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smoother. Starting a new thing without any

problems, is a sign that your way is not
correct. World means thinking in new ways
than the old ways. For me that meant to
redefine the actual work “Problem” forms
Ezhilarasi (I Year ECE) my old past defined meaning and I gave it a
Problems, Issues, Disputes, Quarrels, new meaning to define problem as
Impediments, Obstruction, Obstacles, No “Opportunity”
Matter What Words we use from dictionary, Just try it ………..say the work “ Problem”
the meaning and the synonym doesn’t tend then notice how you start to feel in your
to change and compromise. A task creating a body, then say the word “ Opportunity” and
negative impact with its own first feel the difference in how your body feels?
impression is registered as problem our When we say opportunity, it lightens the
subconscious. Even though we try to load.
outcome that task, it would eventually make “No Problem can be solved from the same
us vulnerable and makes miserable outcome. level of consciousness that created it”
Should that affect us? -Einsteen
Only when you have a vision for tomorrow, Let you not chase for Solutions, just chill
you will find strength and need in your out, wait for a moment, will find many ways
today’s work working today is always not than chasing behind. The feel after solving
easy, but its not a thing which can’t be done. all your issues is Priceless. They are not stop
the pen is in your hand and you have the signs, they are guidelines without problems
choice of ideas, then you can create your life would become stagnant, dull and boring.
own legend story. Never wait and never be Let’s say “haha” and start exploring the
ashamed to raise your head. Nothing is world.
மாணவம் "ஆசிரியர் வரைந்த ஓவியம்"

I Year ECE
ஆயிரம் கனவுகள் சுமந்த எம்மை கல்வி செல்வத்தை தந்ததினால்
ஆதவனாக மாறுதல் தந்தீர் அன்னை தந்தைக்கு நிகரானீர்
கலங்கரை விளக்கம் போல வந்து ஞானம் நாளும் பொழிந்ததினால்
வாழ்வினில் பாதை காட்டினீர் எங்கள் வாழ்வின் வரமானீர்

உங்களின் உள்ளம் கருணையின் வெள்ளம் ஒளிரும் சூரியனும் மறைவதில்லை

எங்களின் வாழ்வை நல்லதாக மாற்றினீர் உங்கள் புகழ் எப்பொழுதும் தேய்வதில்லை
அன்பினில் நனைந்த எங்களின் நெஞ்சம்
மகிழ்ந்து இணைந்து வாழ்த்துதே படிப்பு ஓன்று மட்டுமே போதாது என
வாழ்ககை ் வாழவும் கற்று தந்தீர்
சிகரம் தொடவே நாங்கள் காத்திருந்தோம் வாழ்வை உறுதியால் உணர்த்துவதால்
கரங்கள் பிடித்து எம்மை கூட்டி வந்தீர்
எங்கள் வாழ்வினில் ஓன்று ஆனீர்
ஏணிகள் உயரே நாளும் போவதில்லை இன்ப துன்பத்தை தான் பகிர்ந்து
அவை ஏறும் எண்ணிக்கையும் நட்பு தந்து நீர் உறவானீர் …..

