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Course 1 Bahasa Ingris

Nama : Natasya Priskila Rorano

NIM : 201902021

1. Noun (Kata Benda)

Yesinta read a book yesterday
Yesinta (noun as a subject)
Read (verb)
a (indefinite article)
book (noun)
yesterday (Adverb)
2. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
She is mad with me
she (pronoun as a subject)
is ( to be)
mad (adjective)
with (preposition)
me (Object Pronoun)
3. Verb (Kata Kerja)
they are studying mathematics
they (subject pronoun)
are (Auxiliary verbs)
studying (verb)
mathematics (noun)
4. Adverb (Keterangan)
my brother will come today
my brother (Refleive pronoun)
will (auxiliary verbs)
come (verb)
today (adverb)
5. Pronoun (kata ganti)
Bagas very friendly, so many people like him
Bagas (noun as a subject)
Very (adverb of degree)
Friendly (adjective)
So (conjuction)
Many (pronoun)
People (Plural Countable Noun)
Like (verb)
Him (pronoun)
6. Preposition (kata depan)
she prefers to stay villa and spend time with family
She (pronoun as a subject)
Prefers (verbal transitive)
To (preposition)
Stay (verb)
Villa (conjugation)
And (preposition)
Spend (verb)
Time (adverb)
With (preposition)
Family (noun)
7. Conjuction (Kata Penghubung)
my father is sleeping and my mother is cooking
my (possessive adjective)
father (noun)
is (to be)
sleeping (verb)
and (conjuction)
my (possessive adjective)
mother (noun)
is (to be)
cooking (verb)
8. Interjection (kata seruan)
Wow! You look so beautiful
Wow! (interjection)
You (pronoun)
Look (verb)
So (conjuction)
Beautiful (adjective)

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