Vocabulary: Spelling List 6A 2021

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1 Appearance Apariencia ei-pi-pi-i-ei-ar-ei-en-ci-i I have a good appearance
2 Athletic Atlético/a ei-ti-eich-el-i-ti-ai-ci She is athletic
3 Attractive Atractivo/a ei-ti-ti-ar-ei-ci-ti-ai-vi-i She is very attractive
4 Beautiful Hermoso/a bi-i-ei-iu-ti-ai-ef-iu-el The flower is the most beautiful
5 Catchy Pegadizo/a ci-ei-ti-ci-eich-wai My brother is catchy
6 Chubby Regordete/a ci-eich-iu-bi-bi-wai My cousin is chubby
7 Curly Rizado/a ci-iu-ar-el-wai Sonia's hair is curly
8 Elderly Anciano/a i-el-di-i-ar-el wai The elderly are more likely to lose too much salt
9 Fair Justo/a ef-ei-ai-ar The lawyer is fair
10 Freckles Pecas ef-ar-i-ci-kei-el-i-es My sister's face has freckles
11 Friendly Amistoso/a ef-ar-ai-i-en-di-el-wai I have a friendly neighbor
12 Glasses Gafas yi-el-ei-es-es-i-es Yesterday I lost my glasses
yi-ou-ou-di / el-ou-ou-kei-ai- Good-looking fella like that could have any woman
13 Good-looking Guapo/a
en-yi he wanted.
14 Height Altura eich-i-ai-yi-eich-ti The height is determined with a tape measure
15 Middle-aged De edad mediana em-ai-di-di-el-i / ei-yi-i-di Middle-aged woman comes into the shoe store.
Moustache or no moustache, I need a clean shirt for
16 Moustache Bigote em-ou-iu-es-ti-ei-ci-eich-i
17 Pretty Bonito/a pi-ar-i-ti-ti-wai Bogotá is very pretty
18 Pigtails Coletas pi-ai-yi-ti-ei-ai-el-es I love you in pigtails
19 Ponytail Cola de caballo pi-ou-en-wai-ti-ei-ai-el You cut off my ponytail while I was sleeping
20 Slim Delgado es-el-ai-em- Juan is very slim
21 Straight Directo/a es-ti-ar-ei-ai-yi-eich-ti Of all the men here, Tessa went straight for Stefan
22 Teenager Adolescente ti-i-i-en-ei-yi-i-ar She only nags because he still acts like a teenager
23 Wavy Ondulado dabeliu-ei-vi-wai The hair was short, very dark, and wavy
24 Weight Peso dabeliu-i-ai-yi-eich-ti Weight loss with Mesotherapy is a gradual process
25 Wrinkles Arrugas dabeliu-ar-ai-en-kei-el-i-es Wrinkles are creases in the skin
26 Angry Enojado/a ei-en-yi-ar-wai You don't have to apologise every time you get angry
27 Anxious Ansioso/a ei-en-exs-ai-ou-iu-es The boy is anxious about his first day at school
28 Bad-tempered Malhumorado/a bi-ei-di / ti-i-em-pi-i-ar-i-di She looks bad-tempered, but she is kind at heart
29 Boastful Jactancioso/a bi-ou-ei-es-ti-ef-iu-el That man is too boastful for my liking
30 Bored Aburrido/a bi-ou-ar-i-di Bored with that game
31 Brave Valiente bi-ar-ei-vi-i Brave people feel fear, but that doesn't stop them
32 Cheerful Alegre ci-eich-i-i-ar-ef-iu-el Cheerful people make you feel good
33 Concerned Preocupado/a ci-ou-en-ci-i-ar-en-i-di Concerned about you and the children
34 Disappointed Decepcionado/a Disappointed by the way I've turned out
Aren't you embarrased to undress in front of the
35 Embarrased Avergonzado/a i-em-bi-ei-ar-ar-ei-es-i-di
36 Excited Emocionado/a i-exs-ci-ai-ti-i-di He gets excited when someone comes to buy a book
37 Exhausted Exhausto/a i-exs-eich-ei-iu-es-ti-i-di Exhausted, they sat down to rest
38 Frightened Asustado/a ef-ar-ai-yi-eich-ti-i-en-i-di Frightened in the dark
People around the world are scared, baffled
