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Salem and Omar are talking outside a classroom in their school -4

2020 ‫المراجعة النهائية للصف الثالث االعدادى ترم اول‬ ?Salem : Who is our science teacher talking to in the classroom
‫ليلة االمتحان(مراجعة على المنهج‬ .Omar : She is talking to the scientist who is giving us a talk next week
1. Listen and choose the correct answer ‫فوزى‬
from‫محمد‬ ‫مستر‬
a, b, c: ‫تم االعداد بواسطة‬ .Salem : Oh, yes, I forgot
.Omar : ( 'You mustn't forget to go to the talk. It's essential
? Salem : Yes, you're right, it is very important. ( What is it going to be about
.Omar : ( I'm not sure. I think he's going to talk about useful robots
1- Heba is going to meet her friends today. PT 1 a ? Salem: That’s a very interesting topic. (4) What do you think he will bring with him
Mother : What are you going to do with your friends today? !Omar: Maybe he’ll bring a robot with him
Heba : We want to have a picnic but we don't know where to go, (1)
where do you suggest we go? .Hebe is at school with her friend Mona-5
Mother : Garden Park is a nice place for a picnic. .Heba : You looked worried
Heba : Yes, it is. What can I take for the picnic? .Mona : Yes. I'm very worried
Mother : (2) you can take some sandwiches and cakes ? Heba : (1) What's the matter
Heba : That's a good idea. Do I need my hat today, Mum? .Mona : I'm afraid that I can't find my book
Mother : (3) yes, you should take your hat. The sun is very strong today ?Heba : (2) Let me see if I can help . Is this your book
Heba : (4) When should we go there? Mona : Yes, it is. Thank you! We are discussing the book in my book
Mother : yon can go in the morning. The sun is not too hot ?club. (3) Would you like to go with me
.Heba : Yes. I would love to come. Thank you for inviting me
2- Seif has just watched a film at Yassin's house. PT 1 b Mona : 4) I'll wait for you at 5/It starts at 5 p.m/ you should be there at 5
Self : That was a very good film. .Heba : OK. I'll be there at 5
Yassin : Yes, it was. (1) How did you feel when Detective Zaki was in the desert?
Self : I was frightened when Detective Zaki was in the desert. Why did he .Fawzi is talking about sport with his friend Munir -6
go the desert ?Fawzi: How do you become good at basketball, Munir
Yassin : (2) to meet the old man. ?Munir: You have to be tall and fast. (1) What's the matter
Self : Now I understand. Do you recommend watching his other
Fawzi: I’m not tall or fast. (2) The trouble is that I'm not good at any sports
detective films?
Yassin : (3) yes, I do . They are very interesting. ?Munir: I’m sure that you are good at some sports. What about chess
Self : OK, I’ll take your advice. ((4) where can I find his films? ?I’m playing a game of chess this evening. Would you like to play
Yassin : you can find many of his films on the internet Fawzi: (3) I'm sorry, but I'm visiting my grandparents
Munir: OK, we can play another evening when you’re not visiting your
3-Adam and Faris are talking about Dr Ali Moustafa Musharrafa. ?grandparents. (4) what about tomorrow evening
Adam : Hi, Faris. What are you doing? !Fawzi: Tomorrow evening is perfect. See you then
Faris : I’m reading about Dr Ali Moustafa Musharrafa.
Adam : (1) What does it say? .Nora and Hoda are talking about the mid-year holiday-7
Faris : Musharrafa was able to work out some really difficult problems Nora : Good morning. What are you going to do in the mid-year holiday?
maths and science Hoda : (1) I'm going to visit Luxor and Aswan.
Adam : (2 ) That's interesting' What else does the article say? Nora : (2) How will you go there ?
Faris : It says here that he was the first Egyptian to become a doctor of
Hoda : I will go there by train.
Nora : (3) How long will you stay ?
Adam : That’s a great achievement! (3) Do you think that he was a genius ?
Hoda : I'll stay in Luxor for three days and four days in Aswan.
Faris : I’m not sure but he was definitely really smart.
Nora : Great. have a nice holiday.
Adam : (4)I don't know .but I am sure he was very intelligent.
.Hoda : (4)Thanks
.Faris : I agree. We should do our best to be like him
8-Tamer and Omar are talking about the use of reading.
Tamer : Where are you going, Omar? 1- You drop a glass on the kitchen floor. Your younger sister walks into the room.
Omar : (1) I'm going to the library . You should put on your shoes./You shouldn’t walk in here.
2- A friend asks you what you thought of a scary film that has just finished.
Tamer : (2) Do you like reading ? I felt frightened.