I Year CSE
two extremes, one is the happiest moment
and the other is the saddest moment.
So, it’s really important for us to learn to
exercise our feelings. Without this tactic,
one cannot bloom like a flower. They
remain as a bud. Thus, we become master
Abinaya. R (I Year ECE)
when we learn to move our emotions.
Leben is the most precious jewel which
Next important aspect required in our life, is
cannot be afforded by money. What’s that
to develop the attitude of positivity. So, one
precious jewel leben? Leben means life in
must have the thought of never giving up at
Spanish language. Isn’t this really precious?
any cause. Majority of the people give up
In my view, the expansion of life is given as
only because they don’t even know how
I-Inspiration close to success they are. So, never drop out
F-Failures the goal.
E-Enthusiasm with energy
So, in this precious leben, it’s necessary for Giving up is the thought which strikes only
every one of us to march towards our goal. failures and I believe that none are failures.
Earning money doesn’t make a deep part in Everyone is born to win. The way we
life. It’s just a basic requirement to lead our choose, decides that we are winners or
life. But the most important objective in life losers. So never waste any precious moment
is perseverance and determination to achieve of your life and remember that opportunity
our goal. For instance, a train without knocks only once.
terminus is worthless for the passengers to Make use of all the opportunities given to
get in. Similarly, life without a goal is you and never ever ignore any type of
worthless for us to move on. opportunity. If you ride your bicycle for the
Not only fixing a goal, but also determining first time you fall. But you will never fail to
to achieve it is mandatory. Therefore to ride it again. Similarly, though you face
achieve our goal, some foundations like many failures in your life, never feel inferior
optimism, perseverance are essential. A next about yourself and pursue your desires
phenomenon that influences our life is the without any interruption. “Good Today will
give a better tomorrow and a better
tomorrow will give the best Life”
Youths are socialist secular republic people
who secure India of thought, expressions,
belief faith and worship.

Communal harmony is acceptance and love

among the people of various communities
Yashwanth Bharadwaj. G belonging to different castes, races and
I Year Mechanical religion. It is the most important condition
From time immemorial, it has been seen that of Unity and National Integration especially
different races fought battles against each in a country like India.
other on our nations soil and got themselves
The foremost danger is rapid communalism.
firmly entrenched, but India has assimilated
It leas us to communal riots which occurs
them all into her blood. The conflicts culture
frequently. The worst affected state are UP,
were at the last molded by this country to
her own genesis and pattern.
India has witnessed a great diversity of faith
and religion from the earliest times, but this The expectations of great Indian legends like

has not interfered with peaceful pursuit of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam did not come to

the ways of life of different section. reality. The spurt of communal riot in the

Christians and Jews who came to India past independence years is as a reminder of

received hospitable welcome here. After harsh reality and proved that communalism

several centuries, the Paris and Muslims has now deeper roots than before.

received equal reception. Ever since then,

Linguism is yet another problem which has
India has been marked by the prosperity of
been granulated in the recent past. The
communities belonging to different religions
reorganization of states on linguistic basis is

National integration is nothing but a single considered to have given impetus to

identity among people of a country Linguism. Again the adoption of Hindi as

belonging to various races, caste and the official language of India roused

religions. linguistic sentiments.

Another potential threat to communal slogans like, My State My Language My
harmony and national integration is Caste and after all My religion are supreme,
castesim. From the beginning this form has give way to noble sentiments of our country
been grown up. Now it is one of the great first and last and always. It will integrate the
problems of our society. Casteism also youth’s emotions and aspirations and ensure
connected with Linguism. It is a misfortune communal harmony and national integration
that our political parties in their KEENESS of the country. If these are followed by the
to win the elections have revived caste youth of the nation, then the slogan unity in
feelings. diversity will become true and be are hopes
and aspirations. Jai Hind.
So it is the sacred duty of our youth to inject
the importance of communal harmony to
their political programmes. The danger of
communism can be averted of the suicidal

Blessen Daniel Raj (I Year ECE)

