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16 'A' and 'An'

Here are the

letters of the alphabet

w Y z
Some of the letters
have been printed in colour.
6) Write the letters
printed in colourhere:

These five letters are

called vowels.
Look at the words given
eye boat orange apple horse ice
mango onion flower umbrella tree bag

Write the words beginning with vowels—a, e, i, o, u—in the

box marked
I. Write the words that do not begin with vowels in the box marked

@ Co,nplete
the naming
words below
the pictures byfilling in the blanks

b ... 11

p Il ...vv
ch sh .

b ... sk t g... r... ff.

Look at these words:
pen boy egg cat owl

We say: a pen a boy an egg a cat an owl

We use an before a word which begins with a vowel.
I leve sotne exatnples•
hat a table a iriend
an ant an oar an ice creato
We sav or svrtte: aptant because it begins svith 11
egg it begins svith e
an ice creatu because it begins svith i
an onion because it begins with o
an utubrella because it begins with u
Fill in each blank u'ith a or an:
15. . umbrella
1. dog s. calf
2 16. bell
apple 9. . cow
3. ball 10. elbow
4. 18. aunt
. orange 11. elf
banana 19. uncle
5. . ear 12.
cake 20. sister
6. goat 13.
7. egg 21. boat
onion 14.

Fill in the blanks with a or an:

1. Harry has owl called Hedwig.
2. Mother put sandwich and apple in my lunch box.
3. Rana feeds ........... stray dog and cat every morning.
4. When Hema was in Africa, she saw elephant and zebra.
5. It was raining, so Niti carried umbrella to school.
6. Zoya has orange raincoat and Rick has grey one.
7. The monkey sat on tree and ate banana.
8. Laila had oatmeal cookie and cake.
9. Tom likes egg and milk for breakfast.
10. ..lh. emu is a very large bird.

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