39 Frustrated Frustrado/a ef-ar-iu-es-ti-ar-ei-ti-i-di
and frustrated
40 Healthy Sano/a eich-i-ei-el-ti-eich-wai Healthy teeth are clean and have no cavities
41 Homesick Nostálgico/a eich-ou-em-i-es-i-ci-kei Your ship is beautiful, but you must get homesick
42 Joyful Feliz jei-ou-wai-ef-iu-el "Joyful" and "happy" are synonyms
43 Shocked Estupefacto/a es-eich-ou-ci-kei-i-di Shocked at the news, she couldn't speak
44 Skeptical Escéptico/a es-kei-i-pi-ti-ai-ci-ei-el Try Not To Be So Skeptical
45 Sleepy Dormilón/a es-el-i-pi-wai Sleepy! Pick me up here at one o'clock
46 Stubborn Terco/a es-ti-iu-bi-bi-ou-ar-en Stubborn, that's what you are
47 Surprised Sorprendido/a es-iu-ar-pi-ar-ai-es-i-di Surprised it took you this long to come see me
48 Uninterested Desinteresado/a iu-en-ai-en-ti-i-ar-i-es-ti-i-di The press was uninterested in any event
49 Upset Enojado/a iu-pi-es-i-ti Upset by a couple of evictions
50 Worried Preocupado/a dabeliu-ou-ar-ar-ai-i-di Worried if you go too far
51 Apricot Albaricoque ei-pi-ar-ai-ci-ou-ti Apricot trees produce beautiful flowers
52 Avocado Aguacate ei-vi-ou-ci-ei-di-ou Avocado is a fruit
53 Biscuits Galletas bi-ai-es-ci-iu-ai-ti-es He shared his box of biscuits with all his friends
54 Cabbage Repollo ci-ei-bi-bi-ei-yi-i Cabbage water is too good for you
55 Cauliflower Coliflor Cauliflower is healthy, and it looks like clouds
56 Cherries Cerezas ci-eich-i-ar-ar-ai-i-es Cherries are red
57 Eggplant Berengena i-yi-yi-pi-el-ei-en-ti What are you going to do with this eggplant?
58 Garlic Ajo yi-ei-ar-el-ai-ci Garlic is used to improve the taste of food
Grapefruit juice is a harmless, healthy source of
59 Grapefruit Toronja yi-ar-ei-pi-i-ef-ar-iu-ai-ti
vitamin C
60 Green bean Frijol Verde yi-ar-i-i-en / bi-i-ei-en Did you like the Green Bean Salad?
61 Junk food Comida Chatarra jei-iu-en-kei / ef-ou-ou-di The kids have been eating only junk food
Ketchup is the greatest thing that has ever been
62 Ketchup Salsa de Tomate kei-i-ti-ci-eich-iu-pi
63 Margarine Mantequilla em-ei-ar-yi-ei-ar-ai-en-i Margarine is used for frying
Mayonnaise is a classic sauce from the French
64 Mayonnaise Mayonesa em-ei-wai-ou-en-en-ei-ai-es-i
cuisine repertoire
65 Muffin Panecillo em-iu-ef-ef-ai-en What's wrong with Muffin?
66 Mushrooms Hongos em-iu-es-eich-ar-ou-ou-em-es Mushrooms grow under the shade of trees
67 Noodles Fideos en-ou-ou-di-el-i-es Noodles are usually made from wheat
Parsley is considered the world's most popular
68 Parsley Perejil pi-ei-ar-es-el-i-wai
69 Raspberries Frambuesas ar-ei-es-pi-bi-i-ar-ar-ai-i-es Raspberries are very expensive
70 Sausages Salchichas es-ei-iu-es-ei-yi-i-es Sausages dominate Europe's processed meat industry
71 Skim milk es-kei-ai-em / em-ai-el-kei I'll have skim milk
Comida ti-ei-kei-i-ei-dabeliu-ei-wai / we decided to offer our employees'
72 Takeaway food
Porcionada ef ou-ou-di families takeaway food
73 Tangerine Mandarina ti-ei-en-yi-iar-ai-en i Very friendly place among the Tangerine trees.
74 Vegetables Vegetales vi-i-ti-ei-bi-el-i-es Vegetables grown for their roots, bulbs or tubers
dabeliu-ei-ti-i-ar-em-i-el-ou- Watermelon–which is also a good source of
75 Watermelon Sandía
en lycopene.
