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Administración Federal de

Servicios Educativos en el
Distrito Federal
Dirección General de Innovación y
Fortalecimiento Académico
Dirección de Programas de
Coordinación de Inglés en el
Distrito Federal

“Bullet point sheet” for buying

1A Participate in commercial transactions and selling transactions of basic Supplemental Educational Books and website resources
needs items. Materials

Supplemental Educational
Books and website resources
1B Read stories and legends aloud Fantastic-family tree Materials

Supplemental Educational
Books and website resources
2A Participate in formal communicative events Report Materials

Supplemental Educational
Listen to, read, and record information from Books and website resources
2B News reports Materials
diverse media

Supplemental Educational
Participate in language games with Books and website resources
3A Word game contest Materials
expressive and aesthetic purposes

Supplemental Educational
Read and record information to solve a Books and website resources
3B Printed spots Materials

Supplemental Educational
Books and website resources
4A Read and write notes and letters Invitation letter Materials

Supplemental Educational
Read and compare aspects of Mexico and Books and website resources
4B Comic Materials
english-speaking countries

Supplemental Educational
Read and record information to design Books and website resources
5A Illustrated report Materials
questionnaires and reports

Supplemental Educational
Instructions brochure on how to Books and website resources
5B Follow and give directions to go to places Materials
use means of transport
SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 1A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in commercial transactions

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and Community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Comprehend and produce expressions about the purchasing of basic need items

• Predicts the general sense of a transaction Listen to dialogues. • Structure of • Show an honest BULLET POINT SHEET ”FOR BUYING
dialogue, based on previous knowledge and • Predict general sense. dialogues. behaviour in AND SELLING TRANSACTIONS OF BASIC
familiar words. • Identify topic, purpose, and intended • Topic, purpose, and commercial NEEDS ITEM”
audience. intended audience. transactions.
• Identifies topic and purpose. • Identify speakers and the way they address • Contextual clues. • Identify cultural
• Speech registers. differences in Stage 1
each other.
• Identify places where items are purchased • Acoustic commercial Select the format for the bullet-point
• Identifies sentences used by speakers.
and sold. characteristics. transactions. sheet.
• Perceive the differences in the tone, pause, • Repertoire of Stage 2
• Plays the role of a speaker.
and intonation of each speaker’s discourse. words necessary
Define the consistent parts of questions
for this social
• Writes expressions for a transaction and answers to purchase a product.
practice of the
dialogue. While listening, understand expressions used by Stage 3
speakers in dialogues. • (Vocatives –sir, Determine and write fix patterns of
• Reads sentences used for the purchasing of • Compare content of expressions. mister, ma’am, questions and answers.
items aloud. • Distinguish questions from answers, based miss, etc.–, weight Stage 4
on intonation. and volume units,
• Identify products based on the description Check the sequence of questions and
of their characteristics. answers and make sure they comply
• Type of sentences.
• Assume the role of a speaker to practice • Connectors. with spelling conventions.
pronunciation in dialogues. • Punctuation Stage 5
Exchange the “bullet-point sheets” and
Write expressions for a dialogue. use them to simulate the buying and
• Select expressions used to ask for diverse selling of various items.
products and their prices.
• Write questions to obtain information about
the characteristics and price of products.
• Write expressions used to ask for or offer
information about different products.
• Complete sentences used to close a

Read sentences aloud.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Bring and ask Ss to bring catalogues to explore them. Elicit information to describe catalogues e.g. size, colour, content, number of pages, etc.
• Ss compare catalogues from department stores, groceries, electrical appliances, car accessories, and others, and talk about typography, balance between graphic and textual
components, and whether the information is catchy or dull.
Stage 1 • In groups Ss put together as many vocabulary items as they can think of in connection with the object being sold.
• Ss glue a page from the catalogue on a sheet of paper so the back of the catalogue page is covered, then they are ready to play "Catalogue Poker". Each student will have 5
pages of catalogues. The aim is to make trios of related items, e.g. a pair of shoes, a dress, and a scarf. Ss will ask in turns for: clothes, groceries, computer accessories etc.
Encourage Ss on going a little bit further for specific items, e.g. special clothes depending on the season, genre, age, etc.

• Have Ss practice specific questions to purchase a product. This will help them practice the use of is, are, much, etc.
• Brings cut outs of different products. Ss make word cards with vocabulary from the cut outs. First, in pairs they divide a sheet of paper in 16 parts. Then, they write words on
Stage 2
each piece of paper to make questions and give answers for buying and selling e.g. How much is/are…? It is… / They are… Ss may manipulate word cards to help them build
up questions and answers accurately.

• Using the catalogues, have some Ss perform a purchase in front of the class. Elicit from Ss forms to complement the dialogue, such as: courtesy expressions, forms to address
people (vocatives), etc. Model if necessary. Provide Ss with more examples and ask them to classify the phrases according to expressions said by a seller or a customer.
• Ask Ss to role-play the dialogues according to different products and shops (clothing store, grocery store, etc.). Encourage them to use correct intonation in questions and
Stage 3 answers.
• In pairs Ss write one of their conversations. If they commit mistakes when writing, have them correct each other (use word cards as aids for correction). They may also take
notes as to the stress and intonation of questions.

• Organize a marathon carpet to be used in different activities: grammar, vocabulary, etc. Place what needs to be practiced on the marathon squares; in this case, place the
words related to the purchase and buying of the products already seen.
Stage 4 • Play an adaptation of "Hangman" using separate words of question or answers but leave gaps to be completed to form complete questions and answers. If possible, add the
competition or contest element to make it more fun and memorable. When correcting, lead Ss to discover the mistakes.
• Have Ss dictate one another the questions practiced orally first and write them on a card. Have correction on the board in a plenary session for everyone to reflect upon the
use of capital letters, question mark at the end of questions, appropriacy of grammar is/are, do/does, much, etc.

• Simulate an internet catalogue purchase. Stick the catalogue on the board. Distribute hand outs or ask Ss to do this in their notebooks, and have them fill in the blanks the
necessary information, e.g. Item number______ Colour________ Size_______ Address_________ Zip Code________ City______ Country _________ Credit card
Stage 5 number________. You can add or delete information.
• Use this information to make SS simulate a telephone purchase (they may sit back to back). The person selling should take notes on the article specifications and the buyer
should have a checklist to make sure he/she’s getting all the information needed to buy the product. During the transaction, Ss may use their note cards. In the end, they can
compare checklist to notes to buy the product.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Radical Robots

Thematic Frame
 This material shows different types of robots, from working robots, creative robots, to robotic arms to perform different tasks. It is highlighted that the robots can execute tasks which
require extreme precision; including the dangerous ones for human beings. To conclude, a prediction about the possible uses of robots in the future is established.

e.g. Desert Animals

Thematic Frame
 Students own necessary information to differentiate cold deserts from hot ones; besides setting very clearly an example of the chain food in the desert, several kinds of observable desert
animals are introduced, Animals from the Sahara desert, Australian desert, and Antartic desert. An emphasis is placed on how hard it is to survive in the desert and how several species
adapt to those habitat conditions.

e.g. Animals in Captivity

Thematic Frame
 Students count on the necessary tools for being able to identify different purposes by which animals are found in captivity; A distinction among pets, farm animals, wild animals, circus
animals is made. Furthermore, awareness about the importance of caring for animals and encouraging their fostering is raised.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: Numbers

e.g. Unit 2: Clothes 1, Clothes 2
e.g. Unit 4: Around Town, Pets at the Vet, At the Mall, At the Restaurant
e.g. Unit 5: In My Schoolbag, Arts and Crafts, Musical Instruments
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: Toys and Games

Thematic Frame
 Encourage students to identify those places in which commercial transactions are carried out.
 Divide the group into teams assigning a role in which students perform a commercial transaction.
 Create a wide variety of situations in which a commercial transaction is required.
 Assign different commercial roles according to diverse contexts.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Teacher’s Activity
Publishing house Readers
Book Book
“Brilliant! six” Facts
pp. 13-25 pp. 6-17
Santillana pp. 66-78
“Do it! 6” Reader
pp. 15-26 pp. 4-9
University of Dayton pp. 6-15
“I’m ready 6” Reader
pp. 23-33 pp. 4-15
Macmillan pp. 4-14
“Play and Play 6” Non-Fiction
pp. 10-21 pp. 6-15
Nuevo México pp. 5-14
"Sunshine 6" Story
pp. 2-11 pp. 2-11
Pearson pp. 32-37
"Think! in English 6" Informative
pp. 15-24 pp. 6-11
Ediciones SM pp. 5-18
“Yes, we can! 6” Non-Fiction
pp. 4-11 pp. 4-11
Richmond pp. 3-12

Online shopping websites:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.
Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México
SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 1B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read stories and legends aloud

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Literary and ludic
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Interpret fantasy stories and exercise imagination

