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Libawan, Florabelle May D.


1. Identify and define the problem

The Department of Labor and Employment is one of the National Government

Agencies that implement several programs to lessen the economic impact brought about by
the current pandemic. One of those is this program called COVID Adjustment Measures
Program (CAMP) which aims to aid the affected workers by providing them with a one-time
financial assistance amounting to Php 5,000.00. We were only given a month and a half to
utilize the said funds. It is a huge dilemma as we don’t have much manpower and there are
also regular programs that needs to be taken care of. Also, another problem is the issue with
the system used for CAMP and the internet connectivity.

2. Generate and Evaluate Alternative Courses of Action

To address the identified problem, the Department came up with two options which
are as follows:

Option a. Withdraw the Work form Home Arrangement of employees and have them render
overtime services during weekends and holidays.

Option b. Allow the workers to still work from home on some days especially those who
have a stable internet connection at home.

In option a, the output of the employees can be strictly monitored and the
communication is much easier as everyone is physically present. However, the downside of
this option is that due to many users in the same space, the internet connection will be
much slower which can gravely affect the daily output. Moreover, having them render
overtime services during weekends and holidays will also increase the overall output, but it
can adversely affect their physical and mental health as there will be little to none work-life-
rest balance anymore with that setup.

In option b, faster internet connection can lead to a much larger daily output. Also,
there will be a lesser chance for the workers to get caught by Corona as some of the workers
is in the safety of their home and some are in the office which lessens the possibility of
transmission. However, in this setup, the communication is not that open and the
monitoring of outputs is difficult as not everyone is present in the same space.

3. Decide on a Preferred Course of Action

With the problem at hand, allowing the workers to still work from home on some
days especially those who have a stable internet connection at home is a much better option.
What it needs is a closer monitoring of the assigned tasks. On the system created for CAMP,
there is a dashboard where the Focal Persons can monitor the output/bucket of each
users/employees, if the output of one of the employees is lower than what is expected of
him/her, it can be easily identified and that specific employee has to be informed of that fact
and that he/she has to do more. When it comes to communication, the department has to
make use of the available resources where one can communicate to all, this is easy as we are
in the advent of technology where the information travels really fast.
Libawan, Florabelle May D.

4. Implement the Decision

As the decision has been made, the Department has to issue a Memorandum of the
work arrangement to be implemented, the assigned task of each employees and the daily
target output. It has to be clear for all for easier implementation. For the work arrangement,
each employee shall render a 2 days work from home, and 3 days at the office. Each worker
has to pick their partner as their alternate in which every time they work from home and a
client for the program that they handle comes in there is an alternate who can entertain the
needs of the client. For the daily target, it should be quantified based on the overall target
divided with number of days for the processing and the number of employees.

5. Evaluate Results

To ensure that the decision made is indeed the right choice out of all the alternatives
and to correct it if it’s not, an evaluation of results is necessary.

Thus, after the issuance of such Memorandum, the outputs have to be closely
monitored for a period of one week. If the target is reached, then it is effective, if not, the
Department has to change its option or strategy.

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