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About the Author

An engineer by profession and a

futurologist by hobby, Ashok Ghai is
convener of a study group comprising of
eminent scientists, philosophers, and
persons engaged since about thirty years
in study of religious scriptures of various
faiths and religions. Ghai hit the headlines
when a particular prediction made to a US
based radio site proved to be true just two
days after his interview was put on the site. Though the radio site
had interviews of luminaries like Ratan Tata, Azim Premji, Nandan
Nilikeni and Shabana Azmi on its site, the interview of Ghai topped
their popularity chart after the correctness of his prediction.

Ashok Ghai had earlier predicted every event connected with

the 9/11 incident of New York till the escape of Osama bin Laden
from Afghanistan to Pakistan even before the occurrence of these
incidents. In an interview of Ghai, published on 16-11-2002 in
Hindustan Times, the newspaper had reported about his prediction
made in December 2001 that bin Laden would escape to Pakistan
and hide there.

Excerpts from the interview:

“ THE NEWS that Osama bin Laden is still alive and his
call to fight against the US have once again proved the
accuracy of the prophecy of the great French seer
Nostradamus, said noted scholar Ashok Ghai.

Ghai while talking to newsmen on December 30, 2001, had

interpreted the (Nostradamus) verse saying that the great
army was referred to the army of Laden in the mountain areas
of Tora Bora having a number of 'veins' meaning the covered
passages, against USA, which was described as 'eagle' in the
According to his interpretation word 'PO' was used to
identify Pakistan.

Ghai on this interpretation had concluded in December

2001 itself said, “Laden was destined to save himself in the
present war and would reorganize his militant group again by
July or August 2002 when the Mars and Jupiter conjoin in
cancer to wage relentless war against USA.”

His interpretation of the quatrain proved to be correct.”

Hindustan Times (Nov. 16, 2002)

The study group of Ashok Ghai delved themselves so deep in

their study that they started receiving direct messages from the
cosmic powers. These messages appeared on white papers put by
Ghai in his place of worship. These messages told about the
period of next incarnation of God referred as 'Kalki Avatar' in
Indian scriptures. Reporting these cosmic messages, the Times of
India had published following :

“Very few would believe Ghai's claims, but the

phenomenon has been confirmed by Dr. NSV Kameswar Rao,
FIE, department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT-K). Having examined the “cosmic” picture,
Dr. Rao in his finding, claimed “the picture is absolutely
amazing and unexplainable phenomenon.”

“One thing is certain: This can only be divine work,

because it does not seem to be humanly possible to create such a
picture on a piece of paper that was showed to me. It seems that
some cosmic power have created this picture.” Dr. Rao said.

He said : I feel this picture should be studied and

thoroughly analysed scientifically to understand the cosmic
messages embedded in it. I also feel that this message can be
important for the mankind.”

Professor Rakesh Trivedi, Director, Ambedkar Institute

for the Handicapped, averred that scientists must be on the
lookout for such supernatural occurrences as analysis of such
events can help in understanding the relations between God
and man.

The Times of India, Lucknow (January 16, 2004)

Born in 1945 at Kanpur, Ghai obtained degree in engineering

from University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) in 1967. Amazed
at the accuracy of predictions made by saints and seers, he started
research on such cosmic phenomenon around the year 1973. The
accuracy of his predictions published in local newspapers caused
the formation of a study group in the city of Kanpur.

Based on their studies, his group has also worked for

development of a scheme indicated by the cosmic powers to
eradicate the unemployment problem and for overall
development of the country. The group through its study of
futurology feels that golden period in India would start around the
year 2014, and the required steps would then be taken.

The group is constantly pursuing its study of cosmic

messages received by them. Details of this study are given in this

Ashok Ghai

‘Param Brahma


Lord Krishna

appearing as a
‘White parrot’
holding a

This is one of the cosmic pictures received by the author on papers put by him in his
place of worship. When this picture appeared, only the picture of Lord Krishna as a
child was visible to the naked eye. But, by developing through computers the full
view of ongoing war between the God and the Evil, as described in
SRIMADBHAGWAT and KALKI PURAN, could be seen. The God has been
shown as Lord Krishna, and Evil as a demon. An eye representing the PARAM
BRAHMA has appeared in the top portion of picture, which seems to be keeping an
eye on what is happening in the world. As these scriptures were written by
MAHARSHI SHUKDEV, his picture has appeared as a white parrot & holding a
book. The book obeviiously, is SRIMAD BHAGWAT.
This is probably for the first time in the history of mankind that such a cosmic
message has been sent to us, and therefore, this must be to give the specific
The unknown and esoteric has ever tantalised human
intellect. It has not unoften chided its assiduous efforts to probe
the mystery of the universe and the forces that control it.
Prophets, seers, astrologers and other gifted intellectuals have to
an extent succeeded in piercing 'the dark backward and abysm of
Time' (Shakespeare). They have declared that a cataclysmic
change would occur in the world around the year 2000 A.D. and it
would witness the advent of an incarnation of God known as
'Kalki Avtar'. Syt. Ghai, in his moments of divine ecstasy, has
directly received astonishing revelations regarding the existence
of God and the Kalki Avtar. These have been tested and
corroborated with the help of computers.

I am sure the fruits of these researches will go a long way in

enabling us to dissipate the formidable forces of evil that threaten
us, and humanity will be able to materialise the dream of poet:

'The world's great age will begin anew,

The golden years return.'
M. N. Shukla
Former Chief Justice
Allahabad High Court, U.P.

Just before start
Past is History; Future is Mystery
Sometimes persons of future times may be seen in present
ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal them by means
of images. Many prophets have come in this world as God's
representatives to tell us about the future that we were destined to
know. All is ruled and governed by the power of Almighty God,
and predictions are made by his appointed messengers through
the inspiration of Divine Will alone and the spirit of prophecy in
particular. It is written in Bible: 'I will pour out my spirit upon all
flesh and your sons and daughters will prophesy'.

Famous French Prophet Nostradamus had also written:

We human beings cannot through our natural consciousness

and intelligence know anything of God the Creator's hidden
secrets, for it is not for us to know the times or the instants, etc.
God may bring into being, the divine works which are absolute;
there is another level, that of angelic works; and a third way, that
of the evil doers.

However, these prophetic messages can not be understood

and appreciated by everyone. Even Jesus Christ had warned
against giving this knowledge to those who do not deserve it :

Do not give anything holy to the dogs, nor throw pearls in

front of the pigs lest they trample them with their feet and turn on
you and tear you apart.

In 'Gita', Lord Krishna has also warned against giving the

divine knowledge to those who do not deserve it. In verse 68 of
chapter 18 of 'Gita', Lord Krishna says to Arjun: What I have told
you is the highest order of Mystery, and this knowledge should not
be given to anyone who is not virtuous and who is not keen to
know it. To those who deserve this knowledge, it should be given
with full affection, love, and enthusiasm.

I hope that, through this book, the divine messages given by

saints and prophets for benefit of mankind would reach those who
wish and deserve to know and understand them. This book is
virtually an extension of my earlier book – “Nostradamus : Third
World War and India”, published in 2003. Since then many
events have occurred that match the predictions made, and many
more divine messages that have been received. I have retained
some information given in my earlier book, which is relevant
even today, in order to present a complete picture.

I will be failing in my duty if I do not express my gratitude

towards my friends who not only associated, but also guided and
helped me in my writings. I feel deeply obliged to:

Mr. Manoj Kapoor (Sahitya Niketan) who has provided me his

valuable advice and allowed the use of his personal library
containing very rare books and literature on occult, mystical and
philosophical subjects.

Mr. Arjun Ghosh (Stamp and Book Corner) not only complied
with my request for rare books on Nostradamus, but also
suggested and emphasised certain points regarding these
prophecies. Even during the verification of certain quatrains in
relation to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the study of Arjun
Ghosh with regard to Netaji was quite helpful.

Mrs. Kavita Singhania, editor of Express Star Teller, for

providing me the results of latest research work on Nostradamus
being carried out in this field in various countries, which has been
very helpful in developing this book.

Mr. G.P. Verma (Hindustan Times) whose help and guidance

initiated me in this work.

Swami Shivbodh and Vishal Sood for their astrological

calculations and advice.

Pandit Sumant Misra, the convener of 'Sandhan'- a

philosophical circle of Kanpur, who was of such great assistance
that the probable dates and time of events supported by the
verifications through the planetary movements could be
concluded vis-à-vis the predictions given in Srimadbhagwat,
and those made by Nostradamus.

Mr. Ram Kishore Bajpayee, a philosopher in his own right who

has been helpful in editing the book, as well as in giving correct
information about the location of 'Shambhal' .

Er. Tarun Khamesra, for work of computer applications during

study of the subject, and for correct decoding of certain
Nostradamus prophecies.

Er. Girish Chandra, a senior engineer in HAL (now Retired),

who had conducted experiments at the time of statues of Lord
Ganesha drinking milk, has concluded that certainly something
miraculous happened that day.

In all the mystical subjects, the philosophical hotchpotch and

fancies to various faiths of different individuals come across in
day-to-day life. But those, with positive, practical, and divine
blessings are above such complexes. I have been fortunate to
know Prof. K.M. Wasim, Head of the Department of Philosophy
(Retd.) at D.A.V. College, Kanpur, who is a direct descendant of
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer. He has specified to me the
difference between 'Believers and Non-Believers' in the light of
works of Nostradamus.

I am also thankful to my friends from IIT Roorkee Alumni
Association, Kanpur chapter, especially.

Last, but not the least I am thankful to my sons Vinayak and

Lokesh, and my wife Asha who regularly helped and prompted
me for rigorous continuity of this highly complicated task.
Ashok Ghai

1. Impending change of order on earth
2. Scientific perception of God
3. Prophecies of Mayan Culture and other Races
4. Perils of 2012
5. Are all the major events predestined?
6. Prophecies of French Prophet Nostradamus
7. Accuracy of Nostradamus prophecies
8. Different Phases in the Predictions of Nostradamus
9. Prophet who would bring peace of 1000 years on
10. Nostradamus on India
11. Guidelines to India by Nostradamus
12. Veera Brahmendra Swami
13. Buddhist prophecies
14. Divine messages
15. There is a divine plan to save the humanity.
16. World powers of future
17. Shifting of life from earth to another planet of our
solar system
18. Epilogue
19. Two letters of dedication by Nostradamus

It has been described in scriptures of almost all religions of
the world that a time would come when the mankind will not be
able to manage its affairs; there would be widespread disorder on
earth due to rampant corruption, selfishness, cruelty,
mismanagement of governments resulting in resentments,
agitations, and criminal activities leading to a situation of total
chaos which would necessitate direct involvement and
interference of cosmic powers in order to restore sanity in the
mankind. This cosmic process would start in the year 2001;
would last till 2025; would become visible in the year 2012, and
would be fully evident by 27th July 2014.

Whenever untruth and unrighteousness begin to dominate

true religion and humanity starts moaning, then for the protection
of truth and true religion, the Supreme Consciousness manifests
itself on earth to alleviate the vigor of sin, untruth, and

The same tradition seems to have been repeated in the present

era, and studies in this regard reveal that the Supreme
Consciousness has already manifested itself for bringing about a
total change of order on earth through a cosmic process described
as incarnation of Kalki Avtar in Hindu scriptures, Mehdi-
Alaisalam by Muslims, Maitreya by Buddhists, Rider on White
Horse by Christians, and by many other names written in
different scriptures and described by saints and seers. Sikh
scriptures also describe this process as incarnation as Kalki

A study group comprising of eminent scientists and

philosophers, to which author is also actively associated, was
formed in Kanpur about 30 years back. The group is carrying out
research work in this field since then, mainly on following issues:

1. If really, there are GOD and his forces?

2. If they contact us?
3. What they intend to tell us?
4. Has a supreme consciousness really emerged on earth to bring
atotal change of order on the earth leading to a golden era?

This group has obtained widespread information through

various scriptures and prophecies about the period of advent of
this incarnation of GOD on earth and HIS subsequent activities.
The group feels that comic powers have themselves helped us in
arriving at these conclusions. For this, the group has studied the
prophecies given in scriptures of all religions, and also the
narrations by Maharishi Vedvyas, Shukdeo, Gautam Buddha,
Jesus Christ, Nostradamus, Soordas, Newton, Guru Gobind
Singh, Brahmendra Swami, and many other saints. We have
also been helped by the research of Dr. N. Rajaram (a
Mathematician who worked in American space agency NASA for
20 years). The group finds that events in world are occurring
exactly as predicted in our scriptures. A prophecy described in
Buddhist scriptures hundreds of years back regarding the King of
Tripoli (Libya) i.e. Colonel Gaddafi, has been fulfilled few days
back exactly in the same words as described.

Number of prophets and visionaries across the world, in their

veiled language; have given specific information about this
process described as next incarnation of God. This includes
eminent scientists like Sir Isaac Newton and Michael D.
Nostradamus (the famous French prophet who was a doctor and
had obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine).

Sir Isaac Newton had researched on this subject for 55 years

and had written nearly 4500 pages about it. He had concluded that
there really exists a power that controls the universe. He had also
predicted the approximate time of His next incarnation on earth to
be around 2000 A.D.

French prophet Nostradamus had described many future

events that fit the picture of future like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

His prophecies include advent of an incarnation of God to

establish the rule of true religion on earth in order to usher in a
golden period of one thousand years for the humanity. Our group
has studied these prophecies and also what has been written in
ancient scriptures of various religions. On basis of these studies
we have tried to find the answers of abovementioned questions.
Based on the research up to now, our findings are concluded as

1. In Gita (chapter 10, verse-6) Lord Krishna tells Arjun that He
had created 25 Powers, which came to establish life on earth.
They control the evolution of life, and are Kings of entire
mankind on our planet. Our research work proves this to be true,
as we have found many events happening on earth which could
have been perpetuated only by the cosmic powers.

2. The centre of these powers on earth is a place called

'Shambhal' which is situated underground near Mongolia.
Several persons including Pythagoras, Apollonius, Nicholas
Roerich, and many saints and seers have visited this place on
invitation of these masters, and have written the accounts of their
visits to Shambhal. We have come across many facts during our
research which prove these descriptions to be true.

3. After 55 years of research in this field, Sir Isaac Newton had

written that there is a superpower known as God that controls the
universe, and prophecies regarding the events of distant future are
made by God through his messengers, for some specific purpose.

4. Such prophecies,which have been made by many prophets

and have also been given in the scriptures of various religions,
have mainly been made to tell the mankind about a total change of
order in the world to be affected by cosmic powers by 2025. There
is to be a war of terrorism; also natural destructions would occur
during the period of 2001 to 2025. The world would reach a
calamitous situation by end of 2013, necessitating the cosmic
powers to take control of the situation, after which there would a
Mahabharata type of war between powers of good and evil lasting
till 2025.

5. The next incarnation of God described in scriptures and by

various prophets is actually the advent of a Super Cosmic Power,
which will affect the minds of people to bring them back in the
fold of religion. It would be clear to the world by 27th July 2014
that a cosmic power has taken control of the situation on earth.

6. There is a cosmic plan, which if undertaken by the mankind,

can minimise the calamities. This plan was told about 40 years
back by a Mahatma to an Australian writer Andrew Tomas, when
Tomas was visiting Tibet. Tomas tried to publicise this plan
through his books, but not much heed was paid to it. It has been
described in chapter 15 of this book.

7. There are indications to prove that after the death of Andrew

Tomas in 2001, this work was entrusted by the cosmic powers to
our study group at Kanpur. We have been trying our best to tell the
details of this plan, but still very few people seem to be paying
attention. From this we conclude that only after some big
disasters occur on earth, people would start heeding the said
cosmic plan, but we are afraid that by that time a big chunk of
population on earth could be wiped out.

8. Some big and unanticipated disasters were destined to occur
on earth starting from 2011 to end of 2013. Some events in shape
of earthquakes and tsunamis have already occurred in 2011.
Further events may include a shift in axis of earth that may cause
more earthquakes, tsunamis, and critical weather. This would
also cause big chunks of glaciers falling in the sea near North and
south poles causing inundation of coastal areas all around the
globe. After this, the cosmic powers would take over the control
of situation on earth in year 2014, and as they would be able to
defeat the powers of evil by 2025, there would usher in a golden
period for mankind. This would be as predicted in Hindu,
Muslim, Buddhist, Persian, and Mayan scriptures, and also in
prophecies of Brahmendra Swami, Nostradamus, Newton,
Soordas, and Guru Gobind Singh.

In this book I would try to give the details and reasoning

regarding the abovementioned conclusions.



First of all we would analyse if there is existence of a super
power known as GOD that controls the universe. We find two
types of people; those who believe in God and his existence, and
the others who do not believe in this phenomenon.

Nobel Prize winner scientist Dr. S. Chandrasekhar and

another well known scientist Dr. Stephen Hawkins have opined
that there is no such power, and everything on this earth has been
created through the theory of evolution. Scriptures of many
religions and all saints & seers differ on this issue. They accept
the existence of God.

However, the scientists and scriptures agree on one point i.e.

'The Big Bang Theory'. Scientist say there was a big bang
(massive explosion) that created tiny particles known as 'God
Particles'; these particles joined to create universe comprising of
energy, matter, life, consciousness and intelligence purely
through an AT RANDOM process known as 'Evolution' or
gradual development. This can also be termed as a process by
which energy, matter, and living organism develop from earlier

The theory of 'God Particle' was developed by famous

scientist named Higgs, and therefore, these particles are also
known as 'Higgs Boson'. The existence of Higgs Boson or the
God Particle was predicted almost four decades ago by this
British physicist Peter Higgs as a mean to explain how
fundamental particles gain mass in the space-time continuum.
According to Higgs theory, during the Big Bang event all matter
had no mass, but that changed in few fractions of a second. A
Higgs field might have stuck to the particles as they traveled
through space, thus giving them mass. By gaining mass,
fundamental particles received the capability of creating
gravitational disturbances so that larger cosmic bodies were
formed: galaxy clusters, galaxies, stars, planets.

According to ancient scriptures, God, which was in shape of

an uninterrupted 'PURE ENERGY', dismantled Himself into
tiniest known particles (also termed as God Particles). These
particles were seeds of universe and each God particle contained
the entire SOFTWARE of creation of universe. Each particle was
like seed of a tree that develops in a big tree exactly on the basis of
a program embedded in the seed. Therefore, it can be concluded
that when God Particles were created, there existed some
consciousness which formulated the program or software that
was embedded in the God Particles.

This negates the views of Dr. Chandrasekhar and Dr. Hawkins

that universe was created through an at random process known as
evolution. Certainly, there was some power before the creation of
the universe through formation of God Particles, which
formulated the entire program of creation of universe and put it in
the God Particles.

Similar view was expressed by Newton, who considered

himself to be a divine messenger; perhaps correctly. Apples fell
on chests of so many persons; why only Newton researched this
phenomenon and came up with the theory of gravitational force
that paved way for understanding the realm of universe? He had
said “Gravity explains the motions of planets, but it cannot
explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and
knows all that is or can be done”.

Newton also observed “This most beautiful system of Sun,

planets, and comets; could only proceed from the counsel and
dominion of an intelligent being. This being governs all things,
not as could or would, but as Lord Overall; and on account of his
dominion HE is wont to be called 'Lord God' or 'Universal Ruler'.
The Supreme God is a Being Eternal, Infinite; (and) absolutely

Opposition to God line is atheism in profession and idolatry in

practice. According to Newton, “atheism is so senseless and
odious to mankind that it never had many professors”.

Newton considered God to be absolutely perfect, but not so

His creation. In his opinion the universe needs occasional
interventions of God.

The views of French prophet Nostradamus in this regard,

which he had published in his book of prophecies, seem to be
most relevant:

Events of human origin are not certain, but everything is

ordered and governed by the incalculable power of God,
inspiring in us not through drunken fury, nor by frantic
movement, but through the influences of the stars. Only those
divinely inspired can predict particular things in a prophetic
spirit. For a long time I have been making many predictions, far
in advance, of events that have since come to pass, naming the
particular place. I attribute all this to divine power and

We, therefore, can conclude that there exists a power that

controls the universe, and He or His forces can interfere in the
happenings on earth, or elsewhere, whenever required.

(Chapter -3)

End of world in 2012-13


A Mayan artifact in Mexico City

Considerable research has been done regarding The Mayan

Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness by many
scholars including Carl Johan Calleman and Donald L. O'Dell,
and a lot of literature is available on this subject including articles
by Tap Vann. Also there was a movie named '2012', which was
made after studying all the available material on this topic.
Through all this, most of us have learned about a Mayan Prophecy
which is to signal the end of time or the end of the world by
December 2012 (some say 2013). However, many scholars feel
that the prophecy is not about the end of the world, but about a
total change of order in the world.

Predictions made by an Indian saint Veera Brahmendra

Swami hundreds of years back (discussed in chapter 11 of this
book) are important in this regard. According to his predictions,
the life will not end on our planet in 2012. There are several books
where prophecies of Brahmendra Swamy have been discussed.
These include “Nostradamus and Beyond” by Dr. N. Rajaram,
and "2012 and beyond" by Pavuluri Sreenivasachary. According
to their research, severe earthquakes and calamities are indicated
in the Telugu year 'Nandana' (2012–13) indicating big disasters,
and also the revival of Mayan civilization.
Pavuluri Sreenivasachary has written in the referred book
that Mayan people are said to be the descendants of
Viswakarma/Viswabrahmin community of India, who had
migrated to North America long ago. If it is true; Mayans were
certainly in possession of ancient Indian scriptures.
From certain facts about Mayans, verified in Guatemala
where they lived after migrating from India, they were able to
make contacts with extra-terrestrials and were able to make
remarkable progress in fields of astrology, construction of
pyramids and other buildings where they could meditate and
gather much information about the mystery of universe, which
was not known to them when they were in India.
Possible reason behind the ending of Mayan Calendar in the
indicated period is that they might have noticed the prophecies
about transformation of mankind to be brought about by the
cosmic powers in this period as given in Indian scriptures, and as
such they would have left the Calendar calculations and
predictions to our fate.
Surprisingly, it was clearly mentioned about the change of
velocity of planets, etc. in 'Kalagnanam' (the book written by
Brahmendra Swamy hundreds of years back), and in particular,
there would be a change in the velocity of Jupiter after the Telgu
year 'Plavanga' (2027–28) and suddenly after 2034 Jupiter will
transit three Rasis in one year. This has proved to be astonishingly
accurate because Jupiter is actually transiting three Rasis – Aires,
Taurus, and Gemini in 2036.
Sir Isaac Newton has also mentioned years 2034 and 2060 as
important dates during the period of this change of order on earth.
Had he studied Mayan prophecies, Srimadbhagwat, and
prophecies of Brahmendra Swamy, he might have indicated the
period of 2012 to 2014 also as an important period during the said
Maya, an ancient culture

Picture of a Pyramid structure made by Mayans

According to the research of many scholars who have studied

the Mayan predictions, and have posted the information on
internet, the Mayans - living in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico
- are an old culture, dating back to the time of the early Roman
Empire in Europe. They built pyramids with the same precision
as the Egyptians, though not quite as large. They had a very
sophisticated understanding of astronomy and mathematics, all
of which is reflected in the complexity of their calendar.

There are nine Underworlds in the universe of the Mayan

culture. Each Underworld consists of seven days and has a
duration - a length of time - that is equivalent to twenty times
the length of the subsequent underworld. These lengths of time
are called 'cycles' in the Mayan Calendar. The last day of each
cycle contains all of the following cycles, so all cycles will end at
the same time. Each cycle is divined to accomplish a "greater"
sense of consciousness; built on the previous cycle and,
simultaneously, to lay preparations for the following cycle.

During the initial cycle, the universal consciousness moved
from the Big Bang and the creation of matter to the emergence of
cell structures.

During the second cycle, consciousness moved from cellular

structures to mammalian organisms.

Consciousness shifted from animals to primates during the

third cycle and from primates to humans in the fourth cycle.

During the fifth cycle, humans raised their consciousness

with the development of a spoken language and a community

The sixth cycle began with the development of a written

language and a sense of a national consciousness.

During the seventh cycle, beginning about the time of The

Industrial Age, the idea that we were a global people was

The eighth cycle, which we are currently in, will see that
embryonic sense of a global community come to fruition.

The last cycle - or age - the Mayan Calendar records will end
in 2012 (or 2013). It marks the end of our dualistic civilization as
we currently know it - east/west, rich/poor, either/or, us/them,
me/you - and the beginning of a new order of life: Global
citizenship; Intuitive knowledge; Sharing of resources;
Cooperation rather than competitiveness; Spirit-driven rather
than materialistic-driven.

Each 'cycle', according to the Mayans, is twenty times shorter

than the one preceding. This rather simple fact of the Mayan
Calendar very neatly explains what we have all suspected and often
hear: Events not only seem to be speeding up, events are speeding up.
The first cycle began 16.4 Billion years ago, close to when
astronomers now fix the Big Bang event and the beginning of the
creation of matter. The second cycle began 850 million years ago,
near to the time frame anthropology and geology use as the
beginning of the first animals.

The third cycle began 40 million years ago, near to when

scientists now believe was the emergence of the first primates.
The fourth cycle began 2 million years ago, near to when
anthropology places the emergence of the first humans.

The fifth cycle began 102,000 years ago with the probability
of the first spoken language, according to anthropologists.

The sixth cycle began 5,125 years ago with the emergence of
the first written language, which according to some scholars was
'Sumerian'. However, ancient Indians scriptures including Vedas,
Puranas, Upnishads, Ramayana, and Mahabharata are believed to
written much earlier. This sixth cycle, known as the National
Underworld, is also the beginning of the Mayan "Long Count"

The seventh cycle (known as the Planetary Underworld)

began 256 years ago; about the time historians place the
beginning of the Industrial Age. It was near the end of this cycle
that the 1st Harmonic Convergence occurred in 1987, ushering in
a countdown to the end of the Mayan Long Count. The eighth
cycle began in 1999 and will last 12.8 years (4680 days). It is
thecycle we are currently in (when this book is being written i.e.
2011) and is called by the Mayans the Galactic Underworld.*

*During this period there were agitations in many Arab and
Muslim countries for restoration of democracy, and in India
movements of Swami Ramdev and Anna Hazare were witnessed
for end to corruption and for ethical behaviour by politicians.

The Galactic Cycle has been marked by the realisation of the
true impact of information technology on the global economy, as
expressed by the use of the Internet. The marked rise in the
importance and role of intuition and the spiritual unity of the
global community is also quite evident. The movement will move
rapidly from an either/or (or us/them) mentality to one of true
global cooperation and sharing. This phenomenon is often
referred to as one of higher vibrations or the beginning of a non-
dual cosmic consciousness.

The ninth cycle, known as the Universal Underworld,

would last only 260 days. Scholars differ regarding the exact date
of its end, but it may be in the period 2012-13. Some believe that
the end of this ninth cycle is also known as the birth of the 6th Sun
and the 5th Earth - the beginning of a new 5,125-year cycle. In
this period the mankind would enter a new phase.

At the end of the calendar, according to the Mayans,

humankind will have direct divine contact, understanding and
consciousness. This will not happen all at once. Slowly, the
mankind will be able to understand the divine plan and act
according to the cosmic messages.

The end of the Mayan Calendar is not predicting a

physical end of the world - just like a physical end of the world is
not described in the Book of Revelations in the Bible. But,
according to the Mayans, this last Cycle, the Universal
Underworld, does mark an end of the world as we know it - as we
have come to understand how things work.

When these shifts in consciousness or shifts in perceived

reality occur, there will be persons - those in power; those
interested in keeping the things the way they have been; those
immersed in the existing religious systems - who will "fight" to
prevent change. So, there will be conflict, as is always the case
with change. Could the conflict become so severe that nuclear
weapons could be unleashed and the earth would become
uninhabitable? It certainly is possible.

After all this turmoil is over, we would start moving

towards a level of collective consciousness and to an age of peace
and harmony. Other spiritual movements have similar traditions.
Egyptian and Vedic literature describes the transformation of
consciousness. The Incans, the Hopi, and the Keys of Enoch
discussed the return of the Children of Light and the rise in
spirituality and decline in religion. Theosophical Society, in its
literature including 'The Secret Doctrine' has discussed in detail
the forthcoming transformation of mankind.

Now it is to be seen what actually happens during 2012 to 2014.

Importance of 5125 years cycle

Mayans had mentioned about 5125 yearlong cycles. The
computer calculations about the time of birth of Lord Krishna
suggest this date to be 27th July 3112 B.C. If we add 5125 years to
this date, we get 27th July 2013. This may indicate the period of
emergence of a Super Consciousness in our era like that of
Krishna. Both, Veera Brahmendra Swamy and Nostradamus had
indicated this period (from 2014 to 2025) as a calamitous period
for mankind, when a Super Consciousness will have to emerge on
earth in order to control the situation.

Another film based on Mayan prophecies

After the release of a popular film '2012' few years back
based on Mayan prophecies, another movie is being made by a
producer named Raul Julia Levy titled “Revelations of the
Mayans 2012 and Beyond”. This movie, which is due for a
theatrical release in late 2012, has been made after actual research
which proves that Mayans had contact with extraterrestrials. This

has been stated by the producer of this film who told WWN that
the evidence is 'overwhelming ', and his statement has been
confirmed by Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado, the Minister of
Tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche. He has said that new
evidence has emerged of contact between the Mayans and
extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices,
which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for
some time.

“Mexico will release codices, artifacts and significant

documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact,
and all of their information will be corroborated by
archaeologists,” said Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia.

Raul Julia claims there is proof that the Mayans had intended
to lead the planet for thousands of years, but were forced to escape
after an invasion by “men of dark intentions,” leaving behind
evidence of an advanced race. “The Mexican government is not
making this statement on their own — everything we say, we're
going to back it up,” he said.

The film is directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo, who won the

Humanitas Prize for “Those Who Remain” in 2009 and the
Sundance Grand Jury Prize for International Documentary for
“In the Pit” in 2006.

“The message of the film is crucial to human survival,”

Julia Levy has said.

When Julia Levy, producer Ed Elbert and co-producer Sheila

McCarthy announced the Mexican cooperation with their
documentary to, they were circumspect about claims of alien contact,
with Julia-Levy admitting he'd been ordered not to say anything about
it. The Guatemalen government was also skeptical and brushed off
the question about alien contact, while allowing the filmmakers'
access to previously unexplored sections of a Mayan site at Calakmul.
Not only did the Guatemalen government change its tune, but
they also joined the project, giving access to artifacts and newly
discovered prophecies. “We believe for certain that aliens worked
with the Mayans” said Guatemalen Arts Minister, Jose Rosado.

“Guatemala, like Mexico, home to the ancient yet advanced

Mayan civilization, has also kept certain provocative
archeological discoveries classified, and now believes that it is
time to bring forth this information in the new documentary,”.
Guatemala's Minister of Tourism, Guillermo Novielli Quezada,
has said in a statement that his country was working with
filmmakers “for the good of mankind.”

Raul-Julia also claims that the order to cooperate came

directly from the country's President, Alvaro Colom Caballero.
Thus, Guatemala is the first country which has given official
recognition to Mayan prophecies. Although such research is
being made in USA and some other countries also, they have kept
it secret. However, Dan Burisch, a noted Micro-biologist who had
worked in Area 51 (a secret research station of USA based in
Nevada) has disclosed that they have in their possession an alien
whom they have named J Rod. This alien, according to interviews
of Dan Burisch, has prophetic powers and has predicted
widespread disasters on earth. It is also reported that based on
these findings, USA has made many shelters to save as many and
as much as possible.

Our study group did not have direct access to the ancient
Mayan literature, and therefore, I have taken liberty to give here the
observations of various scholars of Mayan literature in their own
words, as posted on internet. It has been our endeavor to make a
comparative study of the prophecies made in scriptures of various
races, cultures and religions, and to publish it for the benefit of
mankind. However, we would like to state that according to some
scholars, there may a variation of one year in their calculations, and
time of start of total transformation may be in December 2013, not 2012.
According to a famous scholar of this subject Dr. Zelta, this
transformation would bring us to greater recognition of our spiritual
mastery. This gateway to personal empowerment brings the awareness
that our reality is less solid than it seems. Within this moment, the
fulfillment and realisation we seek would be within our reach.

(Chapter- 4)

Is a major change coming soon? Such changes have been
predicted many times in the past, but not much had happened.
May be this time it is different. Let us examine this issue critically.
According to NASA and other research organisations, our
earth may be hit by a barrage of solar storms in 2012-13. An
eminent scientist Dr. Mausimi Dikpati has said that electro
magnetic tsunamis are expected on earth in a big way during this
period. Solar Conveyer Belts control sun's magnetic field and
cause such tsunamis, and are indicated by sun-spots. This
phenomenon is not rare, and such activities are recorded on earth
every now and then. Similar massive tsunamis came in 1859,
Then, Telegraph wires were burnt, electrical installations went
berserk, and cables were fried. But, it did not affect the human life
to a great extent.
Now, such solar storms can paralyse the entire life on earth.
Entire communication network, internet, satellites, and
computers may go berserk. Today everything is controlled by
help of computers and communication networks. If these systems
start malfunctioning, power and water supply would be affected;
aeroplanes, road traffic, and trains would stop; electric supplies
and air-conditioning would shut down; in short, havoc would be
created on earth.
If essential requirements like power and water are
interrupted, widespread disturbance would be caused including
possibilities of rioting and looting. Do we expect government
employees and other organisations engaged in provision of the
essential commodities to resume their duties in these
circumstances? No chance.
Situation may become out of hand, and governments may
collapse. In fact such scenario has been predicted long ago for this
period by knowledgeable saints and prophets.
Who can help the mankind in such a situation? Perhaps the
cosmic powers that control the happenings on earth have a plan to
save us. This has been discussed in chapter 16 of this book.
Lord Krishna has said in verse 6, chapter 10 of 'Gita' that He
had caused the advent of 25 cosmic powers (four Kumars,
fourteen Manus, and seven Maharishis) for evolution of life on
earth. They are the kings of population on our planet. This
phenomenon has been described in many scriptures and literature
of Theosophical Society. In fact, some of these cosmic powers
described in Gita by Lord Krishna have actually contacted the
founders and other functionaries of Theosophical society,
including Annie Besant, and have told them about the future of
mankind and the cosmic plan, but so far not much heed has been
paid to it by the mankind.
Perhaps for this reason, it has become necessary for the
cosmic powers to bring some big disasters (or at least small
disasters that earth is facing these days) to warn us, in order to
carry on with their plan of evolution of life on earth.
Certainly, the powers that could create life on earth can also
save us. J. Krishnamurthy, a noted philosopher and theosophist,
has said in his book 'At the Master's Feet' that there was a divine
plan of God for the humanity. Krishnamurthy has written that this
plan is so beautiful that whosoever has understood it can not think
of anything else. Our study group is trying to understand this plan,
and believe it or not, some of our members have also received
direct communication regarding this plan from cosmic powers.
But, instead of believing in cosmic powers and paying heed to
them, the governments of various countries are busy in building
shields to save as many persons as possible in the eventuality of
such disasters. USA and other governments are building shelters;
Norway government is constructing Doomsday Vaults on island
of Svalbad, and similar steps are reportedly being taken by many
other governments. In fact, it seems that the governments cannot
do much in such situation, and therefore, they do not want the
people to know, let alone think about this phenomenon.

When in 1999 the Y 2K Bug was anticipated, which was a
minor problem as compared to what can happen in 2012-13, the
official channels of every country were issuing continuous
guidelines as what to do and what not to do. Now, when the
problem can be massive, no government is saying anything
officially; only media is voicing its apprehensions basing on
findings of NASA and other scientific organisations, and that too
without doing proper research.
We can ourselves try to understand what is happening on
earth in last few years, and what can happen in future. The last few
years have been deadliest in the present period. During 2004
about 2.3 lacs people were killed in Asian Tsunami. In 2005
hurricane 'Katrina' caused massive destruction in USA including
thousands of deaths. In 2006 Philippines Mudslides caused
massive destruction, and in 2008 cyclone 'Nargis' in Myanmar
caused 1.46 lac deaths besides enormous loss to entire cities.
During 2011 tsunamis that occurred in Indonesia and Australia
caused whole cities to submerge in water.
The number of earthquakes and volcano eruptions in last few
years has been alarming in recent past. In January 2010 an
earthquake of magnitude 6.5 'Eureka' hit California in USA.
Earthquakes in China during last few years have caused hundreds
of dams to breach causing inundation of large areas and immense
loss of life. During 2010, hundreds of tornados hit USA. In
January 2011 the number of tornados in USA was 36, while in
April this number was 577. The devastation caused by
earthquakes and subsequent tsunami in 2011 is still fresh in our
The problem with governments of developed countries and
the scientist working for them is that they do not want to share
their knowledge with anyone. They want to use that knowledge
only for their benefit. During ancient times, the saints
themselves were scientists. Now, the process of materialism has
separated science and spirituality. This is the main cause of the
predicament that we are in today.

In this book, I have tried to cull out the reality on basis of

findings of both – saints & scientists. It has not been done to
create some sensation or panic, but to present the view of cosmic
powers who want to save the humanity. These cosmic powers
have been described in the literature of Theosophical Society,
particularly in Annie Besant's book 'The Inner Government of
the World'.

Basing on their study of sun-spots during the past hundreds of

years, scientists at NASA and other research organisations are
quite confident that the solar activity would peak in the years
2012-13 (described as 'Solar Maximum'), and would cause
disturbances on earth. But if nothing remarkable happens, it
could mean that the cosmic powers have intervened to save the
life on earth. Already there are reports that some 'cooling effect'
on Sun has been observed. Has this cooling effect been created by
the cosmic powers to counter the effects of 'Solar Maximum'?

When governments cannot do anything to avert the predicted

disasters, can the cosmic powers and the mankind do anything
about it? Our study group is engaged in this research since about
thirty years, perhaps according to the will of cosmic powers. This
book is intended to tell the results of our research.

Although it is hinted by Lord Krishna in 'Gita' that whatever is
happening on earth is predestined, still this is hard to believe. But
we have come across so many proofs of this phenomenon being
correct that we cannot ignore it also. Apart from prophecies of
Nostradamus and many other prophets, discussed later in this
book, our study group has come across many eventualities and
incidents which prove that all major events in our lives are
predestined. Whatever is happening on earth seems to be

Many saints, whose prophetic powers and performed

miracles have been personally verified by our group, are also of
the view that the script of whatever is happening on earth has
already written by the almighty.

Some of such eventualities are described in this chapter.

Dr. Meher Master Moos, President of Zoroastrian College,

Mumbai, in an article published in 'Mystic India' in 1995, had
discussed the predictions made about one hundred years back by
a Parsi saint regarding the future of India.

