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3-Month / (100) Day Nurture Seller Drip


The Strategy
This plan is designed for a Nurture looking to list their home in 90 days or less. It includes 7
Agent related tasks to ensure that no opportunity to engage the homeowner is missed.

The Structure
17 Drips over 100 Days

This equals a drip every approximately 5.88 (6) Days, which has been studied to be the balance
between too much and too little with Sellers looking to take actions within a 3 month period from
entering our Nurture Funnel.

The Agent Tasks

Drip #: 1
Agent Task # 1
When: Day 1 - After Plan Start Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail

Agent Task - Mail out a Thank You Card

“Hello Seller,
Thanks for talking with me today and letting me stay in touch as you think more about selling
your home. I will send you information along the way that I think will help, and if you have any
questions feel free to call me anytime at 555-555-5555. Our team looks forward to helping you
any way we can!

(ISA/Agent Hand Signature)

Drip #: 5
When: Day 15 - After Plan Start
DripType: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Print and Mail out most recent neighborhood market report. Attached written post-it note and
business card. Ensure task is closed and they have marketwatch group turned on for monthly
email distribution

Drip #: 7
When: Day 36 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Call
Delivery Time: 9:00AM

Call Tips & Purpose

Find some juice to share before making call. Go into the call with exciting new information we
wanted to share with them. Then transition into re-qualifying that the motivation is still intact ,
time frame is still on schedule, and they are still willing to meet with us. Finish call by setting
expectations for the goal meeting time, i.e.:

" So based on what we've discussed why don't we plan on taking the first step of meeting with
John face to face the first week of September and start putting a plan together. How does that
Drip #: 8
When: Day 43 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Mail out Nurture Piece to Prospect with hand written post-it note and business card.

Examples of suggested content:

● Just Sold - Flyers/Postcards

● Testimonial One-Sheets
● Company & Community Pieces
● Local Featured Listings similar to Nurture property

Drip #: 13
When: Day 78 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Call
Delivery Time: 9:00AM

Call Tips & Purpose

Find some juice to share before making call. Go into the call with exciting new information we
wanted to share with them. Then transition into re-qualifying that the motivation is still intact ,
time frame is still on schedule, and they are still willing to meet with us. If it makes sense,
based on time-frame to list, attempt to set appointment for Pre Listing Consultation & Checklist
(Home Value Assessment and Checklist), i.e.:

"So based on what we've discussed I would suggest we set a time to have our Expert Advisor
come by and provide a thorough Pre-Listing Consultation & Checklist to leave you with some
things to consider before listing. How about Saturday morning?”
Drip #: 14
When: Day 80 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Mail out 7 Factors Homeowners Must Know Guide, i.e.

Drip #: 16
When: Day 86 - After Plan Start
DripType: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Mail out Agent Tear Sheet or other Personal “Meet Your Advisor/Team Piece”

Something that focuses on introducing them to the faces they will be meeting/working with as
they get closer to listing their home. We want to connect the “Strategy to the Family/Team”; i.e.,
the work of the tearsheet.

Drip #: 17
When: Day 96 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Call
Delivery Time: 9:00AM

Call Tips & Purpose

Find some juice to share before making call. Go into the call with exciting new information we
wanted to share with them. Then transition into re-qualifying that the motivation is still intact ,
time frame is still on schedule, and they are still willing to meet with us. If it makes sense based
on time-frame close for the listing appointment


" Let's set a time to have you meet with my Expert Advisor, when they meet with you 1 of 3
things is going to happen....."

If successful in setting appointment turn drip campaign off by removing from group. Post
appointment we will know better what the conversion possibilities are and we can add them to
another relevant group ie: a Met Seller Group designed for people we have met and did not
convert on 1rst appt.

The Drip Content

Drip #: 1
When: 10 minutes After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail

Agent Task - Mail out Thank You Card

“ Hello Seller,

Thanks for talking with me today and letting me stay in touch as you think more about selling
your home. I will send you information along the way that I think will help and If you have any
questions feel free to call me anytime at 555-555-5555. Our team looks forward to helping you
any way we can!

(ISA/Agent Hand Signature)

Drip #: 2
When: 3 Minutes after Plan Start
Drip Type: Text Message
Delivery Type: Text Message

Hey, It's [agentname] , Thanks for talking with me. This is my number, store it in your phone and
call me if you have any questions as you start to plan for the sale of your home.

Drip #: 3
When: Day 1 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Email Template
Delivery Type: E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM


Drip #: 4
When: Day 8 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Email Template
Delivery Type: E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM

Hope you're having a great week. As I mentioned in my last email there are a lot of common
questions and concerns when it comes to selling a home. Many of those revolve around Real
Estate agents and how to pick the right one. Here are some of the most common questions, you
have probably asked yourself a few of these.

What should I look for in an Agent?

