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NSB Utilization Proforma

Name of School: GPS MUHAMMAD WALA SYEDWALA EMIS Code: 35610354

Name of Head Teacher: AHMAD ALI Cell No: 03014375414
Name of Markaz: SYEDWALA Tehsil: NANKANA SAHIB
NSB Balance: 76593 FTF Balance:

Sr. No. Name of Item 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Total

1 Missing Facilites
2 White Wash / Paint 45990 25000 70990
3 Electricity Bills 8091 25939 34030
4 Telephon Bills
5 Pana Flex 1500 1500
Electric Equipment LED,
Bulb, Fans etc. 28750 12500 12000 53250
7 Plantation 2810 1500 1000 5310
8 Security Measures
9 Furniture Repair 7500 34000 41500
10 Furniture 14000 14000
11 Repair of Buildings 30000 6000 36000
12 Stationary Officer 771 366 1137
13 Stationary Students 1000 500 1500
14 Prizes to Students
15 General Repair 8500 8500
Pay to sporting staff
Sweeper Care Giver 15950 18000 24000 57950
Distribution of Uniform
Equipment of Computer
Equipment of Science
20 Sports Equipments
21 Cleanliness Meterial
22 TA / DA

23 General Equipment new

machinary Speaker etc. 19000 29000 48000

24 Decoration of Building
with Flage on 14 August
25 Others
G. Total 150000 118362 105305 373667

Signature & Stamp of Head Teacher

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