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ka lvi. k a lvi. alvi. a lvi.
n n nk nk

Smart Engli h
w. t w. t w . t w. t w
w ww ww ww ww

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w wwon the atest Syllabus
ww and ew evised wextbookw ww
uide with Bilingual approach
vi. net . n et . net . n et
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.tn  Prose - g¤âthÇahf
 Poem - Stanza w w
nk lvi
Salientt Features
 ghl¥ò¤jf¤âš cŸs mid¤J Édh¡fS¡F« ÉilfŸ.
jÄHh¡f« k‰W« fÉij¢
ww RU¡f«.
k a lv i . n
.tn ghl¢ RU¡f«.
jÄHh¡f« k‰W«

w ww. tn k al v

 Supplementary - ghl§fS¡fhd fij¢ RU¡f«.
 Synonyms, Antonyms - brh‰fS¡fhd jÄHh¡f«.
i . n et i . n et
 ghlüš Édh¡fS¡fhd ÉilfËš cŸs K¡»a¢ brh‰fS¡fhd jÄHh¡f«. i . n et i .n et
k alv k a lv k a lv k a lv
Paper contents :  Question
w .tn muR Édh¤jhË‹
w .tn
mo¥gilÆš TLjyhd Édh,
w w
w  Additional
topics (not covered in Govt. Model
Paper) are also given.
ww ww
 Vocabulary k‰W« Grammar gFâfËš ÉÇthd És¡f§fSl‹ TLjš Édh ÉilfŸ.
 PTA Question Papers 1 to 6 : Questions are incorporated in the appropriate sections.
net ne t net
 Govt. Model Question Paper - 2019, Quarterly 2019, Half yearly 2019, Public Exam. March 2020 and
i . i . i . i . net
k alv al v a l v
Govt. Supplementary Exam. September 2020 questions are incorporated in the appropriate sections.
k a lv
n n nk nk
w w.t w .t w . t w . t w
ww ww ww ww

t et et t i . n
nk al
n k alv Chennai n k alv nka
. t w.t w.t . t
ww w w w w ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
k a k a 2021-22 Edition
ka k a
. tn t n t n t n
ww w w©. SURA Publications. ww. w. w
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No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
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nk a a a a
w.t .tnk .tnk
ISBN : 978-93-5330-084-5 .t n k
w w ww CodewNo
w : SG 289 w w w
Authors :

 Mr.
. n et M. David, M.A., B.Ed. Chennai.
i . n et i . n et ef e i .n et
lv  Mr. K.S. Krishna, M.A., M.Ed.
lv Trichy. lv The woods are lovely, dark and lv
.t nka . t nka .tn k a k a
tn and
But I have promises to .keep,
w w w by :
Edited w w ww
Ms. Srivardhini, M.A., M.Phil. Chennai ww miles to gow w I sleep
- Robert Frost
Ms. Ananya, M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil. Coimbatore Respected Principals, Correspondents, Head Masters/ Head

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. t
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Sura’s English Guide for 12th Standard with Tamil Translation.
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al a lv lvi.
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. n et . n et .n et ne t
k a lv i
k a lv i
k a lvi
k a lvi.
n 12 h S . l Ex .tn A n
w w.t w w. M
t w
ww w 13 dt. 20.02.2018)
(with ref. to GO ww ww

ne t ne tTotal Marks : 100 net n et

v i . vi . lv i . lv i .
nk al n kal k a k a
w. t .t .tn .tn
w w ww ww
w w
wwAssessment ww
Written Exam Internal
90 Marks 10 Marks
i . n et
i .ne t
alv al v a lv l v
n k nk .tn k nka
w w.t w .t w w . t w
Attendance Internal Tests w w Assignment /
Project / Field Trip
ww Co-curricular ww
Maximum 2 Marks Maximum 4 Marks Maximum 2 Marks Maximum 2 Marks
Aboven t = 2 Marks
e80% Average n t
ofeany 3 best n
Any one i.from et the n et
(Any 3 of the activities*
i . i . i .
nkalv75% to 80% = 1 Mark nktests.
alv n k
nk alv
given below)
.t w.t (To be calculated for w.t(Proper records to be .t
ww w w 4 Marks) w w maintained) w w w

.t n kal v Tnkalvi.Net
* Co-Curricular Activities
1. Tree Plantation
2. Literary Forum
3. Mathematical Forum
4. Physics Forum
w .tnk a
i . n et Scout Movement
lv 13. National Welfare Project
Youth Red
k a
i. n et Antiquities Security
lv 24. Information Technology
.tnSociety 26. Journalism w
Cadet Corps
25. Library

k a lvForum
5. Chemistry Forum 16. Ecological Forum 27. Music Forum
6. Biology Forum 17. Decorative Arts Forum 28. Fine Arts Forum

ne t
7. Commerce Forum
18. t First Aid Forum
net 29. Red Spinners Angling Society
ne t
vi .8. Economic Forum vi . 19. Health and Hygiene Forum
lv i . 30. Quiz Forum v i.
kal al a a l
.tnk k .tnk
n 9. Historic Forum 20. Consumer Forum n 31. Road Safety Corps
w. t 10. Science Forum w 21. Cultural Forum w.t 32. w
Sports Activities w
w ww Seminar, etc.)
(Science Exhibition, ww ww ww
11. National Green Corps 22. Theatre Forum 33. Vocational Education Forum

ne t I ne t lA
t ne t
vi . vi . lv v i.
kal al a nka
w .tnkInternal Tests w
n k
.tAssignment /
Co-curricular w
w Attendanceww
Test-1 Test-2 Test-3 ww
Project /
w w
Activities Total ww
Field Trip
(Any 3)
(Any 1)

. n et Average of any 3 best tests

ne t n et
lv i ...................
Calculated for 4 marks ........... i .
..................................... .........................
. t nka . tnka .tn k .t nka
ww w ww w wivw w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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w w w
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
k a nk a ka k a
w. tn
w . t C e. t n
w. t n
w ww w ww ww ww

e t e t PROSE et et
i . n i Two Gentlemen of Verona a- lA.J.
. n
v Cronin i .n i . n
k a k k a lv a lv1 - 20
.tn 2. A Nice Cup of Teaw- George
.tn Orwell .tn nk
w w w w.t 21 - 37 w
ww ww
3. In Celebration of Being Alive - Dr. Christiaan Barnard
ww 38 - 55
4. The Summit
t - Edmund Hillary 56 - 75
e et et et
a5.l vi.n
The Chair - Ki. Rajanarayananalv i . n
l v i . n i .n
l76v - 99
n k .tnk nka nka
w w.t 6. thew
On the Rule of w Road - A.G. Gardiner ww
. t w . t 100 - 112 w
w w ww ww
Grammar Exercises with Answers (From Textbook Page No. 216 to 229) 113 - 122

. n et . n et POEM ne t ne t
lv of Speech - A Glance kalv
i lvi. lvi.
.tnk .tn . t nka . t nka123 - 125
w w w ww w w
1. The Castle - Edwin w ww 126 - 136 ww

a l
3. All
vi. nthe
2. Our Casuarina Tree - Toru Dutt
et World’s a Stage - William Shakespeare
nk 4. Ulysses - Alfred Tennyson
5. A Father to his
w . t nk al vi. net

Son - Carl August Sandburg w w w .t nka lv


w w w .t
137 - 148

l vi. net
149 - 158

nk 159 - 170
171 - 179 ww
6. Incident of the French Camp - Robert Browning 180 - 188

i . n et SUPP
i . n et EMENTARY READER i . net i. ne t
a lv a lv alv l v
.tn 1. God Sees the Truthwbut k
.tnWaits - Leo Tolstoy .tn k . t nka189 - 195
w w w w w
2. Life of Pi - Yann Martel ww ww 196 - 200 ww
3. The Hour of Truth (Play) - Percival Wilde 201 - 208
neMidnight et t et
4. viThe
l lv i .
Visitor - Robert Arthurn v 209 n
ka k a k al k al
w .tn 5. All Summer in a Day
w .t- nRay Bradbury w .t n
.t 216 - 222 w
w ww (Play) - Gordon Daviot ww ww ww
6. Remember Caesar 223 - 228

ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww wwvw w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
n k a n k a n ka nk a
w. t Question t
w. Paper Contentwas
w per . t ovt. odel t
w. Paper w
w w w w w w ww
Q. N . P

. n et . ne Part 1
t - I : 1 Mark Questions
net net
20 Marks
alv i 1-3 Synonyms al v i lvi. lv i.
nka a
229 - 233
tnk .tnk .t n k
.t - 236
w w. 4-6 Antonyms
w w w w w w233 w
7 wCompound Words w w 237 - 241 ww
8 Expanded form of Abbreviations / Acronyms 242 - 247

i . n et9 Foreign Words

i . ne t
i . ne t 247 - 250
i .ne t
kalv 10 Blended Words
k al v a l v al
250 - 252 v
n n nk n k
w w.t 11 w.tWords
w ww
. t
.t - 254
252 w
12 wRight Definition w w 254 - 259 ww
13 Affixes (Prefix & Suffix) 259 - 261

e t14 Relative Pronoun

ne t ne t 262 - 263 t
. n
lvi 15 Preposition lvi. lvi. 263 - 267 lvi
. tnka 16 . t nk
Question Tag
. t nka .
267t n- k a
w w ww ww ww w
17 wIdiom w w 271 - 276 ww

18 Polite Alternative 276 - 278

e t19 Sentence Pattern

net t 278 -283 t
. n
lvi 20 Phrasal Verb lvi. lv 283 - 288 lvi.
ka k a Phrases ka nk a
.tn . t n
i. Appropriate
n 288 - 291
. t
ww w w
ww ww
w 291 - 294 ww
Additional iii. American English & British English 294 - 296
Topics iv Link Words / Conjunctions 297 - 299
i . n et v. Singular and i . n
etForm i . net 299 - 303 i. net
al v a lv alv l v
tn k .tn k
vi. Articles and Determiners
.tn k t nka
304 - 305
w w. w Part - II -w2
w .
w 14 Marks w
ww 2wMarks Questions ww ww
Section - I : (4 out of 6)
Refer to Poetry Section
i .n e21t- 26 i . et
Poem Comprehension & Poetic Devices
n i . n et Unit 1 to 6 i. ne t
lv lv l v l v
.tnka .tnk
Section - II : (3 out of 4)
.t nka
w w 27 w w w307 w
Reporting the given dialogue
ww w w - 310
28 Conditional Clause - Combine using “If ” / “Unless” 310 - 313
29 Inversion in Conditional Clause 314 - 315
i . n et30 Transformation of i
a . n et (Simple, Compound, Complex)
sentence i . n et 315 - 322
lv alv alv lv
t nka n k n k nka
w w.t w w.t
vi ww
.t w
w w w ww Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
n k a i. nka
Direct Speech & Indirect Speech n ka k a
323 - 333
w. t Additional w . t w . t w. t w
w Topics ww
ii. Active Voice & Passive Voice
ww ww 333 - 340
iii. Combining two sentences using Connectors 340 - 341

. n et . ne 3
Part t- III - 3 Marks Questions
21 Marks et
alv i
al vi Section - I (2 out of 3)lv l vi.
nk n k nka n k a
w w.t 31 - 33
w: Explanation with Reference towthe
w Context w .t
Refer to Poetry Section
ww w w w Unit 1 to 6 ww
Section - II (2 out of 3)
Refer to Prose Section
i . n et- 36
34 Prose - Short Answer questions
i . n et i . n et Unit 1 to 6 i .ne t
al v al v l v l v
n k nk nka
Section - III (3 out of 4) nka
w w.t 37
ww (Pie-chart) Comprehension
Non-Verbal ww
. t . t
w342 - 345 w
wDialogue Writing - 3 Exchanges
w ww 345 - 350
39 Describing a process 350 - 353
e40 et et t
i . n Rearranging the jumbled proverb / Completing the proverb.
i . n i . n 353 - 356
i .ne
nkalv i. alv the Words in a Sentencenkalv
n k 356 - 358a
n- 360
l v
w w.t ii.w.tExpansion of News Headlines w.t
Additional w ww
358t w
Topics w iii. Framing Questions ww w 360 - 361 ww

al vi. net

Slogan Writing

nk a
Prose -.Paragraph
l viPart
. net 5
- IV - 5 Marks Questions
Questions (1 out of 2) .tn
k a lvi. net

362 - 363

.tn k a vi.n
35 Marks
Refer to Prose Section
Unit 1 to 6

to Poetry Section
42 Poem - Paragraph Questions (1 out of 2)
Unit 1 to 6

n t
e43 ne t net Refer to Supplementary
lvi . v .
Supplementary - Paragraph Questions (1 out of 2)
i lv i . Section Unit 1 to 6 v i.
ka al a nka
n 44 .tnk
Writing a Summary (OR) Making Notes
w w .t n k
w . t 365 - 383
w 45 (i) w Writing - Formal / Informalw/w
wLetter Application for Job ww 384 - 397 ww
( )
45 (ii) General Paragraph on a given Topic 398 - 401

i .n e46t (i) .n et
Spot the errors andicorrect i . n et 401 - 409 i. ne t
lv l(v ) lv l v
.tnka 46 (ii)
k a
.tnblanks :
Fill in the .tn k a
.t nka
w w w w w410 w
ww (a) Homophones ww w w - 411 ww
(b) Modal Verbs 412 - 413
(c) Quasi / Semi Modal Verbs 413 - 414
i . n et (d) v i .
Tense net i . n et 414 - 424
lv al alv lv
. t nka .tn k .tn k .t n ka
ww w ww w wviiw w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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ne t ne t n et ne t
k a lvi. a lvi. a lvi .
a lvi.
tn 47 (i) nk
Identifying the Semantic Fields
t k
.tn (“either.... or” t nk
425 - 426
ww. w . ( ) w w. w
47 (ii) ww
General Comprehension ww Questions) ww 427 - 433 ww
i. Notice Writing 434 - 436

vi. net ii. E-mail Writing

vi . n et i .n et 437 - 438
i . n et
al a lWriting a lv lv
nk iii. k
.tn nk nka
439 - 440
w.t w w.t .t
w440 - 443 w
w Additional
wwiv. Article Writing
ww ww ww
v. General (Poem) Comprehension 443 - 447
vi. Developing Hints into a Story 447 - 450
n et n et n et e t
vi . vii. Expansion i .
lv of Proverb lv i . 451 - 452 lvi.n
n kal n k a k a ka
w.t viii. .tBiographical
w Sketch 452
. t n- 454
w ww ww w ww ww

t t t t
l lvi.
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka . t nka
w w w ww w w
ww w ww ww

.t n kal v Tnkalvi.Net

l v

n ka lv

w . t nka lvi.
ne t


ne t ne t net net
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
kal al a a l
w. tn
w .tnk w.t
n k
w .tnk w
w ww ww ww ww

ne t ne t net ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al nk a l
w w.t w . t w . t w.t w
ww ww w w ww

ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w
wviii w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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ne t n et n et n et
k a lvi. 12k a
i .
v QueStion PaPer
lStd. ka
i .
lvanalySiS k a lv i .
tn .tn .tn .tn
ww. w w w w
Q. os. ww ww hoice w
w Marks ww
1 to t6. t
i . n e Synonyms (3) & Antonyms (3) [1 mark each)
i . ne i .n et
No choice 6×1=6
i . n et
l v 34 to 36 Short Answer Questions (3 marks each)
v lv 2 out of 3 2×3=6 lv
nk a 41 (a), (b) n kal
Paragraph Question (5 marks) nk a 1 out of 2 1×5=5nka
w w.t w .t w.t w .t 17 Marks w
ww ww ww ww
21 to 26. Comprehension & Figure of Speech (2 marks each) 4 out of 6 4×2=8

vi. net
31 to 33.
Explanation with Ref. to Context (3 marks each)
2 out of 3 2×3=6
ne t
al 42.(a), (b) lvi.
Paragraph Questions (5 marks) lvi. 1 out of 2 1×5=5 l v i .
.t nk . t nka . t nk a
. t nka19 Marks
w w w ww w w
ww w ww ww
43.(a), (b) Paragraph Questions (5 marks) 1 out of 2 1×5=5
5 Marks
Vocabulary & Grammar
. n ne t ne t ne t
alv 7 to 20. 1 Mark Each :
ka lvi. ka lvi. lvi.
nk n n nka
w w.t Foreign. t
w Word, Abbreviation & Acronym,w . t w . t w
wCompound Word, Idiom, Americanw/wBritish ww ww

English, Clipped / Unclipped Form, Sentence
Pattern, Modal / Semi-Modal Verbs, Prefix / Suffix,
t t t
No choice 14 × 1 = 14 t
l v l v
Definition of a word, Plural Form, Syllabification,
lv lvi.
n ka nka
Homophones, Question Tags, Phrasal Verb,
n ka nk a
.t w.t w.t . t
ww Polite Alternative Word, Relative Pronoun,
Blended Word, Preposition, etc. ww ww
27 to 30. 2 Marks Each :

vi. net vi . ne t
Direct / Indirect Speech / Reporting the dialogue,
i . net i. ne t
a l al
‘If ’-Conditional Clause, Inversion in Conditionalalv 3 out of 4 a l v
nk .tnk n k .tnk
w w.t Clause, Active / Passive Voice,
w w.t w w
ww ww
Simple / Compound / Complex Sentences etc. ww ww
20 Marks

i . et
n 3 Marks Each :
i .n et i . n et i. n et
ka lv 37 to 40. a
Expanding News
lHeadlines, Dialogue Writing, kal
k alv
n .tna Process, Checklist Preparation,
.tn .tn
w w.t Describing
w -(rearranging in order) / w w w w w
wProverbs Completion, 3 out of 4 ww 3 × 3 = 9 ww
Non-Verbal (Pie-chart, etc.) Questions,
E-Mail Writing Rearranging Jumbled Sentence, etc.
ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w wixw w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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. n et . n et .n et ne t
k a
lv + Grammar :
Writing 5 Marks
k a
lvEach : k a lv i
k a lvi.
w .tn 44 to 47 Notew
Making; Summary Writing; w .tn w. t n
w w Writing - Formal / Informal,wApplication
wLetter w for job; ww ww
Report Writing; Paragraph Writing on a given topic;
Spot the Error and Correct;
ne t ne t n et n et
v i . vi .
Fill in with Suitable Tense Form, i .
lv “either ..or” type 20lv
i .
nk al n kal
Fill in with Modal,
nk a 4 × 5 =a
n k
w. t .t
Semi-Modal Verbs, w.t
5 × 1 = 5 marks 4 questions
w w ww
Fill in with Link Word, ww ww ww
Appropriate Word;
Develop the given Hints into a Story; General Para
ne t ne t
Comprehension; General Poem Comprehension; etc. ne t n et
vi . v i . v i . i .
n kal nka
nk al ka
w.t w . t . t .tn 90 Marks
w ww w ww ww

t t t t
l lvi.
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka . t nka
w w w ww w w
ww w ww ww

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w .tnk w.t
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w .tnk w
w ww ww ww ww

ne t ne t ne t ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al nka l
w w.t w . t w . t w.t w
ww ww w w ww

ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w ww
w ww ww
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w w w
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
n k a n k a n ka nk a
w. 1 w . t w. t w
w w w ww ww ww
i . n et i . n et - A. J. Cronin i .n et i . n et
k alv kalv k a lv a lv
.tn btnuhdhÉ‹ e‰Fz«
.tn bfh©l ïUt® .tn nk
w w w w w.t w
ww - A.w
w J. ¡nuhÅ‹ ww ww
M®¢á ghš£ n#hr¥ ¡nuhÅ‹ (1896-1981) °fh£yhªij nr®ªj ehtyháÇa®,
ehlf MáÇa® k‰W« kU¤Jt®. ntš° k‰W« y©lÅš kU¤Jtuhf
ne t ne t
gÂah‰¿a mt® j‹ clš ey« ghâ¡f¥g£lbghGJ “Hatter’s Castle” v‹»w
ne t ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal l
Kjš ehtiy vGâdh®, mj‹_y« ãugykhdh®. mjdhš, vGJtij KGneu
nka nk
bjhÊyh¡»¡ bfh©lh®. “The Spanish Gardener” mtuJ gil¥òfËš F¿¥ãl¤j¡f a l
w w.t x‹whF«. w . t
. t w . t w
ww w ww ww

n e t n e t Ky n et n et
i . i . i . i .
nkalv On the outskirts of Verona,nkthey
The narrator and his companion v
almeet through the foothills of Alps.
two shabby looking brothers k alv n
Nicola and Jacopo - aged 13 and 12 k alv
.t w.t Narrator and companion buy .t w.t
ww They sell wild strawberries.
The boys are w
found doing jobs like polishing shoes,w
w wa big basket of strawberries.
guiding visitors, etc w w ww

.t n kal v Tnkalvi.Net
As they sell newspapers, the narrator comes to know that they do not spend on clothes and food.
Jacopo requests the narrator to drop them at Poleta their village, 30 kms away.

The boys are dropped at a villa which is a hospital.

l v
n ka lv
Narrator comes to know about Lucia the sister of the boys, who suffered from tuberculosis.
The boys’ home was destroyed in the war, their father, a widower was also killed.
ww ww
Hating the Germans, the boys became a part of the resistance movement. ww
w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

They work hard to treat their sister at the hospital.
Appreciating the love and responsibility of the brothers towards their sister, the narrator remains quiet to impress on them
that he doesn’t know their secret.
ne ne t net ne t
vi . i .
Such children are a great hope in the war prone world.
v lv i . v i.
kal al a a l
w. tn
w .tnk w.t
n k
w .tnk w
w ww ghl¢ w
wRU¡f« ww ww
ïªj fijia ÉtÇ¥gt®, Mš¥° kiyÆ‹ mothu¤âš j‹ X£LeUl‹ thfd¤âš brštâÈUªJ ekJ ghl«
Mu«ã¡»wJ. btnuhdh efÇ‹ (Verona) òwef® gFâÆš, fh£L °£uhbg®Ç gH§fis ɉgid brŒí« ïU áWt®fŸ
ne t ne t net ne t
v . vi .
mt®fŸ thfd¤ij ÃW¤âdh®fŸ. nkY«, ïªj áWt®fŸ, mty£rzkhd njh‰w¤âš ïUªjjhš t©oÆ‹ X£Le®
i v i . v i.
n kal al
mt®fËl« °£uhbg®Ç gH§fis th§Ftij ÉU«gÉšiy. fijia ÉtÇ¥gtÇ‹ njhH® mªj áWt®fSl‹
nk nk a l
ngáaâš, mt®fŸ rnfhju®fŸ vd bjǪjJ. ït®fËš _¤jt‹ 13 taJ Ãnfhyh (Nicola), k‰wt‹, mtdJ j«ãahd nka
w w.t w . t w . t
12 taJ #hnfhngh (Jacopo). ïªj fijia ÉtÇ¥gtU«, mt® njhHU«, xU bgÇa Til °£uhbg®Ç gH§fis mªj w.t w
ww ww
áWt®fËl« th§»¡bfh©L efu¤ij neh¡» òw¥g£ld®. kWehŸ fhiy, mt®fŸ, mªj ïU rnfhju®fS« õ] w w ww
ghÈZ brŒtij¥ gh®¤J Édt, jh§fŸ ãiH¥ò¡fhf gy ntiyfis¢ brŒtjhf m¢áWt®fŸ T¿d®. fijia
ÉtÇ¥gtÇlK«, mtuJ njhHÇlK«, jh§fŸ tÊfh£ofshf gÂah‰¿, efu¤âš cŸs #]Èa£ fšyiwiaí«
ne t ne t et t
k‰W« ãw gh®¡fnt©oa ïl§fisí« R‰Wyh tUgt®fS¡F¡ fh©ã¥gjhf T¿d®. nkY«, efu¤âš mt®fŸ
lvi. lvi.
j§»ÆU¡F« ntisÆš, mªj ïU áWt®fS« mt®fS¡F Äfî« cjÉfukhf ïUªjd®.
i . lv
. t nka . tnka .tn k .t n ka
ww w ww w w1w w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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. n et i . n et Sura’s ➠ XII Std iSmart
.n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 1
k a lv ãwF, mªj ïU áWt®fS«,kaɉf¥glhj
lv g¤âÇiffis, ïuîa
k lv filá g° tU« neu¤âš
k a v jahuhf
w .tn nkY«, fÂrkhd msîwgz«
ïUªjd®. fijia
.tn r«ghâ¡F« mt®fŸ V‹wJÂkÂfS¡fhfî«,
ÉtÇ¥gt® mt®fSl‹ ngá V‹
mt®fŸ ï›tsî fLikahf
vd nf£lh®.
w ww mtÇl« j§fŸ kdâš x‹W
vdî« nf£lh®. Ãnfhyh ww ww
cŸsjhf T¿dh‹, Mdhš mij mt‹ ÉtÇ¡fÉšiy. ww
fijia ÉtÇ¥gtÇl«, #hnfhngh (Jacopo), j§fis mtUila fhÇš, Rkh® K¥gJ »nyhÛ£l® öu¤âš cŸs
nghnylh (Poleta) »uhk¤â‰F¢ bršy, mt®fË‹ fhiu mD¥g Koíkh vd nf£lh‹. mJ j§fS¡F Äf¥bgÇa

ne t ne t
cjÉahŒ ïU¡F« vdî« T¿dh‹. Mdhš, Ãnfhyhî¡F j‹ rnfhju‹ mtiu (ïªj fijia ÉtÇ¥gtiu) bjhªjuî
ne t n et
i . i .
brŒtJ ão¡fÉšiy. Mdhš, fijia ÉtÇ¥gt®, mªj ïU áWt®fS« mªj ïl¤ij mila jh‹ cjîtjhŒ
v v v i . lv i .
nk al n kal nk a
x¥ò¡bfh©lh®. mjdhš, kWehŸ kâa«, mt® mªj ïU áWt®fisí« »uhk¤â‰F j‹ fhÇš miH¤J¢ br‹wh®. l
nk a
w. t .t w.t
mt®fis ïw¡»É£lîl‹, mt®fŸ ïUtU« xU bgÇa át¥ò¡ Tiu å£oš EiHtij f©lh®. mJ c©ikÆš
w w.t w
w xU kU¤Jtkid MF«.
ww ww ww ww
mªj kU¤JtkidÆš EiHa ja§»a (ïªj) fijia ÉtÇ¥gt®, m§F ïU¡F« e®ál«, mªj bg© nehahË
ah® v‹W«, mªj áWt®fŸ ah® v‹W« nf£lh®. ã‹d®, mªj e®° mtÇl«, fhr nehahš mtâ¥gL« mtŸ bga®
ÿáah v‹W«, mtŸ mªj ïU áWt®fË‹ rnfhjÇ v‹W« T¿dhŸ. nghÇ‹ nghJ btoF©L 圪J mt®fŸ åL
ne t ne t
mʪjJ vdî« T¿dhŸ. kidÉia ïHªj mt®fË‹ jf¥gdhU« mªj nghÇ‹ K‰gFâÆš bfhšy¥g£ljhfî«
ne t ne t
vi . v i .
bjÇɤjhŸ. mt® ïwªjîl‹ FHªijfŸ _tU« gáahš gÇjÉ¡f nt©oa Ãiyik¡F jŸs¥g£ld®. mªj e®° v i . v i .
n kal nka
nkY« (fijia ÉtÇ¥gtÇl«), mªj efiu Mstªj b#®khÅaiu mt®fŸ btW¤jjhfî«, v⮥ò ïa¡f¤âš al
w w.t . t . t
nr®ªjjhfî« T¿dhŸ. ngh® Koî‰wîl‹, ÿáah fhr nehahš ghâ¡f¥g£lhŸ. mªj ïU rnfhju®fS« mtis
w ww w . t w
kU¤JtkidÆš nr®¤jd®. mj‹ fhuzkhŒ mt®fŸ Äfî« ãua¤jd« brŒJ kU¤Jtkid¡F xG§fhf gz«
f£o tªjd®. w ww ww
fijia ÉtÇ¥gt®, kU¤JtkidÆš, miw¡F btËna fh¤âUªjh®. mt® mªj ïU áWt®fS« j§fŸ
rnfhjÇÆl« fh£L« m‹ò k‰W« <Lgh£lhš kd« be»œªjh®. Mdhš, mt®fŸ Fz¤ij m¿ªj mt®, mt®fŸ
t t t t ne ne ne
ïUtU« j§fË‹ nkš ãw® gÇjhg« fh£Ltij ÉU«ghjt®fŸ v‹gijí« cz®ªâUªjh®. vdnt, âU«ò« tÊÆš
l v
jd¡F mt®fË‹ ufáa« bjÇahjJ nghš fh£o¡bfh©lh®.lvi. lvi. lvi.
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka
ït®fis¥ ngh‹w gÂthd FzKila áWt®fŸ e« rKjha¤â‰F xU ešy vâ®fhy¤â‰fhd e«ã¡ifia
. t nka
w w w ww
mË¡»wh®fŸ. mjhtJ, ngh®, Míj§fŸ k‰W« btW¥òfS¡F eLÉY«, kÅj (fUiz) j‹ik ïU¡F« v‹w xU w w
e«ã¡ifia mË¡»wh®fŸ. ww w ww ww

.t n ka
i . n
et Te ual Paragra
lvAs we drove through the foothills of the
stopped us on the outskirt of Verona.ka
w . t n
They were selling wild strawberries.
w w

lvAlps two small boys bršY«bghGJ,

w w w .
gFâÆšt n k
i . n et jÄHh¡f«
ïu©L áWt®fŸ btnuhdh
(gH§fŸ) ɉgid brŒjd®.
w w
. t
w °£uhbg®Çfis
i . n et
v š ¥ ° k i y m o t h u ¤ â šalvt h f d ¤ â š
e h § f Ÿ lM
a n k (Verona) òwef®
w ww
“Don’t buy,” warned Luigi, our cautious driver. “btnuhdh (ï¤jhÈÆš cŸs xU efu«) -Éš ït‰iw Él
“You will get fruit much better in Verona. Äf¢ áwªj gH§fis th§fyh«, ït‰iw th§fhÔ®fŸ”, vd,
Besides, these boys.....” v§fŸ oiut®, ÿŒ» v¢rǤjh®. “nkY«, ïªj áWt®fŸ....”,

i n et n et
He shrugged his shoulders to convey his disapproval of their
. i . i . et
vd Mu«ã¤j mt®, jdJ njhŸg£ilfis ca®¤â, mt®fË‹
n i. ne t
ka lv
shabby appearance.
k a lv k alv
mty£rzkhd njh‰w¤ij jh« V‰W¡ bfhŸshjij,
al v
btË¥gL¤âdh®. w tn and cut-off khaki pants;

One boy had on a worn .jersey xU iga‹ b#®á Milí«, bt£l¥g£l fh¡» fhš ruhí«
w w
w w tunic gathered in loose folds about
the other a shortened army
ww ww
mªâUªjh‹. k‰wt‹, xU RU¡fkhd, js®ªj ko¥òfSl‹,
his skinny frame. Yet,w
gazing at the two little figures, with their if ïšyhj, ïuhQt cŸr£ilia mªâUªjh‹. mt®fË‹
brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes, we felt ourselves gG¥ò Ãw«, á¡fyhd Ko k‰W« ïU©l, MdhY« C¡fkhd
strangely attracted. f©fŸ M»ait, Éá¤âukhf ïUªJ, v§fis ft®ªjd.

ne t ne t
My companion spoke to the boys, discovered that they were
v‹ njhH‹ mªj áWt®fSl‹ ngáaâš, mt®fŸ
ne t
vi . vi . v i .
brothers. Nicola, the elder, was 13; Jacopo, who barely came up to rnfhju®fŸ vd bjǪjJ. _¤jt‹ 13 taJ Ãnfhyh (Nicola),v i.
n kal nk al nka l
the door handle of the car, was nearly 12. We bought their biggest k‰wt‹ »£l¤j£l fh® fjÉ‹ if¥ão tiuna cauKŸs,
w w.t . t
basket, and then set off toward town.
w . t w.t
12 taJŸs ïisatdhd #hnfhngh (Jacopo), eh§fŸ
w w
ww ww w ww
mt®fËlÄUªj, Äf bgÇa Tilia Éiy¡F th§»ndh«,
ã‹d® efu¤ij neh¡» òw¥g£nlh«. w
Next morning, coming out of our hotel, we saw our friends mL¤j ehŸ fhiy, v§fŸ nAh£lÈš ïUªJ eh§fŸ
bent over shoeshine boxes beside the fountain in the public square, btËna tªnjh«, v§fŸ e©g®fshd (mªj rnfhju®fŸ) k¡fŸ
doing a brisk business.
ne ne t et
rJ¡f¤âš cŸs Ú%‰W¡F mUnf õ] ghÈZ bg£ofË‹ nkyhf t
lvi. lvi. i . n
We watched for a few moments; then as trade slackened we FŪJ, ÉWÉW¥ghf õ] ghÈZ brŒtij¥ gh®¤njh«. xU áy
nka nka
went over. They greeted us with friendly faces. alv
ÃÄl§fS¡F, eh§fŸ mt®fis ftŤnjh«. ã‹d®, mt®fË‹
n k n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
Éahghu« FiwªjJ«, mt®fËl¤âš eh§fŸ br‹nwh«. mt®fŸ
ww w ww w ww
e£ò Ãiwªj Kf§fSl‹ v§fis tunt‰wd®.
w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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Sura’s t net t3
lvi .ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
.ne  Low Priced
lvi l
vi. lvi.
k a nk a a a
.tnk k
Te ual Paragra h jÄHh¡f«
tn t t n
w w. w .
“I thought you picked fruit for a living,” I said.” w
“c§fŸ étd¤â‰fhf Ú§fŸ, gH Éahghu¤ij¤ w. w
ww ww
We do many things, sir,” Nicola answered seriously. nj®ªbjL¤Ô®fŸ v‹W Ãid¤nj‹” vd eh‹ brh‹nd‹. ww
“eh§fŸ gy ntiyfis¢ brŒ»nwh«, Iah” vd ánfhyh
vd¡F gâyˤjh‹.
He glanced at us hopefully. “Often we show visitors through mt‹ v§fis xU e«ã¡ifíl‹ gh®¤J, “mo¡fo eh§fŸ
i . n et i . n et
the town ... to Juliet’s tomb ... and other places of interest.” n et n et
efu¤âš cŸs #]Èa£ fšyiwiaí« k‰W« ãw ïl§fisí«
i . i .
k a lv k a lv
“All right,” I smiled. “You take us along.”
k a lv k a lv
R‰Wyh tUgt®fS¡F¡ fh©ã¥ngh«”, vd¡ T¿dh‹. As we made the rounds,w

.tn .tn
my interest was again provoked by weh§fŸ R‰¿¡bfh©oU¡F« nghnj,
w .tn
“rÇ”, vd eh‹ áǤJ, “Ú v§fis miH¤J¢ brš” v‹nw‹.
w ww They were childish enough, andwin wxU el¤ijahš v‹ M®t« Û©L«
their remarkable demeanour. ww ö©l¥g£lJ. mt®fŸ ww
mt®fsJ F¿¥ãl¤j¡f

many ways quite artless. Jacopo was lively as a squirrel. Nicola’s FHªij¤ jdkhf ïUªjd®, k‰W« gy Éõa§fËš Äfî«
smile was steady and engaging. Yet in both these boyish faces there m¥ghÉfshf ïUªjd®.
was a seriousness which was far beyond their years.
i n et n et
In the week which followed we saw them frequently, for they
. i . . et . et
#hnfhngh xU mÂiy¥nghy, fyfy¥ghf ïUªjh‹.
n n
Mdhš ïUtÇ‹ Kf§fËY« mt®fŸ taâ‰F Û¿a ÔÉu«
i i
ka lv
proved extremely useful toes.
k a lv k a lv ka lv
ïUªjJ. bjhl®ªJ tªj thu¤âš, mt®fis mo¡fo eh§fŸ

w .tn If we wanted a pack of w .tn cigarettes, or seats for the wmt®fŸ

.tn v§fS¡F Äfî« gaDŸst®fshf
w .tn w
w wwrestaurant, Nicola and Jacopo couldw
opera or the name of good
be mbkÇ¡f áfbu£ bg£ofŸ,w
w ïUªjd®.
ïir ehlf« gh®¥gj‰fhd ww
relied upon to satisfy our needs. What struck one most was their ïU¡iffŸ, mšyJ ešy cztf¤â‹ bga® M»at‰iw
willingness to work. During these summer days, under the hot eh§fŸ ÉU«ãdhš, Ãnfhnyhî«, #hnfhnghî« clnd v§fŸ
sun, they shined shoes, sold fruit, hawked newspapers, conducted
t t t
njitfis Ãiwnt‰w e«ã¡ifahdt®fshf ïUªjh®fŸ. t
tourists round the town, and ran errands.
Mdhš, všyhiuí« vJ mr¤âaJ v‹whš, vªj ntiy
brh‹dhY« mij¢ brŒa mt®fŸ jahuhf ïUªjh®fŸ. lvi.
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka
nfhil eh£fËš, j»¡F« NÇaÅ‹ Ñœ, mt®fŸ fhyÂfis
. t nka
w w w ww w
bkUnf‰¿dh®fŸ, gH« ɉwh®fŸ, brŒâ¤jhŸfis¡ TÉ w
ww w ww
ɉwh®fŸ, R‰Wyh gaÂfis efu« KGtJ« R‰¿ fh£LtJ
ngh‹wt‰¿š ïa§»dh®fŸ.

