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Which of the following is not the function of management

A. staffing
B. planning
C. co-operation
D. controlling
Answer : C

Name the scientist who put forward the theory of 'Scientific Management'.
A. Frank Gilbreth
B. Abraham Maslow
C. F.W.Taylor
D. Henry Fayol
Answer : C

The __ management function involves identifying & arranging the work and resources
needed to achieve the goals that have been set.
A. controlling
B. organizing
C. planning
D. staffing
Answer : B

Establishing standards,comparing actual results with standards and taking corrective. actions
are the steps included in the process of
A. controlling
B. directing
C. planning
D. organizing
Answer : A

Decision taken by supervisor could be

A. change in work schedule or rescheduling
B. Decision regarding rejection of raw material or finished products
C. Increase or decrease in production depending on current situations.
D. All of the above
Answer : D

The process by which actual performance of subordinates is guided towords common goal of
the enterprise is call ........
A. Organisation
B. Unity of command
C. Directing
D. Planning
Answer : C
Measuring actual performance is the __________________ steps involved in the process of
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. last
Answer : C

Organizing includes
A. Defining organizational goals
B. Motivating organisatinal members
C. Hiring organizational members
D. Determining who does what tasks
Answer : D

Identify the subfunction which is not included in Directing function.

A. Leadership
B. Communication
C. Supervision
D. Co-ordination
Answer : D

Planning involves the effort to direct and lead people to accomplish the planned work of the
A. True
B. False
Answer : B

_____ Management is responsible for the image of the company.

A. Low
B. Middle
C. Top
D. Low and Middle
Answer : C

________ can be defined as the set of steps to do the particular activity or activities in
systematic manner.
A. Organizing
B. Planning
C. Directing
D. Motivating
Answer : B
_____ is the most basic and primary function of Management
A. Organizing
B. Purchasing
C. Directing
D. Planning
Answer : D

The ability of a supervisor to choose the correct course of action from the available
alternatives to achieve the desired aims and objectives of the business is termed as
A. Controlling
B. Supervising
C. Directiong
D. Decision Making
Answer : D

Supervisors who use __ management are more directive and controlling.

A. strategic
B. human
C. tactical
D. core
Answer : B

Planning may fail because of

A. Incomplete knowledge of work
B. Absence of data analysis
C. Unrealistic nature of plan
D. All of the Above
Answer : D

Which of the following is level of management

A. Operational Level
B. Strategical Level
C. Tacticle Level
D. All of the above
Answer : D

_________is recruitment of right people at right place in an organization.

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Staffing
D. Controlling
Answer : C

The _________ process transform plans in to reality.

A. Planning
B. organizing
C. directing
D. all of above
Answer : B

Out of the following which is not function of management

A. Planning
B. Controlling
C. Discipline
D. Directing
Answer : C

Which management function involves setting goals and objectives and creating specific plans
for completing them?
A) planning B) organizing C) controlling D) leading

Which management principle states that each individual should report to only one boss in
order to avoid conflict and/ or confusion?
A) division of command B) chain of command C) unity of direction D) unity of

The ability of a manager to interface and work effectively with individuals and groups is
descriptive of what type of managerial skill?
A) technical B) administrative C) interpersonal D) organizational

Which of the following is a feature of planning:-

(a) Focuses on achieving goals
(b) Pervasive
(c) Mental exercise
(d) All of the above

By comparing ______ with standards manager can know whether the goals are
achieved or not:-
(a) Risk
(b) Ideas
(c) Actual performance
(d) Costs

Planning provides direction is a

(a) Importance of planning
(b) Limitation of planning
(c) Characteristics of planning
(d) Method

_______ guides for decision making :-

(a) Rule
(b) Policy
(c) Procedure
(d) Method

______ type of plan is not likely to be repeated in future:-

(a) Standing plan
(b) Programme
(c) Single use plan
(d) Method

Advertising of a product is a part of _________

(a) Strategy
(b) Rule
(c) Budget
(d) Method

The sub ordinates are given complete freedom in taking decisions is a part of
(a) Rule
(b) Stratergy
(c) Policy
(d) Procedure

_______ are detailed statements about a project which outlines the objectives, rules, etc.
(a) Budget
(b) Programme
(c) Single use plan
(d) Policy

______ forecasts the sales of different products in each area for particular month:-
(a) Sales budget
(b) Sales accounts
(c) Sales cost
(d) None of the above

What are the three interpersonal roles of managers?

a) Figurehead, leader and liaison
b) Spokesperson, leader, coordinator
c) Director, coordinator, disseminator
d) Communicator, organiser, spokesperson

Which 18th century writer produced a famous book called 'The Wealth of Nations'?
a) Frederick Taylor
b) Henry Mintzberg
c) Adam Smith
d) Dr Samuel Johnson

What characteristic is not a key feature of the 'open systems' model of management?
a) Morale
b) Innovation
c) Growth resource
d) Adaptation

