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Case 3.

Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye

Question #1: Is there anything wrong with the manner the shortlist was
prepared by Chloe?

Yes there is something wrong the way Miss Chloe San Jose prepared the shortlist
for the qualified candidates of the encoder position. Firstly, Miss San Jose did not perform
her task according to the established criteria for analyzing and choosing the applicants.
In order for the applicant to be qualified in the interview, an applicant should be 21 to 26
years old, a graduate of Computer Science, and a resident of Manila. As she perform her
task, she disregard the requirements due to her personal issues towards the applicants.
This conduct of Miss San Jose shows her unprofessionalism because of her unfair
judgment and personal biases.

Moreover, a recruitment supervisor plays a vital role in an organization because

evaluating and choosing the right people in the organization can lead to a healthy working
environment. If an organization, did not select the right people to fit into the position, this
might affect the whole organization and cannot achieve the objectives.

Question #2: What do you suggest regarding the preparation of the shortlist?

I would like to suggest that she need to set aside any personal matters in her
professional work. As a recruitment supervisor, she need to maintain her professionalism
as well as her unbiased judgment in recruiting people. She needs to follow the established
criteria set by the management in order to evaluate the applicants properly and select the
right people in the right position. She needs to consider the qualities of the applicants
based on the resume not on the personal experience she had with them. She must
perform her job objectively without any influence from the other people. If she perform her
job based on her personal interest, the company might slip away the right people in the
organization. She might accept the incompetent one which could affect the whole
organization. In conclusion, choosing the right people in the company is difficult and it
needs time to consider the qualifications needed by the company. If she fail to do her task
properly, the company will also fail to operate the business well because employees are
important resources of an organization.

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