.t n ka Tnkalvi.Net
One night, we came upon them in the windy and deserted
square, resting on the stone pavement beneath the lights. Nicola
was nearly midnight.

“Why are you out so late, Nicola?”
sat upright, tired. A bundle of unsold newspapers lay at his feet.
v v
Jacopo, his head resting upon his brother’s shoulder was asleep. It
l l
xU ïuÉš És¡FfË‹ ÑnH, fh‰WåR« bt¿¢nrhoa
eilghijÆš ïUªj mt®fis eh§fŸ gh®¤njh«. mJ

»£l¤j£l eŸËuthf ïUªjJ. Ãnfhyh, ÃÄ®ªj ÃiyÆš,
nrh®thf c£fh®ªâUªjh‹. ɉf¥glhj g¤âÇif¡ f£L
mtdJ fhyoÆš ïUªjJ. mtdJ njhŸg£il ÛJ rnfhju‹
#hnfhngh jiyia it¤J ö§»¡ bfh©oUªjh‹.
ww(eh‹)“Ú V‹ ï›tsî jhkjkhf btËÆš
ww ïU¡»whŒ, Ãnfhyh?”
. t nk a lvi.
ne t

“Waiting for the last bus from Padua. We shall sell all our
papers when it comes in.” “gJthÉÈUªJ tU« ngUªâ‰fhf fh¤âU¡»nwh«, mJ
“Must you work so hard? You both look rather tired.” tªjhš v§fSila všyh g¤âÇiffisí« É‰WÉLnth«”
ne t
“We are not complaining, sir.” ne t (Ãnfhyh) net ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
kal al “Ú§fŸ ï›tsî fodkhf ciH¡fnt©Lkh? Ú§fŸ
a a l
n .tnk n k .tnk
ïUtU«, Äfî« nrh®thf cŸç®fŸ” (eh‹)
w. t w w .t “eh§fŸ tUªjÉšiy Iah” (Ãnfhyh) w w
w w I went over to the fountain to have
But next morning, ww ww
mL¤j ehŸ fhiy, eh‹ v‹ fhyÂfis ghÈZ brŒa ww
my shoes shined, I said, “Nicola, the way you and Jacopo work, Ú%‰W¡F¢ br‹wnghJ, mt®fËl«, “Ãnfhyh, Úí«
you must earn quite a bit. You spend nothing unclothes. You eat #hnfhnghî« brŒí« ntiy¡F, bfhŠr« mâfkhfnt
little enough --- when I see you have a meal it’s usually black bread r«ghâ¤âU¡f nt©L«. Ú§fŸ JÂfS¡F brytÊ¥gnj
ne t ne
and figs. Tell me, what do you do with your money?”
t net
ïšiy. Ú§fŸ Fiwªj msnt c©»Ö®fŸ... Ú§fŸ c©Q« ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kalHe looked to the ground.
nk al
He colored deeply under his sunburn, and then grew pale.
czit eh‹ gh®¡F«nghJ, tH¡fkhf fU¥ò buh£o k‰W«
m¤â¥gHnk cŸsJ.. v‹Ål« brhš, c§fŸ gz¤ij Ú§fŸ
w w.t w . t w . t
v‹d brŒ»Ö®fŸ?”
w.t w
ww ww w w
Ãnfhyh, NÇa xËÆš fhŒªJ, btË¿ ïUªjh‹. mt‹
jiuia neh¡»dh‹.
“You must be saving up to emigrate to America,” I suggested. “Ú§fŸ mbkÇ¡fhî¡F Fonaw nt©L« vd nrÄ¡»Ö®fŸ
He looked at me sideways, spoke with an effort. nghY«”, vd eh‹ T¿nd‹. mt‹ g¡fth£oš v‹id gh®¤J¥
ne t ne t et t
“We should greatly like to go to the States. But here, at
i . n
present, we have other plans.”
“What plans?”
nka n kalv
“eh§fŸ mbkÇ¡fh bršy ÉU«ò»nwh«, Mdhš ï§nf,
j‰nghJ, v§fS¡F ntW â£l§fŸ cŸsd”. n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w ww “v‹d â£l«?”
w ww ww
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k a lvi. Te ual Paragra k a h
lvi. k a lvi .
jÄHh¡f« k a lv
w .tn w tn plans, sir,” he answered in wmt‹
.“Just .tn r§flkhf áǤjh‹. “btW«wâ£l§fŸjh‹
He smiled uncomfortably.
Iah”, vd
w a low voice. w w w w
mt‹ xU bkȪj FuÈš w w
gâyˤjh‹. w
“Well,” I said, “we’re leaving on Monday. Is there anything “eh§fŸ â§f£»Hik òw¥gL»nwh«. eh§fŸ brštj‰F
I can do for you before we go?” K‹ c§fS¡F VjhtJ brŒa nt©Lkh?”, vd eh‹ nf£nl‹.
Nicola shook his head, but suddenly Jacopo said, “Sir,” he
ne t ne t
burst out, “every Sunday we make a visit to the country, to Poleta, net
Ãnfhyh, mt‹ jiyia FY¡»dh‹, Mdhš, âObu‹W
n et
v i . vi . v i .
#hnfhngh nf£lh‹, “x›bthU PhƉW¡»Hikí« eh§fŸ
lv i .
nk al n kal
30 kilometres from here. Usually we hire bicycles.
But tomorrow, since you are so kind, you might send us nk
v§fŸ »uhk¤â‰F É#a« brŒ»nwh«, ï§nf ïUªJ nghnylh
a nk a
(»uhk«) 30 »nyhÛ£l® öu¤âš cŸsJ. tH¡fkhf eh§fŸ
w. t in your car.” w .t w.t w.t
ir¡»Ÿfis thlif¡F vL¤J¤jh‹ bršnth«.
w ww ww ww
Mdhš Ú§fŸ v§fS¡fhf m‹ghdt®fshf ïU¥gjhš, ww
v§fS¡fhf c§fŸ fhiu mD¥g Koíkh?”
I had already told Luigi he might have the Sunday off. eh‹ V‰fdnt ÿŒ»Æl« (v‹ X£Le®) mt‹ PhƉW¡
However, I answered, “I’ll drive you out myself.”
i . n et i . n et . et
»Hik ÉLKiw vL¤J¡ bfhŸsyh« vd¡ T¿ ïUªnj‹. vdnt,
mt®fËl«, “ehnd fhiu vL¤J tU»nw‹”, vd T¿nd‹.
i i .n et
kalv There was a pause. Nicola was glaring
k a lvat his young brother xU á¿a k a lvïilntis¡F¥ã‹ Ãnfhyh ka v j«ãia
w .tn in vexation. “We could not think
“It won’t be any trouble.w”
.tofntroubling you, sir.” w .tn Ãid¡fÉšiy”,
gh®¤jh‹. “Iah, eh§fŸ.t
vd¡ T¿dh‹.
n áuk¥gL¤j
w ww
He bit his lip, then, ww “mJ x‹W« áuk« ïšiy”,wv‹nw‹
in a rather put out tone, he said, “Very
w eh‹. ww
well.” mt‹ j‹ cj£il fo¤J¡ bfh©L, “Äfî« ešyJ”,
t t t t ne ne ne
The following afternoon we drove to the tiny village set kWehŸ kâa«, eh§fŸ kiy ÛJ mikªJŸs xU á¿a
high upon the hillside. I imagined that our destinations would be
l v lvi.
»uhk¤â‰F¢ br‹nwh«. eh§fŸ bršYÄl¤âš áy vËa
nka a nka nka
some humble dwellings. But, directed by Jacopo, we drew up at
åLfŸ k£Lnk ïU¡f¡ TL« vd eh‹ Ãid¤âUªnj‹. Mdhš,

w. t . t
a large red-roofed villa, surrounded by a high stone wall. I could
w . t . t
#hnfhngh fh£oa tÊahf eh§fŸ br‹wnghJ, X® caukhd fš
w scarcely believe my eyes and before I could recover breath my
two passengers had leaped from the car. w ww ww
Rtuhš NH¥g£l xU bgÇa át¥ò¡ Tiu å£il¡ f©nl‹. v‹
f©fisna v‹dhš e«gnt KoaÉšiy. eh‹ RjhÇ¡F« K‹, ww

ïu©L gaÂfS« (m©zD«, j«ãí«) fhÇš ïUªJ Fâ¤jd®.
“We shall not be long, sir. Perhaps only an hour. May be you’d “eh§fŸ mâfneu« vL¤J¡ bfhŸs kh£nlh« Iah, Rkh® xU
t t t t ne
like to go to the cafe in the village for a drink?” They disappeared k neu¤â‰FŸ tªJÉLnth«. jh§fŸ mJtiu ïªj »uhk¤âš
beyond the corner of the wall.
al v l v v lvi.
cŸs áW cztf¤â‰F¢ br‹W VjhtJ mUªâÉ£L tuyhnk?”,
t n k nka n ka nk
vd¡ T¿É£L RtÇ‹ _iy¡F¥ ã‹dhš br‹W kiwªjd®.a
. w.t
After a few minutes I followed. I found a grilled side-entrance
w.t . t
áy ÃÄl§fS¡F¥ ãwF, eh‹ ã‹ bjhl®ªnj‹. f«ãfshš
w w
and, determinedly, rang the bell.
ww ww
_l¥g£l g¡f EiHthÆiy¡ f©L, X® cWâíl‹ kÂia
A pleasant-looking woman with steel-rimmed spectacles mG¤âÉ£nl‹. ww
appeared. I blinked as I saw that she was dressed in the white m§F btŸis nriy mªj xU gƉá bg‰w brÉÈ
uniform of a trained nurse. (nurse) njh‹¿dhŸ. mtŸ mHfhf, ïU«ò ÉË«òfshš (Frame)

i . n et i . n et i . et
Md f©zho mªâUªjhŸ.
n i. n et
ka lv“Ah,
“I just brought two small boys here.”lv
yes.” Her face lit up; she k a
opened the door to admit me. k a lv
“ï§F, ï¥nghJjh‹
k a lv
ïU áWt®fis T£otªnj‹”,

.tn “Nicola and Jacopo. I will takewyou

.tnup.” .tn vd¡ T¿a mtsJ Kf« .tnxË®ªjJ. fjit¤
v‹nw‹ eh‹.

w w w“Mkh«”, w
w #hnfhnghit¤ jhnd www
ww wwâwªJ w
v‹id mDkâ¤jhŸ. “Ãnfhyh,
TW»Ö®fŸ, eh‹ c§fis miH¤J brš»nw‹”, v‹whŸ.
She led me through a cool, tiled vestibule into the hospital mtŸ xU FË®ªj, XLfisíila ghij tÊna v‹id,
--- for hospital the villa had become. At the door of a little cubicle kU¤JtkidahŒ kh¿ ïUªj å£o‰FŸ miH¤J¢ br‹whŸ.
n et n et n et n et
the nurse paused, put her finger to her lips, and with a smile bade xU á¿a miwÆ‹ fjtUnf ËW, xU ò‹difíl‹ j‹
i . i . i . i.
ka lv
me look through the glass partition.
k a lv k a lv k alv
cj£o‹nkš Éuiy it¤J v‹id neh¡», xU f©zho

w .tn The two boys were w

the bedside of a girl of about w .tn ïUtU« 20 taâ‰F w .tn xU bg©Â‹
jL¥ãÅilna gh®¡f¢ brh‹dhŸ.
w twenty who, propped w
w wwgL¡ifaUnf mk®ªâUªjd®. w
up on pillows, wearing a pretty lace jacket,
mt®fŸ w c£g£l
mtŸ X® mHfhd gË¢br‹w ww
was listening to their chatter, her eyes soft and tender. One could #h¡bf£ mªâUªjhŸ, jiyaizÆ‹ ÛJ rhŒªJ, j‹
see at a glance her resemblance to her brothers. A vase of wild- bk‹ikahd, fŪj f©fSl‹ mt®fis gh®¤J¡bfh©nl,
flowers stood on her table, beside a dish of fruit and several books. mt®fŸ ïUtU« ngRtij, nf£L¡bfh©oUªjhŸ. mtis¥
t t
ne ne n et
lvi. lvi. .
gh®¥gj‰F, j« rnfhju®fSldhd X® cUt x‰Wikia¡ fhz
nka nka n kalv nka
ïUªjJ. gH§fŸ bfh©l gh¤âu« k‰W« gy ò¤jf§fS«
KoªjJ. fh£L ky®fŸ ml§»a xU ó¡Ftis mtŸ nki#Æš

. t . t .t .t
ww ww ww ww w
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Te ual Paragra h jÄHh¡f«
tn t t n
w w. w .
“Won’t you go in?” the nurse murmured. “Lucia will be w w.
“Ú§fŸ cŸns nghfkh£O®fsh? ÿáah c§fis¥ gh®¤jhš w
pleased to see you.” ww ww
I shook my head and turned away. I felt I could not bear to
k»œ¢áailthŸ”, v‹whŸ brÉÈ. ww
k»œ¢áahd FL«g ÃfœÉš eh‹ jiyÆl¡TlhJ v‹gij
intrude upon this happy family party. But at the foot of the staircase cz®ªj eh‹, v‹ jiyia kW¥òl‹ mir¤nj‹. kho¥gofË‹
I drew up and begged her to tell me all she knew about these boys. ÑnH brÉÈÆl«, eh‹ mªj áWt®fis g‰¿ mtS¡F¤

i . n et i . n et n et
bjǪjij¡ TW«go nf£nl‹.
i . i . n et
k a lvShe was eager to do so. They were,kshe a v
lexplained, quite alone lv brhšy M®tkhf ïUªjhŸ.
k k a v rnfhjÇ
lïªj a well-known singer, had beenwkilled
in the world, except for this
.tn in the early part of the war. mt®fË‹
sister, Lucia. Their father, a widower,
.tn jªij, kidÉia ïHªj xU
jÉu, ï›îy»š mt®fS¡F
w tn ghlf®, ïšiy.
.ãugy ahU«
w w
Shortly afterward a bomb whad destroyed their home and thrown w wMu«g¤âš mt® bfhšy¥g£lh®.
w wáy fhy¤â‰F¥ ãwF, nghÇ‹
xU w ww
the three children into the streets. They had always known a F©L mt®fsJ å£ilí« mʤJ, _‹W ãŸisfisí«
comfortable and cultured life --- Lucia had herself been training bjU¡fËš jŸËaJ. mt®fŸ ehfßfkhd, trâahd thœ¡if¡F
as a singer --- and they had suffered horribly from near starvation gH¡f¥g£lt®fŸ - xU ghl»ahf ÿáahînk, jahuh»

i . et
and exposure to the cold winter.
n i . n et . n et .n et
tªjhŸ-Mdhš m¥nghJ, mt®fŸ Äf nkhrkhf, g£oÅ¡F«,
i i
ka lv k a lv k a lv
fL«FËU¡F« cŸshdh®fŸ.
ka lv
w .tn of shelter
For months they had barely
n themselves alive in a sort
.tkept w .tn áy thœªjh®fŸ.
mt®fŸ .tn f£l¥g£l
khj§fŸ, j§fŸ iffshš
w w
w they built
ww ruled the city. The boys grew to hate
for three years the Germans
their own hands amidst the rubble.
wwïªj efu¤ij M£á brŒjd®. ïªj
Then j§FÄl¤ânyna
wwáWt®fŸ, tsU«
ã‹d® 3 M©LfŸ, b#®khÅa®
bghGnj, ww
the Germans. When the resistance movement began secretly to b#®khÅa®fis btW¡f Mu«ã¤jh®fŸ. v⮥ghs®fŸ
form they were among the first to join. When the war was over, ïa¡f« ïufáakhf¤ bjhl§»a nghJ mt®fŸjh‹ KjÈš
t t
and we had peace at last, they came back to their beloved sister. t t ne ne ne
nr®ªjd®. í¤j« KotilªJ, filáahf rkhjhd« tªj

lvi. lvi. lvi.

And they found her ......suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.” nghJ, mt®fŸ j§fŸ rnfhjÇÆl« âU«ã tªjh®fŸ. mtsJ
l v
nka nka nka nka
KJbfY«ãš fhr nehŒ (tuberculosis) g‰¿a ÃiyÆš mt®fŸ

w. t w . t w. t mtis f©ld®.
w . t w
w ww breath. “Did they give up? I do not
She paused, took a quick
ww ww
mªj e®° ïilÆš ÃW¤â, Éiuthf _¢R É£L¡bfh©lhŸ.
have to answer that question. They brought her here, persuaded “mt®fŸ ifÉ£L É£lh®fsh”, v‹w v‹ nfŸÉ¡F, “mt®fŸ

us to take her into the hospital. In the twelve months she has been mtis ï§F miH¤J tªjh®fŸ, mtis kU¤JtkidÆš
our patient she has made good progress. There is every hope that nr®¤J¡bfhŸs v§fis t‰òW¤âdh®fŸ. g‹Åu©L
one day she will walk -and sing - again.” t t t ne
khj§fŸ mtŸ v§fŸ nehahËahf ïUªJ, ešy K‹nd‰w«

al v l v v
milªâU¡»whŸ. xU ehŸ mtŸ elªJbfh©nl, ghLthŸ
l lvi.
.t n k
“Of course, everything is so.t
difficult now, food so scarce and w.t
n ka
v‹W KG e«ã¡ifí« ïU¡»wJ”, v‹W e®° T¿dhŸ.
. t nk a
ww w w w
“ârakhf, všyhnk ï¥nghJ Äfî« fodkhf cŸsJ.
ww unless we charged a fee. But every
dear, we could not keep going
week, Lucia’s brothers have made their payment.” She added simply,
ww ww
czî »il¥gJ Äfî« mÇjhfî«, Éiy mâfkhfî« ïU¡»wJ,
vdnt, f£lz« tNÈ¡fhÉ£lhš eh§fŸ brašgl KoahJ.
“I don’t know what they do, I do not ask. Work is scarce in Verona. Mdhš x›bthU thuK« ÿáahÉ‹ rnfhju®fŸ gz«
But whatever it is, I know they do it well.” f£L»wh®fŸ. mt®fŸ v‹d brŒ»wh®fŸ v‹gJ vd¡F¤

i . n et i . n et i . net
bjÇaÉšiy, ehD« nf£gâšiy. btnuhdhÉš ntiy
i. ne t
ka lv k a lv k alv
»il¥gJ fod«. vJ v¥go ïUªjhY«, mt®fŸ vijí«,
áw¥ghfnt brŒ»wh®fŸ”, v‹W mtŸ T¿dhŸ.
l v w .tndo it better.”
“Yes,” I agreed. “They couldn’t . t n
w“M«”, v‹w eh‹, “mt®fŸ ïij. t n
w Él áw¥ghf brŒa w
w ww wwKoahJ”, vd x¥ò¡bfh©nl‹.ww ww
I waited outside until the boys rejoined me, and then drove áWt®fŸ v‹Ål« kWgoí« tUtj‰F K‹ghf, eh‹
them back to the city. They sat beside me, not speaking. For my btËna fh¤âUªnj‹. ã‹d® mt®fis efu¤â‰F miH¤J¢

ne t ne t
part, I did not say a word --- I knew they would prefer to feel that t
br‹nw‹. mt®fŸ ngrhkš, v‹ mUnf c£fh®ªâUªjh®fŸ. v‹
ne ne t
v . v .
they had safely kept their secret. Yet their devotion had touched
i i v i .
g§»‰F, ehD« xU ng¢R« vL¡fÉšiy - VbdÅš, mt®fŸ
v i.
n kal me deeply.
nk al a l
j§fSila ïufáa¤ij ghJfh¥ghf it¤âU¡»nwh« v‹w
nk nka
w.t . t . t w.t
cz®Éš ïU¡f ÉU«òth®fŸ v‹W vd¡F¤ bjÇí«. mt®fË‹
w w w w
ww ww w ww
<LghL v‹id MHkhf¤ bjh£lJ.
War had not broken their spirit. Their selfless action brought
ngh® mt®fË‹ c¤ntf¤ij cil¡fÉšiy. kÅj¤
a new nobility to human life, gave promise of a greater hope for j‹ik¡F xU òâa bfsut¤ij¡ bfh©Ltªj mt®fË‹
human society. j‹dyk‰w elto¡if, kÅj rKjha¤â‰F xU bgU«
ne t ne t et t
e«ã¡ifia mˤjJ.
lvi. lvi. alv
i . lv
. t nka . tnka .tn k .t n ka
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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k a lvi. k a lvi. ka lv i .
k a lv
w .tn w .tn w .tn w
w barely -w
w ww
almost not (scarcely), mÇjhd, mâfÄ‹¿ ww ww
blinked - surprised‚ Éaªnj‹
chattert - a series of short, quick high-pitched sounds‚ flflbtd ntfkhŒ m®¤jÄ‹¿ ngRjš
t t
i . ne
cubicle - i . ne i .ne
a small space with walls or curtains around it‚ rJu toÉyhd á¿a miw i . n et
al v al v a lv a lv
tnk demeanour - k
appearance and behaviour‚ el¤ij
t n nk nk
w w. disapproval - w . w.t
the feeling of having a negative opinion of someone‚ mDkâ kW¤jš w.t w
dwelling - ww
places where people live‚ tá¥ãl«ww ww ww
emigrate - take up citizenship of another country‚ FonaWjš (ntW ïl«, ehL KjÈad)
hawk - sell things crying out loudly, going from place to place‚ Tîjš (C® CuhŒ br‹W bghU£fid
i . n et TÉ É‰wš) i . ne t
i . ne t
i .ne t
alvintrude l v l v l v
n k -
enter without permission‚ mDkâ ï‹¿ EiHjš
nk a nka
w w.t nobility - w . t
. t
the quality of being good and honest in character‚ ešy, ne®ikahd Fz§fŸ w . t w
opera - ww
a musical play‚ gh£Ll‹ Toa ehlf«w ww ww
outskirts - the outer parts of a town‚ efU¡F btËÆYŸs gFâfŸ
relied upon -
t to put trust on someone or something‚ e«ã¡if it¤jš (ahÇlkhtJ, vâyhtJ)
t t t
rubble -
debris, broken bricks‚ ïoghLfŸ, cilªj br§fš KjÈad
. tnka scarce -
. t nk a
very small in amount‚ mÇjhf, j£L¥ghL
. t nka . t nka
w w shrug - w ww
raise one’s shoulders slightly and momentarily‚ njhŸfis FY¡Fjš w w
tangled (n) - ww
twisted‚ messy‚ Óuhf ïšyhj w ww ww

w w .tn ka
i .
lv Words
* Words

a loose outer garment without sleeves‚ js®thd nkyhil

et given in bold in this lossary

w (mjdUnf)
k a
i . n etare taken from Textbook ilossary.
lv (ïiz¢brhš)
(m¥ghÉ, tŠrfk‰w) w.
k a lv . n et

from far away (btF
k a lv
ntonyms (v⮢brhš)
tn guileful (tŠrfKŸs)
i . n et

bought purchased (th§»ndh«) sold (ɉwh‹)
brisk quick, fast (Éiuthf, ntfkhf) slow (bkJthf)
ne t ne t net ne t
vi .cautious
vi .
careful, alert (ftdkhf)
lv i . careless (ftdÄ‹¿)
v i.
kal deserted al
uninhabited, unoccupied (ahU« tá¡fhj, ahU« a inhabited / crowded (T£lkhf) al
w. tn .tnk
w w.t
n k
w .tnk w
w devotion ww
loyalty (ÉRthrkhf) ww ww
disloyalty (ÉRthrk‰w) ww
disappeared vanished (kiwªjd®) appeared (njh‹¿dh®)
disapprove deny, refuse (kW¤jš) permit (mDkâ¤jš)

eager t ne t
anxious, enthusiastic (M®tÄ¡f, c‰rhfkhf)
ne t
unenthusiastic (c‰rhfÄ‹¿)
ne t
vi . engaging vi .
charming, captivating (mH»a, tÓfÇ¡F«) v i .
boring (btW¡F«goahd) v i.
n kal errands nk al
short work, odd jobs (áy ntiyfŸ) nka l
- nka
w w.t gazing w . t
looking steadily (Óuhf gh®¤jš) w . t w.t
abhor (btW¥nghL gh®¤jš) w
glaring ww ww
starting with anger (nfhg¥ gh®it gh®¤jš) w w
obscured, concealed (gh®itia Éy¡fš) ww
hawked sold (ɉwh®fŸ) bought (th§»dh‹)
ne t t
modest, poor, inferior (ml¡fkhd, trâa‰w, jhœªj)
ne et
luxury, superior (Ml«gu«, nk‹ikahd) t
lvi. imagined
speculated, guessed (ô»¤nj‹) i . n unimagined (f‰gid brŒa ïayhj)
nka intrude
enter without permission (mDkâ ï‹¿ EiHjš)
n kalv leave (btËnaWjš)
n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww nobility
dignity, virtue (kÇahij¡FÇa)
w www ww
dishonour (bfsutk‰w)
w ww
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lvi l
vi. lvi.
k a k a (ïiz¢brhš) a a
.tnk k
Words Synonyms ntonyms (v⮢brhš)
tn t n t n
w w. paused delayed
w(jhkâ¤j‹) w w.
continued (bjhl®ªjh‹) w
persuaded winduced (ö©od®) ww w
w ïH¡f it¤jš)
dissuaded (ijÇa« ww
propped rested (XŒbtL¤jhŸ) discourage

i . n et
provoked aroused (»s®ªbjGªjd)
i . ne t unprovoked,
i .
gutrkilahkš)ne t
unexcited (»s®ªbjHhkš,
i . n et
k alvresistance kal v a lv alv
n fighting, struggle (r©ilÆLjš / nghuh£l«)
n nk co-operation (x¤JiH¥ò)
w w.t rubble .t w.t
debris, broken bricks (ïoghLfŸ, cilªj valuable (kâ¥òÄFªj)
w w.t w
br§f‰fŸ) ww ww ww
scarce insufficient, deficient (g‰wh¡Fiw, j£LghL) adequate (nghJkhd msî)
scarcely hardly (mó®tkhf, mÇjhf) abundantly (Ãiwªj)
selfless t unselfish (j‹dyk‰w)
ne t net
selfish (Raeykhd)
ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal shabby
ill-dressed (nkhrkhd cil mÂjš)
royal (kâ¥ghd (cil) mÂjš)
a nka
w.t t t t
slackened reduced (FiwªjJ)
. . increased (mâfǤjJ) .
w w ww w w
uncomfortably (brsfÇaÄšyhj)
lobby (el¡F« tÊ)
w comfortably (brsfÇakhf)
outlet (btËnaW« tÊ)
ww ww
vexation annoyance (tU¤j«) happiness (k»œ¢á)
wild t t
fruit grown without proper cultivation (Kiwahf - t t
l lvi.
gÆÇlhkš, jhdhf ts®ªjit)
. tnka worn . t nk a
old and damaged (giHa áâykilªj)
. t nka fresh (òâa)
. t nka
w w w ww w w
ww Tex w
ual Ques ions ww ww

w w .t nk


Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each based on your understanding of the story. ho did the narrator meet at.the

. t nk
i n t
eoutskirts of Verona?