Zoroastrian College, situated at Pheroz Shah Mehta Road,

Mumbai, has been accorded the status of a 'Deemed University'
by many universities of the world. The said predictions have been
recorded and are kept there. The saint Ustad Saheb Behramshah
Nowroji Shrof had met the Rana of Mewar at the beginning of
20th century and had made these predictions which have proved to
be astonishingly accurate, particularly in light of the fact that the
period when these predictions were made was about fifty years
before India's independence, and then no one could even think
such events to take place in future.

The Parsi saint had predicted following:

1. Swaraj is of no benefit to the people but it will come anyway as

it is in the destiny of the country. But by getting Swaraj, the people
of India will not be happy. Inflation will rocket sky high and
everything will become so very expensive that the ordinary man
will not be able to afford to live. A new kind of rulers of India will
make the people their servants.

2. The age of princes would be over and age of ordinary people

would set in.

3. After the British Raj in India was over, India would be divided
in two countries and a man from the North would rule India.

4. Then a man would rule for a very short time, after which a
woman from the North would rule for eleven years.

5. She would be followed by a man from Gujarat and then she

would again rule for a short time.

6. After that there would be chaos in India.

At the beginning of 20th century, when these predictions were

made, no one could think that the age of princes would be over
and democracy would set in. Also, fifty years before
independence, no one could think that the country would be
divided. The first ruler, as predicted by Ustad Saheb as 'a man
from North', turned out to be Pandit Nehru. Then a man (Lal
Bahadur Shashtri) ruled for a short time. Thereafter, as predicted
by Ustad Saheb, a woman from North (Indira Gandhi) ruled
exactly for eleven years. She was followed by Morarji Desai (man
from Gujarat), and she again came back to rule for a short time.
The assassinations of Smt. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi
were accurately described by Nostradamus (refer page-108)
indicating even the periods of their death.

Ustad Saheb had also described that there would be chaos in

India, and inflation will rocket sky high and everything will
become so very expensive that the ordinary man will not be able
to afford to live. A new kind of rulers would rule India, who will
treat the people like their servants. That situation has already
come, and we are witnessing a silent revolution against the
establishment in India.

The events, thereafter, seem to be described by the Parsi saint

and Nostradamus in coded words. But, the meanings of
predictions of both these prophets are same. They have described
a representative of God to take over the rule of the country and set
the things right. However, our study group feels this to be
description of a 'Consciousness' that would convert the minds of
people towards spirituality in order to change things for better.

Another prophet Baba Vanga, a Bulgarian lady who became

blind at a very young age, had also made some remarkable
predictions. Two of her predictions are given below:

New York Incident

Horror, horror!
The American brethren will fall after being
attacked by steel birds.
The wolves will be howling in a bush,
And innocent blood will be gushing.

This prediction was made by Baba Vanga in 1989, twelve

years before it actually happened. Nostradamus, in his prophecy
describing this event, had also described aeroplanes as 'birds'. In
Vanga's prophecy, 'brethren' (brothers) is used to describe Twin
Towers which would 'fall' after the attack. 'Bush' has been written
to refer President Bush.

Disaster of a Russian submarine

At the turn of century,
In August of 1999 or 2000,
Kusk will be covered with water,
And the world will be weeping over it.

This prediction was made by Vanga in 1980. Twenty years

later, on 12th August 2000, a Russian submarine named Kusk
suffered an explosion and sunk in the sea. Rescue operations
undertaken by Russian, British and Norwegian governments
failed to save anyone.

She was visited by many political leaders. Hitler also went to

meet her, and it is said that He left in a very bad mood. Probably,
he did not like the predictions of Vanga about him. She was said to
have contacts with some spirits or powers that told her about
future. She had also predicted a turbulent period for mankind for a
long time to come; the calamities would be more pronounced in
Christian countries.

Many of the prophecies made by these prophets do not turn

out to be true, probably due to the fact that there are Divine
Powers that try to avoid or minimise the threats to the mankind.
But these powers can be successful only to an extent. Almost all
prophets agree that the period for a total change of order in the
world is now, and the predicted disasters can only be minimised;
not completely avoided.

The abovementioned instances are really astonishing, but

equally amazing are the experiences of Mr. R. N. Trivedi, a retired
IAS officer, who had very kindly written following details for
inclusion in this book:
Orissa Experiences by : R.N. Trivedi
In 1974 I got married in a joint family in Orissa. My father-in-
law Late Mr. A. N. Tewari was an IAS Officer and was a very
popular person in Orissa. My father was quite ill since many
years, and Mr. Tewari was very keen to help him regarding his
health problems.

In early 1977 I visited Bhubaneswar with my wife Nirmala

and my little son Gautam. My-father-in law told me about one Mr.
Bhagwan Misra who lived in 'Balkati, a village about 20 Km from
Bhubaneswar. Mr. Misra was having some ancient scriptures
from which he told answers to the questions posed by anyone to
him. We decided to meet him for asking about the health problem
of my father.

The next day was Sunday and we proceeded early in the

morning to meet the prodigal of Balkati. When we reached there,
we found a very poor and backward looking village with half
naked children running about in its muddy lanes. Bhagwan
Misra's house was also not at all impressive except for the fact
that it was a little bigger as compared to the neighboring houses.

After introductions and exchange of pleasantries my father in

law told Mr. Bhagwan Misra that I wanted to know the answers to
some of my questions. We sat down on the mats spread on the floor
and Mr. Misra took out an old looking palm leaf manuscript and
after respectfully bowing before it and chanting some 'Mantras'
he asked me to think of a question and not to tell it to anybody.

He, thereafter, drew a circle on the floor with water in his

copper pot and divided the circle into some parts. He asked me to
put a finger in one of those parts. He closed his eyes for a moment
and then took one leaf out of the volume of palm leaves which
were lying before him. Few moments later he started reading from
the palm leaf. He was reading fluently in Oriya language which
was being translated in English by my father in law for my benefit.

He went on like this – “The person who has put forward the
question has come from the 'Brahmavart area' on banks of river
Ganga*. He wants to know about his father's health which at the
time of asking of the question is not good and has been bad for so
many years”.

I looked with a quizzical face at my father-in-law when

Bhagwan Misra took a pause at this point of time and read out
that further information will be available at Vol. no. such and
such and page no. such and such etc. He went into a room full of
palm leaf manuscripts bound in yellow cloth. From the place
where I was sitting I could see that the inside room, which was
well lit due to the sunlight directly entering from a side window,
looked like a library with volumes & volumes of yellow cloth
bound palm-leaf manuscripts stacked in number of shelves. My
father in law told me that it was only his second visit to this man
and he had no inkling of what I was going to ask, and there was no
question of his having briefed Bhagwan Misra about my
impending query.

The doubt in my mind vanished because my father-in-law

sounded sincere. My attitude till then was that of a bemused
onlooker, but with my unspoken question that was correctly told
by a complete stranger and in a completely unknown language, it
turned out into that of admiration. My father in law had peeped
into the palm-leaf manuscripts, from which Mr. Bhagwan Misra
was reading, and confirmed that he had really narrated whatever
was written on the palm-leaf in Oriya Script but the language was

*Mr. Trivedi is resident of Kanpur, which is near 'Brahmavart
(Bithoor)', and is on the Bank of river Ganges.

As soon as our brief conversation was over, Mr. Bhagwan
Misra appeared with another volume and opened a page. He
again started reading from it, and narrated – “The person
regarding whom the question has been asked is of a lean built,
suffers from 'Udar Rog' (stomach ailments) and 'Rakt Vikar'
(blood disorder). He serves the King and is in 'Maadak Khaadak
Dravya Vibhag' of the King”.

I was dumbstruck. My father fitted the description physically

as well as professionally. He was in the Central Govt. Service and
was an officer in Central Excise Department. Perhaps, centuries
ago when these manuscripts were written, the department must
have been known as 'Maadak Khaadak Dravya Vibhag'.
According to the Oxford Dictionary the word 'excise' has been
described as 'a tax charged on certain goods, such as alcohol',
and alcohol is actually a 'Maadak Dravya' (liquor).

Bhagwan Misra paused again. The manuscript leaf now

indicated another volume for further instructions. He brought it
and read aloud. Some Ayurvedic medicines were indicated for the
patient; after taking those he would live for ten years.

From another leaf Misra read “The person who has come to
ask the question about his father's health has come at such a time
when there is 'Stree Shashan' (woman ruler) in Utkala (Orissa) as
well as in Indraprastha (Delhi). Few months from this time both
the ladies will have to give up their rule”. This was really strange;
evidently, the manuscript writer did not want the answer seeker to
be left with any doubt regarding the time, place and events when
the question was asked.

At that time Mrs. Nandini Satpathi was the Chief Minister of

Orissa and Mrs. Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India.
Mr. Misra also read out that Utkala (Orissa) will have a ruler
thereafter whose name would begin from letter 'Na' (N) and his
name will have nine letters. As it turned out; Mrs. Gandhi lost the
1977 parliamentary election which was one and a half months
after I had asked the question. Janta party came to power and
dismissed several state governments including that of Orissa.
The next Chief Minister of Orissa was Mr. Neelmani Rautrai,
whose name started with 'N' and had nine letters (in Sanskrit).

After coming back to Kanpur I told the story to a Vaidya

(Ayurvedic Doctor), who prepared the medicines accordingly
and my father, who was ill since many years, started improving
and lived exactly for ten years.

Bhagwan Misra was otherwise a simple man – not very

scholarly or well versed in Sanskrit Texts. He, however, knew the
use of the unparalleled treasure from his ancestors. His
neighbors recognized him as an 'Ojha' (Tantrik) who could treat
dog bites and common ailments. But when my father in law told
about him to others, he became famous and high officials started
visiting him. When his fiend Mr. Mathur, a retired IAS Officer of
Madhya Pradesh cadre who was appointed as an 'Advisor to
Governor' of Orissa, came to meet Bhagwan Misra, he was also
told many correct facts about his life. Reading from a leaf Misra
said “The person who has asked the question is not from the land
of 'Jagannath' but has come from a neighboring area. He has
been given the opportunity by Lord Jagannath to serve in his land
for some time because he is a great Jagannath devotee”.

Mr. Mathur told my father- in- law that he really was a

Jagannath devotee and wanted to serve in Orissa, but never got a
chance during his active service. Mr. Misra also told him reading
from a new leaf that he would soon leave for Indraprastha (Delhi)
and would thereafter become 'Up Raja' (Deputy Ruler) of a small
kingdom where people wear long boots and angular caps, and
where it rains all the time. Mr. Mathur left for Delhi in the
indicated period and was later made the Lt. Governor of
Mizoram (or Meghalaya; I do not exactly remember), and the
description of the 'small kingdom' exactly matched the
description given by Bhagwan Misra. Also, Lt. Governor seems
to be the correct translation of 'Up Raja' for that small state.

Mr. Mathur wanted to offer something as a token of

appreciation, but Misra refused. However, after great deal of
persuasion by my father-in-law, he asked for a mosquito net as
there were too many mosquitoes in his village. Such a simple man
he was.

Orissa has been a seat of 'Tantrik Cult' with sixty four 'Yogini
Temples'. In this region another blessed soothsayer named Amar
Misra resided in village Kakatpur. On hearing his fame I went to
meet him. He had some copper plates, and in order to answer a
question he used to submerse one of the plates in water after
performing some ritual. Slowly some inscriptions appeared on
the plate including the question asked. All the facts he told me
proved to be correct, but his most amazing prediction was told by
my friend Mr. S. N. Tewari, who accompanied Mr. Krishna Kant
(the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh) when he visited Kakatpur
to meet Mr. Amar Misra. Mr. Misra told him that soon he would
move to Indraprastha (Delhi) and become 'Up Raja' (Deputy
King) of 'Bharatvarsha' (India). Few months later Mr. Krishna
Kant became Vice-President of India.

These instances prove beyond doubt that there are

supernatural powers that guide us. The persons whom I met did
not claim to be astrologers or very learned persons. They had
God's grace; God does protect us through his spiritual
messengers – the great souls – who traverse the entire length &
breadth of our universe.
R. N. Trivedi

The above instances of prognostics clearly indicate that all

major incidents of our lives, and also about countries and the
world, are predestined. At this point of time, when we are being
told by the prophets & seers that a change of order is going to take
place on earth, we are actually being guided to affect the
required changes in our lives in order to enter that era. Those
who fail to understand and follow would be removed from the
face of earth by the Karmic Lords.

I was also told about a similar soothsayer named Haveli Ram

who lived in Delhi and had told Mr. Gulzari Lal Nanda (the then
Home Minister of India) that despite being the Acting Prime
Mister of India twice, he would never become Prime Minister.
Some of my family friends had consulted Mr. Haveli Ram who
possessed leafs of a scripture named 'Soorya Samhita'; he also
submersed those leafs in water and inscriptions started appearing
which were used by him to make predictions. About forty years
back he had predicted that a great upheaval will take place around
the year 2012.

(Chapter- 6)
Among the prophets world has known, French prophet
Nostradamus holds a special place because he had predicted
future events with such uncanny accuracy as if he was actually
watching these events happen. In his veiled language he has made
about 1000 prophecies many of which have been verified to be
amazingly correct. He had written that a cosmic power told him
about the future events with some specific purpose. Our study
reveals that this was done by the cosmic powers to tell the
mankind about the exact period of a transformation on earth,
which has also been mentioned in the ancient scriptures of almost
all religions in the world. Therefore, in this book, I have
discussed about Nostradamus and his prophecies in detail.

His most relevant prophecy for the present period is that the
world will witness a turbulent period of 25 years, which has been
described by him as a war between 'powers of good and powers of
evil' i.e. powers of God and that of the Devil. Mankind has always
been influenced by both these powers, but now, the powers of evil
have virtually taken control over the minds of humans to such an
extent that the entire mankind is moving towards its destruction.
It has, therefore, become necessary that the divine powers should
now intervene and take the control in their hands. This eventuality
has been described in many scriptures and prophecies starting
from the period of Mahabharata up to the present period.

The details given by Nostradamus regarding the period of

Start of this 25 yearlong war exactly match the 9/11 incident of
the terrorist attack in New York. Therefore, it is clear that this 25
year period that has been described by him, starts in2001 and ends
in 2025. During this period there would be a certain time frame
(during 2012 to 2014), when such a calamitous situation would
arise that a Super Cosmic Power would have to come on earth to
save the humanity. This power has been described by him as
'CHYREN' (pronounced as SHREEN) – perhaps a nick name of
Shree Krishna because Lord Krishna had announced in GITA that
he would again come on earth for protecting and re-installing the
true religion.

About Nostradamus
Michel De Nostradame is generally known by his
Latinized name Nostradamus. He was born on December 14,
1503, at noon, in San Remy de Provence, in France. His
family's faith was Judaism, but they were converted to be
Catholics even when Nostradamus was a child. All his life he
remained a devoted Catholic and was a conscious and faithful
devotee of God. He once wrote “everything proceeds from the
divine power of Almighty God, from whom all goodness

While growing up, he received education in Languages,

Astronomy, Mathematics and Arts. He started the study of
Medicine in 1522, and obtained his bachelor's degree in 1525
from the Mont Pellier School of Medicine. During his studies
of Medicine he also studied Astrology, and after completing
his studies, he became more famous as an astrologer rather
than a doctor. Later, he devolved himself deep in study of
occult sciences and developed mystic powers to see the future
and then used these powers in his prophetic writings.

Unfortunately, Southern France was gripped by an

epidemic of plague at that time. Nostradamus, therefore,
decided to help the victims of this disease, and moved from
place to place using his knowledge of medicine as well as his
occult powers to cure the patients. Soon his reputation as a
healer grew, and he became famous for his unconventional
After wandering from place to place for four years, he
returned to study at his old school at Mont Pellier, and
obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

He started practice of medicine, and soon became famous

as a 'doctor with a healing touch'. He married in 1534, and had
a son and a daughter to complete his family. But, misfortune
struck, and his wife and both the children died in the plague.
Nostradamus was left alone. He again started wandering
from place to place till he remarried a rich widow, Anne
Ponsart Gemelle. He had six children by his second wife.

In the meantime he kept on writing and compiling his

book of prophecies and published its first edition in 1555,
and the second edition in 1558.

He purposely scrambled the chronological order of

the events described in Quatrains, due to which, one will
find a particular event described in a particular Quatrain
in a particular Century (chapter), and a connecting
Quatrain in a different chapter. Sometimes, it is essential
to study the connecting Quatrains in tandem, in order to
decipher the real meaning and to know the entire event, or
sequence of events, as the case may be.

In some cases, in order to connect the events, he had

placed the relevant Quatrains one after the other, or in the
same Century of the book. In other cases, he had given
enough hints to connect one Quatrain to another relevant

In order to decipher the meaning that he wanted to

convey, he has also given hints to understand his
prophecies in the relevant parts of the two letters of
dedication (given at the end of this book).

Although, Nostradamus took great pains to hide the
obvious meaning of his prophecies, he never wanted the real
meaning to remain hidden forever. Generally, the event and the
prophecy about that event could be connected only after the event
has happened. But it could not be his intention for all the
prophecies, otherwise, what was the need of writing these
prophecies from his time in 1555 to the year 3797 (when,
according to him, Earth will not remain habitable and life will
finish from our planet), if the real meaning of prophecies could be
guessed only after the event had happened?

I feel that Nostradamus has made this point very clear in his
first two Quatrains, where he has described the magical practice
adopted by him for looking into the future.

His Unique Method of Looking Into future

Century-1, Q-1

Seated at night in my secret study,

Alone, reposing on the airain saddle (brass tripod),
A slender flame leaps out of the solitude,
Making me pronounce what is not vain to believe.


With divining rod is in my hand, placed in middle of the

With the wave I wet my limb and my feet;
A fear and voice trembles my hand.
Divine Splendor! The Divine sits near me.

Here, he has stated that the work he has taken up will not go in
vain. He also tells us that what he has written was told to him
by the Divine Will or Supreme Intelligence.

He had given certain details in two letters of dedication
published in his book of prophecies. In both the letters of
dedication, to his son and to the King, he has made it fairly clear
that such prophetic powers were given to him for the benefit of
mankind. This means that he wanted to convey a message, at
appropriate time, to save the humanity. This message would
certainly be clear enough for everyone to understand, or at least to
his scholars, who in turn, will convey it to all.

I feel that he wanted this message to be delivered in time

before the beginning of the said 25 yearlong period (year 2001),
as it will be the most disastrous period on earth, and at that time,
the world will need his counsel.

As explained later in the book, the events leading to this

period, and its possible effects, have all been deciphered and
inferred by the Nostradamus scholars from his book of
prophecies, even before the happening of these events. Such
predictions were very difficult for the past events.

Moreover, after 1985 (the passing of Halley's comet near the

Earth) so many of Nostradamus prophecies have been deciphered
and predicted by the Nostradamus scholars correctly; it proves
that the great astrologer had compiled his predictions in such a
manner that he would draw full attention of the world at the
appointed date and time.

It has been the endeavor of Nostradamus believers, like me, to

decipher the works of this great seer, through which fate is
delivering us a helping hand at the time when we are nearing a
crisis. The message is clear. We will be given one final chance to
determine our destiny; we can choose to take that chance or,
decide to perish. Refer to Century-9, Quatrain 44 in his book of

Century- 9, Q-44

Leave, leave, go forth out of Geneva, all,

Saturn of gold, shall be changed into Iron,
The contrary of the positive ray shall exterminate all,
Before it happens, the Heavens shall show signs.

League of Nations was formed at Geneva after the First World

War to maintain peace amongst the nations, but it failed in its
purpose. Saturn, here, relates to fate or luck. The seer says that
Saturn of gold was changed into Iron during the Second World
War by use of atomic weapons. Positive Ray is used to denote
atomic, and other such powers that can be used both in positive
and contrary (negative) manner and that can exterminate us all.
Nostradamus had told us that heavens would, however, show
signs before all this happened, and we would be given a final
chance before we invite our doom.

But, saving ourselves from doom will not be easy for us now.
Fate has already stamped at what is our destiny. We will have to
have full faith in our ability to avert this disaster, and will have to
use our collective will power to oppose those factions that are out
to create trouble. Otherwise, we may refer for our fate, as given in
the following Quatrain :

Century-1, Q-91

The gods will make it appear to mankind

That they are the authors of a great war.
Before the sky that was serene shall show sword and lance
The greatest damage will be inflicted on the left.

War and other calamities are predestined; its authors are no

others but gods themselves. Sky, which was earlier quiet, will
show weapons of war and other (natural) calamities. Greatest
damage will be to America and other western countries.
He Wanted To Warn Us
One more point is also important; Nostradamus has used his
prophetic powers to tell us only about the impending disasters.
So much so, that his one thousand Quatrains are sometimes
called as predictions for one thousand disasters. Very rarely
has he described the peaceful periods. And those few instances
have also been used as filler material in his predictions before
the start of next crisis. This confirms my view that he wanted to
warn anyone or everyone, he could, to make us vigilant against
bad times; after that, good times will automatically follow.

End of Life on Earth

He has predicted that our planet will become un-habitable
after the year 3797. He has not declared the time or period for
which the earth will remain un-habitable because his prophecies
ended there. But, he has said that time will go on even after that.
He, probably, wanted to tell us that before 3797, we should make
enough scientific progress to station next 'Noah Ark' in space
and /or on any other planet. And wait there till our planet
becomes habitable again. Then the time, on Earth, will start

His above observation is not without a scientific possibility.

Apart from the rotary motion of Earth around its axis which the
Earth completes in twenty-four hours, there is another rotary
motion of our planet that takes it about twenty-six thousand
years to complete. This motion is due to a tilt in the axis of
Earth's rotary motion. It is due to this motion that there occurs a
difference between the ephemeris of 'Fixed Zodiac' and 'Moving
Zodiac' systems. 'Precession of Equinoxes' is determined by this
difference, and this difference creates changes in atmospheric
conditions on our planet. Knowledgeable persons have divided
this period of twenty-six thousand years in three parts – Hot
period, Normal period, and Cold period. According to some
scientists and philosophers, normal human life is possible only
in 'Normal' period. Perhaps, this Normal period ends in 3797

Scientists have continuously been discussing about the

periods when life is possible on earth, and when it is not. In the
July 25, 2003 Science Journal, the “Astrobiology: Latest News”
section reported:

“Solar System's Path May Have Spurred Ice Ages - Physicist

Nir Shaviv of the University of Toronto argues that the path of
our solar system through the Milky Way galaxy may be
responsible for Earth's periodic ice ages. Our Sun and its planets
move in a slow orbit around the center of our galaxy. Over time,
our solar system passes through the galaxy's spiral arms-regions
dense with stars. Where there are more stars, there are also more
supernovae-giant stars that explode in a flood of cosmic rays.
Such rays could affect Earth's atmosphere and alter its climate.”

Shaviv says that the timing of ice ages on Earth correlates

closely with the historical levels of cosmic ray exposure and with
the solar system's route through the spiral arms. Other scientists
have previously suggested that our solar system's galactic orbit
makes Earth habitable.

Importance of His Work

By making such prophecies, and recording these in the form
of a book, Nostradamus has left us an invaluable document,
which if properly understood and interpreted, is nothing less than
a divine guidance.

And, after completing his cosmic mission, on 1st July 1566,

he gave his final prediction: 'The world will not find me alive
tomorrow'. Like his other predictions, this prediction also came
Compilation of His Prophecies in form of a Book
When in 1958 this fifty-five year prophet presented his book
of one thousand prophecies to the king of France, Henry the
Second, little did the king realize that the book contained
accurate predictions about his death, death of his adversary who
would accidentally kill him, and also the misfortune awaiting his

But soon, the prophecy concerning the king, given in

Century-1, Quatrain-35, was deciphered and it was understood
by many of the king's courtiers that the old lion to be killed by the
young lion, as mentioned in the prophecy, was none other than
King Henry himself. The prophecy is given as under :

Century 1, Q- 35

The young lion shall overcome the old one,

In martial field by a single duel,
In golden cage he shall put out his eye,
Two wounds from one, then he shall die a cruel death.

Queen Catherine, wife of King Henry, asked Nostradamus

about the prophecy. His philosophical reply was that he wrote
whatever he saw in his vision. However, the king believed that there
was no danger to him, because he would never go to a battlefield.

But, had he read and properly understood another prophecy in

Century 3, Quatrain 30 (given below) he would have known that
by martial field Nostradamus did not mean battlefield, instead he
meant field of martial games.

Century- 3, Q-30

He who during the struggle with weapon in martial deed,

Had carried the prize before his better,
By night six shall abuse him in his bed,
Being naked and without harness he shall suddenly be

This prophecy was regarding Earl of Montgomery, the 'young

lion' who accidentally killed King Henry. Nostradamus further
prophesied, “Six persons will surprise him, who, during the
struggle in a type of martial deed, had earlier defeated a better
player, in a helpless condition in his bed”.

By mentioning 'martial deed', Nostradamus had tried to give

the hint that the combat was to be a type of martial game. The
'young lion' turned out to be Earl of Montgomery, who in a
tournament with King Henry (the old lion), accidentally pierced
king's golden helmet with a splinter of his wooden lance, putting
out his eye and penetrating his brain, causing the king to die a
cruel death. This happened in 1559, one year after the
presentation of the book of prophecies by Nostradamus to the

The king had held a three-day tournament to celebrate the

marriages of his sister Marguerite to the Duke of Savoy, and of his
daughter Elizabeth to the King Philip II of Spain. King Henry
participated in the event, wearing full armour and a golden helmet
(golden cage over the eye). With a wooden lance in one hand, he
held a big shield in the other. The shield was decorated with a
symbol of 'lion'. His opponent in the combat was the Earl of
Montgomery, who was six years younger to him. He was also
wearing similar armour and was also holding similar shield
decorated with a symbolic picture of lion.

The sporting bout between the young lion and the old lion
started. The king was a much better player. He started winning
easily, and after each round he would raise the visor of his golden
helmet to receive the praises of the crowd. On third day, at sunset,
Henry participated in his final bout against Earl of Montgomery,
which ended in a draw. When Henry insisted for a final match, the
young Earl, perhaps aware of the prophecy, tried to avoid. But, as
the fate would have it, Henry insisted and Earl relented.

In this final bout, once the king failed to lower his golden
visor in time and, accidentally the wooden lance of Montgomery,
the 'young lion', broke and one of the splinters pierced the eye of
King Henry putting out his eye and penetrating his brain and, thus
inflicting two wounds. After suffering for ten agonizing days,
King Henry, as predicted by Nostradamus, died a cruel death.

The Earl of Montgomery was afterwards beheaded for

leading a movement of Protestants against the Catholic regime.
Catherine, the queen of Henry II, ordered his killing to avenge the
death of her husband. He fled to England, but came back later and
surrendered under the condition that he would be pardoned, but
the Queen sent six men of her secret guard who surprised him in
his bedroom in a helpless condition and got him arrested. He was
later killed. All this happened exactly in same manner as
described by Nostradamus many years back.

Wife of Henry II
Nostradamus has also described the fate of Queen Catherine
(wife of Henry II) after death of her husband in the said martial
game, in Century-6, Quatrain-63.

Century- 6, Q-63

The lady shall be left to reign alone in the kingdom

By the unique one extinguished first on the bed of honor:
Seven years she will be weeping in grief,
After, she will live long in the reign by grandeur.

Queen Catherine actually went into a state of mourning from 1559
to 1566, exactly for seven years after her husband died in 1559. After
that, she reigned as Queen Regent from 1566 to 1589. *

Nostradamus' predictions regarding the children of King

Henry also proved accurate. Such was the mastery of
Nostradamus over the knowledge of future events. No wonder
that, today, his one thousand prophecies published about four
hundred and fifty years back, are considered and viewed as a
guide to future events.

Some Interesting Observations

Nostradamus dedicated the first edition of his book to his son
Caesar, and the second edition to King Henry. A question arises:
why did Nostradamus dedicate the second edition of his book of
prophecies to King Henry? If he wanted to honour him, he could
have dedicated the first edition itself to the King.

Moreover, the first edition of the book that was published in

1555, contained all prophecies about the king and his family, then
why the 1558 edition was presented to him?

*Sometimes, there are astonishing similarities in life of two
persons. Such similarities are quite evident in the lives of Queen
Catherine and Smt. Sonia Gandhi, wife of Late Rajeev Gandhi
(former Prime Minister of India). Husbands of both the ladies
were rulers and were killed in abnormal circumstances. Like
Queen Catherine, Sonia Gandhi also assumed a self-imposed
exile from political life for a long period (about seven years).
Now, like Queen Catherine, she has also become 'Queen Regent
of India'. It is said that the son of Queen Catharine, who was the
King of France, always acted according to the advice of her
mother; it was Queen Catherine who was actually ruling France.
Same situation has developed in India.
My guess is that he wanted to warn the king about the
impending disasters just before the happenings. It is noteworthy
that the king was killed in 1559 ; just one year after the book was
dedicated and presented to him.

In those days, had he done some plain speaking about the

King's death and other misfortunes awaiting his family, he
would have been hanged by neck. Even today, astrologers
refrain from telling their clients about the date of their death,
however sure they may be of their predictions. Nostradamus,
perhaps, wanted to see if the King could take the hint and try to
avoid the misfortune. Otherwise, fate was going to take its

In this context, I will draw the attention of readers to the first

two paragraphs of the ' Epistle to Henry II', a letter of dedication
submitted by Nostradamus to the king, with his book of
prophecies. The relevant text of this Epistle is given below:

“ To the most invincible, most high, and most Christian

King of France, Henry the Second : Michael Nostradamus, his
most obedient servant and subject, wishes victory and

By reason of that singular observation, O most Christian

and victorious King, my face which has been cloudy a great
while, did present itself before your immeasurable Majesty.”

If we carefully go through these paragraphs, we will find

that in first paragraph, there is nothing remarkable except the
adjectives used for King Henry & Nostradamus, barring a
single observation that Nostradamus wishes victory and
happiness to the king. Now the question is : how could
Nostradamus wish victory and happiness to the king, when he
knew that his statement was going to be wrong? He himself had
written about the misfortunes awaiting the king and his family.
To my mind, Nostradamus wrote this wish of victory and
happiness as customary salutation to his king, but this lie weighed
heavily on his mind, and he tried to rectify it by giving a subtle
hint in the first line of next paragraph. He wrote that by reason of
that singular observation, his face had been cloudy for a great while.

I can think of no other explanation for this, except that

Nostradamus wanted to state that his vision has been cloudier
while making this singular observation ; there was some secret,
which was withheld by him.

This proves that Nostradamus was not only a great astrologer,

but was also a man of complete honesty towards himself and
others. This fact, apart from amazing accuracy of many of his one
thousand prophecies, has made me believe in Nostradamus, and
has been the cause of my subsequent research in order to decipher
his works.

As mentioned earlier, Nostradamus completed the first

edition of his book of prophecies in 1555, which contained seven
hundred Quatrains (four lined poems) which indicated future
events, and dedicated the book to his son Caesar. Three years
later, he brought out second edition of his book adding three
hundred more Quatrains, thus, making the total numbers of
Quatrains to one thousand. These Quatrains were arranged in ten
chapters of one hundred each and the chapters were called

I would like to repeat that with reference to Nostradamus,

the word 'Century' did not indicate 100 years, it only
indicates that one hundred unrelated prophecies or
predictions has been given in each chapter called Century.
Century-7 contained only 47 Quatrains; rest of the Quatrains
have either been lost or have not been included by the original
publishers of the book as these were duplicate, i.e. these
prophecies were already included in other chapters or Centuries.
While studying Nostradamus, it is necessary to look for the
spurious Quatrains, which were added in later editions of his book
from time to time, by interested persons. Fortunately, now so
much research work has been done regarding these prophecies by
Nostradamus scholars, that latest editions of standard publications
generally contain genuine versions, and these are the versions that
are proving to be accurate.

The two letters of dedication, which Nostradamus wrote

in the form of Epistles with each edition of his book, the first
to his son Caesar and the second to King Henry are very
important for decoding these prophecies. Though, these letters
had also been written in the customary veiled language of
Nostradamus, as has been used by him in his Quatrains, the letters
form an integral part of his work and without these letters it was
virtually impossible to decode the Quatrains and to understand
their real meaning.

These letters have been printed later in this book, in the

chapter titled 'Two letters of dedication'.

I am surprised that some of the eminent writers of books on

Nostradamus have decided to disregard these letters because the
language used in these letters was too obscure. In the sixteenth
century, when these letters were written, the language might have
been difficult to understand, but now, after 450 years, about half
of the events predicted by him have already occurred and we can
have a fair idea of the intrigues of the language used by
Nostradamus. I feel that it was totally impossible to understand
some of the Quatrains without the hints given in these two letters.

Nostradamus had said in these letters that, earlier, he was not

willing to pen down his prophecies, but later, he decided to
enlarge himself in 'dark and abstruse' sentences, declaring future
events for the benefit of mankind.

All earlier efforts of the Nostradamus scholars have been
confined to the translation of the prophecies of this great seer in
order to find their true meanings. Although Nostradamus had
said, time and again, that he was writing these prophecies for the
benefit of mankind, yet no serious effort has been made to analyse
his prophecies from the point of view of deriving the said benefit
that Nostradamus wanted the mankind to have from his works

The whole idea of my research on Nostradamus has been to

analyse his works and to find the remedies that the cosmic powers
wanted to suggest us through him in the time of our crises. .

(Chapter- 7)

First, we examine the accuracy of those Nostradamus
prophecies which describe the events leading to the 25 yearlong
turbulent periods from 2001 to 2025.

Peaceful period after the Second World War

Certain period after the end of Second World War was to be a

peaceful period (before the start of a war of terrorism), which has been
described in following Quatrain.

Century-1, Q-63

Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller,

For a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully.
People will travel safely through the sky (over) land and seas,
And then wars shall begin anew

After the Second World War and its ill effects are over,
people will live peacefully for a long time. So much progress will
be made in the means of transport that everyone will be able to
travel safely by land, air and sea. (In the period of Nostradamus,
no one even thought of traveling through the sky, and through sea,
very few could travel.) He had envisioned a period when people
(everyone) will be able to do it. Then, the wars will restart.

Century- 1, Q-15

Mars shall threaten all of us with war

Seventy times blood shall be shed
Fragmented and ruined is the Church
By those who will not listen to Her Teaching

Mars, the planet of war, will cause seventy big and small wars,
in which Christians and non-believers (terrorists) shall ruin the
Church, her authority, and create much more human sufferings.

Century- 10, Q-89

The walls will be converted from brick to marble,

Seven and fifty pacific years:
Joy to mortals, the aqueduct renewed,
Health, abundance of fruits, joy and mellifluous times.

It is generally believed that the 57 years mentioned in the

above Quatrain refer to the peaceful reign of Louis XIV, king of
France during the said period. However, Nostradamus had
mentioned that image of a future event might be seen in a past
event. I feel, intuitively, that this Quatrain may also refer to the
period of 57 years after the Second World War (1945 to 2002),
when there will be comparative peace on Earth. Use of natural
resources will bring joy and abundance to the mankind. This
Quatrain indicates that the next war i.e. war of terrorism would
have started by 2002.

After the start of the War of Terrorism

Nostradamus has described three turbulent periods on earth

referred by him as period of three Anti-Christs. The present 25
yearlong period is the period of third Anti-Christ. The first two
Anti-Christs were representatives of Satan (Evil), but the third
Ant-Christ is Satan himself. Nostradamus has described this
period as below:

“After that the Anti-Christ will be the infernal prince. And in

this last era all the kingdoms of Christianity and also of the
unbelievers shall quake for the space of 25 years, and there shall
be more grievous wars and battles ; towns, cities, castles and
other buildings shall be burnt, desolated, and destroyed with a
great effusion of vestal blood, married women and widows
ravished, sucking children dashed against the walls of towns, and
so many evils shall be committed by the means of the infernal
prince, Satan, that almost the entire world shall be undone and

The above is part of the letter of dedication submitted by

Nostradamus at the time of presentation of second edition of
his book of prophecies to King Henry, in year 1558. In the same
letter, even the event leading to the Third War has been described
in the customary veiled language of Nostradamus, as under:

“Before these events, many unusual birds shall cry through

the air, crying “Now, now”. A little while after, they shall vanish.
After this shall have lasted a good while, there shall be renewed a
reign of Saturn and a golden age. Hearing the affliction of his
people, God the Creator will command that Satan be cast into the
depths of the bottomless pit, and bound there. Then a universal
peace will commence between God and man. The ecclesiastical
power shall return in force and Satan will remain bound for
around a thousand years, and then will be unbound.

First two lines of the above paragraph are to be studied very

carefully ; these describe the event that would start this long
drawn war of terrorism. We do not need many guesses to know
that by unusual birds Nostradamus had described the aeroplanes
that vanished in tall buildings.

Next line reads: 'After this shall have lasted a good while,
there shall be renewed…..'.

It is clear from the above that the seer has described 'good
while' as period of this war (25 years) and 'this' as the activity
during these 25 years, i.e. deliberate crashing of planes and such
other terrorist activities. Therefore, this 25 year long war will not
be a war in contemporary sense. It will be a fight of terrorism, and
according to Nostradamus, almost the entire world will become
undone and desolate.

Aeroplanes were not invented in the times of Nostradamus,

and had he indicated the vanishing of unusual birds in tall
buildings, which existed even then, the picture would have been
clearer. But still it is clear enough. Isn't it?

Attack on New York

Century- 6, Q-97

The Heaven shall burn at five and forty degrees,

The fire shall come near the great new city,
In an instant a great flame dispersed shall burst out,
When they shall make a trial of Normans.

Now, that the event has happened, we cannot but be surprised

at the accuracy of description. During the times of Nostradamus,
the great cities were London and Paris. The great 'new' city can
only be New York; further confirmed by its latitude mentioned in
*A lot of research has been carried out after the New York
incident by reputed Nostradamus scholars like David Ovason of
England and Prof. Ionescu of USA regarding the actual latitude of
New York and the figures mentioned in this Quatrain. They have
reached their own conclusions, but they all agree that
Nostradamus had undoubtedly described the New York incident
in his prophecy. Also, in a movie named Man Who Saw Tomorrow,
which was produced many years before this incident, this
Quatrain was shown related to an attack to be carried out in future
by the Antichrist forces on New York. Prophecy of another
renowned prophet Baba, discussed earlier in this book, also gave
accurate description of this incident.
the Quatrain. Fiveand forty degrees 1-1 may be between forty
and forty five degrees. Actual latitude of NY is forty-two degrees.
It has also been mentioned by Nostradamus in the letter of
dedication to the king, that the degrees mentioned by him for
describing the places were 'latitudes', not 'longitudes'.*

Just close your eyes and visualize the scene. A huge flame
instantly bursting out of World Trade Center buildings, and being
dispersed in the sky. How accurate the description is? Now, the
trial of vandals causing it has also been completed. In France,
Norman is a term sometimes used to describe pirates. Thus,
the group responsible for hijacking or pirating the planes was
referred by Nostradamus as Normans, and it means that the
remaining members of the terrorist group would face trials,
which has actually happened.

