Supply Chain Management of Textile Industry: A Case Study On Bangladesh

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Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2012

Supply Chain Management of Textile

Industry: A Case Study on Bangladesh
Mohammad Ali¹, Dr. Md Mamun Habib²
Department of Operations Management, Faculty of Business Administration
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
83/B, Road 4, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract— This study addresses a descriptive study used for this purpose. Supply Chain Management
on the current scenario of Textile industry in (SCM) is the coordinated set of techniques to plan
Bangladesh. This paper demonstrates above and execute all steps in the global network used to
mentioned scenario in terms of supply chain acquire raw materials from vendors, transform
management (SCM). The textile industry, an
them into finished goods, and deliver both goods
important segment in Bangladesh’s manufacturing
and services to customers. It includes chain-wide
industry, play a critical role in its economic
development. The textile sector fulfils almost cent
information sharing, planning, resource
percent domestic demand apart from the fulfilling the synchronization and global performance
external demand of clothing and apparels to a large measurements.
extent in Bangladesh. The Textile industry is a long
chain including raw materials production, The textile industry is an important segment in
complement production, clothing production and so Bangladesh’s manufacturing industry playing a
on. SCM concept is made possible as a conventional critical role in its economic development. The
management tool for all manufactures are to strive to textile sector fulfils almost cent percent domestic
improve their product quality, to reduce their demand apart from the fulfilling the external
product and service cost and to shorten their product demand of our clothing and apparels to a large
delivery and response time in a highly competitive
extent in Bangladesh. In 2010-11 from textile
market. This research developed based on the
clothing and apparels export earning is over
secondary data, including online databases, journals,
review papers, etc. The effective SCM of textile USD17.9 billion which is about 77% of total export
industry include lower inventories, lower costs, higher earnings of this country and it contributes 13% of
productivity, greater productivity, greater agility our total GDP which is expressed in figure 1. In a
shorter lead times, higher profits and greater competitive world where there are flows of
customer loyalty. This paper encompasses the technology transfer, supply chain management is
constraints of textile industry in Bangladesh, one of key factor in global manufacturing business.
including ineffective communication, invisibility of Bangladesh’s textile industry can be divided into
SCM, long lead time, etc. which would unlock further
three main categories: public sector; handloom
research to develop this sector.
sector; and the organized private sector. The
Keywords— Textile industry, Garments, Supply chain
private sector is the fastest growing sector in the
country. The handloom industry provides
1. Introduction
There is no restriction on technology transfer in the
present world, the area of supply chain
management becomes one of the key competitive
fought nowadays between global companies and
regions. New and latest technology gadgets are

International Journal of Supply Chain Management
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)
Copyright©ExcelingTech Pub, UK ( Figure 1: Export sector performance of Bangladesh [17]
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2012

employment for a large segment of the population institutions related to industry and textile, less
of Bangladesh and supplies a large portion of the emphasis is given to SCM issue on practical
fabric required by the local market[10]. grounds.