selling - ɉgid, outskirts - CU¡F btËna

hy did w
w w w .t nk
i. n et
v selling wild strawberries atathelvoutskirts of Verona.
The narrator met two

wwbuying fruits from the boys?ww

the driver not approve of the narrator
The two boys had a shabby appearance. They were wearing old and worn-out clothes. So, the driver did
t not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys.
i . n eshabby appearance - má§fkhdi . n et i
njh‰w«, wearing - mªJ, approve. net i. n et
ka lv k a lv k alv - x¥òjš
k a lv c.
w tn much on clothes and food.
he boys did not .spend
w .tnhy? w .tn w
w Theyw wto save money for medical treatment
had ww of their sister. So, they did w
spend much on clothes and ww
food. medical treatment - kU¤Jt bryî, spend - brytʤjš
i .n etereNo,thethey
boys saving money to go tto the tates? How do you know?t
not saving i .n e i . n e i. n e t
ka lv the States, butwere a
they hadkother
lvplans. k a l told the narrator that they would
money to go to the states. Theyv
k alvlike to go to
w .tn saving - nrĤjš,w
.tnarrator w .tn
- ÉtÇ¥gt®, plans - â£l§fŸ w .tn w
w ww ww ww ww
e. hy did the author avoid going to Lucia’s room? (QY. 19)
The author avoided going to Lucia’s room because he did not want to intrude into the privacy of the
ne t ne t et t
brothers and sister. avoided - jÉ®¤jh®, intrude - mDkâ ï‹¿ EiHjš, privacy - jÅik
lvi. i . n
nka f.
What was Lucia suffering from?
n kalv nka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww ww ww ww
Lucia was suffering from Tuberculosis of the spine. suffer - J‹g¥gLjš, Tuberculosis - fhrnehŒ
w w w ww
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. n et i . n et Sura’s ➠ XII Std iSmart.n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit n et - 1
k a lvg. hat made the boys join k a v resistance movement against
lthe k a v Germans?
lthe k a lv (PTA-3)
w .tn .tnthe resistance movement against
The boys joined
w w .tnthe Germans because they hated
n Germans as they
.tthe w
w w family. resistance - v⮤jš,whated
destroyedwtheir w - btW¤jš, destroyed - mʤjd®ww ww
h. hat made the boys work so hard?
The boys worked so hard to pay for their sister’s medical bills and food.
i . n et worked - ntiy brŒjš,ihard . n e- tfodkhd i .n et i . n et
k alv k a lv k a lv k a lv i. .tndisclose their problem to the
hy didn’t the boys
w w tn
.author? w .tn w
w wwdid not disclose their problemswtowthe author, as they didn’t like towbewsympathised.
The boys ww
disclose - btË¥gL¤Jjš, sympathised - mDjhg«

i . n et the following questionsi.innthreeet or four sentences each. i . n et i .n et
kalva. escribe the appearance k a lv icola and Jacopo.
k a lv ka lv6; Sep. 2020)
(PTA-1 &

w .tn n wearing an old damaged Jersey

The elder boy.twas
w w .tnand cut-off Khaki pants. Thewother
.tn boy was slim and
w was wearingw
w a shortened army tunic gathered inw
w w w hair and brown skin. www
loose folds. Both of them had uncombed
Nicola, the elder, was 13 years old and Jacopo was 12 years old .
appearance - njh‰w«, damaged - nrjkilªj, uncombed - jiy thuhj t were the various jobs undertaken
What n et by the little boys? (Govt. MQP; March n t
i . i . i .
nkalv During the summera
n k lv the little boys shined shoes,ksold
n alvfruits and hawked newspapers.
n k lv conducted
.t w t and ran errands. summer
tourists round .t - nfhil eh£fŸ, errands - ášyiw
wdays w.t ntiyfŸ
ww c. How did w
w w
the narrator help the boys on unday?
w w w (HY. 19) w

w w .tn ka
i . n et

When the boys requested the narrator to drive them to a village, he readily agreed and drove them to the
tiny village ‘Poleta’ set high upon the hillside. He also waited for the boys to rejoin them and then drove them

w w
. n et
.tn woman, with steel-rimmed
nurse. She took the author to the cubicle. w w w .tn
n et
back to the city. tiny village - á¿a »uhk«, waited - fh¤âUªjh®, rejoin - Û©L« ïiztj‰fhd
lvd. ho took the author ktoathe i
lvcubicle? k a lv i
dressed in
w w
n k a
lv i . n et

of a trained
w ww
spectacles - _¡F¡ f©zho, cubicle - rJu toÉyhd áW miw
e. etescribe the girl with whom the e t were talking to in the cubicle?
boys et et
i . n i . n i . n i . n
ka lv k a v a young girl of twenty. She was
Lucia, the boys’ sister, lwas
k alvwearing a pretty lace jacket kandalwas
v listening
to her brothers’ chatter. Her eyes were soft and tender. She had a resemblance to her brothers, who took good w . t n
w . t n
w . t n
w care of her. w
pretty lace jacket - mHfhd rÇif #h¡bf£, listening - nf£L¡ bfh©L, resemblance - x¤J¥ nghFjš
w w w w w ww
f. Recount the untold sufferings undergone by the siblings after they were rendered homeless.
After the siblings were rendered homeless, they suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure

i . n et i . et i . et i. et
to the cold winter. For months, they lived in the shelter made of broken building walls and bricks. The boys
n n n
hated the Germans and stood against them as rebels. After the war, they got back to their sister and found her
ka lv k a lv
suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. k a lv k alv
w .tn w .tn suffered horribly - fLikahf
.tghâ¡f¥g£l, w .tn
w siblings - cl‹ãw¥òfŸ,
w w w w starvation - g£oÅ
w w w ww
g. he narrator did not utter a word and preferred to keep the secret to himself. Why? Substantiate the
statement with reference to the story.

ne t t et
The narrator had understood their character well and he knew they wouldn’t like to have sympathised.
ne t
lvi. lvi. i . n
Therefore he did not confront the boys and kept the secret to himself. Their spirit and selfless action brought
nka ka
a new nobility to human life.
n n kalv ka lv
. t . t .t .tn
ww w w w
understood - òǪJ
w w w
bfh©lh®, sympathised - mDjhg« bfhŸSjš, confront - vâ®bfhŸs, w
w w secret - ïufáa
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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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lvAnswer the following in ka aparagraph
lv i .n
lv i . n
k a
3. of 100-150 words k a
each. k a
w .tn a. hat was the w .tn force that made the boys w
do.various jobs? w .tn w
w w w w w w w
When the boys and their sister were rendered homeless in the war, they suffered horribly from starvation w w
and exposure to cold winter. The boys found that their sister was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They
took her to a hospital and persuaded the staff to take her into the hospital and look after her. In order to pay
ne t ne t ne t
for her food, medicines and a comfortable life, they had to do various jobs like shine shoes, sell fruits, hawk
n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i
newspapers, conduct tourists round the town and run errands. Despite facing so many problems in their early
nk al kal nk a l
nk a
life, the boys did not lose hope. The brothers’ positive approach and determination to get their sister cured
w. t .t w.t w.t
w w ww
had helped the staff treat her well.
ww ww ww
horribly - fLikahf, persuaded - t‰òW¤âdh®, comfortable life - trâahd thœ¡if, positive approach -
ne®kiw mQFKiw, determination - cWâ
b. e
n t was the family affected bynthe
How etwar? n et n et
i .
lv earlyThe i .
siblings’ mother died i .
lvwas a well-known
in their life. Their father, who singer became lav i .
victim of the
ka war. The childrenk a
became homeless, as their home k
got adestroyed. They had always k
known aa comfortable
w .tn and cultured life.
n after they were rendered homeless,
.tBut w .tn they had suffered a lot from w .tnnear starvation and w
w exposurew to w
the cold winter. For months, they ww had barely kept themselves alivewinwa sort of shelter, they built ww
with their own hands amidst the broken bricks. The boys hated the Germans, as they were responsible for the
ruin of their happy family. They stood against them as rebels. After the war, when they got back to their sister,

i . n et i . et i . et i . n et
they found her suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. It was another shock to those poor kids.
n n
nkalv comfortable - trâahf, n k alv life - ehfÇf thœ¡if, shelter
n k
a-lj§FÄl«, nk alv
poor kids - ViH FHªijfŸ
.t c. t of icola and Jacopo. w.t
rite a character w.t (PTA-4)
ww w w w
w Sketch of Nicola and Jacopo w
w ww

.t n kal v Tnkalvi.Net
The ‘Two gentlemen’ of Verona are the boys in the story, ‘Nicolo and Jacopo’. Nicola, aged 13 is the elder
brother of Jacopo aged 12. Both the siblings are very sincere and self-sacrificing. They are prepared to do any

l v

n ka lv
t nk a lvi.
Right from shining shoes, selling fruits, distributing newspapers, to working as tourist guides and running
ne t
work for helping their sister Lucia to recover from tuberculosis. They live a hard life and do all sorts of odd jobs.

their errands, they still look contented and maintain their self-respect. They don’t have the intention of talking
ww ww ww
w .
about their family problem to anyone and want to keep it a secret. During the war period, they started hating
the Germans and also joined the resistance movement for their country’s freedom.
sincere and self-sacrificing - c©ikahd k‰W« Ra âahf kd¥gh‹ik, shining shoes - fhyÂfS¡F ghÈZ
nghLtJ, contended - Ãiwîl‹, self-respect - RakÇahij. resistance - v⮥ò, country’s freedom - eh£o‹ Rjªâu«
i . n et i . n et i . n et i. n et
ka lvd. hat message is conveyed k a lvthrough the story ‘ wo Gentlemen k alv of Verona’? k a lv (HY. 19) .tnGentlemen of Verona’ promises
The story ‘Two
w w
n for the society. The boys Nicola
.thope .tn and Jacopo were
w devoted and
w w
sincere towards the cause of their
w w
sister’s ailment. They were w
w despite the harshness www
faced by them. This approach of theirs towards life shows positivity and nobility. Despite all the negativity
in the world like war, hatred, jealousy, rivalry and selfishness, the boys’ attitude indicated that goodness still
persisted in some souls. It conveys the message that there is scope for the world, for all of us, to become a better
i .n et place one day.
i .n et i . n et i . n et
ka lv promises - th¡FWâfŸ,khope a lv- e«ã¡if, devoted - m®¥gÂ¥òl‹, k a lvailment - nehŒ, approach - mQFKiw,
k a lv positivity -
w .tn e‹ikahŒ v©Qjš,
w .tn negativity - vâ®kiw, war - ngh®,
w tn - btW¥ò, jealously - bghwhikíl‹,
.hatred w .tn rivalry - ngh£o, w
w ww
selfishness - Raey«
ww ww ww
e. Justify the title of the story ‘ wo Gentlemen of Verona’. (Govt. MQP; PTA-2; QY. 19)
A.J. Cronin had used the title ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ in an ironic manner. At a very young age,
ne t ne t et t
the boys faced the hardships of life - their mother died early in their life, their father became a victim of the
lvi. lvi. alv
i . v
early war, their village suffered due to German occupation, their home got destroyed, suffered starvation and
. t nka . tnka .t k .t n ka
cold winter. The family struggled for life. They found their sister suffering from Tuberculosis of the spine.
ww ww ww ww
It was another shock to those poor kids. Despite facing so many problems in their early, they did not lose hope.
w w w ww
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w w w
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k a lv Their positive approachkaandlvdetermination managed them ka tolvgive their sister, the best they a
k lv They did
w .tn .tn a poor life to save money for
various jobs, but lived
w w tn sister’s treatment and food.wThey
.their .tnnever tried to take
w anyone’s
w w
sympathy. Hence these two young w
w have every quality of being called
w w Gentlemen of Verona’. www
ironic manner - Ku©ghlhf, hardships - fZl§fŸ, victim - ghâ¡f¥g£l, struggled - nghuhoaJ, poor life - gÇjhg
thœ¡if, sympathy - fUiz,
f. e
n t
Adversity brings out the best as well
n et as the worst in people. lucidaten et this statement with reference n etotthe
i .
lv story. lv i . lv i . lv i .
k a dversity k a k a k a ‘
of Verona’. The
w .t n out the best as well as
bitter and indomitable strugglew
the worst
w .t n
in people’ This is displayed
of Nicola and Jacopo, amidst the w
in the
.t ‘Two Gentlemen
ravages of war, takes on epic w
w w w w w
proportions. The two young boys depict great maturity, wisdom and faith in the power of the human spirit. w w
The die-hard nature of the two boys changes the nature of people around them with their vibrant spark of
humanity. Their dignity and perseverance show their extreme faith in their own ability to cater to their sister’s
i . n et i . et i . et i .n et
medical treatment. So the relentless struggle of the two boys offers a wide colourful view of love, tenderness,
n n
kalv k a lv k a lv
wisdom and trust, which even a catastrophic war failed to crush.
k a lv
w .tn w
maturity - K⮢á,
tn - Phd«,
Adversity - JuâZlÃiy,
.wisdom w
dignity - f©Âa«,
tn ravages - mÊîfŸ, proportions
indomitable - gÂait¡f .ïayhj,
w .tn-- kU¤Jt
perseverance - ÉlhKa‰á, medical treatment
w relentless w
- ïu¡fk‰w, tenderness - bk‹ik, wisdomww- Phd«, catastrophic - nguÊî ww
g. hich character do you like the most in the story and why?
t t t
I like the characters of the two boys, ‘Nicolo and Jacopo’ the most, as they were devoted, sincere and self- t
l lvi.
sacrificing, despite the harshness faced by them. Although the boys were childish, simple and natural, there

. tnka . t nk a
. t nka . t nka
was a grave seriousness on their faces. This was indicative of the rude and harsh life, which they had faced at
such an early age. As they had lost their parents and home, and their sister was battling an ailment, the young
w w w ww w w
ww ww
boys were serious towards life. They had lost their childhood. Despite all the negativity in the world like war,
w ww
hatred, jealousy, rivalry and selfishness, the boys’ attitude indicated that goodness still persisted in some

w w .tn kalv i . n t
souls. It also conveys us that there is scope for the world to become a better place one day.
self-sacrificing - Ra âahf«, harshness -e
- e‰Fz«

w .tnk a lv i . n t grave seriousness - fLikahdnÔÉu«,

w .tn
k a lv i. et jealousy - bghwhik, rivalryi-.ngh£o,

w .tn k a lv
n et

a. Read the following words taken from the story. Give two Synonyms and one Antonym for each of
these twords. Use a dictionary, if required.
t t t
vi . ne Answers vi . ne v i . ne v i.n e
kal al al a l
w. tn Words
w .tnk Synonyms w
.tnntonym w .t nk
w cautious ww careful, alert w w
careless ww ww
disapprove deny, refuse permit
brisk fast, quick slow
i .n et
engaging charming,v i .net
captivating boring i . net
i. ne t
lv al l v l v
tnka humble n
poor,kinferior superiornk a nka
w w . w.t w . t w.t w
ww anxious, enthusiastic
ww unenthusiastic
w w ww
resistance fighting, struggle co-operation
persuade prompt, induce discourage
scarce net
insufficient, deficient adequate n et
lvi. lvi. dishonourkal
vi . lv
t nka nobility
dignity, virtue
n n ka
w w.t ww
.t w
w w w ww Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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w w w
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Sura’s t et t
i .ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
lvHomophones and Confusables. .ne  Low Priced
lv i dition
lvi .n
lv i . n e11
k a
b. k a k a k a
w .tn w .tofncommon confusables. Distinguish
(i) Given below is a list
w .tnthe meaning of each pair of words
w .tnby framing your own
w sentences.
w w w w w w ww
(a) 1. They decided to emigrate to the U.S. to live in New York.
2. My uncle immigrate to Australia in 1985.

i . n e(b)t 1.
i . et
The park is beside the lake.
n i .n et i . n et
k alv 2.
k a lv
Besides being a doctor, he is an orator.
k a lv k a lv
n A judicialnmatter may take months for the courts.tntomydecide .tn
w.t .tjudicious
(c) 1. on.
w 2. w w
Through use of persuasion, I w
convinced family to move to New w
Delhi. w
(d) 1.
wAll ww
electors are eligible to the assembly.
ww ww
2. This writing is illegible.

i . n e(e)t 1.
2. i . ne t
The boy’s conscience made him to admit the truth.
When the ambulance arrived, the patient was still conscious. i . net
i .ne t
alv l v l v l v
.t n k (f) 1.
. t nka
Kolkata is an industrial city.
. t nk a
. t nka
w w 2. w
Are you an industrious student?
ww w w
(g) 1. ww
minent personalities attended thew
party hosted by the Minister. ww ww
2. Our victory was imminent in the final match.
t 1. Ravi’s uncle was involved in illicit activities.
t t t
ne ne ne ne
lvi. lvi. lvi. lvi.
2. The comedian hoped his jokes would elicit a great deal of laughter from the audience.

. tnka (i) 1.
2. . t nka . t nka
The doctor prescribed three months of physical therapy for my leg injury.
Strikes remain proscribed in the armed forces. . t nka
ww (j)
ww ww
1. wThe bad weather will affect the crops.

2. You’ll feel the effect of the medication in the next twenty minutes.
(k) 1. My friend has an aural impairment and so she uses a hearing aid.
. n et 2. . n et
An oral agreement is legal in some places. . n et ne t
lv (l) 1. The child wask a
lvat dawn. k a lv i
a lvi.
.tn 2. .tn
His story .tn
is not borne out by any true incidences. . t nk
ww (ii) Fill in thew
w w
blanks with suitable Homophonesw
w w
or onfusables. ww
Ans: (a) wallet valet (h) hoard horde
t (b) fairy faery t (i) desert dessert
i . ne (c) medal meddle i . ne (j) night knight i . net i. ne t
al v (d) wait al
v (k) sweet suite alv a l v
tn k .tnk n k .tnk
w w. (e) yoke
w yolk (l) plain w.t
plane w w
(f) wwgrown groan (m) ww
might mite ww ww
(g) earn yearn (n) quite quiet

c. t meanings of the following Phrasal

n n et Verbs and frame sentences n t them.
eusing n et
i .
lvAnswers lvi . lv i . lv i.
ka k a k a k a
w .tn Phrasal Verb
.tMeaning w .tn Sentence
w .tn w
w cut-off wtow
remove ww wire is cut-off in this house. ww
The telephone ww
come upon to meet unexpectedly I came upon an old friend in the street today.
put out stop or extinguish It took three hours to put out the fire.

i n
. eupt i
to arrange in order .ne Together, they began to draw up
i . n et for their first home.
i . n et
lv to distribute kal
v athelvagenda. alv
pass out We’ll pass out copies of
k k
t n
.t the ground The plane willwtake n
.t off in a minute. n
. take off depart
w wfrom w w w.t w
w w w ww Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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ne t ne t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit n et - 1
k a lvi.
Phrasal Verb Meaning
k a lvi. k a
i .
lvSentence k a lv
tn rejectw.t
n .tn community colleges to turn w .tnstudents.
w w. turn away Hard times are
w forcing away w
stand by wtow wbywyou whatever happens.
support an idea or person I’ll stand ww ww
bank on to depend on You can bank on him to get the job done quickly.

Readn t list of words formed by adding

ethe d. n etsuffixes. n et n et
lv i . lv i . i .
lv resemblance nobilitykalv i .
k a frequently
k a
satisfaction willingness a
k Form two derivativesw .tneach of the following words bywadding
from .tn Prefixes and Suffixes. w .tn w
w Ans: ww Prefix
Word Suffix w
w Word Prefixw
w Suffix ww
patient impatient patiently fertile infertile fertility
honour dishonour honourable different indifferent difference
ne t respect disrespect ne t
respectable friend net
befriend friendship ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal manage
mismanagel management obey
nk a l disobey
obedience l
w w.t w . t
. t w . t w
ww w enin ww ww
Complete the following sentences.
a) t t
The announcement was made by the Department of ________. t [Ans: Disaster Management] t
Widespread heavy rains are expected from the early hours of ________.
[Ans: Sunday]

. tnka c)
. t nk a
The public is asked to find out the locations of ________.
. t nka . t nka
[Ans: the closest flood shelters]

w w d) w ww
An emergency kit should contain water bottles, biscuit packets and a ________. w w
ww w ww
[Ans: torch light, medical supplies, and a whistle for help] ww

e) A list of ________ should be displayed on the wall. [Ans: emergency telephone numbers]
f) Important documents can be secured by keeping them in a ________ case. [Ans: waterproof case]
t t t t ne
g) Damage to refrigerators can be avoided by _____. [Ans: emptying them and leaving their doors open]
al v
h) l v lv
Mobile phones should be charged to enable the marooned to contact their friends, relatives and ________. lvi.
t n k nka n ka nka
[Ans: emergency services]
. i) w.t w.t
________ should be placed in the toilet bowls to prevent sewage inflow. w . t
[Ans: sand bags] w
j) ww ww
Listen to the ________and follow the instructions implicitly. ww
[Ans: periodic news updates] ww

i . n et i . n et i . net i . n et
ka lv On the occasion of World k a lvEnvironment Day, you havekbeenalv asked to deliver a speechkduring
a lv morning w tn
assembly on the .importance of tree planting. Write
n speech in about 100 – 150 words.
.tthe w .tn
w w
 ntroduction
w w w w w w ww
 Suggested value points : Pollution control - Medicine - ecessary for wildlife - Cause rainfall
 onclusion

i .n et Theet or a e of ree la et g
i .n i . n i. n et
ka lv Good Morning, Dear
k a lvfriends! I, S. Neha of XII ‘B’kwould
a lv like to deliver a short speechk a lvon the topic
w .tn w tnTree planting’. Trees are anwimportant
‘The importance .of .tncreate apart of every community.
w tnOur streets, parks,
w playgrounds and backyards are lined with
ww our quality of life by bringing
Trees increase
trees that peaceful, aesthetically
wwnatural elements and wildlifewhabitats
w into urban environment.
settings. w
Many neighbourhoods are also the home of very old trees that serve as historic landmarks and a great source
of town pride. Likewise, Trees contribute to their environment by providing, oxygen, improving air quality
ne t ne t et t
conserving water, preserving soil and supporting wildlife. Therefore, without trees, we, humans would not
lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
be able to exist on this beautiful planet. Thus, it is very important that we should make it a practice to plant a
number of trees in our school premises and in our surroundings. Finally, I would like to say that it is best to
. t . t .t .t
ww ww ww
join a nearby NGO working for this cause to work efficiently in this direction.
w w w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

ask 1 :


et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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Sura’s t et t
lv2i : .ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
.ne  Low Priced
v i
i .n
lv 100–150 words using the khints i . n e13
lvgiven below
n k a
ask a
Prepare a speech on “ he
k of reading habit” in a
k about a
w.t .tnown ideas.
together with your
w w .tn w .tn w
w ww
 ntroduction ww ww ww
 Suggested value points : Knowledge enrichment – Skill development – Meaningful usage of time –
verall development
ne t
 onclusion
n et n et n et
v i . The lv i .or a e of rea g ha lv i . lv i .
nk al k a k a k a
w. t Good Morning
w .tn .tnskills,
friends! I, Vishal of Class XII ‘A’ would
w tn‘The importance of
like to deliver a short speech.on
w Reading habit’
w w . Reading is one of the most fundamental
w w every one of us needs
w w to learn to succeed in life.
w ww
Developing good reading habits is vital to our future, not just academically, but in everyday life as well.
Reading develops vocabulary. The more we read, the more new words will find their way into our
vocabulary. Reading not only increases our attention span, but also leads us to a lifelong love of books. As a
t t t t
vi . ne v i ne v i ne v i .ne
result, this habit will serve us well throughout our education and beyond it. Reading also encourages a thirst
. .
n kal nka
nk a l
for knowledge. Children with good reading habits learn more about the world around them and develop anl
w w.t w t
. t w . t
interest in other cultures. I would like to conclude my speech by saying ‘Develop good reading habits from your
. w
ww ww
early childhood, as this habit makes us worldly-wise and enhances our intellect. It also provides us with an edge
over the others. Thank you all for giving me this opportunity to speak on this wonderful topic.

. n et . n et eadin . n et ne t
alvRead the passage givennbelow
alvand make notes. alv
i lvi.
.t k nk nka
ww Smart citiesww w w.t w . t w
1. Initiated by the Govt. of India.
w ww ww

.t n kal v
(a) drive economic growth
(b) improve the quality of life of people
l v
(a) resolve urban sustainability problems
The contribution of urban forestry
ww ww
(a) physiological, sociological and economical
n ka lv

w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

(b) Mangroves, lakes and forests
(i) act as sponges
ne t ne t
(ii) present as cultural and recreational hotspots net ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
kal al
(c) presence has shown to increase the economic value of the place
a a l
w. tn .tnk
(d) reduce the cost of buildings
w w.t
n k
w .tnk w
w 4. Plants ww ww ww ww
(a) provide shade
(b) regulate micro-climate

ne t
(c) regulate energy budgets
ne t net ne t
vi . (d) improve air quality vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al
(e) curtail noise pollution
nk a l
w w.t . t
(f) arrest sedimentation
w w . t w.t w
ww ww
(i) lakes and rivers get a chance to recover w w ww
(ii) improve an aquatic eco system
5. Biodiversity gets boosted
. n e(a)t ne t
high areas help to build resilient ecosystems n et
lv i lvi.
(b) opportunity for children to connect to environment alv
i . lv
. t nka . tnka
(c) learn about native species .tn k .t n ka
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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ne t ne t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart
n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 1
k a lvi. a lvi. a lv i .
a lv
tn t nk .tn
Grammar k .tn k
w w. w . w w ww
ww wTw
w w w
ask 1 : ick the correct option and complete the dialogue.
A n:etHello. What do you watch / are you
n t
ewatching? n et [Ans:n etyou]
i .
lvB : A programme about thekaJallian i . i .
lv Wala Bagh massacre, whichkI arecorded
lv last night. I study / I’m studying i .
lvabout it this
k a k a term.
w .tn w .tn w .tn[Ans: I’m studying]
w w / I’ve known about it is that hundreds
A : All that I know
w w w of people died / had died in it.ww [Ans: I know; died]
w ww
B : Yes, it was much, much worse than anyone has expected / had expected. It went on / has gone on for hours. Do you
want / ave you wanted to watch the programme with me? [Ans: had expected; went on; Do you want]
: t ne t ne t
No, thanks. I’ve got to do some veena practice. I’ve just remembered / I just remembered that we’ve got a concert
ne t
vi . v i . v i .
tomorrow, and I don’t have / haven’t had time to practise my new piece this week.
v i .
n kal nka
nk a l
[Ans: I just remembered; haven’t had]

w w.t B : . t . t . t
OK. I’ve already done / I already did my practice, so I’ve got time to watch TV. See you later. [Ans: I’ve already done]
w ww w w
ww w
ask 2 : Complete the sentences with the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets.
ww ww
a. _______ (tell) me exactly what _______ (happen) last night! [Ans: Tell; happened]
t t t t ne ne ne
b. Mrs. Mageswari is my Maths teacher. She ____ (teach) me for four years. [Ans: has been teaching]
l v c. lvi. lvi. lvi.
I _____ (never) think of a career in medicine before I spoke to my Biology teacher but now I _____ think (seriously) it.
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka . t nka
[Ans: never thought; am seriously considering]
w w d. w ww w
Oh no! I _______ (forget) to bring my assignment! What am I going to do? This is the second time I _______ (do) this! w
ww w ww [Ans: forgot; have done] ww

.t n k l v
a g.

I can’t remember what my teacher _______ (say) yesterday about our homework. I _______ (not listen) properly because
Hussain _______ (talk) to me at the same time.


n ka lv
[Ans: said; did not listen; was talking]

w . t
a lvi.
Last year we _______ (go) on a school trip to Kanyakumari. We _____ (have) a very interesting time. [Ans: went; had]
At the moment I _______ (think) about what course to pursue next year but I _______ (not make) a final decision yet.
[Ans: am thinking; have not made]
I _____ (get) up at 7 every morning but this morning I _____ (sleep) for a long time and I _____ (not get)up until 8.

[Ans: get; was sleeping; did not get]

ask 3 : Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.
i et
a).n Everyone _______ when the earthquake
i . n ethit the small town. (sleep) i. ne
[Ans: was sleeping]
ka lvb) Evangelene _______ herkjobaalvcouple of years ago. (quit) kalv a l v
[Ans: had quit] c) Where _______ w your
n holidays? (you spend)
.tlast w .tn w [Ans: did you spend] w
w ww_______ for Tiruvallur next morning.(leave)
d) I think Suresh ww ww [Ans: will be leaving] ww
e) I was angry that I _______ such a mistake (make). [Ans: had made]
f) My mother was tired yesterday because she ___ well the night before (not sleep).
t t t [Ans: did not sleep] t
vi .ne i .ne
g) Her parents _______ in Coimbatore for two weeks from today (be).
v v i . ne v i. ne
[Ans: will be]

n kal nk al
h) Nothing much _______ when I got to the meeting (happen).
nk a l
[Ans: had happened]

w w.t w . t
i) Scientists predict that by 2050, man _______ on Mars. (land)w . t w.t
[Ans: will have landed] w
j) Sh! Someone _______ to our conversation! (listen) ww w w [Ans: is listening] ww
k) The plane _______ off in a few minutes. (take) [Ans: will be taking]
l) They _______ about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)
t t [Ans: were talking]
ne ne n et
lvi. lvi. i .
m) Justin and his parents _______ in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house. (live) [Ans: are living]
alv lv
. t nka . tnka
n) Rajini Prem’s family _______ in Chengalpet now. (be).
.tn k .t n ka [Ans: are]

ww ww
o) Yusuf _______ to the movies once in a while (go)
w w ww w ww [Ans: will go]
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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Sura’s t t t
.ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
lvip) .ne  Low Priced
l v i dition
l vi .ne i . n e15
lv has been]
a This _______ an easy quiz a a a[Ans:
tn k t kso farlast(be).
ngames t n k .t nk
w w. q) Our team _______ .any
year. (not win)
w film in the cinema last night. w w .
w w [Ans: did not won]
r) We _______
w a wonderful w (see) w [Ans: saw] ww
s) Hurry up! The movie _______ (already, begin) [Ans: has already begun]

i . n et i . n etModal uxiliaries i . n et

k lv1 : Fill in the blanks with modal
a k a lvauxiliaries. k a lv a lv
.tn .tn answer five out of ten questions. .tn nk
w w a) The candidates _______
w w w.t [Ans: must]
b) How _______ wwyou open my bag? ww ww [Ans: dare] ww
c) Tajudeen _______ finish this work by Monday. [Ans: should / will]
d) _______ I go to school today? [Ans: can / May]
e)ne t ne
I wish you _______ tell me the truth.
t net ne t
[Ans: would]
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal f)
Poonam _______ not catch the bus yesterday.
nk a l
l [Ans: could]

w w.t g) . t . t
People who live in glass houses _______ not throw stones.
w ww w . t [Ans: should]
h) ww
You _______ not go to the market as I have brought vegetables.
w ww [Ans: need] ww
i) _______ you have taken all this trouble? [Ans: would]
j) You _______ be joking. [Ans: must]
t t t t
k) ne
I tried to climb up the tree, but _______ not.
lvi. lvi.
[Ans: could]
[Ans: could]
nka a nka nka
l) Hima Das ran so fast that she _______ win the medal.
. t m) . t nk . t
You _______ lead a horse to water, but you _______ make it drink. . t [Ans: can; can’t]
w w w ww w w
n) ww
I _______ like to have a cup of coffee. w ww [Ans: would] ww

o) My grandfather _______ visit this temple when he was young. [Ans: used to]

i . et i . et
ask 2 : Complete the following sentences with modals using the clues given:
n n i. n et i . n et
kalva) You _______ help the needy.
k a v obligation)
l(moral k a lv k a lv ought to]

w .tn .tnnot behave like that. (conditional

b) If I were you, I _______
w w tn
.sentence) w .t n [Ans: would]
w ww tell a lie. (determination) ww
c) I _______ never
w w [Ans: shall]
d) My uncle _______ have reached by now. (possibility) [Ans: might]
e) The patient is critical. He _______ be taken to the hospital.(compulsion) [Ans: must]
ne t ne t
I _______ to play hockey when I was a student. (past habit)
net ne t
[Ans: used to]
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
kal g)
You _______ not attend my class. (order)
a a l [Ans: must]

w. tn h) .tnk
He _______ come today. (remote possibility)
w w.t
n k
w .tnk [Ans: might]
w i)
ww ww
You _______ follow the traffic rules. (regulation)
ww [Ans: must]
j) He _______ play the match. (willingness) [Ans: will]
k) You _______ not waste time on it. (necessity) [Ans: need]

i .n et
i .n et i . n et
Had the doctor come in time, he _______ have saved the patient. (probability)
i. ne t
[Ans: would]

a lv a lv a lv l v
k k
.tn ask 1 : Read what thesewpeople epor ed k
.tn say and rewrite as sentences.
.tn nka
w w w w.t w
ww ww w w ww
1. aja said that he was very busy.
2. Satya said that she had completed her work.

ne t ne t et t
3. Johnson said that he didn’t like to go out.
4. lvi.
Akshita said that she had just come from Chennai.
i . lv
. t nka 5. tnka
Jayan said that he was learning English.
. .tn k .t n ka
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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. n et i . n et Sura’s ➠ XII Std iSmart .n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 1
k a lv6. Madhu said that she hadkbought
a lv a pen the day before. k a lv k a lv
w .tn w .tn
7. Joseph and Mary said .tnthe next day.
that they would be going for shopping
w w .tn w
w 8. Afsar and w w said that they could not attendwthewparty.
Ayesha ww ww
9. Satish asked him how he was.
10. Victor said that he was fine and thanked him.

i . n et i . n et i .n et
ask 2 : Read the following dialogue and complete the report in the space provided. i . n et
k alv k a lv k a lv a lv
n a) Priya :
. n to the railway station.
Where tare you going?
.tn nk
w w.t Vijay : w wgoing
I am w w.t w
Priya : w Why are you going there? ww ww ww
Vijay : I want to receive my uncle who is coming from Bangalore.
Priya asked Vijay (a) where he was going.
t t t t
vi . ne i . ne
Vijay replied (b) that he was going to the railway station.
v v i . ne v i .ne
n kal nka
Priya further inquired (c) why he was going there.
nk a l
w w.t w . t
. t
Vijay stated that (d) he wanted to receive his uncle, who was coming from Bangalore.
w w . t w
b) Teacher : w Why are you late? w ww ww
Divya : I missed the bus.
t : You should have reached the bus stop on time.
t t t
l Divya :
My grandmother is ill. So, I had to take her to the doctor. ne
. tnka Teacher
: . nka
I am sorry. What ails her?
She has high fever. . t nka . t nka
w w wwDivya why she was late. Divyaw ww w w
The teacher ww teacher told her that (b) she ww
replied that (a) she had missed the bus.The

should have reached the bus stop on time. Divya said that her grandmother was ill so she had to take her to the doctor.
The teacher felt sorry and further asked her (c) what ailed her. Divya explained that she (d) had high fever.

i . n et i . n et
ask 3 : Rewrite the following passage in indirect speech. i. n et i . n et
kalv k a lv k a lv k a lv
Pradeep got out of bed with much excitement. He remarked to his sister Varshini that it was going to be a lovely sunny day.
w .tn w .totnlet her sleep a bit longer and suggested
w .tnhim to go and help mother in cooking
w .tn since he was
w Varshini begged Pradeep
so enthusiastic.w
Pradeep said that he would surely help wandwasked his mother whether he could ww
help her. His mother agreed to w
his request and asked him to have his breakfast and added that there were idlis and vadas on the dining table. Pradeep thanked
his mother and said that he would surely help her by eating them.
ne t ne t net ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
kal al a a l
w. tn
w .tnk e er W
w .tn
rik in
w .tnk w
w a) ww letter carefully, discuss withwyour partner and answer the questions:
Read the following w ww ww
a. Who
n t is the sender of the letter? net
eAns: n et ne t
lvi . Srivatsav is the sender of
lv i
the. letter.
lv i . l v i.
ka b. ho is the receiver? k a k a nka
w .tn Ans: The editorw
of a newspaper is the receiver. w .tn w.t w
w w
wissue? ww w w ww
c. hat is the
Ans: Reckless riders who violate the traffic rules should be punished.

n t is the request of the sender?net

e n et to put an end to the menace. n et
i . Ans: The sender requests the i .
concerned authorities to take i
appropriate.measures i .
n kalve. Who will take steps after
n k alv
reading it? n k alv n k alv
.t .t police will take steps after reading
wit..t w.t
ww w
Ans: The law and
w w w w w ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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Sura’s t et t
i .ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
lvYou have chosen omputer .ne  Low Priced
i dition
v in the Higher (b) Youalare
lcience i .n
v the head of the nglish epartment lv i . n e17
n k a
n k a n k nk a in a
. t Secondary Course. t letter to your friend t
w. choice. ead the clues givenww. the inauguration of English
Write a renowned institution. You are . t
invited to preside over
ww w w
giving reasons for your
w w w wLiterary Club in your alma
w ww
in brackets to complete the letter. mater. Respond to the letter you have received either
accepting the invitation or expressing your inability
No. 4, Gandhi Street,
t t to attend the function.
i ne
K. K. Nagar, Chennai - 78.
. i . ne rom i .ne i . n et
al v 7th March, 2019 al v a lv a lv
tnk t n k nk C. Nagaraj
w w. Dear Rahul, w . w.t w.t
Professor of English, Head of the Department, w
Hope you are fine. I would like to inform youww ww
ABC Arts College, ‘K’ City ww
that I have chosen Computer Science in my higher Pin : YYYYYY
secondary course. I took this group, because it has th
5 June, 2019
ne t ne t
a very good scope for my future. I wish to become a To ne t ne t
vi . v i .
Computer Engineer in a software company and go v i . v i .
n kal nka
abroad for my future prospects in my career. Recently nk a l
The Principal
w w.t w . t
we have heard a lot of unhealthy happenings in Social ww
. t XYZ Higher Secondary School,
w . t w
ww w
Media and the society. All these have made me to take
‘B’ City, Pin : XXXXXX
ww ww
up this profession to cleanse the unhealthy situations. Dear Sir,
I have plans to pursue my higher studies in this field. Sub : Accepting your invitation.
. n et n et
All the best for your CA preparation. Convey my
. ne t
This is to inform you with pleasure that ne t
regards to your mother, father and brother. lvi. lvi.
I shall preside over the inauguration of your English
.tnk n k nka nka
Literary Club on 15th of June. I will be there in your
Yours lovingly,
ww.t ww
. t w . t
school before 3.30 p.m. for the programme. I have w
K. Ramesh. w w ww
made some changes in my schedule to attend this ww

w w .tn k
(a) You
i .
miss her w
ehadt been to your Grandma’sihouse
lvsummer holidays. You enjoyed
k a
. n etduring the
lv your stay in her
company. Write a letter.ttonyour Grandma stating how
returning to your
home. w
k a
programme, as this is the school, where I had studied
from 1978 to 1985. I feel honoured to preside over
n et
this event.