Revenge of U.S.A.
Century- 6, Q-98

Ruin that happens to vandals will be terrible.

Their great city will be tainted with a pestilent deed,
They shall plunder sun and moon, and violate their temples,
And two rivers shall be reddened with the running blood.

Ruin to those, who caused this vandalism, will be terrible. The

affected country (USA) will leave no stone unturned to punish
them. Their temples will be violated; their blood will be spilled.
Two rivers of (Afghanistan) will turn red with blood. Perhaps,
rivers 'Kabul' and 'Amu' are indicated. A great city (of USA) will
face germ warfare. Nostradamus had used the word 'pestilence',
many times, to describe a scourge like plague, but 'pestilent deed'
certainly means intentionally spreading an infectious disease
harmful to life. This was also tied by terrorists be sending germs
in infected letters to many persons in USA.

Century- 1, Q-36
Too late the Monarch will repent,
That he did not put his adversary to death.
But he will soon come to agree to far greater things,
Which will cause all his line to die.

The Monarch (President Bush of USA) will repent that he

could not kill his adversary earlier. But, he will soon order the
killing of his entire group (of terrorists).

U.S. attack on Bin Laden and his camp

Century- 6, Q-99

The learned enemy will go back confused,

When his great camp will be sick due to effect of ambushes,
The Pyrenees mountains and Poenus ranges shall refuse
Discovering the ancient caves, near the river.

The well-educated enemy (Bin Laden, a Civil Engineer) will

have to go back confused when mountains will refuse to hold
him, and his camp will become sick due to the effect of surprise
attacks. These events, though written about 500 years back, have
happened exactly in the manner described by Nostradamus.
Further, it was predicted that he will discover another range of
ancient caves near the river. This may mean that after his camp is
destroyed, where he was hiding in mountains, he will discover
another set of ancient caves near a river, and his group will hide

A point to be noted. Nostradamus had always tried to test the

interpreters by scrambling various Quatrains connected to an
event or sequence of events and keeping them in different
chapters. But he was so keen regarding easy deciphering of three
Quatrains connected to the New York event, i.e. attack on New
York, US retaliation, and flight of Laden from his camp in caves
of mountains, that he kept those Quatrains in tandem as Quatrains
no. 97, 98, and 99 in same chapter i.e. Century-6. This is the only
such instance in his entire book. He, thus, wanted the entire world
to understand the meaning of these prophecies quite easily; in
order to do whatever can be done to save the world.

Bin Laden in Tora-Bora and his escape from there

Century- 4, Q-70

Near the great Pyrenees mountains,

One to raise a great army against the Eagle:
Veins opened, forces exterminated,
Up to PAU the chief will be chased.

It seems that Nostradamus, in the above Quatrain, had

described the plight of Bin Laden and his group when the
mountains will refuse to hold him, and his camp will be destroyed
by ambushes (surprise attacks). Again he will raise his group
against 'Eagle' (USA) at a place in mountains where there will be
a number of veins (covered passages). There, his forces will be
exterminated and he will be chased up to a place, which has been
named as PAU. It may be noted that the area of 'Tora-Bora'
contains about four hundred passages, some of which are covered
passages or tunnels (described as veins in the above quatrain.).
These covered passages or type of tunnels are actually called
veins. It is predicted that his entire group will be exterminated in
Tora-Bora, and Laden will be chased and driven up to PAU. This
word has been used symbolically, and may mean Pakistan Army
Unit. Laden had escaped to an Army Unit in Pakistan. It is also
noticeable that in order to connect this Quatrain to Q-99, Century-
6 (mentioned above) the name of mountain ranges has been
mentioned as Pyreness Mountains in both the Quatrains.

What happens to Bin Laden after this escape has been
described by Nostradamus in other Quatrains where he had
mentioned that a tyrant would be killed at a port near a sea or a
river. Laden was killed in Karachi and his remains submersed in

It is generally presumed that prophecies of Nostradamus

are decoded only after the events take place, by all the events
connected with the attack on New York to the death of Laden
were decoded and predicted by our study group in press-
conferences and publications before the happening of these

War of the Third Anti-Christ to Last 27 Years

Nostradamus has referred to the Third Anti-Christ and his
effect on the world, in the following Quatrain :

Century- 8, Q-77

By Anti-Christ 3rd, three will be annihilated,

Twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
Blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

By Anti-Christ (and his group), 'three' will be annihilated. The

war started by these forces will last 27 years. It will be the
bloodiest war earth has ever seen.

The period of 27 years as mentioned in line 2 of the above

Quatrain has been interpreted to be from 1999 to 2025. Two years
(from 1999 to 2001) would be for the preparation of attack on New
York, after which the 25 yearlong period of war of terrorism and other
calamities would start. But, who are these 'three' described in the first
line of the above Quatrain, who will be annihilated in this war?
According to the letter of dedication to King Henry, these
may be three sects : Catholic, Protestant, and Mahometen
(Muslims), who will suffer most heavily in this war. However,
this point seems to have a deeper meaning, which has been
described below.

Believers and Non-believers of Islamic Principles

Nostradamus had made it very clear that the next world war
would be fought mainly between two sects, Christians and
Muslims. At some places he had also mentioned that the war
would be between Christians and Non-believers. In order to find
out the real meaning of 'Non-Believers' in this context, I have
discussed this issue with many scholars, some of them being my
friends from Muslim community.

During such discussions, it had been made clear to me that all

the God-abiding Muslims really detest terrorism, and do not
approve the means adopted by terrorists at all. According to them,
their religion would not, in any case, permit the killing of the
innocent citizens or harming their property. And those, who
involve themselves in such activities, cannot be said to be the
believers of the God. This makes it clear that the term 'Non-
believers', used by Nostradamus, refers to 'terrorists' belonging to
any sect or religion.

The Third World War, therefore, will be a battle between

'Believers' and 'Non-believers' pertaining to any community or
religion. Believers will be on the side of God, and non-believers
on the side of Satan. A reader, Mr. S. Balakrishnan had aptly
expressed this idea in 21st January 2002 issue of 'India Today' as:
“It is now for the people to accept the Holy Koran either as it was revealed
to Prophet Mohammad or as interpreted by Bin Laden”.

And, Bin Laden had been quoted as saying: “Fighting is a part

of our Shariyat, Those who Love Allah can not deny that”.
This makes us clear that the cause of today's predicament is
the difference in interpretations by 'Believers' and 'Non-
Believers' of Islamic principles that were revealed by the God to
Prophet Mohammad.

Nostradamus has hinted about this ambiguity in his letter to

his son, in following words :

“This is in spite of all the ambiguous opinions surpassing all

natural reason, expressed by Mahomet; which is why God the
Creator, through the ministry of his fiery agents with their flames,
will come to propose to our perceptions as well as our eyes the
reasons for future predictions.”

In the above mentioned part of the letter, Nostradamus has

revealed that the ambiguous opinions of Non-Believers about the
sayings of Prophet Mohammad, which will surpass all natural
reasoning, will create such a situation, that life on Earth – the
most important creation of God - will itself come in such danger
that God the Creator, will be compelled to use his fiery agents
with their flames to overcome this predicament. This means that
the net outcome of difference in the correct and wrong
interpretations of the verses of 'Holy Koran' is this War of
Terrorism, and there is a possibility of the direct intervention of
God through his fiery agents in order to retrieve the situation.

Reasons for coding of prophecies

Saints and philosophers generally speak in short and

enigmatic sentences. It sometimes creates confusion and
ambiguity. The saint-poet Kabir in following words has stated the
reason for this obscurity:

lk¡p dgs tx d”V gS] >wB dgs tx u”VA

rklks lar dgr ukfga cgqr vf/kd Li”VAA

(Truth is painful to some; untruth may destroy the world; That is
why; the saints have to speak in an obscure manner. )

Such ambiguities that have crept in almost every faith and

religion have harmed the mankind no end. It is, therefore,
necessary in larger perspective for us to analyse our past, and we
find that most of the ugly scenes and blots on humanity are due to
conflicting and ambiguous interpretations leading to encroaching
tendencies of religions all over the world.

It is in this background that certain hardcore fundamentalists

and terrorists continue to misread the writing on the wall, which
alarms their religion to reach a stage of 'Qayamat' (Armageddon)
after the Fourteenth Century 'Hijri'. The idea that was intended to
be communicated was the same as written in other scriptures and
also by Nostradamus. Like other saints, Muslim saints had also
visualised that a stage would come just after the Fourteenth
Century (Hijri), when the entire mankind would be in danger of
being liquidated (due the actions of the terrorists).

It seems that the Non-Believers are again misinterpreting the

just message given by the wise Muslim saints and a contrary
interpretation is being made by them either to see the entire world
under the flavor of Islam or to see the 'Qayamat'. Thus, the pious
idea of Prophet Mohammad is being misinterpreted, and this may
lead to a calamitous war in the way Nostradamus foresaw and
warned through his writings. While the emergence of Islam was
basically meant for brotherhood amongst all human beings,
whimsical and fanciful interpretation of its basic principles by a
small group belonging to the terrorists seems to have created such
enmity between different sects in the world that a calamitous
situation has indeed been precipitated.

Therefore, we must, now, look into the history and find out
the reasons for the sufferings that the mankind has faced during
the past millenniums so as not to repeat those mistakes. The first
such mistake that comes to mind obviously is the aim of religious
conversion through force or money. This is being practiced even

Why the need of conversion arises at all? One reason is to

rectify the anomalies that creep into any society or sect or religion
after a long gap. Then, the rules of conduct need a revision and a
prophet like Buddha, or Christ, or Adi Sankaracharya, emerges
on earth and people become his followers in large numbers. But,
even the rules of conduct advanced by him may become
redundant after few hundred years, and a new set of rules may,
then, be required. Therefore, an analysis of the reasons of today's
crisis is required with an open mind.

But, at present, attitudes of both – Christians and Non-

Believers are hardening and a full-scale war of terrorism is
becoming inevitable. Nostradamus has given us enough hints
about what is going to happen in the world if this war is to
continue. We can easily infer from the events of the past period
that terrorism is on the increase, and is bound to increase further if
solutions to the basic problems are not found.

At this juncture, we must pay heed to the fact that

Nostradamus had visions for the periods of both, the Second
Anti-Christ and the Third Anti-Christ. He had described the
events pertaining to the period of the Second Anti-Christ (Hitler)
with remarkable accuracy. Therefore, the chances are that his
visions regarding the period of Third Anti-Christ may also be
true. He had mentioned that during the period of Second Anti-
Christ, the Satan would be loosened up to some extent, but during
the period of Third Anti-Christ (2001 to 2025) Satan would be the
'infernal prince'.

If the satanic forces, which were loosened up to some extent

during the Second World War, caused so much suffering to the
mankind, what will happen this time when Satan becomes the
infernal prince? The prophecies of this great seer provide us a
clear insight into the future in this regard. It will only be a wishful
thinking, particularly on the part of western countries, if they feel
that this war of terrorism can be contained through military

Amicable settlements will have to be arrived at and made

between been the warring groups before the situation becomes
totally out of control.

Predictions made in Mahabharata, Srimadbhagwat and many

other scriptures, and the prophecies of Nostradamus, have been
discussed in this book. Message is the same. Either the mankind
solves its problems on its own, or God solves it for them. But, the
later option will leave widespread destruction and disaster on
the Earth.


I have mentioned earlier in this book that it is not

sufficient only to decode the prophecies of Nostradamus, but
we must also decipher the message he wanted to convey. He
has painted a real grim situation of the world if this war of
terrorism is to continue in the manner predicted by him. So, can
anything be done about it, or the events will occur as he had

The first question that comes to mind is that how anyone can
see the events that are yet to occur? I think that there is an
answer to this riddle in Indian philosophy. The future events first
occur in 'Sookhshma', which can be explained as a metaphoric yet
existing plane at an 'Abstract Level'. Then the events manifest at
the time of their occurrence. Perhaps, by a supreme effort we
can bypass that level, and future can be changed. But as I have
said earlier, it will not be easy at this stage. The writing is already
on the wall, and only a collective effort through a strong will
power on the part of the entire mankind can, perhaps, retrieve the

After discussing with many knowledgeable persons, I have

reached a conclusion. If the world admits that certain injustice
was done during the formation of Israel by not properly
compensating the countries on whose land the new state was
created, and this matter is discussed and negotiated across the
table, the Third World War can still be avoided. If it is not
done, we have already started moving very fast on the road that is
destined to end in disaster.

Our whole world seems to be a big intellectual, emotional,

and physical exercise provided to the mankind by nature. Nature
wants to know : how far its children can succeed in this
exercise? One day, it is all going to be taken away from us, and the
extent of our success in this phase of time shall form the basis
of another such exercise in next phase of time.

God has provided us with infinite possibilities in our

existence. There are infinite laws and rules of nature that can be
deciphered to create new ideas, new philosophies, new materials,
new combinations, and new contraptions to be used in the manner
we like. But nature has also given us a sinister foolishness by
which we can destroy ourselves. On the one hand we may
conquer new frontiers in space, and on the other we may fail to
solve even the trifle problems that threaten our very existence.

But, nothing in this world is beyond human intelligence. It seems

that Nostradamus has indicated us about a task that must be taken up
now and fulfilled. Can mankind prove itself equal to the task?

Thus, the overall picture of Third World War (of terrorism), as

deciphered from the prophesies of Nostradamus, suggests that the
period of 27 years that has been mentioned as period of Satan will
be from 1999 to 2025. (The infrastructure of terrorism was
completed and took shape in 1999. Plans for the first action were
finalised by 2001, and the action was executed in New York and
Washington on 11th September 2001).

This war of terrorism will continue for a long period, with

chances of its conversion into a full-fledged war sometime during
2012 to 2014. In any case, a long lasting golden period starts all
over the world by 2025.

Germ Warfare
It is said that during the Mahabharata period in India, Karna
used 'Germ Warfare' on the cows of King Drupada. The
technology of this warfare was taught to him by Lord Parasuram,
which should have been used only at the time of war. But Karna,
enraged by the fact that he was not allowed to participate in
'swayambara' (process of choosing of bridegroom by the bride) of
Draupadi, used it on the cows of Drupada, and made them sick.
The cows cursed Karna for his misuse of the technique of Germ
Warfare and as a result of that curse, a wheel of his chariot was
stuck in mud during the Mahabharata war, and he was killed.

Nostradamus may or may not have read Mahabharata, but the

great seer has certainly indicated the use of germ warfare during
the war to take place in the aftermath of terrorist attack on U.S.

USA has ever been vigilant to the predictions of Nostradamus

and it is a well-known fact that during World War II, Allied Forces
got the interpretation of his prophecies published and distributed
to their soldiers in order to boost their morale. The interpretations
envisioned their victory and defeat of Hitler, which actually did
happen. Famous American Film Company MGM also produced a
small film during the Second World War about these prophecies
indicating the victory of their forces, which was then used as a
propaganda film.

In Quatrain no. 98 of Century-6, which is interpreted to be the

description of U.S. answer to the terrorist attack on New York, the
seer had written 'A great city will be tainted, a pestilent deed'.
Pestilent means 'producing infectious disease destructive to life'.
It is astonishing that about five hundred years back someone
could predict biological wars to take place in great cities in distant
future. After this terrorist attack, the U.S. defense secretary
Donald Rumsfeld might have this prophecy about germ warfare
in his mind, amongst other things, when he expressed his fear
about the possibility of biological and chemical warfare by the

However, in view of some other interpreters, fear was

expressed that USA might use such warfare to flush out the
terrorists from their safe hideouts in bunkers made in Afghanistan
earlier with help of CIA, where other forms of attacks might
prove to be futile. Who used such warfare and against whom, only
time can tell!

Will the World Really See Any Period of Peace?

By the picture made clear by the above inferences, 'A World
War of Terrorism' has started, and will continue up to 2025.

Today's world is already lost in wars, terrorism, hatred, greed

and selfishness ; will it ever enter the golden age of peace,
tolerance, love, morality, selflessness and progress?
Nostradamus promises us a peace of one thousand years when
'God the Creator shall say, hearing the affliction of its people,
Satan will be tied in the deep, and there shall begin an age of
universal peace between God and man'. And after those thousand
years of peace, Satan is to be loosed again.’
Today, we do not have to worry about the period of loosening of
Satan after the said peace period of thousand years ; first we yearn
for that promised period of peace and harmony. Is it anywhere in
sight? When will it come? If the interpretations of Nostradamus by
his numerous scholars prove to be correct, it will take precisely
twenty-five years from 2001, i.e. the golden year will be 2025,
when the war will finish and period of peace and progress will start.

Does it give you any comfort today? Well, it may, if you are a
tiny tot smugly sucking your thumb in comfort of your cradle.
Because, by that time you will have graduated to practical life
after going through the turbulence of war cries, sirens, blackouts
and fiery speeches of your leaders throughout your childhood and
youth, and glorious period will be before you. But what about
those, who will live and perish in these twenty-five years?

Nostradamus describes this period of 25 years in his own

words as 'There shall be more grievous wars and battles', and so
many evils shall be committed by the means of infernal prince,
Satan, that almost the entire world shall be undone and desolate'.

If the world pays heed to the warnings of Nostradamus, and is

able to control the situation, only then there is hope of our
survival, otherwise many of us may not even survive to watch our
world being undone and desolate.

But, Nostradamus has also written: 'A slender flame leaps out
of the solitude, making me pronounce that which is not in vain'.
His writings will certainly not be in vain if the people of the world
can realize the gravity of situation and make collective efforts to
thwart successfully what today seems to be the writing on the wall.

Other amazingly accurate predictions of Nostradamus

In order to assess the accuracy of these predictions regarding
our future, we must analyses the prophecies regarding the events
that have already taken place.

An astrologer of sixteenth century, predicting events up to

year 3797; is it not something miraculous and amazing? Let us
examine the issue in detail from his predictions. First, we
examine some of his predictions, which are considered by the
Nostradamus scholars to be fairly accurate.

Birth of USA and France as Republics

Century- 4, Q-96

The eldest sister of Britannic Island

Would be born fifteen years before her brother,
By what is promised her and by help of truth,
She will succeed to the kingdom of balance.

The eldest sister of Britain, USA, was born in 1776, and fifteen
years later, in 1791, France became a Republic. Apart from accuracy of
timing, Nostradamus also meant that these countries would act as a
family in international matters. USA, described as eldest, would act as
head of the family. She (USA) would succeed (England) to the kingdom
of balance (position of most powerful country of the world; a position
which was earlier held by England).

Great Empire for England and India's Independence

Century- 10, Q-100

The great empire will be for England,

By great power for more than three hundred years:
Great forces pass by sea and land,
The Lusitains will not be content therewith.

This is one of the most remarkable predictions of

Nostradamus. He had not only visualized the exact period of the
long rule of England when it would be a great power and its rule
would be extended to far ends of the earth for more than three
hundred years, but he had also told us about an eventuality which
would coincide with the fall of England's 'Jewell in the Crown',
i.e. India.

In 1947, when England withdrew its great forces through land

and sea from India, Portugal (Lusitains)* was still not content
with its rule over some parts of India, and continued to rule there
(in Goa, Daman, and Diu) for some more time.

This means that the great prophet was aware of the exact
period when British would leave India, and the country would
become independent. In fact, he had mentioned India's year of
independence in his letter to King Henry. The relevant portion of
letter is quoted below, where he has described the large decrease
in the area under British rule, events of Second World War, and
also the advent of Hitler.

Excerpt from Letter to King Henry regarding

Period of Second World War

In the Adriatic there shall be a great discord, what was united

shall be put asunder, and what was before a great city shall
become a house, including the Pampotan and Mesopotamia of
Europe, in (19)45, and others to 41,42, and 47. And in that time
and those countries the infernal power shall rise against the
Church of Jesus Christ. This shall be the Second Antichrist, who
shall persecute the said church and its true vicar by means of the
power of temporal kings, who through their ignorance shall be
seduced by tongues more sharp than any swords in the hands of

* Portuguese were earlier called Lusitains.
The shrinking of England has been described above as 'what
was before a great city shall become a house'. The happenings
from 1941 to 1945 - the period of second war, activities of Hitler
(described as Second Antichrist), and freedom of India in 1947,
have all been described in this part of the said letter to Henry II.

Revolution in Russia
Nostradamus described another important event of this
period, i.e. revolution in Russia, in following Quatrains :

Century- 5, Q-26

The Slavic Nation shall by martial luck,

Be raised to so high a degree,
They shall change their Prince, and elect
one from their province,
They shall cross the sea with an army
raised in the mountains.

The Slavic Nation (Russia), by a military revolution, shall

change their form of government, and they will grow to be a great
power and invade many countries.

Century- 1, Q-14

Slavic people's requests for dance and books,

Being kept prisoners by princes & lords,
In future, idiots without heads,
Shall be received by divine prayers

The request of Slavic (Russian) people for dance and books,

i.e. freedom to live the way they like, will not be fulfilled till they
are prisoners of princes & lords. But, in future also, they are
destined to get idiots as their leaders, who will not have any faith
in divine powers. After that, they will get the freedom of religion.
Nostradamus, himself a conscientious devotee of God, here
condemns those, who will try to suppress religion.

Formation of Israel
Another important event, the formation of Israel, is given in
following Quatrain :

Century-3, Q-97

A new law shall occupy a new land;

Around Syria, Judea and Palestine.
The great barbarian empire will crumble;
Before the century of sun is finished

A new country (Israel) will be formed in the area known as

Palestine. A savage empire will trouble it, but that empire will be
defeated (by Israel) before twentieth century is finished.

Century-2, Q-19

Newcomers will build a place without a fence,

And shall occupy a place that was not then habitable.
They shall at their pleasure take fields, houses and towns.
There shall be famine, plague, war, and a long arable field

The newcomers (Israelis) will build their country in a place,

which will not be habitable. But they will make it habitable and
arable (fit for farming) fighting against all odds e.g. war, famine
and plague. This prediction is also remarkable in the sense that
conversion of non-arable land by the Israelis into agricultural
land is considered to be a miracle of modern age.

Besides above, there are many Quatrains, which have clearly

matched with the events e.g. Quatrains depicting rise and fall of –
Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, and other leaders.
During the period covered by his prophecies Nostradamus
has described three Anti-Christs (evil powers / persons). An
important event of this phase was the advent of Napoleon, who
according to some scholars, was considered by Nostradamus as
the First Anti-Christ.

Century- 8, Q-1

Pau, Nay, Loron will be more of fire than blood,

Seen to swim in praise, the great one to flee to the
He will refuse entry to the magpies.
Pampton and the Durance will keep them confined.

In the above Quatrain there is a play on words. The words

“Pau, Nay, Loron” are names of three places in France, but by
sating that he will be more of fire than blood, Nostradamus had
made it clear the he was referring to a person, not places. These
words can also be rearranged as 'Roy Naupolon' (Roy, in French,
means king). Nostradamus had, thus, given us the name of King
Napoleon in a scrambled form two hundred years before
Napoleon was even born.

Century- 1, Q-60

An Emperor will be born near Italy,

Who will cost the Empire very dearly.
They will say, when they see his allies,
That he is less a prince than a butcher.

It is noteworthy that Napoleon was born in Corsica, which is

near Italy, and perhaps it was then in Italian possession. He cost
the empire of France very dearly through wars and destruction.
His (mis) adventures killed so many persons that the seer had
described him as more a butcher than a king.

Century- 4, Q-54

Of the name which no Gallic King ever had

Never was there so fearful a thunderbolt,
Italy, Spain and the English trembling,
Very attentive to women and foreigners”

( Amazing accuracy. Napoleon added his name to the line of

kings in France. Earlier, the kings were named Louis, Charles,
Henry, etc. After Napoleon, the kings were named Napoleon II,
III, etc. His being like a thunderbolt so much feared, is also an
astonishingly accurate description of the great French Emperor.
His two foreign wives, Josephine and Marie, as well as his foreign
mistresses - Grassini and Walewska, are also indicated in the
above Quatrain.)

An astonishingly accurate prophecy of Nostradamus

regarding the son of Napoleon, Napoleon the II.

Century- 4, Q-7

The minor son of the great and hated Prince,

He will have a great touch of leprosy at the age of twenty:
Of grief his mother will die very sad and emaciated,
And he will die where the loose flesh falls.

Napoleon II, son of great and hated prince (Napoleon), who

was born in 1811, died after a sickness of one year at the age of 21,
in 1832. Marie Louise, her mother, also died in the same year.
There is some controversy regarding his sickness, whether it was
leprosy or not. But it is immaterial; even if it is not confirmed, the
prophecy is remarkable for exactness of other events. It is notable
that since the publication of Nostradamus prophecies, this is the
only recorded event when son of a king has died in age of 21, and
his mother has also died in the same year. And, this was predicted
more than two hundred year before this actually happened.

Some other astonishingly accurate predictions of

Nostradamus are given below :

Though, even dynamite was not discovered at the time when

Nostradamus lived, but he had described events matching
explosions, Atom Bomb, and other devices used during world wars.

In his time, no one had thought of aeroplanes, submarines, or

even ships made of iron. But, Nostradamus speaks of Iron fishes
in which people will travel. Safe traveling for everyone by air,
land and sea has also been predicted. An event of war, when
someone traveled in a submarine, is indicated in following
Quatrain :

Century-2, Q-5

When in an iron fish, a letter shall be shut up,

He shall go out, that shall afterwards make war,
He shall have fleet by the sea well provided
Appearing by the Roman land

In a submarine, one will travel with an important letter that

will be used in a war. There had been many instances of such acts
in Second World War about traveling in submarines with
important war documents, but probably, General Clark's feat is
foretold here.

Century-1, Q-63

The scourge being past, the world shall be made smaller

peace for a long time, lands inhabited.
Everyone safe shall go by air, land and sea.
And then, the wars shall begin a new

During the times of Nostradamus, there might be some

mythological references of angels and gods flying in their
contraptions, or some magicians flying on their carpets, but
certainly, the thought of safe air travel for everyone could not
have entered the minds of common people ; Wright Brothers were
not even born then.

Wars between Christian and Muslim countries

During his time, there was no widespread confrontation

between Christians & Muslims. But, he had stated that Muslim
countries would become rich and then they would be in a position
to trouble the Christian countries.

The predictions stated above, along with numerous other

predictions, which have come true, are ample evidence that
prophetic powers of Nostradamus cannot be doubted.

Invention of Electricity, Motor, and Industrialisation

Century-2, Q-46

After great change for humanity, a greater one is prepared.

The great motor renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
In the skies running fire seen with long sparks.

The above Quatrain, alone, is sufficient to dispel any doubt

that one may have about the visionary powers of Nostradamus.
Here, he has not only given the exact name of a future invention –
'motor', that would renew the ages, but has also indicated that it
would be run by a future source of power – 'electricity'. As
electricity was visible only in sky in those days, Nostradamus has
mentioned it as 'a running fire seen in the skies with long sparks'.
As we all know, it is the electric motor that is the moving
mechanism of every equipment right from the smallest gadget to
the space rocket, and it has renewed the ages in such a manner that
the wealth has concentrated only in few hands, thereby giving
milk (fruits of industrialisation) to some and perils to others.

His Method of Describing the Future

It is evident from the prophecies of Nostradamus, that he saw

every event he has described, in his clear visions. He, then,
divided the full picture of the event in several parts, and placed
those parts in forms of Quatrains in different chapters mentioned
as Centuries. He also obscured the clear meanings of his
prophecies by using veiled or symbolic language in some cases.
He used symbols for countries and people, e.g. 'Eagle' for USA,
'Sun' for Japan, 'Lion' for Britain, 'Cock' for France, 'Cross' or
'Bear' for Germans, 'Moon people' or 'People of East' for Indians,
'Caitiffs of Moon' for Muslims, 'Slavic people' for Russians,
'Lords' or 'Masters' for Religions and Religious Heads, 'Shaven
Head' for Pope, etc.

He used cloud, frost, and mist for secrecy; sometimes secrecy

coupled with danger. In his language 'rain' meant trouble.

He has himself mentioned that he was writing the prophecies

from his period up to the year 3797, and that the divine power was
guiding him when he was writing these prophecies. He has also
mentioned in his letter to King Henry : “I could have set down in
every Quatrain the exact time in which they shall happen, but
it would not please everybody, and much less the interpretation
of them.” He, therefore, did not mention the exact time of the
events, but left clear hints in the shape of configuration of planets at
the time of happening of those events, or by connecting them to any
other prominent event of the same period, so that the prophecy
could be accurately deciphered after the event had taken place.
He never misquoted the time of happening of event. If the
given time or the positions of planets does not match with the
event, we can be sure that the seer is describing any other event.
As far as the names of places are concerned, sometimes he had
substituted for the actual place of event, name of such a place that
is of similar nature and surroundings. The name of actual place
will become clear either after the event has happened, or when the
Quatrain is connected to another relevant Quatrain. For example,
refer to the prophecy regarding the assassination of Rajeev
Gandhi given on page -108.

But, the events pertaining to Third World War and after, has
been defined in a quite unambiguous manner, and therefore, the
picture of these events is clearer. Metaphorical descriptions for
this period are comparatively less, and prophecies are more
straight forward.

This means that the great seer wanted first to establish his
credentials by giving accurate description of events prior to the
Third World War, keeping in mind that those prophecies could not
be deciphered before their actual happening. Then, he wanted to
paint a clear picture of what was going to happen in the Third
world War, i.e. during the period of 2001 to 2025, so that mankind
could believe in his prophecies, and could do whatever could be
done to save the world from horrors of this period.

During this period, the world may continuously be witnessing

increased terrorism, which may flare up to a full-fledged war
sometime during 2002 and 2014. Nostradamus has predicted the
period of the beginning of the final war as the time when Mars
conjuncts Jupiter in Cancer. During this period of 25 years (from
2001 to 2025) this situation has occur twice - in 2002 and in
2013. Therefore, terrorism has increased after 2002, and we may
see the start of final phase of this calamitous war on earth in 2013,
after which a long peaceful period would usher in.

In this regard, following Quatrain assumes special
significance :

Century. 10, Q-89

The walls will be converted from brick to marble,

Seven and fifty pacific years:
Joy to mortals, the aqueduct renewed,
Health, abundance of fruits, joy and mellifluous times.

In the above Quatrain the seer may have described a 57-year

long period of peace and abundance in the world, after which war
may start again. Second World War ended in 1945. After 57 years
we come to year 2002, by which time a long war of terrorism has
already started. And, message of Nostradamus is clear. Either
mankind solves its problems now, or faces the consequences.

I feel that we can take his message as a message directly

from God.

Warning to Inept Critics

It seems that the great seer was very much worried about the
possibility of misinterpretation of his verses. He had expressed
this fear in Quatrain-100 of Century-6 of his book.

Let those who read this verse consider it with mature mind,
Let the profane, vulgar, and the ignorant not attracted:
And draw not near all Astrologers, Idiots and Barbarians,
Those acting otherwise be cursed according to the sacred rite.

He has also written in the letter of dedication to his son Caesar at

the time of the publication of the first edition of his book of prophecies
in 1555, that in future will come such persons, who will accurately
decipher his prophecies when the time of removal of ignorance comes.
The relevant part of the letter is quoted below:

That men coming after, may see and know that those accidents
are certainly come to pass, as we have marked in other places,
speaking more clearly, although the explication be involved in
obscurity: when the time arrives for removal of ignorance; the
case shall be more clear.

The following detailed explanation, compiling the views of

eminent Nostradamus scholars, gives a larger account of what
Nostradamus had written to his son in this regard.

“For God's mercy will be poured forth only for a certain time,
my son, until the majority of my prophecies are fulfilled and this
fulfillment is complete. Then several times in the course of the
doleful tempests the Lord shall say:' Therefore I shall crush and
destroy and show no mercy'; and many other circumstances
shall result from floods and continual rain of which I have written
more fully in my other prophecies, composed at some length, not
in a chronological sequence, in prose, limiting the places and
times and exact dates so that future generations will see, while
experiencing these inevitable events, how I have listed others in
clearer language, so that despite their obscurities these things
shall be understood : when the time comes for the removal of
ignorance, the matter will be clearer still.”

It is, therefore, evident that Nostradamus knew that only

persons of mature mind, who will be destined to do so, would
decipher his prophecies and that too at the appropriate time
(when time for removal of ignorance comes i.e. in year 2001).

He has also written that astrologers shall not be attracted to

study of his verses, thereby meaning that his observations were not
based purely on Astrology. Astrological configurations are given in
his verses only to mark the timing of those events so that the timing
can be corroborated with the given set of astrological conjunctions.
Though, he used a veiled language to describe the events. He
has left enough hints for decoding the prophecies by men of
mature mind, and also gave strict warning to his inept critics not
to burn their fingers by giving false inferences, or misuse these
prophecies for their gains. Such persons were liable to be cursed
according to the rites, he said.

There are many examples of such cases, where these

prophecies were misused, and the culprits paid the price, Hitler
being one of them. His propaganda department tried to use these
prophecies to his advantage, and caused the British secret service
to spend about eighty thousand Pounds for countering that
propaganda. And, Hitler lost.

It is clear from the verses of Nostradamus that no special skill

is required for their interpretation. The knowledge of astrology is
required only to the extent of knowing the planetary positions at a
particular time.

He has written one thousand Quatrains, and calculating on the

basis of average of three Quatrains per event, he has described
about three hundred to three hundred fifty events. This means that
his box of puzzles holds one thousand loose pieces of more than
three hundred jigsaw puzzles. For solving any of these puzzles,
we have to find and match the relevant Quatrains.

No wonder then, that the prophecies of Nostradamus are

called the biggest intellectual exercise mankind has ever had.

(Chapter - 8)


For proper decoding and interpretations, his prophecies can
be divided in four phases of time.

First Phase : From the period of publication of these

prophecies to the beginning of the World War I (1555 to 1914).
For this period, Nostradamus has described the events mostly
about France and adjoining countries ; King Henry II ; his
family ; Napoleon ; his son ; other events of this period ;
formation of USA ; revolution in France ; rise of England and
spread of its rule all over the world etc.

Second Phase : From World War I to World War II (1915

to 1945). Wars ; rise and fall of Hitler & Mussolini ; failure of
League of Nations ; revolution in Russia and formation of
USSR ; invention of aero-planes, submarines, atom bomb
and its use over Japan ; great advancement of science and its
use by common man ; development of safe means of travel
for everyone by land, air and sea, etc. have been clearly

Third Phase : After World War II to year 2025. Predictions

for this period include - formation of Israel and subsequent
Christian Muslim conflicts ; assassination of John F.
Kennedy ; escape and return of Subhash Chandra Bose; rise
of terrorism ; formation of a strong base and later a strong
infrastructure of Third Anti-Christ ; assassinations of Indira
Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi ; India's nuclear explosion and
reply by Pakistan ; terrorist attacks over New York and
counter action by USA ; flight of Bin Laden from his camp in
caves of mountains (where he was hiding) to Pakistan ; birth
of a Prophet in Asia (possibly India) and his rise to power, and
subsequent peace in the world by year 2025.

Fourth Phase: From 2025 to 3797. One thousand year long

period of peace ; rise of India ; shifting of power from Western
to Eastern countries ; great advancement of mankind ;
subsequent rise of Satanic Powers after one thousand years ;
start of hostilities on Earth in year 3142 before the ' Final death
dealing on Earth' and end of population on Earth in Year 3797

Out of the above, the period of 'Third Phase' is running,

and is more relevant today. I have, therefore, discussed the
third phase in detail. Events occurred during first and second
phases have only academic value now, mainly to have an insight
into the works of Nostradamus and to understand the language
used by him in describing those events that have already taken

In order to judge the eventualities of future, it is necessary to

decipher the Quatrains pertaining to future events. And for this,
the language decoded from 'already happened' events is the only
tool available to us. Therefore, only those Quatrains from First
Phase and Second Phase have been discussed in this book, which
connect some important events of that era, or are important from
the point of view of decoding.

First Phase (1555 to 1914)

Before describing the Quatrains pertaining to this period, I
would like to describe briefly the events that have happened
from the time of the beginning of the population on earth in this
phase of time to the time of publication of these prophecies, as
detailed by Nostradamus in his letter of dedication to King
Population on Earth
According to him, around 2100 B.C, the earth kept submerged in water
for fourteen months. Only one family was saved after this deluge. The
whole population on earth, today, has developed from a single family.
Through DNA tests, the scientists have confirmed this fact. Moreover,
the mathematical calculations for assessing the period required for
increase in population from a single family to the population level
today, also confirms the assessment of Nostradamus in this regard.

Main Events
Main events of the period, from the time of Nostradamus to
the period of the beginning of First World War, are detailed below:

Maximum numbers of Quatrains written by Nostradamus in

his book of prophecies were to describe the events going to
happen in future concerning the kings, queens, princes, and other
dignitaries of his period. The important ones have already been
described ; rest of these do not have much relevance today.

French Revolution
Nostradamus has discussed French revolution in great detail,
and most of the Nostradamus scholars agree that maximum
number of Quatrains in his book pertain to this event which he has
detailed quite accurately. In fact, two hundred thirty years after his
death Nostradamus was once again remembered and adored like a
hero, just after the French Revolution in 1791, when his prophecies
in this regard were understood by people and found to be true.

Other Events
There are many other events of this period described by
Nostradamus, and some of the Quatrains pertaining to these
events are given below :
Louis XIII
Century- 7, Q-11

The Royal infant shall despise his mother

Eye, feet wounded rude disobedient;
Strange and very bitter news to the lady;
More than five hundred of her people will be killed

The Royal infant (Louis XIII, King of France in 1615, aged 15

years) made war against his mother, in which, about five hundred
soldiers of queen were killed.

Francis II
Century- 10, Q-39

First son, widow, unfortunate marriage,

Without any children two Isles in discord:
Before eighteen, incompetent age,
For the other one the betrothal will take place while younger

Francis II, son of Queen Regent Catherine, a widow, married

Mary Stuart of Scotland at the age of fourteen. Their marriage did
not bear any fruit; they were childless. Mary returned to Scotland
causing discord between two islands - England and Scotland.
Francis II died one and half months before reaching the age of
eighteen. His younger brother Charles IX was engaged
(betrothed) to a girl named Elizabeth even at a younger age of

There are numerous other Quatrains also, written by the great

seer for this period (1555 to 1914), which have been found to be
accurate, but do not have much relevance today.