Omar : Yes, very much. Reading is my favourite hobby. 3- You tell a friend what you did last Saturday at midday.
Tamer : (3) What kind of books do you like reading ? .At midday on Saturday, I visited my grandmother
Omar : Science and historical books. 4- A tourist asks you where he can buy a map. You know that the tourist information centre
Tamer : Do you think reading is a useful hobby? gives out maps for free.
You can get a map at the tourist information centre.
Omar : Yes, it (4) increases our information and enlarges our minds. 5- Your friend has finished a book. The end of the book made you feel sad. You want to know if
your friend thinks the same
9- A customer is talking to a shop assistant.. Did the end of the story make you feel sad?
Assistant : Hello , can I help you? 6- A friend asks you what you do before and after dinner.
Customer : (1) yes, I'd like to buy a new shirt . .Before dinner, I help my mother cook. After dinner, I wash the dishes
7- Your mother asks you how you did on your English exam. Express certainty.
Assistant : What size would you like to buy? I'm sure I did well in the exam
Customer : (2) 35 , please . 8- Your friend asks you if you met the writer who visited your school last week. This was not
Assistant : (3) What colour would you like ? possible because you were ill .
Customer : I would like to have a blue one. I couldn't meet him because I was ill
4- You are in a busy street with your younger brother. You advise him not to walk too close to the
Customer : (4) How much is it ?
Assistant : It's L.E100. You must remember not to walk too close to the road
5- A friend says that Athens is bigger than London. You don't think this is correct.
10-Basma and Shady are talking about a film review. I'm not sure that's right.
Basma : You look busy, Shady! 6- Your friend thinks he saw a cat in the hotel. You are certain that cats aren't allowed in the hotel.
Shady : Yes, I am reading a film review. It can't be a cat. I'm sure cats aren't allowed in the hotel.
Basma : (1) What is the film called ? 7- A friend asks you for the best way to revise before the test.
You must remember not to wait until the day before the test
Shady : The film is called "Modern Egypt". 8- Although you lost the game, you congratulate your opponent.
Basma : (2) What does the review say? Well done!
Shady : The review says our plans today will make Egypt a better place to 9- You want to invite your friend to your house this Saturday.
live in. Would you like to come to my house this Saturday?
Basma : What will the internet be like in Modern Egypt? 10- A friend asks you to go to the beach this Saturday. You would like to go.
I'd love to!
Shady : (3) it will be fast and cheap. 11- A friend asks you why you look worried. It's because you have a problem using the printer.
Basma : That sounds great! Let's watch this film together. I'm afraid that I have a problem using the printer.
Shady : (4) That's a good idea 12- You want a friend to go with you to the museum this Thursday.
Would you like to go to the museum this Thursday?
11-Reem asks her mother to visit her friend Marwa. 13-Your friend is going outside. It is raining give him/her advice.
Reem : Can I go to visit Marwa, Mum? You shouldn't go outside. its raining. you should take an umbrella
Mother : Yes, of course. (1) Why would you like to visit Marwa ? 14-you ask your friend to recommend you a place to buy souvenirs.
Ream : To do our homework and study together. What is The best place to buy souvenirs ?
Mother : What time will you go? 15- you ask your friend about his feeling when he saw a scary film.
How did you feel when you saw a scary film?
Reem : (2) I'll go in an hour/ after lunch .
16-a friend asks you about the kind of novels you like to read.
Mother : (3) When will you come back ? I like reading detective/adventure stories
Rem : I'll come back before dinner. 17-You are sure that your father is not at home.
Mother : Don't be late home. I'm sure that my father isn't at home/my father can't be at home
Reem : (4) of course. I won't be late . Bye for now.
18-you express uncertainty of watching the football match at the stadium. It's my first visit to Egypt. My friends advised me to go to Alexandria. It's
I might watch the football match at the stadium summer However, it is not very hot there, so many tourists go at this
19 friend tells you that he/she got a medal at the age of six time. I'm staying in a hotel in Alexandria now. It is Friday there is little
That's amazing/ it's a great achievement traffic in the streets. The hotel is . near the sea and I can hear the boats.
20-A friend wants to know what you like in addition reading. The hotel is also near the tourist information Centre, but it is closed
I like swimming in addition to reading
today. Tomorrow I will ask about what I should see in the city. The
.You are emphasizing the importance of remembering friends' birthday -21
.You must remember your friends' birthdays
guidebook says that I should visit Fort Qaitbey. The stones in the fort
22-Remind your father to buy you a present on your birthday are from the famous lighthouse. They were used after the lighthouse
.Don't forget to buy me a present on my birthday collapsed in an earthquake in 1303, Best wishes, Andy
.You tell a friend that basketball is a popular sport but you like tennis -23 1- Why do many tourists go to Alexandria in the summer?
