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Title: Called to serve

Text: Luke 5:1-11

Introduction: Each one of us is here because at one point in our lives we obey the call of our LORD. But
before that maybe we used to work in the oil industry, maybe we were studying to be doctors or teachers,
maybe we attended to a different church, but there is one thing I can assure you; we were all lost before coming
to Christ. And like us, Peter experienced the same, he was a married man, a fisher man, who worked in the sea
of Galilee (lake of Gennesaret) but one day the LORD came to him and his life was change forever, like our life
was change when we obey the LORD.
Thesis: When Jesus came and called Peter to serve (1) the perfect opportunity was presented, (2) a taste of
blessing was given, (3) a sinner felt down on his knees and (4) a beautiful call was made to serve.
Read Luke 5:1-11
I. The perfect opportunity (Luke 5:1-3)
a. Like Peter, you and I were called in the perfect time, in the perfect moment.
b. Have you ever thought about where you would be if you had not obeyed the gospel?
II. A taste of blessing (Luke 5:4-7)
a. Like Peter, we witness blessing upon blessing when we were in the world, but still we were not
sons of God.
b. How many times God provide for us, when we were lost in our sins?
III. A repentant sinner (Luke 5:8-10a)
a. Like Peter, when we encountered our Savior, we cannot do nothing but fall into our knees and
ask for forgiveness.
b. Do you remember the time when you were baptized? Do you remember the feeling of not having
a Savior?
IV. A call to serve (Luke 5:10b-11)
a. Like Peter and the others, we have been called also by Jesus to be fishers of men, servants of
others and sons of God.
b. What did you leave for the LORD? (things we have left vs things we have been promise)
Conclusion: Peter’s life was change, when (1) the perfect opportunity was presented by Jesus (2) and he
witness the power of the LORD, in the blessings that he saw. After this he (3) comprehended that he was a
sinner (4) and that he needed to obey the call and follow Jesus.
Are we grateful for being saved every day? Called to serve in the midst of the world
Are we thankful for all the blessings that we receive every day? Even when we were losts
Are we putting all our efforts in becoming faithful servants of God?
Are we responding to the call of our LORD every day?

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