Second Phase (1915 to 1947)
This period will always be remembered by historians for the
two world wars, development of warfare equipments, nuclear
explosions, failure of League of Nations after the First World
War, formation of United Nations after the Second World War,
presence of luminaries like Gandhi, Churchill, Roosevelt, and
others on one hand, and tyrants like Hitler and Mussolini on the

Hitler, the Second Anti-Christ

The events of this period have been described in the
prophecies of Nostradamus in vivid details. The seer has,
particularly, described the activities of Second Anti-Christ
(Hitler). Nostradamus had written about three Anti-Christs (evil
persons). Though, Napoleon had not been directly named by him
as Anti-Christ, but it is generally understood by the Nostradamus
scholars that he was referred as First Anti-Christ. The person who
was named and referred by Nostradamus as Second Anti-Christ
was no other than Hitler.

“And in that time and those countries the infernal power shall rise
against the Church of Jesus Christ. This shall be the Second Antichrist,
which shall persecute the said church and its true vicar by the means of the
power of temporal kings, who through their ignorance shall be seduced by
tongues more sharp than any sword in the hands of a madman.”

This is a part of the letter to King Henry, where Nostradamus

had described the activities of Hitler. In the same letter he had also
described the time-period of these happenings (1941 to 1947). As
mentioned in the said part of the letter, Nostradamus had
indicated Hitler's oratory as his main weapon. It was through his
lectures that he not only mesmerized millions of his countrymen,
but could also garner the support of so many countries for his
For this period, Nostradamus had specifically mentioned the
years 1941, 42, 45 and 47 in the letter to King Henry. Out of these,
1941 and 42 were important from the point of Second World War
and the activities of Hitler, 1945 for the end of war and death of
Hitler, and 1947 being the year in which India achieved its
freedom from British rule, and was also partitioned.

During this time Hitler would be responsible for killing such a

huge number of innocent people and clergymen, was further
described in the same letter as under:

“The holy people of God and keepers of his law, and all order of religion,
shall be grievously persecuted and afflicted, so much that the blood of true
ecclesiastical men shall flow all over. One of those horrid kings shall be
praised by his followers for having split more human blood of the innocent
clergymen than anybody has done to the wine. The said king shall commit
incredible crime against the Church ; human blood shall run through public
streets and Churches, as water coming from an impetuous rain.”

Although, these events happened about four hundred years

after Nostradamus wrote them, it seems that he was actually
watching the events while writing them, which perhaps he was,
through his occult powers.

Nostradamus, it seems, was particularly angry at another
personality of this era, Mussolini, the black shirt leader and a
horrendous dictator of Italy.

Century- 5, Q-29

Liberty will not be recovered,

A proud, villainous, wicked black one will occupy it,
When the matter of the bridge will be opened by Hister (Hitler),
The republic of Venice vexed by the Danube.
This is the Quatrain in which Nostradamus has named Hitler
as 'Hister', and has described Mussolini's efforts to forge an alliance
with Hitler. Mussolini, the black shirt leader, had been described as
black wicked villain, who would destroy the Italian liberty.

Weapons of War
Nostradamus also described with graphic accuracy the
development of new weapons and other equipments that were
used in the war.
Century- 1, Q-29

When the fish, that is both terrestrial and aquatic,

By a strong wave is cast up on to the shore,
With its shape strange, smooth, and horrific.
From the sea the enemies soon come to the walls.

Clearly, the above Quatrain describes the modern submarines

and other amphibious equipments, which could run both on water
and land, and were used in wars. This Quatrain gives a clear
picture of the invasion of Normandy beach by amphibious tanks,
through which the soldiers arrived and started scaling the walls of

League of Nations
Failure of League of Nations was described as below :

Century- 1, Q-47

The sermons of Lake Leman will become angered,

The days will be extended into weeks,
Then in months, then in years, then they will fail.
The Magistrates will condemn their useless laws.

After the beginning of First World War, the League of
Nations was formed in 1920, and its first meeting was held at
Geneva (anciently called as Lake Leman). After years of
fruitless discussions, it became ineffective and was disbanded in

There are many other prophecies regarding the events of this

period, mainly about Second World War, India's position under
British rule and its independence, defeat of Axis-Forces at the
hands of Allied forces, Japan's total surrender after the use of
atomic weapons against it, etc. All of these prophecies have come
true. But now, that is all history, and therefore, we move to the
present phase, i.e. from 1948 to 2025.

Third Phase (1948 to 2025)

This period is very important for us today, not only because it
pertains to our present period, but also because of the fact that
Nostradamus has described it as the last turbulent period on earth
before the beginning of a golden period of one thousand years for
mankind. Therefore, the prophecies of the great seer for this
period have been discussed in an elaborate manner in order to
paint the full picture of this period.

Events of this phase, arranged in chronological order, as

deciphered form the prophecies, are as under :

a. Formation of Israel against the wishes of Muslim countries.

Discovery of oil in Muslim countries making them rich and thus
enabling them to trouble the Christian countries.
b. Escape and return of Subhash Chandra Bose.
c. Assassination of President Kennedy.
d. Increase in hatred of hard-core fundamentalists among Muslims
against Christians, and formation of terrorist groups.
e. Formation of an infrastructure of Anti-Christ forces in order to teach a
lesson to the Christian countries.

f. Friendship between USA and Russia and friendship of some of
the former constituents of USSR and China.
g. Industrial revolution in China.
h. Assassination of Indira Gandhi.
I. Terrorism in Sri-Lanka and Assassination of Rajeev
j. Nuclear explosions by India & Pakistan that could result in a
subsequent war.
k. Putting into action of their plan by the Anti-Christ forces by
attacking New York.
l. A befitting reply by USA and possibility of use of Germ Warfare
in big cities.
m. Fate of Osama bin Laden after the New York attack; his hiding
in Tora Bora, and subsequent escape to Pakistan.
n. A 25-year of war and natural calamities with disastrous effects
on the world.
o. Birth and rise of a Prophet (cosmic power) in Asia, his
activities, and rise of his fame beyond heavens.
p. Role of the Prophet in ushering a new era of peace and
coordination between various countries of the world before his
leaving for heavenly abode.
q. The golden period in the world will start in India through an
industrial revolution which would develop from Bihar and then
spread to the entire country.
r. Rise of India as a strong nation.
s. Massive destructions to be to be caused by cosmic powers in
Pakistan and China till they understand the meaning of true
religion ; thereafter a glorious period is predicted for both these
t. A new world order incorporating the good points of both –
Communism and Capitalism – would be established in India,
China, and Russia.

Birth and rise of a cosmic power in Asia, which would usher

in a golden period for humanity, (starting from India) has been
described in next chapter. For this, the prophecies made by
Maharishi Vedvyas, Shukdeo, Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ,
Brahmendra Swami, Nostradamus, Soordas, Guru Gobind
Singh, Isaac Newton, and many other saints and seers have been
taken into account.

Fourth Phase (2025 to 3797)

End of Life on Earth
As said earlier, Nostradamus has seldom described peaceful
periods because it has been his endeavor to warn the mankind
against impending disasters. He has clearly mentioned that after
the said period of Third Antichrist, which is deciphered to end in
2025, there will be a golden period of lasting peace for 1000
years. After this, Satan will again be let loose, and then there will
be a period of disasters continuing up to year 3797, when Sun will
make the Earth so hot that life on it will not be possible. There will
be a deluge and Earth will be inundated due to 40 years of
continuous rain. Nostradamus says that his prophecies end at that
juncture. Time will continue even after that, and a new phase of
life may start on Earth, but that period is out of the vision of

Century- 1, Q-17

For forty years the rainbow will not be seen.

For forty years it will be seen every day.
The dry earth will grow more parched,
And there will be great floods when it is seen.

When life on Earth will perish in year 3797 A.D., as stated by

Nostradamus, there will be so much shortage of rain for forty
years that our planet would become hot and un-habitable. After
that, there will be excessive rain for forty years and Earth will be
submerged in water at the time of next Armageddon.

Shifting of Power from West to East
Century- 3, Q-92

The world near the last period,

Saturn will come back again late to his return ,
The empire shall be transferred to a Brodde Nation,
The eye plucked out by the hawk at Narbonne.

When the end of world would be near, the Earth will be ruled
by a brown nation *.

Day of Judgment
Century- 10, Q-74

The year of the great seventh number passed,

It will appear at the time of the games of sacrifice:
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will come out from their tombs.

After the year 7000 from the last deluge, the Day of Judgment
will come, and the dead will come out of their graves.

Century-1, Q-48

When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed

Seven thousand years another will take up his reign,
When the Sun resumes his cycle
Then is accomplished and ends my prophecy.

*Indians are known as brown people. On the basis of colour of its
inhabitants, countries of the world are referred as in four
categories – White, black, brown, and Yellow.
It is the repetition of his earlier prophecies in this regard, and
in this Quatrain he confirms his earlier mentioned prophecies.

Astronomical Accuracy

Another amazing Quatrain that relates to this period is given

below :

Century-10, Q-67

A very mighty trembling in the month of May,

Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo,
Hail will fall larger than an egg.

A situation describing the ultimate disaster on the earth has been

mentioned in the above Quatrain; amazing part being the year of
such happening for which the planetary configuration has been
given. According to the latest research, the period of this
configuration comes out to be May 3797*, which is the year
described by Nostradamus to be the year of Armageddon in the
letter of dedication to his son. God only knows, how the great seer
was able to calculate in his period of time, the exact
configuration of planets to be in May 3797. During his period, the
world did not even know whether the Sun revolves round the Earth,
or the Earth revolves round the Sun? Also, no one knew about the
phenomenon of 'precession of equinoxes', and it was virtually
impossible for anyone to convert an assumed or known planetary
position of distant future to its exact date in Christian calendar.

Therefore, we can reach only one conclusion on the basis of

the analysis of this Quatrain ; the divine powers were guiding
Nostradamus when he was writing these prophecies.
* Reference : The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus,
Millennium Edition – Ned Halley (1999)
(Chapter - 9)


Time and again Nostradamus has described in detail about the
prophet who will bring a lasting peace of 1000 years from 2025
onwards, after the end of 25 years long war of the Third Anti-
Christ. However, a view has emerged during our research that this
description is in coded language; actually this description is about
a cosmic consciousness that will emerge and would affect the
minds of people to change their views about life in order to install
religion of humanity on earth.

During this long drawn war, according to Nostradamus,

almost the entire world will be undone and desolate. And then, the
said prophet will bring peace on earth. The relevant part of letter
of dedication to King Henry in this context is quoted below:

There shall be renewed a reign of Saturn and a golden age. Hearing the
affliction of His people, God the Creator shall command that Satan be cast
into the depths of the bottomless pit, and bound there. Then a universal
peace will commence between God and man. The ecclesiastical power shall
return in force and Satan will remain bound for around a thousand years,
and then will be unbound..

Kalki Avatar :
The Reincarnation of Lord Vishnu
Amazingly, such a situation has also been described in
ancient Indian scriptures (believed to be more than five thousand
years old), when Lord Vishnu, who is preserver of our universe,
will have to come on earth as reincarnation of Lord Krishna to
save the mankind from evil forces with the purpose of bringing
'Satyug' (a period of long lasting peace and truthfulness) on earth.
The name of said prophet or the 'Lord Incarnate' has been given as
'Kalki'. The planetary position at the time of a particular
situation when people on earth will realise the presence of
Lord Kalki on earth has also been described in Indian

It has been said in Srimadbhagwat, Bhavishya Puran, and

Kalki Puran that Kalki will ride a fast moving horse and will
annihilate all the evil kings on the earth in order to bring a lasting
period of peace in the world. The horse named Devdutt (given by
Gods), on which Kalki will travel all over the earth, has also been
described as incarnation of 'Garud', which is known as the vehicle
of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, it can be understood that this horse
will be a fast moving flying object fitted with appropriate

It has been mentioned in the Kalki Purana and other Indian

scriptures that the said Avatar will come to earth for establishing
the rule of religion, and will leave for heavenly abode after his
mission is completed. This will be at the bank of river Ganges
somewhere in Himalayas. Nostradamus had similarly described
that said prophet would emerge from an area where five rivers
meet into one.

Since long, Northern India is known as the land of five rivers,

and had been so described in western literature during the ancient
periods. Travelers and explorers from all over the world have
tried to know the geographical location of the place, which has
been described in Indian scriptures as Shambhal, the place of
emergence of Kalki. A number of scholars, both Indian and
Western, have written many books regarding the geographical
location of Shambhal, and the activities going on in that place. A
summary of these details has been given in 'Epilogue' (chapter no.
18 of this book).
The description of this Avatar also resembles the “Rider on
the white horse”, whose cloak is soaked in blood and who,
according to the 'Book of Revelation' (19:11-15), is sent to put the
pagans (worshippers of false Gods) to the sword. Thus, according
to the Christian scriptures, the next Prophet will personally take
over the killing of Pagans. Book of Revelation further reveals that
thereafter, an angel binds the Satan for a thousand years in a
bottomless pit, and after that Satan is released.

It is, therefore, most certain that Nostradamus was in

possession of many Indian scriptures and had studied them along
with Christian scriptures. And thus, he used his methodology to
know the future from these books, which he said, “were
presented” to him. It is possible that he received the information
through Mayan scriptures which the Mayans wrote after
migrating from India.

From above, it can be observed that the concept of the rider of

the horse, who will personally liquidate the evil and will be
instrumental in bringing a lasting period of peace on the earth, is
described both in the Indian scriptures and the Book of
Revelation. The details of the said prophet or Avatar are so
similar, that obviously, the ecclesiastical power that will return to
earth to bind the Satan, as described by Nostradamus, seems to be
the same Kalki Avatar that had been described in Indian

It is for this reason that Nostradamus had said in Cen.10, Q-75

(given later in this chapter) “who is being awaited in Europe
would, this time, appear in Asia”. It is recalled that entire Asia
was known as Bharat (India) during the period in which the said
Indian scriptures were written.

Let us verify from the other details available from study of

Nostradamus prophecies, and also from ancient scriptures of
India, if the Kalki Avatar is the same ecclesiastical power, which,
according to Nostradamus, shall return in force and bound the
Satan, in order to bring a period of 1000 years of peace.

In his book of prophecies, Nostradamus has described the

said ecclesiastical power in vivid details in a number of

The Prophet would be born in Asia

Century- 10, Q-75

Long awaited he will never return

In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
And shall be over all the Kings of the Orient.

Clearly, Nostradamus had written about a God-man who

would be considered to be above the kings, and although his
birth was being awaited in Europe, this time he would be born
in Asia. It seems that the seer had described the second
coming of Christ (this time as rider of white horse), who
would appear in a country in Asia. According to Nostradamus,
he would be issued (to the world) by a league of great Hermes
(hermits). This is also confirmed in Kalki Puran and
Srimadbhagwat that he will be brought up by a group of hermits,
who are waiting at some place in the Himalayas specifically for
this purpose*. He will be taught about weaponry by Lord
Parasuram, and will be presented with a sword by Lord Shiva, in
order to liquidate the evil forces.
*Acharya Sri Ram Sharma (founder of Yug Nirman Yojna),
Nicholas Roerich (famous Russian painter and explorer), and
many other writers have mentioned about such hermits residing
in the Himalayas at a place known as Shambhal (sometimes
referred as Shambhalla or Shambhala). This point has further
been described in 'Epilogue'.
Many scholars of Nostradamus, who are from India, agree
with my above interpretation. However, most of the western
interpreters have given their own versions that are not
commensurate with my interpretation. This is, probably, due to
the fact that they are not in the knowledge of the forthcoming
reincarnation of Lord Vishnu as 'Kalki Avtar (as described in
Indian scriptures), and also about the role that he will play in
ushering in a golden period on the earth, i.e. by liquidating all the
evil forces on earth.

These observations, which tally with the details of Kalki

Avatar as described in Indian scriptures, are also contained in
the following Quatrains written by Nostradamus :

Century- 2, Q-29

The Oriental will leave his seat,

To pass the Apennine mountains to see Gaul:
He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow,
And everyone will be struck with his gaule (weapon).

In order to connect this Quatrain to the Quatrain-75, Cen.-10

(given above), Nostradamus has used the words 'Oriental' in one
Quatrain and 'He will be over the kings of Orient' in the other
Quatrain. He has described that the 'Oriental' will pass over the
mountains, water, and snow, and will strike 'everyone' with his
special weaponry. 'Everyone' cannot mean every person on the
earth. It is written in Indian scriptures that he will personally
liquidate every evil king on earth. This confirms that
Nostradamus had taken the concept of this God-man from both,
Christian and Indian scriptures, and had used his prophetic
powers to find out the full details about him and had described
him in his own words.

For knowing the country in Asia, where he will be born, we

can refer to the following Quatrain :
Century- 1, Q-50

“From the aquatic triplicity shall be born,

One who shall make Thursday his holiday,
His fame, praise, rule and power shall grow,
By land and sea to become a tempest to the Orient.”

In Asia, the country with aquatic triplicity, i.e. having water

(oceans) on its three sides may be India. The fame, praise, rule, and
power of this man will grow, and he will become a tempest (storm
or hurricane) in the Orient. That “He will make Thursday his
holiday” may connect him to either Sikhism or Buddhism.
Thursday is connected to 'Guru', and Sikhs revere their Guru.
Buddhists also consider Guru-Purnima as their most auspicious
day. These details, and the fact that he will be from Asia, is also
verified from details mentioned regarding him in Indian scriptures,
and in certain other Quatrains of Nostradamus, given below :

Century- 6, Q-70

Chief of the world will the great “Chyren” be,

At first, loved, afterwards feared and dreaded:
His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens,
And with the sole title of Victor will he be contented.

The great Chyren (pronounced as 'Shreen') will be the chief of

world. At first he will be loved (by everyone), afterwards he will
be feared and dreaded (by the evil). His fame and praise will go
beyond heavens. He will not be contented till his mission is
completed and then he will be called the 'Sole Victor'.

However, the fact, which clinches the issue in the favour of

above argument, is the exact tallying of time of bringing of
lasting peace or 'Satyug' on the earth by this Avatar. This is
deciphered from the prophecies of Nostradamus as well as
from Indian scriptures.
In fact, Indians have been waiting for thousands of years for
the arrival of Lord Krishna on Earth (as Kalki Avatar), as has been
promised by him in the ancient scripture Bhagwad-Gita (IV/7-8)

;nk ;nk^fg /kEkZL; XykfuHkZofr Hkkjr A

vH;qFkkue/kEkZL; rnkRekua l`tkE;ge~ AA
ifj=k.kk; lk?kwuka fouk’k; p nq”d`rke~ A
/keZlaLFkkukFkkZ; lEHkokfe ;qxs ;qxs AA

pjkpjxqjksfoZZ”.kksjhÜ/kjL;kf[kykReu% A
/keZ =k.kk; lk/kwuka tUEk dekZiuqRr;s AA17AA

‘kEÒXkzkeeq[;L; Ckzkã.kL; EkgkReu% A

Hkous fo”.kq;’kl% dfYd % izknqHkZfo”;fr AA18AA
vÜoek’kqxek#á nsonÙka txRifr% A
vfluklk/kqneu”VsSÜOkZxq.kkfUor% AA16AA
fopj=k’kquk {kks.;ka g;sukizfre|qfr%AA
u`ifyìPNnks nL;wu~ dksfV’kks fugfu”;fr AA20AA

vFk rs”kka Hkfo”;fUr eukafl fo’knkfu oS A

ikSjtkuinkuka oS grs”of[kynL;q”kq AA 21AA

rs”kka iztkfolxZÜp LFkfo”B% lEHkfo”;fr A

oklqnsos Hkxofr lÙoewrkSZ âfn fLFkrs AA22AA

;nkorh.ksZ Hkxoku~ dfYd/kZeZifrgZfj% AA

d`ra Hkfo”;fr rnk iztklwfrÜp lkfÙodh AA23AA

;nk pUnÜp lw;ZÜp rFkk fr”;c`gLIkrh A

,djk’kkS les”;fUr rnk Hkofr rr~ d`re~ AA24AA

17. Lord Vishnu is the Supreme Lord and Guru of all living
beings. His incarnation (as Kalki Avatar) would be for protection
of religion and religious persons and to liberate them from cycles
of Karma.
18. His incarnation as Kalki Avatar would be in the home of a
Brahiman named Vishnuyash , who would be chief of the village

19-20. Seated on a very fast horse named Devdutta and moving at

a very high speed, Lord Kalki, who would be given eight yogic
powers and matching magnificence, would destroy numerous
looters masquerading as kings.

21. When all the culprits would be slain, then, due to presence of
Lord Vasudeva on Earth, the thoughts of everyone would be

22. When their hearts are filled with the thoughts of Lord
Vasudeva, who is himself the symbol of strength and purity, their
children would become physically and mentally strong.

23. When Lord Kalki, who is the Lord of Dharma, would incarnate, the
whole generation would become Satvik (truthful).

24. This would happen when Moon, Sun, and Jupiter would
come in one zodiac sign in Pushya Nakshatra.

According to the inferences from the prophecies of

Nostradamus given earlier in this book, the 27-years long period
of the Third Anti-Christ, which has started in year 1999, will last
up to year 2025. The golden age will start from that year when
God will defeat the Satan through a Lord Incarnate.
Nostradamus has described this person, as “The ecclesiastical
power that shall return in force”. Therefore, this person (cosmic
power) has to be the Lord Incarnate himself.

If lasting peace period is to start in 2025, the people will

become religious and God abiding by that time. And, as given
in 'Srimadbhagwat”, the planetary position when all the
people on earth will become 'Satvic” (God-abiding and
truthful) due to the presence of the Lord on Earth, has been
described as conjunction of 'Sun, Moon, and Jupiter in one
zodiac sign in Pushya Nakshatra'.

This conjunction, according to 'Sayana Ephemeris'

(Internationally adopted moving zodiac system), occurs on 25th
June 2025, and according to Nirayan ephimeris (according to
fixed zodiac system adopted in India) it occurs on 27th July 2014.
This means that the golden period would start in India in
2014, and would be completed in the entire world by 2025. It
also seems logical. If the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who
will bring lasting peace on earth, will emerge in India, his
influence and effect will come in India much earlier.

From this period onwards, heart-change of those involved in

the war between 'good and evil' will take place, and the golden
period of 1000 years, as described by Nostradamus and also given
in 'Srimadbhagwat', will commence.

Empire of the Prophet starts in India

Nostradamus had mentioned in Century 6, Q-27 of his book
that the empire of great King Chyren would start expanding in an
area surrounded by five rivers, which meet into one. This may be
in northern India, where five rivers actually meet into one.

Century- 6, Q-27

In the island from five rivers to one,

through the expansion of the great Emperor Chyren,
Through the mists in the air the fury of one,
six escaped, hidden bundles of flax.

The above Quatrain depicts some event in the life of great

Emperor 'Chyren' that cannot be known today, but it is clearly
indicated that the empire of Chyren will start or grow from the
said place in India where five rivers meet. It will be in the area
formed by the islands between the said five rivers, which meet
into one, as mentioned in the above Quatrain. It may either be in
Punjab, known as the 'land of five rivers', or in other places in
Northern region of India before Patna (Bihar), where five
rivers merge into Ganges. Delhi comes in one such area.
Therefore, the empire of the said king may start either in Punjab,
or in Delhi or Patna, and expand from there. It may also mean that
the people belonging to five religions in India will come under his

The last two lines indicate that due to the fury of the Lord
Incarnate, six sects which are referred as bundles of flax
(religious heads of various sects in India wear cloths made out of
flax) will escape, i.e. various sects separated from the main
stream of religion will join it back.

Name of the Prophet

Century- 1, Q-76

The man will be called by a wild name

That three sisters will receive from destiny.
He will speak then to a great people in words and deeds,
More than any other man will have fame and renown.

Here, Nostradamus hints about the name of this great leader,

who will have more fame and renown than any other person in
mankind. His name will be a wild one, which three sisters will
receive from destiny. According to Indian philosophy,
manifestation of a form cannot be complete till it acquires three
qualities from destiny – Satvik, Tamsik, and Rajasik. I felt that the
three sisters mentioned in the above quatrain could be these
qualities or attributes – Satvik (attribute of truth or light), Tamsik
(attribute of evil or darkness), and Rajasik (attribute of karma or
activity). However, full meaning of the riddle about the name of
the Lord Incarnate indicated in the above quatrain became clear to
me only after discussions in this regard with Prof. B.S.Agrawal,
a renowned philosopher of our country and author of many books
on Indian Philosophy.

Prof. Agrawal explained me that the names of four ages in this

cycle of time are given in Indian philosophy as Satayug, Treta,
Dwapar, and Kaliyug. These names have been derived on the
basis of the proportion of the said three attributes in each age e.g.
the phase having more attribute of 'truth' has been named as
Satyug, the phase having all the three attributes in good
proportion was named 'Treta'; the phase having less attribute of
'truth' and more of 'karma' and 'evil' was named 'Dwapar', and
similarly the present period having more attributes of 'evil' or
'darkness' has been named as Kaliyug. The name 'Kalki'
corresponds to the prophet appearing in Kaliyug. Therefore, in
the above Quatrain, Nostradamus, in his veiled language, has
confirmed the name of the said prophet to be 'Kalki'. According to
Oxford Shorter Dictionary, 'wild' may mean 'upbringing in a
natural environment, far far away from the materialistic life and
its settlement'. This explains the use of word 'wild' in the first line
of the above Quatrain.

This confirms my view that Nostradamus not only referred to

some Indian scriptures for making his prophecies, he also had a
thorough knowledge of the Indian philosophy. Perhaps some
Indian sage was reborn as Nostradamus to inform the world about
the fine points that he had earlier missed to explain.

During my thirty-year study of Nostradamus, I have always

encountered an uneasy feeling whenever I am on verge of
decoding a particular Quatrain, about which I felt that I was
somewhere near the solution but it was not occurring to me. When
the real meaning is understood, the uneasy feeling withers away,
and the sense of relief indicates to me that the prophecy has been
decoded. But I was amazed, rather astonished, when the full
meaning of the above prophecy dawned on me. This means
that Nostradamus has confirmed the basic aspect of Indian
philosophy regarding the three said attributes. By conforming
this he also confirms the occurrence of four 'Yugas' or phases of
time based on these attributes. If the description of four phases
is true, then the advents of prophets like Ram, Krishna,
Gautam, Mahavir, and Kalki in these respective phases shall
also be true. Thus, Nostradamus, in short, confirms the very
basis of entire Indian philosophy.

Anointment of the great King

Nostradamus, in following Quatrain, has summarized the
events from start of war in 2001 to its end in 2025, when the said
great king will usher in a long period of peace in the world :

Century- 6, Q-24

Mars and the Scepter will be found conjoined

Under Cancer there will be a calamitous war:
Shortly afterwards a new King will be anointed,
One who for a long time will pacify the earth.

The meaning of term 'scepter' used in the first line of the

above Quatrain is to yet to be ascertained. Most of the scholars
have deciphered it to be Jupiter. However, it is possible that by
'scepter' Nostradamus might have indicated any other heavenly
body, which is not known today. It might be known when the
appropriate time for this revelation comes. If 'scepter' is Jupiter, it
would mean that when Mars and Jupiter conjoin in Cancer (in
2002 or 2013), a calamitous war will begin. Shortly afterwards,
the new king, who is to bring peace on earth, will be anointed.

Anointment may mean a ritual in the life of the said king.

According to Indian customs, a boy is anointed at the time of the
performance of 'Upnayan Sanskar'*. Otherwise, he may be anointed
at the time of his marriage, or when he is being made the king.
Therefore, the Lord Incarnate must be born before the year 2002,
and the said ritual would be performed shortly after end of 2013. It is
noteworthy that Nostradamus, in the third line of the above
Quatrain, had written about the anointment of 'King'. Therefore, it
seems that he would be anointed at the time of being made the king,
and his final war against the evil forces would start after 2013.

The famous 1999 Quatrain

Century-10, Q-72

The year 1999, seventh month,

From the sky will come an alarmingly powerful King,
To bring back to life the great King of the Angolmois,
Before and after Mars to reign happily.

This is one of the most talked about Quatrains of

Nostradamus prophecies. Though Nostradamus had himself said
that he was avoiding mentioning the date and timing of events,
but in the above mentioned Quatrain he had decided to
specifically mention the year and month of occurrence of the
related event. Still, no significant event as forecast by the scholars
on the basis of above Quatrain has come to light. However, I feel
that the great seer must have been accurate in this case also.

It means that everyone had misinterpreted this Quatrain. Its

meaning is still not clear. It seems that only the American author
Henry C. Roberts was able to decipher it correctly to some extent.
He had used the words “alarmingly powerful King”, while others
interpreted it as “King of Terror” who would attack the earth from
skies, and the world war would start. No one had thought that
'coming from sky' might also mean 'taking birth or entering the
womb of his mother'.
*A ceremony of putting a sacred thread around the neck of a
Many interpreters have given the meaning of 'Angolmois' as a
person from Mongolia. If it relates to Mongolia (a part of Shambhal
is in Mongolia), the said king will have some connection with
Shambhal, the centre of cosmic powers on earth. Nostradamus
has also described this person, as “The ecclesiastical power that
shall return in force”. This could mean that he may not be a
person, but a Supreme Consciousness that would emerge from
Shambhal and affect the minds of all persons on earth. Our
research in this regard indicates that the said Supreme
Consciousness has already emerged and descended on earth.
Many events that were destined to occur after the emergence of
this power have already occurred, and are continuing to occur.

Incidentally, the term 666 (mentioned in the above quatrain)

had been described in the Bible as the number of Satan. If this
number is reversed to 999, it could be the number of God and
represents the year 1999. Therefore, this Quatrain may be
connected to both, the forces of God and the forces of Anti-
Christ. Some of the Nostradamus scholars have interpreted that a
new 'Messiah' might be born in 1999. Others, like Jean Dixon,
visualize his birth much earlier. But almost everyone agrees that
the War of terrorism and period of other calamities would be over
by 2025, and it will be followed by a long period of peace with an
unprecedented understanding among the people of the world.

Incarnation of the Prophet

It is notable that a total solar eclipse occurred over in August
1999, and some of the Nostradamus scholars have interpreted that
a new 'Messiah' might be born in 1999 at the time of total eclipse.
In this regard following Quatrain may be referred :

Century-5, Q-41

Born in the shadows and during a dark day,

He will be sovereign in rule and goodness:
His blood will rise again in the ancient urn,
He will renew the age of gold in place of brass.

Here, 'shadows and dark day' refers to eclipse. He who will be

born during the said eclipse has been described as sovereign in
rule and goodness; clearly, a powerful world leader who will
renew a 'golden age'. It is important to note that Nostradamus has
described the period of one thousand years of peace to follow the
next world war as a 'golden period', and according to
Nostradamus, the said prophet will renew the golden age.
Significantly, it has also been described that his blood will rise in
an ancient urn, thereby meaning that he, who has been on the
earth earlier, will again be born, this time in an ancient place. The
second coming of Christ / Krishna / Buddha?

The following Quatrain may connect the same solar eclipse to

forces of Anti-Christ :

Century-3, Q-34

The eclipse of the Sun will then be,

The monster will be seen in broad daylight:
It shall be interpreted in many ways
None will have foreseen and provided for the high cost

It is indicated in the above Quatrain that the activities of the

Anti-Christ (the group of terrorists) will become clear in the same
period of solar eclipse, but the interpretations will differ and most
of us not be able to identify them and interpret their real motives.
Also, the world would not have foreseen and provided for the
high cost to counter this threat of terrorism.

It is not necessary that Nostradamus has indicated the

representatives of God and that of Satan to be born on the fateful
day of solar eclipse in 1999. It is possible that their activities will
enter important phases during this year. Nostradamus has
described that the period of the Third Anti-Christ will last 27
years. Therefore, if this period is destined to end in 2025, it would
have started in 1999. Also, if a major war is to take place
between forces of God and those of Satan, the major players
from both sides will come in their own during the same
period. Therefore, the importance of the year 1999, in my
opinion, is that during this year the stage was set for the final war
of this era, and operations started in this 27 year long period of the
Third Ant-Christ.

If my inferences are true regarding the time frame provided

by Nostradamus for this 25-year long war to be followed by 1000-
year long period of peace, and also regarding the planetary
position given in Srimadbhagwat as the time of the start of
Satyug, Lord Krishna may have fulfilled his promise made in
Bhagwat-Gita that he would return (as a Supreme Consciousness
termed as Kalki Avatar) at the time when the religion would seem
to be lost, or more appropriately described in Srimadbhagwat as
the time when all the kings would turn into bandits.

To guess the actual date of birth of Kalki Avatar according to

ancient Indian scriptures, we may refer to the description of the
events that will occur at the time of his birth, as described in Kalki
Puran. According to sloka-7 of the 2 chapter of Kalki Puran :
when Lord Vishnu would be born as Kalki, the earth would
ooze out milk for him in a similar manner as had happened at
the time of birth of Lord Krishna. It has been given in almost all
the related Indian scriptures and also by sage Parashar, that
astrologically the most important event in one's life is the time
when his soul enters the womb of his mother. That is the time of

However, the time of the oozing out of milk that has been
given in Kalki Puran has been referred as the time of the birth of
Kalki. This would be at Shambhal where Kalki would be born. It
seems that the nature has given indication to the mankind about
the time when his incarnation took place, and that too in a
miraculous manner. This might have been on the fateful day of
21 September 1995, when millions of persons on this earth
started feeding milk to the statues of Lord Ganesh. Possibly, it
was to mark the time of incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Kalki. The
milk was finally absorbed by the earth and may have
symbolically oozed out at the time and place where Kalki was
born (or the Supreme Consciousness took over).

Such an event has never before happened in the history of

mankind when not only in India, but in the entire world, people
started offering milk to the statues. Even today, many person
including various reputed scientists, feel that something
miraculous happened that day, and it seems that nature wanted to
give certain message to the mankind. What innovative plans on
the part of nature to feed milk to the earth to satisfy this age old
prophesy? Another point that comes to the mind is – according to
the Hindu customs; Lord Ganesha is to be worshiped first before
worshiping any other deity. Therefore, the nature managed the
worship of Ganesha by the people of India before the birth of
Kalki. Moreover, as the advent of Kalki would be most beneficial
to the Indians, they were the frontrunners in offering milk to
statues of Lord Ganesha throughout the world.

The birth date of Kalki has been given in Kalki Puran as '
Dwadshi of Shukla Pakhsha in month of Baishakh'. This
combination occurs on 30th April 1996 i.e. in the eighth month
after the statues drank milk. Furthermore, this 'Tithi' (the date
according the lunar calendar) is also known as the date of birth of
Lord Parasuram, who was also considered an Avatar of Lord
Vishnu, and who also liquidated from earth those whom he
considered to be evil.

It seems that Nostradamus describes the amazing

phenomenon of the earth drinking milk that was first fed and then
came out of the statues, in the following Quatrain :

Century- 1, Q-21

In its depths the rock supports white clay,

Which will break out milk from deep,
In vain troubled people will not dare touch it,
Being ignorant that in the earth there is milky clay.

Nostradamus has often described statues as rocks. Here he

states that in the depth, rocks (statues) support milky clay, which
(at the given time) will break out milk. Ignorant people will not
touch it (believe it), not knowing that there is already milky clay
in the earth. This can have two meanings; the earth is already
holding milk that was earlier fed to it, or, the country where this in
incident occurred holds immense mineral wealth. It may,
therefore, mean that the milky clay will break out milk on the
fateful day of birth of Kalki Avatar (as described in Kalki Puran),
and also that India will use its mineral wealth to its full advantage
after the birth of Kalki.

Thus, in order to understand the predictions of Nostradamus

in regard to the man who will bring lasting peace on earth after the
long calamitous war of the Third Antichrist, I have brought all
those Quatrains at one place that are seemingly related to the
'Great King Chyren'. This may be helpful in understanding this

I have also tried to connect it to the relevant portions of Indian

scriptures. However, it is still difficult to understand whether
to relate it physically or metaphorically. In modern age, it is
difficult to visualize a person as king or leader of the entire world.
Then, is the Kalki Avatar a real person, or a cosmic consciousness
that denotes all 'Godly Forces' in the world that will join hands to
fight the 'Satanic Forces' and eliminate them by year 2025? Only
future will tell.

(Chapter - 10)

(Prophecies about India)
I feel that Nostradamus has described India right from the
very ancient days, when life started on Earth in this phase of time,
and gradually two cultures evolved on our planet. He has stated
this fact in his letter to king Henry :

“ For God will take notice of the long barrenness of the Great Dame,
who afterwards shall conceive two principal children.”

By great Dame he means earth, and by two principal children

he means two most ancient cultures on the earth described in the
Vedas as 'Aditi' and 'Diti' cultures. Aditi culture belonged to India
(Eastern part of the hemi-sphere), and Diti culture to the Western
part of the hemisphere. Aditi means the brighter part of the world
that receives more energy from sun as compared to Diti Part. Both
parts, once, revered Sun as God, and the only seat of knowledge
for both the cultures was 'Brahm'. Aditi culture was known as
Indra (Hindu) culture, and Diti culture as Varun culture. With
passage of the time, Varun culture became a combined culture of
Babylonians, Egyptians, and Jews etc.

Now, India is the sole representative of Aditi culture. In

Quatrain-21, Century-1, (described in the last chapter), it has
been described by Nostradamus that the country where the
incident of 'statues drinking milk' occurred, holds immense
mineral wealth. Therefore, this Quatrain indicates that the
mineral wealth of India will bring it in a flourishing condition.

Soft corner for India

Nostradamus was a Christian with a Jew background, and
therefore, his faith in both these sects is clearly reflected in his
writings. But his soft corner towards India and Hindu gods is also
evident in his prophecies. In Century-44, Q-24 (discussed later in
this chapter. While describing the events pertaining to Ram
Janma Bhoomi movement, he had described Lord Ram as a
divine power.

In the following Quatrain he has described India and Israel

as Great Masters.

Century- 2, Q-89

One day the two great masters will be friends,

Their great power will be seen increased:
The new land will be in its flourishing peak,
To the bloody one the number shall be recounted.

Almost all the western interpreters have linked the two

great masters mentioned in the above Quatrain either to USA
and erstwhile USSR, or USA and China. But, this cannot be
correct because Nostradamus has not described countries as
masters. Masters, in his writings, are only religions or religious

The two principal cultures on the earth, as mentioned by

Nostradamus, have earlier been discussed in this chapter. Now,
the only representative countries of these ancient cultures
are India and Israel. This fact is confirmed in the third line of
the above Quatrain, where 'new land' has been mentioned.
Nostradamus had described Israelis as 'Newcomers' and Israel
as 'New Land'. He says that when Israel will be in a flourishing
condition, the great powers of both India and Israel will
increase, and both will benefit from each other. The bloody one
referred in the last line may be the Third Antichrist, who will
be confronted by the combined power of these two

War between India and Pakistan
Century-10, Q-96

The Religion of the name of the seas will win,

Against the sect of the caitiffs of the Moon,
The obstinate deplorable sect will be afraid
Of the two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.