“There is no chance for the welfare of the women empowerment in last century.
world unless the condition of the women is Obviously equal respects and dignity
improved, it is not possible for a bird to fly towards them is a primary one, But other
on only one wing“– Swami Vivekananda than that they crave for total independence
As the name suggests, Women of their own life and lifestyle. A woman
empowerment itself elaborates the Social being talked ill about her choice of dress is a
rights, Political rights, Economical stability, common scene in today’s custom.
judicial strength and all other rights equal to Eventually they lose their freedom of
women. There should be no discrimination lifestyle. A freedom to make their own
between man and women. Women should choices would make them feel distinctive.
get their fundamental and social rights Even when the decisions are daft most of the
which they don’t even get when they are times, it is the duty of fellow men to
born. From the time of this talk of women guide’em.
empowerment there has been so many
In Recent years, the Indian Government has
controversial provocative debates and
made the platform for the development of
argument. This world is composition of two
the women as finest as possible.
major human sexes and yet it’s been
Betibachaobetipadhao scheme, One stop
portrayed as male dominant society since the
centre scheme, Women helplione scheme,
evolution. Imagine having two fishes and
Swadhargreh, Narishakthipurashkar,
you feed only one of it? That’s exactly how
Awardee of streeshakthipuraskar, IGMSY
women’s inferiority complexion rose.
A Common fact that women are so matritvasahyogyojana),Mahila E-Haat are
confusing could be justified when they are some of schemes that are really envisioned
allowed to demand their rights. There have for the progress of women. But are these
been so many new propositions in terms of enough?
Yes they are. Even when the discrimination education, how many women would come
of men couldn’t be stifled, the Indian cherishing?
Government has made the measures to build
Mostly everyone would accept this fact
the mainstays of women empowerment. It
anyway. Even when the world has given
has been a current trend to blame the society
ample amount of opportunity in this decade,
and use the phrase “suppression of male
many women would be still settling at home
dominant society “. In our generation, out of
complaining the society. Even this
10 only 4 women are ambitious to achieve
unbalanced circumstance would take years
the goal and to establish their name and
to justify and solved. The fact that is to be
honor. Most of the women would prefer to
learned is that, Outcome the impossibility,
settle for a good husband with hands in gold.
Believe in you, Create an impact and most
Comparatively in last 10 years the education
importantly make use of the opportunity that
standard of women has developed
is available. That is what we all responsible
drastically. But after completing their basic
men would expect from the women out

1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
3. What is my goal
Hahaan! I can get you now. “You said that
you are going to say the secret of success,
but you foolish fellow gave questions as
Antony Regash. A answer”
I Year Mechanical
Yes! Dear friends, if we have found out the
“Ha haaa! Don’t read this.”The topic already answers for these questions, we are the
warned you not to read this but, you are masters. We are the successful persons in
started to read this. Who can stop you now? the world. How can we find answers for
Who can change your fate? Just these questions? For that too I have three
continue…… I can hear your mind voice, methodologies. If you use these
“What is he trying to say through this methodologies you can find the answer.
article?” SORRY, you have to read They are
throughout this. Then only you will
1. Contemplation
understand. If you are very curious to read, 2. Examine
“READ.” Otherwise turn next page. 3. Evaluation
Oh my God, do you read? All the very best.
Let me ask you a small and interesting These three methodologies are very
question. How do you feel when you hear important to be successful and to achieve
names of BILLGATES, STEVE JOBS and success in life. Now you may think
the great man ABDUL KALAM. You may “Contemplation, Examine, Evaluation, Ahh!
feel, “Oh, they are great persons. They have What are these? “Cool, cool, cool” We can
achieved a lot in their life and we also want see it one by one.
to become like them. This is easy to say but, Contemplation: It is a vision and act of
________________ (easy/difficult) to thinking about something deeply. A very
become like them. first step which decides your life factor.
How can we get success? What is the Unless and until you have the clear vision of
secret of the success? Do you know the your life, the act of success is not possible.
answer? Don’t tell anyone. I know the Just Like Dr. Abdul Kalam Says, “Dream!
answer. Keep it very secret. If you are very Dream!..
generous and broad minded share with Examine: It is the act of looking at your
everyone. Yes! I know you are great. The daily life every day.
secret is about three questions. These three
questions are the secret of success. They are; Evaluation: It is to form an opinion of the
quality of ________________ (our life,
product……) after thinking about it The above mentioned life formulas will
carefully. help you to know your positive side and
negative of your life. It will teach you how
For examine: We shall take corporate to be a humane.
companies. When Jio announced an offer,
everyone joined Jio!!!!! In order to defeat Psychologist has proved that those three
over Jio, Airtel came out with a new methodologies direct the people in the right
approach!!!! This is because they evaluate path. We can see the output in the form of a
themselves. They find reasons for their good mindset, body language, and personal
triumphs and failure. Hence they are able to life in the person’s life. When you get up in
cope up with their failure. In the same if we the morning tell yourself
evaluate our life we can also overcome our

 I am going to do some thing awesome today!!!