.basketball is a popular sport ,but I like tennis Because it is not very hot
24-Your friend came first in a competition. 2- Who do you think Andy is writing this email to and why?
Well done/ congratulations ! I think he is writing to his grandparents to tell them about his holiday
25-your friend finds it difficult to learn.Offer to help him with his problem 3-which places does the guidebook advise Andy to visit?.
Can I help you with your problem? Fort Qaitbey
26-You see an old man crossing the street. You offer to help him. 4- The word Collapsed means. ……………………..
Can I help you? a- was built b- fell c- started d- was seen
27-you want to invite your mother to a concert for Mother’s Day 5- The underlined word it refers to…………………….
Would you like to go to a concert with me for Mother's Day? a- the hotel b- the tourist information Centre c- the road d- Fort Qaitbey
28-Your friend invites you to lunch .Refuse politely.
I’m afraid I can’t
29-A friend invites you to go to the museum this Friday. You would like to go. There have been hotels for hundreds of years, but they might be different in the
I'd love to! future. Usually there are friendly people who write your name and address,
carry your bags to your room and give you breakfast in the
morning. In Japan, there is a hotel where there are no people working at all: all
In Sweden, the longest day of the year is celebrated in June. It is the start of a five- the work there is done by robots.
week holiday. Most people go on a trip to the country with their families. Children When you first arrive at the hotel to check in, a robot tells you what to do you
put flowers in their hair and everyone eats a special cake. In the evening, a family should enter information about yourself on a computer. The robot is able to
meal is eaten. This usually includes herring there are a lot of these in the sea communicate in lots of different languages. You don't need a key for your room
around Sweden. After people have eaten, they usually go for a walk. Nobody goes because a computer in the door will recognise you. There is even a robot in
to bed before twelve o'clock on this special day! There is sunshine until very late at each room who is able to turn lights on and off and answer simple questions
night in Sweden at this time. In the north, it does not get dark at all it can be difficult 1- Why are there no people working in this hotel?
to sleep. To help them, people should find a room that is not very light. There is a hotel where all the work is done by robots.
1- What do most people do in June in Sweden? 2- Why don't you need a key to your room?
They celebrate the longest day of the year A computer in the door will recognise you.
2- How can Swedish people help themselves sleep in the long days of June? 3- What problems do you think you might have in a hotel like this?
people should find a room that is not very light. If there is a problem with electricity or if a robot breaks, then things will stop
3- Why do you think that people do not go to bed early in June in Sweden? working in the hotel.
Because there is sunshine until very late at night 4- Check in means…………..
4 The word herring means a type of………………………………….. a- report that you have arrived b- sleep c- wake up d- park your car
a fish b bird c ship d shell 5- The underlined word there refers to
5 The underlined word them refers to …………………………… a- the hotel b- Japan c- the robot d- the future
a- children b- people without a house
c- people without families d- people in Sweden
4- a. Match column A with column B:
Many experts think that people first played rugby in 1823. At this time, students at 1- Farmer Grey a) The horse who tells the story
Rugby School in England were playing football. Then, a boy called William Webb-
2- Black Beauty b) A short fat horse
Ellis took the ball in his hands and ran towards the opponents. This made a new
game. To score in rugby, teams have to run with of kick the ball to one end of the 3- Merrylegs c) A horse who had a difficult past
field. The ball is oval, like an egg. You have to be fast and strong 4- Ginger d) A horse who forgot his mother's advice
to be good at playing rugby. Many players, who can weigh about 100 kilograms, are e) Black Beauty's first owner
very big. Today rugby is very popular in many Countries. About 100 countries play
the sport. However, it is not as popular as football. More than 200 countries play 1- Black Beauty a) She said, "Never bite or kick, even when
that sport. you are just playing a game
1- What is the main idea of the passage? 2- Black Beauty's mother b) This horse had one white foot.
The story of rugby 3- Squire Gordon c) This horse had short, fat legs.
2- What sort of person do you need to be in order to play rugby well? 4- Squire Gordon's wife d) She named the horse "Black Beauty".
Fast and strong. .e) Farmer Grey sold Black Beauty to this person
3- Why do you think that William Webb-Ellis decided to take the ball with his hands?
Perhaps he was excited and wanted to go faster. 1- John Manly a) saved Squire Gordon from the broken bridge.
4- An oval is a ……………………………………………… 2- Black Beauty b) hit the horses hard.
a- shape b- a kind of football c- a kind of plastic d- a kind of egg 3- Ginger c) began to respect Squire Gordon.
