Organic Agriculture: Quarter 1, Week 2

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Organic Agriculture
Module 2: – Prepare Composting Area
and Raw Materials
Quarter 1, Week 2
Aussie Charity T. Calibo


A Joint Project of
and the
TLE– Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Prepare Composting Area and Raw Materials
First Edition, 2020

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Aussie Charity T. Calibo
Editor: Aussie Charity T. Calibo
Reviewer: Lynne B. Gahisan
Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Virgilio P. Batan Jr. - Schools Division Superintendent
Lourma Poculan - Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Amelinda D. Montero - Chief, CID
Nur N. Hussien - Chief, SGOD
Ronillo S. Yarag - EPS PVR – LRMDS
Leo Martinno O. Alejo - PDO II - LRMDS

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Region IX – Dipolog City Division

Office Address: Purok Farmers’, Olingan, Dipolog City

Telefax: ____________________________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________
At the end of this module you will also find:
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know

This module on Organic Agriculture 10 will be of great help to the

Technology and Livelihood Education students. This has been conceptualized to
equip them with the basic knowledge, skills, positive values and attitudes toward
produce organic fertilizer activities. It provides concepts necessary to equip them to
face the challenges ahead for this time of the pandemic. Lessons are prepared in
such a way that it will respond to the needs of teachers and students in this
subject area.

Quarter 1 has only one lesson and created seven (8) modules intended for eight
weeks namely:

Module-1-Week 1 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials
Module-1-Week 2 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

Module-1-Week 3 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

Module-1-Week 4 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

Module-1-Week 5 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

Module-1-Week 6 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

Module-1-Week 7 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

Module-1-Week 8 Learning Outcomes (LO) Prepare composting area and raw materials

After going through this module, you are expected to:

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. prepare site layout based on location;
2. design layout for composting site; and
3. describe the site location for home-based compost fertilizer.

Prepare Composting Area And Raw Materials

Inside this module are topics intended for your learning. The significant of preparing site
layout based on location is cited in this module, the steps in soil exploration, and the general
classification of temporary facilities. Enjoy reading this module and work on different activities filled
with fun.

What’s In

Before you continue to the succeeding page, try to answer the following
questions for your prior knowledge.

1. What are the factors to consider in site layouting?

2. Why is site layouting important?
3. How do you plan your site layout?

What’s New

Planning for site layout is very crucial for the success for the project. Every
project has its unique layout. Apart from other uncertainties like project designs,
environmental effects and time constraints, site layout planning in itself is a typical
multi objective problem.
Layout planning helps to set the relation between the proposed site and its
surrounding with respect to existing facilities, communication and approaches. It
ensures that the construction of the site will not be impeded by thoughtless storage
of materials on particular site locations.
What is It

Prepare site layout based on location

Factors to consider in site lay-outing

A. Significance of Site Layout Planning

Site layout planning can affect productivity and is crucial to project success.
The site layout shows the relationship of the proposed site with its surroundings
concerning communication, approaches, and existing facilities. Good site layout
planning assists in minimizing the traveling time and movement costs of plant,
labor, and materials, activity interference during construction work, and site
accidents, and ensures that work on buildings and other construction positions is
not impeded by the thoughtless storage of materials on these locations. So, site
layout can thus either enhance or adversely affect construction productivity and
progress. It is important to acquire knowledge of the project site before setting out
the site layout. The knowledge about the project site can be obtained from:

B. Site Investigation

Site investigation is a process of site exploration consisting of boring,

sampling, and testing to obtain geotechnical information for a safe, practical, and
economical geotechnical evaluation and design. Generally, it is an exploration or
discovery of the ground conditions, especially on the untouched site.

In other words, the main purpose of site investigation is to determine within

practical limits, the depth, thickness, extent, and compositions of each subsoil
stratum, the depth and type of rock, the depth and composition of groundwater,
the strength, compressibility and hydraulic characteristics of soil strata required by
geotechnical engineers. Sometimes it is also known as geotechnical investigation.

C. Work Procedure for Site Investigation

Steps of work involved in site investigation:

1. Desk study to collect all the relevant data and information,
2. Reconnaissance of site works,
3. Planning program after reviewing the above,
4. Ground or soil exploration includes boring, sampling and testing,
5. Laboratory testing (also field if necessary),
6. Preparation and documentation of SI report,
7. Engineering design stages,
8. Review during construction and monitoring.

Soil Exploration
Soil exploration consists of the following steps:


This refers to drilling or advancing a hole in the ground. The test would include
hand auger, motorized hand boring (wash boring), deep boring (rotary drilling),
and/or trial pits.


This refers to removing soil from the hole. The samples can be classified as
disturbed or undisturbed sampling. Disturbed samples are usually used for soil
grain-size analysis, determination of liquid limit, the specific gravity of soil as well
as compaction test. The undisturbed samples are collected at least every 1.5 m and
if changes occur within 1.5 m intervals, an additional sample should be taken.

Record of Soil Exploration

It is important to keep complete and accurate records of all data collected. Boring,
sampling and testing are often costly. A good map giving specific locations of all
boring should be available.

Decision Criteria and Site Facilities Adopted in Site Layout Planning

All space-planning problems consist of a set of activities to be located and a space

in which to locate them. Site layout planning consists of identifying the facilities
needed to support construction operations, determining their size and shape, and
positioning them within the boundaries of the site. So, the most temporary
facilities are classified into six important categories, which are tabulated in Table

General Classification of Temporary Facilities

Access road and exit

Needs vary with the type of project and the stage of the job. It will normally be
linked with the plan of construction and in some cases may control the progress of
construction. Ideally, short direct routes and one-way traffic are encouraged.

