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<Must Do,,Choose Two

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Reading Response
<Must Do,,Choose Two board
Read your text and complete the two Must Do boxes. Choose two other
boxes to complete. Colour the boxes when you have completed the tasks.

Must do
Describe the Describe the most
setting(s) of the important event.
Give at least
story. Can you
three reasons
make any
why you think it is
connections to the most
the setting(s)? important event.

Choose Two
Describe a
Write an email to Thinking about
character that
one of the what you just
you would like to
characters in read, draw the
meet. List 4
this story. What picture that
questions that
would you say to appears in your
you would ask
that character? mind.
the character.

What are two Write a short

emotions the main summary Describe the
character has explaining what central theme
felt? What do you would happen if (meaning /

think made the your book had an message) of your

main character imaginary reading.
feel that way? sequel.
Reading Response
<Must Do,,Choose Two board
Read your text and complete the two Must Do boxes. Choose two other
boxes to complete. Colour the boxes when you have completed the tasks.

Must do
In what ways are
Do you think the
you like one of
title fits the
the characters
book? What
in this story?
could another
Explain your
title be?

Choose Two
How would you If you could step
Write a journal
explain the plot into the book,
entry as if you
of this story to what would be
were a certain
somebody the first thing
character from
interested in you would do?
your reading. Why?
reading it?

Would you be
friends with the List five major Write a short
main character? events in order summary for
Why or why not? from which your book. Make

Support with happened first someone else

evidence from to last. want to read it!
your reading.
Reading Response
<Must Do,,Choose Two board
Read your text and complete the two Must Do boxes. Choose two other
boxes to complete. Colour the boxes when you have completed the tasks.

Must do
What is the
main idea of Summarise the
the text? Give text in your
3 details to own words.
support the
main idea.

Choose Two
What text Write three
features can questions you
When you read
you find in this have after this text, what
passage? reading this did it remind you
Explain the text. How could of?
purpose of each you find the
text feature. answers?

Choose three
Why did the How did the unfamiliar
author write author words from the
this text? What organise the text and use

clues in the ideas in this them in their

text show this? text? own sentences.
Reading Response
<Must Do,,Choose Two board
Read your text and complete the two Must Do boxes. Choose two other
boxes to complete. Colour the boxes when you have completed the tasks.

Must do
Write three What text
questions you features can
have after you find in this
reading this passage?
text. How could Explain the
you find the purpose of each
answers? text feature.

Choose Two
What is the
When you read main idea of Summarise the
this text, what the text? Give text in your
did it remind you 3 details to own words.
of? support the
main idea.

Choose three
unfamiliar Why did the How did the
author write author
words from the
this text? What organise the
text and use

clues in the ideas in this

them in their
text show this? text?
own sentences.

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