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java supermarket shopping management system

I. overview

1. Peng GE has written java project supermarket management system project in front of him, Portal

2. received many friends' personal letters to me, and I also appreciated the feedback and
communication from the old fellow. The previous project was just a basic knowledge and object-
oriented thinking exercise for java, but it didn't involve how java manipulate the database, how to get
data out of the database through java, and save these problems. For java novices, they don't know
where to start. There are a lot of new java novices suggest that I write a practical project of java
operation database for the reference of the entrants. I think if I can help them spend less time out of the
pit, why not? Peng Ge took the exam for a day, sorted out his ideas, and today took the time to write a
supermarket shopping management system..... go go go

3. Knowledge involved in the supermarket shopping management system: java basic syntax, java object-
oriented development ideas, how Java operates the database, knowledge of collection

4. Suitable for java beginners, do not know how Java operates the database

5. Basically all codes will be annotated for easy reading

6. Because it is a practical project of java operating database, it will not explain the knowledge of java
environment construction, database installation and sql syntax in detail. Too much. I can't finish it in a
week... Or I can go to pengge station java 1 View related articles. So before you start, you should install
the java development environment, the database

7. The development tool eclipse; jdk is 1.8; the database uses mysql5.5 (of course, the SQL Server
database is OK)
8. source code acquisition: I will paste out the core code, all code attention will be given to Peng Peng
public number java actual combat project.

II. Effect demonstration

=================Welcome to the supermarket shopping management system=================

1. Goods warehousing

2. Query commodities according to commodity number

3. Commodity list

4. Purchase of goods

5. Delete goods

6. Update goods

0. Exit the system

Please enter the action to be performed

No. Name unit price quantity

1234 Apple 12.0 35

1235 clothes 123.0 0

1236 basketball 200.0 20

Enter y to continue / otherwise exit

1. Goods warehousing

2. Query commodities according to commodity number

3. Commodity list

4. Purchase of goods

5. Delete goods
0. Exit the system

Please enter the action to be performed

Enter the purchase item number


Enter quantity of goods purchased

This product inventory 0 cannot be purchased;

Enter y to continue purchasing / enter other settlement

Enter the purchase item number


Enter quantity of goods purchased

Purchase success

Enter y to continue purchasing / enter other settlement


No.? Name? Quantity? Total price

1234 Apple 2 24.0

Total consumption: 24.0 yuan

Enter y to continue / otherwise exit

1. Goods warehousing

2. Query commodities according to commodity number

3. Commodity list
4. Purchase of goods

5. Delete goods

0. Exit the system

Please enter the action to be performed

Enter item number to delete


There is no such product

Enter y to continue / otherwise exit

1. Goods warehousing

2. Query commodities according to commodity number

3. Commodity list

4. Purchase of goods

5. Delete goods

0. Exit the system

Please enter the action to be performed

No. Name unit price quantity

1234 Apple 12.0 33

1235 clothes 123.0 0

1236 basketball 200.0 20

Enter y to continue / otherwise exit

1. Goods warehousing
2. Query commodities according to commodity number

3. Commodity list

4. Purchase of goods

5. Delete goods

0. Exit the system

Please enter the action to be performed

Enter the purchase item number


Enter quantity of goods purchased

Purchase success

Enter y to continue purchasing / enter other settlement

Enter the purchase item number


Enter quantity of goods purchased

Purchase success

Enter y to continue purchasing / enter other settlement

No.? Name? Quantity? Total price

1234 Apple 4 48.0

Total consumption: 48.0 yuan

Enter y to continue / otherwise exit

III. create project

Create a ShopManager project in eclipse

Next, we introduce the database driven jar package, which can be downloaded from the official website
or can be obtained from my public address java reply jdbc.

What does java have to do with this database driver? The simple understanding is that this database
driver is the bridge between Java and database, which is used for communication between them.

Create a folder for lib

Copy our prepared driver to this lib

Right click on this driver to execute

Last complete structure

It's very important, very important, very important to create the project structure. These are the things
that we should pay attention to in development. For these small projects, we can put all the code classes
under src. But later, the project is getting larger and larger. There are hundreds of all classes in src.
Without subcontracting, other developers of the project can see how much damage the code bears.

