-derived
which have beenkeratin
submittedwas evaluated
is too poor, so pleaseby staining
replace them to The presence of collagen on surfaces of wool was confirmed
with Sirius red
se that, which I present below: F3BA dye, in accordance with the procedure by using the staining of collagen with Sirius red F3BA. As
described by [7]. Tyrosinase-treated sample in the presence can be seen from the pictures (Figure 3), all samples are
and absence of collagen were incubated with water solution of stained; however, only those wool samples which have been
0.5% Sirius red at room temperature for 30 minutes. Thereafter, enzymatically treated and simultaneously coated with collagen
the samples were washed extensively for 30 minutes in distilled were characterized by a higher intensity of staining. The
water, and air-dried. The color measurements were made by uncoated samples of keratin (Figure 3 A, B, D, E) did not bind
sensory impairments. Figure 3. Surfacethe Sirius
images dye and
of wool fibersgave
(A, B,only a weak
C) and wovenbackground.
fabric (D, E, F) stained with Sirius red (A,
before enzyme treatment, (B, E) after tyrosinase treatment, (C, F) after tyrosinase treatme
and simultaneous
Table 1. C coating color
 IELLAB with collagen.
difference (ΔE) and color depth (K/S) of wool
3. Results samples.
As revealed in Figure 1, the CIE whiteness (W-CIE D65/10) Samples ΔE K/S
of keratin samples (wool fibers and woven fabric)Proponuję
treated by
przenieść akapit z kolumny lewej (line: 47-50) do kolumny prawej, tak aby kolumna praw
Wool fibers - 0,4976
tyrosinase in comparison with untreated samples increased
15% and 4%, respectively. The increase in whiteness was also Wool woven fabric - 0,5058
observed for the samples which were subjected Line:to enzyme
Enzyme-treated fibers 1,58 0,4613
treatment and simultaneous coating with collagen. The increase in the value of whiteness may be related
Enzyme-treated fabric fact that tyrosine 0,67residues of0,4879
keratin under red
The increase in the value of whiteness may be related to conditions
Enzyme/collagen-treated fibresand under1,98the influence
0,4543of the enzym
the fact that the tyrosine residues of keratin under reducing oxidized to the corresponding quinones, which p
conditions and under the influence of the enzyme are oxidized Enzyme/collagen-treated fabric 1,24 0,4756

OH 1/2 O2 O collagen- NH2 OH


keratin keratin collagen keratin
Figure 2. Tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of tyrosine and subsequent nonenzymatic reactions of the quinone with collagen. 38
wool fibres

AUTEX 1.Journal,
Research CIE whiteness of samples
Vol. 13, No 2, June of wool-derived keratin.
2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0024-6 © AUTEX

Figure 3. S
 urface images of wool fibers (A,B,C) and woven fabric (D,E,F) stained with Sirius red (A, D) before enzyme treatment, (B, E) after
Figure 3. Surface
tyrosinase images
treatment, ofafter
(C, F) wool fibers treatment
tyrosinase (A, B, C) and
woven fabric (D,with
coating E, F)collagen.
stained with Sirius red (A, D)
before enzyme treatment, (B, E) after tyrosinase treatment, (C, F) after tyrosinase treatment
and simultaneous coating with collagen.
4. Conclusions
cytocompatibility of human endothelial cells,
Biomacromolecules 2, 1312-1319, 2002.
The PAGE: 2 results demonstrate that Sirius red staining is a
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specific and simple method for the determination of collagen
W.L.; Lee J.S.; Yang M.C.: Biofunctional properties of
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Proponuję przenieśćkeratin.
akapitReflectance measurements
z kolumny lewej (line: 47-50) dopolyester
prawej, tak aby kolumna prawa
grafted with chitosan and collagen,
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wyglądała następująco:
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321, 472-478, 2004.enzyme are
oxidized to[6] the
Juscorresponding quinones,
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AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0025-5 © AUTEX


Natalia Meissner1, Władysław M. Rzymski2

Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology
Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology


In this work, composites made from styrene-butadiene rubber and short fibers were prepared by mixing and
investigated. The influence on the vulcanization process and tensile strength properties has been studied and
compared with compounds filled with carbon black. The presence of fibers gave shorter curing time and led to a
slight increase in tensile strength but decreased the elongation at break of the compound.


Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), fibers, composites, reinforcement, mechanical properties.

