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Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology

SIU Course Code

Course Code: Credit Points : 2 Course Designer: Course Design Date:

Sadhana Ghalsasi 26.4.2010

Course Name
Service & Component Design
The course discusses the design phase and implementation of the design
Scope and using a technology is beyond the scope of this course.
Objectives The objectives are:
1. To be able to design components and services
2. To introduce to design patterns

3. To learn about the attributes of service and component design

Software Design, Service Oriented Architecture

Object Oriented Systems Development by Ali barhami

Prescribed Books Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger Pressman
Head First Design Patterns by Freeman Eric
Software Design by Budgen David
Software Reuse by Ivar Jacobson
Component Oriented Programming by Wang Andy Ju An
Gamma et all, "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Reference Software", Addison-Wesley, 1995
books/Sites R. Martin, “Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices”,
Prentice-Hall, 2002
Wirs-Brock, McKean, "Object Design", Pearson Education, 2003
Additional Readings: As mentioned time to time by the concerned faculty

Topics Details Case Study No.
Introduction to The concept of a component and a service,
design axioms emphasis on design as an important activity,
Design Principles • Dependency-Inversion Principle
• Liskov Substitution Principle
• Open-Closed Principle
• Interface-Segregation Principle
• Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle
Examples of class
• Common Closure Principle
• Common Reuse Principle
• Acyclic Dependencies Principle
• Stable Dependencies Principle

• Stable Abstraction Principle

Design Patterns The basic design patterns such as Small examples on
Creational patterns- application of design
• Singleton, patterns
• Factory,
MBA Batch 1/2
Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology

• Prototype,

Behavioral patterns-
• Mediator,
• Iterator,
• Observer
and Structural patterns-
• Adapter,
• Bridge,
• Composite pattern
Designing Designing components, designing interfaces, Case: Designing for
components and designing services and their interfaces reuse;
services Examples based
improving performance
of logic
Attributes of design Concept of reuse, types of reuse, levels of
reuse, Other design attributes as security,
performance, scalability

Exposure to Introduction to .net and EJB as component

technologies technologies:
Component model and communication model

MBA Batch 2/2

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