The country (India) having the religion of the name of seas

(Indian Ocean) will win against Pakistan (caitiff of the Moon).
The obstinate country (Pakistan) will be afraid of 'Aleph and
Aleph'; the representatives of the two initial cultures on earth i.e.
India and Israel.

It has been mentioned earlier in this book that Nostradamus

had described the situation in the Indian sub-continent during the
British period. He had also referred to India's freedom from
British rule. Some of the other Nostradamus predictions about
India are given below :

Rule of Indira Gandhi

Century- 3, Q-28

Of weak in land and poor parentage,

Through effort and peace will attain to the empire.
For a long time shall reign a young female ,
Never has come so bad a reign upon the kingdom.

The unique manner in which India got independence or

attained its empire from the British through peaceful efforts is
well known to the entire world. In due course, a young female
(Indira Gandhi) reigned over the country for a quite long period.
In the above Quatrain, her period has been called as a bad period

of reign. Opinions may vary on this observation, but there is no
doubt that during her period, democratic and moral values were
degenerated up to such an extent that a saintly person like
Jaiprakash Narain had to come out of his self imposed exile from
politics to lead a movement for restoration of democratic and
moral values in the country.

Escape and return of Subhash Chandra Bose

The mystery regarding the escape of Subhash Chandra Bose,
popularly known as Netaji, is as thick even today, as the densest
material on earth. Even after the institution of three commissions
of enquiry, the riddle still remains unsolved. Can Nostradamus
help us solve it?

By the year 2002, I was sure that some cosmic powers were
giving me messages to be interpreted and passed over to the
mankind. Therefore, I decided to write a book, and before that
undertook a pilgrimage to Vaishno Devi (A holy place in
Northern India). While on way I was astonished when a body less
soul clearly spoke to me giving a message. His words, which are
ringing even today in my ears were – “Nostradamus ne Subhash
Chandra Bose ke bare me likha hai' (Nostradamus has written
about Subhash Chandra Bose).

I was flabbergasted by this incident. This was the first time

that an invisible soul or consciousness had spoken to me.
Moreover, I was studying Nostradamus for more than twenty five
years, but it had never occurred to me that He had prophesied
about Netaji.

It is a well known fact that many points regarding the death of

J.F. Kennedy, which were shrouded in mystery earlier, are
believed to be solved today due to the pertinent prophecy of
Nostradamus in this regard, as given below :

Century- 6, Q-37

The ancient work will be finished,

Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the roof:
Dead they will accuse an innocent one of the deed,
The guilty one hidden in woods in misty weather.

Now, it has been proved that one bullet was fired on Kennedy
from roof of a nearby building and, an unknown person who was
hidden in a nearby bush, fired another bullet on him. By misty
weather, Nostradamus always indicates secrecy. Now, even a
photograph of a nearby bush with a person hidden in it at the time
of assassination of J.F.K., has been brought to light. It is also
believed that the person accused was innocent. This Quatrain
seems to have cleared many points regarding this incident.

Similarly, the picture regarding the escape and return of

Netaji becomes quite clear by the two Quatrains given below,
which, according to the message given to me are regarding the
events pertaining to him.

Century- 10, Q-4

At midnight the commander of the army

Will save himself, suddenly vanished.
Seven years later his fame unblemished,
And at his return he will never say yes.

Century- 1, Q-98

The leader who will lead infinite number of people

Far from their country, to foreign customs and strange
Five thousand will die in Crete and Thessaly,
The leader fleeing in a sea going by a marine grange.

For the analysis of the above two Quatrains, following points
have been considered :

1. Nostradamus had only described those incidents, which

became famous in due course. Netaji's disappearance and
possibility of his coming back has been the most famous and
talked about issue of its kind.

2. Netaji had been described in the above Quatrains as leader of

infinite number of people, by which Nostradamus could be
referring to Indians.

3. He would also be commander of an army, which Netaji was.

4. I.N.A., led by Netaji, operated from Singapore, a country of

foreign customs and strange language to them, as clearly
mentioned by Nostradamus in his above-mentioned prophecies.

5. It had been stated in the prophecy that five thousand of his

troops would die (name of place being symbolic), and then he
would take a decision to disappear for the time being. Figure of
five thousand is historically correct.

6. Seven years after his disappearance, his fame will be

unblemished. This is the most remarkable part of the prophecy,
because in 1952, seven years after his disappearance in 1945,
Indian parliament was constituted and one of the first major
debates was about the disappearance of Netaji. This debate
revived his unblemished fame. There are thousands of books and
reports on Netaji, and it is generally believed that Smt.Vijay
Lakshmi Pandit wanted to inform the parliament regarding the
whereabouts of Netaji, but refrained due to certain reasons.
However, many other members spoke freely about this issue and,
subsequently a commission of enquiry was instituted. All this
refurbished the image of Netaji, and it happened in 1952, exactly
seven years after his disappearance, as described by Nostradamus.
7. Nostradamus wrote that the person, described in his prophecy,
would escape safely by sea in a marine grange (supply ship or
submarine). Later he shall return but will never say yes (to reveal
his identity).

8. There is a very pertinent point that attracts attention in this

matter. Why a leader of infinite number of his countrymen, who is
also commander of an army, will have to take a decision to stop
the war and to escape, when only five thousand of his army-men
are killed? If he is leader of such a big country, he must have
millions of soldiers at his disposal, and hundreds of thousands of
soldiers are usually killed during major wars. But we all know
that Subhash was in such a peculiar position that despite being a
leader of infinite number of people, he had only a small
(symbolic) army of about fifteen thousand soldiers at his
disposal, and when five thousand of them were killed, he had to
take the decision to stop the war.

9. Another surprising aspect of this prediction is that through the

words 'Crete & Thessaly', true indication has been given about the
place where five thousand soldiers of INA were killed, i.e. Assam,
which is an 'Eastern' part of India. It has been observed that in case
of Napoleon, Nostradamus had indicated his name from three
places in France – 'Pau', 'Nay', and 'Loron' ; here he had used
names of two places in Greece to indicate Assam. Thessaly is
eastern part of Greece, as Assam is eastern part of India, and
'Crete' is also known as 'Candia' ; we can pronounce it as 'C-
andia' or 'see India' (Nostradamus could not get a place that was
spelled 'Cindia'). Thus, 'Crete' (Candia) is the name of a place that
Nostradamus found to be closest to be pronounced as 'See India'.
Therefore, 'Crete & Thessaly', in language of Nostradamus
means : 'See India' and locate its Eastern part i.e. Assam', where
five thousand soldiers of I.N.A. were killed. There are millions
of names of places in the world, but Nostradamus had picked only
those two names that could actually point to Assam.

It will not be otherwise to peep into the surroundings of
escape of Subhash Bose. He advised his fellow army officers of
INA, to surrender and face charges leveled against them by the
British government in order to give a fillip to the freedom
movement. In order to contact other world leaders and to chalk
out his further strategy, he might have decided to escape to some
other place. It was but natural for him to have camouflaged his
own self in garb of a plane-crash. Now the Taiwan Government
has officially said that actually no plane-crash occurred that day.
Perhaps a plane that crashed a couple of days earlier was used for
this camouflage. Therefore, the claim of identification of his dead
body made by the surgeon who performed the autopsy cannot be
relied upon. The surgeon had no way of positively identifying the
said body to be that of Subhash Bose.

Many reports published in newspapers and magazines

created a general feeling in India that Subhash remained in the
USSR for some time and the USSR government had officially
asked the Indian government as to what should be done in this
regard. It is believed that after his escape in 1945, Subhash first
went to Manchuria and then to the USSR. Even Nehru was
sometimes insinuated to have blocked the return of Subhash to
India, but if prognostics of Nostradamus are to be believed,
Subhash himself did not want to return to India at that juncture,
and to reveal himself. It is also reported that Subhash was in India
at the time of Nehru's death and even attended his funeral.

Another point has come to light in this regard. A book

'Subhash Chandra Bose : A Biography', written by Marshall Getz,
an American author, reveals something important on his
mysterious 'death' in a plane crash on August 18, 1945. On August
28, the US Intelligence noted a partially decoded dispatch from
the Japanese mission in Saigon saying that on August 17, Bose “at
his own request” had set off by air for Manchukuo (a place in
Manchuria). If Subhash had left Saigon for Manchuria on 17th,
how he could die in a plane crash in Taipei on 18th? It seems that in
order to mislead the world, the Japanese said that Subhash was
flying to Tokyo from Taipei when the plane crash occurred.
According to a news item published in newspapers, some top INA
officials later disclosed that Netaji was actually heading for
Manchuria so as to enter Soviet Russia to continue the freedom
struggle. However, when the Second World War ended few days
after these incidents, the entire scenario changed and Netaji was
perhaps forced to take refuge in the USSR. All this, therefore,
suggests that there is a strong possibility of Nostradamus being
true in his prophecies regarding the escape and return of Subhash
Chandra Bose.

When rest of the points have been so accurately described by

Nostradamus, the details regarding Netaji's disappearance and
return might also be true. And if this be true, this great son of India
did not give chance to his countrymen, who single mindedly
revere him, to use his wisdom and counsel for their betterment,
neither did he allow them to collectively express their gratitude
regarding his efforts for making India free, as was done in case of
Gandhi and Nehru. But, it seems that it was left to the great seer
Nostradamus to do justice to India's son of the soil through
his writings.

But then, it was all destined.

The accuracy of these prophecies suggests, without any

doubt, that every major event happening in this word is
predestined. The entire script of this world, from last deluge to
next deluge, has been carefully drafted by the Unseen Power, and
is in His depository known as 'Universal Mind' or 'God's Book
of Remembrance'. And, prophets like Nostradamus, are
assigned the job of visiting the Universal Mind or reading from
the book of God's remembrance in order to tell the people (the
actors of His script), about the events that the Unseen Power
wants them to know. The Writer of that script, knowing that
billions of His assignees would be eager to know about certain
events from the life of the principal actors like Subhash and
Kennedy, who were once working with them and for them, might
have assigned the job of fact finding in these cases to

Many times, while deciphering the prophecies, I have felt that

in case of some prophecies, Nostradamus himself did not know
the meaning of what he was writing. He was merely writing what
was shown or told to him by the Supreme Intelligence, to be
deciphered by the persons of mature mind, when the time of
removal of ignorance comes.

Assassinations of Indira Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi

In order to connect both these prophecies Nostradamus has
kept them one after the other, as Quatrains no.74 and 75 in Century
6 of his book. As the assassination of Indira Gandhi took place
earlier, it is mentioned in Q-74, and that of Rajeev Gandhi in Q-75.

Century-6, Q-74

She who was chased out will return to the reign,

Her enemies would be found to be conspirators:
More than ever her time will be triumphant,
Three to seventy the death is very assured.

Once chased out of power, Indira Gandhi was once more

triumphant and returned to rule, but a conspiracy to kill her was
already being hatched, and at three to seventy (at the age of 67)
she kept her appointment with death. Her death was due to a
conspiracy hatched by her (or her country's) enemies, and
Nostradamus reveals that the conspirators will be found (or have
been found and full details of the conspiracy is already known to
the government). It indicates that there may be much more to the
story than what is known to the public, and the roots of conspiracy
are much deeper, but will be known to all one day.
Century- 6, Q-75

The great Pilot will be commissioned by Royal mandate,

To leave the fleet to fill a higher post:
Seven years after he will be countermanded,
Venice will come to fear by the Barbarian army.

Immediately after the death of Smt. Indira Gandhi, in 1984,

Rajeev Gandhi was made Prime Minister by Royal Mandate
(Presidential Order). Seven years later, in 1991, he was
countermanded (removed from the scene) by a barbarian army,
which was active in a nearby country surrounded by water, like
Venice. Nostradamus had many times changed the name of places
in order to obscure the prophecy. But, he had taken care to
substitute the name of a similar place, which could be connected
to the event after the event had occurred. Rajeev Gandhi was
killed by LTTE, and Jaffna, the area where LTTE was most
active in Sri Lanka, is similar to the city of Venice of
Nostradamus period having similar waterways and backwaters.

It is also noticeable that Nostradamus had used the word

'great pilot' in the above quatrain while aeroplanes were not
even invented in his period. In his entire book, this word has
been used only in this Quatrain. Even if this word was prevalent in
that period, then perhaps, the persons guiding the naval ships in
those days were called pilots. Officer of the ship was called
'conducteur' (commander). Even the ships in those days, were
propelled by men. First type of mechanical engine was a steam-
engine that was invented by George Stephenson about two
hundred fifty years after Nostradamus had died.

So, whom Nostradamus was referring as pilot? In those days,

pilot could only be a person who was in charge of changing the
direction of those humanly propelled ships which were made
mostly out of wood. How a person having the trifle job of guiding
such a ship could be called 'great pilot'? Nostradamus evidently
wanted to mention about a future pilot of aeroplane, who was
destined to be great.

Veer Brahmendra Swami, a great Indian Prophet, had also

predicted this event and had given even the minute details
regarding the method of assassination of former Indian Prime
Minister. This has been discussed on page --- along with other
prophecies of Brahmendra Swami.

Ram Janma Bhoomi Movement

There are some Quatrains in these prophecies that seem to
depict a chain of events, starting from the movement to build a
Ram Temple at Ayodhya, to the demolition of Babri Mosque.

During the first phase of this movement, mainly two

persons were in limelight. One was Ashok Singhal, a Hindu
activist and leader of this movement; other was Sadhvi (holy
dame) Ritumbhara whose recorded cassettes urging the people
to assemble at Babri Masjid, were distributed among

Despite, a strong siege by police and army, Ashok Singhal,

along with his followers was able to reach the banned area; there
were clashes and many people died. Singhal, being the leader of
his followers, has been nicknamed 'Duke' in these Quatrains.

Century-4, Q-51

A Duke eager to follow his enemy

Will enter within, hindering the phalange:
Hastened on foot they will come to pursue so closely
That the day will see a conflict near Gange

This event took place near river Saryu, but Nostradamus had
named river Ganges (Gange) to indicate the Name of country.
Besides, Saryu is a tributary of the conglomerate of rivers that
merge in the Ganges.

Duke and his followers, who were on foot, were successful in

hindering the phalange (squadron of soldiers) and entering within
(Babri Mosque).

Century- 4, Q-24

Underground, shall be heard the feigned voice of a holy

Human flame seen to shine for the divine:
It will cause the earth to be stained with their own blood,
And to destroy the holy temples by the impure ones.

The feigned (hidden/pretended) voice of holy dame, Sadhvi

Ritumbhra, was heard mainly underground, and through her
recorded voice she transformed the people to a human flame eager
to shine for the divine power (Ram). Earth was stained with the
blood of many of them, and later, many temples were destroyed.

Century- 9, Q-96

The army denied entrance to the city,

The Duke will enter by persuasion:
The army will be brought secretly to the weak gates,
They will put all to fire and sword, effusion of blood.

It is hinted that the Duke (Ashok Singhal), being denied

entrance to the city, used persuasion in order to enter the city. Army
itself made the gates weak so that the Duke could enter. Afterwards,
there would be widespread riots and blood would be spilled.

Demolition of Babri Masjid

The true scene of demolition of Babri Mosque seems to have
been described in the following Quatrain :
Century- 4, Q- 52

In a besieged city, men and women being upon the walls

The enemy without, Chief ready to surrender,
The wind shall be strong against the soldiers,
They shall be driven away by lime, dust and cinders.

In a city besieged by army, people (men and women) would

be demolishing a building, due to which, lime, dust, and cinder
would be flying. The enemy (soldiers) would be virtually absent,
and the Chief would have already surrendered to people (there
will be orders not to stop the people from demolition). By
mentioning the strong wind against the soldiers (which was
strong enough to drive away the soldiers, but not strong enough to
drive away the people!), Nostradamus, probably, wanted to
mention the Chief's orders (of U.P. or Delhi?) not to take any
action at the time of demolition. The point might be clear from the
following Quatrain :

Century- 9, Q-99

The North Wind will cause the siege to be raised,

Over the walls to throw ashes, lime and dust:
Through rain afterwards, they shall be a trap to them;
Last help against the frontier.

The wind that caused the siege to be raised came from North
(and, Delhi is in North). Afterwards, there shall be rain (trouble)
for those involved. Also, there was some trap for them. (Three
state governments run by the BJP were dismissed by the Central
Government for their alleged involvement in demolition of the
Mosque.) The last line probably meant that this demolition would
be the last such act for which the frontier (front rank leaders of
this movement) would get help (from the people or the
government), and there would be no further demolitions (in
Kashi, Mathura, or in any other place).
Actually, after this incident, Indian Parliament has made a
constitutional amendment to protect other such buildings.

Third line of the above Quatrain seems to have a hidden

message. It is mentioned that there was a trap for those, who were
involved in the demolition. It was reported in the newspapers that
several persons including the then Home Minister tried to contact
the then Prime Minister as soon as the demolition started. They
were told that the PM was indisposed and was not permitted to
talk to anyone as per medical advice. In case of such an
emergency and PM being indisposed, there ought to be someone
else in command. But that was not to be, and after the demolition
was over, PM immediately went to the Doordarshan TV center to
broadcast his message to the nation expressing regrets for the

Thereafter, three state governments run by the BJP were

promptly dismissed. There is an Indian saying 'ek teer se do
shikar' (killing two birds by an arrow). Here was a case of 'ek
teer se teen shikar' (killing three birds by an arrow). In the
words of Nostradamus: “a trap to them”. And when people left
after demolishing the structure, the army was still not
requisitioned till the installation of the statues and construction
of other peripherals of the makeshift temple were completed.
This was the 'last help to the frontier' (the front leaders of the
group demolishing the mosque) as mentioned by

If we want to draw an inference from the above regarding the

probability and time of the construction of Ram temple, it must be
kept in mind that the construction of a makeshift temple after the
demolition of mosque was the last help (from whatever source
Nostradamus wanted to mention) in this regard. Therefore, the
conversion of the makeshift temple to a grand temple will not be

It proved to be correct because after the creation of a
makeshift temple at that stage, no further progress could be made
till today in the construction of that temple.

Further reference to this issue may be in following Quatrain :

Century- 10, Q-27

Through the fifth, and a great Hercules,

They will come in a warlike manner to open the temple:
One Clement, Iule and Ascanius step back,
Never was there such great enmity between the sword, key,
and eagle.

The above Quatrain depicts a situation when war like efforts

will be made to open a temple through a great leader named as the
fifth Hercules This may also mean that a Herculean effort will be
required in this matter. Some persons or groups have been
symbolically described, who will be opposed to the temple but
will step back when the times comes. However, this issue will
create such enmity among the opposing groups, which has never
been witnessed before.

Nostradamus has written so many Quatrains relating to the

Ram temple; it indicates that this issue will have a historic
importance and will affect the relationship among various
factions, both religious and political. Nostradamus has not
indicated time of construction of temple, but a coordinated study
of his works along with ancient Indian scriptures reveals that an
atmosphere conductive to this cause will automatically be created
around 2014.

The words 'fifth, and a great Hercules' used in the first line of
the above Quatrain seem to have a special significance. Acharya
Baldev Upadhyaya, an eminent interpreter of Vedas and Puranas,
in his book 'Puran Vimarsha' has written that out of the ten
incarnations of Lord Vishnu, five are considered to be
mythological incarnations – 'Matsayavatar, 'Koormavatar',
'Varah-Avatar', 'Nrisinghavatar', and 'Vaman-Avatar'. The other
five are in human forms and are considered as 'Emerging Avatars'.
They are – 'Parasuram', 'Ram', 'Krishna', 'Buddha', and 'Kalki'.
Thus, among these 'Emerging Avatars', Kalki is considered to be
the fifth. Therefore, Nostradamus might have indicated him to be
the 'fifth, and a great Hercules', and during his period the final
completion of the Ram Temple will take place, when his empire
would be established in India in 2014. This is, perhaps the reason
that Nostradamus has given so much importance to the Ram
Mandir movement in his prophecies, because the temple would
be constructed in the period of Kalki, the incarnation of Lord
Vishnu. This period means the emergence of that cosmic
consciousness which would affect the minds of humanity to do
the needful.

In this regard, it is also necessary to study and analyse the

prophecies of Guru Gobind Singh regarding the 'Kalki Avatar',
particularly to know the full meaning of the word 'eagle' used in
the last line of the above Quatrain.

Prophecies of Guru Gobind Singh regarding The Kalki Avatar

This prophecy is given on page 863 of the book 'Amrit Kirtan

Pothi' that is believed to the 'voice' of Guru Gobind Singh. He has
narrated about the Kalki Avatar as under :

(That who will come to eradicate the evil, will be called

'The Kalki Avatar'
The horse of Turks (fundamentalists) will be mighty, but
will be stopped by his sword.
As a lion comes out of his den, in mountains, he will go to
pray at the Lord Shiva's temple
It is destined that from Shambhal, the 'Lord Incarnate' will
come to the Harmandar Saheb.)
The Kalki Avatar, as narrated in scriptures, would be a saint as
well as a warrior. The same applies to Guru Gobind Singh, who
was also a saint-warrior. Perhaps, the following factor, adopted
by Nostradamus in his prophecies, applies in this case also :

“So much so that persons of future times may be seen in present

ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal them by means
of images.”

From the lifestyle of Guru Gobind Singh, it seems that the

God has sent him as a prior image of Kalki Avatar. However, it is a
well-known fact that Guru Gobind Singh never visited the
Harmander Saheb, and it has been written in the last line of the
above prophecy, that the Kalki Avatar would come from
Shambhal to the Harmander Saheb (in Golden Temple, Amritsar)
or Harmander Saheb in Patna,. Therefore, it means that Guru
Gobind Singh had himself indicated that Kalki Avatar (or His
consciousness) would be the Lord incarnate who would visit
Harmander Saheb.

This relates to another prophecy of Nostradamus describing

that 'the empire of Kalki Avatar would first be established in the
land of five rivers'. Therefore, Guru Ji might have indicated that
the Lord Incarnate would first come to Harmander Saheb when he
starts his mission of eradicating all the evil from the earth. This
means that the Kalki Avatar would take-up the work of
construction of the Ram Temple after visiting Harmander Saheb,
and then the Sikhs would also take part in that construction.
Therefore, the word 'eagle' may indicate Sikhs because 'eagle'
was the symbol of Guru Gobind Singh.

It is also noticeable that although the advent of the Kalki

Avatar has been mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures, but it was
first mentioned by Nostradamus that 'his empire would be
established in the land of five rivers, or the place where five rivers
meet. Nostradamus had said it in France, and Guru Gobind Singh,
the great prophet he was, had made exactly the same prophecy In
India about one hundred fifty years later.

It is written in various prophecies that when the Supreme

Consciousness will take over the command of our world in His
hands, He will install the religion of humanity on earth. It may
mean that the temple would not be a temple of any particular
religion, but will be a temple of humanity.

However, I feel that Nostradamus could not have written

these prophecies about the Ram temple movement, unless it led to
another event of far reaching consequences. In fact, this
movement ultimately brought B.J.P. to power in the country, and
immediately after assuming the office; their government carried
out a nuclear test at Pokharan. This event has been described in
the following Quatrain:

Nuclear Explosions by India and Pakistan and a

subsequent war
Century- 3, Q-3

Mars and Mercury, and the silver joined together,

Towards the south extreme drought:
In the bottom of Asia one will say the earth trembles,
Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity.

In bottom of South Asia (India), during an event earth would

tremble, due to which Corinth & Ephesus (Christian Countries)
would be perplexed. This event would be in the extreme drought
area (Rajasthan), and would occur at the time of indicated
planetary conjunction.

Earth can tremble either during an earthquake or in case of a

big explosion. But, in the case of an earthquake, other countries
would not be perplexed. Therefore, the event has to be a big
explosion. Moreover, the indicated planetary configuration
matches with the planetary position at the time of explosion. For
Christian countries that would be perplexed by this explosion, the
term 'Corinth & Ephesus' (from Bible) was used to connect it to
another Quatrain, which describes the explosions of Pakistan.

Century- 2, Q-52

For several nights the earth will tremble:

In the spring two efforts in succession:
Corinth, Ephesus will swim in the two seas:
War stirred up by two great wrestlers

This is the only other Quatrain in the entire book, in which the
words 'Corinth and Ephesus' have been mentioned. Obviously, it
is to link this Quatrain to the Quatrain described above.
Moreover, use of the word 'efforts' makes it clear that by
trembling of the earth Nostradamus had indicated explosions.
Earthquakes cannot be caused by efforts. Nostradamus had also
indicated the place where the nuclear tests were conducted by
Pakistan through use of the word 'spring'. These tests were
conducted at Quetta, a place near to Pakistan's most famous
spring (waterfall).

Here, two wrestlers have been mentioned who will stir up the
war. These have to be two countries, which are ever fighting like
wrestlers. And, one of them will reply by carrying out two
explosions in reply to the explosion carried out earlier by the
other. Christian countries will try to influence both the countries,
which are twins (described as twin seas). These twin countries
may be India and Pakistan, who will wage a war after carrying out
their explosions. Whether it pertains to Kargil war, or any other
war to be fought by these two in future, remains to be seen. But
most likely, Nostradamus has indicated a big war between the
two, which would convert into the Third World War.

Nostradamus had prophesied that the calamitous war would
start when Mars joins Jupiter in Cancer. This conjunction occurs
in 2002, and again in 2013. Therefore, the final war on earth
that will be between terrorists and rest of the world might
start in 2013. Then, some events may occur that may move the
two great wrestlers India and Pakistan towards a war. The war of
terrorism in entire world will continue up to 2013, and then
convert into a world war.

This means that the prophecies of Nostradamus had indicated

a special message/guideline for India, to be delivered in 2002
(before the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in cancer). These
guidelines have been analysed in the next chapter.

(Chapter - 11)


Avoid full-fledged war with Pakistan for another full cycle

of Jupiter

According to Century-6, Quatrain-24 of Nostradamus' book

of prophecies, a calamitous war will start on earth when Mars
conjoins Sceptre in Cancer. This Quatrain is reproduced below :

“Mars and the Sceptre will be found conjoined

Under Cancer there will be a calamitous war:
Shortly afterwards a new King will be anointed,
One who for a long time will pacify the earth”

One of the main purposes of this book is to present the

findings of my research on the works of Nostradamus, and also on
ancient Indian scriptures, in order to assess the future of the world
at large with particular emphasis on India. So far, I have tried to
analyse all the events from New York attack to escape of Bin
Laden from Tora-Bora, and in fact, I have been able to declare all
these events in press conferences before their occurrence. The
Third World War has already started in 2001. It will mainly be a
war of terrorism and will last up to 2025. The abovementioned
Quatrain indicates the time of start of the final phase of the
calamitous war of this era.

As said earlier, the meaning of 'Sceptre' is Jupiter, and during

the period of 2001 to 2025 the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in
Cancer occurs twice – in 2002, and in 2013. Therefore, the final
phase of war would reach in 2013. And, it will be the most
important war in our phase of time, because just after its start the
Supreme consciousness will take over the leadership of God's
forces in fight against forces of Satan.
Overall study of Nostradamus reveals four possible reasons of
this world war- (1) Arab-Israel conflict, (2) Christian-Muslim
conflict, (3) Indo-Pak conflict, and (4) dream of hard-core
Muslims to establish the rule of Islam all over the world. The
renowned French astrologer had written quite clearly regarding the
formation of Israel, its wars, Christian-Muslim wars, the Indo Pak
relations and their nuclear explosions resulting in a subsequent
war. All his observations have proved correct up to now, and
therefore, this 25 years long final war of this phase on earth
described by him has already started, and in fact is in progress now.
Later, i.e. by end of 2013, this war has to enter its final phase.

The world at large has accepted the accuracy of Nostradamus

predictions, but has so far ignored the warnings of this great seer,
which he gave to save the mankind. Accordingly, if India heeded
his warnings and was able to delay the start of seemingly
imminent war between India and Pakistan during middle of 2002,
then the war of terrorism may continue but the full fledged war
may be averted till 2013. This is probably what Nostradamus
wanted. But, if his warnings were ignored in that period, the
horrors of that war described by him might have come true, and in
his words 'Earth may be undone and desolate' due to far reaching
consequence of that war.

It is noteworthy that though Nostradamus penned these

predictions down about 450 years back, now, when the time for
said conjunction approached during the said period of the Third
World War, the threat of nuclear war started looming large on the
horizon. It is clear that the great seer has indicated to India, through
the above prophecy, to avoid a full-fledged war with Pakistan up to
the periods of conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, i.e.
during the period of 2002 to 2013, due to two possible reasons:

1. If this disastrous war is delayed up to 2013, then India will have

full and unequivocal support of the entire world to fight against
terrorism. In fact, both – the prophecies of Nostradamus and the
ancient Indian scriptures, reveal that by then India will lead the
world in fight against terrorism under the leadership of the said
prophet / consciousness.

2. If this war has to enter in its final phase between 2002 to 2013 in
any case, then by avoiding an Indo-Pak conflict in this period, the
focal point of this war will shift to Arab-Israel conflict or US-Iraq
conflict and remain as such till the end of this war, or at least till
2013 as the case may be. After 2013, the war against terrorism is
bound to escalate in the entire world.

3. It is also noticeable the events described by Nostradamus for

the period from 2001 to 2025 match exactly with those described
by Indian saints in Bhavishya Puran, Srimadbhagwat,
Mahabharata, Kalki Puran. Even the position of planets described
in these scriptures match with the time frame of these events
inferred from Nostradamus.

In February 2002 I got an opportunity of addressing a meeting

of Roorkee University Alumni Association (now I.I.T. Roorkee),
Kanpur Chapter, in which a possibility of an Indo-Pak war in near
future was discussed. It was generally felt that the prophecies
of Nostradamus being so accurate, like other countries Indian
government should also pay due attention to the possibilities
arising out of these predictions, and should make its defense
preparations accordingly.

I told the audience, which also comprised some scientists and

technicians form the defense department, that inferring from the
prophecies of Nostradamus, the next war with Pakistan was
possible between May to August 2002. I gathered that our defense
forces were quite ready for any such eventuality during the said
period, and even the defense production was already stepped up
to meet the requirements. However, after the study of the above-
mentioned possibility of this war turning into a calamitous /
nuclear war, if it starts between May to August 2002, my team
working on these prophecies felt that Indian government
should be warned regarding this possibility.

We decided to prepare a note to this effect, and accordingly,

PAK WAR' appeared in the July 2002 issue of 'EXPRESS
STAR TELLER' magazine in order to intimate the government
that beginning of the war with Pakistan, if at all necessary, should
be avoided till August 2002 at any cost, otherwise this war may
bring disaster to both the countries, and later to whole of the
world. However, if this period is allowed to pass, then next such
situation arises in 2013 when Mars and Jupiter will be conjunct in
Cancer. Both of these situations should be viewed alarmingly.

Later, leaders of both India and Pakistan admitted the war was
actually heading towards assuming nuclear proportions, and the
Pakistan President had categorically stated that war was avoided
after his nuclear threat to India. In this regard, following news
item published on 1.10.2003 in Lucknow edition of Hindustan
Times may be viewed :

The restraint shown by India during the border standoff

with Pakistan last year is bound to enhance New Delhi's
strategic and political status. This is what Nostradamus had
predicted, says a scholar Ashok Ghai.

In the July 2002 issue of a leading astrological magazine,

Ghai had said : “If the world pays heed to his (Nostradamus)
warning and is able to delay the start of the seemingly imminent
war between India and Pakistan till August this year, then the
war on terrorism may continue, but a full fledged war may be
averted till 2014.”

Ghai cited the recent utterances of General Musharraf that

India and Pakistan were on the verge of a full-fledged war in
2002, which was avoided due to his threat to nuke India.
But for the restraint shown by Indian leaders, the sub
continent could have witnessed a nuclear war, he says.”
Hindustan Times, 1-10-2003

Nostradamus and other seers have described the period of

2001 to 2025 as period of a 'Mahabharata' like war between forces
of God and that of Satan, in which the Satan will try to perpetuate
the war in order to bring calamity in the world, and God will
ultimately defeat him by 2025, and bury him deep for a period of
one thousand years. The statement of General Musharraf, and the
stance taken by Indian Government clearly proves – who is on the
side of God and peace, and who is on the side of Satan and the war.
It also proves that Prime Minister Vajpayee was destined to take
this bold decision that would ultimately 'save the earth'.

But, will the other world leaders also pay heed to the
prophecies of these great seers, who clearly prophesy a disastrous
period for the entire world when about four billions of persons i.e.
two third of world's population is likely to be killed in the war and
natural calamities by 2014, unless the man frees himself from the
clutches of Satan, and starts to believe in God and 'Dharma'.

These prophecies indicate that only God can save the earth in
2013, if warnings of Nostradamus and other sages are not heeded
by then. The views of 'Swatantra Bharat', a leading newspaper of
Northern India, may prove to be relevant in this regard :

(Published In Hindi)
Translation in English :

Judicious use of Futurology can be beneficial

“The knowledge about future that was given thousands of
years ago by the seers and saints, can be useful only if it is
judiciously used. This was stated by Mr. A.S.Tomar, Secretary,
Roorkee University Alumni Association, Kanpur Chapter.

He stated that according to the inferences drawn from the

study of Futurology, India did well in not waging a war (with
Pakistan) in the year 2002. Right from the beginning of last
year, when the chances of a war with Pakistan started growing,
even the defense experts were keen to know about the possible
date of its start.

In February 2002, the president of Roorkee University

Alumni Association (Kanpur Chapter) Mr. Ashok Ghai, who is
carrying out research on prophecies of famous astrologer
Nostradamus, predicted the chances of this war being waged
during May to August, and also regarding the possibility of its
turning nuclear.

According to him, the Association felt that the predictions of

Nostradamus proving to be so accurate, the entire world is
paying heed to these. Therefore, India shall also pay heed to this
fact that the war, which would begin during this period, may
prove to be calamitous and a danger to the entire world.
Accordingly, Mr. Ghai prepared a research paper, which was
published in July2002 issue of Express Star Teller.

Now, it seems that the situation of a nuclear war had

actually arisen during May to August, and India did well to
avoid it .Next such situation, when this war can be nuclear,
would arise during 2007 to 2013. Therefore, if the war takes
place during 2003 to 2006, it would not turn out to be nuclear.”

Swatantra Bharat, Kanpur Mahanagar, Thursday, 3rd January


However, I strongly feel that mankind shall make every effort

to avoid any war up to the year 2014, after which the matters will
be taken over by the Cosmic Hierarchy themselves. But, if we fail
to behave properly up to that period, the Cosmic Hierarchy, as
discussed in the chapter 'Epilogue' of this book, may decide to
wipe out our entire race from the face of earth. The Cosmic
Hierarchy has already delivered some warnings to this effect; and
some very stringent warnings in form of natural calamities are
going to be issued to the world in very near future.

(Chapter – 12)


Few years back, very little was known about Veera

Brahmendra Swami outside Southern India. It was due to
research work of eminent scholars like Dr. N. Rajaram, Pavuluri
Sreenivasachary, and Ullasa Mihira that his work regarding
'KALAGNANAM' (knowledge of future) and the miracles
performed by him during his life are now famous all over the
world. Another researcher of Brahmendra Swamy, Mr. Shriniwas
Deshpande, has not only studied his prophecies in depth, but has
been kind enough to send me details of his research. I have used
the details published by these scholars here, sometimes in their
own words, to compare the prophecies of Brahmendra Swami
with other prophets.

Affectionately called 'Veeram Bhotalya' by his mother,

Swamy used to impress everyone by his extraordinary
intelligence and spiritual bent of mind even in his childhood.
When he grew up, people started revering him like God due the
miracles he performed to help them. Cosmic Powers, whenever
they incarnate, usually display miracles to make people heed
them and understand what they have incarnated to tell the

The miracles performed by him included giving eyesight to

blinds and even life to dead. When a Nawab of his region tried to
test his powers by giving pieces of meat on a plate covered by
cloth, he was astonished to observe that the meat pieces had
turned to flowers when Brahmendra Swamy removed the cloth.
The Nawab realised the powers of Swamy and donated a piece of
land for his Ashram. Annajayya, a Brahmin disciple, used to look
after the Ashram and it was he who made the prophecies of his
master known to public.
Another huge miracle was performed by his disciple named
Siddhayya, who was a Muslim in this birth, but was his disciple
from last birth. When once Siddhaaya visited the court of Nawab,
he did not bow to him. This enraged the Nawab, who rebuked him
for his insolence. Siddhaaya asked for a piece of rock to be
brought to the court and bowed before it. Immediately the rock
broke in pieces. Siddhayya told the Nawab that in case he had
bowed to him; his head would have broken into pieces.

Due to his progressive outlook and spiritual powers, most of

the Kings and Nawabs of his region became his ardent followers
and this helped in developing communal harmony. After he left
his physical body, hundreds of Brahmendra Swamy's disciples
propagated his teachings and travelled from place to place
chanting the predictions made by him.

Brahmendra Swamy wrote in his book 'Kalagnanam' that

he was incarnation of Lord Vishnu and would come again as
Lord Kalki to restore dharma and peace on the earth. This
means that at the time of transformation of mankind
Brahmendra Swamy would himself be present in the world and
guide the mankind.

There is a deep meaning in his statement that he was

incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is generally believed that term
'Vishnu' is synonymous with knowledge, and as written in
Srimadbhagwat (Skandha XII- Chapter 2) Lord Vishnu is Guru of
all living beings, thereby meaning that He always incarnates as a

If someone acquires the complete knowledge about universe

sometime after he is born, then he is termed as 'Ansh Avtar' (part
incarnation); if he possess the complete knowledge since birth
then he will be termed as 'Poorna Avtar' (full incarnation).
Brahmendra Swamy was, thus, a Poorna Avtar and had declared
that it was he who would incarnate as Kalki when the time comes.
According to his prophecies, there would be large scale
devastation on earth during that period. Therefore, he must have
given a method for saving those persons who were destined to be
saved. We have found that he had given an easy solution in form
of two 'mantras'. These mantras are given at the end of this
chapter. But, whosoever chants this mantra for salvation, must
free himself from the evil traits of greed, selfishness, and cruelty.
May be, even chanting of these mantra may remove these traits
from our minds.

He was born in South India in the place that is called Andhra

Pradesh today. The exact time of birth of Swamy is disputed but it
is generally believed that he was here in 16th – 17th century A.D.,
approximately the same period when Nostradamus made his
predictions. It is surprising that even the words used by these two
prophets match and convey the same meanings. Obviously, it was
the same cosmic consciousness that made them prognosticate for
the benefit of mankind.