 I am unique!!!
 I am the best!!!!
 I can do anything!!!
 Every one loves me!!!
Your brain can deceive you sometimes but
your heart can’t. Now your heart answers for
your question. Believe yourself, accept
These words itself have the power to yourself and correct yourself. You are the
motivate us towards success. most successful person in the world.

Above all these to be successful we should Let your success carries your fame for being
possess one thing in the depth of the heart. fruitful and meaningful. Admire it. Close
“That is desire”. Yes we must rule the desire your eyes now. This time is yours.
to be the best, to achieve success. That
desire will not allow you to sleep without
achieving it. Our ancestors had been like
this. Eg: “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”-
STEVE JOBS. As JOBS tells I tell you “Be
hungry and Stay foolish to achieve success”.

Now, take a deep breath, relax yourself,

Open you ears to the sounds around you and
remember those three questions.

1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
3. What is my goal?
IMAGE OF WOMEN – BEING  They should have a high
EMPOWERED social respect in society
 They should have equal
rights in society and other
judicial works.
 They should have safe and
secured working location
with proper privacy.


Janani.S “We cannot all succeed if half of this are

held back”
I Year Civil
There is no denying the fact that women in
Women empowerment implies the ability in India have made considerate progress in
women to take decisions with regard to their almost seven decades of independences.
life and work and giving equal rights to Many evil and masculine forces still prevail
them in all spheres like: Personal, Social, in the modern Indian Society that resists the
Economic, Political, Legal and so on. forward march of this women folk. Swami
Women empowerment is the much talked Vivekananda, One of the greatest sons of
about issue today. Women are increasingly India quoted as “There is no choice for the
getting empowered to decide the course of welfare of the world unless the condition of
their life and professions and realize their women is improved. It is not possible for a
fullest potential. Women empowerment is bird to fly on only one wing”
useful for all people especially for students. SOCIAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT
“The empowered women are powerful
beyond measure and beautiful beyond A critical aspect of social empowerment of
description.” women is the promotion of gender equality.
It implies a society in which women and
Women empowerment itself elaborates men enjoy the same opportunities,
those social rights, political rights, economic outcomes, rights and obligations in all
stability, judicial strengths and all other spheres of India.
 There should be respect and EMPOWERMENT
dignity towards women
 Have total independences of
their own life and lifestyle
inside the home and also
outside at their work.
 They should make their
decision by their own choice.
It means empowering women with the REPLACING PATRIARCHY
knowledge, skills and self confidence which
is surely making women aware of their A strong patriarchy society with deep rooted
rights and developing a confidence to claim socio cultural values continues to affect
them. Individual empowerment means to women empowerments. The need of hour is
have the self confidence to articulate and the an egalitarian society where there is no place
power to negotiate and to decide. for superiority. The Government should
identify and eliminate such forces that work
ECONOMIC AND OCCUPATIONAL to keep alive. The tradition of male is
EMPOWERMENT dominance over its female counterparts.

It implies the better quality of material life CHARACTERESTICS OF WOMEN

through sustainable live hoods owned and EMPOWERMENT
managed by women. It means reducing their
financial dependence on their male  Women empowerment is giving
counterparts by making them a significant power to women. It is making
part of the human resource. women better off. It enables a greater
degree of self confidence and sense
LEGAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT of independence among women.
 Women Empowerment enables
It suggests the provision of an effective legal
women to organize themselves
structure which is supportive of women
increase self –reliable and it provides
empowerment. It means addressing the gaps
greater autonomy.
between what the law prescribes and what
 Women Empowerment means
actually occurs.
exposing the oppressive powers of
POLITICAL WOMEN existing gender social relations.
“A successful woman is one who can
It means the existence of the political system build a firm foundation with the bricks
savoring the participation in and control by others have thrown at her”
the women of the political decision-making
process in governess.