The supply chain includes suppliers, distributors, This arising fashion situation in western markets
retailers and customers. The customers are the main created frequently changing short run orders. This
focus of the chain since the primary purpose of the has lot of impact and burden on plannings. If there
existence of any supply chain is to satisfy customer are not any qualified and well educated managers
needs. SCM was initially related to the inventory and no proper planning systems (ERP systems), the
management within a supply chain. In the course of result will be high cost of operation and late
time, the most considerable benefits to business deliveries.
with advance supply chain management
capabilities will be radically improved customer The stake of warehousing is also at alarming level.
responsiveness, developed customer service and Not talking of quality deterioration, these
satisfaction, increased flexibility for changing warehouses are also a sink of resources. Inventory
market conditions, improved customer retention level planning is also an issue here.
and more effective marketing. A supply chain is the
The available roads infrastructure is a major
chain of the process which is included their
element of SCM. Pakistani government has spent a
facilities, functions and activities that are involved
lot of money in improving this infrastructure and is
in producing and delivering a product from
continuously upgrading the roads and highways
supplier(s) to customer(s).Supply Chain
which is a better sign for the SCM of textile value
Management concept is made possible as a
chain. Railway logistic infrastructure is not so
conventional management tool for all manufactures
better in this regard with lot of delays in operation
are to strive to improve their product quality, to
and transportation.
reduce their product and service cost and to shorten
their product delivery and response time in a highly The situation of maritime is also alarming. With
competitive market [15]. few and old flag ship carriers; majority of the
export is dependent on foreign ships. The stake of
2. Literature Review
operational capabilities at harbors is quite poor
Global Textile Industry Scenario: As business with containers lying for days and days before they
increasingly make use of outsourcing and pursue are transported to concerned ships. The available
opportunities beyond their domestic markets, their terminals have less capacity and infrastructure to
supply chains are becoming global. For example, cope with the incoming containers and result is the
product design often uses inputs from around the lying of containers in port for days on trucks. Again
world and products are sold globally. Some increasing the customer response time and
manufacturing operations or services may be increasing costs. Until now, Pakistan has no deep
outsourced to other countries for the low labor cost sea container terminal to handle large vessels.
or material costs [1]. The current scenario of textile International Shipping companies are frequently
industry of different countries, including Pakistan, changing their vessels to bigger-size vessels, which
India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, China as well as could accommodate large volumes of containers.
Bangladesh, has been demonstrated in this section. Unfortunately these bigger vessels could not serve
current Pakistani ports. This increases the maritime
2.1 Pakistan cost and time.

Pakistani textile industry was not and never With all of the above factors, Pakistani textile
prepared for this scenario. Despite of having latest industry is loosing its competitiveness in
computerized manufacturing machines; there is no international market. The buyers are getting a
production and inventory planning systems response of low service quality thus reducing their
available. Talking of the human factor, majority of confidence to do business with Pakistani industry.
the industrial planning is done by illiterate and less In this stage Pakistani industry could neither meet
educated persons holding the position of manager, the lead time demand of highly profitable textile
mainly due to presumed cost saving reasons by and fashion products nor could meet the low price
executives. Even in the available educational expectation of western markets.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2012

Under these circumstances, the western buyers years back, but the scenario started changing after
hesitate to have its high value product the economic liberalization of Indian economy in
manufactured and share market risk with Pakistani 1991. The opening up of economy gave the much-
manufacturers and exporters. needed thrust to the Indian textile industry, which
has now successfully become one of the largest in
Despite of having state of the art machineries and the world. The Indian textile industry needs
access to capital, Pakistani textile industry is efficient supply chain management. One area that
compelled to constantly manufacture and export needs more emphasis for global competitiveness of
raw, non seasonal and low value textile products the entire supply chain is the interface between
where high capital is required to manufacture at textiles and clothing. A shift is taking place from
extremely less margins. As a result, this process the traditional textile supply chain to garment
reduces overall competitiveness in the region. supply chain. The author discusses the changing
trends in the textile supply chain in India and the
Supply Chain Management should be the key focus
need for an interface between textile and clothing
to enhance competitiveness of existing Pakistani
for efficient supply chain management in textile
textile industry and can help [9].
2.2 Thailand
It is interesting to observe that while modern
The Supply Chain Management concept starts to be technology is accelerating the trend towards slicing
widely introduced and promoted in many of the value chain' and fragmentation of
educational journals, conferences, and workshops manufacturing as well as services, modern
in order to set common standard and best practices. management practices are goading the business
The Thai government also realizes the importance towards integration of the value chain and
of Supply Chain Management concept, which is development of a holistic perspective, that spans
evidenced in the Information and Communication from the retail customers at the teeth-end to the
Technology (ICT) Policy of Thailand 2002-2007 primary raw material manufacturer at the tail-end.
under the 6th national strategic plan. It is also And the best way to reconcile these seemingly
indicated that textile and clothing business is one of divergent trends is to view them in an `enabler-
the industrial target we need to emphasise. They executor' framework. Technology advances have
are raw material sourcing, information enabled fragmentation and delocalization of
management, production and inventory, different stages in the value chain. And precisely
performance measurement and organization this trend have strengthened the need to look at the
structure and responsibility. Long sourcing lead complete value chain in a holistic manner. In other
time is occurred in every case and it is a major words, the stronger the enabler (technology
issue destroying competitiveness advantage for all development), the stronger would be the need to
textile industry. From our observation, we founded `bind them all together', so as to draw upon the
that more 50% of total order lead time was synergistic benefits [7].
spending for sourcing materials. There are many
types such as fabric, accessories, packaging and 2.4 Taiwan
labels. Those materials have to be authorized by
In order to strengthen the emergency response
their customer before production process can start.
ability for global market changing, several
The reasons are that suppliers are pointed by their
representative proprietors in textile industry have
agencies and supplier evaluation or improvements
been selected by The Ministry of Economic
have not properly implemented. In addition to
Affairs. Through E-counseling and collaboration,
these, suppliers have not integrated since the
operation headquarters, and an overall global
product development process [8].
arrangement, enterprises will enhance the
efficiency of textile global logistics and overall
2.3 India
competitiveness. Many companies in the textile
industry in Taiwan have moved a part of their
India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile
activities, which are non core values or low-profit,
industries in the world. Through was
to other countries due to cost, profit, and
predominantly unorganized industry even a few
environmental considerations. Those that remain in
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2012

