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The function is one of the most basic things to understand in C programming. A

function is a self-contained program segment that carries out some specific, well-defined task.
C functions can be classified into two categories, namely, library functions and user-defined
functions. The main distinction between these two categories is that library functions are not
required to be written by user whereas a user-defined function has to be developed by the user
at the time of writing a program.

Main is specially recognized function in C. Every program must have a main

function to indicate where the program has to begin its execution. While it is possible to code
any program utilizing only main function, it leads to a number of problems. The problem may
become too large and complex and as a result the task of debugging, testing, and maintaining
becomes difficult. If a program is divided into functional parts, then each part may be
independently coded and later combined into a single unit. These independently coded
programs are called subprograms that are much easier to understand, debug, and test. In C,
such subprograms are referred to as „Functions‟.

that are .
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In order to make use of a function, there is a need to establish three elements

1. Function declaration.
2. Function definition.
3. Function call.
Function Declaration
All functions in a c program must be declared, before they are invoked. A
function declaration (also known as function prototype) consists of four parts.

 Function type (return type).

 Function name.
 Parameter list.
 Terminating semicolon.
The general format of function declaration is:

Function-type function-name (parameter list) ;

In function declaration:

 The parameter list must be separated by commas.

 The parameter names do not need to be the same in the prototype declaration
and the function definition.
 Use of parameter names in the declaration is optional.

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 If the function has no formal parameters, the list is written as „(void)‟.
 The return type is optional, when the function returns int type data.
 The return type must be void if no value is returned.
Example: int addition (int a , int b) ;

int – function-type

addition – function-name

(int a, int b) _ Parameters (arguments)

A prototype declaration may be placed in two places in a program.

 Above all the functions( including main)

 Inside a function definition.

When we place the declaration above all the functions, the prototype is referred to
as a global prototype. Such declarations are available for all the functions in the program.
When we place it in a function definition (in the local declaration section), the prototype is
called a local prototype. Such declarations are primarily used by the functions containing
Function Definition

. I N
Function definition, also known as function implementation includes the

following elements;

Function name.
Function type.
List of parameters.
 Local variable declaration.
 Function statements; and
 A return statement.

These elements are grouped into two parts, namely, function header and function body.

The general format of function definition is:

function-type function-name (parameter list) /* function header*/

{ Local variable declaration; /*
Executable statement1;
……………………… function body
Executable statement n;
Return statement;
} */

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In which function-type function-name (parameter list) is known as the
function header, and the statements within the opening and closing braces constitute the
function body, which is a compound statement.

function type :- specifies the type of value (data type) that is returned by the function. If
the return type is not explicitly specified, C will assume that it is an
integer type. If the function is not returning anything then specify the
return type as void.
function name :- the function name is any valid C identifier.
List of parameters :-the parameters are called formal parameters, because they represent the
names of data items that are transferred into the function from the
calling portion of the program. They are also known as arguments or
formal arguments. The identifiers used as formal arguments are ‟local‟
in the sense that they are not recognized outside of the function. Hence,
the names of the formal parameters need not be the same as the names of
the actual arguments in the calling portion of the program.
function body :- the function body contains the declarations and statements necessary for
performing the required task. It should include one or more return
statements, in order to return a value to the calling portion of the

E S . I N
program. If a function does not return any value, omit the return

A function may or may not send back any value to the calling function. If
it does, it is done through the return statement. While it is possible to pass to the called function
any number of values, the called function can only return one value per call, at the most. The
return statement can take one of the following forms:

return; /* does not return any value, the control is immediately passed back to the calling
function */
return (expression); /* returns the value of the expression*/
Function Call
A function can be called by simply using the function name followed by a
list of parameters (or arguments), if any, enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. If
the function call does not require any arguments, an empty pair of parentheses must follow the
name of the function. The function call may be a part of a simple expression (such as an
assignment statement), or it may be one of the operands within a more complex expression. The
arguments appearing in the function call are referred to as actual parameters.
The general format of function call is:

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If the function returns a value, the function access is often written as an
assignment statement; .i.e.
variable = function name (actual parameters);
On the other hand, if the function does not return anything, the function call
appears by itself; .i.e.
function name ( actual parameters );

There may be several different calls to the same function from various
places within a program. The actual arguments may differ from one function call to another.
Within each function call, however, the actual arguments must correspond to the formal
arguments in the function definition; i.e., the number of actual arguments must be the same as
the number of formal arguments, and each actual argument must be of the same data type as its
corresponding formal argument.

