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Do these tasks before watching!

1. Read the questions and answer them

in writing.

 What do you know about

 Is it in the South or in the North?
 What language do they speak in Australia?
 Would you like to visit Australia one day?

2. Read the words below and guess the translation.

 Unique = very special or unusual =

 Entire = including every part =
 Hemisphere = one half of the earth =
 Constellation = a group of stars that forms a shape in the sky and has a
name =
 In reverse = in another way =
 Sunscreen = a cream you put on your skin to protect it from the sun =
 Coast = he land next to or near to the sea or ocean =
 Diverse = very different from each other =
 Incredible = very difficult to believe =

Watch a video with subtitles. Use this link
Do these tasks after watching!

1. Answer the questions in writing.

1. How big is Australia continent?

2. Where is Australia located?
3. What is the nickname of Australia?
4. What climate does Australia have?
5. What is the largest desert in Australia?
6. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
7. How big is the Great Barrier Reef?
8. What is Uluru?
9. Where is Uluru located?
10. Who were the first continent’s people?

2. There were many numbers in the video. Match them with the
information they represent.

3 feet tall – the size of Uluru

3000 million square miles – the size of Australia
1500 reptiles live in Australia
1100 million people live in Australia
1000 stars can be seen in the night sky in Australia
24 years ago the first people came to Australia
50 000 species of fish live in Australia

2. There are many incredible animals in Australia. Match the pictures with
the names of these animals and translate them into Russian.

Kangaroo, emu, koala, wombat, platypus, camel, reptile,

spider, snake



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