.tnYours sincerely,
w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

30, 2 Street, C. Nagaraj
Shanthi Nagar, Chennai - 80. (Head of English department)

ne t
25th February, 2019. ne t t envelope :
ddress on ne t
vi . vi . vi. v i.
kal Dear Grandma, al Toal kal
w. tn .tnk
I am fine here. How is your health? Are you
w w.t
nk The Principal w .tn w
w ww
taking your medicines daily? During the summer ww ww School,
XYZ Higher Secondary ww
holidays, I was with you in Salem. I cannot forget ‘B’ City, Pin : XXXXXX
those happy days. I miss you a lot Grandma.
ne t ne t
After returning to Chennai, a day never goes without (c)
Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school
ne t
vi . i .
remembering you. How you had cared for me
v v i . v i.
requesting him to help you obtain a duplicate mark
n kal nk al
during my stay with you! How much I enjoyed in nk a l
sheet of class X , which you lost while travelling.
w w.t . t
our beautiful garden, listening to your wonderful
w w . t w.t (HY. 19) w
stories! I can never forget these pleasant days. ww rom w w ww
I am longing to see you again. Convey my love to
S. Madan,
grandpa, aunt and uncle.
t t 12, Gandhi Street,
. n elovingly, ne n et
lv i lvi. alv
i .
nka nka ka
R. Nisha. k Chennai.
. t . t .tn .t n
ww w ww w ww 3rd January, 2019
w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
BookOrder Online and Available at All Leading Bookstores

ne t ne t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart
n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 1
k a lviTo. a lvi. Thank
i .
lvyou, a lv
tn The Principal, t nk k
.tnYours sincerely, .tn k
w w. w . w w w
RMM Hr. Sec. School,
Poonamallee, Chennai.
ww S. Rajesh. ww ww
ddress on the envelope :
Dear Sir,
t et
Sub : Requisition - Duplicate mark sheet t et
lv regarding.
lvi . n
lv i ne
The Manager
. lv i . n
k a ka
I wish to bring to your kind notice that I lost my nk a AZ Company,
nk a w .tn
mark sheet while travelling to Trichy. Last month, w.t Jaya Nagar, w.t w
w ww
I visited my aunt’s place at Trichy to do my higher ww Bengaluru. ww ww
studies in the college over there. But unfortunately,
I lost my mark sheets while I was travelling. So I request (e) You wish to become a pilot. Write a letter to a

vi. net net

you to kindly issue my duplicate mark sheet as I need t
college enquiring about the details of the pilot
ne ne t
al to do my higher studies. lvi. l v i . l v i
training course offered by the college. nclude the.
.t nk Thank you, . t nka . t nk a
. t nka
following details in your enquiry: duration of the
course, fee structure, scholarships, hostel facilities
w w w ww w w
Yours sincerely, w and placement details. ww ww
S. Madan rom
ddress on the envelope : Suresh. K
. n et . n et ne t
26, Sardar Patel Road, ne t
i To
alv The Principal, nkalv
i lvi.
St. Thomas Mount, lvi.
.tnk .t . t nka Chennai - 600 016. . t nka
ww RMM Hr. Sec. w
w School,
w Chennai.
Poonamallee, w ww st
21 January, 2019 ww

.tn k

alv i . n
Write a letter to AZ Company requesting them to

nk alv i . n et
replace the defective juicer that you bought recently.
nclude the following details: the problem, date
of purchase, receipt number, model and warranty.
w.t (PTA-2)
w .tn

ka lv
The Principal
MNN College of Aeronautical Engineering,
St. Thomas Mount,
Chennai - 600 016.
Dear Sir, ww
w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

rom Sub : Pilot training course - Reg.
S. Rajesh I wish to join the Pilot Training Course, which is
ne t
52, Oliver Road,
ne t et ne t
to be conducted in your college from this year. Kindly
vi . Jaya Nagar, Bengaluru. vi . lv i . v i.
give me the details of the duration of the course and
kal al a a l
w. tn 2nd February, 2020
w .tnk w.t
n k
w .tnk
fee structure. I would like to know if I can avail any
scholarships for this training. Further, kindly let me w
w To
The Manager ww ww
know about the hostel facilities and the placement ww
AZ Company, details after the completion of this training.
Jaya Nagar, Bengaluru. Thank you,
i .n et i .n et i . n et
Yours faithfully, i. n et
ka lvSir, Sub : Replacement of the
k a lv juicer - Reg.
defective k a lv k alv
K. Suresh
w .tn Two days w
.Itbought a juicer from your w .tn w .tn w
ddress on the envelopew
w ww
company. It was a blue colour Preethi Juicer. Itw
cost w: ww
` 2,000/-. Yesterday it was delivered to me. After I
started using it, I discovered that it was defective. The Principal
net net
You have given me two years warranty for that juicer. et
MNN College of Aeronautical Engineering,
lvi. lvi.
So kindly replace the defective product with another alv
i . St. Thomas Mount, lv
. t nka nka
one. It was bought on 30th January 2019 and I have
. t .tn k Chennai - 600 016.
.t nka
ww ww
enclosed the bill along with this letter.
w w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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Sura’s t et t
i .ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
.ne  Low Priced
lvWrite a letter to the manager i
lvof Waves Furniture
i .n i . n e19
(f) a Toalv a lv
.tn k k
.tn for a coaching centre.
ompany ordering furniture
k The Recruitment Manager,.tnk
w w w w w
nclude the
following details: description of
furniture, number of pieces, mode of payment, time
Vivid Colours
Pvt. Ltd.,
T. Nagar, Chennai - 17.
and delivery options. (PTA-1) Respected Sir,

vi. net
K. Namitha, vi. net v i .
Sub : Application for the Post of Personal Secretary
ne i . n et
al al a l to the Managing Director - Reg.
a lv
nk .tnk
No. 10, Raman Street, nk nk
This is with reference to your advertisement
w w.t w
Thirupathi Nagar, w.t w.t
published in ‘The Hindu’, dated 22nd February, 2019 w
Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099. ww ww
for the post of Personal Secretary to the Managing ww
24 February, 2020 Director. I wish to apply for the said post. If given a
To chance, I shall discharge my duties sincerely to the
ne t
The Manager, ne t net ne
utmost satisfaction of all my superiors. I am enclosing
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal nka
Waves Furniture Company, l
nk a l
my resume for your perusal.
w w.t . t
Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099.
w ww
. t Thank you,
w . t w
Sir, ww w Yours faithfully, ww ww
We are starting a coaching centre for the students S. Vasanth Kumar
of X, XI and XII standards. So we need to order
ncl : Curriculum Vitae
t t
some furniture for this. Kindly send us the following et t
furniture to the above address.
lv i . nCurr ulu V ae
. tnka 1.
. t nk a
Writing tables - 10 Nos.
. t ka
Father’s Name
: . t
H. Sampath
S. Vasanth Kumar

w w 2. w
Chairs - 30 Nos.
ww w w
3. ww
Stools (small) - 10 Nos. w Date of Birth : ww
10th December 1988. ww

Marital Status : Single
We ne e d t hes e f ur niture on or b efore
1 st March before noon. I am sending a cheque
t t t t
l v
of ` 5,000/- as an advance for this furniture.
l v lv
Qualification : 1. B.A. (Hons) - 65%
2. M.B.A. (HR) - 60% lvi.
n ka nka
The balance would be paid on delivery of the items.
n ka nk a
.t Thank you, w.t w.t t
Work Experience : Presently working in National
ww ww ww ww
Computers Pvt. (Ltd.) Since
Yours sincerely, July 2012 as Personal Executive.
K. Namitha. Languages known : English, Tamil and Hindi
References : 1. Dr. S. Roy, HOD Business
i . et on the envelope :
n i . n et i . net Administration Department, i. ne t
ka lv To k a lv k alv Madras University. a l v The Manager, .tn
w w.t
n .tnk
2. Dr. R.M. Rohit, Director
w w
w ww Company,
Waves Furniture ww ww
National Computers Pvt. ww
Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099. Ltd, Chennai.
.n et .n et
Write an application for the post of Personal Secretary
I hereby
. n t that the above particularsnareettrue
a lvi i
to the Managing Director of a company. nclude
alv and
a l i
v to the best of my knowledge.
correct a l vi.
n k nk
the following details: Educational qualification, k : 23.02.2019
nDate nk S. Vasanth Kumar
w w.t . t
experience, various other qualifications required for
w w . t w . t w
the post. ww ww
(PTA-3 & 4) Place : Chennai - 82 ww Signature ww
rom ddress on the envelope :
S. Vasanth Kumar,
ne t ne t To
et t
62, Ayappa Nagar,
lvi. i . n
The Recruitment Manager,
III Street, Agaram, Chennai - 82.
n ka n kalv Vivid Colours Pvt. Ltd., n ka lv
. t rd . t .t .t
ww 23 February, 2020 w
ww w ww T. Nagar, Chennai - 17.
w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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ne t t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart
ne n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit n et - 1
k a
(h) lvi. a
Write a letter to the Editorkof lvi. a
a newspaper about the nuisance
v i .
lcreated a
by the roadside vendors
k lvblocking the
w .tn pavements and occupying
w .tn the parking zone. w .tn w .tn (HY. 19)
w rom w w w w w w ww
M. Randeer,
No. 15, Jawahar Street,

i . n et i . et
Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099.
n i .ne t
i . n et
k alv25th February, 2019 kalv a lv a lv
.tn .tn nk nk
w w To w w.t w.t w
The Editor, ww ww ww
The Hindu,
859, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002.
Sir, et et et et
i . n i . n i . n i .n
kalv Sub : Nuisance createdkbyalthe v roadside vendors - Reg. alv
k k a lv
w .tn We, the residents of
.the n created by the roadside vendors.
in Patel Nagar are facing.tnuisance
w w .tn action
They block the
w pavements and
w occupy
w parking zones. Kindly
w about this in your newspaper,
w w for further against it.
w ww
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,

. n et M. Randeer.
. n et ne t ne t
alv ddress on the envelopen:kalv
i lvi. lvi.
.tnk To .t . t nka . t nka
ww The Editor,
w ww
w ww ww

The Hindu,
859, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002

i . n et i . n et i . n et i . n et
Write a letter to your relative or friend who is admitted in hospital for treatment of jaundice. Advise him/her
kalvnot to worry about the illness
k a v
land be positive. Assure k
him/hera lvyour psychological and financial
of k a lvhelp during
w .tn the crisis. w .tn w .tn w .tn w
w w
Chennai - 600 017
w w w w w w w
23rd February, 2019

ne t
My dear Ravi,
ne t net ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
I am sorry to hear that you are admitted in the hospital for the treatment of jaundice. You will soon get well
kal al a al
w. tn
w .tnk w.t
n k
w .tnk
and come out of the hospital happily and in good health. Be positive always. Don’t have negative thoughts about the
illness. If you need any financial help, I am there to help you. Kindly don’t hesitate to ask. I pray that you should get w
w ww
well as soon as possible. ww ww ww
Wishing a quick recovery.

i .n et
Yours lovingly,
i .n et i . net
i. ne t
lv R. Chandran lv l v l v
ka k a nk a nka
w .tn w .tn:
ddress on the envelope
w . t w.t w
w To ww ww w w ww
Mr. Ravi
3, K. K. Street,
ne t ne t et t
St. Thomas Mount
lvi. i . n
Chennai - 600 016
nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w ww
w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
n k a nk a n ka nk a
w. t w . t w . t w. t w
w w ww ww ww
et et ne t et
lAv Nice up of Te
i . n i . n i . i . n
k a kalv - George Orwell
a lv a lv
.tn .tn nk nk
w xU nfh¥ig w w.t w.t w
w ww áwªj njÚ® wwM®btš
- #h®{ ww ww

i . et
n M®btš v‹gt®et M§»y
i . n ehtyháÇa®, et
i . n i .n et
kalv f£Liuahs® k‰W« kÉk®rf®.
a lv mt® ïªâahÉš (#]‹
k a lv 25, ka lv
w .tn 1903š
.tnmt® j« jªijíl‹ wïsik¡
v‹w ïl¤âš ãwªjh®.
M§»y murh§f
fhy§fis w .tn w
w ww bfhŸif vnj¢râfhu«
fʤjh®. nguuR wwk‰W« bghJclik g‰¿ww ww
tÈikahd v©z§fŸ bfh©l mt® gy K¡»a muáaš ïa¡f§fËš ciuah‰¿ ïU¡»wh®.
ïy¡»a Ék®rd« fÉij eåd« Éthj ïjÊaš ngh‹wt‰¿Y« <Lg£oUªjh®. ‘Animal Farm’
t t t t
l lvi.
(1945) v‹»w ehtš k‰W« “Nineteen Eighty four” ngh‹w ehtšfis vGâat®. 1945š ïUªJ
. tnka . t nk
nr®¤jJ, “The Times” v‹w g¤âÇif.
òfœbg‰w I«gJ ãÇ£oZ vG¤jhs®fË‹ g£oaÈš ïu©lhtJ ïl¤âš ïtuJ bgaiu¢
. t nka . t nka
w w w ww w w
ww w ww ww

w w .tn ka
i . n e
one of the mainstays of
lv The best way of making it iskthe
There are eleven outstanding
Four are acutely
i . n e
t K y
v of violent disputes.
.tn points in making tea.
k a lv i. n et

w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

Firstly, use Indian or Ceylonese tea.
Secondly, Tea is to be made in small quantities in a teapot, made of China or earthenware.
ne t ne t net ne t
vi . i .
Thirdly, the pot is to be warmed beforehand by placing it on the hob.
v lv i . v i.
kal al a a l
.tnk k .tnk
Fourthly, tea to be strong - for a pot of quart six heaped teaspoons. One strong cup is better than 20 weak cups of tea, a
tn n
w w. day. Tea lovers like it stronger as they age.
w w.t w w
ww ww
Fifthly, tea is to be put straight into the pot. No strainers or muslin to imprison the tea.ww ww
Sixthly, take the teapot instead of a kettle. Water should be boiling at the moment of impact.
Seventhly, stir it after making tea or give the pot a good shake - allow the leaves to settle.
ne t ne t net
Eighthly, drink out of a cylindrical breakfast cup which holds more and keeps it hot. ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal al
Ninthly, pour the cream off the milk before using it for tea.
nk nk a l
w w.t . t w . t
Tenthly, pour tea into the cup first to exactly regulate the amount of milk.
w w.t w
ww ww
Lastly, tea should be drunk without sugar to get the exact flavour of the tea. w w ww
Controversies exist but the whole business of making and drinking tea is subtilized.
Mysterious social etiquette around teapots - subsidiary uses of tea leaves - telling fortunes - predicting the arrival of
ne t ne t et t
visitors - feeding rabbits - healing burns - sweeping the carpet.
lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w w21w w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
BookOrder Online and Available at All Leading Bookstores

ne t t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart
n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 2
k a lvi. k a ka lvi.
lvi .
k a lv
.tn .tn ghl¢ RU¡f«
.tn .tn
w w w w w w w
#h®{ M®btšw wwf£Liu “y©l‹ <›Å§ °lh‹l®£”
vGâa ‘v ie° f¥ M~¥ O’ v‹»w ww v‹D« g¤âÇifÆš ww
12.01.1946 m‹W ãuRukhdJ. áwªj njÚ® jahÇ¡f M®btš jU« 11 tÊKiwfŸ mâš ÉtÇ¡f¥g£LŸsd.
ešy njÚU¡F KjÈš eh« ïªâa mšyJ $y§fhÉ‹ njÆiyia ga‹gL¤j nt©L«. Ód njÚÇš e‹ik
ne t ne t
ïUªjhY« C¡f« ïšiy. mjdhš mij mUªJgt® ò¤ârhÈahfnth, ijÇakhdtuhfnth, ešy v©z«
ne t n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i .
nk al n kal
bfh©ltuhfnth Mtâšiy. ïu©lhtjhf njÚ® á¿a msÉš jahÇ¡f¥gl nt©L«. mJ Ód fËk© mšyJ
k£gh©l¤âš jahuhf nt©L«. _‹whtjhf ghš KjÈš Nlhf nt©L«. eh‹fhtjhf njÚ® âlkhf ïU¡f nt©L«. a l
nk a
w. t w .t w.t
Iªjhtjhf, tof£ofisnah, k°È‹ JÂ¥ igfisnah cgnah»¡f¡ TlhJ. bfhâ¡F« njÚiu ghâ¤JÉL«. w.t w
w ww ww
Mwhtjhf njÚ® FLitia njÚ® bfhâ¡F« gh¤âu¤âš mUnf bfh©L bršy nt©L«. njÚ® jahÇ¡F« ww ww
ÃiyÆš, Ú® mL¥ãš bfhâ¤J¡ bfh©oU¡f nt©L«. njÆiy bfhâ¤jîl‹ mªj FLitia fr¡» (m) M£o
ïiyfis moÆš j§f¢ brŒa nt©L«. v£lhtjhf cUis tot nfh¥igÆš njÚ® mUªj nt©L«. j£il tot
ne t ne t
nfh¥igfŸ rÇahf ïU¡fhJ. x‹gjhtjhf ghÈ‹ Vil Ú¡»É£Ljh‹ njÚÇš fy¡f nt©L«. g¤jhtjhf KjÈš
ne t ne t
vi . v i .
njÆiy Úiu nfh¥igÆš C‰¿É£L mj‹ ã‹dnu ghiy C‰w nt©L«. Mdhš 炙yhªâš ïij kh‰¿ brŒa v i . v i .
n kal nka
nt©L« vd xU rhuh® TW»‹wd® vd MáÇa® F¿¥ãL»wh®. filáahf, njÚiu r®¡fiu nr®¡fhkš gUf nt©L«. al
w w.t w . t
. t
m¥nghJ jh‹ mj‹ c©ik Rit bjÇí«. K¡»akhdJ v‹dbt‹whš, ghidia (O FLit) bfhâ¡f it¤jhY«, w . t w
Úiu rÇahf bfhâ¡f it¤J cgnah»¥gJ«, ešy njÚiu Koî brŒí«. w ww ww
i . n et Te ual Paragra i . n et jÄHh¡f« i . n et
nkalvIf you look up ‘tea’ in the firstnkcookeryalv book that comes to c§fŸniffËš
k alv »il¡F« Kjš rikaš nk alv njÚ®
.t hand you will probably find w that.t
w.t njodhš
it is unmentioned; or at most you v‹W
mJ ïU¡fhJ, mšyJ áy nfho£l
ww w w
will find a few lines of sketchy w
instructions which give no ruling on
several of the most important points. w F¿¥òfŸ, w
K¡»a rhuh«r§fŸ ïšyhkš
w w ww

w w
ka lv i
violent disputes.
I look
This is curious, not only because tea is one of the main stays
of civilization in this country, as well as in Eire, Australia and New

.tn I find no fewer than eleven outstanding


them there would be pretty
k a lv i et
Zealand, but because the best manner of making it is the subject of
. n . n
.tn points. On perhaps two of gândhU
own recipe for the perfect cup of tea,
wgeneral agreement, but at least four others
ïJ Rthu°akhdJ, VbdÅš njÚ®, ïªj eh£o‹ ehfßf¤âš
k‰W« ma® (ma®yhªJ), M°ânuÈah k‰W« Ãôáyhªâš

lv i et
K¡»a g§F t»¡»wJ. mij v¥go Ritahf jahÇ¥gJ
. n
.tn jiyáwªj F¿¥òfis f©nl‹.
eh‹ v‹Dila brhªj
wbghJthf x¤J¥ngh»wJ, w
.tn mâš
v‹gJ gy ÔÉu Éthj§fS¡F fskhf cŸsJ.
a k a
i . n
w eh‹F ãu¢rid¡FÇaJ.
w ww
are acutely controversial. Here are my own eleven rules, every one ïâš cŸs v‹ gâbdhU F¿¥òfËš, x›bth‹W«
of which I regard as golden: bgh‹id¥ ngh‹wJ :

i . et . et
First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. China
n n
tea has virtues which are not to be despised nowadays — it is
i i . net
KjÈš ïªâa mšyJ ányh‹ njÆiy cgnah»¡fnt©L«.
Ód¤J njÚ® áwªj Fz§fis cilaJ. mt‰iw eh«
i. ne t
al v al v
economical, and one can drink it without milk — but there is alv
btW¡f¡TlhJ. mJ á¡fdkhdJ, mij ghš nr®¡fhJ a l v
tn k .tnk
not much stimulation in it. One does not feel wiser, braver or n k .tnk
mUªjyh« - Mdhš, mâš »s®¢á m›tsthf ïU¡fhJ.
w w. w
more optimistic after drinking it. Anyone who has used that mij mUªâaã‹ xUt® ò¤ârhÈahfnth, w
åuuhfnth w
ww ww
comforting phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’ invariably means Indian
mšyJ e«ã¡ifíŸstuhfnth Mf ïayhJ. `xU áwªj
njÚ®’ v‹gJ ïªâa njÚU¡nf bghUªJ«.
• Secondly, tea should be made in small quantities — that is, in ïu©lhtjhf, njÚ® áW msîfËnyna jahÇ¡f nt©L« -

i .n et .n et
a teapot. Tea out of an urn is always tasteless, while army tea,
made in a cauldron, tastes of grease and whitewash. The teapot
i i .
mjhtJ njÚ®-ghidÆš. fya¤âš jahÇ¡F« njÚ® Rita‰W
ïU¡F«. uhQt¤âš jahÇ¡F« njÚ®, cauldron v‹D«
i. ne t
lv lv
should be made of china or earthenware. Silver or Britannia l v
bgÇa ghidÆš jahÇ¡f¥gL«. mJ »ß° (grease) mšyJ l v
tnka nk a
ware teapots produce inferior tea and enamel pots are worse;
t t nka nka
btŸisao¤j (whitewash) thil åR«. njÚ® jahÇ¡F«
w w . w .
though curiously enough a pewter teapot (a rarity nowadays) w . w.t
gh¤âu« Õ§fh‹ mšyJ k£gh©lkhf ïU¡fnt©L«. w
is not so bad. ww ww w w
btŸË mšyJ btŸË Kyh« ór¥g£l (Britannia ware)
gh¤âu§fËš jahÇ¡f¥gL« njÚ® e‹whf ïU¡fhJ. Mdhš
pewter (btŸça«, br«ò, m©obkhÅ M»a cnyhf
fyitahš brŒa¥g£l) gh¤âu¤âš Rkhuhf ïU¡F« (mJ

i . n et i . n et i . et
»il¥gJ mÇJ).
n i . n et
n ka• lvThirdly,
done by placing it on the hob n albyvthe usualThismethod
the pot should be warmed beforehand.
is better _‹whtjhf,lv
n ka mâš
of rÇ. btªÚiu C‰WtJ rÇašy. n kalv
gh¤âu¤ij mL¥ãš it¤J Nnl‰WtJjh‹
.t .t w.t w.t
ww swilling it out with hot w
w w water.
w w w w ww
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k a k a a a
.tnk k
Te ual Paragra h jÄHh¡f«
tn t n t n
w w. • Fourthly, the tea shouldw
be strong. For a pot holding a quart, if w
w w. xU ghidƋ
eh‹fhtjhf, njÚ® Nlhf ïU¡fnt©L«.
w w
wit nearly to the brim, six heaped teaspoons
you are going to fill w ÉË«òtiu Úiu Ãu¥ã njÚ® w jahÇ¡f Koî brŒjhš, ww
would be about right. In a time of rationing, this is not an idea mj‰F MW O°ó‹ msî njÆiy ïLtJ rÇahf ïU¡F«.
that can be realized on every day of the week, but I maintain nuõ‹ KiwÆš (j£L¥ghlhd bghU£fŸ ÉÃnahf¤âš
that one strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak ones. All f£L¥ghL) njÆiy ÉÃnah»¡f¥ gL«nghJ, xU thu¤â‰F
ne t ne t
true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little ne t
ïªj msî rÇglhJ. xU âlkhd njÚ®, ïUgJ Rkhuhd n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i .
nk al kal
stronger with each year that passes — a fact which is recognized
in the extra ration issued to old-age pensioners.
n nk
njÚU¡F <lhdJ. xU âlkhd njÚ® mUªJgt®fŸ, mij
tUl¤â‰F tUl« mj‹ âl¤ij mâfǤJ¡bfh©nl
nk a
w. t w .t w.t w.t
brš»‹wd®. ïJ, Kâa xŒñânahU¡F TLjš nuõ‹
w ww ww tH§Ftâš ïUªJ bjÇ»wJ !
ww ww
• Fifthly, the tea should be put straight into the pot. No strainers, Iªjhtjhf, njÆiy neuoahf gh¤âu¤âš ïl¥glnt©L«.
muslin bags or other devices to imprison the tea. In some fy¡»fnsh (strainers) k°È‹ JÂ¥igfnsh mšyJ ntW
countries teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets under
t t t
Vnjh x‹¿š njÆiyia â¤njh gh¤âu¤âš ï£L
vi . ne v i ne
the spout to catch the stray leaves, which are supposed to be
. . ne
bfhâ¡fÉl¡TlhJ. áy ehLfËš, njÆiy FLitfËš
v i v i .ne
n kal l
harmful. Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable
quantities without ill effect, and if the tea is not loose in the nk al
bjh§F« TilfËš njÆiyia ï£L bfhâ¡fit¤J,
njÆiyia xJ¡f ga‹gL¤J»‹wd®. ïJ Ô§fhdJ.
w w.t . t
pot it never infuses properly.
w ww
. t w . t
njÆiyia c©gJ Ô§fhfhJ. nkY« njÚ® FLitÆš, gut w
ww w ww
ïlÄšyhJ njÚ® bfhâ¥gJ, njÆiy rÇahf bfhâ¡f ïl«
• Sixthly, one should take the teapot to the kettle and not the Mwhtjhf, bf©oÆš (kettle) ïUªJ Nlhd btªÚiu njÚ®
other way about. The water should be actually boiling at the
t t t
FLitÆš C‰wnt©L«. mjdhš, bf©o¡F mU»š t
l ne
moment of impact, which means that one should keep it on
the flame while one pours. Some people add that one should lvi.
njÚ® FLitia vL¤J¢ bršy nt©L«. m¥nghJ jh‹
KG N£Ll‹ btªÚiu FLitÆš C‰wKoí«. bf©oÆš lvi.
. tnka . t nk a
only use water that has been freshly brought to the boil, but I
have never noticed that it makes any difference. . t nka
bfhâ¡f¥gL« btªÚ®, KG N£Ll‹ mL¥ãš ïU¡fnt©L«.
. t nka
w w w ww w
áy®, òâa ÚÇš jh‹ njÚ® jahÇ¡f nt©L« vd TWt®, mâš w
ww w ww
vd¡F cl‹ghL ïšiy, VbdÅš mâš bgÇa ɤâahr«

w w .tn ka lv

i . net
Seventhly, after making the tea, one should stir it, or better, give

• Eighthly, one should drink out ofkaa

is, the cylindrical type of cup,
breakfast cup holds w
always half cold w
lv i net
the pot a good shake, afterwards allowing the leaves to settle.
good breakfast cup — that v£lhtjhf,
.tnnot the flat, shallow type. The w
more, and with the other kind one’s tea isw
before one has well started on it.
.tn k a
VHhtjhf, njÚ® jahÇ¡ifÆš njÚ® gh¤âu¤ij e‹whf


fy¡fnt©L« mšyJ FY¡f nt©L«., m¥nghJjh‹
ïiyfŸ bfhâ¤jã‹ moÆš j§F«.
lv njÚiu fhiy czî¡Fã‹
njÚ® nfh¥igÆš (breakfast
w nfh¥ig, Ãiwa njÚiu bfhŸS« ww msîŸsJ.
i . n
lv mUªJ«
.tn tea cup - msÉš
V‹ v‹whš, mªj

nfh¥igfËš Fo¡f¡TlhJ. j£ilahd nfh¥igfËš
cŸs njÚ®, Fo¡f¤ bjhl§FK‹ng ghâ M¿ÉL«.

i •
. n et n et
Ninthly, one should pour the cream off the milk before using
i . .
x‹gjhtjhf, ghÈš
i net cŸs Eiuia Éy¡»É£Ljh‹
i. n et
ka lv k a lv k alvnt©L«, ïšyhÉ£lhš, njÚ®
it for tea. Milk that is too creamy always gives tea a sickly taste.
njÚÇš C‰w
k a lv ãR btd

