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ENGLISH STUDY GUIDE UNIT 3 -June 16- Teacher Giovanni Chávez

Some and Any

We use SOME and ANY with plural nouns and uncountable nouns.

Some is generally used in positive sentences.

Any is generally used in negative sentences.

 I have some information for you about flights to Paris.

(Positive - Uncountable)
 I don't have any information for you about flights to Paris.
(Negative - Uncountable)

 We met some friends for drinks after work yesterday.

(Positive - Plural Countable)
 I didn't see any friends there on Thursday.
(Negative - Plural Countable)

 I think he will have some time to speak to you today.

(Positive - Uncountable)
 I don't think he will have any time to speak to you today.
(Negative - Uncountable)

You can also use SOME and ANY in a sentence without a noun if the meaning of the sentence is

 I didn't eat any salad but Peter ate some. (salad)

 Sean took lots of photos of the mountains but Emma didn't take any. (photos)

Questions with Some and Any

Generally, we use ANY in questions.

 Do you know any famous people?

 Do you have any children?

But, SOME is used in the following circumstances:

1. When we are offering something.

 Would you like some coffee?

 Do you want some sugar for your coffee?

2. When we are asking for something.

 Could I have some salt, please?

 Can I have some fries with that?

3. When we are suggesting something.

 Why don't we watch some movies on TV tonight?

 Why don't you give her some advice?

You can also use SOME and ANY in a sentence without a noun if the meaning of the sentence is

I didn't eat any salad but Peter ate some. (salad)

Sean took lots of photos of the mountains but Emma didn't take any. (photos)

Summary Chart
Some, Any in sentences and questions.
1. We need some bananas.

2. You can't buy any posters in this shop.

3. We haven't got any oranges at the moment.

4. Peter has bought some new books.

5. She always takes some sugar with her coffee.

6. I have seen some nice postcards in this souvenir shop.

7. There aren't any folders in my bag.

8. I have some magazines for you.

9. There are some apples on the table.

10. Pam does not have any pencils on her desk.

11. Have you got any tomatoes?

12. There are some exercise books on the floor.

13. Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have any.

14. You should eat some fresh fruit.

15. We had to wait for some minutes.

16. Is there any lemonade left?

17. They didn't sing any songs.

18. Here are some cornflakes, but there isn't any milk.

19. I'm looking for some good music.

20. There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get some.


Personal care is a broad term used to refer to supporting with personal hygiene
and toileting, along with dressing and maintaining your personal appearance.

It can cover, but is not limited to:

 Bathing and showering, including bed-baths

 Applying lotions and creams as required
 Dressing and getting ready for bed
 Oral hygiene
 Applying make-up, and hair care
 Support with shaving
 Foot care, especially if you are diabetic need to be extra vigilant with your
 Helping you to the toilet, including using a commode or bed pan
 Changing continence pads, along with cleaning intimate areas
 Support moving position in bed, to stretch and prevent bed sores
 Changing or maintaining a stoma or catheter bag, or other form of clinical


Personal care includes products as diverse as cleansing pads, colognes, cotton swabs,
cotton pads, deodorant, eye liner, facial tissue, hair clippers, lip gloss, lipstick, lip balm,
lotion, makeup, hand soap, facial cleanser, body wash, nail files, pomade, perfumes,
razors, shaving cream, moisturizer, baby powder, toilet paper, toothpaste, facial
treatments, wet wipes, and shampoo.
Read the article about improving your personal appearance. Write the words and phrases
to complete the sentences. Not all words and phrases will be used.

1. Liposuction and face-lifts are both examples of _____________.

2. According to the author, the three disadvantages of surgery are cost, ____________, and
potential danger.

3. The four tips in the article are: getting enough sleep, _________________, exercising,
and eating healthy.

4. Getting enough sleep can help with weight loss and improve your ________________ .

5. The article says that people should drink ______________ glasses of water every day.

6. Eating foods with sufficient ________________ is important for healthy skin and hair.

7. One of the foods rich in protein are ________________.

8. According to the article, one advantage to eating well is that it can help prevent

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