• Identifies topic, purpose, and Explore fantasy stories. • Structure of fantasy • Understand stories as a FANTASTIC-FAMILY TREE
intended audience. • Activate previous knowledge to predict stories. reflection of emotions,
topic. • Topic, purpose, and personal experiences,
Stage 1
• Identifies plot, conflict, body, and • Relate a story to personal experiences. intended audience. and cultures.
• Elements of stories. • Determine the role of Provide a written description of family
• Repertoire of words fantasy stories in and friendship relationships between
Participate in a guided reading.
• Distinguishes between narrator, necessary for this social different cultures. the main character and other
• Identify purpose and intended audience. practice of the • Appreciate and enjoy
main characters, and supporting characters of the fantasy story.
• Identify and define new phrases and language. literary expressions in
characters. Stage 2
words. • Verb tenses: past English.
• Locate parts of a story. Design and illustrate an imaginary
• Names the settings of a story. perfect.
• Identify narrator, main character, and • Nouns: possessive (for family tree.
supporting characters. example: John’s father, Stage 3
• Answers questions about family
• Identify dialogues between main and family’s ghoul, etc.). Complete the fantasy family tree with
and friendship relationships
supporting characters. • Punctuation.
among characters. information from the list.
• Identify the settings of the story.
• Identify the use of punctuation to indicate Stage 4
• Establishes differences and Check that writing is complete and
similarities between the behavior
• Distinguish direct from indirect speech. complies with spelling conventions.
and values of characters in the
Stage 5
story, familiar people, and one’s
own. Compare differences and similarities in Display the fantasy family tree in a
behavior, values, and settings, between visible place in the classroom.
English-speaking countries and one’s own.
• Answer questions about family and
friendship relationships between
• Establish similarities between the behavior
and values of characters in the stories,
with those of familiar people, and one’s
• Determine differences between the
settings in the story and familiar settings.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


 Divide class into groups of four. Have Ss discuss the next questions: What is a hero for you?, Do you have a favorite hero or villain? Give Ss some minutes to talk about it.
 Choose a story. Ask Ss to predict and brainstorm the elements or parts of the story, such as: characters, plot, body, climax, resolution or conclusion. Have Ss infer the
content of the tale based on images and, if possible, relate tale or reading to personal experiences. Give Ss roles and read story out loud. Recognize dialogues between
the main character and the others based on the intonation. Make a story map with characters, setting, body and conclusion.
 Have a drawing or chart of a famous family/friends relationships TV program, e.g. “The Simpsons”. Ask Ss to identify the characters and their relationship. Have the
pictures of the characters on the board and ask them who they are: “Who is she? She is ‘Maggie.’ Who is he? He is ‘Homer’. He is Maggie’s father.” If necessary, briefly
Stage 1 explain the use of the suffix‘s’ when expressing the possessive related to people in English. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the character’s relations.
 Play "Stop." Tell Ss they will listen to a name and they have to write a sentence telling the relationship with another character e.g. Marge: “She is Bart’s mother” or “She
is Homer’s wife”. The first S to write a correct sentence wins a point. Ask Ss to read their answers aloud. The first S to spot a mistake also wins a point.
 Play "Guess Who" with famous characters, in order to review adjectives, or make a lottery game by making cards with well-known faces. Give information about the
characters while Ss spot who you are referring to: “He is Nemo’s father.” “He is Bart’s father.”

 As Ss to make a Venn diagram to compare their favorite character with themselves. Ask them to draw their favorite hero/heroine/villain on a separate sheet of paper.
 Make a chart with a fantastic character where unusual information is stated. Add a fantastic family member, friend or pet with fantastic abilities. With the characters
chosen, ask Ss to create a mini comic strip and share it with the class.
 Using the same characters or different ones, have Ss work in groups to choose characters and personalize them e.g. “My name is Princess Aurora. My father is the king of
Stage 2 Beauty Land”, etc. Ss prepare a written description of the characters and the relationship among them.
 Have Ss bring a cutout or make drawings of characters for their fantastic family tree. Ss glue the images and write the relationship among characters.

 Write the names and important information about characters. Check writing and spelling conventions.
 Ask Ss to perform a small conversation with their chosen characters. Ss play the roles in the new tale (they can use their scripts to remember their dialogues).
Stage 3

 Have Ss read their sentences aloud and explain the relationship among them and with other teams for feedback. Ss may suggest ideas to improve the design of the
family tree and the characters.
Stage 4

 Ss take turns to come to the front to show their family trees and explain them to the group
 Have the groups guess the characters and their relationship. Play a memory game using the same characters.
Stage 5

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. My Family Tree

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material various family members will be identified through a timeline in which emphasis is placed on different historical events in different countries around the world
and you can see characteristic social events of each era and so students can get an idea of the way in which people in each era used to live.

e.g. Animals in Captivity

Thematic Frame
 Students count on the necessary tools for being able to identify different purposes by which animals are found in captivity; A distinction among pets, farm animals, wild animals, circus animals is
made. Furthermore, awareness about the importance of caring for animals and encouraging their fostering is raised.

e.g. Desert Animals

Thematic Frame
 Students own necessary information to differentiate cold deserts from hot ones; besides setting very clearly an example of the chain food in the desert, several kinds of observable desert
animals are introduced, Animals from the Sahara desert, Australian desert, and Antartic desert. An emphasis is placed on how hard it is to survive in the desert and how several species adapt to
those habitat conditions.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 2: My Family

e.g. Unit 5: Musical Instruments
e.g. Unit 7: Story Time 1, Story Time 2, Toys and Games, At the Fairgrounds, On the Farm, Camping
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands, In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert, Space

Thematic Frame
 From exploring fairy tales invite students to review those units that favor social practice.
 Create a story using words that appear within the unit.
 In pairs devise a variety of questions and answer them creatively.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing house Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! six” Stories
pp. 26-35 pp. 18-27
Santillana pp. 6-17

"Do it! 6" Non-Fiction

pp. 27-38 pp. 10-16
University Of Dayton pp. 16-25

"I’m Ready! 6" Readers

pp. 34-43 pp. 16-25
Macmillan pp. 17-31

"Play and Play 6" Narrative

pp. 22-31 pp. 16-21
Nuevo México pp. 5-14
"Sunshine 6" Story
pp. 12-21 pp. 12-21
Pearson pp. 32-37
"Think! in English 6" Readers
pp. 25-34 pp. 12-18
Ediciones SM pp. 19-32
"Yes, we can! 6" Non-Fiction
pp. 12-19 pp. 12-19
Richmond pp. 3-12


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 2A
SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in formal communicative events
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Academic and educational
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Classify and interpret information about a topic of interest to present a report
Explore reports about a topic of interest. • Structure: • Respect other REPORT
• Formulates questions about a • Predict topic. introduction, body, people’s
selected topic. • Identify parts of the text and its organization. and conclusions. opinions. Stage 1
• Determine function, purpose and intended audience. • Topic, purpose, and • Offer help with Look for information in sources and
• Uses table of contents, titles, and intended audience. schoolwork. classify it, based on a model.
key words on sources to find Look for specific information about a topic to make a report • Textual Stage 2
information. • Select topics. components.
Organize the information obtained
• Formulate questions to obtain information. • Repertoire of
• Clarifies the meaning of words • Define criteria to select information sources. words necessary using mind maps.
using contextual clues or a • Use table of contents, titles, and key words on sources to find for this social Stage 3
bilingual dictionary. information. practice of the Write the report by paraphrasing
language. main ideas of consulted texts and
• Identifies main and supporting Read information on sources. • Types of sentences. adding relevant supporting
ideas. • Connectors.
• Clarify the meaning of words. information.
• Identify main ideas by answering questions such as who, • Verb forms:
• Organizes information in mind passive. Stage 4
what and why.
maps. • Punctuation. Check that the report is complete
• Identify information that broadens, exemplifies or
complements main ideas. • Abbreviations. and spelling is conventional, first
• Writes paragraphs to make a among the students and then with
• Select information that answers previously formulated
report. the teacher’s help.
• Classify information in main and supporting ideas. Stage 5
• Establish correspondences between main and supporting Write a final version of the report;
information by using connectors. include illustrations or suitable
• Organize information in mind maps.
images for the topic.
Stage 6
Make reports on a topic of interest based on previously
Show reports on an informative
gathered information.
• Complete sentences by paraphrasing main ideas.
• Add information that complements, broadens, or exemplifies
main ideas.
• Make paragraphs with main and supporting ideas.
• Select suitable titles for the report from a list.
• Complete bibliographic cards from sources, based on a

Check spelling and punctuation conventions.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Ask Ss to tell you a story that involves magic or something mysterious or unexplainable; let them express freely. Ask open questions to discuss in teams like: “Do you believe
in magic? Do you know some magicians?” Then, share opinions with the rest of the class.
• Get a story related to these topics (from, for example), and write a summary of it on the board. Have Ss read it.
If necessary, isolate new vocabulary words, and look up their meaning. Have Ss identify the elements of a report such as title, introduction, development, and conclusion.
Stage 1 • Have Ss bring a magazine of their interest in English, or take Ss to the ICT lab to search for different articles, e.g. Why can’t dogs see colors?, Why are bulls attracted to red
color?, Why do people associate blue with boy and pink with girls?, Why are most restaurants decorated in orange?
• For more ideas, ask Ss to browse the topics included in school journals, such as “Mi primer diario.” They may want to research more on the topics included there.
• Ss may choose the topic for their final report through a raffle among the group.