5- Rugby got its name from a …………………………….. 4- Merrylegs. d) was Squire Gordon's helper.
a- player b- a country c- a school d- an egg .e) wanted to teach the boys a lesson about horses

1- Squire Gordon's Friend a) didn't listen to Black Beauty when he called

There are about 285 million people in the world who are blind or find it difficult to out.
see. However, not manyof these people can read Braille. The problem is that Braille 2- The rider in the stable b) walked out of the stable when Black Beauty
books are not cheap. The cost of making a Braille book is four or five times more called her.
than any other book. Technology can help blind people. Some of 3-ginger c) smoked a cigarette and caused a fire.
them can listen to news and information on smartphones. There are also "talking 4- Mrs Gordon d) was amazed because John saved the horses.
books" which blind people can listen to. However, some blind people prefer to read. .e) went with Squire Gordon to visit some friends
Now, you can also buy Braille ebooks. At the moment, these are difficult to make
and expensive to buy. However, scientists are now working on 1- Joe Green a- was angry with Joe for not taking care of Black Beauty
Braille ebooks that might be cheaper than Braille books in the future. These ebooks 2- John Manly b- reported the rude driver to the police.
might be the best way to help blind people. That would be good news for millions of 3 The factory driver c- had to move to a warmer climate.
people. 4 Mrs Gordon d- took a note to Dr white.
1- How many people have problems with seeing? .e- hit the horses with a whip
285 million people
2- Why do you think that Braille books are not cheap to make?
They have dots, not words, so perhaps they are difficult to make. 1- Joe Green a- were Black Beauty's new owners
3- What does the underlined word that refer to? 2- John Manly b- stayed with Black Beauty until he became
cheaper Braille ebooks better.
4- The cost of something is how ……………………. 3- Squire Gordon and Mrs Gordon c- hit the horses near the factory
a- much money you need to buy it b- long it takes to make 4- Earl and Lady Smythe d- stopped singing after Black Beauty became
c many people use it d- you make Something ill.
5- If they become cheaper, more blind people will probably use………….. In the future. .e- had to leave England
a- Braille books b- Braille ebooks c- smartphones d -books
1- How do we know that Black Beauty had good owners? And thank you, Black Beauty. You saved us." Who said this? What does it show about -19
Farmer Gordon gave the horses good food and spoke to them kindly. Squire the kind of man he is? WB
Gordon was also kind and gentle. He never hurt his horses Squire Gordon says this. It shows that he is a kind man who understand
.2- Do you think that Merrylegs was wrong to throw the older boys off his back why / Why not?
.his horses
He was not wrong to do this, because he did not hurt the boys and he
Why do you think John rode Black Beauty to another village during the -20
.wanted them to learn to be kind to horses
3- Do you think that Merrylegs was right to behave badly with the children? Why? / Why not? ?night
yes, because the older boys were not being kind to him Mrs Gordon was very ill so John needed to find the doctor.
.To bring Dr white to save Gordon's wife
4- Do you think that Squire Gordon was right to be angry with a man who worked for him?
Why? / Why not? 21-Do you think that fourteen is too young to learn to do a job? Why? / Why not? SB
Yes, because the man was not being kind to his horse. No, because boys in that age like learning new things.
5 Why do you think that John was able to take the horses from the burning stables? 22-Why do you think john was grateful to squire Gordon?
John was very calm so the horses stopped feeling anxious Because Squire Gordon looked after him as well as any parent when john was
6. Why do you think that moving horses when there is a fire is very hard? young boy with no family.
.Horses are frightened by fire and do not want to move ?why do you think Joe cause black beauty 's illness -23
?Do you think Joe's young age caused Black Beauty's illness? why? why not
7- Why do you think that the horses wanted to stay in the stables although there was a fire ? Yes, as he had little experience with horses . He didn't put a
hey felt safe in the stables and did not understand what was happening warm
8- Do you think that John was right to have a helper who is only fourteen? blanket on black beauty. he gave him cold water to drink
Yes, because Joe works hard and will learn how to look after 24-Why do you think England wasn't a good place for Mrs. Gordon to live in?
.horses very well
As it's cold in London and that was bad for her health.
9 Why do you think that the driver of the carriage near the factory was rude to Joe?
Perhaps he did not like being told what to do by a young boy.