76 Bag Bolsa bi-ei-yi And all he had was a bag of flour
77 Bake Hornear bi-ei-key-i My mom used to bake all the time
78 Beat Batir bi-i-ei-ti Now, beat the ingredients until they form a batter
79 Boil Hervir bi-ou-ai-el Fill a large pan with water and let it boil
80 Broil Asar be-ar-ou-ai-el Wait until broil and look golden brown
81 Can Lata ci-ei-en There are about 140 calories in one can of soda
I don't like it when you drink milk straight from the
82 Carton Caja de cartón ci-ei-ar-ti-ou-en
83 Chop Cortar ci-eich-ou-pi We need to chop celery for the stuffing
84 Dessert Postre di-i-es-es-i-ar-ti Would you like dessert, or just coffee?
85 Dried fruit Uva Pasa di-ar-ai-i-di / ef-ar-iu-ai-ti I like to add dried fruit and citrus to my salads
86 Grate Rallar yi-ar-ei-ti-i Grate a little chocolate over the top of the cake
87 Healthy Sano-Saludable eich-i-ei-el-ti-eich-wai We have a main dish every day that is very healthy
88 Liter Litro el-ai-ti-i-ar I try to drink two liters of water a day
89 Loaf Pan de Molde el-ou-ei-ef A loaf of bread, a couple of fish
90 Ounce Onza ou-iu-en-ci-i Look a little light to be an ounce
The package I mailed you should arrive before your
91 Package Paquete pi-ei-ci-kei-ei-yi-i
92 Peel Cascara - Pelar pi-i-i-el I don't like to eat the apple peel
93 Pour Verter pi-ou-iu-ar Pour the milk into the saucepan
94 Recipe Receta ar-i-ci-ai-pi-i With this recipe you will obtain 2 cups of salsa
95 Saute Saltear es-ei-iu-ti-i In another saucepan, saute garlic in butter
Hervir a fuego
96 Simmer es-ai-em-em-i-ar Reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes
97 Six-pack Paquete de seis es-ai-exs / pi-ei-ci-kei Listen, run to the store and pick me up a six-pack
98 Slice Rebanada es-el-ai-ci-i I gave her a slice of my pizza one day
99 Steam Cocer al Vapor es-ti-i-ei-em Add snap peas, and steam 2 to 3 minutes more
100 Stick Pegar es-ti-ai-ci-kei Lentils stick to the pot if it is too hot
101 Ankle Tobillo ei-en-kei-el-i Troy had a broken ankle
102 Bones Huesos bi-ou-en-i-es He broke one of the bones in his leg
103 Breast Pecho bi-ar-i-ei-es-ti And in his breast beats the heart of a lion
104 Cheek Mejilla ci-eich-i-i-kei Okay, you can give me a kiss on the cheek
105 Elbow Codo i-el-bi-ou-dabeliu Maybe he was propped up by his heel and elbow
106 Eyebrow Cejas i-wai-i-bi-ar-ou-dabeliu The best solution is an eyebrow lift
107 Eyelashes Pestañas i-wai-i-el-ei-es-eich-i-es Eyelashes may fall out as well
108 Eyelid Párpado i-wai-i-el-ai-di Cotton swabs should only be used on the eyelid
109 Fingernail Uña ef-ai-en-yi-i-ar-en-ei-ai-el She puts her fingernail between her teeth
Samuel leaned down and kissed his daughter on
110 Forehead Frente ef-ou-ar-i-eich-i-ei-di
the forehead
111 Gums Encía yi-iu-em-es Brush your teeth and gums after every meal
112 Heart Corazón eich-i-ei-ar-ti And now my heart is filled with a different pain
113 Kidneys Riñón kei-ai-di-en-i-wai-es The kidneys help filter the iodine out of the body
114 Knee Rodilla kei-en-i-i Knee sprains are graded according to their severit
115 Knuckle Nudillo kei-en-iu-ci-kei-el-i I'll take a shamrock on my knuckle
116 Liver Hígado el-ai-vi-i-ar It's said that aperitifs are bad for the Liver
The term pneumonia refers to an inflammation of
117 Lungs Pulmones el-iu-en-yi-es
the lungs
There is no specific treatment to correct
118 Nerve Nervio en-i-ar-vi-i
the nerve injury