When we match the prophecies of Brahmendra Swamy and

Nostradamus we find the time of transformation of mankind
described by them, in their customary veiled language, to be same
i.e. transformation to be completed by 2025 A.D. Both had
indicted that two third population of earth may be wiped out
during this period. Let us hope that these predictions were
actually the warnings to the mankind, and if heeded, man can
follow the path of true religion and bypass these disasters.


Sri Veera Brahmendra Swamy told his disciples that he will give
'Darshan' to whosoever chants the following mantra for 12,000
times and save him/her from the calamities.
Om hreem kleem shreem sivaaya brahmane namaha.

(or) Om hreem kleem shreem sivaaya shree veera
Brahmendra swamyne namaha.

(Chapter – 13)
Some Buddhist monks have stated that the world will start
plunging in a destructive war around 2012. According to these
monks some extra terrestrial powers (may be cosmic powers) are
watching us every step of the way. They would intervene in 2012
and save the world from self destruction. When asked if these
powers will show up in reality, they answered : they will reveal
themselves in such a way that none of us are scared. They will
reveal themselves only if they have to. As our science and
technology progresses, we are destined to see them and interact
with them anyway.

Our study group feels that they are revealing us a plan to save
the mankind. This has been discussed in Chapter 14 of this book.
They may further reveal themselves by way of fulfilling the
prophecies regarding the future, or by any other method they
deem fit.

Famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton had said : God gave the
prophecies, not to gratify men's curiosity by enabling them to
fore know things, but that after they were fulfilled they might be
interpreted by the event, and His own providence, not the
interpreters, be thereby manifested to the world.

What Newton said had also been described in many scriptures

– these prophecies are divine messages that are delivered by God
through His messengers to convey whatever is needed to be
conveyed at appropriate time. He also sends messengers to
interpret these prophecies as and when required. Buddhist monks
and lamas have been theologists of highest order and have been
making amazingly accurate predictions.
It was written in scriptures kept in a monastery of Tibet that
Lhasa (capital of Tibet) would be attacked by an outside agency in
later part of 1904. Actually, a British Military Expedition went in
Tibet in 1903 and occupied Lhasa in 1904. Lt. Colonel L.A.
Waddell, a part of the Military Expedition, later wrote in his book
'Lhasa and its Mysteries' (1905):

How the astrologers of Tibet were able to predict this

distressful storm which was in store for their country, so long
before it happened, and to specify that it should occur exactly in
this year, is amazing.

It is said that Gautam Buddha, after he acquired all

knowledge about universe when he attained Buddhahood, hade
made many predictions that he told to his disciples. Some of these
predictions are given in the literature possessed by the Dalai
Lama. An Australian writer Andrew Toms interviewed Dalai
Lama and had written about these predictions in his book
'Shambhalla: Oasis of Light'. The interpretation of these
predictions indicate that period of a change of order in the world
would be indicated by an incident when ruler of a country (an evil
person) who would be king of place called Tri-li, situated in west
of India, would be attacked by the cosmic powers. This King
would be attacked by use of sky-ships flying faster than sound
fitted with many types of weapons.

In the above prophecy the place called Tri-Li is Tripoli

(capital of Libya) which is situated exactly in west of India. Thus,
the evil king is Colonel Gaddafi, and we interpret that his fall
has been identified to indicate the period of a total change of
order on the earth.

A prophecy, evidently about Colonel Gaddafi, has also been

made by Nostradamus:
Century-4, Q-52

A Colonel mechanises his ambition

Shall seize upon the great part of the army
Against the prince with a faint invention
And shall be discovered under his flag

Colonel Gaddafi mechanised his ambition to size power from

Prince Idris in Libya in 1971 using army and its weaponry, and
took over the power to rule Libya. The meaning of last line is not
clear, but Dr. N. Rajaram has interpreted it as : ' He took is position
under the flag as the leader not of his country alone but as the flag
bearer of the resurgent Islam in North Africa'.*

Thus, it seems that the prediction about grabbing the power

by Gaddafi was given by Nostradamus about 500 years back, but
his demise was predicted in Buddhist prophecies even earlier. It
indicates that it is the same cosmic power that tells the future
events to prophets, who in turn tell it to the mankind as per divine

Buddhist version of 'transformation of mankind'

The cosmic power that would bring about this transformation
is called 'Maitreya' by Buddhists.
Famous painter Nicholas Roerich had discussed about this
phenomenon with a learned lama of Tibet. Their conversation is
given as under:**

Lama : "Verily, the time is coming when Teachings of the

-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
*From the book 'Nostradamus and Beyond' written by Dr. N.
** From the book – 'Shambhalla:' written by Nicholas Roerich;
its Hindi translation is given in the book titled as 'Aalokman
Blessed One will once again come from the North to the South.
The world of Truth,which started its great path from
Bodhigaya,again shall return to the same sites. We must accept it
simply as it is : the fact that the true teaching shall leave Tibet,
and shall again appear in South. And in all countries, covenants
of Buddha shall be manifested. Really Great Things are coming”
Roerich :" Lama, it seems to me that you speak of Maitreya; is
it not so?"
Lama : "We must not pronounce this mystery. There is much,
which may not be revealed. Because everything divulged before
the destined date, results in untold harm. Even the greatest
Catastrophes may be provoked by such light minded acts."

Buddhists believe that the teachings of Gautam Buddha,

which were earlier kept at Bodhigaya, were shifted to North
(Tibet) when India was attacked and occupied by foreign powers
opposed to Buddhism. When the time comes, these scriptures will
again travel from North to South (Bodhigaya). This is likely to
happen after liberation of Tibet some time after 2014.

Another Buddhist prophecy was made by a Lama of highest

order when Tomas met him in Tibet. This meeting has been
detailed by Tomas in his book 'Shambhala : The Oasis of Light'.

It seems that the Lama who met Tomas was in touch with
those Masters of Shambhal. The Lama told him that these
Masters were worried about the insanity of the humans, who have
fought two world wars and were heading for the third. If mankind
destroys itself, it will take a few million years to replace, but if the
planet is destroyed, it will take a 'manvantra' (long cosmic cycle
running into billions of years) to build and grow it, the Lama said.

The Lama also asked Tomas to relay his message to the

mankind. When asked, 'will the people listen'? The Lama

“This does not matter. Our Planetary Ultimatum has to reach
all men on earth. At the crossing of the roads, humanity has to
choose between a path going down into pit of moral decay, or one
that is ascending to the stars. This is the time of a terrestrial
emergency. If the warning is ignored and the masses continue to
tread the present path, siding with the Prince of Darkness
(Satan), then the Cosmic Hierarchy will take the challenge and
the Radiant Ruler of Shambhala will destroy all evil on this

The said Lama explained in detail to Andrew Tomas that the

traits of Satan, the 'Prince of Darkness', which are embedded in
human souls, are now overpowering the natural laws of God - like
selfishness, compassion, and love, in human minds. If it
continues, the great souls of Shambhala will have to take the
matters in their hands:

“The people of earth must understand that the time of

crucifixions and of gentle prophets preaching to raving crowds is
ended. This time the Arhats (Great souls of Shambhal) will speak
with lightning, thunder and star showers! The Epoch of
Shambhala is here.”

Andrew Tomas might have translated the above excerpt from

his interview of the said Lama in his own words. But, in sum and
substance, the message is exactly the same that has been
intended by Vedvyas, Nostradamus, and other seers, to be
delivered to the mankind at the appointed time. The appointed
time for this message to be delivered to mankind, according to
the Lama, was just before the beginning of the new millennium,
which is the same as predicted by Nostradamus about formation
and coming up of a strong infrastructure of terrorists, and natural

We can only hope that the divine messages given to the

mankind first through Andrew Tomas, and then thorough our
group after his death in 2001, would be heeded by the mankind
and the man would ascend to stars instead of going down in the pit
of moral decay.

(Chapter – 14)

When the research of our study group started becoming
known through media, Institution of Engineers (India) invited us
for a discussion on this topic in a meeting held at its Kanpur
Branch in the year 2006. A comprehensive report based on these
discussions with emphasis on divine messages as understood by
the scientific community is given below. Also, a note from Hindu
Occult Research Academy, and messages from Prof. Kameswara
Rao (IIT Kanpur), Prof. S.K. Nigam (P.S. Institute of
Technology), and Justice M.N. Shukla (former Chief Justice,
Allahabad High Court) are included:

Proceedings of institution of engineer (INDIA) meeting

Mysterious Picture proves the existence of Divine Powers

A study group of Kanpur comprising of eminent Scientists,

Engineers, and Philosophers, after research of about 30 years,
claim to have collected sufficient proof of existence of Divine
Powers through such events that could only be managed by
supernatural powers.

Er. Ashok Ghai, the convener of the group, presented the findings
of the research at a meeting arranged by The Institution of
Engineers (India), Kanpur Centre. According to Ghai, the group
took up the research from where the famous scientist Isaac Newton
had left it about 300 years back. Newton, after extensive research
of 50 years on basis of his study of science and theosophy, tried to
prove the existence of God and his forces through circumstantial
evidence, but some skeptics did not believe him because he could
not give solid proof of existence of supernatural powers.
As the group started their research, to their amazement, they
started getting direct help of supernatural powers, which for
some reason, were keen to prove the Existence of God at this
juncture. The help was in form of guidance resulting in correct
interpretation of future events. The group started reeling off one
accurate prediction after the other in press conferences before the
occurrence of those events. Recently, a US based Radio site had
asked Er. Ashok Ghai in an excusive interview to predict a future
event, and his prediction about death of MUSAB ZARKAWI,
leader of Al-Quaida leader in Iraq was fulfilled within few days.
There were interviews of eminent Indians like Ratan Tata, Azim
Premji, Nandan Nilikeni, and Shabana Azmi amonst others which
were posted at this radio site. The correctness of Ghai's
prediction not only shot up the interview of Er. Ghai to top of the
popularity chart, but also prompted various agencies, evidently
from the warring countries, to arrange for another interview to
know about the future of the war.

The group keenly studied the prophecies given in literature of

various faiths, and made by Persian Prophet Behram Shah that
he made to Rana of Mewar about one hundred years back; and
also the prophecies of famous French Prophet Nostradamus. The
group found about 50 such prophecies that proved to be one
hundred percent accurate. Even their interpretations regarding
the future events proved to be accurate. Evidently, some
supernatural powers were helping them in their study. But why?

The reply to this question was already provided by Newton; he

had prophesied that next incarnation of God would be on earth by
the year 2000. Evidently, God's forces were keen to prove His
existence by the time God took over the work of total change of
order in the world – by 2014 in India, and by 2025 in the world, as
prophesied in many scriptures and also made by prophets like
Buddha, Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Soordas, Zoroaster,
Nostradamus and Newton.

The climax of their research reached when, after a ritual
described in ancient scripture 'Kalki Puran' ( the scripture
regarding the next incarnation), the group obtained a direct
reply from divine powers in shape of a 'mysterious picture' that
appeared by itself on a plain piece of paper put by Ashok Ghai in
his place of worship. The mysterious picture has been analyzed
by internationally reputed scientists, and has been described to
be a 'cosmic phenomenon'. As the picture contains many
images of next incarnation of God as described in ancient
scriptures, the pictures seems to be a valid proof of next
incarnation. The picture also contains images of those events
that have occurred 5000 years back, 2000 years back, 15 years
back, and the events to occur in future. Thus, it may well be the
biggest miracle in history of mankind; to inform the mankind and
prepare them for a total change of order in the world. The change
of order is likely to start from India by 2014; but first in Uttar
Pradesh much before that.

After observing the results of this research, Mr. M.N.Shukla, Ex-

Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court, and other dignitaries,
have strongly recommended further research in this subject at the
highest level. The cosmic picture was displayed in the meeting on
a big screen by the Institution. Chairman of the local Centre Prof.
Dinesh Narain stressed the need for thorough study of such
supernatural phenomenon to be conversant with God and His

Prof. Narain is also the Hony. Secretary of the local chapter of

'The Theosophical Society'. Mrs. Annie Besant, former
President of Theosophical society and close associate of
Mahatma Gandhi, in her book 'The Inner Government of the
World' has described about the divine powers that control the
evolution of life on our Planet. These divine powers have been
described by Annie Besant as 'Cosmic Hierarchy'. A picture of
Cosmic Hierarchy has also appeared in the divine picture
received by Ashok Ghai.
Hony. Secretary of IOE, Mr. R. S. Jauhari hopes that the scientific
community would research the matter further, so that the mankind
could take full advantage of this research and act according to the
wishes of God to fight against the forces of evil, so rampant today
in the world. It is for this specific purpose that Institution of
Engineers (India) has decided to place the findings of this Group
before the world.

The Research Group :

1. Er. Ashok Ghai, Convener (President, IITR Alumni

Association, Kanpur Chapter).
2. Mr.Vishwa Bandhu Bajpayee, Convener, Hindu Occult
Research Academy.
3. Prof. Brahma Swaroop Agrawal, Internationally reputed
4. Prof. K.M.Wasim, Ex-HOD, Deptt. Of Philosophy, DAV
College, Kanpur.
5. Prof. J.K.Goel, Ex-HOD, Deptt. of Mathematics, Christ
Church College, Kanpur.
6. Mr. Ram Kishore Bajpayee. Eminent Philosopher.
7. Mr. Arjun Ghosh (Stamp and Book Corner).
8. Mr. Manoj Kapoor (Sahitya Niketan).
9. Er. Tarun Khamesra, Hony. Secretary, IIT R Alumni
Association, Kanpur.
10. Er. G.S.Pandey, I.T.S.
11. Mr. Sumant Misra, Convener, Sandhan (a Theo-
philosophical Circle of Kanpur).
12. Er. Girish Chandra (Ex- DGM, HAL. Kanpur).
13. Prof. Jagdish Shanker Bajpayee, Professor of Astrology.
14. Mr. Diwakar Nigam.
15. Mr. Vishal Sood (Editor, Jyotish Kiran).

Note from : Hindu Occult Research Academy
Has the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu taken place?
Kanpur scholar receives divine message.

Unexplainable events have been a feature of the oriental

societies. Faith and beliefs in the supernatural rate very high in
Indians as compared to Westerners. Dependence on unseen
forces is seen in day to day life in India. The belief in God in
various shapes and forms amongst all sects and creeds is reflected
everywhere. In other words, we can call it as lifeline of our culture
and heritage.

By emergence and development of orthodox Vedic culture, the

God is considered by Hindus to be three folded, namely- Brahma,
Vishnu, and Mahesh, which superimposes as Generator –
Operator – Destroyer. The middle part that sustains the worldly
existence – The Vishnu – is said to incarnate according to the
needs of the society.

This belief is too high with the dictates of Lord Krishna in Gita:

O Bharat, whenever there is decline in religion ;

I incarnate for establishing righteousness on earth.

Some saints and seers were of the opinion that Vishnu has ten
incarnations; some were of the view that he has twenty four, and
some added his incarnations as high as 108 or even 1008
synonymous names.

The last known incarnation according to Hindu scriptures has

been Gautam Buddha - after Lord Krishna - and the last in the
series of ten incarnations is said to be the Kalki Avatar. At this
juncture of time, the Hindus believe that the background and the
social circumstances - as described to be social fabric - to attract
the landing of the Avatar on earth, have emerged where the all
relations in families and society have lost their gravity. There is
no serene in holding sexual relationships of any prohibited class;
the lust and greed has taken away the sweetness of erstwhile
trustworthy relationships. Man, today, is even ready to eat and
drink the flesh and blood of fellow human beings.
Hindus, as they believe by the ancient scriptures like
'Srimadbhagwat' and 'Bhavishya-Puran', are convinced that the
crucial 'Kali-Yuga' phase is none else, but the present one.

The views of a science scholar Ashok Ghai, an engineering

graduate from IIT Roorkee, who has a considerable background
and expertise in research on the prophecies of Nostradamus and
other seers, has traced the similarities from scriptures of various
religions as well. He says – 'The Rider On White Horse' or 'The
Second Coming Of Christ' as described in the Book of
Revelations (a part of Bible), or the 'Puranic mention of
Muntazir-Ul-Mehdi' (as given in Muslim scriptures); 'Maitreya'
described in Buddhist literature, all suggest the coming of one
and the same incarnation of God.

The reference as 'Har-Joo Hamander aayenge' by Guru Gobind

Singh, and other seers including Soordas, Chndra Bardai, Jaidev,
and Acharya Shri Ram Sharma, also acknowledge in their
writings about 'the waiting for the Great'.

Sir Isaac Newton, great scientist of our era, had also done
extensive research in this regard, and had fixed the time of
incarnation of the said prophet to be around the year 2000 AD.

Mr. Ghai, puzzled with his findings from various prophecies that
Lord Vishnu has already incarnated and is on earth, resorted to an
ancient methodology to quench his thirst of the knowledge about
the Kalki Avatar. It was on the fateful day of 29th September 2003
that Mr. Ghai, after his regular pooja, sent a message to the
'Universal Mind' through a thought- process, as relied by the
practitioners of Theosophical Society i.e. by keeping a piece of
paper at his place of worship inviting some sort of symbolic
affirmation by the divine powers with regard to his query.

When Ghai reviewed the paper next day, he found that a spot of
about three inches diameter has appeared on the paper. By the
look, he was amazed with the idea that this must contain a
symbolic answer. Smelling some very important and compact
revelation, he handed over the paper to Dr. NSV Kameswara
Rao, a senior professor at IIT Kanpur; who, after examining it,
handed over the same to a team of computer experts. They
scanned, enlarged, and examined the spot that has appeared by
itself on the paper, and found that the contents had very much
ambient to be interpreted. Though it would take a long time to
completely decode the contents of the mysterious figure, still it
was possible to figure out clear images of Lord Shiva, Parwati,
Krishna, Ganesha, Hanuman, Kali, Gautam Buddha, Mahatma
Gandhi, Guru Nanak, and the Kalki Avatar, amongst others. The
picture also showed symbolic representations of stories given in
Vedas and Puranas depicting relations between men, God & His

One thing is sure by the emergence of this picture; God assures us

by his positive presence. As Mr. Ghai, who is also the author of a
book and substantial literature on Nostradamus and other seers, is
deep in his research regarding the crucial phase of the present war
of terrorism described by Nostradamus to enter a calamitous
phase soon to convert into a world war, it is not for the first time
that such miraculous happenings have occurred to him or other
members of his study group.

On several earlier occasions also, members of his study group -

which comprises of eminent scientists, philosophers, engineers,
and persons having knowledge of ancient scriptures – have been
receiving divine messages from the cosmic powers that are
concerned about impending disasters and wars on earth.

The faiths and beliefs, at least on this occasion, put a
challenge before the scientists. He says that the ball now lies in
the court of the pseudo- scientists to take notice of such a miracle.
It will be good to be forewarned and forearmed for the war
between the Satanic and the Divine forces, for which the God has
not only incarnated but has also announced his arrival.
Hindu Occult Research
Academy, Kanpur.
Message from Professor Kameswara Rao


KANPUR-208 016 (U.P.) INDIA

Dr. N.S.V. Kameswara Rao, F.I.E.

12th January 2004

Dear Mr. Ghai,

This is in reference to the 'Cosmic Picture', which appeared by
itself on a piece of paper put by you in your place of worship. I
have examined the picture, and what I can say is that it is an
absolutely amazing and unexplainable phenomenon.

One thing is certain, this can only be a divine work, because it

does not seem to be humanly possible to create such a picture on a
piece of paper that you showed me. It seems that some cosmic
powers have created this picture, and have sent it to you in the
present computer era, because it would not be possible to analyze
this picture without the help of computers.

I feel that this picture should be studied and thoroughly

analyzed at the highest level to understand the cosmic messages
embedded in it. I also feel that these messages can be very
important for the entire mankind.
With regards,
Yours truly,
(N.S.V.Kameswara Rao)

Er. Ashok Ghai

President, IIT Roorkee Alumni Association,
Kanpur Chapter,
112/214, Swaroop Nagar,
Kanpur – 208 002

Note from author : At present, Prof. Kameswara Rao is in

Malaysia on invitation by an Institute of Technology to teach
there. Recently he came to IIT Kanpur to attend a seminar held by
the department of Civil Engineering. The author discussed about
the further research on this subject and showed him a new cosmic
message that has also appeared on a piece of paper in shape of a
cosmic picture. Prof. Rao was astonished to see this message and
was of the view that proper research should be made on this
subject at international level. He offered to refer the matter to a
university in USA. However, our study group is of the view that
when these messages are coming to us in India, these should be
first heeded and understood here. In an interview aired on a TV
channel, the viewers asked the author why this cosmic
phenomenon has not been referred to NASA, the view of our
group was the same.
Message from Justice M.N. Shukla (Former Chief Justice,
Allahabad High Court) sent by him for the meeting convened by
Institution of Engineers (India):

The Office of Justice M.N. Shukla,

Former Chief Justice, Allahabad High Court,
17, Sardar Patel Marg,
Allahabad - 211001
Uttar Pradesh

I had occasion to peruse the findings arrived at by the study
group, comprised of the Institution of Engineers convened by Shri
Ashok Ghai. They are a fraternity combining in themselves the
knowledge of modern scientific research and the profound
philosophical insight of ancient thinkers.

The unknown and esoteric has ever tantalised human

intellect. It has not unoften chided its assiduous efforts to probe
the mystery of the universe and the forces that control it.
Prophets, seers, astrologers and other gifted intellectuals have to
an extent succeeded in piercing 'the dark backward and abysm of
Time' (Shakespeare). They have declared that a cataclysmic
change would occur in the world around the year 2000 A.D. and it
would witness the advent of an incarnation of God known as
'Kalki Avtar'. Syt. Ghai, in his moments of divine ecstasy, has
directly received astonishing revelations regarding the existence
of God and the Kalki Avtar. These have been tested and
corroborated with the help of computers.

I am sure the fruits of these researches will go a long way in

enabling us to dissipate the formidable forces of evil that threaten
us, and humanity will be able to materialise the dream of poet:

'The world's great age will begin anew,

The golden years return.'

After studying the further research of the study group under

the convener-ship of the author, Justice M. Shukla had sent
another message given below:

I have thoroughly studied the research work of Sri. Ashok
Ghai and I have great pleasure in recording my reaction to my
meetings with him. He always overwhelms me with his profound
knowledge of spiritual experiences. His cosmic vision is deep and
infectious. By his contact many transcendental truths are revealed
to us.

How I wish that his sage advice and company could have larger
ramifications and a myriad people would benefit by his great
wisdom. I take every word uttered by him as nothing short of a
revelation. May his intuitive experiences escalate and gradually
enlighten all humanity.
M.N. Shukla

Message from Prof. S.K. Nigam (P.S.Institute of Technology)

Dear Mr. Ghai,

This has ref. to cosmic pictures/divine messages received by you
on paper in your pooja place where you perform prayers to God. I
have seen the pictures, and the comments of Dr. N.S.V.
Kameswara Rao of IIT, Kanpur (his letter dated 12th jan.2004).I
agree with the comments of Prof. Rao, that the pictures can not be
made humanly.
As regards the analysis of their formation, my view is that science
has its limitation, in explaining it. The observed phenomenon in
science is confined to processes in which matter and or energy in
their physical forms are involved, whereas prayers though potent
and blissful are nonphysical, and outside the ambit of science.
with regards,

Dr. S.K.Nigam

(Chapter – 15)
J. Krishnamurthy, a famous philosopher and theosophist, who
is considered by many as the person closet to being an incarnation
of God born in India after Gautam Buddha, has spoken about a
divine plan perfected by the God for humanity. As written by him
in his book 'At the Master's Feet' the plan is so beautiful that
whosoever has understood it can not think about anything else. If
a transformation of mankind is to be completed by 2025, God's
forces must have developed and put into action that plan by now.
The plan is also known as 'Doctrine of Heart' that was developed
by the cosmic hierarchy (the powers of Shambhal), and was
narrated about 40 years back to the Australian writer Andrew
Tomas in Tibet by a Lama and his two companions. Some
miracles that were shown by the Lama during the discourse
with Tomas proved beyond doubt that the he was a cosmic
power of the highest order and had miraculously contacted
Tomas for delivering the divine messages to the mankind.
Some extracts from the interview of the said Lama by Andrew
Tomas, as given in his book 'Shambhala: The Oasis of Light' are
given below.

Lama :The mankind is a battlefield of celestial forces .A war

of Worlds is raging now and let us hope that man will not side with
the Forces of Darkness for then he shall be removed by the Lord of
Karma from the face of earth.

An appeal must be made to disseminate the Doctrine of Heart

for this alone can save the planet.

Andrew Tomas : – 'Only a few would listen'.

Lama : That does not matter. Our planetary Ultimatum has to
reach all men on earth. At this crossing of the roads humanity has
to choose between a path going down into the pit of moral decay
or one that is ascending to stars. This is the time of a terrestrial
emergency. If the warning is ignored and the masses continue to
tread the present path, siding with the Prince of Darkness, then
the Cosmic Hierarchy will take the challenge and Radiant Ruler
of Shambhalla will destroy all evil on the planet.

Tomas: 'Do you expect me to present these legends and

prophecies to the public at large and still be considered sane'?

Lama: In this century the nations of the world have fought two
World Wars and might fight another before its end*.Are they
sane? You will have to do it, and there is to be other voices, for so
much is at stake, the destiny not only of mankind, which can be
replaced in a few million years, but that of a planet which took a
Manvantara** to build and gro.,

Tomas: 'Any moralizing, any appeal for a reform, usually

provokes the roar of the mob.'

Lama : The people of earth must understand that the time of

crucifixions and of gentle prophets preaching to raving crowds is
ended. This time Arhats will speak with lightning, thunder and
star showers! The Epoch of Shambhalla is here! Please note that
*Nostradamus had described the period of Satan (the Prince of
Darkness) on earth as a 27 yearlong period starting from 1999,
which would include a 25 yearlong war of terrorism. The Lama,
perhaps, referred this as a full fledged war of terrorism to start by
the end of 20th century. This was actually started in 2001through
the attack on New York.
**A long cosmic cycle representing the period of development of
life on earth. Scientifically, the age of the earth is about 5,000
million years.
I am not prophesying but disclosing strategic moves of the
Celestial Armies in their battle against the teaming warriors of
darkness! There is a war under way – the War of Worlds, of
exalted cosmic superhuman systems combating the evil forces of
earth which poison space and injure the whole solar system.
Whether or not the man believes that there is such a war in the
heavens, he is still responsible for his actions and will reap his

(In order to prove correctness of his statements, the Lama

made some astonishing predictions regarding the future, which
have proved to be true.)

'What would you expect the mankind to do'? Tomas asked

further, and the Lama replied:

The teaching of Tara, the Doctrine of Heart, must form the

foundation of a new sociology. There could be debates between
systems but without war. We must realise that we are all members
of one great planetary family.

Andrew Tomas: 'Can we solve our problems without the

apocalyptic upheavals which you mentioned'

Lama: We can and we should, but shall we? Will the majority
abandon the ways of greed, selfishness, narrow nationalism and
the worship of sensual at the expense of the spiritual? People do
not have to become monks and nuns but they can certainly live
and think like real human beings. Why they have to be the killers
of their brothers and destroyers of Mother Nature? Karma,
cosmic justice, is terrible in its action. Why challenge it?

Andrew Tomas: 'Should the planetary ultimatum, this

warning to the nations of which you have spoken, reach only the
governments or the people as well?

Lama: Both. A government without the support of the people
cannot last, nor can the masses, without some representation,
express their will on behalf of the whole nation.

Lama further explained Tomas about the 'Doctrine of Heart'.

This doctrine was developed by the powers of Shambhala to unite
all mankind, because every good religion and ideology is based
on humanism. When a person listen to the voice of his heart, he is
correct because the heart in his body was developed and is
influenced by celestial powers alone. On the other hand, mind is
influenced by celestial powers as well as the powers of darkness.
Today, materialism and selfishness has weaned the minds of
humans away from divinity.

When Tomas asked him about the advent of next incarnation

of God whom the Buddhists refer as Maitreya, the Lama replied
that Maitreya and his companions may come to transform the
humanity by the end of 20th century. This view is confirmed by
many saints and seers who say that the said cosmic power has
already descended on earth, and is trying to transform the minds
of humans, the result of which would be evident by 2014. As the
transformation is to start from India, the movements of Swami
Ramdev and Anna Hazare could be prelude of things to come.
Both of them have been able to transform the minds of millions,
and particularly during the movement of Anna Hazare, the entire
India seemed to be under a trance that could only be caused by
the cosmic powers.

Tomas also asked : 'Can the coming of Maitreya bring peace

to the mankind?'

Lama: Your world continues to move towards a disaster.

Mankind can save the earth only by a spiritual regeneration.

Tomas: 'But cannot the coming Maitreya, the new Buddha,

save it?'
This question was replied by a companion of Lama : Maitreya
will show the way but it will be up to mankind to tread that road.

Tomas: 'I can see how mad earthman is in opposing the

cosmic law of eternal assent.'

Lama: When evil reaches its peak and the scales go down
further under the weight of hatred , ignorance and moral filth,
then the Shambhal will request the Dhyan Chohans* to move the
astronomical body beyond Jupiter closer and make it luminous.
The new radiation will transform all life on this planet.**

At this crucial period of the world's history, the

Commandment of the Heart will be placed before all people.

'The Planetary Ultimatum is thus addressed to all the nations.

Individually or collectively through the United Nations, they
must heed its historic message', Tomas said and vowed to spread
this message to mankind through his writings. Tomas was
convinced to take up this work after witnessing some amazing
miracles described by him in his book. He was also told about
the steps to be taken by the mankind in this cosmic plan.
However, his work went totally unnoticed, and after his death in
2001 this work was entrusted to our study group by the powers of
Shambhal through similar miracles.

*Cosmic and planetary super beings.

**Perhaps this eventuality has been described in

'Srimadbhagwat' as conjunction of Sun Moon and Jupiter in
Pushya Nakshatra slated to occur on 27th July 2014. Then, looking
from earth, the Sun would be behind Jupiter and would become
more luminous due to the increased solar activity that has now
been confirmed by the scientists (refer chapter 4 of this book)

The learned Lama had posed a question: Will the majority
abandon the ways of greed, selfishness, narrow nationalism and
the worship of sensual at the expense of the spiritual?

The answer to this question can be found in 'Skandha XII-

chapter 2' of 'Srimadbhagwat' (verse 20):

'When Lord Kalki, who is the Lord of Dharma, would

incarnate, the whole generation would become Satvik'

If this be true, then something would happen by 27th July 2014

that would convince the people that a cosmic power has taken
control of the situation, and now only those persons would
survive on earth who adopt true religion of humanity and

Now it is to be seen if the mankind heeds these divine

messages and follows the dictums of cosmic powers to enter the
predicted golden period, or decides to go further deep in the pit of
moral decay?

Spiritual generation to start from India

If a spiritual generation is to take place and a golden period is
to usher in for humanity, the process would start from India. The
golden period would mean that everyone will have all basic
amenities like food, clothing, shelter, education, medical
facilities, entertainment, employment and full chances for
growth; in other words the country would become rich and
everyone would get a chance to work to their full potential.

It has been observed that Nostradamus has described the

possibility of Arab countries becoming rich, at only one place in
his book, as mines of gold and silver will be found there (an
indication to the black gold - oil). Those countries have really
become rich. And, he has indicated in so many Quatrains that
India will become rich, firstly by virtue of its immense mineral
wealth, and secondly because of its (financial, technical and
Industrial) collaboration with Israel.

Nostradamus has indicated that the mineral wealth of India

will bring to it a flourishing condition.Also, many scholars
including Swami Vivekananda and Subhash Chandra Bose had
prophesied that India would be a superpower in future. According
to them, 17th Century belonged to England, 18th to France, 19th to
Germany, 20th to Russia, and the 21st Century will belong to India.

The country has fallen, no doubt, but will as surely rise again,
and that upheaval will astound the world.
The lower and the hollows the billows make,
the higher and with equal force will they rise again.

Swami Vivekananda

Financial collaboration with any country is job of the

government, but we the citizens can also play a role regarding
effective use of mineral resources and other factors for financial
upliftment of our country. For this, we need new avenues to
provide employment to masses and thereby increase our
production and to maintain a healthy rate of increase in our GDP.

During my study of Nostradamus, many scholars encouraged

by the accuracy of these predictions and the possibilities arising
there from, have joined me. Encouraged by these predictions that
India will, one day, be a super power and also a world-guru once
again, we started to look for ways and means to fulfill this
objective. We felt : when the countries which possessed meager
resources compared to India, who are thriving on brain-power
imported from India, who do not posses such strong social fabric
as India possesses, who can not boast of such ancient wisdom and
philosophy; have made so much progress, then why are we
lacking? Can we comprehend and develop any new scheme and
carry it out in this regard?

For this, first of all, we must understand that capabilities

and qualities of people in different countries are bound to be
different. Policies, ideologies, and plans suitable for one
country may not suit another country, and if a problem
persists for so long that it becomes virtually unsolvable; it
means that total remodeling of plans is required in order to
solve that particular problem.

It would have been a different matter if India lacked in

mineral resources, capacity of power production, wealth of water,
intelligent work force, clement weather, or any other factor
detrimental to production. But, everything is available to us in
abundance, and still we are lacking in almost everything. This
only means that we need a new instrument to tackle our
problems. A new scheme, in preparation of which, we are being
helped by many eminent scientists, technicians, scholars, and
philosophers, may prove to be such an instrument. Our scientists
and scholars generally feel that the result of research work carried
out by them, which should be used for the benefit of country,
remains only on files and ultimately withers away. If an
instrument can be created to use our knowledge properly, we
can start moving on the road to success in positive direction.

It would have been better, if in place of adopting readymade

cut-patterns of economy of other countries, we had developed our
own indigenous pattern based on our virtuous resources,
circumstances, seasons, and social fabric; most of which is
absolutely unavailable to any other country.

Our Assets
Our ancient wisdom available to us in our philosophy, in our
ancient books, and in our artifacts, still holds a lot of potential to
be exploited in order to set up new ventures and for improving the
old techniques. The rust free iron pillar of Mehrauli has caused lot
of research work in the field of metallurgy in other countries, the
results of which are being sold to Indian companies at hefty price.
Some time back it was reported that Dr.K.R.
Balasubramanyam of IIT Kanpur has made a breakthrough in
this regard that can bring a revolution in construction techniques.

While speaking of our ancient wisdom, we all know that

Indian Vastu-Shashtra (the scripture about Architecture) has now
become relevant to the Architects in many countries, but few
know that there are more advanced ancient books on this subject
in our country. One such book is 'Samarangana Sutradhar' written
by Bhojraj, a famous emperor of India about one thousand years
back. Dr. D.N.Shukla, in his commentary on this book named
'Royal Arts – Yantras and Citras', has claimed that 'Dome
Architecture' and many types of 'Canopies' which are supposed to
be the Persian contribution to the Architecture, were described in
this book much earlier.

Also, there was a comprehensive book on Mechanical

Engineering named 'Yantra Sarvaswa' written by Maharishi
Bhardwaj. There is no trace of the full volume of this book, but a
hand-written part of it relating to the technology of construction
of aeroplanes named ' Viman-Shastra', written in Sanskrit, was
discovered and got published by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
The book contains methodologies for development of metals and
materials for construction of aeroplanes and also the fuels to be
used for running the planes. Er. Shyam Narain Kapoor, in His
book 'Pracheen Bharat Mein Vigyan Aur Shilp' (Science and
Technology In Ancient India – in Hindi) has written that
experiments were conducted through government agencies for
the development of light-weight and rust proof materials through
several books including 'Viman-Shashtra' and were successful.
This proves that further research is certainly warranted to fully
exploit our ancient wisdom given in our scriptures. In this regard,
we shall never forget what Annie Besant said in her lecture
delivered at the North Indian Convention of The Theosophical
Society at Varanasi in September ,1920 :

“It has been recognized in the West only very lately that the
life in the vegetable again differs in degree, but not in kind. That
wonderful discovery is due, as you know, to an Indian, Sir Jagdish
Chandra Bose, once a professor in the Calcutta University,
groping after truth, and guided in his research by the scriptures of
the Hindus. Never forget that Jagdish Chandra Bose asserted this
in his first great lecture in London on the life in plants, that it was
identical with the life in animals and in man – he asserted it there
in the face of the Royal Society; in the face of all the materialistic
thinkers of England and through them of Europe, and he
concluded that famous lecture with the sentence that he was only
proving what his ancestors had sung on the banks of Ganga”.

“It was not accepted at first; he was not believed. The world
of the science of the West was not prepared to say that an Indian
scientist, moving on the lines of his own great scriptures, had
proved a thing that none of them had discovered, much less
proved. But the day of his triumph arrived. His facts were
accepted. His conclusions were shown to be true. As you know he
is now a Fellow of the Royal Society – the highest recognition of
scientific genius that England has to give. That grew out of the

-Annie Besant

Indian Mathematician Bhaskaracharya was the first to

discover gravity, 500 years before Sir Isaac Newton. In his
treatise " Siddhant Shiromani " he had written regarding
planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, mathematical
techniques and astronomical equipment. In another of his works
“Surya Siddhant " he had written about the force of gravity:
"Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth.
Therefore, the earth, planets, constellations, moon, and sun are
held in orbit due to this attraction”.

A thorough knowledge of Sanskrit will be required for

exploiting our ancient wisdom in the fields of Medicine, Yoga,
Mathematics, Life Sciences, Astronomy, Environmental studies,
and other allied branches. The contribution of ancient Sanskrit
literature has been well identified and appreciated throughout the
world. Now, efforts are on to unveil the ancient Indian scientific
thoughts preserved in Sanskrit through the ages, as study of
'Sanskrit-Science' in Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapitha (a deemed
university) in Tirupati, under the able guidance of Prof. T.
Prahalada Char, who is Vice-Chancellor of the university. More
such efforts are required to fully understand and utilize our
ancient knowledge and heritage.

In fact, the rapid decline in profitable use of ancient wisdom

in India has been the main cause of fall in India's status. The
country was once held as a leading light for the entire world. The
reason for this fall, according to Swami Vivekananda, was to
alienate the Sanskrit language from the masses.