Which one of these characteristics is most commonly associated with the 'rational goal' model
of management?
a) Worker welfare
b) Health and safety
c) Interpersonal relationships
d) Productivity

What is the guiding principle of scientific management?

a) Experimentation
b) Fluid working relationships
c) Freedom of association
d) One best way to do a job

What is Frank Gilbreth`s work most noted for?

a) Working conditions
b) Time and motion studies
c) Work psychology
d) Work as a social setting

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic organisation?

a) Authority
b) Regulations
c) Command structure
d) Change

Which writer was concerned with the reaction of workers to key characteristics of
a) Merton
b) Weber
c) Gouldner
d) Mayo

Which feature does not form one of Fayol's 14 principles of management?

a) Esprit de corps
b) Initiative
c) Order
d) Individualism

The Hawthorn Studies are most associated with which writer?

a) Mary Parker Follett
b) Elton Mayo
c) Lillian Gilbreth
d) Frederick Taylor

As what are key factors that reflect the situation of an organisation referred to?
a) Administrations
b) Processes
c) Activities
d) Contingencies

Planning by a supervisor of a goods processing department to rearrange the location of

several pieces of equipment so that the new order can begin on time, three months from now,
would be an example of a/an
[A]Tactical plan
[B]Operational plan
[C]Tactical goal
[D]Operational goal

Which of the following statements is/are true about effectiveness and efficiency?
I. Effectiveness refers to the achievement of stated organizational objectives while efficiency
denotes the judicious use of resources to achieve organizational objectives.
II. Effectiveness means “doing things right” while efficiency means “doing the right things”.
III. Effectiveness is the foundation of success whereas efficiency is a minimum condition for
survival after success is achieved.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Both (I) and (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (III) above
[D]Both (II) and (III) above

Which of the following is not an area of managerial decision-making to which the linear
programming technique can be applied?
[A]Product mix decisions
[B]Pricing decisions
[C]Determining optimal scale of operations
[D]Allocation of scarce resources

Three aspects – delegator’s, delegant’s and organizational – affect delegation. Which of the
following is/are factor(s) that affect delegation of authority from the organizational aspect?
I. Policy towards centralization or decentralization.
II. Availability of managerial personnel.
III. Type of control mechanisms.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (III) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

Which of the following statements about objectives is/are true?

I. Objectives and planning programs are co-existential and co-relational.
II. Goals and plans are always linear.
III. A manager can effectively pursue only a few objectives.
IV. Objectives do not require deadlines for results to be accomplished.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (III) above
[D]Both (II) and (IV) above

Which of the following statements is not true about planning?

[A]It focuses attention on objectives
[B]It provides a sense of direction
[C]It provides efficiency in operations
[D]It is an instinctive procedure and allows little scope for innovation and creativity

In strategic management, any organizational skills or resources that are exceptional or unique
are the organization’s
[A]Potential external opportunities
[B]Potential internal strengths
[C]Core competencies
[D]Bargaining Power

Which of the following is not a limitation of strategic planning?

[A]It is very expensive
[B]It does not yield obvious and immediate results
[C]It can be a lengthy and time-consuming process
[D]It encourages firms to adopt risky decisions

Which of the following is a limitation of Weber’s bureaucracy?

[A]It destroys individual creativity and the flexibility to respond to complex changes in
the environment
[B]It does not focus on management of an organization from a manager’s point of view
[C]It overlooks social needs of workers
[D]It overemphasizes economic and physical needs of workers

A large organization that has three levels of managers but each one has ten or more
subordinates reporting directly to that manager is organized to have which of the following

Which of Henry Fayol’s principles of management states that ‘work specialization leads to
efficiency of operations’?
[A]Division of labor
[C]Esprit de corps

In which step of the extended model of the planning process, does an organization focus on
its strengths and weaknesses, competition, and customers’ needs?
[A]Formulating supporting plans
[B]Comparing alternatives in the light of goals
[C]Considering planning premises
[D]Being aware of opportunity

Product divisions are created to concentrate on a single product or service or at least a

relatively homogenous set of products or services. Which of the following is not an
advantage of product division/departmentation?
[A]It facilitates the use of specialized capital, promotes coordination and allows optimum
utilization of personal skills and specialized knowledge
[B]It facilitates growth and diversity of products and services offered by the organization
[C]The performance of each product line can be compared and analyzed
[D]Managerial costs are lower because of the decentralization of various activities such
as personnel, production, sales and accounts

Sairah is associated with a committee that is given the responsibility to review and institute a
process for employees to use when requesting upgrades in computer equipment. Which type
of objectives would Sairah most likely develop?
[A]Intermediate-term objectives
[B]Long-term objectives
[C]Short-term objectives
[D]Organizational objectives

Management is a creative and ________ process.

