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Mumbai University

Bachelor of Information Technology (B.Sc. IT)

Third year Semester VI
Con /4143 - 06. XE - 2185
(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100
20th Oct 2006

N.B. 1. Question No.1 is Compulsory.

2. From the remaining (Q Nos. 2 to 7) attempt any four.
3. Draw neat labeled diagram whenever necessary
Q1 a) Explain briefly salient features of SFA 05
b) Give differences between CRM and e-CRM. 05
c) Explain Customer Life Cycle, each point in brief 05
d) What is IVR with reference to Call centre? 05
Q2 a) Discuss brief1ly obstacles to SFA with example. 08
b) Discuss Analytical CRM briefly. 08
c) Explain Data Synchronisation 04
Q3 a) Write importance of EM A [Enterprise Marketing Analysis] 08
b) I. What is kickoff meeting? Who all attend such meeting and 08
c) explain their role briefly. Discuss future of Call centre from the 04
point of view of "Technology Development
Q4 a) State advantages of ASP and explain them briefly. 08
b) Explain operational CRM with example. 08
c) Explain the importance of knowledge of business process in CRM. 04
Q5 a) In initial years (and now also) CRM failed in some companies. 08
Discuss reasons for it.
b) Discuss various definitions of CRM (at east three). 08
c) Define personalization and segmentation. 04
Q6 a) Discuss logging and monitoring with reference to call centre. 08
b) Discuss collaborative CRM with example. 08
c) You think m-CRM is possible" where m stands for mobile. What: 04
could be the scenario with m-CRM?
Q7 a) Explain 'Planning' stage for implementation of a CRM. 08
b) What advantages does commercial ‘ASP’ Vendor narrate? 08
c) Write a short note on Power User Beta Test. 04

Liability disclaimer: This paper is reformatted by Prof. Vinod Vaze in good faith and with sole intention to help the students.
Although maximum care has been taken to make this paper errorless, flawless and unblemished the author accepts no liability what so ever which
may arise from this paper.

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