“Even the Great Buddha made one false step when he stopped
the Sanskrit language form being studied by the masses. He
wanted rapid and immediate results, and translated and
preached in the language of the day, Pali. That was grand; he
spoke in the language of the people, and the people understood
him. That was great; it spread the ideas quickly and made them
reach far and wide. But along with that, Sanskrit ought to have
spread. Knowledge came, but the prestige was not there, Culture
was not there. It is the culture that withstands the shocks, not a
simple mass of knowledge.”
Swami Vivekananda
If the country is to make such rapid progress that has been
foretold by Nostradamus, it is imperative that Swami
Vivekananda's advice be heeded.
National Health
A totally new concept of health-care is required in India. If
our national health could be improved, our efficiency will
improve. A chain of health-care centers having facilities for all
kinds of treatments – Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic,
Yunani, and meta-physical, where the center will decide about the
type of treatment to be given, can do wonders in this regard. Our
herbal products still have a vast potential to grow. Physical,
mental and spiritual health makes the man perfect. It is only India,
which has age-old scriptures on all these three dimensions, and
some of these like Yoga and Ayurveda are being utilized world
over. It is only India that believes in spiritual health too. It was due
to these practices that our ancestors enjoyed long, active and
purposeful lives and good health. One of the main points of our
scheme is to develop holistic heath centers to improve the
general health of countrymen, preferably from their young

Today, the entire world is laying emphasis on 'Preventive

Medicines' like Neutraceuticals, which are anti-aging
compounds and are generally extracted from costly herbs. But,
Prof. R.K.Trivedi (HBTI, Kanpur) has reportedly developed
such anti-aging compounds from oil refinery wastes. This can
provide us a cheap nutrient that can help in improving India's
national health.

Mineral Wealth
The mineral wealth of India is talked of with awe even by the
richest countries of the world. At present, many raw materials are
being exported from India, which are value added in other
countries. Experts call India as a country that is floating on oil.
Also, only few countries can match our wealth of water. Not only
the rivers that flow from mountains to sea, but also the vast
underground reservoirs recently located with the help of
satellites, tell us about our wealth of water and immense potential
in the field of hydro-electric power generation. Besides many
other minerals, India has largest deposits of Thorium, which is
one of the basic raw materials for atomic energy resources. All
this, coupled with our huge work force, can certainly bring India
to the required stage of development.

Cottage Industry
Mahatma Gandhi had wisely said : 'There shall be no room for
machinery that would displace human labour in its hands'. This
rule aptly applies to our cottage industry. It is a misnomer that
small, especially cottage units, cannot survive in competition
with mechanical units. There is worldwide demand of hand made
articles. Only, proper vision is required. We can take a leaf out of
the book of Raja Martand Singh, who, inspired with the
Gandhian philosophy, is striving to place Khadi on the world map
in order to provide employment to millions of workers in cottage
industries, and is immensely successful in his efforts. Apart from
Khadi, there are numerous other indigenous crafts that can
succeed in the world market. Our team has conducted some
experiments in this regard, and the results are very optimistic.

Role of NGOs
NGOs can play vital role in development of cottage
industries, if properly managed. Kala Raksha, a Gujarat based
NGO has been immensely successful in improving the lot of
artisans even in remote villages of the state. Founded by an
American lady Judy Fraser, who fell in love with the
craftsmanship of Guajarati villagers when she visited India many
years back, has made it a mission of her life to train the villagers
regarding the modern designs and remunerative ways of earning.

Kala Raksha has also opened a school for training village artisans
in different fields of craftsmanship, and is being helped by
leading fashion designers of India and many other countries. This
NGO has drawn the attention of many philanthropic
organisations of the word and is being helped by them. Such
NGOs should be opened in all parts of the country and shall be
helped by the State & Central Governments. However, care
should be taken to locate and eliminate such spurious NGOs
which have been formed only to gulp the donations provided to

The biggest problem facing our country is unemployment.
There can be hundreds of avenues that can be utilised for
providing employment to our youth, but most potent amongst
them is housing. Some time back I got an opportunity to present a
research paper regarding housing at a seminar held by IIT, BHU
at Varanasi. While the other participants discussed the technical
aspects of housing, the topic of my paper was to develop a
'movement for construction of houses in India' in order to
solve the problem of unemployment. I am glad that the
government has already implemented some of the aspects
discussed in that seminar, which was attended by the top
hierarchy of our country connected to the field of housing. But
few such steps will not solve the total problem ; a complete and
comprehensive scheme will have to be perfected and

Many of my friends including the members of Roorkee

University Alumni Association (now, IIT Roorkee), Builders
Association of India, Hindu occult Research Academy,
Sandhan (a Philosophical Circle of Kanpur), and other
individuals are working on developing comprehensive schemes
for development in various fields in order to boost the economy of
our country. A basic scheme regarding development of housing
sector in rural and semi-urban areas has been discussed later in
this chapter. Housing is only one such field ; there are many more
such avenues that can be explored to solve our unemployment

Our Intelligentsia and Spiritual vision

I have often heard about people in western countries who are
surprised at the intelligence level of Indians who are studying and
working in their countries. It is generally accepted by them that
Indian students complete their advanced studies in about half the
time as compared to the students of their countries. The progress
of Indians in fields of Software and Biosciences is amazing. The
reason lies in the spiritual upbringing of Indians that is in their
genes. Non Resident Indians all over the world are not only
willing, but are anxious to lend their expertise for the
development of India. A proper atmosphere is required to be

A scheme for development

For development of scheme for overall development of our
country, I have discussed the matter with hundreds of learned
people but the development of scheme has most profited by the
blessings of Jagadguru Sankaracharya of Kanchi Peeth,
Swami Jayendra Saraswati, who very generously encouraged
me to carry on with my work on this scheme, thereby indicating
that something good was to come out of it.

The main points of consideration in the scheme are given below :

1. Despite the availability of adequate resources and work force

in our country, there is dismal financial outlook and persistence of
the problem of unemployment due to faulty planning and
defective policies.

2. There is necessity of new avenues for providing jobs to about

forty million aspirants in the next five years. The production
generated out of these new avenues will help in maintaining a
healthy growth rate of our economy.

3. For this, review of our past policies, and establishment of a

network of labour oriented - cottage, small and medium
industries, will be required. All of our production units must be
work force oriented. Adequate technical knowledge and work
force is available in the country. Only properly planned schemes
are required.

4. Necessary changes will be required in existing infrastructure.

Instead of present structure that has been copied from other
countries, we require to develop our own pattern that suits more
to our capabilities and requirements.

5. For this we will have to consider our natural resources and

unemployed work force as our asset, and accordingly prepare
new schemes and amend the existing ones. We will have to
consider the paper currency only as a symbol of transitory
movement and an instrument to ease the day to day working. The
principle of considering the currency as the end object to achieve
the social upliftment is not working in our country, particularly in
field of providing employment.

6. Instead of considering them as a liability, our huge youth force

unemployed or unexplored, skilled or unskilled, rural or urban,
tribal or civil - should be taken as our factual capital and asset of
the country, which, clubbed with our natural resources will bring
our country in a flourishing condition.

Elaboration of all the considerations of the said scheme is out

of the scope of this book, but it is on the above principles that the
scheme is expected to achieve the desired goal. I am sure that
once the scheme is fully formulated and implemented, India will
start marching on the road to prosperity and happiness. And, it is
not out of our wits to do it. Many research scholars and eminent
scientists of our country including Dr. Anil Agrawal of Kanpur,
have worked on and perfected various project reports that can be
utilised by the entrepreneurs to set-up financially viable
production units. But for success of these, an integrated approach
will be required.

The names of only few scholars have been mentioned in this

chapter to indicate the type of research work being carried out by
Indians in India and abroad that can be useful in economical
upliftment of our country. Also, there are thousands of other
scholars and entrepreneurs, whose works can be equally useful, if
properly utilised.

An Integrated Scheme for Boosting up Housing Activity in

India, Particularly in Rural and Semi-Urban sectors

This is a scheme not only for providing houses to – (i)

economically weaker sections, and (ii) senior citizen, but also for
setting up production centres for housing activity. We all know
that after Agriculture, construction is biggest industry or activity in our
country. And still there is lot of scope for increasing it. About twenty
years back I had the occasion to participate in a seminar on 'Housing in
the Country' held by BHU IIT.

From Kanpur - Prof. ASR Sai, Architect Man Mohan Singh,

and I got the opportunities to present our papers in the seminar.
My paper was regarding the need for starting a housing
movement in the country. There, apart from the technical aspects
of housing, easy loaning for construction was the main point of
discussion. Heads of various Housing Corporations and
Financial Institutions were present in the seminar; and they then
and there announced the acceptance of these suggestions. Later, a
revolution for providing easy housing loans was started in the
country, and the results are here for everyone to see. We, form
constructing industry, were initially worried about the reducing
budgets for construction in government works. But, the spurt in
private housing has more than compensated it.

Now, there is need for starting a movement for construction of

houses in semi-urban and rural areas of our country. After
studying the needs for housing in such areas that can be easily
afforded by the persons, who are in need of houses and can pay
the required installments, I have prepared this scheme after
considering and formulating all the steps required for success of
such an idea.

Owning a good 'Pucca House' is the biggest dream of every

person who, either does not possess a house, or is separating from
his family and needs to construct his own house. There are
considerable numbers of such persons who are prepared to pay an
advance of about 25000/- and balance payment in yearly
installments, if the house is constructed and given to them now. I
had carried some housing plans with me when I visited such semi-
urban places in the vicinity of Kanpur, and I found many takers of
such houses that would cost about one lac rupees. Most of them
were semi-illiterate persons, and I felt that there was need of an
integrated scheme through which they could be provided houses
without any botheration on their part except to pay the installments.

Declaration of such a scheme and its proper publicity will also

create enthusiasm and goodwill for the government in rural and
semi-urban areas.

Life Insurance linked Housing Plans

I also gathered from them that most of them preferred Life-
Insurance linked plans in which the house will not be taken away
from their families in case of their unfortunate demise, and were
ready to pay the additional installment for it. However, we shall
be prepared to entertain both types of proposals – with or without
life covers.

Steps required to ease the availability of land to
prospective buyers
Some of the purchasers would be in legal possession of
suitable lands for construction of their houses. Some will be ready
to purchase a piece of land for this purpose. However, we can also
consider the old concept of 'Izazatnama' (permission) given by a
landowner to anyone (his relative or friend) for construction of
house. As per legal norms, the landowner cannot take back his
land or house constructed on his land once he has given the
'Izazatnama'. This process can remove a big hurdle in those
cases where someone is in position of acquiring and owning a
land on the basis of an Izazatnama, say from his relative, but
cannot afford to purchase a land due to high registration

Implementation of the Scheme

Following steps will be required for successful execution of
this scheme.

1. Setting up of a central unit for construction of houses in

such semi-urban areas. The Central unit will have full technical
knowledge for economic construction of low cost houses of good
quality using latest construction techniques including production
of pre-cast components wherever required. Due to recession in
field of housing, a number of entrepreneurs are ready and eager to
set up such units provided the get adequate work.

2. The central unit will engage contractors for construction of

houses using quick construction techniques. It will be
necessary to provide the contractors with the construction job of
at least five to ten houses at one place amounting to five lacs to ten
lacs of rupees. The contractor can complete the work at one place
in about three months, and will thus have a yearly turnover of 25
to 50 lacs of rupees, which will be sufficient for one contractor.

3. The Finance company will pay the cost of construction

directly to the central unit.

This will ensure proper utilization of the loaned amount for

construction of a good and long lasting house, and will ensure the
success of scheme by avoiding all the botheration and possibility
of exploitation of the client. Suitable legal methodology can be
developed for this.

Thus, if all the hurdles are removed from the process of

acquisition or construction of houses for the prospective
purchasers, and this scheme is suitably publicized, It is quite on
cards that a movement for construction of houses can be created,
which, in my opinion can go a long way in solving the
unemployment problem in our country.

According to figures of National Building Organization,

there is shortage of about forty million houses in India. Therefore,
this field holds a lot of potential for development, particularly, in
small towns. All the raw materials, expertise, and work force are
available in our country; only proper planning is required.
Another positive point in development of housing sector is that
these activities will increase our GDP many times over due to
involvement of finance companies, insurance, turnover of central
unit, turnover of contractors, and turnover of material
manufacturers. Therefore, proper boost in the housing activity
may provide more than envisaged growth in our economy.

Further, If a boost can be given to the housing sector by easing

the procedures involved, it may not only provide jobs to at least
one third of the total job aspirants in our country in due course, it
could also help in solving the problem of recession in fields of
production of steel, cement, bricks, timber, plastics, and other
materials used in construction sector. It can also cause further
research in this field, and use of research work already carried
out, which otherwise, may wither away in files, as happens to
most of the research work done in our country. However,
involvement of Central & State governments in a big way can
help in opening a new chapter in housing activity.

In the present atmosphere of working in our country, the

implementation of any new scheme can be achieved in a better
way, if can be executed through NGOs with proper backing from
the government. Although, creation of a movement for
construction of small houses in a big way will be a gigantic task,
still, Engineering Associations and bodies like Builders
Association of India, having its offices in all major towns of
India can take up the development of a full fledged implemental
scheme in this regard and also take up the job of its execution and
implementation throughout the country. These Associations have
adequate technical knowledge and expertise for this work.

Housing is an activity, which if taken up in full swing, can put

the economy of our country back on rails. Purchasers are
available, money is available with them, and the clement
government policies have already created a conductive
atmosphere by making available the suitable loaning schemes for
the purchasers. Now, proper planning and its implementation can
do wonders in this regard.

Though, there will be a perpetual demand of small houses, we

can tentatively fix the target for construction of one lac houses in
the country every year to start with, and can expect to achieve it.
As the scheme progresses, this target may go up to a million
houses every year. Therefore, we may start with target of annual
turnover of one thousand crores of rupees. This will add to our
GDP by three to four thousands of crores of rupees every year, as
explained above. This may go up to forty thousand crores in due

Housing is only one such field ; there are many more such
avenues that can be explored to solve our unemployment

Generation of employment in Rural Sector

The main problem facing our country today is dearth of rural
employment, which is causing large scale migration from rural to
urban areas, thereby increasing load on cities. Providing
employment to villagers, particularly agriculturists, is
special feature of this scheme. We have identified many
components to be used in rural and urban housing, which will be
produced by villagers in their houses or small co-operative units
in their villages. With help of our associates Mr. Anil Agrawal and
other prominent scientists, we have developed many products,
not only for housing sector but for other field as well. The
villagers will be given training, raw materials and equipments for
such work. Their produce will be used in our scheme, and also
sold in market through a set-up for this purpose. Therefore, the
workers will have to worry only about the production, and the rest
will be taken up by the central unit. Implementation of a totally
integrated scheme complete with forward and backward
integration is required for this purpose.

India possesses immense natural sources and intelligent work

force. This has only to be integrated for solving all of our major
problems. Employment generation will be main guiding factor.
Everyone gets work, crime rate falls and social scenario
improves. This scheme is given here only as an example, and is
part of a bigger scheme for solving our employment problem.

Novel scheme to accumulate fixed assets, especially

for senior citizens
With growing financial strength creating new venues and
employing optimum manpower clubbed with utilization of all
available services, the need to secure the future, especially for the
high number of zealous youth of our country who have witnessed
their elders directly thirsting for good living conditions in their
old age, gives a venue to come-up with such a scheme that would
work out as investment-cum-return-cum-security project;
clubbed with insurance cover too.

The scheme, on one hand, will cause huge construction and

housing activity, whereby the industrial output will be geared up,
and on the other hand it will also cater to the need of housing for
senior citizens as a long term security-cum-return medium.

Surveys in this regard indicate that there is a class among our

society who are left alone and un-attended due to their wards
being engaged in other cities/countries, but have financial ease
and can be classed to get benefit of this scheme immediately. They
would like to spend rest of their lives in colonies where they
would be provided with necessary services and would be looked
after with the angle of their area of activity and interest; wherein,
their genius in various subjects could be used and employed for
betterment of society, and where they would be involved
physically and mentally to contribute their best, even after their
retirement, in such a manner that they do not feel lonely, insecure,
and dejected; and are taken in esteem with due regard and respect.
This scheme will cover them medically, and will also provide all
other necessary services and security. This means that the scheme
would envisage two components – housing and services, both
adding to employment generation and turnover.

There are two types of senior citizens – (i) who would to

purchase the house in such a colony-cum-activity center, and (ii)
who would like to take an apartment on rent. Both types of
opportunities would be available to them – with another part of
scheme catering to young persons who would need houses after
their retirement, but can purchase on installments now, and can let
out to senior citizens on rent.
Further, some senior citizens, who can afford it, would like to
purchase apartments in posh localities; others would be prepared
to live in colonies situated on the outskirts of cities. Therefore,
different kinds of set-ups would be required in every city. Even
small cities will need such colonies, because wards of some
senior citizens from every city have gone to other cities/countries
and can afford accommodations in such colonies.

The idea of scheme is to develop senior citizens housing

colonies on the model of NRI Cities that are coming up in various
cities, but with a difference that we envisage to provide them all
kind of services, and also to cater to the demand of those citizens
who want the houses on rent. For this, the scheme would invite
young members, especially from the service class. They can join
the scheme by initially depositing a small sum to book the
apartment, and start contributing the installments from their
salaries. When the accommodation is ready, they can rent it out to
senior citizens and the rent will be adjusted in their installments.
With the kind of prevailing inflation, soon the rent will become
more than the installment, and they can end up with owning the
apartment free of cost at the time of their retirement.

Now, the banks are coming up with the idea of 'Reverse

Mortgage' through which senior citizens can earn their
livelihood from their property till they live. We have discussed
this with many young men from service class, and everyone has
appreciated the idea, because it ensures them a trouble-free life
after their retirement. Moreover, after their retirement they can
have their apartment in choice of their city (incase such schemes
come up in other cities also), where they would wish to spend
their lives in old age.

This long term scheme may be put to operation through some

short-term and medium-term schemes at the present juncture.
Looking to the present concept of privatization and
decentralisation of governmental involvement, the scheme will
come-up as a service-oriented industry. This will not only enrich
the vast potential of turnover, but will also imbibe other services
being given by the organisations e.g. mobile satellite services,
retail, and insurance etc. creating new jobs for innumerable

As big business houses are also entering agriculture arena,

therefore, with suitable modifications, similar schemes can come
up on rural canvas with budget class construction for
agriculturists, and other job providing activities.

If a golden period is going to usher in India soon, it could only

be through miracles created by cosmic powers. But these powers
would only guide the humanity; rest of the work would have to be
undertaken by us. Perhaps, these powers have already perfected
their plans through development of such schemes that are being
told to us.

Divine Guidance
Accuracy of predictions made by us regarding many events
has confirmed that the cosmic powers are guiding us. In fact,
whenever we slack in our efforts, astonishing miracles occur to us
thereby confirming that this job has been entrusted to us and we
have to carry it out irrespective of people believing or
disbelieving us.
Many eminent persons have urged for a thorough probe to
cull out the cosmic guidance from these messages. I have written
many times to the Govt. of India to officially undertake further
research in this regard; but have received no reply. Perhaps the
authorities feel that this research involves religious matters, and
therefore, the government should keep out of it. If it is true, I
would term it as a self defeating attitude.
It is perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind that
such direct messages are being received from the powers which
have created us and are responsible for evolution of life on earth. I
fear that if we do not pay heed now, these powers would take
harsh steps to draw our attention; which perhaps they are already
doing. A big disaster is expected during 2012 to 2013 in region of
Pacific Ocean. Brahmendra Swami in his book Kalgyanam had
predicted that a star with three tails will appear in east, due to
which many villages will be destroyed. Pacific Ocean is in east of
India, and a recent divine message received by me in shape of a
picture appearing on a paper might have indicated this event.
Villages described by Swamy may be some small countries or
islands situated in the Pacific Ocean region. The exact period of
this event has not been indicated, but it could be anytime from
now (January 2012) to the end of 2013.

If this is the event that has been described in Bible; in

Prophecies of Nostradamus and other prophets, it may change
the attitude of the entire world regarding the existence of
cosmic powers. If a big tsunami occurs in Pacific Ocean, it
may cause the rise of level in other connected oceans also and
affect the entire world.

(Chapter -16)


Who would be the most powerful nation of the world after the
expected regeneration of humanity? I have tried to reply this
question on the basis of Nostradamus prophecies. He had
predicted that the power would shift to brown countries. A number
of Nostradamus scholars have been working on his prophecies,
and some of them have developed their own theories for
deciphering these prophecies. I feel that we must give due regard to
all such theories and consider the possibilities arising out of them.

One such scholar was Henry C. Roberts who published his

accounts of these prophecies in 1947. This writer certainly had
some intuitive powers about the works of Nostradamus.
According to him, Nostradamus dated some of his prophecies
from the date of Council of Nicaea, i.e. 325 A.D.

Century- 1, Q-48

When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed

Another will hold his reign for seven thousand years.
When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle
Then will be fulfilled my prophecy.

Century-1, Q-49

Long before these happenings

The people of East, influenced by the Moon,
In the year 1700 will cause many to be carried away,
And will almost subdue the Northern section.

In Q-48 given above, Nostradamus had indicated the time

when life on earth would end. In another quatrain (Q-49) he had
described a happening, which according to him, was so
important that he had coupled it with one of his prime
prophecies. Thus, he wanted to describe the country that will
rule the northern section of the world from the indicated date to
the period of the end of life on earth. If the observations of
Roberts regarding dating of events from 325 A.D were correct,
the period of fulfillment of this prophecy would be the Year 2025.
This is the same year from which the golden period of 1000 years
will start.

Nostradamus had predicted in that during the last phase of life

on the earth, the balance of power would shift from white nations
to a brown nation. He probably means that during the 1000 years
of peace on earth, a conglomerate of Asian countries led by India
(known as a brown nation) will become more powerful as
compared to western countries.

This suggests that a different set-up of nations will emerge

after 2025 in which the nations that were lowly placed in matters
of economy and power before the war will grow and become
stronger. This would be when the world scene settles after the
turbulent period destined to end in 2025. It is inferred from the
present scenario and also from the study of ancient Indian
scripture Kalki Puran that Pakistan (possibly described as a
barbaric country in Kalki Puran) will be the main force in support
of terrorism, and may also take the help of other countries. But,
after the defeat of terrorist forces, equations will change, different
alliances will be formed, and people of the world will witness a
long period of peace and harmony.

Now I will take up the analysis of second line of the prophecy

given above, in order to find the name of country that has been
indicated by Nostradamus to carry away the entire northern
section. The line reads: 'The people of East, influenced by

I believe that Nostradamus, in his letter to King Henry, has
described the situation of India and various rulers of its states
during the British period in following words :

What great oppression will then fall upon the Princes and
Governors of Kingdoms, especially those that shall live
eastwards and near the sea, whose languages will be
intermingled with all others: the tongue of the Latins, and of the
Arabs, via the Phoenicians.

India is in East, near the sea, and due to advent of Muslims,

Portuguese, and British, India's languages were intermingled with
those of many countries. Therefore, by the people of the East, he
could have meant Indians. Also, India has had 'Suryavanshi'
(influenced by Sun) and 'Chandravanshi” (influenced by Moon)
kings. The name 'Hindu' came from 'Indu', and in Sanskrit Indu
means Moon. Therefore, Nostradamus has described Indians by
using the term 'those of East influenced by Moon'.

It is further confirmed from the writings of the famous

Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang (original Chinese name – Yuan
Chwang) that the name of India (which he calls 'Yin-tu) means
'moon'. In his famous book ' On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India',
Thomas Watters writes:

The Piligrim having now arrived at the frontiers of the great

country which he calls Yin-tu (India) gives his readers a “Pisgah-
sight” of the land before taking them through its various
kingdoms. And first he tells them of its name and its meaning and
probable origin.

His statements about the name may be roughly rendered as


We find that different counsels have confused the

designations of Tien-chu (India); the old names were Shen-tu and
Sien (or Hien)-tou; now we must confirm to the correct
pronunciation and call it Yin-tu. The people of Yin-tu use local
appellations for their respective countries; the various districts
having different customs, and one which the people like, we call
the country Yin-tu which means the “Moon”.

Nostradamus, therefore, knew the ancient name of India was

Indu (pronounced as Yin-tu by Chinese) and Indu meant Moon.
Cleary, He means India when he refers to Moon People.

As said earlier, Nostradamus has stated that one-day power

will shift from white nations to a brown nation. Thus, India has
been clearly indicated to be a very powerful nation some day,
when it will almost subdue the entire northern section. This
will probably happen between 2018 and 2025, the seven year
period, for which Nostradamus has mentioned in the letter to
King Henry :

“This renewed Triumvirate will last for seven years, and the
renown of this sect will extend around the world”.

This could mean that the spiritual regeneration would start in

India after 27th July 2014; would gather momentum till 2018, and
then its influence would extend around the world for seven years
i.e. till 2025. After 2025 India would be acclaimed as World
Leader / Guru.

(Chapter 17)
Nostradamus has clearly described the year when life on earth
would end as 3797 A.D. Another prophet Baba Vanga had also
given the same date when the life would be shifted from earth to
some other planet. Nostradamus had not given any detail of the
life after 3797, saying that this period was out of his vision. But
Baba Vanga had described the happenings on that planet too till
the year 5000 A.D.

If the prophecies of both these prophets are correct regarding

this point, then planet earth would lose its atmosphere conductive
to life (may be for some time); the life would be sustained on
another planet till it again could be brought back to earth.

According to some scholars, life remains on earth in cycles of

about 11,000 (eleven thousand) years. Then for a period of about
2,000 (two thousand) years, life can not sustain here. This has also
been explained in Mayan Great Cycles.

Perhaps the present cycle ends in the year 3797. Therefore,

the cosmic powers which established life on earth and are
responsible for its protection and evolution, would guide the
mankind to establish colonies on moon and / or some other
planet where life could survive for the required period, and
then brought back to earth. The development of space age
technologies and our sojourns to other planets perhaps indicate
the wishes of our creators.

May be the golden period of one thousand years is being

brought on earth so that we could forget our differences and
selfishness, and work in cohesion to achieve this objective. With
so much scientific progress, about half of the population would be
sufficient to produce whatever is required on earth, and the
balance half would develop enough skill to work for establishing
colonies on other planets for maintaining life for more than two
thousand years, and developing space stations for our planetary

(Chapter – 18)
The study of Nostradamus and other prophets vis-à-vis Indian
scriptures reveals that the second coming of Christ, or the birth of
a prophet considered as the second incarnation of Lord Krishna
will actually be emergence of a super-consciousness. As we are
habitual of worshipping the cosmic powers in form of deities, this
consciousness has been described as Kalki Avatar in Indian
scriptures - Srimadbhagwat and Kalki Puran.

Shambhal : The birth Place of Kalki

Though the name of Shambhal has been mentioned in various
Indian scriptures as the birthplace of Kalki, it seems that Indian
scholars and travelers have not made any fruitful effort to find the
location of this place. Instead, Western writers have carried out a
lot of research regarding the geographical location of Shambhal.
Prominent among them are Nicholas Roerich, his son G.N.
Roerich, Andrew Tomas, Madame Blavatsky (founder of
Theosophical Society), and many societies of UK and USA.

The name of G.N. Roerich is particularly familiar to Indians

because he was the husband of the famous Indian actress Devika
Rani. He and his father Nicholas Roerich, the famous painter,
undertook various expeditions in search of Shambhal and
published the details in their books during 1930 to 1947. Also, a
book Titled 'Shambhala – Oasis of light', written by Andrew
Tomas and published by Sphere Books, England, in 1977,
contains a few details about this mysterious kingdom in
Himalayas, which is known as 'Valley of the wisest men on the
Earth'. According to these writers, Shambhal is a kingdom of vast
proportions in a valley in the Himalayas with openings in India,
Tibet, Siberia, China, and Mongolia. It is also known as the abode
of Himalayan Masters, who are super-developed scientists and
have in their possession many types of equipment including
flying saucers and fast moving cars that run in hundreds of
kilometers long subterranean passages covered by mountains.

When Nicholas Roerich, in 1926, undertook an expedition in

Karakoram Range, he observed a flying machine that could
perform complicated maneuvers in the air. Roerich observed this
UFO through his binoculars and reported this incident in his book
'Heart of Asia'. Local lamas told him that such UFOs come from
Shambhal. It is also notable that these UFOs generally appear in
nearby areas. A similar flying object was sighted in Shillong
(Assam) in 1967 that came as low as 200 meters above the ground

Around the year 1980, I had the occasion to observe a similar

object in the sky at night in Kanpur, and it was reported in
newspapers that the same object flew at a very low height in
various places in Eastern U.P. and was observed by thousands of

There are varied views of scientists regarding UFOs.

According to some, these are inter-planetary vehicles, but others
hold the view that these machines cannot be from other solar
systems or galaxies because it will take them millions of years to
travel such distances. Therefore, possibly, these are from

The local residents from adjoining areas in Shambhal

describe that no one can visit these saint-scientists without their
permission. The boundaries of their kingdom have been protected
through various means. Anyone coming near their territory starts
trembling violently. This may be due to a powerful aura created
by them through their thought power. However, with their
permission, many persons have been meeting them and acting as
their contacts with the outside world. This group of Masters is
referred as 'Cosmic Hierarchy' and is said to be part of a process
that created life on our planet. Through their contacts, they
constantly send messages to mankind in order to continue the
process of 'evolution' on earth.

Nicholas Roerich was considered to be one of their contacts.

According to him, these sages have been keeping an eye on every major
activity on the Earth, and are trying to influence the human thoughts by
their powers. However, they have limitations regarding their influence
on mankind, and sometimes, their peace-efforts fail. But, they are so
powerful that they can take even the harshest measures, if that becomes
necessary to save our planet.

Can the wise men of Shambhal be the 'Greats Herms'

described by Nostradamus, or the 'Super Sages' described in
Indian scriptures, who will impart the education to the Kalki, and
provide him with the weaponry to fight the evil?

It has been mentioned in Kalki Puran, Pratham Ansh, chapter

3 (verse 7-8), that after giving complete education of religion,
philosophy, and armory to Kalki, Lord Parasuram will tell him :

“O Lord of the Earth, Lord Brahma has himself requested

God Sri Hari to liquidate the evil forces ruling the Earth in the
period of Kaliyug. Due to that request, you have come in this
world as incarnation of Lord Vishnu. After receiving the
education from me, arms from Lord Shiva, and wife Padma from
Singhal Desh, you will strive for reinstating the rule of religion on
the Earth.”

On hearing this, Lord Kalki will go to the temple of Lord Shiva,

and pray*:

Slokas in Saskrit And their English Translation
(from the hardcopy)
xkSjhukFka fo’oukFka ‘kj.;Hkwrkokla oklqdhd.BHkw”ke~A
«;{ka i´pkL;kfnnsoa iqjk.k oUns lkUnzkuUnlaUnksgn{ke~ AAƒ†AA

;ksxk/kh’ka dkeuk’ka djkyxaxkrjaxkfDy=ew)kZueh’ke~A

tVktwVkVksifjfHkIrHkkoa egkdkya pUnzHkkya uekfeAAƒ‡AA

‘ke’kkuLFka Hkwrosrkylax ukuk’L=S% [kan’kwyfnfHk’pA

O;kxzkrqxkz ckgoks yksduk’ks ;L; Øks/kksn~/kwryksdks·esfrAAƒˆAA

;ks Hkwrkfn% i´pHkwrSfll`{kq% rUek=Rek dky deZLoHkkoS%A

ÁâR;sna ÁkI; thoRoeh’kks czãkuUnks jers ra uekfeAAƒ‰AA

fLFkrks fo”.kq% loZft”.kq% lqjkRek yksdku~ /kk/kwu~ /keZlsrwu~A

foHkfrZ&czã|ka’ks ;ks·fHkekuh xq.kRek ‘kCnk|axsLrijs’k uekfeAAƒŠAA

;KL;k ok;oks okfUr yksds ToyR;kfXu% lfork ;kfrrI;u~A

‘khrka’kq [ksrkjdS% laxzgS’p izorZrs ra ijs’ka izi|sAAƒ‹AA

;L;k’pklkr~ loZ/kk=h /kfj=hnsokso”kZR;Ecqdky% izekrkA

es:eZ/;s Hkqoukuk´p HkÙkkZ re’kkufo’o:ia uekfe AA„ŒAA

14.(He) Who is consort of Gauri, Lord of Universe, shelter of all

beings, present in every soul, wears Vasuki (serpent) as necklace,
has three eyes and five faces, lives in absolute bliss and bestows
salvation ; I bow before such scriptural Mahadeo.
15.(He) Who is Lord of Yoga, destroyer of Cupid, has an affright
face, whose forehead is wet due to presence of Ganga in His
attractive matted and braided hairs; I salute to the Lord of
Supreme Death – Siva, whose head is ornamented with moon,
16. (He) Who is always present in Smasan with phantoms and
ghosts, keeps many weapons including sword and trident, and
whose fury on dooms-day emits the fire that destroys all mundane
and heavenly abodes.
17. (He) Who creates the beings from Panch-Tatava (i.e. space,
air, fire, water and soil), bestows sensory experiences to
undertake Karma and feelings, gives up untruth and absolves
eternally to remain ecstatic; I bow down to Siva.
18.(He) Who incarnates as everlasting victorious Lord Vishnu to
protect and up-bring the sages andb saints who bridge life with religion,
is full of attributes beyond description and feels pride in His state of
supreme bliss; I prostrate before Siva.
19.(He) Whose commands are obeyed by air and fire; Sun
emanates fire energy and provides light, Moon, planets and stars
manifest their benevolent existence; I take refuge in Siva.
19.(He) Whose commands make Earth bear the whole world, Indra
to provide rains, time divides the activities, and Meru (mountain)
remains as center-base of cosmos; I offer my salutations to Siva.

Pleased to hear the above mentioned stotras, Lord Shiva will

appear and gift away a horse that is a form of 'Garud', a wise parrot
'Shuk', and an all-powerful sword 'Ratnasaru' to Kalki. This means that
Lord Shiva would provide Kalki the power of destruction, knowledge,
and the vehicle to use that power. Lord Shiva also gives his blessings to
Kalki for success in his mission.

It has also been written in various other Indian scriptures that

at the time of last deluge, when only one family survived on earth
in order to increase the population, several knowledgeable saints
and sages went to live at a place in the Himalayas that was not
going to be inundated*. It may be that those saints, who have been
scientists of a high order, have maintained through ages a hard-
core group, and have already prepared and perfected various
warfare equipments to be used by Kalki.
*According to verse - 23 and 24, Lord Shiva tells Kalki that
whosoever recites this 'stotra' (Sanskrit verse), all of his wishes
pertaining to this world or beyond, would be fulfilled. By reading or
reciting this verse, students would attain knowledge, devotees
would derive enormous spiritual strength, and all others would also
realise their ambitions. Therefore, the original Sanskrit verse is
being reproduced here. Actually, it was through this ritual, that I
started to receive divine messages.
Various Indian Yogis, including Kaviraj Gopinath, who was a
professor at Queens College, Varanasi and had obtained Master's
Degree in many subjects, have also mentioned such a place
situated near Mount Kailash in Himalayas where Hermits having
super powers reside. A number of Yogis have met them and have
seen the powers of these saints with their own eyes. If it is true,
then these saints may be there to help the Kalki Avatar during the
forthcoming war between believers and non-believers
(terrorists), as described by Nostradamus. This may also mean
that some additional power would be given to the Masters of
Shambhal through emergence of a super-consciousness
described as Kalki Avatar.

It is believed that in each century (one hundred years) seven

persons are allowed to visit these sages. Six out of them return to
the world and act as their contacts, and one remains there to
become one of them.These sages are the part of a ‘Cosmic
Hierarchy',and one of these masters is known as 'Mahatma
Morya', to whom Andrew Tomas has dedicated his book
'Shambhala : Oasis of Light'. According to Tomas, Mahatma Morya
has been in touch with many important persons of our era, and had
been instrumental in the upliftment of the mankind in many ways.
His letters to various eminent personalities were published in
1926 in London in the shape of a book titled 'Mahatma Letters'.

Nicholas Roerich, who was also considered as one of their

contacts, is said to have carried a precious gem 'Chintamani' as a
gesture of good wishes from these Masters to the League of
Nations during the period of First World War. When the League
failed in its purpose, Nicholas Roerich brought the gem back to
these Masters.

* Reference: Bhavishya Puran, Pratisarga Parva, part-1, chapter-
5, verse-53. It is written there these saints have been assigned the
job of taking care of Kalki, when he is born.
Many scholars believe that most of the prophets that have
come on earth including Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus, received
their education from these Masters. Andrew Tomas has written
that several Vatican manuscripts and legends of Asia speak about
the journey of Jesus to India and the Himalayas. These sages are
like godfathers to our planet, and its inhabitants are continuously
saving us from natural disasters. But, as per laws of nature, they
can only try to influence the minds of the people and for this they
are making their best efforts.

The details regarding Shambhal and its sages are also written
in the ancient Buddhist scriptures and are available in the library
of Dalai Lama at Dharamsala, India. Some of these scriptures
suggest that the empire of Shambhal exists on spiritual or subtle
level, as well as on physical level. At a particular time, the king of
Shambhal will have to lead the forces of God against the forces of
the evil, and he will use flying ships in that war. These sky ships
will travel faster than sound, will use many types of fuels, and will
be fitted with atomic weapons. It is to be noted that these
scriptures were written centuries ago, when neither any type of
fuel-engine was invented nor was any trace of development of
atomic power.

Acharya Shri Ram Sharma, who was the founder of 'Yug

Nirman Yojna' and a noted seer of modern times, used to tell his
devotees that he was a contact between the world and the said
Himalayan Masters. He once explained that these Masters are
there to take care of the world at large and have many times
saved the world from natural calamities like collision of Earth
with asteroids and comets etc.

This reminds me that a few years back a series of lectures

were arranged by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in
which noted scientists of the world discussed the possibility of
such a collision of our planet with asteroids that were revolving
around the Earth and were losing their orbits due to gravitational
force of our planet. According to them, some of those asteroids
that had come quite near the Earth were bound to hit us at some
time or the other.

One such asteroid was named was named 'Geographus', and

according to the calculations given by those scientists,
Geographus should have hit the Earth by now. Although, the USA
and Russia are reported to have prepared a contingency plan to
counter any such eventuality, but it has not been used till now. In
fact, no such heavenly body has hit our planet since long, which
could have wiped out the entire life. When there are so many big
asteroids revolving around the Earth and are losing their
orbits, how it is that none of these bodies have hit us for such a
period that life is surviving here.

About one hundred years back a meteorite fell in Tunguska

area in USSR, and caused devastation in about 2000 sq Km area.
This meteorite's crash took place in summer of 1908. An
enormous volcanic ball rushed over the sky with terrifying
wallop and thunder-like sound. All the citizens were frightened to
death and scared to move out of their houses. According to a
Russian scientist Yuriy Lavbin “A flight of a “flamy alien” ended
up in an hour in deserted taiga area”. In a matter of seconds an
explosive wave spread for 40 kilometers, devastating everything
living around.

It was not until many years later that this Siberian scientist
Lavbin and his colleagues set up an expedition to the place of the
meteorite's crash. They searched carefully through the river
banks and found there some unusual quartz boards. Mr. Lavbin
states that such solid stones do not exist in the Earth. He said
about the experiment that was taken on the crystals: scientists
tried to put some of the same drawing that were on the stones
initially with a laser machine.

