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Test Report

Project Name:Fat Brain Toys

Document Date: 2016.10.31
Table of Content

Testing Scope.....................................................................................4

1.1. Test Environment..................................................................4

1.2. Testing Team........................................................................4

Test Results.......................................................................................5

1.3. Executed Test Cases..............................................................5

1.4. Exploratory testing................................................................5


1.5. New defects..........................................................................6

1.6. Validated bugs......................................................................7
1.7. Old bugs still open.................................................................7

Testing Scope

Product/Feature Testing Period Tested Builds Deployment Date

E-commerce merchant, 2016.10.10 – 1.1 02.11.2016

toys retailer, with 2016.10.31
international delivery

Onclick functionality for main


Registration, Login, Logout

Add to Cart

Shopping cart


1.1. Test Environment

Test Environment Software Details Comments


Version 8.1 Pro

Mozilla Firefox 49.0.2

Google Chrome 54.0.2840.71

MS Internet Explorer 11.0.7

Moto G Mobile Device

OS: Android 5.1

CM Browser 5.20.66

1.2. Testing Team

Role Name Comments (e.g. test effort h)

Senior Tester Loredana Tighineanu 60 h

Test Results

1.3. Executed Test Cases

Functionality Total Pass Failed Blocked Defects

Main Tabs 1 1 0 0 0

My Account 3 3 0 0 0 0007094

Search 2 2 0 0 0

Add to Cart 2 1 1 0 0 0006853

Shopping Cart 9 8 1 0 0 0006858

Checkout 4 4 0 0 0

Overall Results 21 19 2 0 0 3

1.4. Exploratory testing

Functionality Defects

My Account 0006869, 0007096

Search Bar

Name Store 0006862, 0006861, 0006863

Gift Bot

Invented Here 0006860

Add to Cart 0006859

Birthday Club

Shopping Cart 0006856, 0006855, 0006854, 0006852,


Shipping Costs Estimation

Checkout 0006864, 0006865, 0006866, 0006868


1.5. New defects

Defect ID Defect summary Severity

0006851 Shopping Cart: Incorrect Items Counting major

0006853 Shopping Cart: Identical Items Appear on Distinct Positions major

0006854 Shopping Cart: Exceeding Stock Availability is Allowed major

0006855 Shopping Cart: Price Updates for Big Data major

0006856 Shopping Cart: Incorrect Price major

0006858 Shopping Cart: No Confirmation Message for Empty Cart major

0006859 Add To Cart: No Validation on Input for Quantity major

0006862 Name Store: Change Typeface for Blocks Improper Result major

0006864 Checkout: Checkout Permitted for Out of Stock Quantity major

0006870 Mobile Device: Shopping Cart: Remove Button Missing major

0006852 Shopping Cart: Estimate Arrival on a Past Date normal

0006860 Invented Here: Sort By Doesn't Work For Filters normal

0006861 Name Store: Blank Entry Generates Results normal

0006863 Name Store: Missing Error Message for Special Characters normal

0006865 Checkout: No Name Validation normal

0006866 Checkout: Invalid Shipping Address Accepted normal

0006868 Standard Guest Checkout: User Can Jump to Last Step normal

0006869 My Account: Invalid Registration Data Allowed normal

0007094 My Account: Login Button Not Visible Enough normal

0007096 My Account: Invalid Birthday in Birthday Club normal

1.6. Validated bugs
No Bugs are validated.

1.7. Old bugs still open

There are no old bugs still open.
Smoke Test Cases, for the main functionalities in a percent of 100% were
executed, 90.5% passed and 9.5% failed. The failed test cases are related to
the Cart functionality.

A total number of 20 new bugs were identified, half of them were identified
as major severity, the other half as normal severity. No bugs were validated.

In addition to Smoke and Positive testing, testing types such as: Functional
Testing, Exploratory, Compatibility, Negative, UI, Usability, were covered.

Exploratory testing was performed for important functionalities. A large

number of bugs were identified during exploratory testing, 9 of them are
major, most of them related to the Shopping Cart, but also for other

Most of the bugs were identified by Negative Testing.

Compatibility testing was also performed, for different browsers and devices.
The bugs reproduce on all browsers. In addition to the bugs identified on
Windows OS, that also reproduce on Android, 1 new major bug related to
the Shopping Cart was identified on the mobile device.

Considering the number of high severity bugs identified, on all important

functionalities, the fixing of at least the major severity bugs is
recommended, although the application is already in production.

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