Location of plant and equipment

The choice of the major items of the plant is of real consequence on most sites.
Correctly chosen and well operated and maintained equipment enables a
construction project to be completed efficiently and economically.

Material storage and handling area

Areas must be set aside for the storage and handling of material. The objective
here is to minimize waste and losses arising from careless handling, bad storage,
or theft, and to reduce costs by obviating double handling or unnecessary

Site accommodations and welfare facilities

Consideration should always be given to the possibility of ensuring that the site
accommodations are kept at a suitable distance from the construction work and
are in such a position to enable the site staff to conduct their duties (welfare
facilities also)
Temporary services

This includes water supply, electricity supply, gas, telephones, and drainage the
requirements of which may vary between different projects.

Workshop position

The position should be indicated to enable the site supervisor to arrange for the
erection of the following types of workshops:

1. Fitter s shops and work area;

2. Joinery shop and machinery area;
3. Reinforcement and bar bending areas; and
4. Concrete mixing.

Bad site layout planning

The bad site layout is usually a multi-criteria problem involving in construction

site without any or less temporary facilities regarding the type of project.
1. There is no enough access to roads to use. Only have two main entries that all
type of vehicles can access.

2. No female toilet for any side of the site layout.

3. They don t provide any temporary office place
4. There is no storage for steel, timber, and other facilities.
5. No temporary services including water supply pipes and waste storage like
a septic tank.
What’s More

Direction: With the guidance and supervision of your parents/guardian,

go outside and plan appropriate site for home-based compost fertilizer
production. Use the checklist below to check appropriate site for compost
fertilizer production. Copy the table and describe honestly the chosen site
by answering follow up questions in a short bond paper.

Is composting separation distances.
Is facility located in areas subject to flooding and where
seasonal high groundwater table is less than 1 meter from
the ground water or where the minimal depth to bedrock
is less than 1.5 meter.
Is facility located on within a protected watershed as
defined by Clean Water Act.
Is facility located at the surface with a slope of between
1% and 6%.
Did the department obtain a letter from the development
officer of a municipality or a district?
Did the department notify the owner of the property that
the facility located 1/2 km from the proposed composting
facility prior to issuance of an Approval Sheet.

1. What are your findings from the table above?
2. Give your recommendations to each of the findings from the table above.


Criteria Score
Accuracy 10 points
Content 10 points
Organization of ideas 5 points
Total 25 points


Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the correct answers in a separate sheet
and submit it to your teacher. Let us determine how much you already know about
preparing site layout.

1. Why is the site layout important?

a. It can affect productivity and is crucial to project success.
b. It assists in minimizing travel time ad movement costs f plant, labor, and
c. a only
d. Both a and b
2. Acquiring knowledge of the project site before setting the site layout can be

obtained from _______.

a. Site investigation
b. Site plan
c. Cite investigation
d. Cite plan
3. This refers to drilling or advancing a hole in the ground.
a. Sampling
b. Boring
c. Testing
d. Drilling
4. The removing of soil from the hole is referred as ______.
a. testing
b. sampling
c. drilling
d. Boring
5. Where is testing of soil properties done?
a. Laboratory
b. Field
c. A only
d. Both A and B
6. The following are general classification of temporary facilities, EXCEPT:
a. Location of plant and equipment
b. Material storage and handing area
c. Record o soil exploration
d. Access road and exit
7. When in site layout planning considered not good?
a. If there is no enough access to roads for use.
b. If it provides any temporary office place.
c. If there is storage for steel, timber, and other facilities.
d. If temporary services like ate supply pipes is available.
8. Which of the following is considered temporary services?
a. Water supply
b. Electricity supply
c. Drainage
d. All of the above
9. What department in the government shall assist in soil testing and analysis?
a. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
b. Department of Energy
c. Department of Agriculture
d. Department of Education
10. The acronym SPT stands for ________.
a. Soil Penetration Test
b. Standard Penetration Test
c. Soil Penetration Testing
d. Standard Penetration Testing


Direction: Read each item carefully. Write T if the statement is correct, F it is

incorrect. You may write your answers in your notebook. Let us determine how
much you already know about composting.

_______ 1. Site layout can affect productivity and is crucial to project success.
_______ 2. It is important to acquire knowledge of the project site before setting out
the site layout.
_______ 3. The knowledge about the project site can be obtained from investigating
_______ 4. Sampling refers to determining the properties of soil.
_______ 5. The acronym SPT stands for Standard Penetration Test.
Additional Activities

Direction: Arrange the steps involved in site investigation. Write A for the first step,
B for the second step, C for the third step and so on. Answer in separate sheet of
paper and submit it to the teacher.

_______ 1. Engineering design stages

_______ 2. Reconnaissance of site works
_______ 3. Laboratory testing
_______ 4. Desk study to collect all the relevant data and information
_______ 5. Review during construction and monitoring
_______ 6. Planning program after reviewing the above
_______ 7. Ground or oil exploration
_______ 8. Preparation and documentation of SI report
Answer Key

Assessment Additional Activities

Multiple Choices 1.G

1.D 3.E
2.A 4.A
3.B 5.H
4.B 6.C
5.D 7.D
6.C 8.F

True or False








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