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Helical Staircase

Grade of concrete (fck) = 20 Mpa

Grade of steel (fy) = 500 Mpa
Permissible stress in concrete in bending compression (ϭcb)= 7 Mpa
Permissible stress in steel in tension (ϭst)= 275 Mpa
Modular ratio (m) = 13.33
Neutral axis depth (n) = 0.25
Lever arm (j) = 0.916
K= 0.116
Sloping angle of staircase (ἁ) (in degree)= 33
Coverage angle of plan of Stair (2Ө) = 180
Width of staircase (b) = 1.2 m
Floor Height (H) = 3m
Live load at Staircase = 3 kN/m2
Floor finish load on staircase = 1 kN/m2

Radius of Center line of girder (R)= H/(2Ө*TANἁ)= 1.47 m

Eccentricity of load action (e)= b2/(12R) 0.08 m
Radius of Centroidal line of girder (Rc)= R+e = 1.55 m
Thickness of slab assumed (t)= 2Ө*Rc/15 0.32 m
Assumed thickness of staircase slab (t) = 0.32 m

Self weight of the stair per meter= 11.44 kN/m

Live Load at the stair per meter = 3.6 kN/m
Floor finish load on staircase per meter = 1.2 kN/m
Total load of the stair per meter= 16.24 kN/m

Ratio of flexural rigidity to torsional regidity(q) = EI/GJ

= 2bh3/12*3.5/bh3 = 0.58
c = (2(q+1)sinӨ-2qӨcosӨ)/((q+1)Ө-(q-1)sinӨcosӨ) = 1.27

The critical moments are at φ=0 and φ= 90 degree

φ= 0 At mid span
wRc2= 39.02
Mφc = wRc (ccosφ-1)
Mt= wRc2(csinφ-φ) 0

φ= 90 At support

Mφf = wRc2(ccosφ-1) -39.02

Mtf= wRc (csinφ-φ)

Design of Section :
The Max BM occur at support Me= M+T((1+h/b)/1.7) = 47.77
The BM at support is greater than at Mid span i.e, Mr>Me
Kbd2ϭcb> 0.0478
d> 0.221 m
Then overall depth (t) = d+0.02 = 0.241
200 mm
Self weight =t*b*25/cosἁ 8.62
Total load = 13.42 kN
The bending moments are revised for reduced load as

Mφc = 8.7098
Me= 39.475

The reinforcement at mid span and the support are

Asp= Mφc/jdϭst 156.54
Asn= Me/jdϭst 709.48

Provide 12mm bar at 175 in spacing at the bottom face through and
12 mm bar at 175 in at top near support for a distance of RӨ/2 = 1.15 m
Bond development length (Ld)= φϭst/(4Ɩbd) = 36φ = 430 mm

Design for Shear

The maximun vertical force at the distance d from the support is
Ro= w(RӨ-d)= 29.71 KN
The transverse shear force at this section is R osinἁ= 16.04 KN
0.02 MN
The torsion at this section needs to converted into eqv shear force
Net shear force = Ve = V+1.6T/b 0.04 MN
Ʈv = Ve/(bd) 0.15 Mpa
Asv> (T/(b1d1)+V/(2.5d1))*(Sv/ϭsv)
Select two legged 10 mm stirrup
Asv=2*pi*d2/4= 157.08
b1= 1100 mm
d1= d-dc 201 mm
Then Spacing is (Sv)= 801.43
Provide 2 legged 10 mm stirrups at 200 mm
Dia Spacing
12 175
10 200
  Design of Staircase

1. Design Data
Total Width of the staircase well: 2260 mm 14
Width of Flight = 990 mm 4
Total Length of the staircase well: 5384 mm 14.75
Total Height of the staircase well: 2845 mm 10
Rise of The Flight (R) : 180 mm
Tread of the Flight (T) : 254 mm
Grade of Steel (Fy) = 500 Mpa
Grade of Concrete (Fc) = 20 Mpa
Floor Finish Considered = 1.2 kN/m²
Live Load Consoidered = 3.0 kN/m²
Length of Front landing = 1068 mm
Length of End landing = 20 mm

2. Calculation for Effective Span & Effective Depth

Projected span of stair = 5384 mm
Length between supports, lc/c =lc+ bs = 5384 mm
Eff. depth of the waist slab =leff/(23*modification factor ) = 138 mm
Minimum depth to be provided dmin. =√M / 0.1336fckb = 87 mm
Overall Depth (D) =d + clear cover +Φ/2 = 159 mm
Provided Overall depth of Waist Slab (D)= 127 mm
Dia. Of Bar Used , Φ = 12 mm
Provided Eff. depth of Waist Slab (d)= D-clear cover-Φ/2 = 106 mm
Effective span, leff. = lc/c =Length between supports 5384 mm
Critical depth of neutral axis: Xm = 0.46 d = 49 mm
Limiting moment: Mlim. = 0.36xm/d (1-0.42xm/d) bd²fck = 34 kN m

