SL Prior Learning Test

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SL Prior Learning Test [62 marks]

A calculator fits into a cuboid case with height 29 mm, width 98 mm and length
186 mm.

1. Find the volume, in cm3, of this calculator case. [2 marks]

A sphere with diameter 3 474 000 metres can model the shape of the Moon.

2a. Use this model to calculate the circumference of the Moon in [3 marks]
kilometres. Give your full calculator display.
2b. Give your answer to part (a) correct to three significant figures. [1 mark]

2c. Write your answer to part (b) in the form a × 10k , where 1 ≤ a < 10 , [2 marks]
k ∈ Z.

The width of a rectangular garden is 4.5 metres shorter than its length, which is x

3a. Write down an expression for the width of the garden in terms of x. [1 mark]
The perimeter of the garden is 111 m.

3b. Write down an equation for the perimeter of the garden in terms of x. [1 mark]

3c. Find the value of x. [2 marks]

Olivia’s house consists of four vertical walls and a sloping roof made from two
rectangles. The height, CD, from the ground to the base of the roof is 4.5 m.
∧ ∧
The base angles of the roof are A B C = 27∘ and A C B = 26∘ .

The house is 10 m long and 5 m wide.

Find the length AB, giving your answer to four significant figures.
4a. [5 marks]

The length AC is approximately 2.84 m.

4b. Find the total area of the two rectangles that make up the roof. [3 marks]
Olivia decides to put solar panels on the roof. The solar panels are fitted to both
sides of the roof.

Each panel is 1.6 m long and 0.95 m wide. All the panels must be arranged in
uniform rows, with the shorter edge of each panel parallel to AB or AC. Each
panel must be at least 0.3 m from the edge of the roof and the top of the roof, AF.

Olivia estimates that the solar panels will cover an area of 29 m2.

4c. Find the percentage error in her estimate. [3 marks]

A factory packages coconut water in cone-shaped containers with a base radius of
5.2 cm and a height of 13 cm.

5a. Find the volume of one cone-shaped container. [2 marks]

5b. Find the slant height of the cone-shaped container. [2 marks]

The factory designers are currently investigating whether a cone-shaped container
can be replaced with a cylinder-shaped container with the same radius and the
same total surface area.

5c. Find the height, h , of this cylinder-shaped container. [4 marks]

The Tower of Pisa is well known worldwide for how it leans.

Giovanni visits the Tower and wants to investigate how much it is leaning. He
draws a diagram showing a non-right triangle, ABC.
On Giovanni’s diagram the length of AB is 56 m, the length of BC is 37 m, and
angle ACB is 60°. AX is the perpendicular height from A to BC.
6a. Use Giovanni’s diagram to show that angle ABC, the angle at which the [5 marks]
Tower is leaning relative to the
horizontal, is 85° to the nearest degree.
6b. Use Giovanni's diagram to calculate the length of AX. [2 marks]

6c. Use Giovanni's diagram to find the length of BX, the horizontal [2 marks]
displacement of the Tower.

Giovanni’s tourist guidebook says that the actual horizontal displacement of the
Tower, BX, is 3.9 metres.

6d. Find the percentage error on Giovanni’s diagram. [2 marks]

6e. Giovanni adds a point D to his diagram, such that BD = 45 m, and [3 marks]
another triangle is formed.

Find the angle of elevation of A from D.

300 000
The speed of light is 300 000 kilometres per second. The average distance from
the Sun to the Earth is 149.6 million km.

7a. Calculate the time, in minutes, it takes for light from the Sun to reach [3 marks]
the Earth.

A light-year is the distance light travels in one year and is equal to 9 467 280
million km. Polaris is a bright star, visible from the Northern Hemisphere. The
distance from the Earth to Polaris is 323 light-years.

7b. Find the distance from the Earth to Polaris in millions of km. Give your [3 marks]
answer in the form a × 10k with 1 ⩽ a < 10 and k ∈ Z.
In this question, give all answers correct to 2 decimal places.
Jose travelled from Buenos Aires to Sydney. He used Argentine pesos, ARS, to buy
350 Australian dollars, AUD, at a bank. The exchange rate was 1 ARS = 0.1559

8a. Use this exchange rate to calculate the amount of ARS that is equal to [2 marks]
350 AUD.

The bank charged Jose a commission of 2%.

8b. Calculate the total amount of ARS Jose paid to get 350 AUD. [2 marks]
Jose used his credit card to pay his hotel bill in Sydney. The bill was 585 AUD. The
value the credit card company charged for this payment was 4228.38 ARS. The
exchange rate used by the credit card company was 1 AUD = x ARS. No
commission was charged.

8c. Find the value of x. [2 marks]

∣ 7 ∣
9. Find the exact solutions to the equation x + 2 = ∣∣ x−4
7 ∣
∣. [5 marks]

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