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Drum Level Measurement

Dr. Teerawat Thepmanee

Automation Engineering, KMITL
What is boiler ?

Drum level measurement 2

What is boiler ?
What is a boiler ?
When water is heated in a boiler, it begins to absorb energy.
Depending on the pressure in the boiler, the water will
evaporate at a certain temperature to form steam. The steam
contains a large quantity of stored energy which will eventually
be transferred to the process or the space to be heated

Steam turbine Heat exchanger

Drum level measurement 3
Types of boilers

Package boiler
(Fire tube)

Utility boiler(water wall tube)

Drum level measurement 4
Boiler drum

Drum level measurement 5

Drum level measurement 6
Application overview
• Steam Drum Level is both a critical and difficult measurement
to make. Control of the water level in the drum must be
• A water level that is too high can result in water carryover into
the steam piping. A level that is too low can expose the
generating tubes (down comers), preventing the water in the
drum from cooling the furnace tubes, possibly damaging them.
• Several factors make this measurement difficult to obtain. The
steam drum itself may not be perfectly level, and even at steady
state conditions, considerable turbulence in the drum can
cause the level to fluctuate.
• In addition, a changing rate of water inflow and steam outflow
adds to the potential for measurement error.
Drum level measurement 7
Application overview
• Measurement of boiler steam drum level using a differential
pressure transmitter must take into account certain physical
properties of the fluid.
– The Steam drum contains a two-phase mixture of water and steam at
saturation conditions.
– The densities of water and steam vary with saturation temperature or
– The density of saturated steam above water must be considered, as well
as the density of saturated water in the drum.
• This technical note offers a method for calibrating transmitters
that takes into account these factors.

Drum level measurement 8

Water Property

ρ =62.42 lbm/ft3 320F 0.01602 ft3

1 lbm
Pressure (constant)
1 lbm
0.01602 ft3 HEAT
= 62.42 lbm/ft3

Drum level measurement 9

Water Property

ρ =61.73 lbm/ft3 1200F 0.01620 ft3

1 lbm
Pressure (constant)
1 lbm
0.01620 ft3 HEAT
= 61.73 lbm/ft3

Drum level measurement 10

Water Property

ρ =59.81 lbm/ft3 2120F 0.01672 ft3

ρ =61.73 lbm/ft3 1200F 0.01620 ft3

ρ =62.42 lbm/ft3 320F 0.01602 ft3
1 lbm
Pressure (constant)

ρ= 1 lbm
0.01672 ft3 HEAT

= 59.81 lbm/ft3

Drum level measurement 11

Saturated Water

Boiling point 2120F 0.01672 ft3


No bubble
1 lbm


Drum level measurement 12

Saturated Water

Water and
Steam bubble

swell 2120F
Boiling 2120F 0.01672 ft3
1 lbm
Pressure is increased

Drum level measurement 13

Saturated Water
Water and
Steam bubble

more swell

2120F 0.01672 ft3

1 lbm
Pressure is increased

Drum level measurement 14

Saturated Water
Water and
Steam bubble

2120F 0.01672 ft3

1 lbm

Drum level measurement 15

Drum level measurement
Condensing pot
Saturated Steam ρS + 300

0 H
ρWD h
Saturated water - 300


Drum level measurement 16

Drum level measurement
Define process variable Define process variable
• ρS = steam density • Pd = Static pressure in the
• ρWD = drum water density steam drum at the top tap
• ρW = water density • H = Distance between the
• g = gravity high and low drum taps
• PH = Static pressure at the • h = Drum water level
high side of the transmitter (measured from the bottom
• PL = Static pressure at the
low side of the transmitter • V =Vertical distance from
the bottom tap to the

Drum level measurement 17

Drum level measurement
PH = ρw.g.V + ρWD.g.h + ρS.g.(H-h) + Pd
PL = ρw.g.V + ρW.g.H + Pd
∆P = ρw.g.V + ρWD.g.h + ρS.g.(H-h) + Pd - ρw.g.V - ρW.g.H - Pd
∆P = ρWD.g.h + ρS.g.H - ρS.g.h - ρW.g.H
∆P = ρWD.g.h - ρS.g.h - ρW.g.H + ρS.g.H
∆P = g.h(ρWD- ρS) - g.H(ρW - ρS)