Write a program to display the sum of two numbers.

int sum( int, int); /* global function declaration */
int a, b, c;
printf(“enter two numbers”);
E S . I N
scanf(“%d %d”, &a, &b);

c= sum(a,b); NOT
printf(“sum of two numbers = %d”, c);
/* function call */

/* function definition*/
int ( int x, int y) /* function header */
{ /*
int result;
result = x + y ; function body
} */
Parameter Passing Methods
The technique used to pass data from one function to another is known as
parameter-passing. In C parameter passing can be done in two ways:

 Pass by value( also known as call by value )

 Pass by address( also known as call by reference )
Pass by Value (Call by Value)

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In pass by value, values of actual parameters are copied to the
variables in the parameter list of the called function (sending value of arguments onto the
function). That is the called function is given the values of its arguments in temporary variables
rather than the originals, therefore any change maid in the variable value will not affect the
original variable.

/* call by value function */

void swap(int x,int y);
int a,b;
printf(“Enter the values:”);
printf(“a=%d b=%d”,a,b);
void swap(int x,int y)
int t;
E S . I N
y=t; KTU NOT
printf(“x=%d y=%d”,x,y);
x=20 y=10
a=10 b=20
Pass by Address (Call by Reference)

In call by reference the address of the original variable is passed, therefore

any change maid in the variable value will also affect the original variable. In this case, the
called function directly works on the data in the calling function and the changed values are
available in the calling function for its use.

/*call by reference function*/

void swap(int *x,int *y);

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int a,b;
printf(“Enter the values:”);
printf(“a=%d b=%d”,a,b);
void swap(int *x,int *y)
int t;
printf(“x=%d y=%d”,*x,*y);
x=20 y=10
a=10 b=20
Categories of Functions

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A function may belong to one of the following categories:

1. Functions with no arguments and no return values or empty parameter list.

2. Functions with arguments and no return values

3. Function with arguments and return values

No Arguments and No Return Values/Empty Parameter List.

An empty parameter list refers to the list with no arguments or parameters. A function
can be defined with empty parameter list.In C an empty parameter list specified by writing
either void or nothing at all in the parenthesis of function definition.A simple format of
declaring empty parameter list is given below:

void display();


void display(void);

In above declaration, display is a function that does not take any arguments and does
not return a value. The following example demonstrates both C ways of declaring and using
functions that do not take arguments.

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/*To demonstrate the way of declaring and using functions with no arguments*/
void text1(); // Function with no argument
void text2(void); // Function with no arguments(void)
void text1()
Printf(“Function text1() takes no arguments\n”);
void text2()
Printf(“Function text2() takes no arguments\n”);

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Function text1() takes no arguments

Function text2() also does not takes no arguments

In above given program,text1 and text2 are the functions with no arguments and
the type of functions is also void so the function does not return any value. The empty
parameter list in function text2 is specified by writing void in the parenthesis. But it‟s meaning
ia same as that of blank space in text1.
Arguments But No Return Values

Let us consider the following program

/*To find largest of two numbers using function*/

#include <stdio.h>
int a,b;
void largest(int,int);
printf(“Enter two numbers”);

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void largest(int a,int b)
printf(“Largest element is :%d”,a);
printf(“Largest element is :%d”,b);

Enter two numbers

Largest element is :13

In the above program we could make the calling function to read data from the
terminal and pay ii on to the called function. But the function does not return any value.
Arguments With Return Values

Let us consider the following program

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/*To find sum of three numbers using functions having arguments with return values*/
#include <stdio.h>

int a,b,c,sum;
int add(int,int,int);
printf(“Enter three numbers”);
add(int x,int y,int z)
int s;


Enter three numbers

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In above given program, the function add receives data from the calling function (three
values a,b,c) through arguments and function, add return a value to sum variable.
Recursion is the mechanism by which a function calls itself; it is a very strong tool in
the hands of programmers. By using recursion complex logic can easily be written. The use of
recursion improves the readability of the program, but the overhead of processor is increased.
Recursive functions can be effectively used to solve problems where solution is
expressed in terms of successively applying the same solution to subsets of the problem. When
we write recursive functions, we must have an if statement somewhere to force the function to
return without the recursive call being executed. Otherwise, the function will never return.
/* recursive function for factorial*/
int fact(int x)
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int f;

return (1);
return (f);
/*recursive function for fibonnaci series*/
int fibonnaci (int x)
if(x<=2) return 1;
return fibonnaci(x-1)+fibonnaci(x-2);

printf("\n fact(10) : %d",fact(10));
printf("\n fibonnaci(10) : %d",fibonnaci(10));

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There are two different ways to characterize variables: by data type,

and by storage class. Data type refers to the type of information represented by a variable, e.g.,
integer number, floating-point number, character, etc. Storage class refers to the performance
of a variable, and its scope within the program, i.e., the portion of the program over which the
variable is recognized. There are four different storage-class specifications in C:

 Automatic variables
 External variables
 Static variables
 Register variables

The variables may also be categorized, depending on the place of their

declaration, as local(internal) or global(external). Local variables are those which are declared
within a particular function, while global variables are declared outside of any function.