• Write the word "Water pollution" (or another topic of interest for Ss) on the board, and divide the group into teams. Each team completes a mental map with ideas related
to the main topic (types of pollution, causes, effects, prevention, solutions, etc.). On the board have columns with different sections of the article: introduction, body of the
text, and conclusion. Ask Ss to write in each column the subtopics that could be included in each section of the report. Share with Ss a model report about the topic. Ask
them to check if the organization of the paragraphs corresponds with the organization proposed in the columns.
• Get Ss into teams and assign them a paragraph from the text. Each team underlines the main ideas, and circles the examples mentioned in their paragraph. Monitor and help
Ss if necessary. Finally, Ss mingle with other teams to share their information.
Stage 2 • Using the same text, ask Ss to mark connectors, such as: and, or, but, because, however. If necessary, ask Ss to infer their meaning and give examples.
• Ask Ss to mention the sources of information to learn about water. Make Ss reflect on the sources that are more reliable for finding accurate information.
• Have Ss cut out or print articles and titles from magazines (one per student) and stick them on the board. Divide the group into teams; the team that produces more
information on the chosen title wins. Add the element of competition and give prizes even if they are symbolic.
• Give several report samples out to Ss and make sure Ss can identify the elements of the report. Have Ss select their title to develop their own report.

• Use the magazine titles or the printed information and have some Ss in their groups organize the information reports following the order: introduction, body, and
• Have Ss cut key words out of the articles, and have them scrambled on the board; then, stick them under the correct section of the article. Have Ss unscramble the words by
Stage 3 • Have Ss work on their reports. Have them write and develop main ideas of the article they have chosen. Add any information they think is relevant, interesting or revealing. T
monitors as necessary.
• Finally, Ask Ss to identify the following information from the articles: name of author, place of publication, publisher, title, bibliography, web, newspaper, magazine and
share the information (if they cannot find these elements, help them to do it).

• Have Ss correct content, punctuation and spelling in their own teams. Let Ss do the correction themselves first, and then make a final revision to make sure it is free of
Stage 4 mistakes.

• Ss make final arrangements to their articles; have them look for suitable images or pictures.
• Ss present their final version to the group. Ss may also share articles with other groups, especially if the topics are different. Ss may compile their reports for a school
Stage 5 magazine.
• Ask Ss to reflect upon their learning processes along the social practice.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Why Volcanos Erupt

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process of
how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius
Volcano is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena.

e.g. Animals in Captivity

Thematic Frame
 Students count on the necessary tools for being able to identify different purposes by which animals are found in captivity; A distinction among pets, farm animals, wild animals, circus
animals is made. Furthermore, awareness about the importance of caring for animals and encouraging their fostering is raised.

e.g. Radical Robots

Thematic Frame
 This material shows different types of robots, from working robots, creative robots, to robotic arms to perform different tasks. It is highlighted that the robots can execute tasks which require
extreme precision; including the dangerous ones for human beings. To conclude, a prediction about the possible uses of robots in the future is established.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 2: Face and Hair, Body

e.g. Unit 4: Pets at the Vet
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: At the Fairgrounds, At the Street Fair, Camping, Sports
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands, In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert

Thematic Frame
 Retake the variety of issues offered by the dictionary to choose the one that students are interested in.
 Use the dictionary to clarify word meaning
 From the selected topic, it is suggested that a glossary should be including according to the words selected for this social practice.
 Play word games with those included for the first time and which will be described by the students using the second language.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing house Teacher´s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! six” Reader
pp. 38-47 pp. 28-39
Santillana pp. 17-28

"Do it! 6" Reader

pp. 39-49 pp. 17-23
University of Dayton pp. 16-25

"I’m ready! 6" Reader

pp. 44-55 pp. 26-37
Macmillan pp. 32-42

"Play and Play 6" Informative

pp. 34-43 pp. 26-35
Nuevo México pp. 5-14

"Sunshine 6" Reader

pp. 24-31 pp. 22-31
Pearson pp. 8-13

"Think! in English 6" Non-Fiction

pp. 36-44 pp. 20-26
Ediciones SM pp. 19-32
"Yes, we Can! 6" Non-Fiction
pp. 20-27 pp. 20-27
Richmond pp. 13-22

Suggested topics for summaries and reports:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 2B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Listen to, read, and record information from diverse media
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and Community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Identify and comprehend the main idea on news reports of interest to the community

• Identifies topic, purpose, and Explore the content of news reports on events of • Structure of news. • Determine NEWS REPORT
intended audience of the news. interest to the community. • Topic, purpose, and credibility of mass
• Predict topic. intended audience. media. Stage 1
• Recognizes the parts of the news. • Identify purpose and intended audience • Textual components: • Identify the Select a recent event of interest.
• Explore distribution of graphic and textual heading, bullet points, influence of the Stage 2
• Understands the general idea of components etc. media in Answer the following questions: who,
the news. • Identify the section where they are located. • Graphic components: community life. what, when, where, why, and how.
photographs, graphs, Stage 3
• Paraphrases the main idea orally Understand the topic and general idea. typography, etc. Identify the topic in the news report.
and in writing. • Clarify the meaning of words. • Repertoire of words Stage 4
• Locate information that answers critical questions: necessary for this Complete an opinion about the piece of
• Locates information that who, what, when, where, how and why. social practice of the news based on a model sentence.
responds to questions: who, • Identify the relationship between pronouns and language. Stage 5
what, when, where, how, and words they replace. • Contractions (he’s, Write the news report by using the
why. • Identify and read word contractions aloud (he’s, they didn’t, etc.). information gathered, based on a model.
I’m, don’t, etc.). • Types of sentences. Stage 6
• Writes sentences to express news • Distinguish direct from indirect speech • Personal pronouns. Check that the headline summarizes the
reviews. • Identify main ideas and the information which • Punctuation. news content; the information complies
complements, broadens, or exemplifies them. with spelling conventions; that it is
• Paraphrase main ideas. complete and shows no omissions,
alterations, nor substitutions.
Write sentences to express opinions on news reports. Stage 7
• Explore sentences that express opinion about Decide on the format for the news report
news. (poster, bulletin, etc.) and make a final
• Complete sentences that express opinion about version of the graphic and textual
news. information, paying attention to its
appropriate proportion and distribution.
Check spelling and writing conventions. Stage 8
Display the news on a bulletin board.
SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Have Ss exposed to different types of news reports, taken from genuine sources, preferably, or abridged or edited to facilitate comprehension. Identify different topics and
bring mainly the ones Ss are interested in, that is, sports, national and international news, music, entertainment, ecology, technology, politics, etc. With the whole group
identify topics and sections where the different pieces of news belong.
Stage 1 • Have Ss identify headlines, main parts and images. Analyze the type of publications (serious versus sensationalist newspapers).
• Have Ss decide on the topics for their project. Ask them to bring two or three pieces of news related to their topic.

• Draw on the board a web diagram with the question words: Who?, What?, Where?, When?, How?, Why? Ask Ss to read and underline in different colors the answers to
those questions in one of the pieces of news they brought or they were provided with.
• As an alternative, ask Ss to fill in the gaps an incomplete piece of news with missing information related to people, actions, places or time.
Stage 2 • Have Ss get in teams. Pose different knowledge questions with question words under study, and ask for the answer, however short. Then, to move this to Ss’ full
participation, leave a graphic organizer on the board so that Ss may follow the correct order of words in specific questions, e.g. Question word/Auxiliary/Subject/Action
word/ other information. Lead Ss to posing the general knowledge questions themselves to be asked to the other teams.

• Have Ss work in teams to analyze news reviews prepared beforehand. Give Ss a set of headings, set of pieces of news and pictures to be matched. Elicit information from Ss
using Wh questions. Have a variety of topics that are interesting to young teens.
Stage 3 • Play at completing general and specific information orally first and then in writing. Supply the first halves of the ideas and Ss complete the second halves.
• With the whole group, using the piece of news prepared beforehand, have Ss analyze main ideas and supporting ideas. Discuss the pertinence of details and photos.

• Have Ss analyze their news for direct and reported speech. Ask Ss about the use of quotation or exclamation marks, or verbs to express opinion (say, express, comment,
Stage 4 question, etc.). Elicit from Ss ideas about why quotations and interviews are included in news and the type of support information they give to the main ideas expressed.

• With the information gathered, Ss write their news report following an introduction, body and conclusion model. In groups they decide the news and material that will be
Stage 5 used.

• In groups Ss exchange their written work, check for correct spelling, punctuation and comment on the information given suggesting information they think would be relevant
for the news. The strongest Ss may help with correction but T monitors all along.
Stage 6 • Ask Ss to choose an appropriate title.
• Ss start the illustrations to accompany their final version using the headline chosen; they make decisions on colors and pictorial material.

• Ss write their final version using headlines, subtitles and the relevant information they consider convenient.
• In pairs Ss prepare the reading aloud of their own news reviews paying special attention to the meaning and the intention needed to make it effective as a means of
Stage 7 communication on the various topics. Help Ss prepare the reading aloud of their own reviews to make them catchy.

