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Laboratory 3 Manual

Abhishek Pandya
Experimen Experiment Page Date Signature
t no. name no.
1 To determine the 1 10/5/2021
refractive index of
the material of a

2 To determine the 3 24/5/2021

wavelength of the

given source.
3 Determination of 4 26/5/2021
Planck’s constant.

4 To verify the 7 31/5/2021

Brewster’s law and
to find the
Brewster’s angle.

5 To determine the 9 7/6/2021

volume magnetic
susceptibility of
sulphate solution at

6 To verify the relation 11 9/6/2021
between thermo
emf of a
thermocouple and
difference between

two hot junctions.
To determine the refractive index of the material of a prism.

Spectrometer, prism, prism clamp, sodium vapour lamp, lens.

Refractive index of the material of prism

The refractive index of the material of the prism can be calculated by the equation.

Where, D is the angle of minimum deviation, here D is different for different colour .

Performing simulator

 Focus Telescope on distant object.

 When focus is correct, start button is activated. Then click Start button.
 Switch on the light by clicking Switch On Light button.
 Focus the slit using Slit focus slider.
 Adjust the slit width using Slit width slider.
 Coincide the slit with cross wire in the telescope.

Performing simulator

 Click Place Prism button.

 Place the edge of prism, pointed towards collimator.
 Move the telescope using Telescope slider up to see the slit on side. Make coincide the slit with the cross wire
using fine angle adjusting slider. Then note the reading in the tabular column.
 Move the telescope in the opposite direction and do the same.
 Find the difference between two angle ie 2θ. Hence, find the angle of prism i.e θ.

Least Count of Spectrometer

One main scale division (N) =30’.minute Number of divisions on vernier (v) =

L.C = 1’minite
Sr No. Reading of MSR1 VSR1 Mean MSR2 MSR2 Mean Mean Deviation D
reflected ray a-b
1 Face1 (a) 145° 18' 145°3’ 106° 5' 106°2’ 39°1’
Face2 (b) 325°2' 2' 325°4’ 286° 5' 286°2’ 39°1’ 39°.3’
2 Face1 (a) 147° 13’ 147°3’ 108° 4’ 108°2’ 39°2’
Face2 (b) 327° 4’ 327°4’ 288° 15’ 288°5’ 39°1’

Angle of prism A= θ/2=60°2’


μ= Sin(60°2’+39.3’/2)/sin(60.

=Sin(49.05°)/sin (30.01°)

the refractive index of the material of a
μ = 1.5
Aim: To determine the wavelength of the given

To find Least Count One main scale
division = 0.05 cm
Number of divisions on Vernier = 50
L.C = One main scale division/ Number of division on vernier= 0.05/50 = 0.001 cm radius of lens (R) =100

Microscopic Reading (cm)

Order of
ring Diameter D(cm) D2(cm2) D - D2 m (cm2)
Left Right

2.710 2.201 0.509 0.259 -

2.7 2.214 0.486 0.236 0.023
18 2.691 2.220 0.471 0.222 0.014
16 2.678 2.226 0.452 0.204 0.018
14 2.665 2.231 0.434 0.188 0.016
12 2.660 2.237 0.423 0.179 0.009
10 2.654 2.240 0.414 0.171 0.008
08 2.648 2.246 0.402 0.162 0.009
06 2.644 2.251 0.393 0.154 0.008
04 2.639 2.257 0.382 0.146 0.008
02 Avarage

Mean value of D2 m+p - D2 m = 0.0125cm2

Wavelength of light = (D 2 +p - D 2 )/4p R

m m

Wavelength of light from the given source is found to be = 15.62 nm

Vlab link:

Determination of Planck’s constant.

0-10 V power supply, a one way key, a rheostat, a digital milliammeter, a digital voltmeter, a 1 K
resistor and different known wavelength LED’s (Light-Emitting Diodes).

Link of Simulator:

Procedure for Simulation

Place the mouse pointer over the components and click to drag wire.

1. After the connections are completed, click on ‘Insert Key’ button.

2. Click on the combo box under ‘Select LED’ button.
3. Click on the ‘Rheostat Value’ to adjust the value of rheostat.
4. Corresponding voltage across the LED is measured using a voltmeter,which is the knee voltage.
5. Repeat, by changing the LED and note down the corresponding knee voltage.