.tn • Tenthly, one should .tn .tn


w w into the cup first. This is one of w

g¤jhtjhf, njÆiy Úiu¤jh‹wKjÈš nfh¥igÆš w
ww points of all; indeed in every family
the most controversial ww C‰wnt©L«, ãwFjh‹ ghiy wwC‰wnt©L«. 炙yhªâš ww
in Britain there are probably two schools of thought on the cŸs x›bthU FL«g¤â‰F« ïâš khWg£l fU¤J¡fŸ
subject. The milk-first school can bring forward some fairly cŸsd. ghiy jh‹ KjÈš C‰wnt©L« vd áy® TWt®.
strong arguments, but I maintain that my own argument v‹fU¤J, njÆiy Úiu¤jh‹ KjÈš C‰wnt©L«
ne t ne t
is unanswerable. This is that, by putting the tea in first and net
v‹gJjh‹ rÇ. VbdÅš, njÆiy Ú® cŸs nfh¥igÆš, ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al
stirring as one pours, one can exactly regulate the amount of
milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if one does
ghiy á¿J á¿jhf C‰Wtjhš, rÇahd msÉš njÚ®
a nka
cUthF«. V‰fdnt C‰w¥g£l ghÈš, njÆiy Ú® fyªjhš
w w.t it the other way round.
w . t w . t
njÚ® m›tsî áw¥ghf ïU¡fhJ.
w.t w
• wwone is drinking it In the Russian stylew—w filáahf,
Lastly, tea — unless uZa KiwÆš w w
njÚ® Fo¤jhš
jh‹ njÚÇ‹ ww
should be drunk without sugar. I know very well that I am in c©ikahd Rit bjÇí« (r®¡fiu fy¡fhj njÚ®. mªj
a minority here. But still, how can you call yourself a true tea KiwÆš 炙yhªâš Fiwthdtnu mUªJ»‹wd®. mnj
lover if you destroy the flavour of your tea by putting sugar nghyjh‹, njÚÇš c¥ò, ÄsFöŸ ngh‹wt‰iw ïLtJ.
ne t ne t et t
in it? It would be equally reasonable to put in pepper or salt.
lvi. lvi. i . n
njÚÇš r®¡fiu fyªjhš, r®¡fiuÆ‹ Ritjh‹ bjÇínk
If you sweeten it, you are no longer tasting the tea, you are
merely tasting the sugar; you could make a very similar drink kalv
jÉu, njÚÇ‹ Rit bjÇahJ. ïJ r®¡fiu fyªJ Fo¡F«
midtU¡F« bghUªJ«.
n n ka lv
. t . t
by dissolving sugar in plain hot water. .t .t
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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k a lvi. Te ual Paragra k a lvi.
h ka lvi .
jÄHh¡f« k a lv
w .tn w .tnthat they don’t like tea in itself, w
.tn tn c‰rhfkhfî«,
w Some people would answer
that they only drink itw
in order to be warmed and stimulated,w
w áy® jk¡F njÚnu ão¡fhJ vdî«
and Nlhf xU ghd« mUªjînk
w RitnahL, njÚiu www
they need sugar to take the taste away. To those misguided people Fo¥gjhf T¿¡bfhŸt®. ïJî« rÇašy. xU gâidªJ
I would say: Try drinking tea without sugar for, say, a fortnight eh£fŸ njÚÇš r®¡fiu nr®¡fhkš mUªâ ghU§fŸ ! ãwF
and it is very unlikely that you will ever want to ruin your tea by v¥nghJ« r®¡fiu nr®¤J njÚ® mUªj kh£O®fŸ!!
i n et
sweetening it again.
. i . n et i .n et i . n et
k alv These are not the only controversial
k a lv points to arise in ïit njÚ® k a v
lr«gªjkhd k a
ãu¢id¡FÇa F¿¥òfŸ lvk£Lkšy, connexion w .tnhastheybecome.
with tea drinking, but
how subtilized the whole business
are sufficient to show Mdhš
There is also the w
.tn v›tsî kâE£gkhf ïªj w
M»É£lJ v‹gij g‰¿í«jh‹. njÚ®nfh¥igia
it¡F« w
w ww surrounding the teapot (why w
mysterious social etiquette
is it rhrÇš (j£Lngh‹w FÊthd wwgh¤âu«) njÚiu C‰¿ ww
considered vulgar to drink out of your saucer, for instance?) and Fo¡f¡TlhJ. njÆiyfis it¤J, mâ®Zl¤ij TWtJ,
much might be written about the subsidiary uses of tea leaves, ÉUªâd® tUifia fÂ¥gJ ngh‹w e«ã¡iffS«,
such as telling fortunes, predicting the arrival of visitors, feeding KašfS¡F c©z bfhL¥gJ, fha§fis Fzkh¡FtJ,
ne t ne t
rabbits, healing burns and sweeping the carpet. It is worth paying ne t
ÉÇ¥òfis R¤j« brŒtJ M»aití« ït‰¿š ml§F«. ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal l
attention to such details as warming the pot and using water that
is really boiling, so as to make quite sure of wringing out of one’s
nk al
Mdhš, xUtU¡F nuõ‹ msit¡ bfh©L mË¡f¥gL«,
njÆiyÆš ïu©L mî‹° msîŸs, jukhd ïUgJ
w w.t . t
ration the twenty good, strong cups of that two ounces, properly
w ww
. t w . t
nfh¥ig njÚ® jahÇ¥gnj mid¤âY« áwªjjhf ïU¡F«.
handled, ought to represent.
w ww ww
. n et ne t ne t ne t
i cauldron
alv dangling
lvi. lvi.
a big pot used for boiling, Úiu bfhâ¡f it¡F« bgÇa ghid
a lvi.
nk - nk
hanging freely, suspended, bjh§Fjš nka nka
w w.t etiquette - w . t
. t
socially acceptable behaviour, rKjha« x¥ò¡bfh©l tH¡f§fŸ w . t w
hob ww
- w
flat top part of a cooking stove, mL¥ã‹ j£ilahd nkšgFâ ww ww

.tn ka
i . n

lv rationing

a grey alloy of tin with copper and antimony, jfu«, br«ò k‰W« m‹obkhÅ M»a cnyhf§fŸ
nr®ªj rh«gš Ãw gh¤âu«

w .tn k a
n et
a unit of liquid capacity, âut« ms¡F« msî
i .
v consumption of a scarce
- wthe pipe-like opening in a teapot
k a
i. n et
lvcommodity during war,kanghNj
.tn j£L¥ghlhd bghUŸ
msÉš ÉÅnah»¡f¥gL«
wwthrough which tea is poured out,
i . n
lv nghJ

wwnjÚ® gh¤âu¤â‹ Kf¥ãš ww

FHhŒ nghš cŸs mik¥ò (mj‹ tÊna njÚ® btËtU«)
stimulation - excitement, c‰rhf«

i . n etswilling -
i . et i . net i. n et
wash or rinse by pouring large amounts of water, Ãiwa msÉš Úiu C‰¿ myRjš
ka lv Words k a lv (ïiz¢brhš) kalv
Synonyms k a
ntonyms (v⮢brhš)lv considerable .tn (fÂrkhd)
w w .tn insignificant (m‰gkhd,
w tn
.Fiwªj) w
w controversialww w
arguable, disputable (thâl¡Toa agreeable (V‰W¡ ww
bfhŸs¤j¡f) ww
curious interesting (M®tKŸs) uninteresting (M®tÄšyhkš)
dangling hanging freely, suspended (bjh§Fjš) rigid (Mlhkš, mirahkš, âlkhf)

i .n et
despised ne
hated, disliked (btW¤jš)
i .
t net n et
loved, liked (neá¤jš)
i . i.
ka lv etiquette al v a
acceptable behaviour (V‰W¡bfhŸs¤j¡f Fz«)
k k l v
k alv Fz«)
misbehaviour (V‰W¡bfhŸs¤jfhj
n tn (K‹dhš bfh©L tUjš) .tn .tn
w w.t forward move.towards
w w backward (ã‹D¡F jŸSjš)
w w
invariably wwalways (v¥nghJ« kh‰wÄšyh)ww wwïšyhj)
never (xUnghJ« ww
liable likely (ÃfH¢ brŒayh«) unlikely (rh¤âak‰wjh¡fyh«)
minority the smaller number (áWgh‹ik) majority (bgU«gh‹ik)
ne t
mysterious ne t
incomprehensible (k®kkhd, òǪJbfhŸs n et
transparent (bjËthd) n et
lvi. fodkhd) lvi. i .
alv pessimistic (e«ã¡ifa‰w)nkalv
i .
t nka tnka n k
w.t w.t
. optimistic positive, hopeful (ešy v©z« bfh©l cjî«
ww w ww
v©z« bfh©l)
w w w w ww
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lv i . n e25
n k a Words k a
Synonyms (ïiz¢brhš) ka a
ntonyms (v⮢brhš)
w. t predicting w .tn (f¤jš / vâ®gh®¤jš)
anticipating ignore (f¡fKoahj)w .tn w
w w
reasonable w agreeable (Ãahakhd) ww ww
unreasonable (Ãahak‰w) ww
ruin destroy (mʤjš / bfL¤jš) create (c©lh¡Fjš)
subsidiary supplementary (Jiz) original / capital (brʤJ ts®¤jš
ne t ne t ne t n et
v i . subtilized
vi .
refined (nr®¡if ne®¤âÆš öŒikahŒ)
v i .
unrefined (jhWkhwhŒ)
lv i .
nk al unanswerable
n kal
unexplainable (gâyË¡fhâU¤jš) a l
answerable (gâyˤjš)
nk nk a
w. t violent w .t
rough / destructive (ÔÉu«, Ku£L¤jd«) w.t gentle / calm (bk‹ikahd) w.t w
w virtues ww ww
admirable qualities (kâ¡f¤j¡f g©òfŸ ne®ik/ vices (jhHªj Fz§fŸ, fs§f«) ww ww
worth value (kâ¥ò) worthless (kâ¥g‰w)

i . n et wringing
i . et
extremely wet (<u« ÄFªj)
n i . n et
extremely dry (Äfî« cy®ªj)
i .n et
kalv k a lv k a lv ka lv
w .tn A. Find out the synonym
w .tnof the underlined word inweach .tnof the following sentences.
w .tn w
w ww
1. But because thewsubject of violent disputes. ww
the best manner of making it isw ww
(a) agreements (b) applauses (c) conflicts (d) discussions [Ans: (c) conflicts]
2. ... tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in the country.
t t t t
l lvi.
(a) a society in an advanced state of social development
(b) a society that has slow progress lvi.
. tnka . t nk a
(c) a society that has no progress . t nka . t nka
w w w ww w w
(c) a society in an average state of social development
w ww ww
[Ans: (a) a society in an advanced state of social development]

.t n kal v

... that they only drink it in order to be warmed and stimulated.
(a) motivated

(a) fresh
(b) loose
One is liable to put in too much milk.
(b) discouraged (c) passive
l v
... under the spout to catch the stray leaves.
(c) gathered
n ka lv
(d) admired

(d) harmful

w . t nk a
(March 2020)

ne t
[Ans: (a) motivated]

[Ans: (b) loose]

(PTA-3) ww
(a) likely (b) certain (c) eager (d) unlikely [Ans: (a) likely]

B. t the antonym of the underlined

n n et word in each of the following
net sentences. n et
i . i
lv1. ... which are not to be despised.
lv . lv i . lv i.
ka k a k a k a (a) hated
w tnliked
.(b) (c) respected .tn
w (d) defeated
w .tn [Ans: (b) liked] w
w 2. One doesw wfeel wise, braver or more optimistic.
not ww ww ww
(a) opportunistic (b) cheerful (c) realistic (d) pessimistic [Ans: (d) pessimistic]
3. Not the flat, shallow type ...
ne t
(a) narrow (b) wide ne t(c) deep (d) direct net ne t
[Ans: (c) deep]
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal 4. al
Predicting the arrival of visitors ....
nk nk a l
w w.t (a) journey w . t (b) departure (c) migration
w . t (d) perusal w.t[Ans: (b) departure] ww
5. ww ww
...but they are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become. w w w
(a) enough (b) suffocative (c) inadequate (d) submissive [Ans: (c) inadequate]

ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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k a lvi. k a lvi. k a lv i .
k a lv
.tn .tn T ex ual Q .tn
ues ions .tn
w w w w w w w
1. Based on your wweach of the following questions
of the text, answer wwin one or two sentences. ww
a. hat seems ‘curious’ to the author?
Tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in Britain and the best manner of making it is the subject of
i . n et n et
violent disputes. This seems curious to the author.
i . i .n et i . n et
k alv a lv
mainstays - K¡»akhditfshf,
k a lv violent disputes - t‹Kiw
civilization - ehfÇf«,
k k a lvr®¢irfŸ, w .tn
curious - M®tkhf
w .tn w .tn w
w b. ww
hy does wwto include tea recipe in cookery
the author say that it is important ww books? ww
The author says that it is important to include tea recipe in cookery books because most of the people
don’t know the outstanding points to be followed while preparing tea.

i . n etcookery books - rikaš ò¤jf§fŸ, i . n et outstanding - Kj‹ikahd,i.tean e- tnjÚ® i .n et

kalvc. Mention the countries k a v
k a lv
inl which tea is a part of civilization. k a lv
w .tn Tea is a part
w .oftncivilization in Britain, Eire, Australia
w .tn and New Zealand. civilization
w .tn- ehfÇf« w
w d. ww
Which tea does the author prefer- Chinaw
tea or ndian tea? ww ww
The author prefers Indian tea.
e. According to the author, what does the phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’ refer to?
i . n et n et n et n et
According to the author, the phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’ refers to ‘Indian tea’. phrase - brh‰bwhl®
i . i . i .
nkalvf. What is the secondngolden
k alvrule in the preparation ofntea?k alv n k alv
.t .t rule in the preparation of teawis.tto make tea in small quantities w t
in a. teapot made of china
ww w
The second
or earthenware.
w - k£gh©l«
teapot - njÚ® ghid, earthenware w w ww

w w .tn kalv i
. n
How does army tea taste?

cauldron - bfh¥giu,
k a
Do tea lovers generally
lv i et
Army tea, made in a cauldron, tastes of grease and whitewash.
. n
whitewash - btŸisao¤jš

.tn like strong tea or weakw

w generally love strong tea. They
k a lv i. n et

wwlike it a little stronger with eachwyear
.tn k a lv
w that passes.
i . n et

generally - bghJthf, stronger - tYthd

i. hy should tea be directly added to the pot?

i . n et . ne t
. net . ne t
Tea should be directly added to the pot because if the tea is not loose in the pot, it never infuses properly.
i i i
al v al v alv a l v
tn k .tnk
Infuses - c£òfhJ, CwhJ, properly - xG§fhf
.t n k .tnk
w w. Why doesw w w
w to a flat cup? w w
w the author prefer the cylindrical
wcup ww
The cylindrical cup holds more, whereas the flat, shallow cup makes tea always half cold before one
starts on it. cylindrical- cUis tot, shallow - MHÄšyhj
k..neWhat should be poured into.then t first- tea or milk?
ecup n et n et
lvi i
lvfirst into the cup, as one can exactly i . i.
lvregulate the amount of milkktoabelvpoured in it.
a Tea should be poured
a a
.tn k .tn
pour - C‰Wjš
k .tn k .tn
w w w w w w
l. ww
Why does the author advise removing creamwwfrom the milk? ww ww
The author advises us to remove cream from the milk, as the milk, that is too creamy, gives a sickly taste.
t removing - Ú¡Fjš, sickly taste t- ÉU«g¤jfhj Rit
i . n e i . n e i . n et i . n et
m. Does the author like drinking tea with sugar? Give reasons. (PTA-4)
n kalv No, the author k
anot like drinking tea with sugar
n k alv the flavour of the tea is destroyed
because n k alv by putting
.t w.t - eWkz¢Rit w.t w.t
ww sugar in it. flavour
w w w w w w ww
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.t .t .t .t
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lvto himself being in ‘a minority’?lvi .n
lv i . n e27
n k a k a
Why does the author refer
k a k a
w. t .tn to himself being in a minority
The author refers
w w .tinndrinking tea without sugar because
w .tnmost of the people w
w ww
prefer tea with sugar. minority - áWgh‹ik, wwprefer - ÉU«ò»‹wd® ww ww
o. Whom does the author call ‘misguided people’? What is his advice to them?
People, who only drink tea in order to be warmed and stimulated, need sugar to take the taste away. The
i . n et . n et .n et . n et
author calls these people as ‘misguided ones’. He advises them to drink tea without sugar for a fortnight and
i i i
k alv kalv k a lv k a
after that, they would never want to ruin their tea by sweetening w .tn stimulated - ö©l¥g£l,
warmed - bt¥gkilí«, w .tn
misguided - jtwhd tÊfh£Ljš
w .tn w
w ww ww ww ww
2. Based on your understanding of the text, answer each of the following questions in four or five sentences.
a. What are the author’s views on China tea? (PTA-2)
n e t China tea has good beneficial n e t
qualities, which are not to be.n e t
hated nowadays. It is also economical
n etand
lvi . i . i
v there is not much stimulationainlvit. One does not feel wiser, braver
lBut i .
lvor optimistic
a we drink it without milk.
a a
.tn k n k
after drinking it..tbeneficial - cgnahfkhd, economical
.tn- á¡fdkhd .tn k
ww b. ww
How does adding sugar affect the taste of tea?
(QY. 19) ww
If we sweeten tea, we are no longer tasting the tea. But we would be tasting the sugar. We could make
a very similar drink by dissolving sugar in plain hot water. sweeten - ïÅ¥gh¡Fjš, dissolving - fiujš
i et
c..n lucidate the author’s ideasi.about
n et teapots. i . n et i . n et
nkalv alvthe teapot should be madenofkaChina
The author insistskthat
lv or earthenware. Tea out ofkan
v is always
.t wor.tBritannia ware teapots produce
tasteless. Silver .t tea. Enamel pots are worse,
winferior w.tbut the pewter teapot ww
ww is not sow w
bad. teapot - njÚ® gh©l«, urnw w w w
- fyr«, pewter - jfu«, br«ò, m©obkh fyªj cnyhf« w

w w .tn kalv

i Tnkalvi.Net
Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph of 100-150 words.

braver andw
k bylv
‘A Nice Cup of Tea’a
i et ideas in “A ice Cup ofi.nea”.
a..neSummarise George Orwell’s .distinctive
George Orwell is a discussion ofathe

more optimistic. Tea should be w

.tnto prepare tea. First, he beginswto.tinsist
eleven golden rules
et (PTA-1, 3, 5 & 6; March &iSep.
lv craft of making a cup of tea.kThe
n on using an Indian or Ceylonese
made in small quantities in a China
. n t
lvauthor gives
.tn Tea, to feel wiser,
w or earthenware. The pot www
should be warmed beforehand. Tea should always be strong and it should be put straight into the teapot. We
should take the teapot to the kettle and after making tea, one should stir it well. Tea should be drunk out of
a cylindrical type of cup, as it holds more tea. Milk that is too creamy always gives the tea, a sickly taste. So
i . n et . n et . net . n et
we should pour the cream off the milk. Next, one should pour tea into the cup first. Lastly, he says that we
i i i
ka lv k a lv k a lv k a lv
should drink tea without sugar. These are the controversial points to arise in connection with tea drinking. w .tn optimistic - e«ã¡if, w
making - jahǤjš, .tn - K‹djhfnt, cylindrical
beforehand w .tn- cUis tot, w
w ww - r®¢ir¡FÇa, arise - vG»‹wd
controversial ww ww ww
b. Discuss how the essay reveals the factual points and the author’s personal opinions on the preparation
of tea.
t t t t
vi .ne i .ne i . ne i. ne
If we look into a cookery book for the preparation of tea, it would not be mentioned there. We can find
v v v
n kal nk al nk a l
at the most, only a few lines of sketchy instructions, which gives no importance on several important points.

w w.t . t w . t w.t
The best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes. So the author gives his personal opinion on
w w
ww ww w
the preparation of tea. He gives his own eleven rules, every one of which he regards as golden.The public
w ww
generally agrees two of these rules, but at least four others are acutely controversial. ‘What should be poured
first in the cup’ has become a subject of controversial points. George Orwell says that one should pour tea first
ne t t et et
in the cup. While most of the people prefer to add sugar in the tea, the author says to add pepper or salt to it.
ne n n
lvi. lvi. vi .
i .
If we drink tea without sugar for a fortnight, we would never ruin the tea by sweetening it again.
alv- t‹Kiw,
t nka n k
mentioned - F¿¥ã£LŸs,
a instructions - m¿îW¤jšfŸ,
n k - K¡»a¤Jt«, n k
. preparation -w
w jahÇ¥ò
w w.t w w.t w
w w w ww Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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k a lvic.. a
hat are the aspects that
i .
lvcontribute to humour in thekessay?
a lv .
k a lv
tn .tn influential statements of British
.tn‘Way of Tea’ is George Orwell’s n “A Nice Cup of
w w. One of the most
w w w w
wwwritten at a time, when tea waswinwshort supply, against the backdrop
Tea”. It was ww of severe food shortages ww
across Europe. There’s something sentimental, but also ironic about his title. This was a time when tea was
widely available, as every adult in Britain had a weekly ration, but very little of it was nice. In mock-serious
ne t t t
tones, Orwell’s essay gives us an eleven-point guide to tea making in mid-twentieth-century England.
ne ne n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i .
Orwell’s bitter experience in the army, makes him to criticize the army tea as tasting of grease and whitewash.
nk al kal nk a l
nk a
There are some points of differences in his eleven rules. But we should appreciate him for writing it with
w. t w .t w.t w.t
great spirit and whatever difference holds in making tea in different cultures, tea lovers just love to have a w
w ww
great cup of tea. ww ww ww
influential - bršth¡F, backdrop - ã‹dÂ, shortages - g‰wh¡Fiw, mid-twentieth century - ïUgjh«
ü‰wh©o‹ k¤âÆš, criticize - Ék®á¡f, whitewash - btŸisao¤jš, differences - ntWghLfŸ,
i . n et n et
appreciate - ghuh£Ljš, cultures - fyh¢rhu§fŸ
i . i . n et i .n et
ka lv k a lv k a lv ka lv
w .tn 4. Based on your understanding
w .tn w tn chart given below by choosing
of the text, complete.the
w .tn the appropriate w
w wwgiven in brackets.
words or phrases
ww ww ww
Golden Rules of ea Preparation

t t t
(add sugar, shaken, milk, infused properly, strainers, without cream, taken to the kettle, small quantities, China t
or earthenware, stirred, warmed)
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka
Tea should be made in small quantities in a teapot. . t nka
w w w ww w w
ww w ww ww

The teapot should be made of China or earthenware.

t et et t
l v lv i . n . n
The pot should be warmed beforehand.
lv i lvi.
n ka k a k a nk a
.t .tn n
.thave . t
ww ww
w The pot should
wnot strainers.
While pouring water, the teapot should be taken to the kettle.

vi. net i . n et i . net i. n et

a l a lv The tea leaves should be infused
a lvproperly. a lv
nk .tn k .tn k .tn k
w w.t w w w w
ww After making tea, it should
wbewstirred or the pot should be shaken.
ww ww
The milk for the tea should be without cream.
i .n et i .n et i . n et i. n et
lv lv The author does not like tokadd v to tea.
lsugar lv
.tnka .tn k a
.tn k a
w w w w w w
ww ww ww ww

ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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n k a n k a n ka nk a
. t w. t V w. t
w. t
ww w w
w supplying the correct answers. w
w The first one has been donewfor you. ww
c. Fill in the boxes

S. Word with meaning and part Noun/Verb/

t t Sentence et Sentence et
lv i.neNo of speech
i . n e
lv My brother is wise.
dj. form
i .n
lv(n) My brother showedkgreat i . n
lvwisdom in
k a 1. Word : wise k a a
k a meaning
: .tclever
w .tn business .
w .tn w
w ww : adjective
part of speech
ww ww ww
2. Word : harm Don’t harm animals harmful (adj) Smoking is harmful to our health.
meaning : hurt

i . n et part of speech : verb

i . n et i . n et i .n et
kalv 3. Word : stimulate
k a lv Strong tea stimulates us. stimulation
k a lv (n) Electric stimulation kcanahelp
lv in healing
w .tn meaning
: trefresh
part of speech w: verb w .tn fractured bones. tn
w w w w w w w w ww
4. Word : argue The children always argue argument (n) His argument was logical.
meaning : quarrel on some issue.
part of speech : verb
i . n et i . n et i . n et i . n et
5. Word : strong His case was strong . strength (n) He proved his strength in the elections.
nkalv meaning : power
n k alv n k alv n k alv
.t part of speech w: .tadjective w.t w.t
ww 6. Word w
w : destroy The room w
w w left a trail of destruction ww
had been destruction (n) The hurricane
w w

meaning : devastate destroyed by fire. behind it.
part of speech : verb
t t et et
l v l v v i. n
lv i . n
a eninkal
.t n k .t nka .tn .tn k a
ww w
wwabout the ‘Significance of Tea’
Listen to the passage
wwand answer the questions. ww
1. Which country is the largest tea producer in the world? [Ans: China]

2. net net
_______ percent of the tea produced in India is exported.
i. vi. net i. ne
[Ans: 70%] t
nka l 3. alv
What is the role of antioxidants in tea? al a l v
[Ans: The antioxidants in tea might prevent cancer]

w.t 4. .tnk
Drinking tea strengthens one’s _____, _____ and _____.
w w.t
nk .tnk
[Ans: teeth, bones and immune system]
w w
w 5. ww
How does drinking tea help a diabetic? ww ww
[Ans: It lowers blood sugar] ww

i .n et i .n et i . n et i. n et
ka lv use these ideas and prepare
k a lva speech on the topic ‘Thekaimportance
lv k a lv attitude’
of developing a positive

w .tn and deliver the speechw .tn school assembly.

in the
w .tn w .tn w
w ww The m or a e of w dewelo ga o e a ww ude ww
Good Morning dear students! Today, I am going to talk on ‘the importance of developing a positive attitude’. Time and
again, we are told to have a positive attitude towards life. Sometimes, it doesn’t even make sense, as we are going through
t t et
so many negative things at a given time and life is utter chaos. But then, it’s exactly, when a positive attitude is required
ne ne t
lvi. lvi. i . n
the most. You wonder ‘how a positive attitude can help us with our problems? It is just an intangible thought, after all!’
nka nka kalv ka lv
But truly, it helps us a lot and leads us to the path of success. Positivity in life assists one in tackling the day to day affairs,
n n
. t . t .t .t
generates optimism in one’s life and helps one avoid worry and negative thoughts. Adoption of a positive attitude will
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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k a lv likely bring wonderful changes
k a linv one’s life, making one morekjoyful,
a lv successful and attractive. Akpositive
a lv attitude
w .tn can assist one in multiplew .tnlike having the strength to push
w tn when you face tough situations;
.through, w .tn helps you to see
w shortcomings and
w w
challenges, as blessings in disguise; w
w your self-esteem, thus helping
w w
you have a belief in yourself;
w ww
helps in building confidence; makes you search for solutions and helps you notice opportunities that come your way.
Therefore, practise taking a look at the bright side of life and your entire life is bound to be brighter. The brightness
will spread to your environment and those around you. It is time for you to change the way, you see life today and rid
t t t
i . ne i . ne i .ne
yourself of negative thoughts and destructive behaviour. Start to lead a more joyful and more successful way of life with i . n et
al v
your positive attitude. Thank you. al v a lv a lv
tnk t n k nk nk
w w. w . w.t w.t w
ww wweadin ww ww
ook at the following non-verbal representation. Based on your understanding and inference, write a

i . et on career trends in the

n i . et decade.
n i . n et i .n et
kalv k a lv Career Tre d lv
k a ka lv
w .tn home health aids w
The above table gives
nine to that of the w
.tnChefs and
us the information of 10 fastest-growing
for food analysts. w
n Personal care and
occupations. Occupations.tfor
persons and journalists’ w
w w w w w w w ww
occupations are the two-fold increase of Teachers and lecturers’ occupations. Occupations for Wind and solar
energy technicians are listed as the topmost occupations among the given ten occupations. Chefs and food analysts’
occupations are categorized as the least number of occupations in the given data.
i . n etread the following article on
ask :
ow i . n etemerging career options ini.the
the n t
emodern era and answer thei . n et
nkalv that follow. n k alv n k alv nk alv
.t w.tstart thinking about their career .t w.t
ww a. hen do students
students at the Higher Secondary levelw
w wpath?
in schools start thinking about their w
career path. ww

.t n kal v

How can students build a strong career?
t Students can build a strong career after a thorough understanding of the prospective field and their primary interest.

success in their career.

l v
What are the integral aspects of a successful career?
ww ww
n ka lv

w . t nk
A good personality and strong communication skills are the integral aspects of a successful career.
a lvi.
It is also important for students to focus on overall personality development and hone their communication skills for

d. hat is meant by ‘culinary art’?
‘Culinary art’ is the art of preparation, cooking and presentation of food, usually in the form of meal.

nee. t ne
Why is media a popular career option? t net ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
Media is a popular career option because youngsters are attracted to it as the exposure and reach are greater
kal al a a l
.tnk k .tnk
n through such mass media. We notice that Radio and T.V. channels, Internet companies and advertisement agencies are
w. t w
increasingly recruiting qualified professionals. w.t w w
w f. ww ww
ame some paramedical courses mentioned in the passage. ww ww
Optometry, pathology, nursing, physiotherapy and dentistry are some of the paramedical courses.
g. Why is the hotel industry seen as the fastest growing in ndia?
ne t ne t net ne t
The hotel industry is seen as the fastest-growing in India because the number of international travellers, both on
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al
front-desk executives, tourism management, etc. nk
business and leisure, is increasing. The hospitality and service industry offers career options such as house-keeping,
w w.t w . t w . t w.t w
ww ww w
Does one have to be a player to opt for a career in the field of sports? Answer giving reasons.
One need not be a player or an athlete to shine in a sports career because the field of sports offers various career
options such as technical trainers, commentators, sports journalists, dieticians, referees, etc.
i. Pick one word from the passage which is the opposite of ‘ modern’.
t t
ne ne n et
lvi. lvi.
‘Traditional’ is the word opposite of ‘modern’.
i . lv
. t nka j.
. tnka .t k
Which word in the passage means ‘composed of people from many parts of the country’.
‘Cosmopolitan’ means composed of people from many parts of the country. .t n ka
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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n k a nk a nka nk a
w. t w . t Grammar
w . t w. t w
w ww ww ww ww
reposi ions
ask 1 : Recall your learning of basic prepositions and complete the sentences using the prepositions given in brackets.

i . n et (over, under, on, between,

i . n et among, into, with, since, ini.n et of, near/beside )
i . n et
k alv a) The boy jumped _______ ka lva narrow stream. k a lv k a lv[Ans: into] w
n _______ Friday morning. .tn
b) Afsar will meet.tme
w w .tn [Ans: on]
w wwis _______ the bank.
c) The temple ww ww [Ans: near / beside] ww
d) My friend will meet me _______ his brother tomorrow. [Ans: with]
e) There is usually a garden _______ a bungalow. [Ans: in front of]
nef) t ne t
Yuvan has been studying well _______ childhood.
ne t ne t
[Ans: since]
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal g) l
A trekker climbed _______ a mountain meticulously.
nka nk a l
l [Ans: over]

w.t t t t
h) There was a skirmish _______ my brother and sister.
. . . [Ans: between]
w w ww w w
The laudable thoughts were apparent _______ many scholars in a conference.
It is easy to work _______ the aegis of visionary leader.
ww [Ans: among]
[Ans: under]
ask 2 : Complete the following passages using the prepositions given in brackets.
i . n et i . n et (among, for, at, to, in)
i . n et i . n et
nkalv i) When Lakshmi wasnk lv
n k alvfrom Monday (2) _______nFriday.
(1)a_______ school, she practised music k alvShe involved
.t w.t the school orchestra. Shewwas
herself (3) _______ t
w.responsible w.t many programmes. ww
(4) _______ conducting
ww w
She waswvery popular (5) _______ her schoolmates,
w as she was kind, friendlyw w
and helpful. w

Ans: 1. at 2. to 3. in 4. for 5. among

i . n et i . et with, on, before, of, in, for)

n i . n et i . n et
kalv ii) (1) _______ the interview,
k a lvSolomon was confident (2) ______ k a lv getting the job. He knew thatkahelwas
v qualified
w .tn w
n He was interested (4) _______discharging
(3) _______ the.tjob.
.t_______ his duty perfectly. The
ninterview panel was
w impressed
w w(5) ______ his attitude and skills.
w So
w (6) the interview, he
w was
w (7) cloud nine.
w ww
Ans: 1. Before 2. of 3. for 4. in 5. with 6. after 7. on

reposi ional hrases

i . n et i . n et i . net i. n et
aask v
l 1 : Underline the prepositional
a v
l phrases. he first two examplesa v been done for you.
lhave a lv
.tn k a) With reference
.tton your advertisement in a local tn k
.newspaper, k
.tn of a salesman.
I am applying for the post
w w w w w w
ww will be completed in a few
b) The assignment wwweeks. ww ww
c) Ravi was appreciated by his teachers.
d) We feel sorry for our mistakes.
ne e) t ne t
The boy studied well in spite of many obstacles.
net ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal f)
nk al
Our nation is famous for its glorious culture.
nk a l
We are proud of our children.
w.t t t w.t
g) . .
w w w w
My brother will return home in the evening.
ww w w ww
ask 2 : Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositional phrase given in brackets.
(in favour of, in case of, according to, on the whole, on account of, on behalf of, in spite of, instead of)
t t
ne ne n et
lvi. lvi.
a) _______ Kiran, Rajesh may attend a programme.
i . [Ans: Instead of]
. t nka . tnka
b) Many tourists visited Ooty _______ heavy rains.
.tn k .t n ka
[Ans: in spite of]
ww ww ww
c) Expressing gratitude _______ others is common in a vote of thanks.
w w w ww
[Ans: on behalf of]
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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n et - 2
k a lv d) _______, I had a happy
k a lvchildhood. ka lv k
vthe whole]

w .tn e) Our teacherw .tn acts _______ her

always w .tn[Ans: in favour of] w
w wwhis laziness, the boy remained w
f) _______ w for a long time.
passive ww [Ans: on account of] ww
g) _______ Gandhiji, ahimsa means infinite love. [Ans: ccording to]
h) _______ rain, take an umbrella. [Ans: In case of]
i . n et i . n et i .n et i . n et
l v v onjunc ions lv lv
nk aask n
1 : Choose the appropriatek al
linker from within the brackets kacomplete the sentences. .tnka
. t .t .t
ww a) I could notw
w my paper in the examination
w ww _______ (because / but)wIwwaswslow in answering the www
questions. [Ans: because]
b) It started raining, _______ (yet / so) we could not play. [Ans: so]
c) t t
_______ (As / If) I got up early, I managed to reach school on time. t [Ans: s] t
vi . ne
d) i . ne i . ne
_______ (Though / Whereas) he committed a mistake, he apologised _______ (and /since) promised that he
v v v i .ne
n kal would not repeat it.
nk a l
[Ans: Though; and]
w w.t w . t
e) This is _______ (how / what) it must be done.
. t w . t
[Ans: how] w
ww w ww
f) The vendor saw the train moving slowly from the platform, ____ (therefore / until) he got in. [Ans: therefore] ww
g) I was not well, _______ (but / so) I did not attend the class. [Ans: so]
h) (If / Although) _______ she can drive, she travels by bus. [Ans: lthough]
t t t t
l lvi.
i) (If / Unless) _____ you register your name, you cannot participate in the competitions. [Ans: nless]
. tnka . t
k) Be quick to hear _______ (then / and) slow to speak. . t nka
j) (As soon as / Besides) _______ my father arrived home, I narrated the incident.
nk . t nka
[Ans: s soon as]
[Ans: and]
w w w ww w w
ww w
l) I am _____ (neither / either) an ascetic in theory _____ (nor / or) in practice. ww
[Ans: neither; nor] ww

m) We fail to harness the rain water; _____ (consequently / nevertheless) we suffer. [Ans: consequently]
n) My brother will certainly clear GRE; _______ (yet / for) he works very hard. [Ans: for]

i . n et i . n et i. n et i . n et
lvask 2 : Combine the sentences and rewrite them using the words given in the brackets.
lv lv lv
ka k a k a k a
w .tn a. .tn herefore, the fox could notwget
he well was deep.
w .tnout of the well. (because) w
w Thewfoxwcould not get out of the well because
ww the well was deep. ww ww
b. he work was over. We went home. (when)
When the work was over, we went home.
i . n et i . n et i . net i. n et
ka lvc. A library is a public place.
k a lvWe see a number of books kkept
alvthere for reading. (where) kalv w
n place where we see a number
A library is a.tpublic
w .tnof books kept for reading. w
w d. wwwas caught. mmediately, he w
he culprit waswtaken to the police station. (aswsoon
w as) ww
s soon as the culprit was caught, he was taken to the police station.
e. he boys were stealing mangoes from a grove. At that time, the owner of the grove came in. (while)
i .n et i .ne t
i . net
While the boys were stealing mangoes from a grove, the owner of the grove came in. i. ne t
lv al v l v l v
tnka t nk t nk a nka
. f. Artificially flavoured juices are hazardous to health. Moreover, they lead to kidney problems. (and)
. .
w w w w w
ww ww
Artificially flavoured juices are hazardous to health and lead to kidney problems.
w w ww
g. Adit has been promoted. Rajan has been promoted. (as well as)

e t Adit as well as Rajan has beene tpromoted. et t

i . n i . n i . n
n kalvh. Caesar was declared n k alv he conspirators killed
k a (After) n ka lv
.t fter Caesar.twas declared emperor, the conspirators
w.t killed him. .t
ww w w w
w w w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
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w w w
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Sura’s t et t
i .ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
.ne  Low Priced
lv3 : Fill in the blanks with appropriate
lv correlative conjunctions.
lvi .n
lv i . n e33
k a
k a k a k a
w .tn a. She is ______ an w .tn
understanding .tn likes to be with her. [Ans: such; that]
person ______ everybody
w w
w b. Suraj owns w
w_______ a typewriter _______ aw w
computer. ww [Ans: both; and] ww
c. Vani is _______ a good singer _______ a good dancer. [Ans: not only; but also]
d. Amit did not know _______ his father met his class teacher _______ not. [Ans: whether; or] t ne
I would _______ starve _______ beg.
t ne t et
[Ans: neither; nor]
v i . vi . v i . lv i .
nk al n kal nk a l
nk a
w. t w .t w.tin
Wri w.t w
w ww ww ww ww
r icle Wri ing
ask 1 : he Government of amil adu has imposed a ban on use of plastic. Effective implementation of this ban
n t
edepends on public awareness and n t
eindividual responsibility. n et n et
i .
lv Write an article of 150ka i .
lv for your school magazinektoalcreate i . i
v an awareness on the dangers .
lv posed by
ka words
k a
w .tn w .tofn plastic. Expand the ideas given
indiscriminate use
w .tnbelow as notes. w .tn w
w ww a ger o w
ed y e of Pla ww ww
An article by J. Vijayaraj, XII - C
t Plastic is a synthetic material. It doesn’t decompose in the soil. It is one of the most widely used substances,
t t t
l lvi.
when it comes to the production of containers, bags, furniture and various other things. This is because it is

nka a nka nka

economical and can be easily moulded into different forms. It is hazardous for humans, animals as well as the
. t . t nk . t
plants. Several animals, birds and marine creatures die due to plastic pollution. . t
w w w ww w w
ww ww
When we eat food from a plastic container, plastic gets leached into our food and it is harmful to us. As we
w ww
are accustomed to the usage of plastic, we cannot easily avoid its usage. The microplastics can mess with our