• Ss present their final report. The group may ask questions or comments.
• Ask Ss metacognitive questions to make them reflect upon their own learning processes individually and in teams. Have Ss reflect upon the process and verbalize the steps or
Stage 8 procedures they went through.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Why Volcanos Erupt

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process of
how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius Volcano
is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena.

e.g. Animals in Captivity

Thematic Frame
 Students count on the necessary tools for being able to identify different purposes by which animals are found in captivity; A distinction among pets, farm animals, wild animals, circus animals
is made. Furthermore, awareness about the importance of caring for animals and encouraging their fostering is raised.

e.g. Radical Robots

Thematic Frame
 This material shows different types of robots, from working robots, creative robots, to robotic arms to perform different tasks. It is highlighted that the robots can execute tasks which require
extreme precision; including the dangerous ones for human beings. To conclude, a prediction about the possible uses of robots in the future is established.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: In, On, Over

e.g. Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, At the Mall, At the Restaurant, At the Daycare Center, At the Construction Site, Jobs
e.g. Unit 5: In My Classroom
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: At the Beach, At the Fairgrounds, At the Street Fair, On the Farm, Camping, Sports
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert, Space

Thematic Frame
 Retake the variety of issues offered by the dictionary to choose the one that students are interested in.
 Use the dictionary to clarify word meaning
 From the selected topic, it is suggested that a glossary should be including according to the words selected for this social practice.
 Play word games with those included for the first time and which will be described by the students using the second language.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Teacher´s Activity
Publishing house Readers
Book Book
“Brilliant! six” Reader
pp. 38-47 pp. 40-49
Santillana pp. 79-90

"Do it! 6" Reader 6

pp. 50-60 pp. 24-30
University of Dayton pp. 72-83

"I’m Ready! 6" Reader

pp. 45-66 pp. 38-47
Macmillan pp. 45-59

"Play and Play 6" Narrative

pp. 34-43 pp. 36-45
Nuevo México pp. 27-40
"Sunshine 6" Reader
pp. 32-41 pp. 32-41
Pearson pp. 38-43
"Think! in English 6" Fiction
pp. 36-44 pp. 27-32
Ediciones SM pp. 83-94
"Yes, we can! 6" Fiction
pp. 28-35 pp. 28-35
Richmond pp. 13-20


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 3A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in language games with expressive and aesthetic purposes
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Literary and ludic
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Discriminate stress of specific words in language games

• Reads a list of previously selected words Explore suitable word games for practicing stress • Purpose and intended • Use language as a WORD GAME
aloud. and pronunciation of specific English words. audience. means and goal of CONTEST
• Identify names of games activate previous • Graphic and textual entertainment.
• Spells words with different number of knowledge to predict purpose. components. • Exchange activities of Stage 1
syllables. • Identify number of words involved. • Acoustic characteristics: common interest Determine the day
• Identify participants and the roles they play (e. stress. among students. and time of the
• Classifies words based on number of syllables. g. coordinator, players). • Conventional letter-sound • Learn to compete contest, as well as the
• Determine the number of players and turns of correspondences. against others with number of
• Divides words into syllables to identify stress. participation. • Repertoire of words dedication and respect. participants and their
• Identify steps followed by players. necessary for this social ages.
• Identifies stress on different types of words practice of the language. Stage 2
while listening. Understand characteristics of the type of words • Differences between Establish the type of
involved in the game. English and the mother words allowed and
• Spells, pronounces, and stresses previously • Read a list of words aloud. tongue. not allowed.
selected words. • Spell words with different number of syllables. Stage 3
• Identify words with two, three, or more Set rules of
syllables. participation and
• Classify words according to the number of mechanics of the
syllables in them. word game to
• Point out syllables. practice word stress
• Divide words into syllables to identify stress and pronunciation.
patterns. Stage 4
• Identify the stressed syllable in the word. Organize the contest
• Identify stress in different types of words. and invite students
• Indicate stress by clapping contrasting words. from other groups to
• Spell, pronounce, and stress previously participate.
selected words.

Participate in a word game to practice stress and

pronunciation of words.
• Determine characteristics of the type of words.
• Set game rules and procedure.
SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



• Write the word "Game" on the board. Encourage Ss to write a semantic map of this word by naming one and writing them on the board, e.g. Snakes and Ladders, Memory,
Goose Game, Hangman, Spelling Bee, etc. Underline the word games.
• Ask a volunteer to explain the rules of the game "Hangman" to the group. Have Ss play "Hangman" in pairs. Ask them to spell the word when guessing it. As a follow up, have
Ss make a sentence with the guessed word.
• Have Ss play "Word Search"; include no more than 10 words of the same lexical set. In teams have Ss ask each other: “Which is the first/the second/the third letter of the
word?” Pronounce the words included in the activity so that Ss locate where the stress is being placed. Have them categorize the words according to the number of syllables.
• In order to explore pronunciation features, make a dictation of homophones or have Ss match words that sound the same through images, e.g. write-right, pair-pear, one-
Stage 1 won, here-hear, there-their, be-bee, I-eye, to-two, etc.
• Have Ss play with word families. Give them a set of words so that they find the ones with similar pronunciation, e.g. sharing the same vowel sound- in order to form families
of four members (e.g. friend-send-head-bed, night-bike-size-tie, skirt-milk-shirt-six, etc.
• Start playing "Spelling Bee." Use flashcards to prompt the words, and have Ss tell the word and spell it. Do the same for a couple of rounds.
• In teams of four, have Ss propose and decide on the final contest features such as: time, dates, number of participants and prizes. Publish this information on pieces of
cardboard at a visible spot.

• Write scrambled words on the board from vocabulary used in previous units (e.g. family members, clothes, gadgets, etc.). Have Ss unscramble the words, and make a
drawing for each of them in small cards. With these images, Ss can play “Spin and spell” in teams. Ss paste the images on a circle. A member of each team takes turns to use a
pencil as a spinner to indicate the word to be spelled. If the word is spelled correctly, the team scores a point. If Ss have difficulties, use a set of printed letters for Ss to spell
the word first.
Stage 2 • Bring some riddles to the class and have Ss read them from the board. Leave a space and write the scrambled word beside for Ss to unscramble, e.g. “What two a) keys (yeks)
can't open any b) doors (odros)? The two keys that can't open any doors are c) monkey (onemky) and d) donkey (odneyk).” Plan similar ones.
• Decide on the lexical set and length of words for the” Spelling Bee” contest. Set the number of syllables allowed for the final word list.

• Have Ss look up "Spelling Bee Contest" on the web to know the procedure of the contest. Have a volunteer explain the general procedures and have the group set the rules
for it.
• Have Ss practice spelling with words from the list in pairs. Encourage them to help each other to improve, and to select and highlight those words that are difficult to spell.
Then, ask Ss to practice in teams of four. Monitor the group in order to plan further practice and share tips on how to acquire difficult words.
Stage 3 • Plan a rehearsal before the contest, to make sure Ss are familiarized with the rules and procedure.
• Have Ss invite another group to participate in the contest, establish the date and file the names of participants, as well as the names of the judges. Ask them to vote on the
prize for the winners, e.g. a cup, a figure like the "Oscar", or a Diploma.

• Have Ss play the word game in the group. On subsequent occasions, invite other groups to the classroom to play the game under some monitors’ supervision.
• If possible, have teams present their word game describing its rules to some of the school community members, ask participants to give their opinions on the mechanics of
Stage 4 the game and possible prizes or awards.
• Ask Ss meta-cognitive questions to make them reflect upon the different stages of the product and their own learning processes.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Why Volcanos Erupt

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process
of how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius
Volcano is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena.

e.g. Animals in Captivity

Thematic Frame
 Students count on the necessary tools for being able to identify different purposes by which animals are found in captivity; A distinction among pets, farm animals, wild animals, circus
animals is made. Furthermore, awareness about the importance of caring for animals and encouraging their fostering is raised.

e.g. Radical Robots

Thematic Frame
 This material shows different types of robots, from working robots, creative robots, to robotic arms to perform different tasks. It is highlighted that the robots can execute tasks which
require extreme precision; including the dangerous ones for human beings. To conclude, a prediction about the possible uses of robots in the future is established.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: In, On, Over

e.g. Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, At the Mall, At the Restaurant, At the Daycare Center, At the Construction Site, Jobs
e.g. Unit 5: In My Classroom
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: At the Beach, At the Fairgrounds, At the Street Fair, On the Farm, Camping, Sports
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert, Space

Thematic Frame
 Retake actions of everyday life from pupils to take them back with puns.
 Make games that allow the association between the image and the word.
 Work using the spelling focusing activities towards the achievement of the expected learning.
 To promote interaction among students, encouraging them to practice between them, following each of the dynamics for games that were proposed.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! six” Facts
pp. 57-69 pp. 50-61
Santillana pp. 91-102
"Do it! 6" Reader
pp. 61-71 pp. 31-37
University of Dayton pp. 26-35
"I’m Ready! 6" Reader
pp. 68-77 pp. 50-59
Macmillan pp. 60-72
"Play and Play 6" Informative
pp. 56-70 pp. 48-55
Nuevo México pp. 27-40
"Sunshine 6" Fact
pp. 42-51 pp. 42-51
Pearson pp. 14-19
"Think! in English 6" Non-Fiction
pp. 55-64 pp. 34-39
Ediciones SM pp. 57-70
"Yes, we can! 6" Non-Fiction
pp. 36-43 pp. 36-43
Richmond pp. 23-30

Word games:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019

GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 3B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and record information to solve a problem

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Academic and educational
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Check and select information in order to solve a problem of interest to students

• Identifies by name school- Identify school-related problems of interest to students. • Topic, purpose, and • Use language as a PRINTED SPOTS
related problems. • Point out situations with school-related problems in intended audience. means of solving
order to find solutions. • Textual and graphic problems. Stage 1
• Formulates questions. • Name school-related problems. components. • Respect the Identify a school-related problem.
• Select a school problem. • Acoustic participation of others. Stage 2
• Uses a table to record characteristics. • Cooperate to provide a Formulate questions to find
questions and solutions to a Formulate questions. • Type of sentences. solution to problems. information about a problem and
problem. • Explore written questions such as: Why is it a • Question words. its solution.
problem? Who is it a problem for? What are its • Verb form: auxiliaries. Stage3
• Looks for information that consequences? Why put it forward? How can it be • Verb tenses: present Read information.
answers previously formulated solved? and past. Stage 4
questions. • Identify the pronunciation of questions. • Punctuation. Select, based on previous
• Identify used words to ask questions. information, phrases that inform
• Answers questions by writing. • Formulate questions about a problem and how to and help to raise awareness about
solve it. a school-related problem.
• Reads questions and answers Stage 5
aloud. Write questions. Design the posters where spots
• Examine the written form of questions. will be printed.
• Identify word order and words used to ask questions. Stage 6
• Record questions in a chart. Write information on posters.
• Look for information that answers questions in Stage 7
different sources. Display posters in a suitable place
• Use a table of contents and titles from sources to find in the school.
• Read and select information.
• Clarify the meaning of words.
• Record in a chart information that answers questions
about solving a problem.