(A) Continuous
(B) Technical
(C) Democratic
(D) None of the above

The old control technique(s) which was (were) used through years is (are)
(A) unity of policies
(B) break-even analysis
(C) budgetary control
(D) All of the above

Which type of strategies do professional managers help organizations in chalking out?

(A) Multi-disciplinary
(B) Corporate
(C) Managerial
(D) All of the above

Management exists at the ___ level of the organization.

(A) Lower
(B) Middle
(C) Top
(D) All of the above

Limitation(s) of control is (are)

(A) external factors
(B) fixing of responsibility
(C) variation and its causes
(D) All of the above
Management is said to be the combination of
(A) arts, science and profession
(B) arts, science and engineering
(C) arts, commerce and science
(D) arts, commerce and engineering

___ is supposed to be immutable, unchanging and eternal.

(A) Policy
(B) Vision
(C) Mission
(D) All of the above

The summary of important trends in retailing are

(A) market concentration
(B) global players vs. local players
(C) non store retailing
(D) all of the above

Costliness of the ________ is the overriding factor determining the extent of

(A) Decision
(B) Staffing
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

The heart of administration is the ___ function.

(A) Directing
(B) Organizing
(C) Controlling
(D) Cooperating

Fedrick Winslow Taylor’s Mechanism of Scientific Management includes

(A) Scientific task setting
(B) planning the task
(C) standardization of tools and equipment
(D) All of the above

Direction is a ________ function performed by all the managers at all levels of the
(A) Managerial
(B) Organizational
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Horizontal co-ordination takes place ___ .
(A) upwards
(B) downwards
(C) sideways
(D) any of the above

The internal environment factor(s) that influence management is (are)

(A) Labor
(B) Machines
(C) Place
(D) All of the above

What articulates the long-term goals of an enterprise?

(A) Policies
(B) Vision statement
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

When a manager monitors the work performance of workers in his department to determine if
the quality of their work is 'up to standard', this manager is engaging in which function?
a) Planning
b) Controlling
c) Organising
d) Leading

What is the first step in a control process?

a) Allocate resources
b) Choose key personnel for the task
c) Select a strategy
d) Set standards

What is the weakest form of control?

a) Pre-control
b) Simultaneous control
c) Post-control
d) Duel control

What is premise control based on?

a) Buildings
b) People
c) Resources
d) Assumptions

What are the main characteristics of an effective control system?

a) Flexibility, accuracy, timeliness and objectivity
b) Flexibility, measurability, timeliness and objectivity
c) Flexibility, accuracy, relevance and objectivity
d) Flexibility, accuracy, timeliness and relevance

An employee drug test is best described as an example of:

1. Feedback Control
2. Concurrent Control
3. Feedforward Control
4. Human Resources Policy
5. Company Policy

Concurrent Controls occur:

1. In real time
2. Anytime
3. During the planning stage
4. After a task is completed
5. When an evaluation has been made

Feedback occurs:
1. During an activity
2. Before an activity
3. During training
4. After an activity occurred
5. Anytime

Feedforward controls can be:

1. Too much work
2. Costly and time-consuming
3. Fun to do
4. A waste of time
5. Done after the activity

An example of Concurrent Controls is:

1. Comparing sales reports
2. Quality control
3. Drug testing
4. End of year financial reports
5. Interview questions

To what does authority refer?

a) The ability to organise people
b) The power to command and direct
c) The need for order
d) The right to change jobs

What one of these is not a recognised type of authority?

a) Executive
b) Functional
c) Line management
d) Supplier

From what does a chain of command extend?

a) Bottom to top
b) Top to bottom
c) Diagonally
d) Laterally

What is the optimal span of control?

a) 2
b) 5
c) 7
d) None of the above

As what is ensuring that one individual does not carry the burden of a whole work task
referred to?
a) Work specialisation
b) Work design
c) Work schedule
d) Work shift

What is a Gantt chart a type of?

a) Work flow design
b) Work schedule design
c) Work rate design
d) Work output design

How do you call a system that allows workers to work part of the week from home?
a) Piece time
b) Part-time
c) Job sharing
d) Telecommuting

What work arrangement is referred to as Flexitime?

a) Workers decide if they want to turn up for work.
b) They only work weekends.
c) They only work alternate weeks.
d) They choose the start and finish time within set parameters.

__________ is the process of using the resources and personnel of an

organization in an orderly way to achieve the objectives and long-term
goals of the organization.
• Planning
• Organizing
• Leading
• Controlling

A ______ organizational structure is the simplest form and has clear lines of
authority and ease of decision making.
• Horizontal
• Line
• Vertical
• Staff

_________ is the process of getting results accomplished through others.

• Ordering
• Mandating
• Delegating
• Working

What is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by a manager?
• Division management
• Departmentation
• Investment span
• Span of management

___________shows the management structure of an organization.

• Hierarchy
• Decision Tree
• Incremental Model
• Satisfying model

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