Do you think the driver of the carriage near the factory was kind to the -25
10- Was John right to be angry with Joe Green after Black Beauty became ill? Why? / Why not? ?horses ?Why /Why not
.No. Joe tried to help Black Beauty but he did not know what to do No, because he hit the horses hard with a whip
11- Why do you think John said that Joe Green “looked taller”? ?Why do you think that carriage driver was wrong to hit the horses with a whip -26
Joe learned from his mistakes. John was pleased with him and Joe felt happier. .Because the carriage was so heavy and there was thick mud
Why do you think that people were not nice to Ginger in the past? SB-12 ?Why do you think the doctor rode Black Beauty instead of his own horse -27
The doctor's son had the doctor's horse so the doctor rode Black Beauty
.Because they didn't understand that horses are not machines
13-What do you think people should do with horses that bite or kick? SB 28-How do you think that squire Gordon was worried about his wife?
I think they should be kind to them. When the doctor said that she should move to a warmer place. he sold
?Why do you think the horses liked Birtwick Park -14 his horses and decided to leave England
It was a lovely place to live in, with large fields and comfortable stables 29-Why do you think that horses were so important in the nineteenth century when
Do you think that it was natural for Ginger to change her bad behaviour? Why? / Why not? WB-15 Black Beauty was written? SB
Yes, because the man was not being kind to his horse Because people used them to travel around and to pull their
?Do you think black beauty has a good mother? why -16 carriages
Yes because she always advised him and wanted to teach him good ?In your opinion How do we know that Black Beauty had good owners -30
things Farmer Grey gave the horses healthy food and spoke to them kindly
17-Why do you think Black Beauty stopped on the bridge? Squire Gordon was also kind. He never hurt his horses
Because there was something wrong and he knew it wasn't safe ?How do you think the advice of Black Beauty's mother can help you in your life -31
18-Do you think Black Beauty always predicts danger? give one example. .To be gentle and polite makes people respect and love me
Yes, when he stopped crossing the bridge as he felt there was something wrong ?Is it important to treat animals kindly? Why-32
with it Yes, As animals have feelings. they are not machines
Yes, when he woke up at the inn , he felt uncomfortable before he knew that there 33-why do you think some people hit ginger hard?
was afire Because she refused to do what they wanted
26- My neighbour,………… is a teacher, sometimes helps me with my English.
:Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d a whose b who c which d where
1 When is Sham el-Nessim............................... ... in Egypt? 27 -What did you………….. do before you came to school this morning?
a- celebrated b celebrate c- celebrates d- celebrating a must b have c have to d had to
2- This book has…………………… pages than that book. 28- Who is your……….. in the tennis competition?
a- little b- less c- fewer d- least a opponent b spectator c inventor d opposite
3- People often drink……..… water in hot weather than when it is cold. .Hassan’s father said that the car was difficult to … Because it was raining -29
a- less b- least c- more d- most a balance b score c control d hit
4- It is not too hot on the beach because there is a nice …………... 30 -The teacher asked me to…………….the books to the class.
a- breeze b- cloud c- storm d- wave a hand out b hand up c look up d look out
5- The restaurant in the guidebook was a very good……………… 31- The museum,…… near our school, is always busy in the afternoon.
a- review b- parade c- information d- a- whose b- who c- which d- where
recommendation 32- .............television for a long time is not good for you.
6- | don't know how to get to your house. Can you give me………..? a- Watch b- To watch c- Watches d- Watching
a- activities b- directions c- costumes d- conclusions 33- He ……………… wash his hands before he eats.
7- It is cold and windy today. When you go outside, you...….. a coat. a- mustn’t b- must c- have to d- hasn't
a- wear b- should wear c- shouldn't wear d- are wearing 34- You become …………….... when you are eighteen years old.
8- …………………. students in our school have visited England. a- an adult b- a soldier c- an opponent d- honest
a- Few b- Little c- Less d- The least 35- The tourist did not speak Arabic, but well……………… in English,
9- The museum……………… by thousands of tourists every day. a- handed out b- set up c- communicated d- made up
a- visited b- is visiting c- is visited d- was visited 36- You need strong………………... to be good at most sports,
10- The students usually stay in a youth…….... when they visit the city. a- physical b- muscles c- feelings d- memory
a- hotel b- centre c- hostel d- office 37-An………………. is a person who helps in a shop or in a ticket office. WB
11- Salt is often used to …………….... fish and other food. a. assistant b. owner c. archaeologist d. actor
a- pack b- preserve c- celebrate d- decorate 38-Many tourists use a. …… to learn about a city's history and places to visit
12- The teacher asked us to write a ………….... of our visit to the museum, a. camera b. bookshop c. guidebook d. Ticket
a- character b- title c- conclusion d- description 39-You need a ……………... when you visit another country. WB
13- I gave………………………………... the message. a. passport b. tourist c. bazaar d. brochure
a- my sister b- for my sister c- to my sister d- hers 40-The best place to ……….. tradition English food is at a food market
14- There is a lot of traffic today. We...................... be late. a. stay b. drink c. catch d. try
a- must b should c- might d- won't 41-…… is swimming with equipment so that you can breathe with your head in the water
15- The maths homework was very difficult. Were you ……. do it? a. fishing b. sailing c. windsurfing d. Snorkeling
a- could b- able to c- able d- can 42-Look after your possessions. You …………..leave them on a bus or train.