1. Introduction fibers can be added to rubber to improve or modify certain

properties, such as green strength, creep resistance, hardness,
Styrene-butadiene rubbers (SBR) are the most commonly used aging resistance, dynamic mechanical properties, dimensional
synthetic rubbers today. They are produced by copolymerization stability during fabrication, and real-time service, and to reduce
of butadiene and styrene. The majority of conventional fillers the cost of fabricated articles. It is well known that blending
used in rubber industries are silica and carbon black because of two or more fibers or/and fillers gives the potential for
of their relatively high reinforcing efficacy. Generally, a silica- preparing new materials with specific and improved properties
reinforced rubber shows a similar tensile strength to one [16]. Recently, studies of the synergistic effects of short
reinforced with carbon black, but the modulus is relatively lower fibers and particulate fillers compounded with miscellaneous
[1]. Currently, the necessity for reinforcing fillers from renewable polymeric matrices on the physicomechanical properties of
resources, such as plant-based natural fibers, for the production hybrid composites have been reported [17,18]. These studies
of biosustainable composite materials is increasing in research showed promising results, in which the improvement of specific
areas and manufacturing because of their ease of processing, properties was observed together with additional environmental
low cost, low density, biodegradability, and good mechanical and cost benefits. Therefore, it is expected that the combined
properties. Fillers exist in a variety of systems, including use of both short natural fibers and silica will enable one to
biological, organic, and polymeric materials [2,3]. In polymer connect the beneficial effects of individual reinforcement for the
systems, fillers not only reduce the cost of the compound but development of materials with desirable properties. In expedient
also improve the mechanical and dynamic properties of the applications, such as for automobile tires, the combined use of
material. Fiber-reinforced polymer composites are now used natural fibers and silica has been applied widely to improve
as alternative low cost materials for structural and nonstructural processability, dimensional stability, and mechanical balance
applications, such as automotive applications, packaging, between abrasion resistance and rolling characteristics [19,20].
building products, furniture, and consumer goods. In the past, a Tire-tread compounds containing short natural fibers together
diversity of short fibers was merged into natural rubber, and their with silica are used to enhance ice traction for icy roads [21]. In
reinforcement was discussed [4-9]. It was found that they did not this study, the primary objective was to examine the effect of the
provide a similar level of reinforcement compared to carbon black ratio of short fibers on the curing/rheological characteristic and
and silica. That is, the tensile strength and elongation at break tensile properties of styrene-butadiene rubber.
of natural rubber based composites substantially decreased
with the addition of fibers. In many cases, the loading of fibers
that gave optimal fiber orientation and acceptable mechanical 2. Experimental
properties was found to be 20-30 phr [5,7,8]. Many authors have
shown the effect of fiber surface modifications, using bonding 2.1 Materials
agents, NaOH treatment, acetylation, and mercerization on the
interfacial adhesion of natural fiber and rubber matrix [10-15]. KER 1500, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), bound styrene
The authors also analyzed the dynamic mechanical behavior of content 23, 5 %, was obtained from Synthos S.A. (Oświęcim,
natural-fiber-reinforced rubber and curing characteristics of the Poland). Short fibers were obtained from Z. W. Biliński Sp. J.
compounds. They found that composite performance can be (Konstantynów Łódzki, Poland). These fibers are very short
enhanced by chemically treating the fibers. Moreover, natural (less than 1 cm long). The rubber compounding ingredients, 40
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0025-5 © AUTEX

including zinc oxide (ZnO; SlovZink, a.s., Slovakia), stearic 2.5 Mechanical measurement
acid (AarhusKarlshamn, Sweden), sulfur (POCH, Poland),
carbon black (IRB-7), N-tert-butyl-2-benzothiazyl sulfonamide The tensile testing was performed on a testing machine
(TBBS; Lanxess, Germany) were commercial grade. (ZWICK Z005 TH All-round-Line) according to ASTM D 412.
The dumbbell-shaped test specimens were cut from vulcanized
2.2 Preparation of the composites rubbers. The specimens were stretched at room temperature
(25 ± 2 °C). The average tensile properties for each composite
The compounding of the styrene-butadiene rubber, carbon were determined from five specimens. Hardness (Shore A) of
black, fibers, and rubber additives was carried out with a the samples was also measured.
laboratory two-roll mill at room temperature. The formulation
of hybrid composites is given in Table 1. The rubber was first
masticated on the mill, and the compounding ingredients were 3. Results and discussion
added in the following order: sulfur, stearic acid, fillers (carbon
black or fibers), ZnO and TBBS. The loading ratio of fibers and 3.1 Processing properties
carbon black was varied keeping the contents of the remaining
components constant. The cure characteristic and Mooney viscosity [ML (1+4),
100°C] of the composites were determined as a function of
2.3 RPA measurement the fibers and the carbon black content. The results are given
in Table 2. Minimum torque (ML) obtained from RPA testing is
The cure characteristics of the rubber compounds were normally related to the viscosity of a rubber compound. The
measured on a Rotorless Shear Rheometer (RPA; Rubber ML value of fiber-filled compounds was higher than that of the
Process Analyzer RPA2000, Alpha Technologies). The carbon black-filled compounds and that of the control sample.
measurement was according to ASTM D 6204 at 160 °C. The presence of fibers increases the viscosity of the mixes.
The increment in torque values with increasing filler loading
2.4 Mooney viscosity [ML (1+4), 100 °C] measurement indicates that as more and more filler incorporated into the
rubber matrix, the mobility of the macromolecular chains of the
The Mooney viscosity of the rubber compounds was rubber decreases resulting in more rigid vulcanizate. It is seen
measured with Mooney viscometer (Mooney MV2000, Alpha that the mix containing fillers provides a higher torque value
Technologies) according to the testing procedure described in indicating higher crosslinking. From Table 2 it is observed that
ASTM D 1646. The Mooney viscosity was recorded after the the optimum cure time slightly decreases with the increase
sample was preheated for 1 min with total testing time of 4 min. of fiber loading and the change in scorch time is also slight.
The test temperature was set at 100 °C. In case of carbon black, optimum cure time and the scorch
time decreases with increase of filler loading. In both cases the
Table 1. Formulation of styrene-butadiene rubber composites.

Ingredient Parts per hundred rubber (phr)

SBR 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Sulfur 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75
Stearic acid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TBBS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ZnO 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Carbon black - 10 20 30 - - -
Short fibers - - - - 10 20 30

Table 2. Effect of various filler content on the cure characteristics and Mooney viscosity of styrene-butadiene rubber composites.