 Perspective
 Patriarchate Bottlenecks
 Implementation gaps
 Loopholes in the legal
 Lack of Political will
 Way Ahead
heart, so is he". I like to say it this way:
“Where the mind goes, the man follows”.

GOD’S LOVE Let’s meditate on this- “GOD LOVE IS


No one has greater love than this, to lay

down one’s life for one’s friend. Yes he
never called us slaves; instead he called us
as his friends.

Rozary Nimoshene Love is his nature. Love is the way he is. His
I Year CSE love is self- giving. His love is sacrificial.
One of the greatest needs as human beings is
His love is unchanging. His love is
to be loved. We all need love. We need to
comforting. His love is holy. Over all his
know that we are important to somebody,
love is amazing.
that somebody truly cares about us, wants
us, and accepts us unconditionally. Love is Yes God's love is amazing! God is love and

one of the warmest words in the English those who abide in love abide in god and

language, and that God’s love is one of the god abides in them. "There is no fear in

most reassuring truths known to mankind. love; but perfect love casts out fear..." .

The most important thing we can do as God's love can remove fear from your life.

Christians is love God and love people. But When you really know the love of God, you

before we can love anyone, we have to don't have to be afraid of making a mistake;

receive God's love. Because you can't give you can step out boldly in faith to do

away something you don't have whatever He's calling you to do. You know
who you are in Christ and have confidence
So, do you really think that God loves you?
that you can do whatever you need to do in

There’s one thing you need to understand - life through Him.

God is love and He loves you, but the other

It's a medicine that can heal every wound in
is to know and experience His love
your soul: a broken heart, the pain of
personally. What we believe begins as a
rejection or abandonment or any other hurt
thought. As said, "As a man thinks in his
you've experienced.
One of the most amazing things about God’s  Study scriptures about God's love
love is that it is extended to us when we do and make them personal confessions
not deserve it and continues steadfast and you can declare over your life.
strong even when we do not respond to it.  Look at yourself in the mirror and
For, he does not love us because we are so say out loud, "God loves me! He
lovable or because we are worthy of His chose me, actually picked me out for
love. We are totally unworthy, yet He prizes Himself to have a personal
us highly and showers His very best on us. relationship with Him. I am more
There is nothing we can do to make Him than a conqueror in Christ because
love us any more, and nothing we ever do He loves me, and His perfect love
will cause Him to love us any less. He loves casts fear out of my life.
us perfectly and completely regardless of  More over believe it, God loves you!
our deeds. In other words, “HIS LOVE IS  Make it your business to put a smile
UNCONDITIONAL”. That is certainly on someone's face and do something
different from our love. We have a tendency that makes someone's life better
to show more love to the people who every day.
obviously love us and less love to the ones  Trust God to take care of you.
who do not.
 You shall love the LORD your God

The LORD is good to those who wait for with all your heart, with all your

Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good soul, and with your entire mind.’

that one should hope and wait quietly for

the salvation of the LORD.

Action to take:

 Look for evidences of God’s love for

you all throughout the day, and
remind yourself often that you are
the object of His endless love.
 Tell several others during the day
that God loves them.
 Be determined to know and receive
God's love for you.
According to the United Nations, which has
declared 2005-2015 the “Water for
Life”decade, 95 percent of the world’scities
still dump raw sewage into their water



Sandra Postel, author of the 1998 book, Last

Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity, predicts big
water availability problems as populations
Femina Maria Viniska
of so-called “water-stressed” countries jump
I Year CSE perhaps six-fold over the next 30 years. “It
Ocean water may cover more than 70 raises tons of issues about water and
percent of the Earth’s surface, but thirsty agriculture, growing enough food, providing
humans depend on finite supplies of for all the material needs that people
freshwater to stay alive. And with exploding demand as incomes increase, and providing
human population growth, especially in poor drinking water”, says postel.
countries, these finite supplies get quickly
spoken for. Further, in places without proper
sanitation, water can become tainted with
any number of diseases and parasites.