This system is relatively simple. The following four packages can be used. The app package is used to put
the main entry class of the system, the entity class involved in the pojo system, the service system
business, the tool class in the utils system, and the test temporary test class

4. Connect to the database

Because the system will involve multiple access to the data in the database, we will write a tool class
DbUtil for the operation of connecting the database, and do not write repeated connection codes every
time it involves the operation of the database.


import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.DriverManager;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.sql.Statement;


* @date 2019-12-9

* @Description Connection database tool class

* @author


public class DbUtil {

//Several strings used to connect to the database are defined as constants, which need not be
created every time

private static final String USER = "root";//Database user name

private static final String UPWD = "root";//Database password

//Local database shop

private static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shop";


private static final String DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";

//Registration driven

static {

try {


} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {


//Get the function of database Connection object Connection

public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {

return DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, UPWD);

//Close connected and executed open resources

public static void close(Connection connection, Statement statement) {

if (statement != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {


if (connection != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {


//Close all open resources

public static void close(Connection connection, Statement statement, ResultSet rs) {

if (statement != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {


if (connection != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {


if (rs != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {



import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.SQLException;



* @date 2019-12-9

* @Description Test database connection class

* @author


public class DbUtilTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();


The database connection is successful as follows

V: create entity class


* @date 2019-12-9

* @Description Commodity entity

* @author


public class Good {

//Commodity number

private int id;

//Trade name

private String name;

//Commodity price (the price may involve a small number, and float is used here. Of course, the
real large shopping platform will not use float, and interested friends can learn about it online)

private float price;


private int num;

//Empty parameter structure

public Good() {


//Printing method


public String toString() {

return "Good [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", price=" + price + ", num=" + num + "]";

//Parametric construction, easy to initialize objects

public Good(int id, String name, float price, int num) {

super(); = id; = name;

this.price = price;

this.num = num;

//set get method

public int getId() {

return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public String getName() {

return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public float getPrice() {

return price;

public void setPrice(float price) {

this.price = price;

public int getNum() {

return num;

public void setNum(int num) {

this.num = num;

Six: Database

Create a database shop locally and create a table T "good"

CREATE TABLE `t_good` (

`id` int(5) NOT NULL,

`name` varchar(25) NOT NULL,

`price` float(10,2) NOT NULL,

`num` int(5) NOT NULL,



VII. Core business


import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;




* @date 2019-12-9

* @Description System main interface

* @author


public class ShopView {

//Get keyboard input object

Scanner input = new Scanner(;


* System operation method


public void ShopStart() {

System.out.println("=================Welcome to the supermarket shopping

management system=================");

//Flag quantity whether to continue, default is

String isGo="y";


//Call the function shown in the menu


System.out.println("Please enter the action to be performed");

//Accept the input from the keyboard. Use String here to process the
number and character input at one time. It is not recommended to use int type numbers

String select;

//Execute the corresponding method according to the input selection

switch (select) {

//Execute goods warehousing method

case "1":



//Execute commodity query method

case "2":

System.out.println("Enter the item number to query");

int goodId = input.nextInt();

//Call the method to query the product,

Good good = searchGoodById(goodId);



System.out.println("Commodity number:"+goodId+"
Trade name:"+good.getName()

+" commodity price:"+good.getPrice()+" Quantity of



System.out.println("This product does not exist");


//Execute product list method

case "3":


//Execute commodity purchase method

case "4":



//Execute commodity purchase method

case "5":

System.out.println("Enter item number to delete");

int id = input.nextInt();

//Call the method to query the product,




System.out.println("There is no such product");


case "6":



//Exit system

case "0":

System.out.println("*************Welcome to the next use


//Termination procedure


System.err.println("Wrong input, please input again!");


System.out.println("input y Continue/Otherwise quit");

isGo =;


System.out.println("*************Welcome to the next use bye!*************");


* Update product action

* 1.First query whether the current product inventory to be updated does not exist

* 2.If there is an update, there is no prompt


private void updateGood() {

System.out.println("Enter the item to modify id");

int gid = input.nextInt();

Good good = searchGoodById(gid);

System.out.println("The product information is as follows");


System.out.println("Commodity number:"+gid+" Trade name:"+good.getName()

+" commodity price:"+good.getPrice()+" Quantity of


System.out.println("Modify product name");

String name =;

System.out.println("Modify commodity unit price");

float price = input.nextFloat();

System.out.println("Modify commodity inventory");

int num = input.nextInt();

String sql="update t_good set name=?,price=?,num=? where id=? ";

try {

//Create an object to operate the database

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();

//Create an execution object PreparedStatement to execute sql

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);

//Set values for placeholders

pst.setString(1, name);

pst.setFloat(2, price);

pst.setInt(3, num);

pst.setInt(4, gid);

//execute() returns true if it is a query or false if it is an update or insert


System.out.println("Update success");

//Close connection

DbUtil.close(con, pst);

} catch (Exception e) {


System.out.println("Update exception"+e.getMessage());

System.out.println("This product does not exist");

//Method for displaying system interface menu

private void showMenu() {

System.out.println("1.Goods warehousing");

System.out.println("2.Query products according to product number");

System.out.println("3.List of commodities");

System.out.println("4.Purchase goods");

System.out.println("5.Delete merchandise");

System.out.println("6.Update commodity");

