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What is your ideal organization?

 Something that can make me feel productive and sharper. You know, not the jobs that are no
brainer but something that I can put my mind into, something that can make me really think and
the ones that I have the right to decide what should be and what should not be, but of course,
with consultation with my boss.

Is your current workplace fits the idea of your ideal organization?( Asses where you belong, do you feel
that it is your ideal organization?)

 Yes. It is also very fullfiling not because of the salary but knowing that I can help other people
through our programs.

Why and why not?

 I am happy with where I am and it really do fits my ideal workplace. I think I can make a change
in there and I know that I grow and have so much to learn from DOLE especially with labor laws.

State your position, nature of work and give a little backgrounder on your typical day in a work place.

 Labor and Employment Officer I, Regional Focal person for Child Labor Prevention and
Elimination Program and Alien Employment Permit. Since CL is almost done now and CAMP 2 is
coming, my day mainly revolves around entertaining clients, Alien Employment Permit
applicants which are foreign nationals who intends to engage in a gainful employment here in
the Philippines. We are being strict about it actually especially with the Indians and Chinese.
More on regulatory. Some of them performs duties that are does not coincite with their
permits. Like they will apply as the “General Manager” but they perform the duties of a
collector. Chinese nationals are even worse, most of them are working without permits. So if
you have encountered some, please inform us.

How do you see yourself 10 years from now?

 I can say that I am in my ideal workplace and I am happy and contented to where I am right
now. But it does not mean that I am going retire there, I mean it’s not that I don’t want to. I am
still young and the world is such a huge place with lots of opportunities out there. So if an
opportunity will come maybe a better job, or a change in profession (CFA, vet or architect), I am
more than willing to explore it.
 I don’t really have a concrete plan, I will just go with flow and enjoy the ride. We should not take
life all too seriosly, we should just live it and enjoy it. Because for me, the journey is more
important than the destination. Adventure is out there.

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