16- It is ………….…. to take your passport when you go to another country. a. should b. must c. have to d. shouldn't
a- easy b- essential c- enjoyable d- enormous 43-You................take photos of people unless you ask them first. SB
17- Ola is always ……………... She will do very well in her exams. a. must b. shouldn't c. have to d. should
a- noisy b- lazy c- hardworking d- exhausted 44-The .................of the book you are using is New Hello!
18- There are eight ………………….. that go around the sun. a. reader b. address c. title d. dress
a- plants b- sails c- planets d- stars 45-A......................helps the police in their work. WB
19- ………………... you speak English when you were six? a. review b. detective c. title d. doctor
a- Were b- Do c- Able d- Could 46-This is a..................story about the pharaohs in ancient Egypt.
20- Eman sent............... an email. a. history b. historical c. historically d. historian
a- for me b- me c- mine d- to me 47-If a person feels ……………….,he is not strong. WB
21- Wear a coat. It ………….... rain today. a. week b. weak c. sad d. happy
a- might b- must c- can't d- mustn't 48A/An………is text that gives the most important information about
22- Use the ………….. cleaner to clean the kitchen floor. something.
a- lawn b- mower c- vacuum d- oar a. summary b. adventure c. title d. character
23- I'd like to …………... you to my house this Saturday.
a- invent b- interview c- interrupt d- invite 49-A………………….is a person in a book, play, film, etc. WB
24- That man has a very loud………….. I can hear him from across the road. a. channel b. character c. programme d. teacher
a- voice b- face c- graph d- ability 50-People have …………….interest in historical stories. SB
25-…………… blind means that you cannot see. a. least b. less c. few d. fewer
a Be b Will be c Being d Am
51-Students often have …………sleep during school time than during the holidays 77-A sports team might win a …..…….. at the end of a competition
a. least b. fewer c. little d. less a. degree b. trophy c. Wi-fi d. Smartphone
52-The hotel was noisy, so they had ............... sleep last night. B 78-Leila could read when she was two. She is a ………………………...
a. few b. many c. little d. least a. genius b. team c. stupid d. graduate
53-The bottle juice in it. SB 79. There was afire at the hotel , but firefighters……… put it out very quickly.
a. fewer b. the fewest c. least d. the least a. were able b. was able c. could d. Couldn't
54-Many people like to freeze food to ……………….. it. WB 80. able to speak to the teacher today about the homework?
a. preserve b. celebrate c. decorate d. paint a. can b. Was c. Were d. Could
55-There was no electricity on the farm, so the farmer used … so that he could 81-Use the ……………… mower to cut the grass in the garden.
read. a. vacuum b. oars c. space d. lawn
a. fireworks b. lights c. lanterns d. lamps 82-I don't want to hear about your………….problems.
56-spring begins when flowers……………..on tree. a. personal b. purpose c. person d. expert
a. appear b. disappear c. preserve d. decorate 83. I couldn't home village after spending 10 years abroad.
57-We walked up the street in a ………………. to celebrate the start of spring. WB a. unknown b. recognise c. realize d. decide
a. queue b. line c. group d. parade 84-Ancient Egyptians used ……….. to move boats forward.
58-The children wore historical …………..for the school play. a. oars b. steamships c. cars d. inventions
a. uniforms b. clothes c. costumes d. customs 85 …………….. means to do something that interests people.
59-A/ an important day with lots of activities. a. Recognise b. Recommend c. Entertain d. Emphasize
a. storm b. earthquake c. festival d. muscle 86-The ancient Egyptians made small boats from …….. for transporting goods.
60-in Bosnia, eggs …………………….. in a big pan. SB a. paper b. ropes c. oars d. papyrus
a. cook b. are cooked c. is cooked d. are cooking 87-Engineers have invented robots that……… when you speak.
61-oranges ……………….. in hot countries WB a. hear b. forget c. remember d. remind
a. is grown b. grow c. are grown d. are growing 88-Here’s Mona’s book. Please can you give it..................? WB
62. In the past, fish ………………..every day. WB a. To her b. for her c. her d. hers
a. was catching b. is caught c. was caught d. caught 89-We must use ……………… to hold up a tent.
