EE-807 / CS-877: ASSIGNMENT # 1: (Submission Time: 02 Weeks)

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EE-807 / CS-877 : ASSIGNMENT # 1

(Submission Time : 02 Weeks)

• This is an individual assignment. Each student must work alone, without help from any other
person. Plagiarism is NOT allowed. Copying material from the web or from documents and
submitting it for this assignment without giving credit/reference is plagiarism. Copied
assignment will not be accepted.
• The Code may be written using tool of choice, preferably MATLAB. The code must be executable.
• An optimized implementation will result in more credits.
• For every assignment you need to submit a Word Report with the following
o The snapshot of the code & figure/graphs in the Word File
o Answer to any particular subjective question asked in the Assignment

1. You are being hired as a design engineer by an organization whose primary task
is to design and develop electronics parts of an aircraft. The organization gets its
Integrated Circuits (ICs) manufactured from a Third Party which are extensively used in
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) of critical avionics systems. Your job is to critically evaluate
ICs for any abnormal behaviour and isolate the suspicious chips from the batch. Such
chips may be intruded or compromised during the manufacturing process by an attacker
who resides in the Silicon Valley. The attacker has an intension to induce failure in critical
avionics system by inserting backdoors in ICs. Such chips may be rejected based on
difference in power consumption.

2. There are 1000s of chips that are required to be tested in short time. So you need
to apply machine learning to make your job easier. The power profile of un-intruded chip
is available (shown in green colour), whereas power profile of intruded chip is shown by
red colour in the data set file. You are required to build a classifier using Logistic
Regression which can help you bifurcate between normal & abnormal chips. Following
tasks are to be completed: -

(a) Implementation in Matlab / Python (all subsequent tasks) (40)

(b) Determination of decision boundary (10)
(c) Cost computation & most appropriate parameters (ϴ’s) for the model (25)
(d) Confusion matrix (10)
(e) Evaluation of model using Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F-measure (15)

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