System.out.println("0.Exit system");


* Delete merchandise

* 1.First of all, we have to judge the existence of the commodity

* 2.Delete according to item id


private void deleteGood(int id) {

String sql = "delete from t_good where id=?";

try {

//Create an object to operate the database

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();

//Create an execution object PreparedStatement to execute sql

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);

//Set values for placeholders

pst.setInt(1, id);

//execute() returns true if it is a query or false if it is an update or insert


System.out.println("Delete successful");

//Close connection

DbUtil.close(con, pst);

} catch (Exception e) {


System.out.println("Delete exception"+e.getMessage());


* Goods warehousing

* Here we only deal with the logic that the number cannot be repeated,

* As for whether the input number is a number, there is no judgment here. Interested friends
can try it


private void insertGood(){

//Commodity number

int id=0;

System.out.println("Enter item number");


id= input.nextInt();
//Judge whether the number entered is duplicate or not, and re-enter it



System.err.println("Duplicate number, please re-enter product number");

System.out.println("Enter product name");

String name =;

System.out.println("Enter unit price of goods");

float price = input.nextFloat();

System.out.println("Enter item quantity");

int num = input.nextInt();

//To execute the sql statement, use placeholders here to prevent sql intrusion

String sql = "insert into t_good()values(?,?,?,?)";

try {

//Create an object to operate the database

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();

//Create an execution object PreparedStatement to execute sql

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);

//Set values for placeholders

pst.setInt(1, id);

pst.setString(2, name);

pst.setFloat(3, price);

pst.setInt(4, num);

//Execute sql statement


System.out.println("Warehousing success");

//Close connection

DbUtil.close(con, pst);

} catch (Exception e) {


System.out.println("Abnormal storage"+e.getMessage());

/*Commodity inquiry

* The returned object is a product object. If there is no such product, null will be returned


private Good searchGoodById(int id) {

//Executed sql statement

String sql="select id,name,price,num from t_good where id=?";

try {

//Create an object to operate the database

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();

//Create an object PreparedStatement to execute sql

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);

pst.setInt(1, id);

ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();

if({//As a result, the queried data is encapsulated into a commodity

object through the constructor

Good good = new Good(rs.getInt("id"), rs.getString("name"),

rs.getFloat("price"), rs.getInt("num"));

return good;

//Close connection

DbUtil.close(con, pst);

} catch (SQLException e) {


return null;

//List of commodities

private void getGoodList(){

//Executed sql statement

String sql="select id,name,price,num from t_good";

try {

//Create an object to operate the database

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();

//Create an object PreparedStatement to execute sql

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);

ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();



System.out.println("No goods");


while({//Results, printing
//Through rs.getxxx("yy") method parameter is
the database column name



//Close connection

DbUtil.close(con, pst);

} catch (SQLException e) {


//Purchase goods

public void buyGood() {

//Collection used to store purchased items

ArrayList<Good> goods = new ArrayList<>();

//Do you want to continue to purchase the tag

String flag = "y";


System.out.println("Enter the purchase item number");

int id = input.nextInt();

Good good = searchGoodById(id);


System.out.println("Enter quantity of goods purchased");

int num = input.nextInt();


System.out.println("This product inventory"+good.getNum()+"

Unable to purchase;");



String sql="update t_good set num=? where id=?";

//Create an object to operate the database

Connection con = DbUtil.getConnection();

//Create an object PreparedStatement to execute sql

PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);

pst.setInt(1, good.getNum()-num);//Update stock

pst.setInt(2, id);


//Set goods stored in the purchased goods

Good g = new


for (int i = 0; i < goods.size(); i++) {

the shopping cart has the product quantity plus


}else{//If there is no quantity

plus in the shopping cart



}else{//There is no item in the shopping cart,

add it to the shopping cart


System.out.println("Purchase success");


System.out.println("Purchase failure");

}catch(Exception e){



System.out.println("input y Continue to buy/Enter other settlement");

flag =;





System.out.println("There is no such product");


//Checkout cart

private void account(ArrayList<Good> goods) {

System.out.println("number\t"+"Name\t"+"Number\t"+"Total price");

//lambda expression traverses the collection. Of course, it is ok to use for loop




float sum=0;

for (int i = 0; i < goods.size(); i++) {

//Sum total price

sum += (goods.get(i).getNum())*(goods.get(i).getPrice());

System.out.println("Aggregate consumption:"+sum+"element");


So far, the project has been completed, of course, there are still shortcomings in the project itself, for
example, in accepting the legitimacy judgment of keyboard input. For java operation database, you can
refer to,

I put the source code in the public number java No. 1, I need to mention it.

I hope your program will never be bug free

Tags: Java Database SQL JDBC

Posted on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 21:42:38 -0500 by YappyDog

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