3. Calculation of Loads
Load Factor 1
No. of treads per meter = n = 1000/T = 4

Load for Landing =

Self weight of landing = 3.18 kN/m²
Floor Finish Considered = 1.2 kN/m²
Live Load Consoidered = 3.0 kN/m²
Total Load on Landing = 7.38 kN/m²
Factored load on landing = 7.38 kN/m²
For 0.99 m width of flight ,Design Load = 7.30 kN/m

Load for Flight =

Area of Step Section = 0.02 m²
Area of Inclined Slab = 0.04 m²
Area of floor finish = 0.01 m²
Total area = 0.08 m²
In 0.99 m width and given Tread in plan length ,DL of step section = 1.89 kN/m²
DL per m² on plan = 7.54 kN/m²
LL per m² on plan = 3.0 kN/m²
Total load of Flight = 10.5 kN/m²
Factored load of Flight = 10.5 kN/m²
For 0.99 m width of flight ,Design Load = 10.4 kN/m²

3. Computation of Reinforcement
Maximum Support Reaction Taken from ETABS = 33 kN
Maximum Moment Taken from ETABS = 20 kN m
Maximum Reinforcement at Support from ETABS = 737.00 mm²
Maximum Reinforcement at Mid from ETABS = 400.00 mm²

Calculation of Main Bars :

Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*(d -Ast * fy /fck/b)
a 0.025
b -107
c 45977.01
Ast min 152.4
Tension Reinforcement = Ast = 737.00 mm²
Try, Φ = 12 mm
AΦ = ΠΦ²/4= 113.04 mm²
Spacing = bx AΦ / Ast reqd. = 173 mm
Provide 12 mm - Φ HYSD steel bars @ 150 mm c/c
Ast .provided = b x AΦ /spacing = 746.06 mm²
pt =100Ast./bd = % > 0.12% = 0.5 %
Φ-max = 1/8*D= 15.875 12 mm
Maximum spacing = least of 3d & 300mm 300 mm
> spacing provided
Distribution Bars in waist slab :
Area of distribution bars =0.12% of bD = 152.40 mm²
Try, Φ = 8 mm AΦ = ΠΦ²/4= 50.24 mm²
Spacing = b x AΦ / Ast reqd. = 330 mm
Provide 8 mm - Φ HYSD steel bars @ 150 mm c/c
Maximum spacing = least of 5d & 450mm 450 mm
> spacing provided
Distribution Bars in steps :
Provide 1 - 12 Φ bar as temperature reinforcement in each step.
Provide the landing slab distribution reinforcement similar to waist slab distribution reinforcement.

4. Development Length / Anchorage

Design Bond Stress of concrete M20 for plain bars in tension, Гbd 1.2 N/mm²
Design Bond Stress of M20 for deformed bars in tension, Гbd' =1.6 x Гbd = 1.9 N/mm²
Design Bond Stress of M20 for deformed bars in compression=1.25*above= 2.4 N/mm²
Stress in bar at the section considered at design load = σs =0.87*fy = 435.0 N/mm²
Diameter of the main tension bars (Fe 500) = Φ = 12 mm
Tension Steel Development length = Ld =Φσs/4Гbd (Cl.26.2.1) = 680 mm
Compression Steel Development length = Ld =Φσs/4Гbd (Cl.26.2.1) = 544 mm
Min. embedment = Ld / 3 (Cl. 227 mm
Embedment with U hooks behind centre of support = bs/2 -25 +16Φ = 317 mm
Development length, Ld should be available in either direction to top as well as bottom bars.
Hence provide , Ld = 550 mm for comp. bars & 700 mm for tension. bars.

Step 4 > Deflection Check ( as per IS 456:2000 ,Cl. 23.2)

Ast required = 737.00 mm²
Ast,provided = 746.06 mm²
fs =0.58x fy x Ast, required / Ast, provided (Cl.23.2.c & Fig.4) 151.97
Effective span = L = 5384 mm
Effective depth = d = 106 mm
Mu/bd^2 1.58
fs= 152.0 N/mm²
Mf 1.62
Modification factor ( α =26 for continuous slab & β = 1 for L <10 m ),γ =
L / d actual = 50.7924528302 <<<< L / d per. = αβγ 42.12
6. Check for Shear Check
Vmax =V at d distance from support = 33.0 kN
Nominal ShearStress , Гv =V/bd (Cl. 40.1) = 0.3 N/mm²
Maximum shear Stress, Гcmax for M20 ( Cl.40.2.3, Table 20) 2.8 N/mm²
Percentage of Tension Reinforcement =pt =100Ast/bd = 0.5 %
Design Shear Strength of Concrete with pt% and M20, Гc = 0.5 N/mm²
Enhanced Shear Strength , Гc' = k x Гc (Cl. =1.3 x Гc = 0.6 N/mm²
Since Гc >> Г , No Shear reinforcement is required in the staircase ► ► ….Safe …..
pt Гc
0.75 0.56
1 0.62

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