Should I even use an agent?
Should I work with my friend/family member?
Does it matter what agent I use?
Don't all Agents do the same thing?
What questions should I ask when I interview agents?
How do I determine who can get me the most money?

With over a quarter million agents across the country, what separates the best from the rest?
Our opinion is that the difference is Training, Systems & Processes and Execution.

Our Team Members have been trained and certified to follow a proven, repeatable system that
is backed by market research and has helped thousands of homeowners take the guesswork
out of choosing the right person to work with. This system was created as a result of thousands
of successfully sold homes and focuses on 7 Laws that affect whether your home will sell and
what it will sell for. Approximately 50% of homes listed do not sell because the agent did not
have this training or failed to manage one or more of these critical variables.

Please watch the short video below to better understand how working with a Certified Home
Selling Advisor™ who has been trained in this system can make the choice of who to use an
easy one.
Drip #: 5
When: Day 15 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Print and Mail out most recent neighborhood market report. Attached written post-it note and
business card. Ensure task is closed and they have marketwatch group turned on for monthly
email distribution

Drip #: 6
When: Day 15 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Email Template
Delivery Type: E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM

Hi, Hope you are doing well. In my last email I talked about some of the common questions
people have when it comes to Real Estate agents. Hopefully you were able to watch the short
video I included that explained the differences between a Certified Home Selling Advisor™ and
a traditional Real Estate Agent. If you have not watched it yet you can watch it here.Click here
to watch video

In this email l wanted to include our 2017 Seasonal Selling Guide "Things to Consider When
Selling Your House". This guide will provide you with some valuable information when it comes
to maximizing the value of your home as well as the things to consider when selling your house
that you may have not thought of. Our team believes that helping you better prepare and plan
for the sale of your house is as important as helping you sell it. As always feel free to call or
email me anytime if you have any questions.

Click To Read 2017 Summer Selling Guide

Drip #: 6
When: Day 29 - After Plan Start
DripType: Email Template
Delivery Type: E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM
Hello Example,

It has been about a month since we first spoke. I hope some of the information I have sent is
helping. The reason for this email is to explain more about the 7 Laws that we follow as Certified
Home Selling Advisors™. You might remember me mentioning the 7 Laws of our system in a
previous email or the animated video that I included before. Click Here To Watch Video

The proven and repeatable system our team members are trained and certified in focuses on
the key variables that market research shows are the most important when it comes to selling
your house and selling it for top of market price. The first factor I wanted to share with you is
about receiving the right advice at the right stage of the process. Many homeowners rely on bad
or outdated advice from friends/family or poorly trained agents. Getting the right advice through
every step of the process can increase the value you receive when selling by 3 - 5%. This can
mean thousands of dollar more in your pocket.

Click here to read our 2-Page whitepaper on Factor #1 - Expert Advice

Drip #: 7
When: Day 36 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Call
Delivery Time: 9:00AM

Call Tips & Purpose

Find some juice to share before making call. Go into the call with exciting new information we
wanted to share with them. Then transition into re-qualifying that the motivation is still intact ,
time frame is still on schedule, and they are still willing to meet with us. Finish call by setting
expectations for the goal meeting time.


" So based on what we've discussed why don't we plan on taking the first step of meeting with
John face to face the first week of September and start putting a plan together. How does that

Drip #: 8
When: Day 43 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Mail out Trust Building Nurture Pieces to Prospect with hand written post-it note and business

Examples of suggested content:

● Just Sold - Flyers/Postcards

● Testimonial One-Sheets
● Company & Community Pieces
● Local Featured Listings similar to Nurture property

Drip #: 9
When: Day 50 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Email Template
Delivery Type:E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM

Hope your week has been going well. I wanted to follow up on a previous email I sent about the
7 Laws of our Proven Selling System. In the prior email we talked about how important it is to
get Expert Advice throughout the home selling process. Click here to read our 2 - Page
whitepaper on Expert Advice

The second factor that we are laser focused on is Differentiation. Having a specific strategy to
make your home stand out from other homes on the market can get you up to 7% more money
on the sale of your home.

Click here to read our 2 - Page whitepaper on Factor #2 - Differentiation

Drip #: 10
When: Day 57 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Mail out Trust Building Nurture Pieces to Prospect with hand written post-it note and business
card. Review notes to ensure you are not sending the same piece as any prior task

Examples of suggested content:

● Just Sold - Flyers/Postcards

● Testimonial One-Sheets
● Company & Community Pieces
● Local Featured Listings similar to Nurture property

Drip #: 11
When: Day 64 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Text Message
Delivery Type: Text
Delivery Time: 7:00PM

Hi [firstname], Its [agentname]. Have you been getting the neighborhood market reports I've
been sending you. Would you like to keep receiving them?

