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The Evolution of Management

The first classical approach is The Principles Scientific Management by no less than the father of
Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor. The main focus of this classical approach is to
secure maximum prosperity for both the employer and the employee. F. Taylor noticed that
workers tend to do their jobs their own way which leads to the low performance or output that
affects the organization as a whole. With this, he used the time and motion study to help the
managers develop the right strategy for the workers to be more productive. His scientific
approaches includes the rules of motion, selection of right workers, training them and correctly
planning the process flow are being used in today’s work setting for better workers productivity.

The next is The Administrative Principles by Henri Fayol which focuses on the proper
management of organizations and the people within them. He believed that management can
be taught. Thus, he developed some principles which includes the following:
a. Scalar chain principle – communications should flow through chain from top to the bottom
part of the organization;
b. Unity of command principle – a worker should receive a command from only be one boss;
c. Unity of direction principle – which one person is in charge of all activities.

This principle is of use in management as it establishes a formal work structure. It established a

clear division of labor, and the proper delegation of power and authority.

The last form of classical approach is the Bureaucratic Approach by Max Weber. Weber believed
that organizations often fails to reach their full potential due to the practice of Bureaucracy, in
which people are placed in their position of authority because of their social standing and not
because of their capabilities. For him, the most ideal type of organization should be capable of
attaining the highest degree of efficiency in utilizing resources and exercising fairness to all of its

The enumerated classical management approaches when applied helps the organizations to
focus on its goals, it helps improve communication within the organization and helps the
business to evolve by the development of appropriate strategies that is not only company-
center but focuses on its people as well.


1. Recall one particular instance you were in work-related ethical dilemma and how were you able
to positively manage it?
Anti-Red Tape Act is very controversial and important in every government agency as it aims to
promote fairness to all of its clients and avoid biases in terms of document processing and law
implementation. As the focal person of the Alien Employment Permits, I am tasked to strictly
implement and regulate laws on the employment of foreign nationals here in Region 6. Based on
statistics, most foreign national workers in this region are Indians and it is a known fact that
most of them are not observing and following the local laws. Some of them misrepresents the
type of business that they are engaged in to avoid any additional requirements and laws to
abide. Most of them also erroneously reports their income to pay lesser taxes and some even
don’t. There was this instance that one of the applicants tried to offer to pay me in exchange for
the approval of his permit which is supposed to be denied due to the malpractice. He keeps on
saying that “ako bahala sa imo” and that no one will know. However, I outright declined his
offer because I know that it is very wrong and that he doesn’t even deserve to engage a gainful
employment here in the Philippines. The sad thing here is that there are some Filipinos who
allowed themselves be used by foreign nationals for the latter’s advantage. Faced in this kind
ethical delima, one must his/her ground to do what is right.

2. As a field of study, do your consider Management to be dynamic? Agree or disagree? Discuss

your justification thoroughly.
In my own personal opinion, Management is very dynamic as it changes overtime. The only
thing that is constant is change. What you know today might be considered as obsolete
tomorrow. It has been said that due to recent developments brought about by the continuous
changing work environment such as the rapid development in terms of technology and the wide
use of it in the business setting. With this, one must be able adopt and be flexible to cope with
all those changing factors to be able to perform well and use such developments to their

3. The role of entrepreneurship in today's challenging business world.

Due to the current situation that the world is facing today, one must learn how to adopt in order
to survive. Millions and millions of workers have lost their jobs due to retrenchment and
establishment closure and establishments declared bankruptcy as the buying power of the
community decreases. Basically, the economic impact of the current situation is much larger
than the health risk. The question here is that “How can one survive?”. This situation is indeed a
great challenge for business, but for entrepreneurs who are highly creative and innovative, this
could be an opportunity. Technology is a big factor. Everyone can do business online, in fact it is
vastly used today, from online shopping, food delivery, online payments and etc. The brick and
mortar kind of business is not really sustainable right now, from the rent to payment of utilities
with a lesser physical customer presence due to the fear of the virus and the lack buying power.
A great entrepreneur can use this situation in their advantage, with the global reach of the
world wide web, they can innovate and create a new business model that can adopt in the
current situation of this trying times a good example of this is the food panda. The app already
exists even before this pandemic, but it is really a hit right now. Food panda is such a win-win
business that is a great help to everyone. The application administrator/developer have earned
so much from this app, it also creates jobs to its riders, it helps food chains to generate income
and lastly, it eases the lives of its customers by providing an easy delivery food items from each
ones favorite food chain.

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