Sample ML MH Ts2 Tc90 Cure rate ML(1+4)

(dN m) (dN m) (min) (min) (dN m min ) -1
100 °C
A 0.60 7.64 11.3 19.2 0.18 34.4
1CB 0.71 9.60 7.0 14.7 0.32 38.1
2CB 0.97 12.01 6.0 12.7 0.36 43.7
3CB 1.29 14.51 5.2 11.9 0.61 50.5
1SF 0.93 10.69 8.7 16.4 0.31 39.6
2SF 1.3 13.98 7.9 16.7 0.20 48.1
3SF 1.84 18.71 7.3 15.1 0.46 57.6 41
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0025-5 © AUTEX

optimum cure time, as well as the scorch time, have decreased reinforced fiber composite is subjected to load, the fibers act
compared to the control formulation. The reason behind the as carriers of load and stress is transferred from matrix along
increase in curing rate of the filled compounds over the control the fibers leading to effective and uniform stress distribution.
compound can be mostly attributed to the influence of pH of the The uniform distribution of stress is dependent on two factors,
fillers. The pH of carbon black is about 10, and the pH of the the population and orientation of fibers. At high fiber loadings,
fibers is about 9. It is known that additives having alkaline pH tear strength is found to decrease as the increased strain in
promote vulcanization by sulfur, accelerator and accelerator the matrix between closely packed fibers increases tearing and
activator [22,23]. Crosslink formation between rubber chains reduces the tear strength. The value of elongation at break
occurs by sequences of reactions involving sulfur, accelerator shows a reduction with increasing fiber loading. Increased
and accelerator activator, which form an active sulfurating fiber loading in the rubber matrix resulted in the composite
complex [24]. The concentration effect of the curatives in becoming stiffer and harder. This will reduce the composite’s
the filled compounds may be an additional reason for higher resilience and toughness and lead to lower elongation at break.
curing rate of mixes. From Table 2 it is found that the optimum
cure time is higher for fiber-filled composites than that for
carbon black-filled composites. This is due to the fact that with 4. Conclusions
increasing size of filler, incorporation and dispersion become
difficult. Therefore, compounded rubbers become stiff and The obtained results show that short fibers can be used as
extent of cure value increases. The Mooney viscosity, taken as interesting modifier of rubber blends, but for their application
a measure of rubber compound viscosity, for the composites some specific aspects must be considered. The presence
showed an increase with increasing both short fibers and of fibers in compounds has advantageous influence on
carbon black. the vulcanization process and on formation of cross links
in the elastomeric matrix. Therefore for the application of
3.2 Tensile properties short fibers it is necessary to modify also the composition
of the vulcanization system to ensure optimal vulcanization
In the present study the behavior of composites containing parameters. The nature of the elastomeric matrix must be
fibers and carbon black were analyzed. The tensile properties taken in to account as well. The mechanical properties of the
and hardness value of rubber compounds containing various composites with carbon black are superior to those with fibers.
amounts of fillers are shown in Table 3. From the data in Table 3 Addition of short fibers (in compare with reference sample)
it is seen that with an increase in the proportion of carbon led to slight increase of tensile strength but decreased the
black loading, the 100%, 200% and 300% moduli increase in elongation at break of the compound. Addition of fibers also
the case of carbon black-rubber composites. It is known for a leads to increase in hardness and stiffness of the compounds.
very long time that carbon black is enhancing the mechanical The use of silica and carbon black combined with different
properties of rubber compounds. fiber sizes to reinforce the hybrid rubber composite will be the
subject of future investigations.
The data in Table 3 show that the elongation at break increases
when the carbon black loading is increased. It is known
that mechanical properties of short fiber reinforced rubber Acknowledgements
composites depends on several factors such as structural
aspect ratio and orientation of fibers in the final part, the degree Financial support for this research was provided by Synthos
of interfacial bonding between fiber and rubber matrices, the S.A., Oświęcim, Poland. The authors greatly appreciated the
proper dispersion of fibers, and a balanced processability/ experimental support from Mr. A. Carr and Mr. P. Kwaczała at
stiffness/ flexibility relationship for the products [25]. When the Synthos S.A.

Table 3. Tensile properties of fiber and carbon black reinforced styrene-butadiene rubber compounds.

Mechanical properties A 1CB 2CB 3CB 1WF 2WF 3WF

100% Modulus (MPa) 0.81 1.04 1.43 1.9 1.93 - -
200% Modulus (MPa) 1.16 1.71 3.02 5.0 2.03 - -
300% Modulus (MPa) 1.57 3.03 6.13 10.1 - - -
Tensile strength (MPa) 1.82 5.85 16.8 22.0 2.07 2.85 2.96
Elongation at break (%) 345 408 496 480 240 87 69
Hardness, Shore A 40.9 46.2 51.4 57.0 55.3 65.2 75.1

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AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0022-8 © AUTEX


Martin Bílek, Josef Skřivánek

Department of Textile Machine Design of Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 2, Czech Republic


The paper is concerned with the description of a mathematical model meant for an analysis of the movement of
healds during the weaving cycle. The referred model consists of a mathematical description of shedding motion,
coupled with the solution of the heald model of a weaving loom. Principal designing elements of this component
have been considered while devising this model. The affected calculations show a high value of acceleration of the
heald produced after its drop upon the supporting wire. The referred model allows for analyzing a considerable part
of designs of heald shaft that are employed in weaving looms nowadays.