.t n kal v
hormones. They can mimic hormones like estrogen, interfere with important pathways in the thyroid gland

and inhibit the effects of testosterone.
n ka lv

w . t nk a lvi.
animals may block their intestines and respiratory passages. The manufacturing process and the burning of
Plastic particles choking waterways affect aquatic animals. Ingestion of plastic by aquatic and terrestrial
plastic pollute the atmosphere to a great extent. Non-biodegradable plastics interferes with soil micro organisms
and affects soil fertility. ww ww

Therefore, we should avoid using plastic. There are alternatives for a one-time use of plastics.
It can be segregated for recycling.
n t
eUrban n et of various communicable n et n et
lvi .
ask 2 : living brings with it
lva i .
lv i . diseases.
lv i.
ka ow write an article k
a about 150 words for a leading k a
newspaper on the various k a w tn sanitation in order to ensure
.and w .tanhealthy living. Make use of the
w tn givenmaintaining
.hints of
w personal hygiene
ww w w w w below.
w ww
Clea l e e o godl e
- n article by J. rulseeli, XII B

ne t t t
Healthy living is essential in our modern world. Personal Hygiene can be defined as an act of maintaining
ne ne ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
cleanliness and grooming of the external body. Frequent washing of hands, regular bathing, brushing of teeth,
n kal nk al nk a l
cutting your nails and hair, and wearing clean clothes are the essential aspects of your personal hygiene.
w w.t w . t w . t w.t
Keep diseases at bay by avoiding street food, keeping the food containers closed with lids, drinking boiled w
ww ww w w
water and washing fruits and vegetables in flowing water. Keep living area, surroundings and environment clean. ww
This can be done by disposing of domestic organic waste on a daily basis and hazardous waste in designated
places, regular sweeping, mopping and dusting your home. Toilets and bathing areas should be disinfected.
ne t ne t et t
We should not litter public places. We should also not spit, urinate and defecate in public places.
lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
Hygiene is a collective exercise. Everyone’s involvement and practice is a must. We should ensure community
. t . t
health and happiness and celebrate life. .t .t
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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ne t ne t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart
n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 2
k a lvi. a lvi. a lv i .
a lv
tn t nk k
.tn Topics .tn k
w w. w . u es ed
w w w
ww ww ww ww
 mportance of Physical Exercises / Sports and Games.
P y i l Ex i /S t n G
n e t n e t n t
esound n eist an
i . Not many would decry
lvage-old truism. When the body the i .
importance of physical i
fitness.. ‘A mind in a sound
lisvnot in a good state, the mindkatoolvcannot be in its proper frame. i .
k a k a k a
An engineer or w .tn
a doctor certainly draws from his intellectual capabilities,
n their proper functioning depends
.tbut w .tn upon the physical w
w environment. w w limbs crave for rest and an ailing
Tired wwbody cannot contribute to mental wwstability. ww
Physical exercises have the power to cure many of the diseases. Dr. Agarwal of Delhi has convincingly
demonstrated that a certain kind of physical exercises and body movements, can set right bad eyesight. Various
ne t ne t ne t
‘Asanas’ practised by our yogis are believed to prevent and cure some of the diseases which modern medicine fails ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal nka
nk a l
to accomplish. We have not fully realised the importance of physical exercise. If we have, it is a namesake. No doubt

w w.t w t
. t w . t
we have made physical education an integral part of the curriculum in our schools and colleges and invariably, every
. w
institution has an instructor.
w ww
Nearly two thousand and five hundred years ago, the Greeks realised the value of physical culture. One of their
chief Gods Apollo is a symbol of physical strength and manhood.

i n et
 ravel and its Benefits
. i . n et i . n et i . n et
nkalv n k alv v l n it B n alit
n k
nk alv
.t Travelling means .t from one place to another
wmoving t various purposes such as forweducation,
w.for .t business and
ww w
for some otherwreasons. There is a lot of benefitsw w w
of travelling. A person can learn new
w experiences of life through ww

travelling. The world is the wide place if we roam from one place to another it means we can learn new traditions,
culture, manner, and behaviour. They are some eminent travellers such as Homer, Pythagoras, Herodotus and
t t t t ne
Megasthenis, Hiuen Tsang, Marco Polo, Ibn –e- Batuta who travelled at different places in search of knowledge and
al v v v lvi.
acquired knowledge through their wisdom, enjoyed adventurous risks in their life to learn something new. If we
l l
t n k nka n ka nk a
travel to various places, we will get a chance to interact with different kind of people and able to learn diverse lifestyle.
. w.t w.t w . t
Study abroad provides students a lot of new experiences. Moreover, youth learn communications skills through w
ww ww ww
travelling and get the chance to remove shyness and build self-confidence to face any situation of life. Students who ww
have completed their studies from overseas countries get more chances of jobs anywhere in the world.

i . et
 Water Conservation
n i . n et i . net i. n et
ka lv k a lv ater conservation
k a lv k a lv w .tn
The world contains tn
sufficient, clean fresh water for.everyone’s
w .tn needs. Personal
basic personal and domestic
w wof water account for less than w
and domestic uses
w tenwper cent of the total amount of water
w used in human activities, www
although essential uses require a significantly lower percentage. However, water is not equally distributed due to
lack of distribution networks, working systems to extract groundwater or harvest rainwater and, in some cases,
t t t t
exclusion from these services or facilities, limit the extent of peoples access to sufficient water. In some cases, excessive
ne ne ne ne
vi . vi . v i . v i.
extraction of groundwater, often for agricultural or industrial use, limits domestic use and threatens the long-term
n kal nk al nk a l
sustainability of such groundwater sources. Groundwater is also at increased risk of contamination from untreated
w w.t . t
wastewater from agriculture, industry or households.
w w w . t w.t w
Accordingwto the United Nations Environment
w w
wProgramme (UNEP), 884 millionwpeople around the globe have ww
no access to clean drinkable water. Every year more than two million people die due to lack of drinking water and
diseases caused by consuming.
ne t ne t et t
lvi. lvi. . n
Therefore, it is our moral responsibility to preserve, control and develop the water resources. We have to prevent
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
water pollution. We have to construct dams, implement rainwater harvesting and water recycling methods to conserve
. t . t .t
water. We have to ensure the availability of water for future generations. .t
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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Sura’s t net t
.ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
lvi hild Labour .ne  Low Priced
lvi l
vi. lvi.

k a

nk a a a
w . t C il
w .tnk w. t nk
w India hasw
w ww
more child workers than any other ww is increasing day by day. ww
country in the world. This incidence
This incidence is increasing day by day. In our country, one-third of the houses have a working child and one-fourth
of the children in the age-group of 5-15 are employed. According to a rough estimate, there are around 50 million
net ne t ne t
child labourers in India. Such children are deprived of the much-needed love of their parents. They are denied n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i .
nk al n kal nk
opportunities for growth, development, leaning etc. They are subjected to hard labour with meagre wages. As they
have no legislature or union, demands for better facilities or wage-hike cannot be raised by them. nk a
w. t w .t w.t w.t w
w ww ww ww
Hard labour for long hours mars the children’s’ world of imagination. Their tender mind and tiny limbs cannot
withstand the work-load they are subjected to. Their disturbed childhood also tempts to indulge in crimes.
We have to act rapidly to melt away this serious problem. The ultimate objective of any sane society should

i . et i . et i . n et
be the abolition of child labour. Our Indian Government prohibits the employment of children in hazardous jobs.
n n i .ne t
alvMobile Phone – Advantageskaand
lvDisadvantages a lv l v
.tn k
.tn tn
P. n
M il w
k . t nka
w w w w w w
dvantages w ww ww ww
With mobile phones, we can communicate with anyone from anywhere at any time. They have become a source
of unlimited entertainment. Smartphones help us to stay entertained by allowing us to play games, listen to music
t t t t
l lvi.
and do lots of other stuff. They come with special apps for kids to increase their brainstorming, which is pretty good.

. tnka . t nk a
apps which can be used in our studies. . t nka . t nka
The smartphones which come with Android, Apple iOS and Windows Phone operating system come with educational

w w w ww w w
isadvantages w ww ww

.t n ka

l v Tnkalvi.Net
Most of the people become additive to mobile phones. They waste their valuable time in playing mobile games,
chatting with their friends, watching movies and do lots of other stuff. Thus they spoil their future unknowingly.

onsumerism – wants

n ka

w . t nka
There is also a high risk of an accident if mobile phone is used while driving a vehicle. Research studies have also
l v lv
claimed that mobile phones have a negative impact on the health of an individual.

Consumerism is a cultural model that promotes the acquisition of goods, and especially the purchase of goods,
as a vehicle for personal satisfaction and economic stimulation. It is the protection or promotion of the interests of
t t
i . ne i . ne i . net i.
consumers. The growth of consumerism has led to many organizations improving their service to the customer. It isne t
al v al v alv a l v
the modern movement for the protection of the consumer against useless, inferior, or dangerous products, misleading
tn k .tnk n k .tnk
w w. w w.t
advertising, unfair pricing, etc. It is a needed concept that an ever-expanding consumption of goods is advantageous
w w
ww ww ww
to the economy. Consumerism replaces the act of buying for need and wants to a practice of buying as a way to signal ww
social status/belonging to those around you. You express and build your identity by making purchases that fit the
perceptions that you want to create. Consumerism turns purchases into lifestyle accessories. Buying Fashionable
t t t
jeans and coolers is about creating that moment where you are standing in the mall wearing them projecting that
ne ne ne ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
version of yourself to the world. For an economy in surplus, consumerism is important because it creates demand.
n kal nk al nk a l
Consumers are constantly chasing trends and fashion for the satisfaction of buying an object of desire. This leads to
w w.t . t w . t w.t
higher consumption as people do not want to be seen with outdated goods. Carrying a button phone is a sign that
w w
you are not trendy. ww w w ww
 alue of Education

n e t n e t l E ti n
n et n et
i . i . i . i .
n kalvindividual
Education is a fundamentallv
freedom and k a human and
n yields importantn k alvexercise
right and is essential for the
benefits. It is a powerful tool by k
v It provides
of all other human rights.
.t w.t adults and children can liftwthemselves
w.t out of poverty and participate w.t fully as citizens.
ww and socially marginalised
w w w w w ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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i . n et i . n et Sura’s ➠ XII Std iSmart .n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit n et - 2
k a lv Education helps to stimulate k a lvour minds and mould inquisitive
k a lvminds into intellectuals. It kisaa lrope
v that can
w .tn carry us to greatness. It.tisnone of the most important things
w w .tnbecause, without education,w n contribute to
w the world or
w w
earn money, and lack knowledge. w
w is power. Gaining w
w alone doesn’t make one
w ww
educated. Education is complete when we learn how to live, how to hope, how to pray, and how to behave with others.
Education is self-empowerment.

ne t t t
Education is what removes our doubts and fears, what makes us happy and successful, what makes us better
ne ne n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i
human beings. The teacher comes, removes the darkness, and suddenly we find how beautiful this world is. Education .
nk al kal nk a
helps students realise their potential and qualities as a human being.
nk a
w. t w .t w.t w.t w
w ww
 alue Based Education ww ww ww
l E ti n
Value-based education has been the wish for most nations and especially India. It refers to education whereby
ne t ne t net
the outcome adds value to the learners and not just learning because it is routine or mandatory to do so. Therefore, ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
the importance of value-based education is that it builds the various qualities of honesty, strength and humility in a
n kal nka
person with regard to their social, moral and spiritual behaviours.
a l
w w.t w . t
. t w . t w
ww ww
It helps in shaping an individual’s behaviour so that they can be able to fit in the society without having a negative
impact on other people’s life. It will make the world a better place to live in. It plays an important role in strengthening
the moral, spiritual behaviour of an individual. A spiritual person is normally associated with good qualities in life
such as honesty, humbleness and humility among others. Hence value-based education is very important in any
t t t t
l lvi.
given system of education because the benefits not only affect an individual but is rather felt by the whole society.

. tnka . t nk a
. t nka
ssaywWri in . t nka
w w w w w
ww ww ww ww
Task 1 : Write an essay of about 200 words each.

w w .tn ka
i . n
 he Profession you would like to choose.
eI would
lvwhat I wanted to do with my
important functions performed
to not only change
k alife.
i .
like to choose the teaching n t
.tn in our culture. I believewthat
wthe world, but to improve it. w
k a
n et
This decision was ia.culmination
lvI would choose a career in education .
of a process of reflection
i n t
lv because I believe that it kis aonelvof the most
.tnteachers individually and collectively
w to be a part of a noble profession
I want w
w .tn have the ability
w with the hope of one day www
being counted among those in whom future teachers find inspiration.
Many of the great teachers that I have had throughout my education have become my heroes and role models. I
t t et
remember that great teachers were good at explaining content, were patient yet firm with students, were always fair,
ne ne n ne t
vi . vi . lv i .
set high expectations, knew how to motivate, and used humour appropriately. They were great communicators who v i.
kal al a a l
w. tn
w .tnk w.t
w .tnk
had a command of their subject matter content. This is the type of teacher that I intend to become.
High self-esteem will enable the students to strive for and accomplish any goal they set for themselves. As a w
w ww ww ww
teacher, I will play a part in helping them to do that. I will have the privilege of shaping future parents and productive ww
members of society. Teaching is an important contribution I can make to better our society, and I am excited about
the opportunity to do so.
i .n et i .n et i . n et i. n et

a lv he mportance of a Balanced k a lDiet
k a lv k alv
w .tn w .tn as a diet that contains thew
A balanced diet is defined .tn proportions of carbohydrates,
w tnproteins, vitamins,
.fats, w
w ww necessary to maintain good w
minerals, and water w
ww ww
Nutrition is vital for our body and all of its systems to function properly, by having good nutrition it will help us
maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, provide our body with energy, promote good sleep and generally make
t t et
us feel better. This has been proven through many scientific studies and is now well documented. By having good
ne ne t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nutrition, it has been proven that we are less likely to develop many of the present-day diseases.
nka nka kalv ka
The Foods Standards Agency recommends having moderate amounts of fish (two portions a week one being
n n
. t . t .t .t
ww ww ww ww
oily) moderating the amount of protein we have and having small or occasional amounts of food high in fat or sugar.
w w w ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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Sura’s t et t
.ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
lvi .ne  Low Priced
i dition
lv on eating a variety of food,kand i .n
lveating foods that have not been lv i . n e37
a A balanced diet should beabased a aprocessed. This
. tn k t n k t n t nk
means trying
People shouldw w. to eat five portions or more ofwfruits
natural unprocessed
w. and vegetables a day, to reduce
w wthe. amount of processed ww
w w w w
food they eat, to ensure they drink at least two litres of water a day, to have a balance between the amount of
carbohydrates, fats and protein they consume, to eat oily fish weekly, to reduce the amount of table salt they have

i . n et i . et
and to reduce the amount of sugar in their diet.
n i .n et i . n et
k a
 lv emorable Journey kalv k a lv k a lv Life is a continuous
.tjourney. Some journeys are sweet
n pleasant while some are sour..Some
.tand w tn journeys are too w
w memorable tow bew ww
erased by the sands of time. I had wwof this journey continues to ww
one such experience. The memory
flicker, on and on, in my mind even after several years.
Being born and brought up in Chennai city, a place without hills and mounts, I had no opportunity to travel
ne t ne t ne t
through tunnels and mounts. Therefore, when my school organised an excursion to New Delhi, our National capital, ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal I was one of the first to join in.
nk a l
w w.t . t
. t w . t
We reached Central Station as our train reservation was for the Tamilnadu express. We reached the station early
w w
ww ww
and boarded the train at 9 p.m. The train started at 10 p.m. I sat by the window and enjoyed the passing scenery.
The sights of numerous rivers, bridges, countryside, evergreen paddy fields, lush green tea gardens, vast plains, etc.
enchanted me a lot. The long tunnels after Nagpur gave us the optimum excitement. This is the memorable journey
of my life.
t t t t
l lvi.
. tnka . t nka Warm .tnpka . t nka
w w w w w w
a) ww
Here are a few of w
varieties of tea. How many w in w
these have you tasted? Tick w the boxes. ww

erbal tea Ice tea emon tea
t t 
i . n e i . n e i. n et i . n et
lv reen tea Black
lv tea Tea with milk lv lv
ka k a k a k a
w .tn 
w .tn   .tn
w w .tn
w w w w w w w w ww
b) You would have seen lovely packets of tea on the shelves at supermarkets and shops. Have you ever
wondered how tea powder is obtained from the plants? Look at the pictures and describe the process.

ne t ne t net ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
kal al a al
w. tn
w .tnk w.t
n k
w .tnk w
w ww ww ww ww
1. Tea leaves are first plucked from the tea plant.
2. t ne t net
Tea leaves are then withered to reduce water content by 50-70% in the sunlight or in dark hot rooms. ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal 3.
nkal nk a l
After the leaves are withered, they undergo some sort of bruising process, which means the leaves are rolled,

w.t t t w.t
twisted and crushed. . .
w w w w
ww ww w
Then the leaves are left to oxidize or turned brown and finally it should be dried to remove any residual
moisture. Only then, it is ready to be packaged and shipped all over the world.
w ww

ne t ne t  et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww www w ww ww
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ne t ne t t t
lvi. lvi. l lvi.
n k aPROSE UNIT n 3
k a n ka nk a
w. t . t
w w . t w. t w
w ww ww ww ww
t - Dr.
t Christiaan Barnard net
n e n e n et
al vi.
cÆnuhL ïU¥gj‰fhdal vi. bfh©lh£l«alvi. a lv i .
w.tnk w .tnk w .tnk
- lh¡l® »¿°oa‹ g®dh®£
w ww ww ww ww
kU¤Jt® »¿°oa‹ g®dh®£ (1922 - 2001) bj‹
M¥ãÇ¡fhÉ‹ jiyáwªj ïja mWit Ợir Ãòz®. cy»‹ Kjš

ne t t
ïja kh‰W mWit Ợir brŒjt®. FHªijfŸ gL« Jau¤ij f©L
ne ne t ne t
vi . Äfî« kd« fy§Fth®. v i . v i . v i .
n kal nka
gy tUl§fS¡F K‹ mtU« mt® kidÉí« rhiyia fl¡ifÆš xU Ég¤âš nk a l
w w.t w . t
. t
á¡»d®. Ég¤â‹nghJ mt® j‹ kidÉÆ‹ ÛJ ÉGªjâš, mtŸ rhiyÆ‹ kWòw¤âš w . t w
ww w
ÉGªJ njhŸ K¿î V‰g£lJ. ïUtUnk kU¤JtkidÆš gaK«, cis¢rY« milªjd®. ww ww
j‹ jªijÆ‹ fU¤jhd ‘flîŸ kÅj®fis nrhâ¥gjhš mªj Jau§fËÈUªJ kÅj‹
g¡Ft¥gL»wh‹’, v‹gij kW¡»wh®.
t t t t
l lvi.
. tnka . t nka K y w . t nka . t n ka
w w w w w w w
w from Dr. Barnard’s speech about w
This is an extract wofwlife altogether.
an experience that changed his outlook ww

w w .tn ka
i . n et
Dr. Barnard’s concern over the sufferings of people is reflected in his essay. Out of 125 million born, 12 million hardly
reach a year of life, 6 million die before 5 years of age.

had fractured her shoulder.
Sad thoughts stem from an accident,
lv Experiences agony and anger, lv . n ethis wife and himself were knocked
unable to understand why they hadk
.tn He had to take care of patientswand
w that God tests man to make w
Recalls father’s
lv i . n t
edown by a speeding car.

.tnhis wife had to take care of a baby.

him a better person. ww
w .tn k
suffer. The doctor had broken 11 ribs a
i . n
lvhis wife

Bernard found nothing noble in a patient’s suffering, or a crying child.
Lackt of sophisticated heart surgery and suffering
i . n e
everything to fate. i . n et i . net trust was laid in doctors, ileaving
children was disturbing as total
. n et
ka lv The Grand Prix of Cape town’s k a lv k
Red Cross Hospital was an eye-opener.a lv k a lv That morning an w .tn breakfast trolley was commandeered
unattended w .tn by a bold crew, consisting of awdriver
.tnand a mechanic. w
w The mechanic
w motor power running behind the
wgave ww wwdeck steered by scraping
trolley, and the driver sat on the mower ww
his foot on the floor.
The show was good. The plates scattered everywhere before the nurse scolded and put them both back to bed.
i .n et .n
The mechanic was seven years old. iHe
et i .
lost his eyesight after receiving severe n et
third-degree burns as an impact
ka lv between his drunken fatherkand a v who threw a lantern that missed
lmother k a lvhis father and hit the mechanickinstead.
a lv At the
w .tn w .tn horror.
Grand Prix, he was a walking
w .tn w .tn w
w Barnard knew w he had successfully closed a holewinwthe driver’s heart. With a malignantwtumour
wthat w of the bone, his arm ww
was amputated. He had full confidence in the mechanic.
These two children taught a lesson of getting on with the business of living which is the celebration of being alive.
t a better person after havingneexperienced
ebecome t n
suffering. It’s not what.we
t that matters, but what is left behind.
elose n et
i . i . i i .
n kalv n k alv n k alv n k alv
.t w.t w.t w.t
ww w w w w 38
w w ww
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k a k a ghl¢ RU¡f« ka k a
w .tn w .tn w .tn w
w Dr. g®dh®£ w
w wwxU Ég¤âš á¡»¡ bfhŸ»‹wd®.
k‰W« mt® kidÉ M»a ïUtU« ww gy¤j fha§fŸ V‰g£l ww
ãwFjh‹, mt® tÈia¥ g‰¿ ÔÉukhf nahá¡f Mu«ã¤jh®. mt® jªij mtÇl« T¿a th®¤ijfshd ‘flîŸ
kÅjid nrhâ¤J mtid c‹djkhdtdhf g¡Ft¥gL¤J»wh®’ v‹gij KjÈš kW¡»wh®. nkY«, kU¤Jt®,

ne t ne t
brÉÈaiu e«ã j« thœ¡ifiana x¥gil¡F« áW FHªijfŸ gL« Jau« mt® cŸs¤ij ãs¥gjhf mt®
ne t n et
v i .
F¿¥ãL»wh®. vi . v i . lv i .
nk al kal nk
xUrka« Dr. g®dh®£, nf¥lîÅš cŸs xU FHªijfŸ kU¤JtkidÆš f©l fh£á g‰¿ F¿¥ãL»wh®.
n a l
nk a
w. t w .t
m§F xU ftÅ¥ghu‰w, czit vL¤J¢ bršY« jŸSt©oia th®L KGtJ« jŸË¡ bfh©L, midtiuí« w.t w.t w
w ww ww
k»œÉ¤j, cl« ey« ghâ¡f¥g£l ïU FHªijfŸ g‰¿a r«gt« mJ. mªj ïU FHªijfËš xUt‹ gh®ita‰wt‹ ww ww
k‰wt‹ xU ifia ïHªjt‹. ifia ïHªjt‹ X£Lduhfî«, k‰wt‹ ïaªâu cjÉahsuhfî« brayh‰¿dh®.
(mjhtJ k»œ¢á¡F kdnk ãujhd«... ghâ¡f¥g£l clšey«.)

ne t ne t
ïªj r«gt« _y« g®dh®£ TWtJ v‹dbt‹whš jh« J‹g¤â‹ jtwhd xU g¡f¤ijna gh®¤jjhfî«,
ne t ne t
vi . v i .
k‰bwhUòw« v‹d v‹gij mªj FHªijfŸ jh‹ òÇa it¤jjhfî« F¿¥ãL»wh®. v i . v i .
n kal nka
c©ikÆš J‹g¤â‹ mDgt« jh‹ xUtiu c‹dj kÅjdhŒ M¡F»wJ v‹»w j« FHªijÆ‹ th®¤ijÆ‹
w w.t w . t
. t
m®¤j¤ij òǪJ bfh©lh®. xUt® Jau¤ij mDgÉ¡fhÉ£lhš, thœ¡ifia mDgÉ¡f ïayhJ v‹gij òǪJ w . t w
ww w
bfh©l mt®, ïHªjij Ãid¤J tUªjhkš, ïU¥gij bfh©L k»H nt©Lbkd F¿¥ãL»wh®. ww ww
i . net i . n et i . n et i . n et
nkalv Te ual Paragra
n k alvh n k alv jÄHh¡f«
n k alv
.t 1. More and more, as I near the.t
end of my career as a heart surgeon, 1. .tX® ïja mWit Ợir Ãòz®.tv‹w v‹ thœ¡if
ww my thoughts have turned
w wto the consideration of why people
w seems so cruelly prevalent in the world
should suffer. Suffering
w be¿Æ‹ ïWâia eh‹ beU§F«nghJ,
ww ntjid¥gl nt©L« v‹w
wwftdkhd áªjid, nkY«
kÅj®fŸ V‹

today. Do you know that of the 125 million children born this nkY« v‹DŸ tªJ bfh©oUªjJ. ï‹iwa cy»š
year, 12 million are unlikely to reach the age of one and another ntjid mšyJ ghâ¥ò v‹gJ r®t rhjhuzkh»É£lJ
t t t
v‹gJ xU bfhLik. ïªj M©L ãwªj 125 ÄšÈa‹ t ne
six million will die before the age of five? And, of the rest, many
will end up as mental or physical cripples. (12½ nfho) FHªijfËš, 12 ÄšÈa‹ FHªijfŸ xU
al v l v lv
nka ka a
taJ miltj‰F K‹ò«, nkY« 6 ÄšÈa‹ FHªijfŸ 5
t n k n nk
. w.t w.t . t
taâ‰F K‹ò« ïwªJ nghŒÉLth®fŸ v‹gJ c§fS¡F¤
ww ww ww ww
bjÇíkh? ÛâíŸst®fËš, bgU«ghyhndh®, kd«
mšyJ clš rh®ªj FiwghLfis¡ bfh©oU¥gh®fŸ. ww
2. My gloomy thoughts probably stem from an accident I had a 2. xU áy M©LfS¡F K‹ò vd¡F V‰g£l xU
few years ago. One minute I was crossing the street with my wife Ég¤âÈUªJ, vdJ ïU©l áªjidfŸ njh‹¿ÆU¡f¡
ne t ne t
after a lovely meal together, and the next minute a car had hit et
TL«. x‹whf nr®ªJ czî rh¥ã£LÉ£L, v‹
n ne t
vi . vi .
me and knocked me into my wife. She was thrown into the other lv i .
kidÉíl‹ bjUit flªJ bfh©oUªnj‹. mL¤j v i.
kal al a a l
.tnk k .tnk
lane and struck by a car coming from the opposite direction. ÃÄl« xU fh® v‹ ÛJ tªJ nkhâ, v‹ kidÉíl‹
tn n
w w. w w.t ÑnH jŸËaJ. mL¤j tʤjl¤âš (lane) mtŸ ö¡»
w w
ww ww ww
v¿a¥g£L, vâ® âirÆÈUªJ tªj xU fhuhš mtŸ
nkY« jh¡FjY¡F cŸshdhŸ. ww
3. During the next few days in the hospital, I experienced not only 3. kU¤JtkidÆÈUªj mL¤j áy âd§fË‹ nghJ, eh‹
agony and fear but also anger. I could not understand why my clyhY«, kdjhY« fL« ntjidia mDgɤnj‹.
ne t ne t
wife and I had to suffer. I had eleven broken ribs and a perforated net
mJ k£Lkšyhkš, nfhgK« bfh©oUªnj‹. ehD«, ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al
lung. My wife had a badly fractured shoulder. Over and over, I
asked myself, why should this happen to us? I had work to do, nk
v‹ kidÉí« V‹ ghâ¡f¥gl nt©L« v‹gij
v‹dhš òǪJ bfhŸs KoaÉšiy. vdJ 11 Éyh
w w.t w . t
after all; there were patients waiting for me to operate on them. w . t w.t
vY«òfŸ K¿ªâUªjd. nkY« EiupuÈš gy JisfŸ w
My wife had a young baby who needed her care. ww w w
V‰g£oUªjd. v‹ kidÉÆ‹ njhŸg£il vY«ò
nkhrkhf K¿ªâUªjJ. ‘ek¡F V‹ ï¥go neu nt©L«?’
vd vd¡F ehnd gyKiw nkY« nkY« nf£L¡
bfh©oUªnj‹. eh‹ brŒa nt©oa ntiy Ãiwa
ne t ne t et t
ïUªjJ. mWit Ợir¡fhf nehahËfŸ vd¡fhf¡
lvi. lvi. alv
i .
fh¤J¡ bfh©oU¥gh®fŸ . v‹ kidÉ¡nfh, v§fŸ lv
. t nka . tnka .t k
ïs« FHªijia ftŤJ¡ bfhŸs nt©L« v‹w
n .t n ka
ww ww ww ww w
njit ïUªjJ.
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n et - 3
k a lvi. Te ual Paragra k a h
lvi. ka lvi .
jÄHh¡f« k a lv
w .tn 4. My father, had he still w .tn
been alive, would have said: “My son, w
4. v‹ jªij ï¥nghJ cÆnuhLw
ïUªâUªjhš, ï›thW w
w ww
it’s God’s will. That’s ww brhšÈÆU¥gh® : “v‹ kfnd,
the way God tests you. Suffering ennobles wwïJ flîË‹ á¤j« (God’s ww
you – makes you a better person.” will). ïªj tÊÆš flîŸ c‹id nrhâ¡»wh®. ïªj ghâ¥ò
c‹id xU áwªj kÅjdhf cUth¡F«. ca®thd xU

ne t ne t Ãiyia¤ jU«...”
ne t n et
v i
5. . i .
But, as a doctor, I see nothing noble in a patient’s thrashing
v i .
5. Mdhš, xU lh¡l® v‹w KiwÆš gh®¤jhš, Éa®it
v lv i .
nk al n kal
around in a sweat-soaked bed, mind clouded in agony. Nor can I
nk al
C¿¥nghd gL¡ifÆš, ï§F« m§F« òu©lgo, a
w. t w .t
see any nobility in the crying of a lonely child in a ward at night.
w.t w.t
jh§fKoahj ntjidÆš kd ciy¢rÈš ïU¡F«
w ww ww ww
xU nehahËÆl«, vªj xU ca®thd Ãiyiaí«
v‹dhš fhz KoaÉšiy. mšyJ, xU th®oš, ïuÉš, ww
jŤJ¡ »l¡F« xU FHªijÆ‹ mGifÆš, vªj xU
nk‹ikahd c‹dj g©igí« (nobility) v‹dhš fhz

n e t n e t n e t
n e t
i . i
6. vIn those days, they didn’t have sophisticated
l always found the suffering of children .
lv heart surgery. I have 6. mªj i .
lv bg‰¿U¡fÉšiy.
eh£fËš mâ eåd mWit Ợirv i .
l Kiwfis
ka k a particularly heartbreaking k a
FHªijfŸ k
lh¡l®fŸak‰W« e®°fŸ
w .tn - especially because of their
n trust in doctors and nurses. .tÛJ
.ttotal w
n mt®fŸ it¤âUªj KG e«ã¡ifÆ‹
w .tn fhuzkhf,
w They believe you arew
w w
going to help them. If you can’t they accept
w eh‹ v¥nghJ« f©oUªj w
w FHªijfË‹ ntjidia¡
their fate. They go through mutilating surgery, and afterwards F¿¥ã£L¢ brhšy nt©LbkÅš, mJ Äfî« nrhfkhd
they don’t complain. x‹W vdyh«. Ú§fŸ cjÉ brŒa¥ngh»Ö®fŸ vd
mt®fŸ e«ã¡bfh©oU¥gh®fŸ. c§fshš Koahkš
t t t t ne ne ne
nghdhš, mt®fË‹ Éâia mt®fŸ V‰W¡ bfhŸth®fŸ.
l v lvi. lvi.
clÈ‹ áy âR¡fŸ mf‰w¥gl mWit Ợir brŒJ
. tnka . t nka . t nka . t nka
bfhŸth®fŸ. mj‰F¥ ãwF, mt®fŸ F‰w« Fiw vijí«
Tw kh£lh®fŸ.
w w w w w w
7. ww years ago, I witnessed what I callwthew 7. gy M©LfS¡F K‹dhš,
One morning, several
Grand Prix of Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital. It
wwxU fhiy ntisÆš, nf¥ ww

lîÅ‹ brŠáYit FHªijfŸ kU¤JtkidÆš xU
opened my eyes to the fact that I was missing something in all Ãfœ¢áia¡ f©nl‹. ‘r®tnjr nkh£lh® fh® gªja«’
my thinking about suffering – something basic that was full of v‹W brhšy¡ Toa msÉš mJ ïUªjJ. mJ vdJ
t t t t
solace for me. ne
f©fis¤ âwªjJ. vªj tifÆš v‹W brhš»nw‹.

