Lesson 7 Leaps and Jumps

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Leaps and Jumps

Lesson 7
Leaps and jumps
are a crucial part of
rhythmic gymnastics.
The difference
between a leap and a
jump is while a jump
starts and lands on
two feet, a leap takes
off of one foot and
lands on the other
Students will find out the elements of rhythmic gymnastics. (
Balance, flexibility, Coordination, strength, leaps and jumps) in
breakout session
Stretches Raise your legs

Stretch your hamstrings

Stretch your inner thighs

Stretch your back

Raise your legs

Touch your foot to your head

Split Jumps
(Jump with a split at the height).
Straddle leap
(also known as side leap or jump).
Sheep jump
(the gymnast touches their head
with both feet).
Cool down
Formative task: Click here

Apparatus routine-

•Link together at least three different moves


Working in pairs, you are expected to develop any THREE MOVEMENTS in one gymnastics apparatus routine.

Students will create ONE week of planning in chosen rhythmic gymnastic apparatus Such as ( ball, rope, clubs,
hoop and ribbon).

Students will demonstrate any Three movements from chosen apparatus.

While performing the movement apparatus you should follow the elements of rhythmic gymnastics. ( Balance,
flexibility, Coordination, strength, leaps and jumps).

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