Look for solutions to a problem based on questions and

reliable information.
• Classify information whether it is related to a
problem or a solution.
• Record information in a chart.
• Read questions and answers aloud.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Elicit information from Ss regarding problems that arise at school (distractions, boredom, bullying, etc.). Instruct Ss that in order to solve problems, it is important to
understand their causes. Ask several Ss the time they go to bed, the time they get up, the number of hours they sleep, the way they feel in the morning, and if they take
naps. Explore the above questions written on the board and have Ss read them aloud. Have Ss make predictions on what would happen if a person does not get enough
sleep, e.g. they can´t concentrate, fall asleep, etc. Ask Ss to complete the survey on the topic and share their results in a plenary session.
Stage 1
• In teams have Ss think of problems they face at school. Monitor their work so that each team comes up with a different problem. Once the problems have been identified
and assigned to the teams, have Ss think what caused them, who caused them and the possible consequences of not solving the problems.

• Have Ss reflect on a city problem they are concerned about, have them discuss in groups the problem and the possible solution for it. This would be a good chance to assess
vocabulary, structures, intonation, stress, etc.
• Have Ss write the problems and the most likely solutions. Have Ss present their conclusions to the group so that everybody has the chance to give an opinion, or together
come up with the best solution for the problem.
Stage 2 • Have Ss work in teams according to the topic they chose. Write on the board the following questions: 1. What is the problem? 2. Who caused the problem? (What caused
the problem?) 3. What are the consequences? 4. How does this problem make you feel?, etc. With these questions practice on similar problems your Ss want to talk about
to gather information that can be useful for their project.
• After answering the questions, have Ss identify what information they need to collect about the problem they chose.

• In teams Ss look for information according to the topic they chose. If possible, take them to the ICT lab in order to surf the web to search for relevant information.
• Ask Ss to bring newspaper or magazine articles related to the topic. Instruct Ss to identify key words that fit and describe their research problem. If necessary, equip Ss with
Stage 3 useful expressions, but encourage them to infer meaning through context.

• Ask Ss to complete a chart or a mind map with the most relevant information about their research problem. Emphasize the importance of considering only the main ideas in
order to get a general understanding of the different situations.
• Have Ss think of catchy phrases that would attract Ss’ attention to these problems and how to prevent or solve them. Have Ss write these in their notebooks in case they
Stage 4 need to be corrected.
• At this point Ss will be ready to make their poster.

• In the same teams, have Ss design the graphic segment of their poster in their notebooks first as a draft, so that everybody contributes with ideas on how to improve it
before they draw it out on pieces of cardboard or poster size sheets.
• While drawing or pasting illustrations for the posters, have Ss think of the information that will accompany these visual elements; remind them of keeping a balance
between images and textual components, and make sure that the illustrations correspond to the message that needs to be conveyed.
5 and 6 • Having checked Ss’ written work, ask them to write the relevant information on the posters. Make sure Ss are able to verbalize what is on their posters to be shared with
the rest of the group.

• Have SS present their posters to their classmates. Invite participants to come up with other problems and their possible solutions.
• Have Ss choose places to display their posters. Organize visits from other groups so that the whole community gets information about these school-related problems.
Stage 7 • To round off this social practice, have Ss sit in a circle on the floor to engage in a metacognitive session to make them reflect upon their learning processes and experiences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Radical Robots

Thematic Frame
 This material shows different types of robots, from working robots, creative robots, to robotic arms to perform different tasks. It is highlighted that the robots can execute tasks which
require extreme precision; including the dangerous ones for human beings. To conclude, a prediction about the possible uses of robots in the future is established.

e.g. Why Volcanoes Erupt

Thematic Frame

 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process
of how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius
Volcano is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: Basic words

e.g. Unit 2: Me
e.g. Unit 3: At home
e.g. Unit 4: In the neighborhood
e.g. Unit 5: At school
e.g. Unit 6: Food
e.g. Unit 7: Having fun
e.g. Unit 8: The world

Thematic Frame
 Socialize since the beginning of social practice, questioning other groups on issues identified in school.
 Land the information gathered by writing solutions
 Search solutions to the problems identified by students.
 Take as examples printed spots already made and identify each of its components.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
"Brilliant! six" Stories
pp. 70-78 pp. 62-71
Santillana pp. 9-102
"Do it! 6" Reader
pp. 72-82 pp. 38-44
University of Dayton pp. 84-95
"I’m ready! 6" Reader
pp. 78-87 pp. 60-69
Macmillan pp. 73-87
"Play and Play 6" Narrative
pp. 66-75 pp. 56-65
Nuevo Mexico pp. 27-40
"Sunshine 6" Fiction
pp. 52-61 pp. 52-61
Pearson pp. 44-49
"Think! in English 6" Fiction
pp. 65-74 pp. 40-46
Ediciones SM pp. 71-82
"Yes, we can! 6" Fiction
pp. 44-51 pp. 44-51
Richmond pp. 21-28

School-related problems:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 4A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and write notes and letters

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Comprehend and respond to invitations through letters
• Identifies purpose, function, intended Explore invitation letters. • Structure: greeting, • Use language as
audience, and sender of diverse invitations. • Infer purpose. message, closing. a means for INVITATION LETTER
• Identify the parts of a letter. • Purpose, addressee, suggesting and
• Identifies the parts of an invitation letter. • Unscramble a letter. and function of inviting. Stage 1
• Identify addressee. letters. Select an event to invite
• Answers questions about the event • Identify situations in which letters are used. • Textual components • Show courtesy. people to.
described in the letter. of letters: place and Stage 2
Interpret invitations in letters. date, addressee, Plan the writing of the letter
• Clarifies new vocabulary and phrases by • Identify register. signature, etc. by listing the necessary
using bilingual dictionaries. • Determine the nature of the event (happy, sad, • Register. components for the invitation
popular, communal, public, private, free entrance, • Repertoire of words (addressee, event, date, place,
• Makes sentences to produce a written etc.). necessary for this time, additional details,
response to an invitation. • Classify invitations based on the formality or social practice of the sender, etc.).
informality of an event. language. Stage 3
• Writes and reads a reply aloud. • Answer questions about an event. • Verb tenses: future. Write the letter based on a
• Complete sentences based on the date, time, and • Modal verbs (need, model and using bilingual
place of the event. could, would, etc.). dictionaries.
• Find out the meaning of unknown words or • Nouns: possessive Stage 4
expressions. forms (a friend of Check that the letter is
mine, a partner of complete, the message is clear
Respond to invitations in writing. yours, etc.). and that it complies with
• Identify elements in which a reply is expected (e.g., • Quantifiers (all, few, writing conventions.
confirm attendance, bring something to the event, many, little, much, Stage 5
etc.). etc.). Send the letters to the
• Practice the writing of dates and places. • Punctuation. intended audience.
• Select a suitable addressee for an invitation. • Abbreviations.
• Build up sentences to respond to elements of an
• Select the most suitable closing formula for a letter.
• Check that all aspects in the writing of invitations are
complete and included in the reply.
• Write on envelope information regarding the sender
and the addressee.

Read a letter aloud to practice sentence intonation and

word pronunciation.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


 Present Ss with different kinds of invitations (wedding, first communion, baptism, concert at school, school fair, funeral, death anniversary, concert, etc.). Have Ss
explore them in order to identify the intended sender and addressee of each invitation. Have Ss determine the nature of the event, e.g. private, public, ceremonial, etc.
Divide the group into teams and have them distinguish the parts of the letters: the place where the event is taking place, the sender, the intended audience, the date,
etc. Have Ss share the information with the rest of the class, writing the information on the board.
Stage 1  Have Ss explore an envelope (from USA or UK). First, have them underline the country, the sender and the receiver in red; underline the numbers and names of streets
in blue; and, underline the areas and zip codes in orange. Also, have them tell the difference with an envelope of Mexico (e.g. addresses start with the number instead
of the street, etc.).