al v l v lv
ntjidfŸ, ghâ¥òfŸ g‰¿a vdJ áªjidfËš lvi.
t n k nka n ka nk
eh‹ vijnah ïHªâU¡»nw‹ v‹gJ X® c©ik. a
. w.t w.t w . t
mo¥gilahd Vnjh x‹W - vd¡F KG MWjš
ww ww jªâU¡f¡ Toa x‹W jh‹ mJ.
ww ww
8. What happened there that morning was that a nurse had left 8. mªj fhiy neu¤âš v‹d elªjJ v‹whš, fhiy czit
a breakfast trolley unattended. And very soon this trolley was vL¤J tU« jŸSt©oia, xU e®° m§F É£LÉ£L¢
commandeered by an intrepid crew of two – a driver and a
t t et t
br‹W É£lhŸ. j§fis xU ‘oiut®’ k‰W« ‘bk¡fhÅ¡’

vi . ne . ne
mechanic. The mechanic provided motor power by galloping
vi . n
v‹W brhšÈ¡ bfh©L, bfhŠrK« ga« ïšyhj, ïu©L
i i. ne
kal al
along behind the trolley with his head down, while the driver, lv
áWt®fŸ, mªj jŸSt©oia j§fŸ tr« vL¤J¡
a a l v
w. tn .tnk
seated on the mower deck, held on with one hand and steered
by scraping his foot on the floor. The choice of roles was easy w.t
n k
w .tnk
bfh©lh®fŸ. jŸS t©o¡F¥ ã‹dhš, jiyia¡ FŪJ
bfh©L, mªj “bk¡fhÅ¡”, t©oia ntfkhf jŸË¡ w
w ww ww
because the mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only ww
bfh©oUªjh‹. mªj “oiut®”, t©oÆ‹ K‹dhš ww
one arm. czî it¡F« j£oš mk®ªJ bfh©L xU ifahš
mjid ão¤J¡ bfh©L, jiuia fhyhš njŒ¤jgo, mªj
t©oia x£o¡ bfh©oUªjh‹. oiut®, bk¡fhÅ¡
i .n et i .n et i . n et . n et
v‹W mt®fŸ brhšÈ¡ bfh©lJ rÇjh‹, VbdÅš,
ka lv k a lv k a lv k alv
‘bk¡fhÅ¡’ áWtD¡F KGtJkhf f©gh®it »ilahJ,

w .tn 9. They put on quite a showwthat

.tnday. Judging by the laughter and‹iwa
n .tn K‰¿Y« e‹whf
‘oiutU¡F«’ xU if k£Lnk ïUªjJ.
w w
w ww from the rest of the patients, itwwas
shouts of encouragement
w el¤âd®. ÛâÆUªj ãw nehahË¢
âd« mt®fŸ
ww áWt®fË‹ áÇ¥òfS«,
mªj Ãfœit
much better entertainment than anything anyone puts on at the C¡f¥gL¤J« T¡FušfS«, mªj ÃfœÉ‹ j‹ikia
Indianapolis 500 car race. There was a grand finale of scattered âwdhŒî brŒjd vdyh«. ‘ï©oahdhbghÈ°
t t
plates and silverware before the nurse and ward sister caught
ne ne et
500’ v‹w fh® gªja« ngh£oiaÉl, ïJ áwªj xU t
lvi. lvi.
up with them, scolded them and put them back to bed. i . n
bghGJngh¡fhf mikªjJ. ïWâÆš c¢r¡f£l¤âš
nka nka n kalv nka lv
j£LfS«, btŸË gh¤âu§fS« áj¿d. mªj e®[]«,
. t . t .t .t
th®L cjÉahsU«, mªj áWt®fis ão¤J, â£o,
ww w ww w ww gL¡ifÆš »l¤âd®.
w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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k a k a a a
.tnk k
Te ual Paragra h jÄHh¡f«
tn t n t n
ww. 10. w.two. The mechanic was all of sevenww10.
Let me tell you about these
w ïªj ïu©L ngiu¥ g‰¿ eh‹w
ï§F brhšy nt©L«. w
w when his mother and father were drunk,
years old. One night, w w bfh©ltD¡F 7 taJ. xU
‘bk¡fhÅ¡’ v‹W brhšÈ¡ ww
his mother threw a lantern at his father, missed and the lantern ïuÉš, mt‹ jhí« jªijí« FonghijÆš ïUªjnghJ,
broke over the child’s head and shoulders. He suffered severe mtdJ m«kh, xU És¡F¡ T©il (lantern) vL¤J
mtdJ m¥ghÉ‹ ÛJ åádhŸ. mJ F¿ jt¿, FHªijahd
ne t ne t
third-degree burns on the upper part of his body, and lost both
ne t
mt‹ jiy k‰W« njhŸfËš (shoulders) g£L, cilªjJ. n et
v i . i .
his eyes. At the time of the Grand Prix, he was a walking horror,
v v i . lv i .
nk al n kal
with a disfigured face and long flap of skin hanging from the
ïjdhš, mtdJ ïu©L f©fËY« gh®it g¿nghdJ.
mtdJ clÈ‹ nkš ghf¤âš fLikahd Ô¡fha§fŸ
nk a
w. t w .t
side of his neck to his body. As the wound healed around his
w.t w.t
V‰g£L, mtD¡F ghâ¥ig V‰gL¤âaJ. mªj jŸSt©o
w ww ww
neck, his lower jaw became gripped in a mass of fibrous tissue.
The only way this little boy could open his mouth was to raise ww
ÃfœÉ‹ nghJ, mt‹ Kf« áijtilªJ ïUªjijí«,
fG¤â‹ xU g¡f¤âÈUªJ njhš bjh§»ago ïUªjijí«
his head. When I stopped by to see him after the race, he said, gh®¡F«nghJ, mt‹ xU elkhL« nfhu cUt« bfh©l
“You know, we won.” And he was laughing. áWt‹ v‹nw njh‹W«. fG¤ij¢ R‰¿ÆUªj fha§fŸ

ne t ne t t
M¿ÆUªjd. mtdJ Ñœ¤jhil (lower jaw)-ïš eu«ò âR¡fŸ
ne ne t
vi . v i . v i .
âu©L ïW»¥ nghÆUªjd. ïªj áWt‹ mtdJ thia¤
v i .
n kal nka
nk a l
âw¡f nt©Lbk‹whš, mtdJ jiyia ca®¤âdhš
w.t . t . t . t
k£Lnk mJ Koí«. ïªj jŸSt©o X£l¤â‰F¥
w w ww w
ãwF, eh‹ mtid¥ gh®¤jnghJ, “c§fS¡F¤ bjÇíkh, w
ww w ww
eh§fŸ bt‰¿ bg‰nwh«,” v‹W T¿É£L, áǤJ¡ ww
bfh©oUªjh‹ mt‹.
11. The trolley’s driver I knew better. A few years earlier I had 11. mªj jŸSt©oÆ‹ “X£Leiu” eh‹ mâfkhf
t t
successfully closed a hole in his heart. He had returned to the t
m¿ªâUªnj‹. áy M©LfS¡F K‹ò, mtdJ t
l lvi.
hospital because he had a malignant tumour of the bone. A few
ïja¤âÈUªj X® X£ilia eh‹ bt‰¿¡fukhf
nka a nka nka
days before the race, his shoulder and arm were amputated. mil¤âUªnj‹. cÆU¡F Mg¤jhd (malignant) f£o
. t . t nk
There was little hope of his recovery. After the Grand Prix, he . t ngh‹w rij ts®¢á (tumour) mtdJ vY«ãš ïUªjjhš,
. t
w w w ww mt‹ Û©L« kU¤Jtkid¡F tªâUªjh‹. ïªjw w
proudly informed me that the trolley’s wheels were not properly
oiled, but he was a good driver, and he had full confidence inw ww
jŸSt©o X£l¤â‰F áy eh£fŸ K‹ò, mtdJ njhŸ ww

k‰W« if, mWit ỢirÆ‹ _y« J©o¡f¥g£lJ.
the mechanic. mt‹ nehÆÈUªJ Û©blGtj‰fhd (recovery)
rh¤âa¡TW ïšiy v‹W jh‹ brhšy nt©L«. (little
t t t t
l v l v lv
X£l¤â‰F¥ ãwF, mt‹ v‹Ål«, jh‹ xU ešy
hope of recovery = not likely to recover). mªj jŸSt©o
n ka nka n ka
oiut® v‹W«, jŸSt©oÆ‹ r¡fu§fS¡F rÇahf
nk a
.t w.t w.t v©bzŒ ÉlÉšiy v‹W«, mªj bk¡fhÅ¡ áWt‹. t
ww ww ww ww
ÛJ, jh‹ KG e«ã¡if it¤âUªjjhfî«, bgUik
bgh§f bjÇɤjh‹.
12. Suddenly, I realized that these two children had given me a 12. ïªj Éahghukakhd thœ¡ifÆš K‹nd¿¢ bršy,
profound lesson in getting on with the business of living. Because ïªj ïu©L áWt®fS« vd¡F Äf ca®ªj (profound)
ne t ne t
the business of living is joy in the real sense of the word, not just et
xU ghl¤ij (lesson) f‰W¡ bfhL¤âUªjh®fŸ vd eh‹
n ne t
vi . vi . lv i . v i.
al al l
something for pleasure, amusement, recreation. The business of âObud cz®ªnj‹. Éahghuka thœ¡if k»œ¢áahdJ
k a a
.tnk k .tnk
v‹whY«, mJ ï‹g¤â‰fhd (pleasure), nfË¡if¡fhd
tn living is the celebration of being alive. n
w w. w w.t (amusement), bghGJ ngh¡»‰fhd (recreation), Vnjh
w w
ww ww ww
x‹whf ïU¡f ïayhJ. Éahghuka thœ¡if v‹gJ,
cÆnuhoU¥gj‰fhd bfh©lh£l« jh‹. ww
13. I had been looking at suffering from the wrong end. You don’t 13. ïJtiu ntjidia, ghâ¥ig, eh‹ jtwhd nfhz¤âš

i . et i . et
become a better person because you are suffering; but you
n n
become a better person because you have experienced suffering. i . net
(wrong end) ïUªJ gh®¤J¡ bfh©L ïUªâUªnj‹.
Ú§fŸ ntjid¥g£L¡ bfh©oU¡»Ö®fŸ v‹gj‰fhf,
i. ne t
lv lv l v l v
nka a a nka
We can’t appreciate light if we haven’t known darkness. Nor can Ú§fŸ xU áwªj kÅjuhf M»Élkh£O®fŸ. Mdhš,
t t nk t nk
ntjidia Ú§fŸ mDgɤâU¡»Ö®fŸ v‹»wnghJ,
w . w .
we appreciate warmth if we have never suffered cold. These
w . Ú§fŸ xU áwªj kÅjuh»Ö®fŸ. ïU£L v‹gij¥ w
w ww ww
children showed me that it’s not what you’ve lost that’s important.
What is important is what you have left. w w
g‰¿ eh« m¿ªâuhjtiuÆš, eh« btË¢r¤ij ww
ca®thf¥ ngr KoahJ. FËuhš eh« xU nghJ«
ghâ¡f¥g£oU¡fhÉ£lhš, btJbtJ¥ghd Ãiy
(warmth) g‰¿ eh« ca®thf¥ ngr KoahJ. Ú§fŸ vij
ne t ne t et t
ïHªâU¡»Ö®fnsh, mJ K¡»akhdjšy v‹gij ïªj¡
lvi. lvi. alv
i .
FHªijfŸ vd¡F fh©ã¤âU¡»wh®fŸ. Ú§fŸ vij
. t nka . tnka .tn k
É£L¢ brš»Ö®fnsh, mJ jh‹ K¡»akhdJ.
.t n ka
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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k a lvi. k a lvi. ka lvi .
k a lv
tn .tn .tn
ww. w w w
agony ww - extreme physical and mental
ww suffering, clš k‰W« kdntjidÆ‹
ww c¢r« ww
amputated - cut off by surgical operation, mWit Ợir _y« cW¥ig mf‰wš
consideration - careful thought, ftdkhd áªjid
i . n et
cripples - i . n et i .n et i . n et
people with some disability preventing them from performing certain normal functions,
k alv ka
lFiwghLilat®fŸ a
lv ntiyia rÇtu brŒa ïayhik.
k a lv
n .-tnspoiled or marred in appearance
.t,náijªj cUt« .tn
w w.t disfigured w w w w
ennobles ww - (figurative use) makesw w wwïU¤jš, ca®î
dignified, morally noble, bfsutkhΠww
finale - climax or an exciting end, c¢rf£l«, Koî
Grand Prix - (here) one of several international motor-racing events, r®tnjr thfd X£l¥ gªja
i . n et i .
ÃfœîfËš x‹W ne t
i . net
i .ne t
kalv intrepid l v
ka and daring, åukhd, ijÇakhd
- bold ka l v
ka l v
n n n n
w w.t malignant
. t
w- (here, of diseases) very harmful t
w to life, clš ghâ¡f¡ Toaw w
nehΠ. t
w w w
mutilating surgery - surgery involving removal of tissue even at the risk of worsening of the patient’s condition, w
mWit Ợir _y« âR¡fis mf‰wš
perforated - torn and damaged with holes, JisfŸ (X£ilfŸ) V‰g£L ghâ¥gilªj
. n et ne t ne t ne t
i solace -
lvi. lvi.
comfort or consolation in times of grief or pain, MWjš
a lvi.
nk sophisticated
- (here) well advanced, eådkhd
nka nka
w w.t thrash around w . t -
. t
(idiom) to move about restlessly, mikâÆ‹¿ efUjš w . t w
tumour ww - w ww
diseased growth in some part of the body, clÈš tsU« xU f£o, å¡f« ww

al vi. net

Synonyms (ïiz¢brhš)
suffering (J‹g«)
l vi.
cut off (J©o¤jš)
delight (Mdªj«)
admire (kâ¤jš)

n k a lvi. net
ntonyms (v⮢brhš)
happiness (rªnjhõ«)
joined (ïiz¤jš)
boredom (btW¥ò)

w . t nk a lvi.
criticize, condemn (gʤjš, f©o¤jš)
ne t

career profession (bjhÊš) -
celebration achievement (rhjid) failure (njhšÉ)

ne t
commandeered hijacked (fl¤Jjš)
ne t et
released (ÉLɤjš)
n ne t
vi . confidence i .
self-reliance (Rae«ã¡if)
v lv i .
diffidence, distrust (e«ã¡ifÆ‹ik)v i.
kal al a a l
w. tn consideration
encouragement w .tnk
careful thought (#h¡»uij)
motivation (ö©Ljš) w.t
n k
w .tnk
disregard (my£áa« brŒjš)
discouragement (C¡fÄ‹ik) w
w ennobles ww dignify (kâ¥ò bfhL¤jš) ww ww
humiliate (mtkhd¥gL¤Jjš) ww
fact truth (c©ik) fiction (òidî, f‰gid¡fij)
fate destiny (Éâ) -
i .n et
finale i .
climax (c¢rf£l«)n et . n et (Mu«g«)
i i. n et
ka lv gloomy sorrowfulk a lv
(nrhf«) k a lvcheerful (c‰rhf«) k alv
n .tn (F¿¥ãl¤j¡f msî) .tn
w w.t important significant
w insignificant, inessential
w (K¡»a¤Jt« ïšyhj) w
intrepid wwbold (ijÇakhd) ww ww
fearful (ga¥gl¤j¡f) ww
malignant deadly (mghafukhd) benign, harmless (mghaÄšyhj)
nobility decency (xG¡fkhd) dishonour (mtkhd«)

i . n et
noble gentle (ÄUJthd)
i . n et i . n et n
ignoble (k£lkhd)
i . et
lv lv alvgenerally (bghJthf) nkalv
nka a
particularly notably (F¿¥ãl¤j¡f)
k k
t n n
. w.t with holes (X£ilíl‹w
perforated (adj) damaged
w w.t
áijªâU¤jš) intact (gGJglhj) w.t w
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n k a Words
n k a
Synonyms (ïiz¢brhš)
n ka nk a
ntonyms (v⮢brhš)
w. t pleasure
joy w. t agony (cis¢rš) w.
t w
w w
prevalent w common (bghJthd) w w rare (mÇjhd) w
w ww
profound very great (ca®ªj) slight (á¿J)
severe serious (Äf K¡»akhd) mild (bkÈjhd)
i . n et
solace i
comfort (brsfÇa«) . n e t
i .n etworry (Éfâ, tU¤j«)
al v a lv(mâ eåd) a lvprimitive (giHikahd) kalv
tnk sophisticated k
well advanced
.tndistress (cis¢rš, ghâ¥ò) k .tn
w w. suffering w
agony, w
enjoying (Mdªj¥gLjš) w
totally wwcompletely (KGtJkhf) ww ww
partially (gFâahf) ww

i . n et i .
t ual Ques ions net
n i . i .n et
lvAnswer the following questions
k a lv in one or two sentenceskbased
a lv on your understanding kofathe
lv lesson.
w .tn w .tn w .tn w .tn w
w ww troubled Dr. Christiaan Barnard
a. What thoughts wwas he neared the end of his career
ww as a heart surgeon? ww
As Dr. Barnard neared the end of his career as a heart surgeon, his thoughts have turned to the consideration
of why people should suffer. consideration - gÇÓyid, suffer - ghâ¡f¥gLjš
t n t he was hospitalized afternanetaccident?
ewhen n et
i i .
What were Dr. Barnard’s feelings i . i .
nkalv n
Dr. Barnard couldknot why he and his wife
n k lv to suffer.
ahad nk alv
.t .t w.t w.t
ww feelings -w
w cz®îfŸ, understand - òǪJ bfhŸtJ
wwhere did the accident occur? w w w w ww
c. When and

w w .tn ka
i . n et

d. How did w
The accident occurred when Dr. Barnard was crossing the street with his wife after a lovely meal together,
and the next minute, a car had hit him and knocked him into his wife. She was thrown into the other lane and
lv accident - Ég¤J, knocked
.tn k a
i . n et
struck by a car coming from the opposite direction.
l-vïo¤J ÑnH jŸËaJ, struckk-ajh¡»aJ,
hospitalization of Dr. Barnardw
w .tn
i. n et
lv opposite direction - vâ®kâir
whis wife affect their routine?ww
w .tn
a lv i . n et

(Govt. MQP) ww
Dr. Barnard had work to do and there were patients waiting for him to operate on them. His wife had a
young baby who needed her care. routine - tH¡fkhd, patients - nehahËfŸ, young baby - ïs« FHªij
t t etfather’s? et
How was Dr. Barnard’s attitude i . toesuffering different from thati.of
n nhis i. n
ka lv Dr. Barnard’s father,
k a lv
had he still been alive, would have
k a v “That it was God’s will. That’s
lsaid, k a lvthe way God w
tests you, suffering us - makes us a betterw .tn
person”. w .tn w
w as w
But, w a doctor, sees nothing noble in aw w thrashing around in a sweat-soaked
patient’s ww bed, mind clouded ww
in agony. Nor can he see any nobility in the crying of a lonely child in a ward at night.
attitude - kd¥gh§F, thrashing - â©lhLjš, nguo (tÈ, ntjidíl‹)
n e t n eputt to use? n et n et
lvi .
f. How was the unattended i .
lv lv i . lv i.
ka The unattended k a
trolley was put to use by two little k a
patients as their vehicle. They drovekitahappily.
w .tn w
.-tmQfhj, trolley w .tn- k»œ¢áíl‹
happily w .tn w
w ww - ïGt©o,
ww ww ww
g. What roles did the duo take up?
The duo took up the role of a mechanic and a driver. duo - ïUt®
t n etot be easy for them? n et n et
i i .
Why did the choice of roles prove i . i .
n kalv The choice of roles
n k alveasy because the mechanicnwas
was k lv blind and the driver hadkonly
atotally n alvone arm.
.t w.t w.t w.t
ww choice - nj®ªbjL¤jš
w w w w w w ww
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k a lvi. Who encouraged themkaandlvhow? k a lv k a lv
w .tn The patients
w .tn
encouraged them by laughing and
w tn the duo.
.praising w .tn w
w ww - C¡Fɤjš, laughing - áǤJ,
encouraged wwpraising - ghuh£o ww ww
j. What does Dr. Barnard compare this entertainment to?

i . n et i . et i . et
Dr. Barnard compares this entertainment to the Indianapolis 500 car race.
n n i . n et
k alv k alv entertainment - bghGJngh¡F
compares - x¥ã£L gh®¤jš,
k a lv k a lv k. What happened w in
n grand finale?
.tthe w .tn w .tn (PTA-1, 4 & 5) w
w w a grand finale of scattered plates
There ww and silverware, before the nurse
wwand ward sister caught up ww
with them, scolded them and put them back to bed. scattered - áj¿a, silverware - btŸËÆyhd
l. How
i . n et Adoes
Dr. Barnard know the boy
years earlier, the i .
doctorn t who played the trolley’s driver?
ehad successfully closed a holei .
inn et driver’s heart. He had returned
trolley’s i .n et to
kalv the hospital because hekhad a lva malignant tumour of the bone.k a lAvfew days before the race, hiskshoulder
a lv and arm
w .tn were amputated. w .tn was little hope of his recovery.
There w .tnAfter the Grand Prix, he proudly
.tinformed the doctor w
w ww wheels were not properly oiled,
that the trolley’s wwbut he was a good driver, andwhewhad full confidence in the ww
mechanic. successfully - bt‰¿fukhf, malignant tumour - bfhoa f£o, confidence - e«ã¡if

i . n et i . et i . et
m. What was the profound lesson that Dr. Barnard learnt from the boys?
n n i . n et
The profound lesson that Dr. Barnard learnt from the boys was that it’s not what you’ve lost that’s
nkalv n k alv nk alv
important. What is important is what you have left. nk alv
.t .t learnt - f‰wh®, importantw .t w.t
ww w
profound - e‹F
w w w - K¡»akhd, left - É£L¢ bršYjš
w w ww

2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences.
t the statistics Dr. Barnardnhas tprovided in his speech. net t
i . n e Suffering seems so i .
prevalent in the world today. i .
Out of 125 million children borni . n eyear,
kalv 12 million are unlikelyktoareach lv the age of one and anotherkasixlvmillion will die before the agekofafive
lv and of the
w .tn rest, many will w
w .tn
end.tup as mental or physical cripples. This is the statistics providedw tnBarnard.
by.Dr. w
w statisticsw
w wwbfh^ukhdJ, mental or physical
- òŸËÆaš, cruelly prevalent - Äfî« ww cripples - kd mšyJ clš ww
Kl¡f«, provided - tH§f¥g£lJ

b. What happened when the doctor couple were crossing the street? (HY. 19)
i . n et i . ne t
i . net i. ne t
When Dr. Barnard and his wife were crossing a street after a meal, a car knocked him into his wife. She was
al v al v alv a l v
tn k k
.t- nv⮤ n k
.t jh¡»aJ .tnk
thrown out into the other lane where another car from the opposite direction struck her.
w w. w
opposite direction w
âirÆš, struck her - mtis¤ w w
ww ww
What injuries did they sustain in the accident?
ww (Sep. 2020)
Dr. Barnard had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lung. His wife had a badly fractured shoulder.

i .n et i . et i . et
injuries - fha§fŸ, broken ribs - cilªj Éyh vY«òfŸ, badly fractured shoulder - nkhrkhf cilªj njhŸ
n n i. n et
lv lv nobility in suffering. Why?kalv lv
nka a a
d. Dr. Barnard couldn’t find
k any k
w .t He couldn’t
w .tnany nobility in suffering because
find w .tnhis heart sinks, when the patients
w .tnmove about restless w
w and whenw aw ww
lonely child cries in a ward at night. ww ww
nobility - bgUªj‹ik, sinks - kd¢nrh®î mil»wJ, restless - mikâa‰W, lonely - jÅahd

ne t t
Why does Dr. Barnard find suffering of children heartbreaking?
ne et t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka n kalv
nurses. suffering - ntjid, heartbreaking - ïja¤ij behW¡F»wJ n ka
Dr. Barnard finds the suffering of children heartbreaking because of their total trust in doctors and
. t . t .t .t
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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lv the mechanic lose his eyesight?
lv i .n i . n e45
lv(March 2020)
n k a How did the boy who played
k a k a k a
w. t .tn the boy’s mother and father
One night,wwhen w
n drunk, his mother threw a.tlantern
.twere w
n at his father.
w andw
It missed w the lantern broke over the child’s w and shoulders. He suffered severe
whead wwthird-degree burns on the ww
upper part of his body and lost both his eyes. drunk - Fo¤âUªjd®, severe - fLikahd, burns - Ô¡fha§fŸ
g. Why does Dr. Barnard describe the blind boy as a ‘walking horror’?
i . n et i . ne t
i .ne t
i . n
Dr. Barnard described the blind boy as a ‘walking horror’ because he had a disfigured face and a long flap
al v al v lv lv
tnk t n k t n ka
of skin was hanging from the side of his neck to his body.
t n ka
w w. walking horrorw .
w - elkhL« ga§fu«, disfiguredwface
- áijªj Kf«, hanging - bjh§»¡ w .
w bfh©L w
What were the problems the trolley driver suffered from?
w (QY. 19)
A few years earlier, the doctor successfully closed a hole in the trolley’s driver’s heart. The boy also had a

i . n et i . et i . et i .n et
malignant tumour of the bone. His shoulder and arm were amputated, a few days before the race.
n n
ka lv k a lv
bone - vY«ò, amputated - J©o¡f¥g£ld
k a lv ka lv
w .tn 3. Answer the following
w .tinn a paragraph of 100 – 150w
.twords each. w .tn w
w ww ww ww ww
a. Give an account of the medical problems for which the two boys were hospitalized.
The mechanic was seven years old. One night, when his mother and father were drunk, his mother threw
a lantern at his father. It missed and the lantern broke over the child’s head and shoulders. He suffered severe
t t t t
l lvi.
third-degree burns on the upper part of his body and lost both his eyes. He was hospitalized. As the wound ne
. tnka . t nk a
. t nka . t nka
healed around his neck, his lower jaw became gripped in a mass of fibrous tissue. The only way this little
boy could open his mouth was to raise his head. The trolley driver’s heart was operated to close a hole in it.
w w w ww w w
ww ww
He had also a malignant tumour of the bone. A few days before the race, his shoulder and arm were amputated.
w ww
There was little hope of his recovery.

w w .tn ka
i . n et
suffered - ghâ¡f¥g£lh®, wound - fha«, healed - FzkhdJ, fibrous tissue - eu«ò¤ âR, little hope - á¿jsnt
e«ã¡if, recovery - Û£ò
lvb. “ hese two children had
of living.wIt w
k a
. n et
lv me a profound lesson …..”
.tn that the children had given
Dr. Barnard realized
w .tn k a lv i. n et
him a profound lesson in getting
wnot just something for pleasure,
is the joy in the real sense of word,
w w
k a lv i . n et
n with the business
wamusement and recreation. www
It is the celebration of being alive. Dr. Barnard had been looking at the suffering from the wrong end. He
understood that the experience of suffering makes a person a better one. One cannot appreciate the light, if he

i . n et i . et i . et
has not known darkness. Similarly, warmth cannot be appreciated, if one has experienced biting cold. The two
n n
children have shown Dr. Barnard that what you have left is more important then what you have lost. i. ne t
ka lv realized - cz®ªjh®, profound
k a lv - Mœªj, appreciate -ghuh£LtJ
k alv al v w .tn w .tn w .tnk w
w thew‘Grand Prix’ at Cape own’s Red
c. Describew ww Cross Children’s Hospital. ww (QY. 19)
At Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital, a nurse had left a breakfast trolley unattended. This trolley
was taken over by a daring and bold duo - a driver and a mechanic. The mechanic provided motor power by

ne t t t
galloping along behind the trolley with his head down, while the driver, seated on the mower deck, held on
ne ne ne t
vi . vi . v i . v i.
with one hand and steered by scraping his foot on the floor. The choice of roles was easy because the mechanic
n kal nk al nk a l
was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. That put on quite a show that day. Judging the laughter and

w w.t . t w . t w.t
shouts of encouragement from the rest of the patients, it was much better entertainment than anything anyone
w w
puts on at Indianapolis 500 car race. ww w w ww
breakfast - fhiy á‰W©o, daring - ijÇakhd, steered - X£odh‹, scraping - cuáago

ne t t et
How did a casual incident in a hospital help Dr. Barnard perceive a new dimension of life?
ne t
lvi. lvi. i . n
nka nka kalv ka
Dr. Barnard had a wrong view of suffering. But the two children taught him a profound lesson. In spite of
their disabilities, they provided a lot of entertainment to the patients at the hospital. He learnt that suffering
n n
. t . t .t .t
ww ww ww ww
is necessary and being alive is important. He also learnt that the business of living is the celebration of being
w w w ww
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k a lv alive. They showed him,kait’slvnot what you have lost that’s kimportant.
a lv What is important is what
k a v have left.
w .tn .tn
He understood that
w w tn we are suffering. But wewbecome
we don’t become a better person.because .tn a better person w
w because we w experienced suffering. Through
whave wwthese children, he perceived awnew
wdimension of life. ww
suffering - ntjid, disabilities - FiwghLfŸ, entertainment - bghGJngh¡F, necessary - njitahd,
important - K¡»akhdJ
t n
Life is unjust and cruel to certain
epeople. n et to their fate? Can youi.nthink
Do they all resign themselves et of
lv some who have foughtktheir i . i
lv disabilities heroically and remained.
lv a stellar example for others?lv(for e.g. the
k a a k a k a .tn Hawking, a paraplegic). Give
astrophysicist Stephen
w w
n account of one such person .and
.tan w tn his / her struggle w
w ww life.
to live a fruitful
ww ww ww
Being blind and deaf, Helen Keller became a lecturer and an activist. It’s not so easy to become a lecturer
for a person, if he is blind and deaf, unless they possess tremendous will power. She was the first person to
ne t t t
earn a degree of Bachelor’s in Arts. She was the co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),
ne ne ne t
vi . v i . v i .
a political activist and an American author. She devoted much of her later life to raising funds for the v i .
n kal nka
nk a l
American Foundation for the blind. During seven trips between 1946 and 1957, she visited 35 countries on
w w.t w . t
. t w . t
five continents. She met the world-class leaders there. She received a Presidential Medal of Freedom award by w
the President of the United States. w ww ww
activist - M®ty®, lecturer - ÉÇîiuahs®, tremendous - Äf¥bgÇa, political activist - muáaš M®ty®,
devoted - m®¥g¤jh®, raising funds - Ãâ âu£Ljš
t t t t
l lvi.
. tnka . t nka V . t
ocabularynka . t nka
w w w w w w
A. wwlesson and spot the words which
Go through the ww B. Go through w
w and spot the words
the lesson ww

w w .tn ka
i . n et
mean the same as the following.
Answers :
i .
lv 1. profession (para 1) k–alvCareer
2. sorrowful (para 2) .tn – gloomy
3. decency (para

