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Half Yearly Examination - 2020 - 21

Class - XI
Chemistry : [Paper - I]
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 70
Instructions :- 1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question No.1 is of twenty marks having four sub-parts all of which are compulsory.
3. Question No.2 to 8 carry 2 marks each with question No. 2 and 7 having internal choice.
4. Question No. 9 to 15 carry 3 marks each with two Question No. 9 and 13 having
internal choice.
5. Question No. 16 to 18 carry 5 marks each. Each question has an internal choice.
6. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
7. Balanced equations must be given wherever possible and diagrams where they are
helpful. When solving numerical problems, all essential working must be shown.
8. In working out, the problems, use the following data :
Gas Constant R = 1.987 Cal deg-1 mol-1
= 8.314 J K-1 mol-1
= 0.0821 L atm K-1 mol-1
1 L atm = 1dm3 atm = 101.3 J
Avogadro’s number = 6.023 x 1023

[Answer all questions]
Q.1. [a] Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word / words from those given in the brackets :
[ Normality , Molarity , Molality , Mole fraction , 50 m , 25 m , Zeeman’s effect ,
spin , magnetic , half-filled shells , completely filled shells , less , more , 100 m ,
125 m , + I , - I , + M , - M ] [4 x 1]
[i] ________ and _______ are temperature independent mode of concentration representation.
[ii] Trichloroacetic acid is _________ acidic than acetic acid due to _________ effect.
[iii] The splitting of spectral lines under the influence of magnetic field is called ________ and
can be explained with the help of _________ quantum number.
[iv] The volume of 10 vol’ H2O2 required to liberate 500 m of O2 at NTP is : _________.

[b] Complete the following statements by selecting the correct alternatives from the choices
given : [4 x 1]
[i] Which among the following factors is the most important in making fluorine the
strongest oxidising agent ?
[1] Electron affinity [2] Ionisation enthalpy
[3] Hydration enthalpy [4] Bond dissociation energy
[ii] Out of the following, the alkene that exhibits optical isomerism is :
[1] 3-methyl-2-pentene [2] 4-methyl-1-pentene
[3] 3-methyl-1-pentene [4] 2-methyl-2-pentene
[iii] The electronic configuration of the element is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d5,4s1 . This
represents its :
[a] excited state [b] ground state [c] Cationic form [d] Anionic form
[iv] The number of water molecules in one litre of water is :
[a] 18 [b} 18 x 1000 [c] 6.022 x 1023 [d] 3.3 x 1025
[c] Match the following : [4 x 1]
[i] Electon transfer from one reactant to another - Sulphur, Phosphorous
[ii] Mendeleev - Orientation of the orbital
[iii] Carius Method - Eka aluminium, Eka silicon
[iv] Magnetic Quantum number - Redox Reaction

[d] Answer the following questions : [4 x 2]

1. [i ] Using s, p, d, f notations describe the orbitals with the following quantum numbers :
[a] n = 1, l = 0, m = 0 [b] n = 3, l = 0, m = 0
[ii] Write the electronic configurations for the following ions : [a] H - [b] Na+
2. [i] Why are alkali metals used as reducing agents ?
[ii] Name the alkaline earth metal which shows diagonal relationship with aluminium.
3. [a] Give IUPAC names of the following compounds :
[i] (CH3)3C- CH = CH2 [ii] C6H5 - CH = CH - COOH
[b] What is the functional isomer of ethanol ?
4. [a] Find the oxidation number of underlined elements in the following species :
[i] CaO2 [ii] H2S2O7
[b] Why K2CO3 cannot be prepared by Solvay’s method ?

Q.2. One electron is moving with a velocity of 108 cm/sec. Calculate the wavelength connected with it.
A golf ball has a mass of 40g and a speed of 45 m/s. If the speed can be measured within accuracy
of 2%. Calculate the uncertainity in position. [2]

Q.3. The first ionisation enthalpy of nitrogen (Z = 7) is greater than that of oxygen (Z = 8) but the
reverse is true for the second ionisation enthalpy. Explain why. [2]

Q.4. The wavelength of a certain line in Balmer series is observed to be 434.10 nm. To what value of ‘n’
does this corresponds. [R = 109678] [2]

Q.5. In carbondioxide and carbon disulphide, carbon is 27.27% and 15.79%. If in sulphur monoxide,
sulphur is 66.67%, how these data satisfy the law of reciprocal proportion. [2]

Q.6. [a] Why are potassium and caesium, rather than lithium used in photoelectric cells ?
[b] Why does hydrogen occur in a diatomic form under normal conditions ? [2]

Q.7. [a] 0.246g of an organic substance when heated with excess of fuming nitric acid and silver nitrate
gave 0.2584 g of silver bromide. Calculate the percentage of bromine in the compoud . [2]
[b] 0.4 g of an organic compound by Carius method for the estimation of sulphur gave 0.596 g
of BaSO4 , find the percentage of sulphur in the compound.

