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March 30, 2011

Dear friends and colleagues,

It was a heady and stimulating five days in Minneapolis (not to mention a bit brisk), where
we gathered for our 39th annual conference and our 2nd joint conference with the Visual
Resources Association.

On behalf of the Society I would like to thank our colleagues from the ARLIS/NA Twin Cities
Chapter and the VRA Midwest Regional Chapter for putting on an exceptional joint
conference. It was a well organized and programmatically engaging event thanks in large
part to the efforts of the conference Co-Chairs, Rebecca Moss, Jessica McIntyre, and Heidi

Numerous coordinators warrant mention for their significant role in the success of the
conference, including: Allan Kohl, Tours Coordinator; Jill Vuchetich, Events Chair; Rosemary
Furtak, Exhibits Chair; Janice Lurie and Patricia McRae-Bailey, Silent Auction Co-Chairs;
Kristen Mastel, Hospitality Chair; Kathy Heuer, Publicity Chair; Amy Naughton, Conference
Proceedings Editor; and Deborah Boudewyns, Development Chair.

Special recognition is also well deserved by Chris Roper, ARLIS/NA Association and
Conference Manager, and Brian Shelburne, VRA Vice-President for Conference
Arrangements, both of whom were tireless participants in conference planning activities and
a myriad of conference events.

The collegiality witnessed among members of the two organizations was a testament to the
leadership of Mari Russell, President, ARLIS/NA and Maureen Burns, President, VRA. They
personified the year-long goal set by the Boards of both organizations to engage in a truly
join endeavor. They set a tone of good will that permeated the conference planning process
and the conference itself. This foundation, paired with a robust conference program,
resulted in calls from members of both organizations to pursue ongoing collaboration,
including but not limited to future joint conferences, cross-committee communication, data
standards efforts, and unified leadership initiatives.

I can assure you that the ARLIS/NA Executive Board will look closely at these opportunities
in conjunction with the leadership of VRA in the coming months and throughout the year
ahead to find common ground that meets the missions of both organizations.

Thank you to the membership for embracing this joint endeavor that enabled us to make
connections beyond the confines of our Society. Fostering relationships such as this and
looking beyond the Society’s confines reflect just one of the objectives featured in our draft
Strategic Plan for 2011-2015. Stay tuned for more details from our Strategic Planning
Committee about opportunities to engage in the planning process.

For those of you unable to attend our conference this year, we hope you will be able to
attend next year. That said, the Executive Board recognizes that conference attendance is
simply not an option for all ARLIS/NA Members. Thus, we will look to communicate more
frequently and effectively in the year ahead about ways that you can stay connected with
the Society and more informed about changes in the art information field. Ultimately, we as
a Board will strive to be more transparent in our work. The Society will also pursue
mechanisms to distribute educational content to our members beyond the annual
conference experience.

We appreciate the annual support of our many generous sponsors who help to underwrite
and sustain our programs, such as research, internship, and travel awards, not to mention
conference sessions and social events. Contributions to the Society Circle, made by
individual members who contribute at levels both large and small, continue to make an
impact on the Society in significant ways. This was most evident this year in the inaugural
distribution of the Alternative Voices Fund, which allowed us to hear directly from Minnesota
native and socially engaged photographer, Wing Young Huie. Speaking at our closing
plenary session, Huie eloquently and passionately addressed the need for us to look more
closely and critically at issues involving race in American society.

Our exhibitors continue to play a vital role in the Society’s conferences by bringing their
products to a singular event, educating us about resources, sharing their expertise, and
providing financial support through registration and sponsorships. We look forward to your
continued participation at our Toronto conference in 2012.

In closing, our annual conference provides us with a tremendous opportunity for

professional growth, networking, collaboration, and establishing personal bonds.
Converging with the VRA this year allowed us to expand our horizons in each of these areas,
making for a particularly fertile event.

As we settle back into our respective non-conference lives, I would encourage each of you
to reflect on the positive – and even challenging – aspects of this conference. Are there
certain leadership possibilities, collaborative initiatives, or professional connections about
which you’re passionate? Might these benefit your own professional growth? Are there skills
that you could bring to bear for the benefit or ARLIS/NA and your art information
colleagues? If so, I ask you to contact a member of the Society in that area and express
your interest in serving (see our Organizational Chart for the big picture). If you’re not sure
who to contact, send me a note or call me and I’ll be sure to connect you with the right
person in the Society.

On a personal note, I thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President. I look
forward to working with each of you in the year ahead to fulfill our mission to foster
excellence in the art information field and by making the Art Libraries Society of North
America an even stronger and more vibrant force.


Jon Evans
President, ARLIS/NA

Director, Hirsch Library

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

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