– nobility w w w .t
opposite to the meaning of the following.
Answers :

1. v
i. n et
rare (para 1)
primitive (para 6)
fiction (para 7) ww
w× ×
. t n k l
× prevalent
a v

4. destiny (para 6) – fate 4. fearful (para 8) × intrepid
5. hijacked (para 8) – commandeered 5. benign (para 11) × malignant
i . n et i . n et 6. i . net (para 11) × confidence
diffidence i. n et
l – lvencouragement
v 6. motivation (para 9) lv lv
ka k a k a
7. boredom (para 12) × k a
amusement 7. serious (para 10) .tn – severe
w w .tn 8. criticize (para 13) w.×tnappreciate w
w 8. significantw w 13) – important ww
(para ww ww
C. Frame illustrative sentences to distinguish the meaning of the words in the following clusters.
t ne t
He had better prospects in his career. net ne t
lvi vi . v i . v i.
n ka (b) al
The instruments can be sent by the carrier.
nk nk a l
w .t (c) . t
The cheque was dispatched by the courier.
w w . t w.t w
w 2. (a) ww
There ww today.
were very few patients in the hospital w w ww
(b) You should have more patience in your life.
(c) He took out the patents for the improved steam hammer and fertilizers.
e(a) ne t et t
lv i
3.. n
My uncle met with an accident yesterday. i . n
nka nka
(b) One person was hurt in this incident. n kalv nka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww ww ww
(c) There have been quite a few incidence of bullying in the school this year.
w w w ww ww
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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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l vi .ne lvi.
ne 47
(a) I got some scraping
tn k a
t ka from her
new dress.
t n ka
t nk a
w w. (b) The date of .her
is not known.
the kitchen floor. ww
w. w. w
(c) Shewwas ww ww
5. (a) You should accept your fault.
(b) Everyone except Ravi came to the party.
i . n et n et
(c) Don’t expect too much generosity from him.
i . i .n et i . n et
k alv6. (a) k
The lesson, which a
lvteacher explained yesterday, kwasalquite
interesting. k a lv
n .tnto lessen the sensibility of thewstomach
.tn and relieve gastric
w w.t (b) The pill w
tends w
(c) wwspread toxic action is indicatedwbywthe lesion found in the internalworgans.
A wide
w ww
7. (a) She had severe fever and throat pain.

i . n et i .
(c) An improved sewer system was put in operation. i .
(b) Our aim is to sever any communication with the organizations that support terrorism.
ne ne i .ne t
alv l v l v l v
n k 8. (a) nka
A raise in salary was demanded by the employees. nk a nka
w w.t w . t
. t w . t w
(b) The local people were worried by the rise in crime.
(c) Buy a bag of rice from that shop.
w ww ww
9. (a) Radha was a quiet and obedient girl.
. n et (b) She did her exams quite well. ne t ne t ne t
i lvi.
(c) They had to quit the place immediately.
ka lvi. lvi.
nk n nka nka
w w.t 10. (a)
. t
w final match.
He won the
. t w . t w
(b) w
It was a grand finale. w ww ww

(c) She gave a silly name to her pet ‘feline’.
D. Fill in tthe blanks with the words given
t in brackets: i . n e i. n et i . n et
al v profound, amusement,alv confidence, agony, solace, a lv intrepid, disfigured, perforated
a lv
.t n k k
.tna main source of ________ before k k
.tnthe advent of television.[Ans: amusement]
1. Theatrical playsw
ww 2. wwwarriors of the Spartan Armywmarched
The ________
w into battle against a powerfulww enemy. [Ans: profound] ww
3. The ________ of parents finally came to an end when their lost child was found with the help of police.
[Ans: agony]
t ne t net
Social media has brought about a ________ impact on the lives of millennials. ne t
[Ans: intrepid]
vi vi . lv i . v i.
n kal 5. al a nka
The tyres of the car got _______ when the vehicle rolled over the rusted nails scattered on the road.
nk n k l
w. t w . t w . t w . t [Ans: perforated]
w 6. wwEdison did not lose his ________,
Thomas Alva wweven after facing a series of experimental
ww failures in his quest w
to discover tungsten. [Ans: confidence]
t victims of the pipeline explosion
t in an oil refinery were left permanently
t ________. [Ans: disfigured]
i .
8. n e
The old lady found ________ i .
inn e
the company of the children in i .
the n e
neighbourhood. i.
[Ans: n et
ka lv k a lv k a lv k alv
w .tn E. Form a phrase withweach .tn of the following pairs ofwnouns .tn given below. w .tn w
w ww from the lesson: fibre + tissue
Here is an example ww– fibrous tissue ww ww
1. muscle + pain [Ans: muscular pain]
2. skeleton
t + system t [Ans: skeletal system]
ne ne n et
3. nerve + disorder
lvi. alv
i . [Ans: nervous disorder]
. t nka 4. digestion +
. nka
t .tn k .t n ka
[Ans: digestive system]

ww 5. surgery
w ww
+ instruments
w ww w ww
[Ans: surgical instruments]
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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k a
lv6. agony + experiencea lvi. a lv i .
[Ans: agonic
a lvexperience]
tn t nk .tn k k
.tn glorious victory]
w w. 7. glory +
w .
w w [Ans:
8. fancy ww+ idea ww ww [Ans: fanciful idea] ww
9. emotion + song [Ans: emotional song]
10. sense + issue [Ans: sensible issue]

F. .
i n et .
the empty boxes with suitable
i n et .
words under each word class.
i n et i . n et
k alv k a lv k a lv a lv
.tn NO N .tnV B DJ DV B nk
w w w
amusement w amused amusingw w w.t w
w w amusingly
ww ww
appreciation appreciate appreciative appreciatively
success succeed successful successfully
i.pride pride
t proud i.n
et i .ne t
alv al v a lv l v
n k hope hope nk hopeful
.tn k hopefully nka
w w.t ww
w w w . t w
w in the following sentences and
G. Spot the errors w rewrite them correctly. ww ww
1. My grandfather is well-known in the village for his nobel deeds.

i . n et i . et i . et
My grandfather is well-known in the village for his noble deeds.
n n i . n et
nkalv2. had my evening meals n k ainlavrestaurant near my office.nkalv nk alv
.t I had my dinner
.t in a restaurant near my office. .t .t
ww 3. he Bossw w w
had full confidence on his Manager w w w w
w for successful completion of thewproject. ww

The Boss had full confidence in his Manager for the successful completion of the project.
After the complicated surgery, the patient hoped of a complete recovery.
n e t After the complicated surgery,
n t patient hoped for a completenerecovery.
ethe t n et
i .
lv5. he new health care scheme i .
lv announced by the Government i.
lvwill bring relief to the children i .
lv with
ka k a k a k a suffering
w .tn .tn
acute tuberculosis. .tn .tn
w The w
w w w
whealth care scheme announcedwbywthe Government will bring reliefwtowthe children suffering from www
acute tuberculosis.
6. n spite of his poverty and setbacks, he was able to launch his dream carrier.
i . n et i . ne t
i . net
In spite of his poverty and setbacks, he was able to launch his dream career.
i. ne t
ka lv al v alv a l v
w .tnk w
w .tnk w
w ww ww ww ww
Listen to the passage being read out. Based on your understanding, complete the statements given below with
appropriate answers.
1. Boredom
i .n et occurs when a person isi.unable
n et to________. i . n et i . n et
[Ans: stay attentive]

a lv________ and ________are k a lv
k a lv
consequences of boredom. [Ans: nger l/v
k a frustration]
.t 3. Two physical signsw n
t boredom are (a) ________
of .acute n
.t (b) ________. .t n
ww w w w w w[Ans: (a) the eyelids droopw w w
(b) the face assumes a frown] ww
4. How does boredom affect the quality of work a person does?
[Ans: bored person at work is likely to make many more errors, than one who is not bored]
5. iMentione t two ways by which one can n et
overcome boredom. (a) ________ n et(b) ________ n et
. i . i . i .
n k alv n k alv n k alv(a) Develop an interest innhobbies
[Ans: k alv and crafts
ww.t w.t w.t(b) Socialise, stay in the company
w.t of cheerful people] w
ww ww ww ww Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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lvi lv i . dition
lv i . n e49
k a k a k a k a
w .tn w .tn .tn
w w .tn
w w w w w w w w ww
1. You are rushing to attend to an important work and you witness an accident on your way. Will you go to the
rescue of the injured person? Share your views with the class.

ne t t t
Even though, I am rushing to attend an important work, I would feel pity for the injured person. I’ll go to the
ne ne n et
v i . vi . v i . lv i .
rescue of the injured person and take him to the hospital. Afterwards, I will try to inform the members of his family.
nk al n kal nk a l
nk a
I would attend to my important work, after his family comes to take care of him. All those who have humanity, will
w. t .t
definitely do, as I have done. w.t w.t
w ww w w ww
2. w
Every person should take up the responsibilityw
to serve the society in his or her w
own way. Discuss the various
ways in which you can serve the society.

ne t t t
As a student of XII standard, I would like to serve the society in a different way. I would like to be helpful to
ne ne ne t
vi . v i . v i .
the near and dear ones within my limits. Create health awareness. Plant more trees. Donate blood to the needy. v i .
n kal nka
nk a l
Provide roadside assistance. Reach out to neighbours in need. Mentor children at my local school. So I would like

w w.t . t
to volunteer my time and effort to these services.
w ww
. t w . t w
ww w ww ww
ialo ue
t t t t
.ne a dialogue between a student
A. iWrite i.neand the class teacher regarding an educational trip. lvi.
kalvTeacher a lv al v
n :
w .tnk .t nk
Good morning Ram. Did you enjoy the educational trip yesterday?
. t
w Student : ww
Yes Madam. I observed and learnt new methods used in the Publishing Industry
ww w ww
Teacher : That’s excellent. Can you share some of your observations with me and the class?

.tn kalv i .

n et

I would be delighted to do so. I understood the importance of Paper and Books and how many
authors and proofreaders work hard to publish one copy of a book. I also observed the important


n ka
designed to improve the reading experience of students like us.
roles of Computer operators and Printing Specialists who make sure the content is aligned and
l v lv

more information on the quality control methods employed in publishing a book?
. t nk a lvi.
Well, you now know that the book in your hand is the work many professionals. Can you share some
ne t

Student : Yes Madam. It is important to value everyone’s hard work and respect them. Well, the publishers follow
strict guidelines in maintaining proofs and make sure that the content is original and copyrighted.

i . n et
Teacher :
i . ne t
Ram, did you learn anything about the marketing of books?
i . net i. net
ka lvStudent : al v lv
Yes Madam. When I discussed with the Marketing Person he shared that nowadays more books are
a a l v
w .tnk w.t
n k
purchased through Online Websites than from Book Stores.
w .tnk w
w Teacher : ww
Do you know why? ww ww ww
Student : Yes, Online website offers more discounts and free delivery which cannot be provided by book stores.
So customers prefer to buy online.

i . et :
n i . et i . et i. n et
Well, Ram. It was quite a keen observation you made. I am glad that you shared your insights with
n n
ka lv k a lv
your class.
k a lv k alv
w .tn B. Build a conversation
w tn
.for the following situations w .tna minimum of five exchanges.
with w .tn w
w w w w w w w ww
1. A passenger and a railway staff regarding the cancellation of the reserved tickets.
Passenger : Sir, I would like to cancel my reservation tickets, as I have cancelled my trip.
Railway Staff : ne
Show me your tickets.
t n et
Passenger : lvi. alv
i .
Here it is sir, I have booked tickets to Mumbai on 24th December 2018. lv
. t nka Railway Staff .
: tnka .tn
Now you want to cancel this reservation.
k .t n ka
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
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k a lvPassenger k lv is the procedure?
: Yes, Sir,awhat
k a lv k a lv
w .tn Railway Staff .tn amount would be deducted
: Some
w w tnthis, and then your amountwwill
.for .tnbe credited in your w
w ww account. ww ww ww
Passenger : It’s okay sir. Do the needful.
Railway Staff : I have cancelled the tickets and the balance amount would be credited in your account.

i . n et
Passenger :
i . et
Thank you so much, Sir.
n i .n et i . n et
k alv Railway Staff
ka lv
: You are welcome.
k a lv a lv
.tn 2. Two friends aboutw n .tnto attend.
the.tNSS camp which they are going
w w w w.t w
Raghul ww: Hai, Rajesh, Are you getting w
wready for the NSS Camp? ww ww
Rajesh : Yes, I am packing my things. Yet I have to purchase some necessary things for the camp.
Raghult : You know, we have to be in school this Saturday at 5.30 a.m.
t t t
vi . ne
Rajesh : i . ne i . ne i
It is too early for me, since I have to travel from Anna Nagar to our school at Doveton.
v v v .ne
n kal Raghul : nka
nk a l
You can book a cab or ask your father to drop you. nka
w w.t Rajesh : w . t
. t
Yes, that’s correct. I should also take the first aid kit. w . t w
Raghul ww : w ww
Yes. Don’t forget that our NSS sir told us that we would start sharply at 6.00 a.m. ww
Rajesh : Yes, I remember. I will be there on time.
Raghul : Okay Bye. See you on Saturday.
. n et . n et . n et ne t
i Rajesh : iYes. Let’s enjoy our camp and do service. Bye.
nkalvA salesman and a customer
3. n k aatlvan electronic shop. nkalv nka
.t .t .t . t
ww Salesman w w
w : Good Morning Sir, what can w w
w I do for you? ww
Customer : I need a microwave oven.

.t n kal v
Yes Sir, we have various types of ovens over here. Have a look at these micro-ovens.


n ka
Can you show me the catalogue for this oven?
w.t w.t
This is pretty good. What is the cost of this one?
l v lv
It costs ` 12,000/-. It is an ultra-model with many features.

Yes Sir, here it is. And there is two years’ warranty for this.
w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

Customer : Okay, I’ll take this. Can you deliver this at home?
Salesman : Yes, we do. Give me your address.

i . n et
Customer :
i . et i . net i. n et
Deliver this by 5 o’clock, because we have plans to go out after that.
lv Salesman :lv Surely, we will do it. Thank you, Sir.
lv lv
ka k a k a k a 4. A father and his daughter
w .tn about the advantages ofw n of newspaper-reading. .tn
w w
w Father w don’t play video games.wIt’swnot good for you.
: wHaritha, ww ww
Haritha : I do play only for an hour every day.
Father : Yes I know. But develop the habit of reading the newspaper every day, instead of playing these
i .n et games.
i .ne t
i . net
i. ne t
a lvHaritha : al v l v
Sometimes on Saturdays and Sundays, I read the headlines of the newspaper.
a l v
n k nk nk nka
w w.t Father : t t w.t
No, Haritha, That’s not enough. You should read the contents in the newspaper. You get to know,
w . w . w
ww ww w
the current problems of the world around you. You also come to know about various issues,
announcements, orders and benefits given to the public.
w ww
Haritha : Yes, father, I understand. From tomorrow, I will never neglect to read the newspaper.
ne t : t
Why, dear from tomorrow, start reading from today.
ne et t
lvi.Haritha : lvi.
Surely, Dad, I’ll do it. i . n
nka Father : nka kalv
Good. Definitely, you will gain more knowledge by doing so.
n n ka lv
. t . t .t .t
ww Haritha :
w ww
Thank you. Dad.
w ww w ww ww
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.t .t .t .t
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w w w
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lvExtend the conversationkwith i
lvtwo more relevant exchanges.
lvi .n
lv i . n e51
k a
C. a ka k a
w .tn 1. Receptionist w
: .tGood evening, sir. Welcome tow .tn
Chennai. w
w w I would like to book a deluxe
Traveller w : wwroom in your hotel for 3 days.ww ww
Receptionist : Yes Sir, We have only two deluxe rooms at present.
t : I need only one deluxe room for 3 days.
t t
i . ne Receptionist : i . ne i
Yes Sir, you have to pay s. 6,000/- in advance. .ne i . n et
al v al v a lv a lv
tnk Traveller : t n k nk
It’s okay. I’ll pay and take the key. nk
w w. w . w.t w.t w
2. Student ww : ww
Good morning, sir. May I come in? ww ww
Teacher : Good morning, why are you late today?
Student : My bus broke down, I had to take another bus and walk to school.
ne t
Teacher : ne t net
You have to inform the eadmaster about this. You can go and inform him immediately. ne t
vi . v i . v i . v i .
n kal Student :
Yes Sir, I will inform him.
nk a l
w w.t Teacher :
w . t . t
et his permission and then enter into the class.
ww w . t w
ww w ww ww
.n passage given below and answer et
i.n the questions that follow.i.n et ne t
alv alv lvi.
. tnk t
a. Account for the popularity
. n k . t
of characters with supernaturalnk
powers. . t nka
ww ww
We experience
w ww power to imaginary characters
the excitement in assigning supernatural
w w ww in fictional stories. So www
we have Spider-Man, Batman, He-Man, Titans and many more characters.

.t n

l v Tnkalvi.Net
Who is referred to as a ‘Cyborg’?

What is expected tow

l v
Today, the ‘Cyborg’ is no more an imaginary organism.
. with the advent of the brain
wof brain machine interfaces is certain
The advent
t n ka lv
w. machine interface?

w w. t n k a
w to blur the boundary betweenwhumans and machines.
The ‘Cyborg’ was an offshoot of the wild imagination of humans to invest our species with superhuman powers. t

d. he needs of humans are not limited. How is this statement elaborated in the passage?
As time passes, food habits change, thinking patterns change and even appearances change. Thus the needs of
i . n et
humans are not limited. i . n et i . net i. n et
ka lv k a lv k a lv k a lv
e. How can a machine turn into a virtual companion for humans? Intelligence is w .tnto be fused into machines and
sought w .tn are designed in such a way
robotics w .totngive a man a virtual w
w w
human companion.
w w w w w w w
f. Explain the flipside of the rapid technological advancement.
The field of artificial intelligence is overtaking the human brain and many fear that it could even harm the
i .n et
human race. i .n et i . n et i. ne t
a lv dentify the word in para 1kwhich
a lv means ‘everlasting life’. kalv l v
.tn kg.
.tn .tn nka
w w ‘Immortality’ isw
the word in para - 1 which meansw
‘Everlasting life’. w.t w
ww ww
h. Which of the following words is synonymous with ‘amalgamation’?
w w ww
(a) recreation (b) integration (c) exploration (d) proposition [Ans: (b) integration]
i. Which
n etof the following options is ithen t
eantonym of the word ‘advent’. et
a l v i .
(a) drawback (b) dispute
a l v . (c) departure vi.n
(d) danger
a l lv
[Ans: (c) departure]
. t nkj. Find out the word which . tniskthe antonym of ‘natural’ in para
. tnk3. .t n ka[Ans: artificial]
ww ww
w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

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ne t ne t Sura’s ➠ XII Std  Smart
n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 3
k a lvi. a lvi. a lvi .
a lv
tn t nk .tn
Grammar k .tn k
w w. w . w w ww
ww w w
c ive and assive oice
w w w
Task 1 : Change the following sentences into Passive o. Whose car did someone park in front of your gate?
t t ecart was parked by someone iin.nfront
et of
lv i . n e
v i .
k a
a. he Governor inaugurated k a
the exhibition at ten o’ k a k a clock. w .tn w .tn2 : Change the followingwsentences
.tn into Active w
w w w w
The exhibition was inaugurated by the Governor
w Voice: w w w w
at ten o’clock. a. he smuggler has been nabbed by the police.
b. he crowd expected their leader to arrive early in
vi. net net n et et
The police has nabbed the smuggler.
al the morning.
lvi. b. Bya i .
lv were you interviewed? kalv
whom i .
.t nk morning by the crowd. . t nka
Their leader was expected to arrive early in the k
.tn Who interviewed you?
w w w w w
c. ww
Who taught her Computer Science? ww c. Why were you scoldedwby
wyour parents? ww
By whom was Computer Science taught to her? Why did your parents scold you?
d. t d. ot a word was
hey unanimously named Ravi the captain of team.
t t spoken by the convict in self-defence.
i . n e i . n e
Ravi was unanimously named the captain of n e
Thei.convict . n et
did not speak a word in self-defence.
nkalv team.
n k alv k alvnews is expected shortly. nkalv
e. nGood
.t e. he President gavew .t w.t w.t
ww w w the commander an award.
w w We expect good news
w w shortly.
w ww
An award was given to the commander by the f. he mail has just been received.

w w .tn ka
lv i . n
Do not tell a lie.
et Let a lie not be told.
k a lv i
.tn please.
. n et

w w w.t

ka lv
He has just received the mail.
He is
repairing our
w. now.
Sundari has been taken to hospital by her husband.
Sundari’s husband has taken her to the hospital.
k a

h. t is time to stop the work. i. Sweets have not been distributed to children by the
It is time for the work to be stopped. organisers.
n t he is a spy.
n et net ne
The organisers have not distributed the sweets t
i .
lv It is said that he is a spy.kalvi . lv i .
to children. l v i.
ka k a a j. One should keep one’sw
.tpromise. w.t
j. n .tnk
Prizes were being given by the chief guest.
w w
w wwshould be kept by one.
One’s promise ww ww
The chief guest was giving the prizes. ww
k. People burn a great deal of wood in winter. k. obody has been seen in the library this week.
A great deal of wood is burnt in winter by the We have not seen anyone in the library this week.
i .n etpeople. i .n et l. net ne
obody would have known the truth if you had not
i . i.
l.a Where had you kept the book?
a lv l v
disclosed it.
a l v
.tn k k
.tnbeen kept by you? t nk nka
w w Where had thew
book w . w.t
The truth wouldn’t haven been known if it hadn’t
m. When did you feel the tremors?
ww been disclosed by you. w w ww
m. You are advised to help the poor and needy.
When were tremors felt by you?
You should help the poor and the needy.
t you do the experiment? net
Howedid et t
i . n
v How was the experimentadone you?
n. i . n
You are requested to make a cup of tea for the guest.

nka l
n kalv n ka l
Please make a cup of tea for the guest.
. t . t .t .t
ww ww
w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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. n et ➠ XII Std  Smart English
. n et  Low Priced dition.n et ne53 t
v i v i
kal n erroga ions or Qkues
alvions k a lvi.
n n n n
w w.t w.t w.t
Task 1 : Add suitable question tags to the following sentences and punctuate properly: w. t w
ww ww ww ww
1. he children are very happy today.
The children are very happy today, aren’t they?
n e t n et n et n et
i .
You have not returned my books yet.
lv You have not returnedkmyalbooks i .
v yet, have you? lv i . lv i .
k a k a nk a 3. We enjoyed the tripwvery .tnmuch. w .tn w.t w
w ww w ww ww
We enjoyed the trip very much, didn’t we? w
4. Let’s clean the shelves this weekend.

i . n et i . et
Let’s clean the shelves this weekend, shall we?
n i . n et i .ne t
a lvMy mother rarely travels bykabus.
lv a lv l v
.tn k tn by bus, does she?
My mother rarely .travels .tn k . t nka
w w w w w w
6. Somebody must ww bell the cat. ww ww ww
Somebody must bell the cat, mustn’t they?
7. Anita never comes late to office.
. n et . n et . n et ne t
i Anita never comes late to office, does she?
alv am always the winner. nkalv
i lvi.
.t nk nka
ww thew
I am always w winner, ain’t I? / aren’t I? w w.t w . t w
w w ww ww
9. Don’t commit this mistake again.

w w
i here
. n
Don’t commit this mistake again, will you?
etis a pharmacy near that busi.stand.
lv There is a pharmacy near
.tn 11. Bacteria can never w k a
n et
lv bus stand, isn’t there? kalv
.tn in extreme weather conditions.
wwnever survive in extreme weather
Bacteria can ww
w .tn
i. n

conditions, can they?


w . t nk a lvi.
ne t

12. am not as smart as you are.
I am not as smart as you are, am I?
i . n et i . n et i . net i. ne t
lv he boys broke the window pane
lv last evening. lv l v
ka k a k a a The boy broke the
.tn pane last evening, didn’t
.tn w .tnk w
w ww autumn.
14. Leaves wither during
ww ww ww
Leaves wither during autumn, don’t they?
15. You should add a little salt to the buttermilk.
i .n et i . et
You should add a little salt to the buttermilk, shouldn’t you?
n i . n et i. ne t
a lv 2 : Correct the error found a lvthe question tag in each ofkthe
a v
lfollowing. l v
.tn kTask
.tn k in
.tn nka
w w w w w.t w
ww cross the path of truth, can’t
he evil doers cannot
The evil doers cannot cross the path of truth, can they?
w w ww
2. he vegetables in the fridge are still fresh, aren’t it?
ne t ne t et t
The vegetables in the fridge are still fresh, aren’t they?
lvi. i . n
nk3.a k
he village head understood
n alv he?
athe intention of the politician,nkdoesn’t n ka lv
. t .t w.t didn’t he? .t
ww w w wunderstood
The village head the intention of the politician,
w w w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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i . n et i . n et Sura’s ➠ XII Std iSmart
.n et English  Prose ➠i.Unit
n et - 3
k a
4. lv claim to be a person of faith
k a lv prayer, aren’t ?
ka lv k a lv
w .tn .tnof faith and prayer, don’t I?
I claim to be a person
w w .tn
w w w w w w w w ww
5. he employees are seldom allowed to meet their boss, aren’t they?
The employees are seldom allowed to meet their boss, are they?
6. t
n a trip to Goa, can we? et
n n et n et
i .
lv Let’s organize a trip to kGoa, i .
lvshall we? lv i . lv i .
k a a k a nk a 7. he landlady will charge
w .tnme for the damage, shan’t she?
w .tn w.t w
w wwwill charge me for the damage,wwon’t
The landlady w she? ww ww
8. Both the sisters have left for Canada, aren’t they?

i . n et i . et
Both the sisters have left for Canada, haven’t they?
n i . n et i .ne t
a lv hat’s definitely not the right a lv to do in this situation, isn’t
thing a lv
that? l v
.tn k .tn
That’s definitely not
k k
.tn is that?
the right thing to do in this situation, . t nka
w w w w w w
10. We needn’t apply wwfor a bank loan, do we? ww ww ww
We needn’t apply for a bank loan, need we?
he e
n t Guest spoke a few words,ndidethe?
n et ne t
i . i . i . lvi.
nkalv The Chief Guest spoke n k alvwords, didn’t he?
a few
nk alv nka
.t 12. he rhinoceros hasw .t made of keratin, haven’t they?
a horn w.t . t
ww w
w has a horn made of keratin, w
The rhinoceros w
hasn’t it? ww

w w .tn ka
i .
n et

lv 1 : Expand the following koutlines
w w w
merchant –
i .
n et

– many
ory Wri in
lv into complete stories andkasupply
w w .tn
w – one day
. n

lv a suitable title for each.kalv
of cotton
w .tn
i . n et

w – no clue – merchant’s www

secretary assured to find out - asked him to host dinner - invite all workers –merchant agreed – middle of feast
– secretary suddenly shouted – cotton sticking to hair of thieves – the guilty dusted their heads – tried to clear
– caught in the trap – punished. (PTA-3)
i . n et i . n et A r i . net i. n et
ka lv k a lv k a lv k a lv One day, a heap of w .tnwasmerchant.
Raghav was a big cotton
cotton stolen by some of the w .tnwhere
He owned a factory,
employees. There was no clue of the w .tn to run
eighty people were employed
miscreants. The
the factory.
merchant’s w
w w w w w w w
secretary, a trusted employee of Raghav, assured his owner that he would find out the miscreant. He merely suggested w w
the owner to host dinner for all his employees. The merchant agreed to his proposal and invited all his workers for
dinners. All the workers happily came to their owner’s house for dinner. As they were having their dinner, the secretary
ne t ne t net ne t
suddenly shouted, ‘There is cotton sticking on the hair of the thieves’. The guilty persons got scared and dusted off
vi . vi . v i . v i.
n kal nk al
trap and were severely punished. nk
their heads. They tried to clear their heads without any cotton sticking there. At last, the culprits were caught in the
w w.t w w . t w . t w .t w
2. Mr. X, a rich businessman
w w
– runs a company - always w
w very busy with office work –wone day his son – 10 years old ww
– approaches dad and asks – how much he earns in one hour – father gets furious – boy persuades – father says
` 500 – immediately son asks for ` 300 – father shouts – wasting money on toys - son leaves to his room crying
t t et
– father feels bad – thinks might need some stationery – enters boy’s room and gives money – boy becomes
ne ne t
lvi. lvi. i . n
happy – takes some crumpled notes – under his pillow – counts everything together – total ` 500 – gives it to
nka nka n kalv n ka lv
dad – wants to buy – one hour of his time – father realizes his mistake – feels sorry and guilty – hugs son – closes
. t . t .t .t
all office files - takes him on a picnic – decides to spend more time with near and dear ones.
ww w ww w ww w ww ww
w Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et
.t .t .t .t
ww wwThis is Only for Sample
w For Full w w w
w w w
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.ne ➠ XII Std  Smart English
lvi .ne  Low Priced
lvi l
vin lvi.
ne 55

k a k aM n nn t a a
w. tn Mr. X was a richw . t n
businessman. .tnk
w he was always busy in his work.
He ran a company and
t n k
wHe. did not have any time ww
w to spend withw w
his family members. One day, his w w w
w him and asked him, how w
son, who was ten years old, approached
much did he earn in one hour. His father got furious and did not answer him. But the boy persuaded him to answer
his question. At last, the father said that he earned ` 500/- per hour. Immediately the son asked him to give him
ne t ne t ne t
` 300/-. His father shouted at him that he was wasting money on toys. His son left his room crying bitterly.
n et
v i . vi . v i . lv
When the father saw him crying, he felt bad and thought that his son might need money to buy some stationery.i .
nk al kal nk a l
So he entered his son’s room and gave him money. The boy became happy.
n nk a
w. t w .t w.t w.t w
w ww ww ww
The boy took out some crumpled notes, which were under his pillow, counted everything together. He had a total
amount of ` 500. He gave it to his dad, as he wanted to buy one hour of his time. His father realized his mistake, felt
sorry for him and was guilty of his mistake. He hugged his son. He closed all his files and took his son on a picnic.
From then on, he decided to spend more time with his near and dear ones.
i . n et i . n et i . n et i .n et
ka lv 2 : Continue and complete
Task k a lvfollowing stories and suggest
the k a lv titles for the same. kalv
w .tn 1. A rich man had a neighbour
w .tn who was suffering fromw .tnpoverty. he rich man wasw
acute .tnof his wealth and
w ww
treated his poor neighbour with disrespect andw w the rich man that all his www
w One day, a fortune-tellerwtold
wealth would be possessed by his neighbour within a month. he rich man became greatly worried and spent
sleepless nights. He did not know how to safeguard his wealth round the clock. Suddenly he thought of a plan.
t t t t ne ne ne
He disposed of everything he had and with all that money, he bought a large, precious diamond. He sewed up
l v lvi. lvi.
the diamond in his turban. He proudly said to himself, “ ow, there’s no way. My poor neighbour can never lvi.
. tnka . t nka . t nka
secure my wealth. he words of the fortune-teller will prove false.”…………………
. t nka
w w One day thew wman was watering his garden. w
rich w he saw a big snake in between
Suddenly, wwthe trees. He got scared www
w w w
and ran to bring some sticks to beat the snakes. He called out to his neighbour to help him chase or kill the snake.

.t n kal v Tnkalvi.Net
While they were trying to kill the snake, they were running hither and thither. At that moment, the rich man’s
turban fell into his neighbour’s verandah. He saw this and immediately wore it again. But little did he knew that the


man became poor as the fortune teller had predicted.
n ka lv

. t
a lvi.
He rested for a while. He came to know about the lost diamond only the next day. Meanwhile the neighbour found
the diamond in his hall. He thought it was sent by God and sold it for a good price. He became rich and the rich
large diamond rolled into his neighbour’s hall. After they killed the snake, he went inside his house and took a bath.

2. Four friends decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. hey ordered an extra-large pizza with grated cheese
and other choice toppings. he next 20 minutes seemed to be too long a time. heir eyes widened and
t t
i . ne i . ne i . net
their mouth watered, when the server brought the steaming hot pizza and placed it on the table. hey i. ne t
al v al v alv a l v
could barely control the drool. Simultaneously, all the four hands pulled at a slice from the plate, their faces
tn k .tnk n k .tnk
w w. w w.t
beaming with a victorious grin. Silence prevailed as they were absorbed in the taste of their favourite food.
w w
ww ww ww
hey relished every mouthful to the core and savoured the taste of each topping with a smile of approval. Soon,
the plate was empty and clean with no trace. he boys dabbed their mouths and wiped their hands with tissues.
Mission accomplished, they leaned back with immense joy and satisfaction not knowing, it would be short-lived.
he waiter arrived with the bill. Joseph, who had brought the others to the restaurant for a treat, casually slipped
i .n et .n et . n et . n et
his hand into his pocket to get his wallet. He gave a soft shriek accompanied by an expression of dismay and utter
i i i
ka lv k a lv k a lv k a lv
disbelief. He exclaimed, “ t’s not there! Someone has pinched my wallet! What are we to do now?” …………….
w .tn w .tnwere shocked to hear this. Their
.timmense w
w All the other friends
w w w w joy of feasting the pizza
w w in a second.
They told the hotel manager about this. But he did not excuse them. One of the friends asked him to send him out w
to go to his house to bring the money for what they had eaten. But the manager did not send him. He told that he
will call the police. Finally they begged him not to do so and called their friend who was nearby to settle the amount
ne t ne t et t
and came out of the restaurant, relieved from the trauma, they had experienced.
lvi. lvi. alv
i . lv
t nka tnka  n k n ka
w w.t ww
.t w
w w w ww Ph:9600175757 / 8124201000

et et et et

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