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Financial Freedom

Many people dream of becoming financially free &

to have the lifestyle they desire. In this guide,
you will be learning T. Harv Eker’s very effective
6 Jar money managing system and how you can be
financially free by creating massive passive income.

Define what the

following means
to you.

Financial My Money My Money

Money is Freedom is Blueprint is Personality is
... ... ... ...

The 6 Jar Money $

Management 5


The Living The Education The Long-Term

Jar (50%) Jar (10%) Jar (10%)

The Play The Freedom The Giving

Jar (10%) Jar (10%) Jar (10%)

The Living Jar (50%)

NEC (Necessities Account) or the daily needs-jar.
Half of what you have every month will be spent
on food, shelter or the essential of life.

The Freedom Jar (10%)

FFA (Financial Freedom Account) or the jar of LIFE!
You must never spend the money because this is
for future investment.
The more money you put into this jar, the more you will
have in the future. It will only grow bigger!

The Long-Term Jar (10%)

LTS (Long Term Savings Account) or SAVINGS 101
The main objective is to save money for future expenses
Save now and spend later

The Education Jar (10%)

EDU (Education Account)
Personal or professional development
The more knowledge and skills you acquire,
the greater your earning capacity

The Play Jar (10%)

P (Play Account) or the rewarding jar
It is important to occasionally indulge yourself once in awhile
The rule is you MUST spend your play account
monthly or quarterly

The Giving Jar (10%)

G (Give Account) or the kindness jar
Take your time to help others by donating to those in need
Giving inspires giving, and with that, you are making
this world a better place.

How To Get

Know The Numbers
Start by calculating your current monthly income
& the amount to be put into each of the 6 jars.
Then, track your spending.

Take Action
The big question to ask yourself is
“how badly do you want to be
rich and financially free?”
Change Your Mindset Start NOW by taking this first step
Financial freedom is a habit. Habit over and stick to your plan.
the amount of money.
Key to long lasting financial freedom?
Consistency and Sustainability.
What you focus on expands. When you
change your mindset, you will change your life

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