 Elicit from Ss how invitations work nowadays in Mexico, e.g. if we send them by mail or by e-mail, if we confirm assistance to an invitation, and so on. Have Ss discuss
the questions and present their comments to the rest of the group.
 Have Ss explore several different invitations for a birthday party –both formal and informal-. Have Ss look at the differences in the presentation (e.g. colors, types of
letter, drawings, etc.). Have Ss determine the formality and informality of the invitations by means of these graphic features, as well as by the vocabulary used. With Ss
help, complete a two-column chart on the board with formal and informal phrases.
 Ask Ss to read the messages from the letters in order to identify their parts: heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature. Then, ask them to determine those letters in
which a reply is expected. Hand out different reply letters so that Ss match them with the corresponding letter. Ask them to underline those expressions or phrases that
Stage 2 help them identify the correct invitation and reply.
 In teams, Ss write replies to invitation letters on the board, and copy them in their notebooks. Ask some teams to write a positive reply and others a negative so that Ss
get familiar with phrases for accepting an invitation or apologizing.
 Have Ss practice short dialogues in pairs (invitation to a birthday party, a sports match, etc.). Several Ss act out dialogues in front of the class.
 Ask Ss to send an invitation letter to a classmate for a birthday party (or any event coming up). Have them determine the event, date, place, time and any other
additional information.

 Have some Ss prepare a formal letter and others an informal one, but point out that whether they are one or the other spelling and punctuation has to be correct.
 Before writing the content of the letter, have Ss complete the following sentences: 1. The letter is for ______. 2. The sender is ______. 3. The purpose of the letter is
_______. 4. The date is ______.
Stage 3  Elicit from Ss the parts of a letter. Ask them to write a draft of their letters following the models seen previously and making sure they include all the parts. Monitor and
help as necessary. Remind Ss to check punctuation and spelling.
 Once Ss finish their letter, have them decide on the graphic features to include on the invitation cover.

 Have some Ss write a copy of their invitation on the board to check on mistakes. First, ask Ss to check that the message is clear. Then, have Ss discuss if the letter
contains all the parts from the layout. Finally, ask Ss to identify spelling or punctuation mistakes.
Stage 4  Ss exchange invitations and they correct each other by using a dictionary and the help of the teacher if necessary.
 Have Ss express their opinions on the different letters. Encourage Ss to give feedback on the overall presentation so that all Ss can improve on the graphic features.

 Ask Ss to exchange their invitation letters. Then, ask them to compare their letters taking into account the colors, text, distribution, etc.
 Have some Ss present their invitations. Then, cast a vote for the best cover, the most attractive, the most natural, and so on.
Stage 5  Have Ss reflect on the way letters and sending letters has been changing through the years. Ask them if they think Post Offices will soon disappear because of the use of
the internet and online messengers.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. My family tree

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material various family members will be identified through a timeline in which emphasis is placed on different historical events in different countries around the
world and you can see characteristic social events of each era and so students can get an idea of the way in which people in each era used to live.

e.g. Why volcanoes erupt

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process
of how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius
Volcano is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena

 Picture Dictionary

e.g Unit 2: My Family, My Day

e.g Unit 3: In the Kitchen, In the Living Room, In the Bedroom, In the Bathroom, Outside de House, In the Garage
e.g Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, Pets at the Vet, At the Mall
e.g Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2

Thematic Frame
 Retake vocabulary concerning family recreating a situation involving responding to an invitation.
 Figure out the components of a letter, the order thereof.
 Use the dictionary to clarify new words.
 Ask a variety of situations that enable students to select the one with which they feel greater affinity for the realization of the letter.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! six” Facts
pp. 80-91 pp. 72-83
Santillana pp. 103-114
"Do it! 6" Reader
pp. 83-93 pp. 46-51
University of Dayton pp. 36-45
"I’m Ready! 6" pp. 50-59 Reader
pp. 68-77
Macmillan pp. 60-72
"Play and Play 6" Informative
pp. 77-87 pp. 68-75
Nuevo México pp. 45 to 58
"Sunshine 6" Fact
pp. 62-71 pp. 62-71
Pearson pp. 20-25
"Think! in English 6" Informative
pp. 75-84 pp. 48-53
Ediciones SM pp. 83-94
"Yes, we can! 6" Non Fiction
pp. 52-60 pp. 52-60
Richmond pp. 31-40

Invitation letters:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 4B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and compare various aspects of Mexico and English-speaking countries
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Literary and ludic
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Interpret historical chronicles to compare cultural aspects of Mexico and English-speaking countries
• Identifies topic, purpose, and Explore brief chronicles. • Topic, purpose, and • Understand
intended audience. • Activate previous knowledge to predict topic. intended audience. chronicles as a COMIC
• Mention situations in which chronicles are narrated. • Textual and graphic reflection of
• Read paragraphs of a chronicle Read chronicles. components. emotions and Stage 1
aloud. • Identify topic, intended audience, and purpose. • Repertoire of words experiences, as Select natural, historical
• Identify, define, and clarify the meaning of new phrases and necessary for this social well as and cultural aspects
• Describes aspects of nature and words. practice of the people’s values relevant to a chronicle
cultural expressions from a • Read aloud to practice pronunciation. language. and cultures. to find similarities or
relevant historical period in the • Identify aspects of nature (flora, fauna, climate, etc.) and • Verb tenses: past, • Identify values differences with the present
chronicle. cultural expressions (schedules, music, interaction, dressing present perfect, and and behavior in situation of Mexico and
and eating codes in different events, etc.) from the historical past perfect. English- English-speaking countries.
• Compares aspects of nature and period mentioned in the chronicle. • Punctuation. speaking Stage 2
cultural expressions of a chronicle • Compare aspects of nature and cultural expressions of countries. Write an adapted version of
to contemporary ones from Mexico chronicles to contemporary ones from Mexico and English- the mentioned aspects,
and English-speaking countries. speaking countries. based on a model.
• Identify people’s actions. Stage3
• Writes questions and answers • Identify differences between actions in the chronicle and Check spelling and
about different aspects described contemporary actions. punctuation conventions.
in a chronicle. Answer questions, orally and in written form, about different Stage 4
aspects mentioned in chronicles. Read the adapted version
• Reads questions and answers. • Write questions and answers about the described historical aloud.
period, geographic location, people, vegetation, climate, etc. Stage 5
• Read questions and answers in collaboration to compare Turn the adaptation into a
information. comic strip.
Identify and express differences and similarities of historical and Stage 6
cultural aspects between Mexico and English-speaking countries. Share the comic with other
• Write (in a chart) natural, historical and cultural aspects which teams.
are meaningful to the chronicle.
• Adapt natural, historical and cultural aspects of a chronicle to
Mexico’s context.
• Read adapted information aloud.
• Check the adapted information to make sure it is adequate.
Check spelling and punctuation conventions.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


 Write on the board the names of ancient civilizations or aboriginal groups, e.g., Aztecs, Mexicas, Cherokee, Choctaw. Ask Ss what they know about them, and where
they were established. Show Ss visuals about these groups and ask them for the similarities or differences of the clothes they wore, of the places where they lived,
 Ask Ss to draw several symbols from Mexico on the board such as: a national emblem (the eagle eating a snake), the flag, the Angel of Independence, the Los Pinos
Stage 1 House, etc., and to describe them. Bring visuals with similar symbols from the United States, or another English-speaking country, such as their flag, the Statue of
Liberty, The White House, and some other monuments.
 Present an image of Mexico nowadays and a picture of Mexico in the 1800 (or another period in the past). Have Ss find similarities and differences, e.g., how people
managed to see with no electricity, how they knew about happenings in the country, in the world, how they travelled, the clothes they wore, and so on.

 Prepare a short chronicle from an English speaking country, for example, the first settlers in North America. Have Ss read the chronicle aloud and explain to them the
words they do not understand (try to use flashcards or drawings). Write questions based on the chronicle on the board and identify parts of the chronicle, for
example: Who wrote the chronicle? What are the main events? Then, ask Ss to circle the verbs from the chronicle that are in past. Ask Ss to fill out a summary with
these verbs.
 Organize Ss in teams. Divide the board into two parts and write: Mexican History on one side, and ________ (name of an English-speaking country) History on the
other. Ring a bell and ask a student from each team to run to the board to write something they know or remember about it. Allow plenty of time for each team to
participate. Afterwards, have Ss reflect on the differences and similarities between the two countries. Equip Ss with linkers or connectors to express contrasts and
Stages encourage them to make complete sentences.
2 and 3  Ask Ss to work in teams in order to choose a historical sequence of events for Mexico and an English-speaking country. Ss may use the texts included in their course
books. Ask Ss to write at least five sentences that describe these events. Monitor and help as necessary.
 Another option is to divide class in half. For one part of the group, tell Ss they have Ss write a comic of an old man or woman whose profession does not exist today
and make sentences about what he/she did, what he/she wore, etc. Tell the other half to write a comic about a young woman or man whose occupation did not exist
before and to make sentences about what she/he does, what she/he uses, what she/he wears.
 Ss present their written work on the board for correction. Ask the rest of the class for suggestions to improve on their classmates’ work. Ask Ss to make the changes
suggested. Another option is to have Ss exchange their written work for peer feedback. Monitor around to help them out with correction.

 Have Ss listen to a short historical chronicle. Provide them with a handout or visuals and ask them to order the pictures according to the events in the chronicle.
Finally, ask Ss to read the chronicle as they listen to it. Model the intonation and ask Ss to read it as suggested.
 Collect Ss’ previous written work to give it to somebody else. Ss read the written work aloud and guess who wrote it.
Stage 4  Ask Ss to practice the reading of their sentences to improve on intonation and correct pronunciation. If necessary, have Ss practice chorally the pronunciation of verbs
in past, as it may be difficult for them.

