Fat Soluble Vitamins: 1913 (Retinol, Retinal)

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Fat soluble Vitamins

Vitamins Sources Functions Deficiency Disease Toxicity Symptoms Daily Allowances*

Vitamin A Animal Fish-liver oils Liver Bile necessary for absorption Stored in liver Night blindness, Fatigue; night sweats; vertigo; headache; Children:400-700 RE (2,000-3,300
1913; (Retinol, retinal) Butter, cream ,milk , cheeses, Egg Maintains integrity of muscosal epithelium, Keratomalacia dry and fissured skin; lips; IU)
yolk, green vegetables, yellow maintains visual acuity in dim light. hyperpigmentation; retarded growth; Men:1,000 RE(5,000 IU)
and orange coloured fruits, Large amounts are toxic bone pain; abdominal pain; vomiting; Women:800 RE (4,000 IU)
vegetables, red palm oil, fish and jaun- dice; hypercalcemia Pregnancy:1,000 RE (5,000 IU)
fish liver oil. Lactation: 1,200 RE (6,000 IU)
Vitamin D Fish-liver oils fortified milk Synthesized in skin by activity of ultraviolet Rickets and Abnormally high blood calcium Children 0-18 years: 10mg
1920; activated sterols Exposure to light, Liver synthesizes 25 (OH) D3, Kidney Osteomalacia (hypercalcemia), retarded growth, Adults 19-22 years 7.5 mg
Vitamin D2- sunlight Very small amounts in synthesizes 1,25 (OH)2D3. vomiting, nephrocalci- nosis Adults over 22 years: 5 mg
Ergocalciferol Vitamin D3 - butter, liver, egg yolk, salmon or Functions as steroid hormone to regulate calcium Pregnant/lactating women:+5mg
Cholecalciferol sardines fish and phosphorus absorption, mobilization and
(Antirachitic factor) mineralization of bone. Large amounts are toxic.

Vitamin E Plant tissues-vegetable oils; wheat

Not store in body to any extent. Sterility, Deficiency May interfere with vitamin K activity Infants: 3-4 mg
1922; germ, rice germ; green leafy (Related to action of selenium) is very rare; mild leading to prolonged clotting and Men:10 mg
Alpha-, beta-, gamma- vegetables; nuts; legumes ,animal 1. Humans: reduces oxidation of vitamin A, hemolytic anemiain bleeding time; in anemia, suppresses the Women:8 mg
tocopherol foods are poor sources carotenes, and polyunsaturated fatty acids newborn infants normal hematologic response to iron Pregnancy:10 mg
(Antisterility vitamin, (PUFA) Lactation:11 mg
Beauty vitamin) 2. Animals: normal reproduction; utilization of
sex hormones,cholesterol.
Vitamin K Green leaves such as alfalfa, Bile necessary for absorption, Formation of Hemophilia, Possible hemolytic anemia; hyper- Infants:10-20 mg
1929; Phylloquinone (K1), spinach, cabbage, liver, Synthesis prothrombin and other clotting proteins. Sulfa Bleeding diathesis bilirubinemia (jaundice) Adults: 70-140 mg
Menaquinone (K2) in intestine drugs and antibiotics interfere with absorption,
Large amounts are toxic

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