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Group: ________________ Teacher: ____________________

1) Read the texts below and mark the correct alternative:

a) The waterpark is only open in the winter.

b) One can have fun in the waterpark during all day.
c) The waterpark does not provide areas for families.

a) It will not take long to have the page restored.

b) The page suggests we should turn off the computer.
c) The error has occurred because you clicked on the wrong link.
a) Vimeo Plus+ provides a new version for professionals.
b) As one uses Vimeo Plus+, ads pop up to help.
c) One gets additional 5GB to store one's videos

2. Mark (T) true or (F) false for the sentences that follow, according to the text. If the sentence is FALSE,
correct it:
Exchange Program – Why you should go on foreign exchange

1st: Experience a new culture

While on exchange, one typically has the chance to thoroughly experience the culture of their host country.
This occurs through direct application as a result of living with a family native to the region, going to school
with true residents of the country, and through various other means. This excellent learning opportunity
typically leaves a young people feel as though they have become “citizens of the world.” In addition to
learning of the culture of the host country, many exchange students become familiar with the ways of life of
people all around the world through meeting other exchange students.

2nd: Learn a new language

While on exchange, students have the opportunity to learn a foreign language as they never had before.
Bombarded in all directions by the host language after their arrival, young people will learn much more of
that country’s tongue than they ever could. Being an exchange student is much like becoming a small child
once again, and this provides the opportunity to become familiar with the language in the manner of a native

3rd: Get a “second family”

A high school exchange student lives with a host family that takes care of you. They will take you to their
heart and always welcome you as a member of their family. The attachment with a host family stays forever
and will always be appreciated. Through regularly making an effort to become completely familiar with the
people within one’s host family, some exchange students come to be seen as a true member of their “second
family” and create a long-lasting relationship.

4th: Personal development

While on exchange, students are confronted with challenges in everyday life that they will have never before
experienced. Everything is new, as the student adjusts to life within a foreign place with a completely
different language and culture. Although this may seem utterly frightening, the difficulties associated with
everyday life during a year abroad can truly teach a person countless life lessons. At the end of the exchange
period, young people typically possess a greater understanding of foreign cultures and diplomacy. Even
better, the student will have accomplished something very unique for a person of their age – living
independently for an extended period of time in a foreign country, without the aid of their natural parents.
Being on exchange is always an emotional rollercoaster, but the moments that are good aren’t just “okay” –
they are often amazing, unique, and beautiful all in one! In contrast, the sad components of exchange can
truly feel like the end of the world. As a result of homesickness, feelings of alienation, or various other
factors, exchange students may occasionally go through times of depression, but these must be ended
through the student taking the initiative to go out and enjoy his or her amazing new life! Having enjoyed the
good and survived the bad components of a year abroad, the student will return to their home country with
newfound strength, confidence, and self-understanding.  Few other experiences can help young people to
gain these qualities so early on in life – that is truly the magic of foreign exchange.

( ) Living with a family native to the region you are exchange! It’s the only opportunity to learn their

( ) When you go on foreign exchange, you have the chance of experiencing the way of life of people from
all over the world.

( ) Being an exchange student is much like becoming a small child once again, you will learn the
language as you never could sitting in a classroom.

( ) By being an exchange student you will surely have a close relationship with your host family for the
rest of your life.

( ) A high school exchange student lives with a host family which s/he has to take care of.

( ) An exchange student always has to deal with difficulty situations that won’t add anything important
for his/her life.

( ) Independence from the family is one of the main characteristics a student will have.

( ) One can overcome homesick by going out and enjoying the new life.
3) Read the text below and choose the correct answer:
An exchange student’s experience:

Alesha, 18, Australia:

"Completing this exchange has impacted on my future in following ways.

The first is new lifelong friendships. These have been formed not only with my wonderful host family but
also with people from school, fellow exchange students and my coordinator. I now
feel comfortable approaching strangers and find it easy to form new friendships. I am no loner as anxious or
shy about meeting new people. The building of my interpersonal skills will help me greatly in the future as I
feel like I can now communicate easily with anyone.

The second is my career goals. Having a year after graduating high school has allowed me to find myself
and think deeply about what I hope to achieve in the future. This exchange has given me the time to decide
exactly who and what I want to be. Travelling has given me a sense of wanderlust-I feel as if I need to be in
a career that allows me to work anywhere in the world.

The third is personal growth. Having the opportunity to travel overseas has given me greater awareness of
my own national identity. It has also allowed me to widen my perspective and become self-sufficient. I am
now always thinking about things from a broader point of view. My world has been
expanded significantly and with it I have expanded as a person. I am much more self aware and already feel
more confident and independent than when I left Australia. "

Alesha was in Canada on a Semester Program.

I) According to Alesha, the exchange has impacted on her future in these ways, EXCEPT:
a) career targets
b) tourism trips
c) personal knowledge
d) make new and eternal friends

II) How does Alesha feel when meeting new people?

a) anxious
b) neutral
c) shy
d) easeful

III) All the statements are true, EXCEPT:

a) Alesha could find herself after the experience
b) Alesha is much more confident about her career choices now
c) Alesha don’t feel like traveling anymore
d) Alesha fells she can be everywhere she wants to be.
IV) All the characteristics define Alesha now, EXCEPT:
a) more independent
b) more selfish
c) more self-sufficient
d) more confident

5- Write an e-mail to the manager of a hotel where you spent a week on

vacation and where you had many problems.
• what happened.
• how you tried to solve the problem there.
• why it was not possible to find a solution.
Write 80-100 words.
Write the e-mail on your answer sheet.


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