Q.8. Write the structural formula of following compounds : [2]

[a] 2 - keto - 3 methyl butanamide
[b] 1 - bromo - 3 - chlorocyclohaxane.
Q.9. Among the following sets of quantum numbers, state which are possible.
Explain why the others are not permitted ? [3]
[i] n = 1 , = 0 , m = -1 , s = + 1/2
[ii] n = 1 , = 0 , m = 0 , s = - 1/2
[iii] n = 2 , = 3 , m = 0 , s = + 1/2
[iv] n = 3 , = 1 , m = 1 , s = - 1/2
[v] n = 0 , = 0 , m = 0 , s = + 1/2
[vi] n = 2 , = 0 , m = 0 , s = - 1/2
[b] Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form two compounds water and hydrogen peroxide. If the
percentage of oxygen is 88.89 in water and 94.12 in hydrogen peroxide, show that the data
support the law of multiple proportion.

Q.10. What happens when heavy water is treated with : [3]

[i] CaO [ii] Ca3P2 [iii] Al4C3

Q.11. [a] Which one of the following is more paramagnetic Fe2+ or Fe3+ ? Explain. [3]
[b] What is the number of unpaired electrons in Mn2+ ion ? ( atomic no. of Mn = 25 )

Q.12. [a] Which among the following is smaller in size P3- and S2- ? [3]
[b] Write down the electronic configuration of element ‘A’ (atomic no. 29). Predict the period,
group number and block.
[c] Identify the element, write its name and atomic number 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1.

Q.13. 1. [a] What is tautomerism ? Give two examples. [3]

[b] Write the keto and enolic forms of acetone.
2. [a] What are diastereomers ? Mention their important properties.
[b] Why is dichloroacetic acid stronger than monochloro-acetic acid ?

Q.14. Identify the compounds A and B : [3]

sodalime /  C2H5Cl / AlCl3
[a] C6H5COONa  A  B
[b] C6H6 + HNO3 A
Q.15. [a] What happens when HBr is added to propene ?
[b] How will you distinguish pentane from 1-pentene ? [3]

Q.16. [a] There are 2K, 8L and 4M electrons in an atom. Write down its electronic configurations
and indicate :
[i] Number of sub-shells.
[ii] Number of orbitals
[iii] Number of unpaired electrons
[iv] Number of electrons having =1
[v] Valency of the element
[b] Why atomic orbitals do not have sharp boundaries ?
[c] Why the word exclusion is used in Pauli’s principle ?
[d] Why Hund’s rule is called the rule of maximum multiplicity ?
[e] Which shell would be the first to have ‘g’ subshell ? [5]
[a] Write the IUPAC name for the element with At.No. 104.
[b] Among Al+ and Mg+ which has higher ionisation energy. Explain.
[c] Identify the isoelectronic species among the following :
(1) Na+ (2) O2- (3) F - (4) Cl - (5) Al3+ (6) Ne (7) N3- (8) Mg2+
Arrange these species in decreasing order of their size.

Q.17. [a] [i] Balance the following equations by ion-electron method :

[1] Cr2O72 - + Cr2O42 - + H+  Cr3 + + CO2 + H2O (Acidic Medium)
[2] MnO42 - + H2O  MnO-4 + MnO2 + OH - (Basic Medium)

[ii] Give reasons for the following :

[1] The oxidation number of fluorine in all its compounds is always -1.
[2] Silver can displace copper from CuSO4 solution. [5]
[b] [i] Balance the following equations by oxidation number method :
[1] KMnO4 + H2SO4 + H2C2O4  K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O
[2] Cr2O72 - + Fe2+ + H+  Cr3+ + Fe3+ + H2O

[ii] Find the oxidation number of underlined elements in the following species :
[1] NaH2PO4 [2] NaBH4

Q.18. [a] [i] Why does benzene behave as a stable compound although it contains three double
bonds ?
[ii] Alkenes undergo addition reactions.

[b] How will you convert the following : (Give balanced equations)
[1] Benzene to m-nitrochlorobenzene,
[2] Ethyne to methane
[3] Ethene to ethyne. [5]
[a] [i] What is Wurtz reaction ? Explain with examples. What are its limitations ?
[ii] Explain SN1 , SN2 , E1 and E2 with mechanism.

[b] The alkyl halide C4H9Br (A) reacts with alcoholic KOH and gives an alkene (B) which reacts
with bromine to give a dibromide (C). (C) is transformed with sodamide into a gas (D) which
forms a precipitate when passed through ammoniacal silver nitrate solution. Give the structural
formula of the compounds (A), (B), (C) and (D) and explain the reactions involved.


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