Weaving loom, heald, mathematical model, analysis

1. Introduction quantities on individual elements of mechanism that depend

on mass parameters (rigidity, moment of inertia, mass) and on
In general, the shedding mechanism can be classified into two clearances in kinematic pairs of the mechanism (Figure 1).
sections: the driving section and the transforming section. The
transforming section of the shedding mechanism consists of This system is a complicated one as for the number of
joint mechanisms usually, which convert the rotational motion elements and the kinematic pairs. Mathematical model of the
of the driving section into a feed reverse motion of the heald shedding mechanism has been formulated with the following
shaft. The course of load exerted upon the heald shaft depends assumptions:
upon the design of the parts of mechanism
a) mass of heald shaft and elements 7, 8, 9 are reduced to the
The heald shaft is the frame in which there are fastened the joints of the elements 4 and 6,
healds governing warp threads. The healds are fastened in
this frame with a necessary designing play. Because of textile
technology reasons, this play must allow axial displacement of
the loom along the support wire. As the heald shaft performs
feed reverse movement, the system of healds gets transferred
during the weaving cycle. This transfer produces a load on the
supporting wire upon which the healds drop down, bringing
as a consequence an increased stress of the whole shedding
mechanism. During the weaving process the heald is always
coupled with one of the pair of main beams of the heald shaft

2. Mathematical model of the shedding motion

In view of the fact that the lifting section of the shedding motion
is a joint mechanism, a number of procedures and methods
can be employed for the modeling of the above structure. It is
possible to apply successfully the description of a mechanism
based upon the method of devising motion equations by means
of Lagrangian equations of the 2nd type according to [1,2].

In the model, the motion of healds considering clearances

between healds and the heald rod, in heald eye between the
heald and warp thread during one turn of looms’ main shaft, is
analyzed. The results are represented by graphs of kinematic Figure 1. Scheme of mathematical model of the shedding motion. 44
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0022-8 © AUTEX

b) mass of elements 3, 5 are replaced by two masses it exerts an important effect upon its dynamic loading. Some
concentrated in points and are considered as rigid, analyses have been dealt with in this process experimentally
[9,10]. Because of this reason, it also constitutes one of
c) rocking levers of elements 2, 4, 6 are rigid and are mutually the limiting elements impeding to increase its operational
joined by torsical rods , revolutions. In order to be able to describe the behavior of the
heald during the weaving process, it is necessary to devise
d) clearances in kinematic pairs are considered in elements 2 a suitable mathematical model that will describe its behavior
and 4, and during the operating cycle with a defined precision. The heald
is influenced by a number of forces, which determine with which
e) viscous damping in individual elements is also considered supporting wire it will be coupled. The most important ones are
in the model. the dynamic force of the heald, the warp forces in the sense
of movement of the shaft and the weight of the heald [11,12].
Equations of motion of the system are formulated using
Lagrange’s equation of the type II in the form An important designing element influencing the behavior of
the heald is the play in its fastening in the frame of the heald
d  dK  K U R
      (1) shaft. In the mathematical model, this play can be defined by
dt  dq i  qi qi q i
means of the difference of positions of the upper and lower
where i = 2, 4, 6. (K - kinetic energy, U - potential energy, R - support wires. The distance of the lower support wire is shifted
dissipative function.) with respect to the position of the upper one by the extent of
the fastening play. Thanks to this play, the forces in the warp
Substituting different parameters K, U, and R in equation (1), threads are transmitted upon one of the couplings of the rods
we obtain the following equations of motion: of the heald shaft only. For analysis of movement of the heald,
we will assume that the frame of the shaft is absolutely rigid.

 ( I  I 
4 24    I .
 (4I 24 I24 . .2
 2P  k (   
4 24 )   I 4 . 24 . 24 .
2 ) 
2 k  (      )  (2) In the  mathematical model, this presumption will be reflected
2 P  k 2 ( 2 P   2 )  k 4 24 ( 4 P    4  )(2)
 2P 2P  2P 2P
2 2P 4 24 4P 4
  (2)
 b2 ( 2 P   2 )  b4b24(( 4 P 4)) b  (   )
2 2P 2 4 24 4P 4
by the unchanging distance of both supporting wires in the
course of the whole calculation, corresponding to the solution
2 2
 4 P ( I 4  I 6 46 ) 
  I . . .  k (    2 )  k  (     ) 
 6 L of  6 movement of a heald fastened in the vicinity of the edge of

 4 P6( I 446 I466 464)P   I4 6 .446P . 46 4. 4 P  k 4 (6 
L 46  6 L  )6  k  (
4P 4 6 L 46 ) 
  (3)
 b4 ( 4 P   4 )  b6 Lb 46 ( 
  
 )
 4 P6 L  4 )6  b6 L 46 ( 6 L   6 ) (3) a heald shaft. At present, the deformation of the main beams
4 (
of the heald shaft during the working process are minimized by
 4 L I 4 L  k4 L (4
   4  )  b4 L (  4L    4 )  M 4 L FNLL 4L cos 4 L (4)
4 L I 4 L  k 4 L ( 4 L   4  )  b4 L ( 4 )  M 4 L  FNL L4(4) L cos  4 Lemploying new types (4) of composite rods.

 6 L I 6 L  k6 L (6 L
  6  )  b6 L (  6 )  M 6 L FNLL
 6L   6L cos 6 L (5)
6 L I 6 L  k 6 L (6 L  6   )  b6 L ( 6 )  M 6 L  FNL L6 L cos 6 L (5)