 Ask Ss to work in teams in order to illustrate their sequence of events based on the story they wrote. If possible, take Ss to the ICT lab in order to look for pictures to
use as models.
Stage 5  Ask Ss to write the sentences that describe each illustration making sure they are correct and without mistakes.

 Have Ss present their project to the group. Encourage them to ask questions on their classmates’ project. Have them reflect on the differences in culture and history
they find among countries.
Stage 6  Have them reflect on the changes and development of their country since the Aztecs established in the Valley of Mexico.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Why volcanoes erupt

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process
of how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius
Volcano is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena

 Picture Dictionary

e.g Unit 2: My Family, My Day

e.g Unit 3: In the Kitchen, In the Living Room, In the Bedroom, In the Bathroom, Outside de House, In the Garage
e.g Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, Pets at the Vet, At the Mall
e.g Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2

Thematic Frame
 Search historical accounts in which students can identify natural, historical and cultural aspects, taking up the dictionary to clarify doubts about new words.
 Dramatize excerpts from historical accounts from which it is possible to interview the characters, contributing to the development of communication skills that allow them to socialize the
social practice.
 Retake those passages that have most captured the attention of students to carry out the comic and socializing with the group.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
"Brilliant! six" Stories
pp. 92-91 pp. 84-89 pp. 41-52
"Do it! 6" Reader
pp. 94-103 pp. 52-57 pp.96-107
University of Dayton
"I’m ready! 6" Fiction
pp. 100-109 pp. 82-91 pp. 101-115
"Play and Play 6" Narrative
pp. 88-97 pp. 76-85 pp. 41-52
Nuevo Mexico
"Sunshine 6" Fiction
pp. 72-81 pp. 72-81 pp. 20-25
"Think! in English 6" Fiction
pp. 86-94 pp. 54-60 pp. 95-108
Ediciones SM
"Yes, we can! 6" Fiction
pp. 61-67 pp. 61-67 pp. 29-38

Cultural and historical aspects:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 5A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and record information to design questionnaires and reports
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Academic and educational
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Record information to make a report on activities related to a job or occupation
• Says the names of jobs and
occupations. Explore sequence of images of activities related to a job or • Structure of reports: • Use language as a ILLUSTRATED REPORT
occupation. introduction, body, means to record
• Formulates and answers • Activate previous knowledge in the mother tongue to predict and conclusions. information. Stage 1
questions about jobs and the content of images. • Topic, purpose, and • Respect the value of Select a job, occupation, or
occupations. • Identify a sequence of activities based on its illustrations. intended audience. other people’s jobs. personal activity to write a
• Identify purpose and intended audience. • Textual and graphic • Identify the sense of report of activities.
• Reads informative texts that components. belonging to a Stage 2
describe activities of a job or Collect information about activities of a job or occupation. • Repertoire of words community and being Write a title and collect
profession aloud. • Ask and answer questions about activities of a job or necessary for this part of its activities. information from various
occupation represented in images. social practice of the sources.
• Distinguishes main ideas from • Read informative texts that describe activities of jobs or language. Stage3
supporting ideas in occupations aloud. • Types of sentences. Write sentences that
paragraphs. • Relate information to activities of a job or occupation • Verb tenses. describe activities, based on
represented in a sequence of images. • Verb forms: passive. a model.
• Identifies introduction, body, • Distinguish main from supporting ideas in a paragraph. • Punctuation. Stage 4
and conclusions. • Underline main ideas. Use connectors to link
sentences together and
• Writes information about jobs Explore reports on activities. order them in a sequence.
and occupations. • Mention situations in which reports on activities are made. Stage 5
• Identify the parts of a report. Check that the writing is
• Read title and predict content. complete and complies with
• Identify main ideas and the order in which they are presented. writing conventions.
Stage 6
Write information about jobs and occupations to make a report. Write the sentences in a
• Classify information. report and add illustrations.
• Complete model sentences with known information about Stage 7
activities of jobs or occupations (e.g., seamstresses make Present the report to the rest
patterns of clothes they make; farmers clear the land, etc.). of the group.
• Order sentences based on a sequence of images.
• Choose suitable connectors to link sentences together.
• Write titles for reports.

Check spelling and punctuation conventions.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


 Brainstorm ideas about different professions according to scenarios or places shown on visual aids or flashcards previously prepared. Encourage Ss to write vocabulary
about professions on the board such as: teacher, principal, mechanic, doctor, etc. as they do so make emphasis on word pronunciation, as well as on the intonation of
 Divide the class into teams and provide Ss with different items or visual aids (clothes, tools, working places etc.), these can be cutouts or realia, which are related to
Stage 1 professions or occupations. Ask Ss to work in teams and match the items with the correct profession written on the board and later report what the items are for and
why they are useful, e.g., “A teacher uses a marker to write on the board”.
 Provided Ss with Help-Wanted Ads from newspaper or magazines. Organize teams so that Ss can analyze the adds content, encourage Ss to read the adds aloud to the
whole class but without telling the job, the rest of the Ss will try to guess what the job is.

 Taken into account information from the previous session, select a profession as well as flashcards related to it, ask Ss to brainstorm ideas about activities related to
the job chosen E.g.: “A mechanic works in a garage”, “A mechanic repairs cars”, “A mechanic uses tools in their job”, etc. While Ss brainstorm ideas, write them on the
board so that they can use them as a model for further reports. In case they have difficulty in expressing their ideas in English, help them with new vocabulary or by
giving them some time to use different resources.
 Ask Ss to work in teams and organize a tombola so that Ss can pick a profession to work on, ask them to continue working in teams and brainstorm possible activities
Stages for the profession they were assigned and then share the information with their partners in plenary or organize an exposition.
2 and 3  Ask Ss to work in teams, provide them with sentences which contain missing facts related to different professions, ask Ss to complete the sentences so that they are
logical and correctly written; ask them to add information about professions, places, tools, actions, etc. Ss can be asked to use their partner’s previous work or any
other source to complete their sentences (suggested sources: specialized magazines, newspapers, internet, job advertisements on TV or radio, etc.). Ask Ss to work in
teams and put sentences related to the same job together and organize them so that there is a logical order to make an activity report in the form of a paragraph. While
Ss work with the sentences, monitor the activity and promote different kinds of correction (peer correction, self-correction, and direct correction).

 Previously, design flashcards that describe different actions that refer to the professions studied during this social practice, organize different teams and ask them to
put the flashcard in chronological order. Monitor the activity and promote collaborative work; as soon as they finish the activity, provide Ss with small flashcards with
connectors written on them, such as: first, then, after that, finally, etc. Ask Ss to put in order the connectors according to the sequence in which the flashcards were
 Once they have arranged the flashcards and the connectors in chronological order, ask Ss to write sentences using all the information they have got about the different
Stages professions, let them use any source to look up unknown vocabulary such as dictionaries, picture dictionaries, or internet. Monitor Ss while they are performing the
activity; promote collaborative work and different kinds of correction.
4 and 5  Ask Ss to exchange their reports to do peer correction and discuss any modifications needed, encourage Ss to use different sources to correct and improve their work
 As an alternative activity ask Students to leave the classroom and work in the school yard, ask them to sit in a circle, previously prepare half sentences related to
professions and put them inside a bag or hat, ask a S to take out a half sentence and read it out loud, the same S drops a softball so that another S has the chance to
complete the other half of the sentence. Promote the use of previous knowledge such as connectors and descriptive language. In addition to this, the rest of the Ss can
be asked to write down the sentences their partners are socializing. Make emphasis on the fact that Ss must write down the sentences their partner are working with in
the form of report. Ss can be asked to work in teams or individually.

 Ask Ss or teams to reorganize their reports and illustrate them, monitor the activity and promote correction, let Ss use any source of information or even ask each other
as long as they do it in English.
 Tell Ss they will have to make a presentation about their reports, give them some time to practice then organize the order in which Ss or teams will present their report.
6 and 7 Invite other head teacher or Ss so that Ss reinforce the confidence when giving a speech in front of other people.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Why volcanoes erupt

Thematic Frame
 With the support of this material students will be able to understand what there is inside of earth and how volcanoes are formed, it is explained why volcanoes erupt and show the process
of how lava is transformed into volcanic rock. Beside this, it shows the different kinds of eruptions and which the effects of an eruption are on the population´s everyday life. The Vesuvius
Volcano is taken as an example to study different situations associated to natural phenomena.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 2 ME
e.g. Unit 4 In the neighborhood
e.g. Unit 5 At school
e.g. Unit 6 Food
e.g. Unit 7 Having fun
e.g. Unit 8 The world

Thematic Frame
 Rescue the components of a report, conducting games to support students in identifying parts and the order to be followed.
 Make use of the dictionary for clarifying new words and / or unknown jobs.
 Use a variety of information sources to identify characteristics of different jobs to create the report.
 Divide the group into teams and request each one to choose one job to prepare the report.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! six” Reader
pp. 102-111 pp. 94-103
Santillana pp. 115-126
"Do it! 6" Reader 6
pp. 106-116 pp. 60-65
University of Dayton pp. 46-58
"I’m Ready! 6" Reader
pp. 111-121 pp. 94-103
Macmillan pp. 116-127
"Play and Play 6" Narrative
pp. 100-109 pp. 86-95
Nuevo México pp. 53-64
"Sunshine 6" Reader
pp. 82-91 pp. 82-91
Pearson pp. 56-61
"Think! in English 6" Fiction
pp. 96-104 pp. 62-67
Ediciones SM pp. 109-120
"Yes, we can! 6" Non-Fiction
pp. 68-75 pp. 68-75
Richmond pp. 41-48