Taiwan are high value-added R&D design first 10 months of 2010, China exported more than
activities, the manufacturing of the functional US$ 62 billion dollars in textile, a rise of 29%
product, and marketing brands. Nevertheless, it is comparatively to the same period in 2009. In this
also because of the development of new global same period, exports of clothes also grew, totaling
logistics management models that crisis was turned more than US$ 100, presenting an increase of
into opportunity [11]. nearly 20% compared to 2009.Chinese prevailing
competitiveness in the textile industry is also
2.5 Vietnam supported by public investments and industry
internal organization in China. There are cities, like
Vietnam’s textile industry has increased
Changshu City (Jiangsu province) and Dongguan
significantly since normalizing relationships with
City (Guangdong), which concentrate a high
the United States in the 1990’s. Vietnam was
number of textile enterprises (2300 and 6500 textile
granted most favoured nation status (MFN) in
companies respectively). Companies in these cities
December 2001, which led to a dramatic reduction
are co-ordinately moving to improve the industry
in import tariffs in the US market. Vietnam’s
competitiveness. In Changshu, for example, more
induction to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
than 50% of all integrated production textile
in 2007 and the Vietnamese government’s strong
machines meet international standards. It is an
support of the textile and garment sector, have
important movement, given China’s accession into
provided strong incentives to attract foreign
WTO. In addition, these textile industrial centres
investors. The textile industry is now the second
help to attract new companies and investors due to
biggest exporter in Vietnam and is expected to
the existing appropriated infrastructure and
become the biggest in near future. However, the
business momentum [16].
financial crisis has had a severe affect on
Vietnam’s textile industry, which has suffered from 2.7 Bangladesh
a slump in demand from key export markets in the
US, Europe and Japan [6]. The textile industry has played an important role in
Bangladesh’s economy for a long time. Currently,
2.6 China the textile industry in Bangladesh accounts for 45
percent of all industrial employment and
The competitiveness of China resulted in a shift in
contributes 5 percent to the total national income.
the textile production. Especially producers located
The industry employs nearly 4 million people,
in developed countries struggle to compete in the
mostly women. A huge 78 percent of the country’s
global textile industry and gradually are put out of
export earnings come from textiles and apparel,
business. Long before China opened its market,
other developing countries presented similar according to the latest figures available.
competitiveness and threatened producers in Bangladesh exports its apparel products worth
developed markets. These producers and nearly $5 billion per year to the United States,
governments of developed countries feared loosing European Union (EU), Canada and other countries
the market for the textile volumes produced of the world. It is the sixth largest apparel supplier
domestically. China’s position in the textile to the United States and EU countries. Major
industry is extremely strong and undoubtedly leads products exported from Bangladesh include
the global production. A study presented by the end polyester filament fabrics, man-made filament
of 2009 claims that, even under the negative mixed fabrics, PV fabrics, viscose filament fabrics
effects of the global financial crisis, China is still and man-made spun yarns. Major garments
the most competitive location in the world for the exported include knitted and woven shirts and
textile industry (China’s competitiveness index for blouses, trousers, skirts, shorts, jackets, sweaters
this industry was evaluated at 102.8 in 2009. and sportswear, among other fashion apparel.