63.. In Australia, the start of spring …………. in September every year. a. poles b. flutes c. pools d. flats
a. is celebrating b. was celebrated c. is celebrated d. is being celebrated .Ten thousand ……………… were at the football match yesterday -90
64-Teachers......................... STEM Students to enter Competitions. a. referees b. teams c. Spectators d. Opponents
a. encourage b. entertain c. interrupt d. invent …… Long ago, tennis players didn't have to wear special shoes on tennis -91
65-I can't ……………on two things at the same time. a. pool b. theatre c. court d. park
a. encourage b. offer c. focus d. represent 92-In games like tennis, you use hit the ball.
66-The students used the ………………. to draw a graph. a. rocket b. racket c. jacket d. pocket
a. electricity b. e-book c. Wi-fi d. data 93-I couldn't go to the park yesterday because I ……… to finish my homework
67. Omar won a/an ………………..….. for his amazing invention. a. have b. could c. mustn't d. Had
a. invention b. data c. award d. discovery that. it's against the law.
68-Travellers want free ………….in airports because they need to send emails. WB a. Needn't b. Shouldn't c. Mustn't d. Don't have
a. ebook b. data c. online d. wi-fi get a passport to travel to other countries.
69-Mohammed Salah showed amazing...............during the match. a. has b. have c. must d. will
a. silk b. skills c. slums d. awards the scientists have………..some important research into climate change. W-96
70-I'm sure it is a British coin, it Egyptian. Ba. sent b. gone c. done d. used
a. must b. might c. sure d. Can't athletes have fantastic …………over their muscles ,breathing and balance. .97
.This ………………………..Hassan’s bicycle. He doesn’t have one -71 a. feeling b. control c. movement d. thinking
a. might be b. must be c. Can't be d. Won't be 98-Did you have any ……………. Finding your way to the new school?
72-Stem school students…………… hardworking. SB a. tree b. trip c. tribe d. trouble
a. must b. Can't c. might d. Mustn't 99-Ahmed usually plays the violin in a / an ………………. on Sundays WB
73-The phone is ringing. it…………… friend Samy .I am not sure. a. orchestra b. music c. invitation d. spectator
a. might be b. must be c. Can't be d. Mustn't 100-The School was ……………… 40 years ago. WB
74-. You've been working very hard today, Mum. You ……………..tired. SB a. set to b. set down c. set up d. set off
a. Won't be b. can't be c. must be d. might be 101. That girl is …………………, so she cannot hear you.
75. “Is this Nadia’s bag?” “It …..…........….. Let’s see if her books are in it.” SB a. blind b. intelligent c. tired d. deaf
a. should be b. can't be c. must be d. might be 102In Egypt,.........deaf students are now included in general education schools.
76-First, Rania got a/ medicine, then she got a job in the hospital a. slowly b. accurately c. slightly d. amazingly
a. plan b. trophy c. award d. Degree B
103-can you work………. What that new word means. LM 17- I went to visit my cousin last week. She lives in Luxor. (who)
a. out b. on c. in d. up I went to visit my cousin, who lives in Luxor, last week.
104-Deaf students...................up sigh language. 18- It isn't healthy to lie in bed for a long time. (lying)
a. take b. stand c. look d. set Lying in bed for a long time isn't healthy.
105-a/an…………… person who works to protect the country. 19-You should study your lessons carefully. ( advise )
a. solider b. doctor c. teacher d. baker I advise you to study your lessons.
106-The photo shows Alexandria in 1990, ……………. my parents lived there. 20-He advises his friend to stop smoking. ( should )
a. when b. who c. which d. where He told his friend that he should stop smoking
107-English …………. all students study at school is a very important subject WB I don’t have as much interest in adventure stories as I do in mysteries ( less ) WB-21
a. who b. which c. whose d. where I have less interest in adventure stories as I do in mysteries
108-My brother, .................... muscles are very strong , carried the heavy bags. 22-Travelling by ship is cheaper than travelling by plane. ( less )
a. which b. who c. whose d. where Travelling by ship is less expensive than travelling by plane
23- Not many people like historical novels, (few)
Few people like historical novels.
1- When you go to Luxor, I think you should visit the museum. (recommend) 24-people give sweets to children at new year. ( given ) WB
I recommend you visit the museum when you go to Luxor. Sweets are given to children at new year by (people)
2- The blue bottle has more water than the green bottle. (less) 25-I didn’t send the letter. (sent)
The green bottle has less water than the blue bottle The letter wasn't sent by me.
3- Manal always helps people. (helpful) 26-How do people celebrate New Year in china? ( celebrated )
.Manal is always helpful How is New Year in china celebrated by people?