(5) As mentioned in the introduction, nowadays flat healds are
employed that are made of a flat steel band by the pressing
Clearances occurring in the kinematic pairs of the chains are process. On the body of the heald, there are a number of
replaced by angular differences of elements 2 and 4, which are orifices and stampings that serve e.g. for drawing-in machines
incorporated into the model under the following conditions: or for other technological purposes. These shape parameters
influence the strength and rigidity of the heald. Some healds
iP  i   i  iP i 0      0 (6) (6) (6) the position of one suspension eye, which
iP i i iP i have a stamping in
iP  i   i  iP i  ought(7) to provide for mutual spacing of healds; however, it
iP 
i i        (7)
iP i i iP i iP i i (7) reduces the rigidity of the suspension eye at the same time.
iP  i   i  
iP 
i  
iP 
i i        Because
(8) of this (8)
reason, mathematical models are needed
iP i i iP i iP i i (8)
keeping in mind different rigidities of the upper and lower
here i = 2, 4. sections of the heald. In the mathematical model of the heald,
we employ the Newtonian impact theory. The description of
An experimental verification of the employed model of the fall of the heald upon the supporting wire employs the
mechanical structure of the joint mechanism is described in presumption of a perfectly elastic impact. We presume the
[3]. The referred universal mathematical model of the shedding velocity of the fall of the heald upon supporting wire up to
motion can be modified in a simple manner by entering the time- 1 m.s-1.
dependent lift dependence on the driving element, defining the
course of its angular displacement. For example, it is possible The following part of the text describes the assembly of the
to realize in this manner a calculation of the movement of a model of a heald, by means of which we are able to find with
rotational dobby which is described in [4-8]. which supporting wire the heald is coupled in a given moment.
The motion equations describing the movement of the heald
during the weaving process are complemented with motion
3. Mathematical model of the heald equations of the shedding motion. In all compiled models,
the mass of the heald mn is concentrated in one mass point.
3.1 Description of the heald problem The force To from the warp operates in the position of the
thread eyelet. The mechanical properties of the yarn which
The studies realized up to now have shown that the heald is is determined by the force of the warp in the mathematical
one of the most important parts of the shedding motion and model were determined experimentally [13-15]. The point 45
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0022-8 © AUTEX

of application of this force is located in one mass point. It is The individual phases of the solution of the concerned model
possible to disregard the bowing of the heald due to its lateral can be resolved by means of equations (10) − (13). The start of
loading. The devised models proceed from the assumption the solution proceeds from the motion equation (10).
that the movement of the mass point substituting the heald is T T k k b b
carried out on a straight line. In the solution of the system, the yn yn o o gg nH nH  ( yh( yh yn )yn ) nH nH
 ( yh( y
 h yn )y n ) (10)
mn mn mn mn mn mn
positions of the upper supporting wire (yh) and of the lower one T k bnH
(yd), position of the heald (yn), and position of the warp thread In the moment ofyn equality  o  g(11),
 nH the
 ( y hheald
 y n ) leaves
 ( ythe
h  y n)
(yo) were established. The extent of the play in the fastening of supporting wire, and there follows a transfer of the heald
the heald on the support wire is determined by the parameter between the main beams, which is solved according to
f. The compiled models of the heald also consider the effect equation (12).
of the dimension of the thread eyelet J upon the course of the mnm  nyn ynTo Tomnm
 gn g0 0
force in the warp.
To T m  y  To  mn  g  0 (11)
yn yn  o gn g n
The initial conditions of the solution proceed from the m nm n
presumption that the heald is entrapped on the upper supporting To
yn  g
wire, and both its velocity and acceleration are identical with mn (12)
those of the upper supporting wire.
The transfer is completed when the conditions (14) or (15) are
The solution of individual mathematical models has been fulfilled. The first potential state is the return of the heald on
realized by means of a devised software program. The solution the upper rod (the condition 15 is fulfilled). In such a case, the
of compiled differential equations describing the shedding motion movement of the heald is solved again according to equation (10).
coupled with an analysis of the movement of heald during the
weaving cycle has been affected by the Runge-Kutt method of If condition (14) has been fulfilled, the heald is entrapped on
the 4th order. During the calculation, the courses of the principal the lower supporting wire and the acceleration of the heald is
kinematic and force quantities of the system have been studied. solved according to relation (13).
T T k k b b
3.2 Solution of the heald problem yn yn o o gg n n( y n( yn yd y) d) n n( y n( yn yd y) d )
mnmn mnmn mnmn
T k b
The system subject to solution can be represented schematically yn  o  g  n  ( yn  yd )  n  ( y n  y d )
y n yn yh yh  mn mn mn
according to Figure  2. The body of the heald is modeled by (14)
means of the Kelvin-Voigt visco-elastic rheologic model with the
y n yn yh y h y n  y h  
rigidity knH and co-efficient of viscous damping bnH in the upper (15)
part, and the rigidity knD and co-efficient of viscous damping bnD
yn  yh
in the lower part of the heald. A general motion equation of this The separation of the heald from the lower supporting wire will
model can be written as start in the moment when equality (11) is fulfilled. This transfer
is again solved by means of motion equation (12). Once again,
mn  yn  To  mn  g  H .k nH  ( y h  y n )  H .bnH  ( y h  y n ) 
(9) it is necessary to check two limit states. The first one is the
 D.k nD  ( y n  y d )  D.bnD  ( y n  y d )
return of the heald onto the lower rod (condition 14 has been
The conditions for the solution of the concerned equation follow satisfied), the second limit state is entrapping of the heald
from an equilibrium of forces on the heald, and – as mentioned on the upper support wire (condition 15 has been fulfilled). If
above − they consider the play in the fastening of the heald on condition (14) is fulfilled, the solution of the motion of the heald
the supporting wire. The control constants H and D assume will be realized employing motion equation (13). If condition
the values 0 and 1, and they determine which members of the (15) has been fulfilled, the movement of the heald is solved by
equation will be employed in the calculation. the equation motion in form (10).

Figure 2. Schematic model of the system shedding mechanism – heald. 46
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0022-8 © AUTEX

The effect of the thread eyelet is included in the calculation by between individual supporting wires. In this mathematical
means of the following conditions: model, it is possible to ascertain the moment of separation of
the heald from the supporting wire as well as the time of transfer
 of the heald between main beams of the heald shaft. By means
 yO  0yn 
2 of this model, it is possible to determine the loads exerted upon
  individual end eyelets of the heald.

y n   yO  y n  (16) (16) The affected calculations
2 2 show a high value of acceleration of the heald produced after
  its drop upon the supporting wire. The referred model allows for
y n    yO  y n 
2 2 analyzing a considerable part of designs of the heald shaft that
are employed in weaving looms nowadays.

