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Brand name: Isordil Mechanism of Action: Produce Indication: Acute treatment of Observe clients 10 rights to
vasodilation (venous greater anginal attacks (SL only). administration of drugs.
Generic name:
than arterial). Decrease left Prophylactic management of
Isosorbide dinitrate 1. Right patient
ventricular end-diastolic angina pectoris.
pressure and left ventricular 2. Right medication
Contraindication: Contraindicated
Classification: end-diastolic volume (preload).
with allergy to nitrates, severe 3. Right dosage
Therapeutic: antianginals Net effect is reduced
anemia, head trauma, cerebral
myocardial oxygen 4. Right route
Pharmacologic: nitrates hemorrhage, hypertrophic,
consumption. Increase 5. Right time
cardiomyopathy, narrow-angle
Route: S/L coronary blood flow by dilating
glaucoma, postdural hypotension. 6. Right documentation
Dosage: 5mg coronary arteries and
improving collateral flow to 7. Right client education
Frequency: 1 hr (ASAP) ischemic regions.
then PRN q4 w/ BP 8. Right to refuse
precaution Side effects:
9. Right assessment
CNS: dizziness, headache.
10. Right evaluation
CV: hypotension, tachycardia,
paradoxic bradycardia, Rationale: Observing the 10 rights of
syncope. patients ensures the administration o
medication to be safe.
Dermatologic: rash, exfoliative
dermatitis. > Check the doctor’s order
Rationale: To make sure
GI: nausea, vomiting. that the medication is given on the ba
of the order of the doctor.
GU: urinary frequency.
Misc: flushing, tolerance. > Assess the vital signs of the patient.
Rationale: Prior to medication
administration to ensure the patient i
receiving the correct medication for th
correct reason.

> Assess the chest pain every time ISN

administered. Rationale: To help iden
the likely cause of the pain and leads
prompt and appropriate responses to
alleviate the pain and treat the cause

> Caution patient to make position

changes slowly.
Rationale: To avoid orthostatic

> Advised patient to avoid alcoholic

beverages. Rationale: They may produ
increased hypotension.
> Inform patient that headache is a
common side effect that should decre
with continuing therapy.
Rationale: The patient must be aware
its side effects.
> Document and record



Brand name: Rocephin Mechanism of Action: Inhibits Indication: Susceptible bacterial >Observe clients 10 rights to
cell wall synthesis, promoting infections of the lower respiratory administration of drugs.
Generic name:
osmotic instability that is tract, skin and skin structure,
Ceftriaxone > Check the doctor’s order
usually bactericidal. bone and joint, UTIs, meningitis.
Rationale: To make sure
Side effects: Contraindication: Ceftriaxone is that the medication is given on the ba
Cephalosporin of the order of the doctor.
contraindicated in patients with
antibiotics CNS: headache, dizziness,
known allergy to the
lethargy > Use separate syringe when giving th
Route: IVT cephalosporin group of
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, antibiotics. drug. Rationale: A new clean syringe
Dosage: 1mg should always be used to prevent
anorexia, pseudomembranous
Frequency: q12 ((ANST)) colitis contamination.

Hematologic: bone marrow > Advise patient to promptly report s

depression – dec. WBC, of adverse reactions. Rationale: So th
platelets, Hct appropriate action can be taken to
ensure that drug given is used safely.
Local: pain, inflammation of IV > Check the patency of the IV site and
site line.
Rationale: To ensure that the line is
Other: superinfections,
properly placed and the fluids will flow
disulfiram-like reaction with
into the vein as intended.
> Document and record

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