During the financial crisis, while the overall The textile groups can be divided into two
decrease in Chinese exports amounted around 15%, categories. Firstly, a large and medium size textile
the textile industry felt only partially the downturn group consists of four business units in the chain:
effects. Textile export amounts decreased by a
• Yarning
relatively low 7% in 2009 and it took very little
• Fabrication
time of to show significant signs of recovery. In the
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2012

• Dyeing and
• Garment Outsource Yarn

Finished goods from each unit are supplied to both Outsource

within group and external customers. The business Fabric
unit model can be shown in Fig.1 below. Lastly a
small garment industry outsource goods for the Fabric Outsource
final product for customer instead of producing Dyed fabrics
them in-house and it is supplied by the external Dyed fabrics

The overall objective of the supply chain Dyed fabrics Garments

management is to reduce the lead time and cost of
the product. The elements of the Supply Chain
Management includes informational sharing of
Customer Retailer
demand, efficient planning and management of
logistics, transportation of raw materials,
availability of better infrastructure of roads and
railways, availability of proper warehouses to store Figure 3: Modified Textile Supply Chain
goods, inventory planning and controlling for
optimized solutions, availability of enhanced 3. Methodology
maritime physical infrastructure, highly efficient
planning and controlling of ports and shipments.
The analysis of this research is based on secondary
These all elements contribute to lower the lead time
data, including online databases, digital libraries,
of the value chain and also the associated cost.
books, journals, conference papers, etc. Extensive
Textile industry is a long chain including raw SCM of textile industry research papers of
materials production, complement production, academicians and practitioners are evolved from
clothing production and so on. So it really makes renowned international journals, namely
sense to apply supply chain management to Textile PROQUEST, EMERALD, EBSCO, IEEE, ACM,
Industry. Supply Chain Management in Textile JSTOR, Science Direct, etc. The application of
Industry is not only a new concept, but also the SCM on textile industry was developed based on
weakness. However, it is the edge tool for textile the analysis of literature.
industry to enhance its competence. What’s more,
4. Discussion
it is the important stage for our textile industry to
advance and upgrade its position in global industry According to review of current picture of textile
chain. Outsourcing is one the major trends in industry in different countries, it is visible to us that
business for reducing cost and allows business to textile sector has significant role to improve our
concentrate on the core business. Organizations economical growth in Bangladesh. Delivering the
outsource when they decide to buy the products finished products on time from suppliers to
they had been making in house. customer would be possible through the proper
application of supply chain management. In order
to improve the business operations in terms of
Outsource Cotton some factors including fluctuation of inventories,
inventory stockouts, late deliveries, quality
Yarning Fabrication Dyeing problem, etc., SCM is essential for manufacturing
industries. Successful supply chain management
requires effective communication, supply chain
visibility, event management capability and
Customer Retailer Garments performance metrics. It also requires coordination
of activities and information sharing among supply
chain partners at three decision levels, namely
Figure 2: A typical Textile Supply Chain [1] strategic, planning, operating levels [15]. This
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2012

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5. Conclusion Management (ITESCM)”, LAP Lambert
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