3.3 Results From the detailed analysis of theoretical calculation obtained

for different operating frequencies, it has been found that
The control algorithm of the calculation checks the position of the moments of the drop or of the separation of the heald
the heald with respect to the supporting wire of the heald shaft. from the supporting wire are comparable with  records of the
As mentioned above, four possible states can arise which have acceleration. From the record, the behavior of the heald upon
been studied and on the basis of the realized calculation of the the supporting wire depending upon the operating frequency
movement of the heald. An example of calculated dependencies can be seen. An important factor, which can be evaluated, is
is given in Figure 3, showing the principal kinematic courses of the number of bounces of the heald after the drop upon the
the supporting wire and of the heald. The calculation has been supporting wire, after the transfer between the main beams of
realized for the velocity of the shedding motion 300 r.p.m. An the heald shaft.
example of the course of calculation in case of this model is
given in Figure 4. This coincidence of experimental results and calculated
values obtained from the mathematical model constitutes a
basic condition for a more extensive analysis of the system,
4. Conclusion with the aim to describe the behavior of the heald during
weaving cycle and to propose possible adaptations of the
For the generation of a real mathematical model, the model design.
with the rigidity substitution of the heald by means of the Kelvin-
Voigt visco-elastic model has proved suitable. The referred Dedication: The paper has been elaborated with financial
enhancement allows for determining the number and extent of support of TUL in the framework of specific university research
bounces of the heald from the supporting wire after its transfer competition.
path of the relative moment of the heald [mm]

path of the relative moment of the heald – calculation (model 2)

-0.50.00 3.14 6.28 9.42 12.56 15.70 18.84

angle of rotation [rad]

Figure 3. Relative movement of the heald with respect to upper supporting wire, operating velocity of the
fáze shedding
pohybu motion
nitěnky [-]300 r. p.m.

Table 1. Maximal value of acceleration after its transfer between individual supporting wires.
fáze pohybu nitěnky [-]

Shedding motion rpm
150 rpm 300 rpm 450 rpm
Maximal value of acceleration of heald after its transfer on upper rod [m.s-2] 1220 1340 1477

Maximal value of acceleration

of heald after its transfer on lower rods [m.s-2] 671 906 1080
0.00 3.14 6.28 9.42 12.56 15.70 18.84 47
úhel pootočení [rad]
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0022-8 © AUTEX


dis plac em enent [m ]

angle of rotation [rad]

0.00 3.14 6.28 9.42 12.56 15.70 18.84



lift of upper supporting w ire lift of low er supporting w ire m ovem ent of the heald




v eloc ity [m s -1]

angle of rotation [rad]

0.00 3.14 6.28 9.42 12.56 15.70 18.84



-2.0 velocity of the heald velocity of the supporting w ire


ac c eleration [m .s -2]

0.00 3.14 6.28 9.42 12.56 15.70 18.84

angle of rotation [rad]



acceleration of the heald zrychlení nosného drátu


Figure 4. C
 ourses of kinematic quantities of the supporting wire of the heald shaft and of the heald, operating velocity of the shedding motion
300 r. p.m. 48
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0022-8 © AUTEX

Table 2. Table of the used symbols.

Symbols Description Unit

w Angular velocity rad.s-1
F Clearance in a joint rad
α, β, γ Angles between the parts of the shedding mechanism rad
n Working speed mechanism r-p-m
bnH Viscous damping coefficient of heald upper part N.s.m-1
bnD Viscous damping coefficient of heald bottom part N.s.m-1
bOZ Viscous damping coefficient of warp N.s.m-1
knH Stiffness of heald upper part N.m-1
knD Stiffness of heald bottom part N.m-1
kOZ Stiffness of warp yarn N.m-1
TO Force component acting in the warp direction of healdshaft N
J Height of yarn guides m
f Clearance in the attachment between supporting wire and heald m
g Gravity acceleration m.s-2
y Height of shed m
l Displacement of warp-line m
FNL Load of healdshaft N
mn Weight of heald Kg
K Kinetic energy J
U Potential energy J
R Dissipative function J
D Dissipative energy J
U Dissipative work J
k2, k4, k6l Torsional stiffness N.m.rad-1
b2, b4, b6l Viscous damping torsional coefficient N.m.s.rad-1
I2P, I4, I4l, I6, I6L Moment of inertia kg.m2
jiP, jiP Rotation of parts of the mechanism rad
, ϕ& iP Angular velocity of parts of the mechanism rad.s-1
&& , ϕ &&
iP iP Angular acceleration of parts of the mechanism rad.s-2
M4L, M6L Weight of heald-frame and parts of the mechanism used for its stroke kg
FNL Load of the heald-frame N


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Mohammad Mirjalili1, Loghman Karimi2

Department of Textile Engineering, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran

Young Researchers and Elites Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Curcuma longa rhizome (turmeric) is a medicinal plant used for fabric and food coloration. In this study, polyamide
(nylon 6.6) fabric was dyed with different mordants at various turmeric concentrations. The dyed fabric was
evaluated for bacteriostatic activity against pathogenic strains of Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-
negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria. The relationship between bacteriostatic activity and turmeric concentration was
investigated. Durability of antibacterial activity to laundering is also discussed. Results indicate that the polyamide
dyed with turmeric displayed excellent antibacterial activity in the presence of ferric sulfate, cupric sulfate, and
potassium aluminum sulfate, and exhibited good and durable fastness properties.