119 Shoulder Hombro es-eich-ou-iu-el-di-i-ar Has a tattoo in his Shoulder
120 Skin Piel es-kei-ai-en Helps improve the health of nails, skin and hair
121 Thigh Muslo ti-eich-ai-yi eich It wasn't easy with a bullet in my thigh
122 Throat Garganta ti-eich-ou-ei-ti She got a piece of bread stuck in her throat
123 Toenail Uña del Pie ti-ou-i-en-ei-ai-el What is an ingrown toenail?
124 Waist Cintura dabeliu-ei-ai-es-ti Now, you're going to put the rope around his waist
125 Wrist La Muñeca dabelui-ar-ai-es-ti The scar on the Wrist
126 Answer Responder ei-en-es-dabeliu-i-ar Well, in this case the answer is not so easy
127 Begin Empezar bi-i-yi-ai-en Do not begin a phrase or paragraph with a numeral
128 Bought Comprar bi-ou-iu-yi-ti-eich Bought me a house and a cabin in Hawaii
129 Break Descansar bi-ar-i-ei-kei If you are driving and feel sleepy, take a break
130 Bring Traer bi-ar-ai-en-yi Yeah, it was a mistake to bring my daughter here
131 Catch Agarrar ci-ei-ti-ci-eich We've got the rest of our lives to catch a fish.
In many cases, patients can choose which kind they
132 Choose Escoger ci-eich-ou-ou-es-i
Cough is a very common discomfort especially when
133 Cough Toser ci-ou-iu-yi-eich
seasons change.
Describe the qualities you want in your ideal
134 Describe Describir di-i-es-ci-ar-ai-bi-i
Draw or write about something that happened at
135 Draw Dibujar di-ar-ei-dabeliu
136 Feel Sentir ef-i-i-el Andy, I feel like a tourist in my own city.
137 Follow Seguir ef-ou-el-el-dabeliu Follow the link to the page to locate the pattern.
138 Give Dar yi-ai-vi-i We have gathered to give a verdict in this case.
139 Grow Crecer yi-ar-ou-dabeliu Grow a pair for once in your life!
140 Have Tener eich-ei-vi-i With this mirror, he could have been reading my lips.
Hear the message of joy and freedom of the
141 Hear Oír eich-i-ei-ar
Know the world where you can create your own
142 Know Saber kei-en-ou-dabeliu
143 Meet Conocer em-i-i-ti Meet our new line of products for physical beauty.
144 Obey Obedecer ou-bi-i-wai Obey both the intent and the letter of the law.
145 Organize Organizar ou-ar-yi-ei-en-ai-zi-i Organize different kinds of leafs, one after the other.
146 See Ver es-i-i See everything that is included in the central index
You know, whenever I'm gonna Sneeze, I look up at
147 Sneeze Estornudar es-en-i-i-zi-i
a light.
Speak of what we should expect in the next few
148 Speak Hablar es-pi-i-ai-kei
Supervise your products manufacturing process and
149 Supervise Supervisar es-iu-pi-i-ar-vi-es-i
The waves can be dangerous here, so swim with
150 Swim Nadar es-dabeliu-ai-em
151 Swing Balancear es-dabeliu-ai-en-yi You must be the King of the Swing.
152 Take Tomar ti-ei-kei-i Take a moment to consider the cycles in your life.
Teach the individual to assess and choose the best
153 Teach Enseñar ti-i-ei-ci-eich
154 Throw Tirar ti-eich-ar-ou-dabeliu Throw your hat and coat on that chair.
155 Understand Entender iu-en-di-i-ar-es-ti-ei-en-di Understand also that a part of you is immortal.
Underline that terrorism constitutes continuous
156 Underline Subrayar iu-en-di-iar-el-ai-en-i
157 Wake Despertar dabeliu-ei-kei-i Wake up to a breakfast of your choice.
158 Wheeze Resollar babeliu-eich-i-i-zi-i Wheeze of the week, mate.
159 Withdraw Retirar Withdraw the needle and start again at a new site.
160 Write Escribir dabeliu-ar-ai-ti-i Write a line of code that will print your name.

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