Drip #: 12
When: Day 71 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Email Template
Delivery Type: E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM


Hi, I hope you are having a great Morning. At this point it's been a few months since we first
talked about your plans to make a move and sell your house. When we first spoke you were
wanting to have your home listed not too long from now. If this is still the plan I would suggest
we start thinking about setting up a face to face meeting so you can meet us and we can meet
you. While we are there we can give you an accurate assessment of your homes value, how to
increase what your home will sell for and more details on the proven repeatable system I have
discussed in previous emails.

In previous emails I discussed the first two factors we focus on to ensure you get the most
money when selling with us. These included the Law of Expert Advice and the Law of

This email will share the third factor with you which is Exposure. Exposing your home to the
largest number of qualified buyers ensures you get the best possible price for your home. When
executed properly, an effective marketing plan with a sufficient marketing budget invested in the
right places will expose the home to the largest number of qualified buyers. This drives up
demand and can increase the final sales price from 2-4%. Meaning thousands more for
whatever your next plans are.

Click here to read our 2 - Page whitepaper on Factor #3 - Exposure

Drip #: 13
When: Day 78 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Call
Delivery Time: 7:00AM

Call Tips & Purpose

Find some juice to share before making call. Go into the call with exciting new information we
wanted to share with them. Then transition into re-qualifying that the motivation is still intact ,
time frame is still on schedule, and they are still willing to meet with us. If it makes sense based
on time-frame to list attempt to set appointment for Pre Listing Consultation & Checklist ( Home
Value Assessment and Checklist)


" So based on what we've discussed I would suggest we set a time to have our Expert Advisor
come by and provide a thorough Pre-Listing Consultation & Checklist to leave you with some
things to consider before listing. How about Saturday morning?”

Drip #: 14
When: Day 80 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM

Mail out 7 Factors Homeowners Must Know Guide.

Drip #: 15
When: Day 82 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Email Template
Delivery Type: E-Mail
Delivery Time: 7:00AM

Hi, hope your doing well. As we get closer to the day that you list your home I wanted to provide
a review of the variables that affect what your home will sell for. By now I'm sure you
understand the difference in the expertise you receive when choosing to enlist a Certified Home
Selling Advisor as opposed to a traditional Real Estate Agent. While both can sell your home
only one provides the predictability of what it will sell for and ensure that it is an easy, and low
stress experience. If you haven't watched the Expert Advisor video in a while you can refresh
yourself here. Click Here to Watch Video

In previous email we discussed several factors that we focus on to ensure your home sells for
the maximum amount of money. The guide that I have included here goes over all 7 Factors
that our team has been trained and certified in. Remember that the big difference between the
best and the rest of the over 250,000 agents across the country is Training, Systems &
Processes and Execution. In the guide you will see that Execution is also one of the Factors that
we are laser focused on, Without execution all the planning in the word is useless.

Click here to read our 18 - Page whitepaper 7 Factors Homeowners Must Know
Drip #: 16
When: Day 89 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Mail
Delivery Time: 1:00PM

Mail out Agent Tear Sheet or other Personal “Meet Your Advisor/Team Piece”
Something that focuses on introducing them to the faces they will be meeting/working with as
they get closer to listing their home. We want to connect the “Strategy to the Family/Team”, i.e.:
the work of the Tearsheet

Drip #: 17
When: Day 96 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Call
Delivery Time: 9:00AM

Find some juice to share before making call. Go into the call with exciting new information we
wanted to share with them. Then transition into re-qualifying that the motivation is still intact ,
time frame is still on schedule, and they are still willing to meet with us. If it makes sense based
on time-frame close for the listing appointment


" Let's set a time to have you meet with my Expert Advisor, when they meet with you 1 of 3
things is going to happen....."

If successful in setting appointment turn drip campaign off by removing from group. Post
appointment we will know better what the conversion possibilities are and we can add them to
another relevant group ie: a Met Seller Group designed for people we have met and did not
convert on 1rst appt.

Drip #: 18 - FINISH LINE

When: Day 100 - After Plan Start
Drip Type: Agent Task
Delivery Type: Text
Delivery Time: 9:00AM

Hey, it's [agentname], I would like to stay in touch with you if you still plan on selling your house
at some point? Is that ok?

The Execution
In order to implement this 3 Month/100 Day Nurture Seller Drip Campaign to work the best for
you it may require some customization. You can refer to some of the past MoneyTree Tool
Training webinars to help you along the way.

Step 1: Create a 3 Month/96 Day Nurture Seller Group ( Access Lead Groups under the
Plans tab on vertical menu in Moneytree )

Step 2: Customize and Finalize any necessary edits to your Plan by choosing the Plans
Tab on the vertical Moneytree Menu and selecting the Tasks as Plans tab.

Step 3: Attach Plan to group by right clicking the Actions tab to the right of Group and
click Edit Plan Tasks

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