Kyoto Protocol Fast Facts

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Kyoto Protocol Fast Facts

CNN Library
Updated 2352 GMT (0652 HKT) March 31, 2015
(CNN)Here's a look at the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement reached in Kyoto,Japan, in
1997, mandating that industrialized nations cut their greenhouse gas emissions.

192 parties have ratified the protocol (191 states and one regional economic integration
organization). The Untied States has not; it dropped out in 2001.

The protocol mandated that 37 industrialized nations plus the European Community cut
their greenhouse gas emissions. Developing nations were asked to voluntarily comply.

Over 100 developing countries, including China and India, were exempted from the

The treaty could not into effect until at least 55 countries, accounting for 55% of the
world's emissions in 1990, ratified it.

The signatories agreed to cut their country's emissions to 5% below 1990 levels
between 2008 and 2012.

The treaty also established an international trading system, which allows countries to
earn credits toward their emission target by investing in emission cleanups outside their
own country.

According to the Global Carbon Atlas, the largest contributors of greenhouse gases in
2013 were China with 28% and the United States with 14.5%.

Australia has also refused to ratify the treaty.

December 1-11, 1997 - The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change is held in Kyoto, Japan. Over 150 nations
attend and adopt the first international treaty on controlling and reducing greenhouse

November 2, 1998 - In Buenos Aires, Argentina, 160 nations meet to work out details of
the protocol and create the "Buenos Aires Action Plan."

March 27, 2001 - EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman states that the Bush
administration has "no interest in implementing" the Kyoto Protocol.

July 23, 2001 - Negotiators from 178 countries meet in Bonn, Germany, and agree to
adopt the protocol. The United States doesn't participate.
November 10, 2001 - Representatives from 160 countries meet in Marrakech, Morocco,
to further work out details of the protocol.

November 18, 2004 - The Russian Federation ratifies the protocol, giving new hope
that it can be implemented, even without the United States.

February 16, 2005 - The Kyoto Protocol takes effect.

December 12, 2011 - Canada officially renounces the Kyoto Protocol. Environment
Minister Peter Kent says Kyoto's goals are unworkable because the U.S. and China
never agreed to Kyoto, and that a new pact is needed to address emissions.

December 2012 - The Kyoto Protocol is extended to 2020 during a conference in Doha,

June 23, 2013 - Afghanistan adopts the Kyoto Protocol, becoming the 192nd

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