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Sixth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 5B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Follow and give directions to go to places

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Follow and give directions for commuting using public transport
• Discriminates names of
places and means of Explore pamphlets showing how to get to a place using public • Topic, purpose, and intended • Use language as a INSTRUCTIONS
transport while listening transport. audience. means of offering BROCHURE ON HOW TO
and reading. • Point out purpose and intended audience. • Textual and graphic and asking for help. USE MEANS OF
• Identify visual aids to indicate location (sketches, maps, etc.) components. • Show assertiveness TRANSPORT
• Identifies names of • Identify, while listening and reading, the name, place, or means • Acoustic characteristics: and confidence in
destinations in double of transport included in instructions. intonation, volume, and the use of English. Stage 1
column charts. • Interpret timetable charts. diction. • Show courtesy and Select locations to provide
• Identify names of destinations in timetables. • Repertoire of words respect when directions to get there.
• Reads times of departures • Read departure and arrival times. necessary for this social offering and asking Stage 2
and arrivals aloud. Describe the immediate context as a point of reference to move practice of the language. for help. Make a list with details
from. • Types of sentences. required to get to a place:
• Understands directions to • Express present location using another point of reference. • Adjectives: demonstratives. means of transport, cost,
move from one place to • Complete written sentences to indicate the location of a place or • Adverbs: of place. etc.
another using public community with respect to another. • Abbreviations and signs ($, €, Stage3
transport. Understand directions to move from one place to another. m.-meter, LHR-London Write the instructions to
• Identify words that indicate movement from one place to Heathrow, etc.). get to the places, based
• Formulates questions to ask another. on a model.
how to get to a place where • Identify expressions that indicate the destination and the means Stage 4
you can take public of transport to get to it. Check in a bilingual
transport and what is its • Identify how many and what means of transport must be used to dictionary that words
cost. get to a final destination. comply with writing and
• Formulate questions to ask how to get to a place where public spelling conventions.
• Writes directions to get transport can be reached. Stage 5
from one place to another • Ask for the trip fare to a destination. Check that the
using public transport. • Identify words that indicate the distance between different instructions are clear and
locations. that they take you to the
Offer directions to use public transport. place you want to go.
• Identify names of places of departure and arrival. Stage 6
• Complete sentences that offer information about going from Write the final version of
one place to another by public transport. the instructions on the
• Write directions to get from one place to another using public brochure and illustrate it
transport. with a sketch or map.
• Write sentences to move from one place to another. Stage 7
• Trace a route on a map to verify that directions are correct. Display the brochure in a
• Read directions aloud to practice pronunciation and intonation. visible place in the
Check spelling and punctuation conventions. classroom.
SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Ss may be asked to get a map of the area where the school is. It can be from Google maps, location maps at school, maps produced by the Ss themselves, for example,
simulating streets with shoe boxes or Guía Roji photocopies. Highlight the place where the school is and ask Ss to recognize the route from school to their houses. Identify
public places such as restaurants, stationary stores, grocery stores, hardware store, etc.
Stage 1 • Have Ss work in groups and provide them with a map of a community or town (with a varied number of paths or roads, public places or land marks) that leads to a specific
point proposed. Students are asked to decide the different and possible ways to get there. A set of items to be collected (in a specific order and found in different places
located in the map) is enlisted e.g. shoes, books, fruit and vegetables, etc. Encourage Ss to create a specific route that accomplish the task proposed, and write down the
indications needed to carry that activity out, that can be used as a glossary for further activities.
• In teams ask Ss to reconstruct the way and the different means of transportation they use to get to school from home and vice versa. If Ss walk they should also describe
their way and the different places they walk past on their way to both destinations, e.g. drugstore, green grocery, market or supermarket.
• Provided Ss with the language needed through the use of different sources available in the classroom to express and follow directions when trying to get to different places.
Show Ss a map of their city or neighborhood and set a departure and arrival point. Let Ss try out different routes and let them monitor one another. By taking turns, Ss share
their ideas with the group as a whole; Ss may correct or change as necessary. Allow Ss to propose different means of transport popular in their community and if possible
Stage 2 the fare to pay.
• Show Ss flashcards about different places and ask them to share information about the different mean of transportation they would have to use in order to get to the places
selected. Have Ss work in teams and provide them with information about the places shown on the visuals e.g. routes, touristic places, different ways to pay for a transport
services such as: tickets, prepaid cards, different currencies ($, €, £), if possible, include time tables. Let Ss explore the information given and ask them to establish an
attractive route as a travel guide, encourage them to include means of transport by using time tables and information needed for the Ss to get to their destination selected.
• Having decided where Ss want to get to and the route they want to follow, have Ss categorize vocabulary needed for this social practice of the language: public places,
buildings, means of transport, prepositions of place and movement. Make emphasis on accurate pronunciation, as well as syllables intonation.
• Have Ss work in groups and provide them with sentences written in paper stripes e.g. “How can I get from my house to the cinema?” “Take the bus to main street and get
off at maple avenue”, ask them to decide the correct order of expressions based on a model previously worked with the group; Have a variety of topics related to the social
practice by using vocabulary and expressions from the previous stage e.g. “Excuse me, how can I get to …?, How much is a return ticket to …? Where is the…?”. Encourage Ss
Stage 3 to work in teams and find different destinations, ask them to take turns and categorize the vocabulary that indicates movement, destination, distance, questions, in order to
be used as a glossary for further activities.
• Have Ss work in pairs and provide them with visuals such as: flashcards, sketches, drawings, photos, etc, and encourage Ss to brainstorm expressions to complete a list of
travel phrases, write those expressions on the board so that Ss can use them for further practice e.g. “Where's the …? I'd like to … a trip to... What time's the next ... to the
Cathedral?” Check the correct use if expressions, make emphasis on pronunciation as well as intonation. Encourage Ss to use the expressions to perform a conversation
based on a model, promote different correction techniques such as peer correction, self-correction and if necessary use direct correction.
• Ask Ss to brainstorm information about different places in their town or neighborhood that they visit in their free time or have visited recently, use visuals if necessary to get
more information related to the places e.g. monuments, buildings, landmarks and possible means of transport that can be used to get there. Ask Ss to write down their ideas
and share them with their partner, they may be asked to work in pairs or individually, while doing this activity allow Ss to use different sources that help them express their
Stages ideas grammatically correct in case they still have difficulties in doing so, assist them by promoting different techniques of correction.
4 and 5 • Provide Ss with a conversation that is in disorder and ask them to find a chronological order; in order to do this, distribute series of flashcard so that Ss can refer to them to
put the conversation in order. Have Ss work in pairs and provide them with a map and a sheet of paper, encourage students to decide a route form a point A to B and to
write it down without telling the reaching point. Motivate Ss to read the routes aloud and followed by classmates in their maps in order to get to the indicated place.

• Help Ss understand what a brochure is and if possible ask them to bring different kinds of brochures; let them discuss a bout the different characteristics; promote the use
of English as much as possible. Next ask Ss are asked to choose an iconic place of their city and do a research about the palace such as: where the place is located, how they
Stages can get there. Have them write the directions to get to that place, refer Ss to previous words and expressions used. Ask Ss to include extra information in case count with it.
6 and 7 As a final activity ask them to illustrate the brochure
• Have Ss write the final version of this on a piece of cardboard or sheet of folding paper to exhibit it to the rest of the group together with information and graphic elements.
• Ask Ss to exhibit their work inside the classroom our outside in the corridors or at the entrance of classrooms; have Ss produce language out of these pieces of work.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Radical Robots

Thematic Frame
 This material shows a variety of robots, and its uses, such as working robots, recreational robots, robotic arms that accomplish different activities, etc. It also explains how robots are able
to perform very accurate tasks, and even the ones that represent a great deal of danger for humans to perform. As a conclusion, the book offers a future vision on what to expect from
robots regarding practicality.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g.Unit 2 ME
e.g.Unit 4 In the neighborhood
e.g.Unit 5 At school
e.g.Unit 6 Food
e.g.Unit 7 Having fun
e.g.Unit 8 The world

Thematic Frame
 Create a plane in which it is possible to visualize diversity of places.
 Check the use of words necessary to give instructions.
 Identify the map useful reference points, from which questions are designed to move to them.
 Resume vocabulary on public transport, directions to complete sentences that provide information.
 Invite students to socialize the practice orally and in writing.
 Implement games that allow students to identify indications.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! Six” Readers
Santillana pp. 114-121 pp. 106-113
pp. 53 - 64
"Do it! 6" Reader 6
University of Dayton pp. 117-126 pp. 66-72
pp. 108 -119
"I’m Ready! 6" Reader
Macmillan pp. 122-131 pp. 104-113
pp. 129 -142
"Play and Play 6" Narrative
Nuevo México pp. 110-119 pp. 96-103
pp. 53-64
"Sunshine 6" Reader
Pearson pp. 92-101 pp. 92-101
pp. 26-31
"Think! in English 6" Fiction
Ediciones SM pp. 106-113 pp. 68-73
pp. 121-136
"Yes, we can! 6" Fiction
Richmond pp. 76-83 pp. 76-83
pp. 39-48


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

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