Automatic Variables

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Automatic variables are declared inside a function in which they are to be utilized.
They are created when the function is called and destroyed automatically when the function is

exited, hence the name automatic. Automatic variables are therefore private (or local) to the
function in which they are declared. Because of this property, automatic variables are also
referred to as local or internal variables. The general form of the variable declaration statement
that includes the storage specifier is given as follows:

< Storage class specifier > < data type > < variable name > ;


auto char name ;

auto int number ;

A variable declared inside a function without storage class specification is, by

default, an automatic variable.

External variables

Variables that are both alive and active throughout the entire program are known as
external variables. They are also known as global variables. Unlike local variables, global
variables can be accessed by any function in the program. External variables are declared
outside a function.


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int number; /* global

int count=50; variables
float length =5.5; */
count=10; /* take the value of count=10*/
int count=0; /* take the value of count=0*/

/* print count=50*/
. I N
The variables number and length are available for use in all the
three functions. In case of a local variable and a global variable have the same name, the
local variable will have precedence over the global one in the function where it is
Static variables

The value of static variables persists until the end of the program. A
variable can be declared static using the keyword static.
static int x;
static float y;
A static variable may be either an internal type or an external type depending on the
place of declaration.

Internal static variables are those which are declared inside a function.
The scopes of these variables extend up to the end of the function in which they are
defined. Therefore internal static variables are similar to auto variables, except that they


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remain in existence (alive) throughout the remainder of the program. Therefore, internal
static variables can be used to retain values between function calls.
An external static variable is declared outside of all functions and is
available to all the functions in that program. The difference between a static external
variable and a simple external variable is that the static external variable is available
only within the file where it is defined while the simple external variable can be
accessed by other files.


main ()
int i;
for (i=1; i<=3;i++)
Function1 ();
Function1 ()
static int x=0; /* take the value of x=0*/

E S . I N
printf (“%d”, x);

x=1 x=2 x=3

In this program during the first call to function1, x is incremented to 1.

Because x is static, this value persists and therefore, the next call adds another 1 to x
giving it a value of 2. The value of x becomes three when the third call is made.
A static variable is initialized only once, when the program is
compiled. It is never initialized again.
Register variables

Registers are special storage areas within the computer‟s central

processing unit. In C, the values of register variables are stored within the registers of
the CPU. A variable can be assigned this storage class by preceding the type declaration
with the keyword register. Usually only integer variables are assigned the register
storage class.


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register int a,b,c;

This declaration specifies that the variables a, b and c will be integer

variables with storage class register. Hence, the values of a, b and c will be stored within
the registers of the computer‟s central processing unit rather than in memory, provided
the register space is available. If the register space is not available, then the variables
will be treated as integer variables with storage class automatic. This is equivalent to the

auto int a, b,c; or int a,b,c;

C functions can be classified into two categories, namely, library
functions and user-defined functions. Some functions are written by users, and many
others are stored in the C library. The only difference is that the source code (definition)
for a library function does not appear in your program. The prototype for the library
function is provided to your program using the #include compiler directive. A user
defined function has to be developed by the user at the time of writing a program. To use
a library function, need to include the proper header file and know the name of the
function that wish to use.

E S . I N
The C language contains a number of library functions that perform
various tasks. Those are
<ctype.h> character testing and conversion functions
<math.h> mathematical functions
<stdio.h> standard I/O library functions
<stdlib.h> Utility functions such as string conversion routines, memory allocation
<string.h> String manipulation functions
<time.h> Time manipulation functions.