Unusual quartz found at the meteorite crash site

How surprised they were to realize that the laser (that usually
cuts metal objects into pieces) managed to put just some faint
stripes. The stones have an entire system of different lines and
circles on them. Scientists suppose that the stones used to be a part
of the navigational system of a spaceship. All stones perhaps
united to form a map, which they used to cruise through the

These scientists have concluded that in order to save the earth

an UFO hit the meteorite that was going to fall on earth and it
weighed about 1 billion tones. If the meteorite had fallen down
on the Earth, all the people on our planet would have been
dead in the year 1908. But the aliens interfered and put their lives
to save our land. Portrait of a strange person on one of the stones
proves this hypothesis. Isn't it the pilot that once put his life for the
sake of our future life? There are varying hypothesis of scientists
regarding the cause and details of this crash. Many scientists,
however, feel that there are powers that are saving us from such
calamities in order to maintain life on earth.

Are these the Himalayan Masters, who are our contacts with
God, are taking care of such matters? Perhaps time has come for
such revelations. If the surmise of Russian scientists is correct
regarding the abovementioned incident, It is possible that such
revelations have already been made to us.

Inspirations from visionaries

So many visionaries and saints have inspired my study, that it
is virtually impossible to give the entire list of those great seers,
philosophers, and their interpreters. The material available on
many Internet sites has also been of great help. I find that
visionary ideas hailing right from Vedas, Puranas, Upnishads,
and many other scriptures were necessary to be studied for this
effort. I bow to sages like Vedvyas and their many interpreters and
scholars. I also submit myself in reverence to prophets like
Buddha and Christ and various scholars and savants of Buddhist
and Christian scriptures.

A special reference is due to the Himalayan Masters who are

all in all to restrain the decay of humanity and moral values on our
planet. Their 'Contacts' and 'Messengers', in shape of Mahatma
Mourya, Nicholas Roerich, Andrew Tomas, and many yogis,
lamas, and saints including Acharya Shri Ram Sharma and
others, have been successful in spreading the divine messages of
the Himalayan Masters all over the world. I have been fortunate
to relate some of their messages in my book.

I believe that many seats of religion and knowledge in our

country including those of reverend Sankaracharyas, and also the
Tibetan seat of Dalai Lama, are blessed with the divine guidance
of these Masters. During my meeting with the present Dalai Lama,
I felt that he knows about the future of the Tibetans, and that is why
the Tibetans under his able guidance are not adopting anything but
peaceful tactics. They are waiting for the appointed time keeping
their socio-cultural and philosophical heritage intact.

Nostradamus holds a special place in my heart and soul for

filling my being with an inner light so strong that sometime I feel
that God himself is residing only a few doors away, and someday I
may hear a knock on my door from Him.

'Guru Govind Dono Khare, Kake laagoon paaon,

Balihari Guru Aapki, Govind diyo Batai'

(The God and the Guru, both are standing by me; whom shall I
My Guru is great; it is he who has introduced me to the God)

Another prophecy of Nostradamus that can be viewed at this

stage is given below :

Century- 3, Q-94

For 500 more years he will be taken into account,

The one who was the ornament of his age:
Then suddenly a great clarity he will give,
By this century he will bring them great contentment.

Here Nostradamus prophesies either for himself or for Veera

Brahmendra Swami, or both. He, who was ornament of his age,
will be remembered for five hundred more years, i.e. up to the
year 2050. He will give such great clarity (about the future) that
will bring the mankind a great contentment. This reminds me of a
prophecy made by Bejan Daruwala, who can be termed as the
most celebrated astrologer in the world today, in which a couple
of years back he stated that 'Divine Powers will reveal
themselves to the mankind within the twenty-first century'.
Although Bejan Daruwala is considered to be a great visionary by
the grace of Lord Ganesha, still most of us had dismissed this
prophecy as a prank. But now we find that almost all the
prophecies made by the seers mentioned in this book tell us that
God and His Cosmic Hierarchy are going to be revealed to the
man by 2025 A.D.

After that, these prophecies would certainly become
irrelevant. Otherwise, if the man ignores the warnings given in
these prophecies and decides to remain on the side of Satan, he
will be wiped from the face of earth, and the prophecies would
still become irrelevant.

(Chapter – 19)
Nostradamus wrote two letters, each along with two editions
of his book of prophecies. The first was written to his son Caesar
as 'letter of dedication' presented with first edition of his book in
1555. The second letter was presented to King Henry II along
with the second edition of his book in 1558.

There are several discrepancies in the said two letters

published in various editions of his books that were published
later. After going through the various texts, I have collated the
texts of these letters and tried to establish a text as authentic as it
was possible. But, it must be still kept in mind that Nostradamus
had tried to keep the language of these letters as un-intelligible as
possible, so that his message could only be deciphered at the
appropriate time.

Nostradamus has mentioned in these letters that he was

writing continuous prophecies from his time to the time of next
deluge i.e. 3797 A.D. After that there will be no life on Earth, and
may be after a certain period, as happened after the previous
deluge (more than two thousand years before Christ), life will
restart on earth. But, it seems that the Unseen Power has not yet
written the script of that period, or had not told it to Nostradamus,
and therefore, Nostradamus could not see or write anything about
that phase of time.

It is not able that the Indian sages Vedvyas and Shukdeo had
also written about the events that are going to occur till the next
deluge. In Srimadbhagwat and Bhavishya Puran, they had
mentioned the events starting from millions of years back when
the world was created, but their descriptions also end at the said
period of next Armageddon. It may be for the reason that the
script of the next phase of life on Earth, or on any other planet
where it will emerge, will be prepared on the basis of our Karmas
up to that point, and will be recorded in God's Book of
Remembrance. Then, the next enactment will start on the basis of
that script.
Letter to His Son

(Preface to 1st edition of his Book of Prophecies

published in 1555)
Greetings and happiness to Caesar Nostradamus my son.

Your late arrival, Caesar Nostradamus, my son, has made me

spend much time in continual nightly watching, so that I could
communicate with you by letter and leave you this reminder, after
my death, for the benefit of all men, of which the divine spirit has
revealed me to know by means of astronomical revolutions.

And since it was the Almighty's will that you have come late in
this world, and your years are but few, and the months during
which you will struggle to grasp and understand the work I shall
be compelled to leave you after my death: assuming that it will
not be possible for me to leave you such [clearer] writing as may
be destroyed through the injustice of the age. The key to the
hidden prediction, which you will inherit, will be locked inside
my heart. Also bear in mind that the events here described have
not yet come to pass, and that all is ruled and governed by the
power of Almighty God, inspiring us not by Bacchic frenzy nor
by enchantments but by astronomical assurances: predictions
have been made through the inspiration of Divine Will alone and
the spirit of prophecy in particular.

On numerous occasions and over a long period of time I

have predicted specific events far in advance, attributing all
to the workings of divine power and inspiration, together
with other fortunate or unfortunate happenings, foreseen
in their full unexpectedness, which have already come to pass
in various regions of the earth. Yet I have wished to remain
silent and abandon my work because of the possible injustice
not only of the present time, but also for most of the future. I
will not commit to writing.

Since governments, sects and countries will undergo such

sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now
obtains, that, were I to relate events to come, those in power
now - monarchs, leaders of sects and religions - would find
these so different from their own imaginings that they would
be led to condemn what later centuries will learn how to see
and understand. Bear in mind also Our Savior's words: Do
not give anything holy to the dogs, nor throw pearls in front of the
pigs lest they trample them with their feet and turn on you and
tear you apart.

For this reason I withdrew my pen from the paper, because I

wished to withhold my statement touching the vulgar advent.
Afterwards, for the common good, I decided to enlarge myself
in dark and abstruse sentences, declaring the future events by
means of ambiguous and enigmatic comments about future
causes, even those closest to us and those I have perceived, so that
some human change which may come to pass shall not unduly
scandalize these delicate sensibilities.

The whole work is thus written in a nebulous rather than plainly

prophetic form. So much so that, “Thou have hidden these things
from the wise and the circumspect, that is from the mighty and the
rulers, and Thou have purified those things for the small and the
poor, and through Almighty God's will, revealed unto those
prophets with the power to perceive what is distant and thereby to
foretell things to come”. For nothing can be accomplished
without this faculty, whose power and goodness work so strongly
in those to whom it is given that, while they contemplate within
themselves, these powers are subject to other influences arising
from the force of good. This warmth and strength of prophecy
invests us with its influence as the sun's rays affect both animate
and inanimate entities.

We human beings cannot through our natural consciousness and

intelligence know anything of God the Creator's hidden secrets,
for it is not for us to know the times or the instants, etc.

So much so that persons of future times may be seen in

present ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal
them by means of images, together with various secrets of the
future vouchsafed to orthodox astrology, as was the case in the
past, so that a measure of power and divination passed through
them, the flame of the spirit inspiring them to pronounce upon
inspiration both human and divine. God may bring into being
divine works, which are absolute; there is another level, that of
angelic works; and a third way, that of the evil doers.

But my son, I address you here a little too obscurely. As regards

the occult prophecies one is vouchsafed through the subtle spirit
of fire, which the understanding sometimes stirs through
contemplation of the distant stars as if in vigil, likewise by means
of pronouncements, one finds oneself surprised at producing
writings without fear of being stricken for such impudent
loquacity. The reason is that all this proceeds from the divine
power of Almighty God from whom all bounty proceeds.

And so once again, my son, if I have eschewed the word prophet, I

do not wish to attribute to myself such lofty title at the present
time, for whoever is called a prophet now was once called a seer;
since a prophet, my son, is properly speaking one who sees distant
things through a natural knowledge of all creatures. And it can
happen that the prophet bringing about the perfect light of
prophecy may make manifest things both human and divine,
because this cannot be done otherwise, given that the effects of
predicting the future extend far off into time.

God's mysteries are incomprehensible and the power to influence

events is bound up with the great expanse of natural knowledge,
having its nearest most immediate origin in free will and
describing future events that cannot be understood simply
through being revealed. Neither can they be grasped through
men's interpretations nor through another mode of cognizance or
occult power under the firmament, neither in the present nor in
the total eternity to come. But bringing about such an indivisible
eternity through Herculean efforts, things are revealed by the
planetary movements.

I am not saying, my son - mark me well, here - that knowledge of

such things cannot be implanted in your deficient mind, or that
events in the distant future may not be within the understanding of
any reasoning being. Nevertheless, if these things current or
distant are brought to the awareness of this reasoning and
intelligent being they will be neither too obscure nor too clearly

Perfect knowledge of such things cannot be acquired without

divine inspiration, given that all prophetic inspiration derives
its initial origin from God Almighty, then from chance and
nature. Since all these portents are produced impartially,
prophecy comes to pass partly as predicted. For understanding
created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult,
only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by
whose light part of the future may be discerned.

Also, my son, I beseech you not to exercise your mind upon such
reveries and vanities as drain the body and incur the soul's
perdition, and which trouble our feeble frames. Above all avoid
the vanity of that most execrable magic formerly reproved by the
Holy Scriptures - only excepting the use of official astrology.
For by the latter, with the help of inspiration and divine
revelation, and continual calculations, I have set down my
prophecies in writing. Although this occult philosophy was
not forbidden, I could never be persuaded to meddle with it,
although several volumes (books), which had lain hidden
for long centuries were presented to me, and fearing of what
might become of them after I have read them, I presented
them to Vulcan [the God of Fire]. And while he devoured
them, the flame licking the air gave out such an unexpected
light, clearer than that of an ordinary flame and resembling
fire from some flashing cataclysm, and suddenly illumined
the house as if it were caught in a furnace. Which is why I
reduced them to ashes then, so that none might be tempted
to use occult works in searching for the perfect
transmutation, whether lunar or solar, of incorruptible

But as to that discernment which can be achieved by the aid of

planetary scrutiny, I should like to tell you this. Eschewing any
fantastic imaginings, you may through good judgment have
insight into the future if you keep to the specific names of places
that accord with planetary configurations, and with inspiration
places and aspects yield up hidden properties, namely that power
in whose presence the three times [past, present, and future] are
understood as Eternity whose unfolding contains them all: for all
things bare naked and open.

That is why, my son, you can easily, despite your young brain,
understand that events can be foretold naturally by the
heavenly bodies and by the spirit of prophecy: I do not wish to
ascribe to myself the title and role of prophet, but emphasize
inspiration revealed to a mortal man whose perception is no
further from heaven than the feet are from the earth. I cannot
fail, err or be deceived, although I may be as great a sinner
as anyone else upon this earth and subject to all human
But after being surprised sometimes by day while in a trance, and
having long fallen into the habit of agreeable nocturnal studies, I
have composed books of prophecies, each containing one
hundred astronomical Quatrains, which I want to condense
somewhat obscurely. The work comprises prophecies from
today to the year 3797.

This may perturb some, when they see such a long extension of
time, and this will occur and be understood in all the fullness of
the Republic, these things will be universally understood upon
earth, my son. If you live the normal lifetime of man you will
know upon your own soil, under your native sky, how future
events are to turn out.

For only Eternal God knows the eternity of His light which
proceeds from Him, and I speak frankly to those to whom His
immeasurable, immense and incomprehensible greatness has
been disposed to grant revelations through long, melancholy
inspiration, that with the aid of this hidden element manifested by
God, there are two principal factors which make up the prophet's

The first is when the supernatural light fills and illuminates the
person who predicts by astral science, while the second allows
him to prophesy through inspired revelation, which is only a part
of the divine eternity, whereby the prophet comes to assess what
his divinatory power has given him through the grace of God and
by a natural gift, namely, that what is foretold is true and ethereal
in origin.

And such a light and small flame is of great efficacy and scope,
and nothing less than the clarity of nature itself. The light of
human nature makes the philosophers so sure of themselves that
with the principles of the first cause they reach the loftiest
doctrines and the deepest abysses. But my son, lest I venture too
far for your future perception, be aware that men of letters shall
make grand and usually boastful claims about the way I
interpreted the world, before the worldwide conflagration which
is to bring so many catastrophes and such revolutions that
scarcely any lands will not be covered by water, and this will last
until all has perished save history and geography themselves.

This is why, before and after these revolutions in various countries,

the rains will be so diminished and such abundance of fire and fiery
missiles shall fall from the heavens that nothing shall escape the
holocaust. And this will occur before the last conflagration.

Although the planet Mars makes an end of its course, and comes
to the end of its last period, he shall begin it again. Some planets
shall be gathered in Aquarius for many years, others will be in
Cancer for many years. Now, the Moon governs us, by the will of
Almighty God; Moon, before it has finished its revolution, Sun
shall come, and then Saturn. For, according to the celestial signs,
the Golden Age shall return, and after all calculations, the world
draws near to an all-encompassing revolution (death dealing).

From the time of writing this, before 177 years 3 months 11 days,
plague, long famine and wars, and still more floods from now
until the stated time. Before and after these, humanity shall
several times be so severely diminished that scarcely anyone
shall be found who wishes to take over the fields, which shall
become free where they had previously been tied.

This will be after the visible judgment of heaven, before we reach

the millennium, which shall complete all. In the firmament of the
eighth sphere, a dimension whereon Almighty God will complete
the revolution, and where the constellations will resume their
motion which will render the earth stable and firm, but only if He
will remain unchanged for ever until His will be done.

This is in spite of all the ambiguous opinions surpassing all

natural reason, expressed by Mahomet; which is why God the
Creator, through the ministry of his fiery agents with their
flames, will come to propose to our perceptions as well as our
eyes the reasons for future predictions.

Signs of events to come must be manifested to whomever

prophesies. For prophecy which stems from exterior illumination
is part of that light and seeks to ally with it and bring it into being
so that the part which seems to possess the faculty of
understanding is not subject to a sickness of the mind.

Reason is only too evident. Everything is predicted by divine

inspiration and thanks to an angelic spirit inspiring the one
prophesying, consecrating his predictions through divine
unction. It also divests him of all fantasies by means of various
nocturnal apparitions, while with daily certainty he prophesies
through the science of astronomy, with the aid of sacred
prophecy, his only consideration being his courage in freedom.

So come, my son, strive to understand what I have found out

through my calculations which accord with revealed inspiration,
because now the sword of death approaches us, with pestilence
and war more horrible than there has ever been - because of three
men's work *- and famine. And this sword shall smite the earth
and return to it often, for the stars confirm this upheaval and it is
also written: I shall punish their injustices with iron rods, and
shall strike them with blows.

For God's mercy will be poured forth only for a certain time, my
son, until the majority of my prophecies are fulfilled and this
fulfillment (sic) is complete. Then several times in the course of
the doleful tempests the Lord shall say: 'Therefore I shall crush
and destroy and show no mercy'; and many other
circumstances shall result from floods and continual rain of
which I have written more fully in my other prophecies,
composed at some length, not in a chronological sequence, in
prose, limiting the places and times and exact dates so that
future generations will see, while experiencing these
inevitable events, how I have listed others in clearer language,
so that despite their obscurities these things shall be
understood by the men coming after, may see and know that
those accidents are certainly come to pass, as we have marked
in other places, speaking more clearly, although the
explication be involved in obscurity : When the time arrives
for the removal of ignorance, the case shall be more clear.

So in conclusion, my son, take this gift from your father

Michael Nostradamus, who hopes you .

Letter of Dedication to King Henry II

(Preface to 2nd Edition of the Book of Prophesies
Published in 1558)

By reason of that singular observation, O Most Christian and

Most Victorious King, my face, which has been cloudy a great
while, did present itself before your immeasurable Majesty. I
have remained perpetually dazzled by that sovereign sight. I have
never ceased to honor and venerate properly that date when I
presented myself before Majesty so singular and so humane. I
have searched for some occasion on which to manifest high heart
*Reference to three Antichrists.
understand each prophecy in every Quatrain herein. May
Immortal God grant you a long life of good and prosperous
Salon, 1 March 1555
and stout courage, and thereby obtain even greater recognition of
Your Most Serene Majesty. But I saw how obviously impossible
it was for me to declare myself.

While I was seized with this singular desire to be transported

suddenly from my long-beclouded obscurity to the illuminating
presence of the first monarch of the universe, I was also long in
doubt as to whom I would dedicate these last three Centuries of
my prophecies, making up the thousand. After having meditated
for a long time on an act of such rash audacity, I have ventured to
address Your Majesty. I have not been daunted like those
mentioned by that most grave author Plutarch, in his Life of
Lycurgus, who were so astounded at the expense of the offerings
and gifts brought as sacrifices to the temples of the immortal
gods of that age, that they did not dare to present anything at all.
Seeing your royal splendor to be accompanied by such an
incomparable humanity, I have paid my address to it and not as
those Kings of Persia whom one could neither stand before nor

It is to a most prudent and most wise Prince that I have dedicated

my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed
rather out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furor,
than according to the strict rules of poetry. Most of them have
been integrated with astronomical calculations corresponding to
the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of
the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of
Asia, where most of all these coming events are to transpire. They
are composed in a natural manner. Indeed, someone, who would
do well to blow his nose, may reply that the rhythm is as easy as
the sense is difficult. That, O Most Humane king, is because most
of the prophetic Quatrains are so difficult that there is no way to
be found for interpreting them.

Nevertheless, I wanted to leave a record in writing of the years,

Cities and regions in which most of the events will come to pass,
even those of the year 1585 and of the year 1606, reckoning from
the present time, which is March 14, 1557, and going far beyond
to the events which will take place at the beginning of the seventh
millenary, when, so far as my profound astronomical calculations
and other knowledge have been able to make out, the adversaries
of Jesus Christ and his Church will begin to multiply greatly.

I have calculated and composed all during choice hours of

well disposed days, and as accurately as I could, all when
Minerva was free and not unfavorable. I have made
computations for events over almost as long a period to come
as that which has already passed, and by these they will know
in all regions what is to happen in the course of time, just as it
is written, with nothing superfluous added, although some
may say, There can be no truth entirely determined
concerning the future.

It is quite true, Sire, that my natural instinct has been inherited

from my forebears, who did not believe in predicting, and that this
natural instinct has been adjusted and integrated with long
calculations. At the same time, I freed my soul, mind and heart
of all care, solicitude and vexation. All of these prerequisites
for presaging I achieved in part by means of the brazen

There are some who would attribute to me that which is not mine
at all. The eternal God alone, who is the thorough searcher of
humane hearts, pious, just and merciful, is the true judge, and it is
to him I pray to defend me from the calumny of evil men. These
evil ones, in their slanderous way, would likewise want to inquire
how all your most ancient progenitors, the Kings of France, have
cured the scrofula, how those of other nations have cured the bite
of snakes, how those of yet other nations have had a certain
instinct for the art of divination and still others which would be
too long to recite here.
Not with standing those who cannot contain the malignity of the
evil spirit, as time elapses after my death, my writings will
have more weight than during my lifetime. Should I, however,
have made any errors in my calculation of dates, or prove unable
to please everybody; I beg that your more than Imperial Majesty
will forgive me. I protest before God and his Saints that I do not
propose to insert any writings in this present Epistle that will be
contrary to the true Catholic faith, whilst consulting the
astronomical calculations to the best of my ability.

Such is the extent of time past, subject to correction by the most

learned judgment, that the first man, Adam, came 1,242 years
before Noah (not reckoning by such Gentile calculations as Varro
used, but simply by the Holy Scriptures, as best my weak
understanding and astronomical calculations can interpret them.)
About 1,080 years after Noah and the universal flood came
Abraham, who, according to some, was a first-rate astrologer and
invented the Chaldean alphabet. About 515 or 516 years later
came Moses, and from his time to that of David about 570 years
elapsed. From the time of David to that of out Savior and
Redeemer, Jesus Christ, born of the unique Virgin, 1,350 year
elapsed, according to some chronographs. Some may object that
this calculation cannot be true, because it differs from that of
Eusebius. From the time of the human redemption to the
detestable heresy of the Saracens about 621 years elapsed. From
this one can easily add up the amount of time gone by.

Although my calculations may not hold good for all nations, they
have,however, been determined by the celestial movements,
combined with the motion, handed down to me by my forebears,
which comes over me at certain hours. But the danger of the
times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not
be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only
one sense and meaning, and nothing ambiguous or
amphibological inserted. Rather they are under a cloudy
obscurity, with a natural infusion not unlike the creation of the
world, according to the calculation and Punic Chronicle of Joel: 'I
will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters
will prophesy'. But such Prophecy proceeded from the mouth of
the Holy Ghost who was the sovereign and eternal power,
together with the heavens, and caused some of them to predict
great and marvelous events.

As for myself, I would never claim such a title, never, please God.
I readily admit that all proceeds from God, and render to Him -
thanks, honor and immortal praise. I have mixed therewith no
divination coming from fate. All from God and nature, and for the
most part integrated with celestial movements. It is much like
seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events,
sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall
upon the principal worshippers. First, upon the temples of God;
secondly, upon those who, sustained by the earth, approach such
decadence? Also a thousand other calamitous events which will
be known to happen in due time.

For God will take notice of the long barrenness of the great
dame, who, afterwards shall conceive two principal children.
But she will be in danger, and the female to whom she will have
given birth will also, because of the temerity of the age, be in
danger of death in her eighteenth year, and will be unable to live
beyond her thirty-sixth year. She will leave three males, and one
female, and of these, two will not have had the same father. There
will be great differences between the three brothers, and then
there will be such great cooperation and agreement between them
that the three and four parts of Europe will tremble. The youngest
of them will sustain and augment the Christian monarchy, and
under him sects will be elevated, and suddenly cast down, Arabs
will be driven back, kingdoms united and new laws promulgated.

The oldest one will rule the land whose escutcheon is that of the
furious crowned lions with their paws resting upon intrepid arms.

The one, second in age, accompanied by the Latin, will penetrate
far, until a second furious and trembling path has been beaten to
the Great St. Bernard Pass. From there he will descend to mount
the Pyrenees, which will not, however, be transferred to the
French crown. And this third one will cause a great inundation of
human blood, and for a long time Lent will not include March.

The daughter will be given for the preservation of the Christian

Church. Her lord will fall into the pagan sect of the new infidels.
Of her two children, one will be faithful to the Catholic Church,
the other an infidel.

The unfaithful son, who, to his great confusion and later

repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three widely scattered
regions, namely, the Roman, Germany and Spain, which will set
up diverse sects by armed force. The 50th to the 52nd degree of
latitude will be left behind.

And all will render the homage of ancient religions to the region
of Europe north of the 48th parallel. The latter will have trembled
first in vain timidity but afterwards the regions to its west, south
and east will tremble. But the nature of their power will be such
that what has been brought about by concord and union will prove
insuperable by warlike conquests.

In nature they will be equal, but very different in faith.

After this the barren Dame, of greater power than the second, will
be received by two of the nations. First, by them made obstinate
by the onetime masters of the universe. Second, by the latter

The third people will extend their forces towards the circuit of the
East of Europe where, in the Pannonias, they will be
overwhelmed and slaughtered. By sea they will extend their
Myrmidons and Germans to Adriatic Sicily. But they will

succumb wholly and the Barbarian sect will be greatly afflicted
and driven out by all the Latin.

Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once
was Attila's empire and the new Xerxes will descend with great
and countless numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Ghost,
proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration,
chasing out the abomination of the Christian Church, and whose
reign will be for a time and to the end of time.

This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy

than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death
and passion of Jesus Christ, and from him until now. And it will be
in the month of October that the great revolution will be made and
it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost
its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of
perpetual darkness.

In the spring there will be omens, and thereafter, extreme changes,

reversals of realms and mighty earthquakes. These will be
accompanied by the procreation of the new Babylon, miserable
daughter enlarged by the abomination of the first holocaust. It will
last for only seventy-three years and seven months.

Then there will issue from the stock, which had remained barren
for so long, proceeding from the 50th degree, one who will renew
the whole Christian Church. A great place will be established,
with union and concord between some of the children of opposite
ideas, whom diverse realms have separated. And such will be the
peace that the instigator and promoter of military factions, born of
the diversity of religions, will remain chained to the deepest pit.
And the kingdom of the Furious One, who counterfeits the sage,
will be united.

The countries, towns, cities, realms and provinces which will

have abandoned their old customs to gain liberty, but which will

in fact have enthralled themselves even more, will secretly have
wearied of their liberty. Faith lost in their perfect religion, they
will begin to strike to the left, only to return to the right. Holiness,
for a long time overcome, will be replaced in accordance with the
earliest writings.

Thereafter the great dog, the biggest of curs, will go forth and
destroy all, the same old crimes being perpetrated again. Temples
will be set up again as in ancient times, and the priest will be
restored to his original position and he will begin his whoring and
luxury, and will commit a thousand crimes.

At the eve of another desolation, when she is atop her most high
and sublime dignity, some potentates and warlords will confront
her, and take away her two swords, and leave her only the
insignia, whose curvature attracts them. The people will make
him go to the right and will not wish to submit themselves to those
of the opposite extreme with the hand in acute position, who
touch the ground, and want to drive spurs into them.

To the branch long barren, will proceed one who shall deliver the
people of the world form this benevolent slavery to which they
had voluntary submitted. He will put himself under the protection
of Mars, stripping Jupiter of all his honors and dignities, and
establish himself in the free city in another scant Mesopotamia.
The chief and governor will be cast out from the middle and hung
up, ignorant of the conspiracy of one of the conspirators with the
second Thrasibulus, who for a long time will have directed all

Then the impurities and abominations, with a great shame, will be

brought out and manifested in the shadows of the veiled light, and
will cease towards the end of the change in reign. The chiefs of the
Church will be backward in the love of God, and several of them
will apostatize from the true faith.

Of the three sects (Lutheran, Catholic, and Mahometan), that
which is in the middlemost, by the action of its worshippers,
shall be thrown into ruins. The first, wholly in all Europe, and
the most part of Africa undone by the third, by means of poor
in spirit, who by madness elevated shall, through libidinous
luxury, commit adultery.

The supporting common people will rise up and chase out the
adherents of the legislators. From the way realms will have been
weakened by the Easterners, it will seem that God the Creator has
loosed Satan from the prisons of hell to give birth to the great Dog
and Dohan, who will make such an abominable breach in the
Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes or
hands will know what to make of it, and their power will be taken
from them.

Then will commence a persecution of the Churches the like of

which was never seen. Meanwhile, such a plague will arise that
more than two thirds of the world will be removed. One will be
unable to ascertain the true owners of fields and houses, and weeds
growing in the streets of cities will rise higher than the knees. For
the clergy there will be but utter desolation. The warlords will
usurp what is returned from the City of the Sun, from Malta and
the Isles of Hyères. The great chain of the port, which wakes its
name from the marine ox (Bosphorus), will be opened.

And the maritime shores, wishing to deliver the Sierra Morea

from the first Mahometan recapture, will make a new incursion.
Their assaults will not all be in vain, and persons who hold the
Jovialists in veneration will assault the place, which was once the
abode of Abraham. And this city of "Achem" will be surrounded
and assailed on all sides by a most powerful force of warriors. The
Westerners will weaken their maritime forces, and great
desolation will fall upon this realm. Its greatest cities will be
depopulated and those who enter will fall under the vengeance of
the wrath of God.
The sepulcher, for long an object of such great veneration, will
remain in the open, exposed to the sight of the heavens, the Sun
and the Moon. The holy place will be converted into a stable for a
herd large and small, and used for profane purposes. Oh, what
calamitous afflictions will pregnant women bear at this time?

Northerners and Westerners, and most of his people, stirred up,

will be put to death, overwhelmed or scattered. His children,
offspring of many women, will be imprisoned. Then will be
accomplished the prophecy of the Royal Prophet, Let him hear
the groaning of the captives, that he might deliver the children of
those doomed to die.

What great oppression will then fall upon the Princes and
Governors of Kingdoms, especially those that shall live
eastwards and near the sea, whose languages will be
intermingled with all others: the tongue of the Latins, and of
the Arabs, via the Phoenicians. And all these Eastern Kings will
be chased, overthrown and exterminated, but not altogether, by
means of the forces of the Kings of the North, and because of the
drawing near of our age through the three secretly united in the
search for death, treacherously laying traps for one another. This
renewed Triumvirate will last for seven years, and the renown
of this sect will extend around the world. The sacrifice of the
holy and immaculate Wafer will be sustained.

Then the Lords be two in number, victorious in the North over the
Easterners, and so great a noise and warlike tumult will they make
amongst them that all the East will tremble in terror of these
brothers of North, who are yet not brothers.

By this discourse, Sire, I present these predictions almost with

confusion, especially as to when they will take place.
Furthermore, the chronology of time which follows conforms
very little, if at all, with that which has already been set forth. Yet
it was determined by astronomy and other sources, including
Holy Scriptures, and thus I could not err. If I had wanted to date
each Quatrain, I could have done so. But this would not have
been agreeable to all, least of all to those interpreting them,
and was not to be done until Your Majesty granted me full
power to do so, lest calumniators be furnished with an
opportunity to injure me.

Anyhow, I count the years from the creation of the world to the
birth of Noah as 1,506, and from the birth of Noah to the
completion of the Ark, at the time of the universal deluge, as 600
(let the years be solar, or lunar, or a mixture of the two) I hold that
the Sacred Scriptures use solar years. And at the end of these 600
years, Noah entered the Ark to be saved from the deluge. This
deluge was universal, and lasted one year and two months. And
295 years elapsed from the end of the flood to the birth of
Abraham, and 100 from then till the birth of Isaac. And 60 years
later Jacob was born. 130 years elapsed between the time he
entered Egypt and the time he came out. Between the entry of
Jacob into Egypt and the exodus, 430 years passed. From the
exodus to the building of the Temple by Solomon in the fourth
year of his reign, 480 years. According to the calculations of the
Sacred Writings, it was 490 years from the building of the Temple
to the time of Jesus Christ. Thus, this calculation of mine,
collected from the holy writ, comes to about 4,173 years and 8
months, more or less. Because there is such a diversity of
opinions, I will not go beyond Jesus Christ.

I have calculated the present prophecies according to the order of

the chain, which contains its revolution, all by astronomical
doctrine modified by my natural instinct. After a while, I found
the time when Saturn turns to enter on April 7 till August 25,
Jupiter on June 14 till October 7, Mars from April 17 to June 22,
Venus from April 9 to May 22, Mercury from February 3 to
February 24. After that, from June 1 to June 24, and from
September 25 to October 16, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in
Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Pisces, Mercury for a month
in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the Moon in Aquarius, the
Dragon's head in Libra: its tail in opposition following a
conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury with a quadrin aspect of Mars
and Mercury, and the Dragon's head coinciding with a
conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter. And the year shall be peaceful
without an eclipse.

But, not everywhere. It will mark the commencement of what will

long endure. For beginning with this year the Christian Church
will be persecuted more fiercely than it ever was in Africa, and
this will last up to the year 1792, which they will believe to
mark a renewal of age.*

After this, the Roman people will begin to re-establish

themselves, chasing away some obscure shadows and recovering
a bit of their ancient glory. But this will not be without great
division and continual changes. Thereafter Venice will raise its
wings very high in great force and power, not far short of the
might of ancient Rome.

At that time the great sails of Byzantium, allied with the Ligurians
and through the support and power of "Aquilon" [the Northern
Realm], will impede them so greatly that the two Cretans will be
unable to maintain their faith. The arks built by the Warriors of
ancient times will accompany them to the waves of Neptune. In
the Adriatic there shall be a great discord, what was united shall
be put asunder, and what was before a great city shall become a
house, including "Pampotamia" and "Mesopotamia" of
Europe, in (19)45, and others to 41, 42 and 47.

It will be at this time and in these countries that the infernal

power will set the power of its adversaries against the Church
of Jesus Christ. This shall be the Second Antichrist, who will
*French revolution was completed in 1791, thereby marking a
renewal of age in 1792.
persecute the said Church and its true Vicar, by means of the
power of the temporal kings who through their ignorance
shall be seduced by tongues more sharp than any sword in the
hands of the madman.

The said reign of the Antichrist will last only to the death of him
who was born at the beginning of the age and of the other one of
Lyon, associated with the elected one of the House of Modena and
of Ferrara, maintained by the Adriatic Ligurians and the
proximity of great Sicily. Then the Great St.Bernard will be

The Gallic Ogmios will be accompanied by so great a number that

the Empire of his great law will extend very far. For some time
thereafter the blood of the Innocent will be shed profusely by the
recently elevated guilty ones. Then, because of great floods, the
memory of things contained in these instruments will suffer
incalculable loss, even letters. This will happen to the
"Aquiloners" [the Northern People] by the will of God.

Once again Satan will be bound, universal peace will be

established among men, and the Church of Jesus Christ will be
delivered from all tribulations, although the Philistines would
like to mix in the honey of malice and their pestilent seduction.
This will be near the seventh millenary, when the sanctuary of
Jesus Christ will no longer be trodden down by the infidels who
come from "Aquilon" [the North]. The world will be
approaching a great conflagration, although, according to
my calculations in my prophecies, the course of time runs
much further.

In the Epistle that some years ago I dedicated to my son,

Caesar Nostradamus, I declared some points openly enough,
without presage. But here, Sire, are included several great
and marvelous events which those to come after will see.

During this astrological computation, harmonized with the Holy
Scriptures, the persecution of the Ecclesiastical folk will have its
origin in the power of the Kings of "Aquilon" [the North], united
with the Easterners. This persecution will last for eleven years, or
somewhat less, for then the chief King of "Aquilon" will fall.

There upon the same thing will occur in the South, where for the
space of three years the Church people will be persecuted even
more fiercely through the Apostatic seduction of one who will
hold all the absolute power in the Church militant. The holy
people of God, the observer of his law, will be persecuted fiercely
and such will be their affliction that the blood of the true
Ecclesiastics will flow everywhere.

One of these horrible temporal Kings shall be praised by his

followers for having split more human blood of the innocent
clergymen than anybody has done to wine. This King shall
commit incredible crimes against the Church; human blood
shall run through public streets and churches, as water
coming from an impetuous rain, coloring the nearby rivers
red with blood. The ocean itself will be reddened by another
naval battle, such that one king will say to another, Naval battles
have caused the sea to blush.

Then, in this same year, and in those following, there will ensue
the most horrible pestilence, made more stupendous by the
famine, which will have preceded it. Such great tribulations will
never have occurred since the first foundation of the Christian
Church. It will cover all Latin regions, and will leave traces in
some countries of the Spanish.

Thereupon the third King of "Aquilon" [the North], hearing the

lament of the people of his principal title, will raise a very mighty
army and, defying the tradition of his predecessors, will put
almost everything back in its proper place, and the great Vicar of
the hood will be put back in his former state. But desolated, and
then abandoned by all, he will turn to find the Holy of Holies
destroyed by paganism, and the old and new Testaments thrown
out and burned.

After that Antichrist will be the infernal prince. And in this

last era all the Kingdoms of Christianity and also of the
unbelievers shall quake for the space of twenty-five years.
And there shall be more grievous wars and battles; towns,
cities, castles and other buildings shall be burned, desolated
and destroyed, with great effusion of vestal blood, married
woman and widows ravished, sucking children dashed
against the walls of towns, and so many evils shall be
committed by means of the infernal prince, Satan, that almost
the entire world shall be undone and desolate.

Before these events, some unusual birds shall cry in the air:
crying 'Now, Now'. A little while after they shall vanish.

After this shall have lasted a good while, there will be renewed
a reign of Saturn, and golden age. Hearing the affliction of his
people, God the Creator will command that Satan be cast into
the depths of the bottomless pit, and bound there. Then a
universal peace will commence between God and man. The
ecclesiastical power shall return in force and Satan will remain
bound for around a thousand years, and then will be unbound.

All these figures represent the just integration of Holy Scriptures

with Visible celestial bodies, namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and
others conjoined, as can be seen at more length in some of the
Quatrains. I would have calculated more profoundly and
integrated them even further, Most Serene King, but for the
fact that some given to censure would raise difficulties.
Therefore I withdraw my pen and seek nocturnal repose.

Many events, most powerful of all Kings, of the most

astounding sort are to transpire soon, but I neither could nor
would fit them all into this epistle; but in order to
comprehend certain horrible facts, a few must be set forth. So
great is your grandeur and humanity before men, and your piety
before the gods, that you alone seem worthy of the great title of
the Most Christian King, and to whom the highest authority in all
religion should be deferred.

But I shall only beseech you, Most Clement King, by this singular
and prudent humanity of yours, to understand rather the desire of
my heart, and the sovereign wish I have to obey Your Most Serene
Majesty, ever since my eyes approached your solar splendor, than
the grandeur of my labor can attain to or acquire.
From Salon, this 27th of June 1558.

Done by Michel Nostradamus at Salon-de-Crau in Provence.


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