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World University of Bangladesh

Course Title: Industrial Psychology

Course Code: PSY 402
Submitted to
Md. Moniruzzaman
Assistant Professor
World University of Bangladesh
Submitted by
MD Rakibul Hasan
Roll: 4216
Batch: 65(A)
Program: BBA
World University of Bangladesh
Date of Submission: July 1, 2021
Question: Describe any two strategies that managers can use to increase job satisfaction.

Answer: As the nature of our jobs and the environment of our workplaces shift, it’s
Important for managers to maintain a pulse on how their group is feeling and the way Glad
employees are in their daily. It's far a totally essential responsibility of A manager to ensure that
personnel are satisfied with their work inside the place of work. There are many types of
strategies to boom worker paintings satisfaction.


1. Ask personnel approximately their personal motivations:

Ask your team what they want. This may be as simple as team conferences in which All people
brazenly discusses the troubles they face of their roles and looking for Innovative approaches of
easing them. The use of an worker survey system can spotlight regions of problem, as well as

Employees who should do with extra mentoring.

2. Enhance the work environment:

Enhancing small things could have a big impact on the pleasure of your team. This doesn’t
always imply spending large on new device or workplace healthy-outs. A New espresso device
or kitchen gadget or cozy, ergonomic seating for Employees makes a distinction. Run a survey
on what personnel would really like in their Work regions.

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