4- March has more days than February. (fewer) 27-Do people eat special food at this festival? ( Is )
February has fewer days than March. Is special food eaten at this festival ?
5- You do not have to pay to go into the museum. (free) 28-They didn't tell us the bad news. ( weren't )
The museum is free. / It is free to go into the museum We weren't told the bad news by them
9- I advise you to visit Aswan. (should) 29-How did people cook fish in the past? ( cooked )
You should visit Aswan. How was fish cooked in the past?
7- I couldn't find the pen that you lost. (able) 30-He has red hair. I'm sure he isn't egyptian. ( can't )
I wasn't able to find the pen that you lost. He has red hair. He can't be Egyptian.
8- Perhaps I'll Wear a jacket today, I'm not sure. (might) 31-Mona might be an archaeologist. ( I'm not sure )
I might wear a jacket today. I'm not sure I'm not sure .Mona is an archaeologist.
9- Adel might visit us tomorrow. (I'm not sure) 32-I'm sure the museum is closed. there are no lights on. ( must )
I'm not sure if Adel will visit us tomorrow The museum must be closed. there are no lights on
10- I know that it is my pen. It is the only one that is red. (must) 33-Could you find the lost bag? ( Were )
That must be my pen because it's the only one that is red. Were you able to find the lost bag?
11- Mona wasn't able to finish the project yesterday (could). 34-Hany could give all the answers to the sums ( able)
Mona couldn't finish the project yesterday. Hany was able to give all the answers to the sums
12- Hassan is interested in reading. He also writes short stories. (In addition) 35-Omar revises the lessons. Furthermore, he does his homework. ( In addition to )
.Hassan is interested in reading. In addition, He writes short stories In addition to revising the lessons. Omar does his homework
13- Tarek is very good at tennis, He's good at basketball, too. (furthermore) 36-Did you buy me that Smartphone? (for me)
Tarek is very good at tennis. Furthermore, he's good at basketball. Did you buy that Smartphone for me?
14- It is not necessary to get up early tomorrow. It's a holiday. (have to) 37-The class brought their teacher some flowers, (for their teacher)
We don't have to get up early tomorrow. It's a holiday. The class brought some flowers for their teacher
15- Do you have a problem? (matter) 38-Maya gave her sister a pen. (to her)
What's the matter? Maya gave a pen to her sister
16- It's sunny today, but it's not very hot. (However) 39- it wasn't necessary to wear a jacket. It wasn't so cold. (have to)
It's sunny today, However, it's not very hot You didn't have to wear a jacket. It wasn't so cold
It's against the law to drive a car without a license( mustn't )-40
You mustn't drive a car without a license
You don't have to pay to go into the museum. ( necessary)-41
It isn't necessary to pay to go into the museum - You tell your English friend how Mother's Day is celebrated in Egypt.
42-It isn't necessary for Basem to buy me the newspaper. ( doesn't )
Basem doesn't have to buy me the newspaper
43- he woke up early this morning. However, he missed the school bus. (Although )
Although he woke up early this morning. he missed the school bus - why you think Egypt is a good place for tourists to visit
44-Although watching too much TV is not good, I watch it a lot. (However)
watching too much TV is not good. However, I watch it a lot
Noran likes to play tennis. It's her favourite sport. ( Playing )-45 - a form of technology that is most useful to you.
Playing tennis is Noran's favourite sport
46– I congratulated heba because she won the prize. (winning)
I congratulated heba on winning the prize
- Someone you know who is a genius.
47-It isn’t good for your eyes to Watch too much television.( Watching)
.Watching too much television isn’t good for your eyes
I feel happy when I listen to music. (Listening) -48
Listening to music makes me feel happy - an email to your teacher explaining why you would like to go to a STEM
Our school is more than 100 years old. It has about 1,000 students. (which) -49 school
Our school, which has about 1,000 students , is more than 100 years old
My brother carried the heavy bags. his muscles are very strong ( whose)-50
.My brother, whose his muscles are very strong , carried the heavy bags - a sport you like
Swimming keeps me fit. It's my favourite sport( which )-51
Swimming ,which is my favourite sport, keeps me fit.
52-This is the village. My grandfather was born there ( where )
This is the village where My grandfather was born
53-Ramzy sent beautiful flowers to his mother ( which )
- inviting your friend to your birthday party.
The flowers which ramzy sent to his mother were beautiful
54-Maya is slightly deaf. She is learning Egyptian Sign Language ( who )
Maya , who is learning Egyptian Sign Language, is slightly deaf Sham el Nessim

my favourite book

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