Turmeric, antibacterial, bacteriostatic, mordant, polyamide, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli

Introduction environmental pollution [15]. For instance, certain fluorocarbon

finishes, especially those consisting of eight carbons in the
During the past decades, human health has been seriously perfluoro alkyl chain, can degrade to form perfluorooctanoic
threatened by environmental pollution, especially indoor acid. Perfluorooctanoic acid is of environmental concern
microbiological contamination (SARS, Influenza, etc.). The because it bioaccumulates in human body [16]. The
statistical figures reveal that the total number of deaths caused Environmental Protection Agency has taken measures to limit
by bacterial infection exceeds 17 million, about one-third of the use of perfluorooctanoic acid in the industry [17].
world-wide deaths [1]. Textiles can, thus, enhance cross-
contamination by pathogenic microorganisms in environments Natural dyes are believed to be safe because of their non-toxic,
such as home and hospitals. Textile materials provide an non-allergic, and biodegradable nature. Many of the plants
excellent environment for microorganisms to grow, because of used for dye extraction are classified as medicinal, and some
their large surface area and ability to retain moisture. Microbial of them have recently been shown to possess remarkable
activity can be detrimental to textiles. It can cause unpleasant antibacterial activity [18-22]. Curcuma longa L. known as
odor, lead to weakening of the substrate, discoloration, and turmeric, which is used as a coloring agent, has medicinal
even contribute to the spread of disease. For this reason, properties [23-25]. Curcuma longa L., which belongs to the
antimicrobials have been investigated as a finish for textiles Zingiberaceae family, originates from the Indian sub-continent
[2,3]. and possibly neighboring areas of Southeast Asia, but it is
nowadays widely grown throughout the tropics. The pigments
Antibacterial finishes are applied to textiles for three major in the colorant extracts obtained from Curcuma are collectively
reasons: (a) to contain the spread of disease and avoid the known as curcuminoids, the major constituent being curcumin,
danger of injury-induced infection, (b) to contain the development along with small amounts of demethoxycurcumin and bis-
of odor from aspiration, stains, and soil on textile materials, and demethoxycurcumin (Figure 1) [26]. Turmeric has been isolated
(c) to contain the deterioration of textiles caused by mildew, from the rhizome of C. longa, attributing biological activities such
particularly fabrics made of natural fibers [4]. Various methods, as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anticancer,
depending on the active agent and the fiber types, have been
developed or are under development to confer antimicrobial
activity to textiles. Many methods have been reported, such as
fluorocarbon repellent finish, chemical binding of heterocyclic
N halamine functional group to polyamide, using plasma,
or immobilization of antimicrobial metallic nanoparticles on
textiles (TiO2, Ag, Cu, ZnO, etc.) [5-14].

Although the synthetic antibacterial agents are very effective

against a range of microbes, they are causes of concerns due
to health hazards, action on non-target microorganisms and Figure 1. Structures of curcumin and its analogs. 51
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0023-7 © AUTEX

anti-proliferative, antifungal, and antibacterial activity [27]. Color measurements

Ghoreishian and coworkers dyed silk fabric with turmeric and
proved antibacterial properties to silk fabric [28]. Sundrarajan The dyed polyamide fabrics were individually tested for
et al. modified cotton fabrics with enzymes and chitosan, and their color strength. The color strength (K/S) values of the
reported the enhancement of dye uptake and washing fastness dyed fabrics were instrumentally determined by reflectance
of cotton fabrics dyed with turmeric [29]. spectrophotometer (BYK-Gardner, India, with CIELAB 1976
color space and D65-light source) with Kubelka–Munk equation
Polyamide has been one of the most widely used polymers in as follows:
various industries such as fiber, film, and plastic. It has major K (1 − R) 2
advantages of high modulus and strength, stiffness, stretch, = (1)
S 2R
wrinkle, and abrasion resistances [30]. However, polyamide can
be easily attacked by bacteria in vivo. In this study, simultaneous where R is the reflectance of the dyed fabric at the maximum
antibacterial and dyed polyamide fabric was prepared by absorption wavelength, S is the scattering coefficient, and K is
turmeric natural dyeing in the presence of various mordants, and the absorption coefficient of the dyed fabrics.
we also focused on the antibacterial activity of treated fabrics
against two common pathogenic bacteria: Escherichia coli Antibacterial test
(E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus).
Antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria
(S. aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) was tested
Experimental section quantitatively by AATCC Test Method 100-1999. The number
of viable bacterial colonies on the agar plate before and after
Materials dyeing was counted and the results reported as percentages of
bacteria reduction according to
The polyamide (nylon 6.6) fabric was used with warp density
50 ends/cm and weft density 28 ends/cm. The turmeric was R = (B‑A)/B × 100 (2)
purchased from Iranian traditional natural dyers. Mordants
such as potassium aluminum sulfate, cupric sulfate, and where R denotes the percentage of reduction of microbial
ferric sulfate were purchased from Merck. Escherichia coli, a population; B is the absorbance of the media inoculated with
Gram-negative bacterium, was selected due to its popularity microbes and un-dyed fabric; and A shows the absorbance of
as a test organism and its resistance to common antimicrobial the media inoculated with microbes and dyed fabric.
agents. Staphylococcus aureus, a pathogenic Gram-positive
bacterium, was used because it was the major cause of cross- Durability to laundering
infection in hospitals and it is the most frequently evaluated
species. Cultures of the following microorganisms were used Durability of antimicrobial activity to washing is one of the major
in the study: S. aureus ATCC 25922 and E. coli ATCC 25923. concerns of textile researchers and users because textiles are
subjected to frequent laundering. The treated samples with
Toxicity assay 30% concentration of turmeric were washed under condition of
the ISO 105-CO2 Test Method to determine the bacteriostatic
Turmeric solution containing 1 g⁄100 ml was prepared and, effect of fabrics after 1, 5, 10 and 20 cycles of laundering.
from this stock, different concentrations (50, 75, and 100 ppm)
were prepared for testing and were finally applied to sterile
9-cm diameter Whatman No. 1 filter paper disks in Petri dishes. Results and discussion
Then 10 surface-disinfected green grams were placed on the
wetted paper. After 14 days of incubation at 27±°C, the total Toxicity assay
root growth (germination) was measured and compared with
the control (untreated sample) and was expressed as root The results demonstrate that turmeric at different concentrations
growth inhibition percentage [31]. caused no inhibition to germination and root growth to the green
grams and a growth rate of more than 90% was observed. The
Dyeing procedure untreated and treated green grams were almost equal in their
germination and growth rate. Thus, the turmeric was found to
To study the relationship between dye concentration and be non-toxic.
antimicrobial activity, 100% polyamide fabrics were dyed with
5, 10, 20, and 30% turmeric on weight of fabric (OWF) with Color strength of polyamide fabrics
potassium aluminum sulfate, cupric sulfate, and ferric sulfate
mordants, and un-mordant. The polyamide fabric was dyed The majority of natural dyes need a mordant in the form of
in an AHIBA dyeing system with turmeric dye. The dye bath a metal salt to create an affinity between the fiber and the
comprised dye, 1% acetic acid, and 3% mordant. The liquor pigment. These metals form a ternary complex on one
ratio was kept at 40:1. The temperature was raised to 100°C by side with the fiber and on the other side with the dye. Such
a thermal gradient of 2°C/min, and dyeing operation continued a strong coordination tendency enhances, the interaction
for 60 min. between the fiber and the dye, resulting in high dye uptake. 52
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0023-7 © AUTEX