Drum level measurement 18

Ex. Drum level measurement
Ex. operating condition 100 °C at pressure 14.696 Psia
Determine hmin and hmax (±300 mm)
From steam table ρWD= 958.098 , ρS= 0.598, ρW(43 °C ) = 990.628
Level max.(100 %) h = H = 0.6 m

∆P(100%)= PH – PL
= g.h(ρWD – ρS) – g.H(ρW – ρS)
= 9.807×0.6×(958.098–0.598)–9.807×0.6×(990.628–
= 5633.93 – 5825.33
= – 191.40 Pa

Drum level measurement 19

Ex. Drum level measurement
Ex operating condition 100 °C at pressure 14.696 Psia
Level min.(0 %) h = 0 m, H = 0.6 m

∆P(0%) = PH – PL
= g.h(ρWD – ρS) – g.H(ρW – ρS)
= 0 – 9.807 ×0.6 × (990.628 – 0.598)
= 0 – 5825.33
= – 5825.33 Pa

Drum level measurement 20

Calibration range
% Level (m) D/P (Pa) Signal (mA)

100 0.6 -191.40 20

0 0 -5825.33 4

• Finally, check the zero elevation and span against the

transmitter specifications to ensure the selected transmitter
can be calibrated to the required values.

Drum level measurement 21

Calibration range
Level DBR Range PH PL DP O/P Controller
% (m) (m) (Pa) (Pa) (Pa) (mA) (m)

100 0.60 0.30 5633.93 5825.33 -191.40 20.000 0.600

75 0.45 0.15 4225.44 5825.33 -1599.88 16.000 0.450

50 0.30 0.00 2816.96 5825.33 -3008.36 12.000 0.300

25 0.15 -0.15 1408.48 5825.33 -4416.85 8.000 0.150

0 0.00 -0.30 0.00 5825.33 -5825.33 4.000 0.000

Drum level measurement 22

Normalization Unit
Percent (0 - 100%) to level(0 – 0.6 m)
At 50 %, what is Level ?
sensitivity = span output / span input
= 0.6/100
= 0.006 m / %
At 50 %
level = 0.006 × 50
= 0.3 m

Drum level measurement 23

Normalization Unit
Level 0 – 0.6 m to DP (- 5825.33 – (-191.40))
At 0.3 m, What is differential pressure ?
sensitivity = span output / span input
= (-191.40 – (- 5825.33)) / (0.6 – 0)
= 9389.88 Pa/m
At 0.3 m
∆P = 9389.88 ×(0.3-0) + (- 5825.33)
= - 3008.36 Pa

Drum level measurement 24

Normalization Unit
DP (-191.40 – (- 5825.33)) to Signal (4-20 mA)
At (- 3008.36 Pa), What is Signal ?
sensitivity = span output / span input
= (20-4) / (-191.40 – (- 5825.33))
= 2.84 ×10-3 mA/Pa
At (- 3008.36 Pa)
signal = 2.84 ×10-3 × (- 3008.36 - (- 5825.33)) + (4)
= 12 mA

Drum level measurement 25

Level Transmitter
Transmitter Signal 12 mA ,What is water in drum level ?
sensitivity = span output / span input
= (20-4) / (0.6 – 0)
= 26.67 mA/m
At 12 mA
controller = [(12-4)/26.67] + (0)
= 0.3 m

Drum level measurement 26

Level & DP




-191.40 Level
0% 25% 50% 75% 100 %
0 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.6 m

Drum level measurement 27

DP Transmitter signal
Level (m) mA %
0.60 20 100%

0.45 16 75%

0.30 12 50%

0.15 8 25%
0.0 4 0% ∆P (Pa)
0% 25% 50% 75% 100 %
-5825.33 -3008.36 -191.40
-4416.85 -1599.88

Drum level measurement 28

Drum level measurement
At Operating condition 353 °C at pressure 2498.1 Psia
Level min.(50 %) h = 0.3 m, H = 0.6 m
∆P(50%)= PH – PL
= g.h(ρWD – ρS) – g.H(ρW – ρS)
= 9.807×0.3×(560.478 – 122.4)– 9.807×0.3 ×(990.628 – 122.4)
= 1288.82 – 5108.65
= – 3819.83 Pa