C provides certain language facilities by means of a

preprocessor, which is conceptionally a separate first step in compilation. The two most
frequently used features are #include, to include the contents of a file during compilation,
and #define, to replace a token by an arbitrary sequence of characters. Other features
include conditional compilation and macros with arguments.
File Inclusion
File inclusion makes it easy to handle collections of #defines and
declarations (among other things). Any source line of the form


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#include "filename"
#include <filename>
is replaced by the contents of the file filename. If the filename is quoted, searching for
the file typically begins where the source program was found; if it is not found there, or
if the name is enclosed in < and >, searching follows an implementation-defined rule to
find the file. (i.e., When the filename is included within the double quotation marks, the
search for the file is made first in the current directory and then in the standard
directories. In the second case, the file is searched only in the standard directories.)
An included file may itself contain #include lines.
There are often several #include lines at the beginning of a source
file, to include common #define statements and extern declarations, or to access the
function prototype declarations for library functions from headers like <stdio.h>.
(Strictly speaking, these need not be files; the details of how headers are accessed are
#include is the preferred way to tie the declarations together for a
large program. It guarantees that all the source files will be supplied with the same
definitions and variable declarations, and thus eliminates a particularly nasty kind of
bug. Naturally, when an included file is changed, all files that depend on it must be

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Macro Substitution

A definition has the form

#define name replacement text.

It calls for a macro substitution of the simplest kind - subsequent occurrences of the
token name will be replaced by the replacement text. The name in a #define has the
same form as a variable name; the replacement text is arbitrary. Normally the
replacement text is the rest of the line, but a long definition may be continued onto
several lines by placing a \ at the end of each line to be continued. The scope of a name
defined with #define is from its point of definition to the end of the source file being
compiled. A definition may use previous definitions. Substitutions are made only for
tokens, and do not take place within quoted strings. For example, if YES is a defined
name, there would be no substitution in printf("YES") or in YESMAN.

Any name may be defined with any replacement text. For example
#define forever for (;;) /* infinite loop */
Defines a new word, forever, for an infinite loop.


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It is also possible to define macros with arguments, so the
replacement text can be different for different calls of the macro. As an example, define
a macro called max:

#defines max (A, B) ((A) > (B)? (A) : (B))

Although it looks like a function call, a use of max expands into in-line code. Each
occurrence of a formal parameter (here A or B) will be replaced by the corresponding
actual argument. Thus the line
x = max (p+q, r+s);
will be replaced by the line
x = ((p+q) > (r+s) ? (p+q) : (r+s));

So long as the arguments are treated consistently, this macro will serve for any data
type; there is no need for different kinds of max for different data types, as there would
be with functions.
Nesting Of Macros
We can use macros in the definition of another macro. That is, macro definitions
may nested.

E S . I N
#define square(x) ((x)*(x))
#define cube(x) (square(x)*(x)) NOT
Macros can also be used as parameters of other macros.
#define M 7
#define N 6
#define MAX (M, N) (((M)> (N))? (M): (N))
Undefining a Macro
A defined macro can be undefined, using the statement
#undef name
This is used to restrict the definition only to a particular part of the program.

Defining and Processing Arrays
An array in C Programming Language can be defined as number of
memory locations, each of which can store the same data type and which can be references
through the same variable name. An array is a fixed-size sequenced collection of elements


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of the same data type. It is simply a grouping of like-type data. An array can be used to
represent a list of numbers, or a list of names
An array is a collective name given to a group of similar quantities. These
similar quantities could be percentage marks of 100 students, number of chairs in home, or
salaries of 300 employees or ages of 25 students. Thus an array is a collection of similar
elements. These similar elements could be all integers or all floats or all characters etc.
Usually, the array of characters is called a “string”, where as an array of integers or floats
are called simply an array. Since an array provides a convenient structure for representing
data, it is classified as one of the data structures in C.

All elements of any given array must be of the same type i.e we can‟t have
an array of 10 numbers, of which 5 are ints and 5 are floats.

Declaration of an Array

Arrays must be declared before they can be used in the program.

Standard array declaration is as

type variable_name [length of array];

E S . I N
type variable-name [50];

The type specifies the type of the elements that will be contained in
the array, such as int float or char and the size indicates the maximum number of
elements that can be stored inside the array . In C Language, arrays starts at position 0.
The elements of the array occupy adjacent locations in memory. C Language treats the
name of the array as if it were a pointer to the first element This is important in
understanding how to do arithmetic with arrays. Any item in the array can be accessed
through its index, and it can be accesed any where from with in the program
Initialization of arrays:
We can initialize the elements in the array in the same way as the ordinary variables
when they are declared. The general form of initialization off arrays is:

type array_name [size]={list of values};

The values in the list care separated by commas, for example the statement

int number [3]={0,0,0};


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Will declare the array size as an array of size 3 and will assign zero to
each element if the number of values in the list is less than the number of elements, then
only that many elements are initialized. The remaining elements will be set to zero

In the declaration of an array the size may be omitted, in such cases the compiler
allocates enough space for all initialized elements. For example the statement

int counter[]={1,1,1,1};

Will declare the array to contain four elements with initial values 1. this approach works
fine as long as we initialize every element in the array.