Figure 2 shows the graph of treated samples K/S dyed by Bacteriostatic activity
turmeric (20%). The result of dyeing samples shows that using
mordants considerably increased dye absorption leading to Table 1 shows the photographs of bacterial growths upon
higher K/S values in case of mordanted samples than un- treated polyamide fabrics. Figures 3 and 4 exhibit comparative
mordanted ones. Ferric sulfate mordant was found to have the diagrams of bacteriostatic activity results for the treated sample
most prominent effect on color strength. in the presence of E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. Curcumin

Figure 2. K/S graph of the dyed polyamide fabric samples with 20% turmeric (OWF).

Table 1. Photographs showing the growth of S. aureus and E. coli bacteria upon treated samples.

Turmeric S. aureus
(OWF, %) Cupric sulfate Ferric sulfate Potash alum Un-mordanted Raw sample



E. coli


30 53
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0023-7 © AUTEX

Figure 3. Antimicrobial activity of dyed polyamide samples with turmeric in the presence and absence of mordant against S. aureus.

Figure 4. Bacteriostatic activity of dyed polyamide samples with turmeric in the presence and absence of mordant against E. coli.

found in turmeric affects RNA and DNA of microorganisms and effects. Hence, it is suggest that the turmeric dye can be used
their fights. for dyeing polyamide as an alternative to the very expensive,
synthetic, and toxic antibacterial agents.
The bacteriostatic activity of treated fabrics was ranked as ferric
sulfate  >  cupric sulfate  >  potassium aluminum sulfate  >  un- Washing fastness properties
mordant against S. aureus and cupric sulfate  >  ferric
sulfate  >  potassium aluminum sulfate  >  un-mordant against Textiles are subjected to frequent washing, rubbing, and
E. coli. sweating during their use and the requirement of durability is a
very important parameter. Figures 5 and 6 depict the durability
Based on the obtained results, specimens showed a better of antibacterial activity after repeated home launderings.
efficiency against E. coli in comparison with S. aureus. This As shown, the antibacterial activity reduced with increased
can be explained by the difference between thicknesses of the number of washing cycles. The inhibition rate of treated sample
cell walls. Staphylococcus aureus has a thicker cell wall [32]. un-mordant was more reduced than the treated sample with
They also showed that using mordant had better bacteriostatic mordant after laundering.
activity. It is well known that the metallic salts used as mordants
exhibit toxic effects against the pathogens.
Natural dyes are non-toxic, biodegradable, and do not cause
pollution and wastewater problems, while synthetic dyes have This is the first report where turmeric, used in polyamide dyeing,
been known to cause health hazards due to their carcinogenic has been shown as a source of a natural, non-toxic dye. This 54
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2013, DOI: 10.2478/v10304-012-0023-7 © AUTEX

Figure 5. Bacteriostatic activity of dyed polyamide samples with turmeric in the presence and absence of mordant against S. aureus after

Figure 6. Bacteriostatic activity of dyed polyamide samples with turmeric in the presence and absence of mordant against E. coli after laundering.

research was conducted to introduce an effective natural dye polyamide presented a strong bacteriostatic activity against
to produce an ideal antibacterial polyamide fabric. A common two well-known pathogenic bacteria S. aureus and E. coli.
dyeing process provides polyamide with color and antibacterial Turmeric is more effective against E. coli than S. aureus.
properties. Since the dyeing process and bacteriostatic Moreover, using mordant had better bacteriostatic activity. The
finishing have been conducted in one step and do not require bacteriostatic activity of turmeric mordant-finished polyamide is
an additional step, this method is cost-effective. Natural-dyed more durable to home laundering than the un-mordanted ones.

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