Drum level measurement 29

Drum level measurement

100% 100%

50% 50%

0% 0%

Operating condition Operating condition
Temp = 100 °C Temp = 353 °C
Pressure = 14.696 Psia Pressure = 2498.1 Psia
P = - 3008.36 Pa P = - 3819.83 Pa
Signal = 12 mA Signal = ???? mA

Drum level measurement 30

Normalization Unit
DP (-191.40 – (- 5825.33)) to Signal (4-20 mA)
At (- 3819.83 Pa), What is Signal ?
sensitivity = span output / span input
= (20-4) / (-191.40 – (- 5825.33))
= 2.84 ×10-3 mA/Pa
At (- 3819.83 Pa)
Signal = 2.84 ×10-3 × (- 3819.83 - (- 5825.33)) + (4)
= 9.69 mA

Drum level measurement 31

Level Transmitter
At Transmitter Signal 9.69 mA ,What is water in drum level ?
Sensitivity = span output / span input
= (20-4) / (0.6 – 0)
= 26.67 mA/m
At 12 mA
Controller = (9.69-4)/26.67 + (0)
= 0.214 m

Drum level measurement 32

Drum level measurement
Condition % Level DP Signal Controller
(m) (Pa) (mA) (m)
100 °C 50 0.3 - 3008.36 12 0.3
14.696 Psia
353 °C 50 0.3 - 3819.83 9.69 0.214
2498.1 Psia

• Error = 0.214 - 0.3 = - 0.086 m

• Water Level at 35% from 50 % or reduce 15%

Drum level measurement 33

DP Transmitter signal
Level (m) mA %
0.60 20 100%

0.45 16 75%

0.30 12 50%
0.214 9.69
0.15 8 25%
0.0 4 0% ∆P (Pa)
0% 25% 50% 75% 100 %
-5825.33 -3008.36 -191.40


Drum level measurement 34

Drum level measurement
Ex Operating condition 353 °C at pressure 2498.1 Psia
Determine hmin and hmax (±300 mm)
From steam table ρWD= 560.478 , ρS= 122.400, ρW(43 °C ) =
Level max.(100 %) h = H = 0.6 m
∆P = PH – PL
= g.h(ρWD – ρS) – g.H(ρW – ρS)
= 9.807×0.6×(560.478 – 122.4)–9.807×0.6×(990.628 – 122.4)
= 2577.65 – 5108.65
= – 2531 Pa

Drum level measurement 35

Drum level measurement
Ex Operating condition 353 °C at pressure 2498.1 Psia
Level min.(0 %) h = 0 m, H = 0.6 m
∆P = PH – PL
= g.h(ρWD – ρS) – g.H(ρW – ρS)
= 0 – 9.807 ×0.6 × (990.628 – 122.4)
= 0 – 5108.65
= – 5108.65 Pa

Drum level measurement 36

Calibration range

Level DBR range PH PL DP Output Controller

% (m) (m) (Pa) (Pa) (Pa) (mA) (m)

100 0.60 0.30 2577.65 5108.65 -2531.00 13.356 0.351

75 0.45 0.15 1933.23 5108.65 -3175.41 11.526 0.282

50 0.30 0.00 1288.82 5108.65 -3819.82 9.696 0.214

25 0.15 -0.15 644.41 5108.65 -4464.23 7.865 0.145

0 0.00 -0.30 0.00 5108.65 -5108.65 6.035 0.076

Drum level measurement 37

Density compensate
From differential pressure formula

∆P = g.h(ρWD- ρS) - g.H(ρW - ρS)

Liquid level in boiler drum

∆P + gH(ρw-ρs)

Drum level measurement 38

Density compensate
Controller or DCS Card

4-20mA to steam table (ρWD,ρS)

4-20mA to ∆P

ρWD signal

∆P + gH(ρw-ρs)

Drum level measurement 39

Condensing pot
Saturated Steam ρS
0 H
ρWD h
Saturated water
What is calibration range of D/P transmitter
at operating condition 200 °C and wet leg V
temperature 43.333 °C
H = 1000 mm
h = 700mm
V = 150 mm PH PL

Drum level measurement 40

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