Case B

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Target Last

Achieve % term
Annual Target Target over/un
ment Achieve Growth sales
Target (Jan- (Jul-Dec) der
Name Territory (in June) (in (in (Jan- achived ment % (Jan- Jam-Jun
Rs.000) Rs.000) Rs.000) June) (in in first (Jan- June) Last year
Rs.000) June) (in Rs.

Manpreet Jalandhar 15430 9000 6430 9050 50 101 12 8080

Raman Ludhiana 17160 10000 7160 9750 -250 97.5 25 7800
Amritsar 13715 8000 5715 8500 500 106 16 7328
Jayraj Patiala 16285 9500 6785 9600 100 101 11 8649
Tarun Ambala 12860 7500 5360 7800 300 104 20 6500

Vinay Chandiga 13720 8000 5720 8400 400 105 14 7368

Manjit Bathinda 10290 6000 4290 6800 800 113 12 6071
Team 99460 58000 41460 59900 1900 103 15 52087


Annual Target Target Growth New

Target (Jan- (Jul-Dec) Annual
Name Territory % (Jan- target (in
(in June) (in (in June)
Rs.000) Rs.000) Rs.000) 000 INR)
Manpreet Jalandhar 15430 9000 6430 12 15430 6380
Raman Ludhiana 17160 10000 7160 25 15000 5250
Amritsar 13715 8000 5715 16 13715 5215
Jayraj Patiala 16285 9500 6785 11 14595 4995
Tarun Ambala 12860 7500 5360 20 14000 6200
Vinay 13720 8000 5720 14 13720 5320
Manjit Bathinda 10290 6000 4290 12 13000 6200
Team 99460 58000 41460 15 99460 39560
increase New Annual
from last target (in
term (Rs. 000 INR)

970 15430 6380

1950 15000 5250
1172 13715 5215
951 14595 4995
1300 14000 6200
1032 13720 5320
729 13000 6200
7813 99460 39560
Achieve % Sales
Annual Target Last term increase
ment Achieve Growth
Name Territory Target (Jan- (Jan- ment % (Jan- sales Jan- from last Fraction
(in June) (in Jun (in term (Rs. of Jan-Jun
June) (in (Jan- June)
Rs.000) Rs.000) Rs. 000)
Rs.000) June) 000)

Manpreet Jalandhar 15430 9000 9050 101 12 8080 970 58.32793

Raman Ludhiana 17160 10000 9750 97.5 25 7800 1950 58.27506
Brijmoha 7328 1172
Amritsar 13715 8000 8500 106 16
n 58.3303
Jayraj Patiala 16285 9500 9600 101 11 8649 951 58.33589
Tarun Ambala 12860 7500 7800 104 20 6500 1300 58.32037
Chandiga 7368 1032
Vinay 13720 8000 8400 105 14
rh 58.30904
Manjit Bathinda 10290 6000 6800 113 12 6071 729 58.30904
Team 99460 58000 59900 103 15 52087 7813 58.3149

Last Year Right Revised
target target

13853.32 15512.74 6512.742

13384.8 14988.1 4988.096

12562.23 14067 6066.995

14825.6 16601.49 7101.487
11145.33 12480.38 4980.375

12636.84 14150.54 6150.544

10412.5 11659.76 5659.76
88820.63 99460 41460
Achieve %
Annual Target Sales To
ment Achieve Growth Balance
Territor Target (Jan- Jan-Jun- achieve-
Name y (in June) (in (Jan- ment % (Jan- 2020 (in 2021 Target-
June) (in (Jan- June) 2021
Rs.000) Rs.000) Rs. 000) (Jul-Dec)
Rs.000) June)

Manpreet r 15430 9000 9050 101 12 8080 6380 6430

Raman 17160 10000 9750 97.5 25 7800 7410 7160
Brijmohan Amritsar 13715 8000 8500 106 16 7328 5215 5715
Jayraj Patiala 16285 9500 9600 101 11 8649 6685 6785
Tarun Ambala 12860 7500 7800 104 20 6500 5060 5360

Vinay Chandig
arh 13720 8000 8400 105 14 7368 5320 5720
Manjit a 10290 6000 6800 113 12 6071 3490 4290
Team 99460 58000 59900 103 15 52087 39560 41460

Full year
% Jan- New
achived Revised Target Growth
Jun sales- target Taregt Round %
fraction 2021

58.33 13852.7 15425 6425 6380 10.52

58.28 13384.8 14904 4904 5600 0.27

58.33 12562.2 13988 5988 6050 15.58

58.34 14825.6 16509 7009 7009 13.47
58.32 11145.3 12411 4911 5050 8.71

58.31 12636.8 14071 6071 6171 17.13

58.31 10412.5 11595 5595 5200 19.79

58.31 89320.1 99460 41460 41460 11.35

6927 7756.162
6692 7493.032

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