Developed countries aren’t immune to

freshwater problems either.

Researchers found a six-fold increase in

According to the World Bank, as many as
water use for only a two-fold increase in
two billion people lack adequate sanitation
population size in the United States since
facilities to protect them from water-borne
1900. Such a trend reflects the connection
disease, while a billion lack access to clean
between higher living standards and
water altogether.
increased water usage and underscores the
need for more sustainable management and
use of water supplies even in more
developed societies.
As individuals, we can all rein in our own
With world population expected to pass nine water use to help conserve what is becoming
billion by mid-century, solutions to water an ever more precious resource.
scarcity problems are not going to come
We can hold off on watering our lawns in
easy. Some have suggested that technology--
times of drought. And when it does rain, we
such as large-scale saltwater desalination
can gather gutter water in barrels to feed
plants--could generate more fresh water for
garden hoses and sprinklers. We can turn off
the world to use. But environmentalists
the faucet while we brush our teeth or shave,
argue that depleting ocean water is no
and take shorter showers. As Sandra Postel
answer and will only create other big
concludes, “Doing more with less is the first
problems. In any case, research and
and easiest step along the path toward water
development into improving desalination
technologies are ongoing, especially in
Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Japan. And already
an estimated 11,000 desalination plants exist
in some 120 countries around the world.


Others believe that applying market

principles to water would facilitate a more
efficient distribution of supply everywhere.
Analysts at the Harvard Middle East Water
Project, for example, advocate assigning a
monetary value to freshwater, rather than
considering it a free natural commodity.
They say such an approach could help
mitigate the political and security tensions
caused by water scarcity.
Friendship is a book of records

They can’t be done easily;

Friendship is a hall of fame

They can’t be broken;

Friendship is a field of faith

Where nothing is shaken;

Friendship is a smile

That remembered always

It’s not like a fashion

Those changes always;

Friendship is like stars

That’s countless;

Friendship is a magic

Where others wonders...

Others will decide u by seeing your


Seek a good friend lead a good life....


David Samuel .R,

1st year, CSE

society and knowledge cannot be ever

FACE OF EDUCATION IN THIS separated into two distinct entities.

CURRENT WORLD AND ITS IMPACT Let us find out more about the role of
education in society and how it affects our
lives. Purpose of Education in Society
Education is Self Empowerment Receiving a
good education helps empower you, thus
making you strong enough to look after
yourself in any given situation. It keeps you
Periyanayagi Christina
I Year IT aware of your given surrounding as well as
Education, if looked at beyond its the rules and regulations of the society
conventional boundaries, forms the very you're living in. It is only then that you can
essence of all our actions. What we do is avail your rights as a citizen and seek
what we know and have learned, either improvement in the structural functioning of
through instructions or through observation governance and economy. It's only when a
and assimilation. When we are not making citizen is aware about the policies of its
an effort to learn, our mind is always government can he be able to support or
processing new information or trying to protest the change.
analyze the similarities as well as the tiny
nuances within the context which makes the As a whole, people can bring about

topic stand out or seem different. If that is development only when they know where

the case then the mind definitely holds the improvement is necessary for the greater

potential to learn more, however, it is us good of mankind. It helps you to tap into

who stop ourselves from expanding the latent talent, so that you may be able to

horizons of our knowledge with self-doubt sharpen your skills. Financial Stability and

or other social, emotional, or economic Dignity of Life Another importance of

constraints. While most feel that education education is that it helps you gain sufficient

is a necessity, they tend to use it as a tool for academic qualification so that you are able

reaching a specific target or personal mark, to get suitable employment at a later stage.

