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1. Why do you need to acquire at least basic knowledge of swimming?

One obvious incentive to learn how to swim is to survive in water. At any point,
whether on a cruise, on a boat ride, fishing or lounging by pool with friends, you are expected
to find yourself in or close to water. If your height is deeper than the water, and you are there,
you will save your life by learning how to swim. Swimming is of particular importance
whether you are a parent or someone working with children since drowning is the second
leading cause of accident mortality for children under the age of 14. Swimming is considered
a safe type of exercise by the majority of practitioners. It allows you to use all of your body's
muscles, is good for building strength and stamina, and is good for your metabolism and
cardiovascular system. When you swim, the water offers natural strength while still making
the exercise less strenuous for your body. In most situations, water also acts as a natural
cooling agent for the body.

2. Can swimming be considered as one less strenuous form exercise? Why?

Cardio exercise can be classified as light, moderate, or vigorous. Swimming laps is
vigorous cardio; your heart rate rises above that of moderate cardio, and your breathing
becomes rapid enough to prevent you from carrying on a conversation. Swimming is a low-
impact form of exercise that is gentle on your joints. Swimming distinguishes itself from
virtually all other modes of exercise, which are typically categorized as either low-impact or
high-impact. Swimming is the only movement that protects broken knees and limbs for
recovery while not exacerbating the initial damage.

3. Why is wearing swimming attire basic requirements in swimming?

The below are some of the reasons why proper swimwear is essential:
Street clothes (particularly cotton) will carry airborne and, eventually, waterborne pollutants
into the pool. Lycra, and Nylon are the perfect materials for proper swimwear because they
are non-absorbent.
Other absorbent fabrics, such as cotton, can degrade in water, causing fibers to clog filters.
Any "colored" substance (unless specially designed for swimming) will bleed into the pool,
disrupting the water's composition and equilibrium. This is also a cause of pool turbidity.
Cotton and related materials can accumulate chemicals in water, making it less efficient at
preserving the correct chemical balance.

4. What will happen if you do not follow the precautions or the Do’s and don’ts in
Nobody knows when an injury will occur. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Every day, almost ten people drown in the
PHILIPPINES. The worst-case situation is drowning. Typically, a location near a body of water
becomes slick and dangerous. People sometimes inadvertently slip on that spot. As a result, they
suffered a serious head injury or broke a leg. Even this type of injury will leave a person paralyzed
for life. The most common causes of drowning and injury are a lack of a fence, insufficient
supervision, and a lack of knowledge. The accident could happen anywhere, including a lake, a
river, or even your own house. The reason there are do’s and don’ts is for precaution, without these
the safety of an individual is at risk.
5. Write down your firsthand experience in swimming.
I’ve lived near the ocean for a majority of my life, so I never
had a fear of the water, the water is a tempestuous master; you work around it,
people follow the water, even in attempts to tame it, it finds cracks, holes, wears
down whatever barrier you put up against it. Yet we try and try. My earliest
memory of swimming is seeing swaying trees, yes trees, the water from the ocean
used to reach our yard past the fence of white canes. I would float on my back
gazing up at the sunlight that penetrated through the leaves and reach at swaying
branches that seem to beckon the lengthening of summer days like the pureness of
children’s laughter from sheer joy. Whatever thoughts I must have had escape me,
but the feeling of perfect buoyancy, and the coolness of the water between the web of
my fingers and warmth from small rays of sun will be forever etched in my memory.

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