The initialization of arrays in c suffers two draw backs

1. There is no convenient way to initialize only selected elements.
2. There is no shortcut method to initialize large number of elements.

/* Program to count the no of positive and negative numbers*/

#include< stdio.h >
void main( )

E S . I N

int a[50],n,count_neg=0,count_pos=0,I;
printf(“Enter the size of the array\n”);
printf(“Enter the elements of the array\n”);
for I=0;I < n;I++)
for(I=0;I < n;I++)
if(a[I] < 0)
printf(“There are %d negative numbers in the array\n”,count_neg);
printf(“There are %d positive numbers in the array\n”,count_pos);

Passing Arrays To Functions


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An entire array can be passed to a function as an argument. To pass an array to
a function, the array name must appear by itself, without brackets or subscripts, as an
actual argument within the function call.
When an array is passed to a function, however, the values of the array elements
are not passed to the function. Rather, the array name is interpreted as the address of the
first array element. This address is assigned to the corresponding formal argument when
the function is called. The formal argument therefore becomes a pointer to the first array
element. Arguments that are passed in this manner are said to be passed by reference
rather than by value.
For example:
float average(float arr[ ] ,int x); /* function prototype*/

main( )
int limit; /* variable declaration */
float avg; /* variable declaration */
float list[25]; /* variable declaration */

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float average(float arr[ ],int x) /* function definition */

will pass the whole array „list‟ to the called function. The called function expecting this
call must be appropriately defined.
The function header might look like :
float average(float arr[ ],int x)
The function „average‟ is defined to take two arguments, the array name and the size of
the array to specify the number of elements in the array.

Two Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays

Two dimensional Arrays:

In C, a two dimensional array is really a one-dimensional array,
each of whose elements is an array. Thus, a two-dimensional array will require two pairs


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of square brackets. Elements are stored by rows, so the right most subscript, or column,
varies as elements are accessed in storage order.

Two-dimensional arrays are declared as follows:

type array_name [row_size] [column_size];

Initializing two_dimensional arrays

The initialization is done row by row.
For ex: int table [2][3]={0,0,0,1,1,1};
Initializes first row to zero and the second row to one. The initialization is done row by

Multidimensional Arrays:
The general form of a multi-dimensional array is
type array_name [s1][s2][s3]…..[sn]; where Si is the size of the ith dimension.

For ex:
int table[3][5][2]; /* is a three-dimensional array can be represented as a series of two-
dimensional arrays*/

E S . I N
Application Of Arrays
Multidimensional arrays are commonly used in numerical algorithms (mainly

from applied linear algebra) to store matrices.

Example programs.

1) Write a c program to add two numbers


int a,b;
void addition(int, int);
printf(“enter two numbers”);
scanf(“%d %d:,&a,&b);


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void addition(int x, int y)
int sum=0;
printf(“ sum = %d”,sum);

2) Write a c program to find average of two numbers


int a,b;
float sum=0,avg=0;
float average(float);
printf(“enter two numbers”);
scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);

E S . I N
float addition(float a)
float result;
return result;
1) Write a C program to display a list of numbers
int a[10],n;
printf(“enter the limit”);
printf(“enter %d numbers from keyboard”,n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)


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for(i=0; i<n; i++)

2) Write a C program to add two arrays


int a[10],b[10],c[10],n;
printf(“enter the limit”);
printf(“enter %d numbers in to first array”,n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf(“enter %d numbers in to second array”,n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)

E S . I N

for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf(“ The sum is”);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
Passing arrays to functions

3) Write a C program to multiply an array


int a[10],n;
void mult(int [],int);
printf(“enter the limit”);


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printf(“enter %d numbers in to array”,n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
void mult(int p[10],int x)
int t;
printf(“enter the multiplier”);
for(i=0; i<x; i++)
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
4) Write a C program to display a matrix

E S . I N
int a[10][10],n;
printf(“enter the limit of raw and column”);

scanf(“%d %d”,&n,&m);
printf(“enter %d X %d matrix”,n,m);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
printf(“ The matrix is”);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
printf(“%d”,a[i][j]); }


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