after which there is no further need to seek A decent employment would be combined
greater education. Nonetheless, the with hard-earned remuneration or salary
importance of education in society is through which you can look after your
indispensable and cohering, which is why
personal expenses. While you earn for qualified candidate and a not so educated
yourself, you gradually begin to realize the candidate, the employers will most probably
true worth of money and how hard it is to go in for the qualified person. The reason
earn it. You realize the significance of being that is a qualified candidate will not
saving for a rainy day and for unforeseeable require much investment of the employer's
contingencies. You feel empowered because time and money. The organization need not
there is a new sense of worth that develops teach him or her tricks of the trade, or the
within you, and you feel the need to be various ways of functioning and performing
independent and free from any further the tasks of the workplace.
financial support. You take pride in the fact
On the contrary, a novice / amateur
that you are earning for yourself, and are not
applicant would need to be taught
obligated to anyone. Growth in Personal
everything from scratch, which many
Aspiration There also comes a phase when
employers are usually not willing to do. The
the amount you are earning presently will
same applies for people who seek higher
seem inadequate because your aspirations
education and get advanced diplomas while
and expectations from yourself would have
working. These people are continuously
grown considerably. After this, you will
improving their profile and their knowledge
want to change jobs so as to have a higher
base so as to go higher up on the
competitive ladder. Helps Plan Ahead Those
However, here is when you need to be who have amassed enough education, steer
prepared. A promotion of this figure can the path of development and progress for
occur in two given situations, which are, that their country. It is these individuals who go
either you have the necessary higher ahead and become teachers, scientists,
academic qualification or a college degree inventors, welfare activists, soldiers, and
which allows you a safe passage, or that you politicians who work together to form the
have amassed enough practical experience very backbone of the society. Without this
which allows you to be a suitable candidate pool of intellect, the economic and social
for the employment you seek. On the Job framework would crumple and fall, paving
Efficiency This is why college education is its way for anarchy, degradation, and
very important after high school and must violence.
not be taken for granted. When faced with
the option of choosing between a highly
While this intricate balance of growth is experience and knowledge amassed over the
maintained, there will be a continuous rise in years.
progress in all quarters of life, whether that
An Idle Mind is The Devil's Workshop
is personal growth, or development of the
Education and studying regularly, gives
nation as an entity. At the same time, the
people of all age groups something
negative impact of our actions shall have its
substantial and challenging to do. It helps
collateral damage on the coming generation
them think and use their idle hours, doing
as well. Which is why we must be
something productive and worthwhile.
exceptionally prudent about the decisions
Education need not be purely academic and
we make and the actions we take in the
may include reading for leisure or as a
present? Job Seeker vs. Job Provider There
passion for literature, philosophy, art,
will come a time, when you will no longer
politics, economics, or even scientific
feel the need to be working as someone's
research. There is no limit, to all that you
mere employee. You would want to take
can teach yourself, only if you take the
charge and control over your own life and
interest to learn and grow as an individual.
income. This is when you will decide to
However, those who treat knowledge as
become a self-employed individual, who
trash, eventually find themselves getting
would like to watch his / her own ideas take
absorbed with thoughts of violence, and
realistic form. You would prefer being the
jealously against those who are better off
one offering job opportunities to others and
than themselves. It is people such as these
aid in providing income to them. At this
who turn towards drug addiction,
stage of entrepreneurship, you may use your
unnecessary rebellion, crime, and plain
own expertise as well as that of other trained
inactivity. Such people lack the self-esteem
and skilled associates. As a team, you will
that a good education often provides to its
find your business or venture expanding and
followers. Education plays its continuous
yielding good results. You may even gain
role in all spheres of life. The reason being,
the confidence and insight, which will help
that if we are aware of the drawbacks of a
you diversify and spread your expertise into
decision and we know about the possible
other business arenas, which were
contingencies and the collateral damage, our
previously unknown to you, or you were
consequent actions would be wiser, which
unsure about. This ability comes with
would help us to keep danger at bay at all
Sangamithra. J


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