1. Calculate ‘h’ using equation

2. The wave length of infrared LED is calculated by using equation,

3. Calculate h using graphical method using relation

where s is slope of graph 𝑉 → 1/𝜆

using the known value

Alternatively, we can write equation (3) as

Observation Table:
Sr no. Colour Wavelength Knee voltage Wavelength×knee
voltage( volt•m)

1 Red 650nm 1.926 1251×10-⁹ 6.672×10-34

2 Green 510nm 2.450 1252×10-⁹ 6.677×10-34
3 Yellow 570nm 2.238 1276×10-⁹ 6.804×10-34
From Calculation:
Mean h = 6.718×10-³⁴J/HZ

From Graph:

Slop of Graph=wavelength×voltage=1266×10-⁹volt•m

= 1.6×10-¹⁹×1266×10-⁹


= 6.732×10-³⁴J/Hz

h = 6.732×10-³⁴J/Hz

From Graph h = 6.732×10-³⁴J/Hz From

Calculation h = 6.718×10-³⁴J/Hz
To verify the Brewster's law and to find the Brewster's angle.


Performing the Simulation:

Drag the components from the right panel and place them correctly in the optic bench.

Start : This button enables the user to start the experiment.

Side view/Top view : Using this, different views of the experimental arrangement can be seen.

Choose light : Using this combo box, one can select different lasers.

Choose medium : The medium of different refractive index can be selected using this combo box.

Choose material : Different materials can be selected using this combo box.

Switch on light : The user can make the laser source ON/OFF using this button.

Angle of the polariser : Using this slider, one can change the angle of the polariser from zero to 360 degrees.

Angle of incidence : This slider helps one to change the angle of incidence, which can be varied from zero to 360

Reset : The experimental arrangement can be reset using this button.

Refractive index of Refractive index Brewster's Angle Brewster's Angle theoretical

Medium of Medium 2 experimental

μ1 μ2
1 (Air) 1.607 (Topaz) 58.11° 31.89°
1.52(Grown glass) 56.66° 33.34°
1.57(Flint glass) 57.51° 32.49°
1.000036(Helium) 1.607 (Topaz) 58.11° 31.89°
1.52(Grown glass) 56.66° 33.34°
1.57(Flint glass) 57.50° 32.49°
1.1000132(Hydrogen) 1.607 (Topaz) 58.10° 34.39°
1.52(Grown glass) 56.66° 35.89°
1.57(Flint glass) 57.50° 35.01°
1.0045(carbon 1.607 (Topaz) 58.10° 32.00°
dioxide) 1.52(Grown glass) 56.65° 33.49°
1.57(Flint glass) 57.49° 32.61°
The Brewster’s is varified and we found the Brewster’s angle.

To determine the volume magnetic susceptibility of Manganese sulphate solution at different concentrations.

In electromagnetism, the magnetic susceptibility χm is a proportionality constant which is
dimensionless and indicates the degree of magnetization of a material in response to an applied magnetic
field. Mathematically, we express it as

Where is the magnetization, H is the applied field and material. is the relative permeability of the

The Quincke's method is used for the determination of magnetic susceptibilities of many liquids, aqueous
solutions and liquefied gases. Here we are determining the susceptibility of
MnSO 4 solution (which is paramagnetic) at different concentrations. The experimental set-up used for
Quincke's method is shown below,

Arrangement for Quincke's method

Here Manganese sulphate solution under investigation is placed in a vertical U-tube with one limb of wide bore
and the other with narrow bore. The narrow limb is placed in between the pole pieces of the electromagnet. It
should be noted that the surface of the liquid in the narrow limb must lie at the line of centres of the pole pieces
when the field is off.
When the current is switched on a strong field is appeared at upper surface of the narrow column while the
lower portion will be in a state of comparatively weak field. Hence a force will act upon the column and if the
liquid is paramagnetic it will rise.

We can derive an expression for the susceptibility of the liquid as given below,

where χ2, χ1 are the susceptibilities of the solution and air; ρ, σ are the densities of liquid and air
; 'g' the acceleration due to gravity; 'h' the rise in the surface of the liquid; and Hm is the final field applied.

Taking the susceptibility of air approximately equal to zero, (2) becomes,


Density of air σ: 1.293 x 10-3 g/cm 3

Density of Manganese sulphate ρ: 3.25 g/cm3 g= 980
m/s 2

Strength of applied magnetic field Hm: 1.133 gauss

Sr Molarity M Hight at Hight at Hm-H Susceptibility

no 0.5 Hm
1 0.5 12.512 12.555 O.043 9.13×10-⁶
2 0.8 12.514 12.560 0.046 9.18×10-⁶
3 1.0 12.518 12.569 0.051 9.21×10-⁶
4 1.2 12.525 12.578 0.053 9.25×10-⁶
5 1.5 12.530 12.585 0.055 9.30×10-⁶



The volume magnetic susceptibility of Manganese
sulphate solution at different concentrations is


To verify the relation between thermo emf of a thermocouple and temperature difference between two hot

The conversion of temperature difference to electric current and vice-versa is termed as thermoelectric effect.
In 1981, Thomas Johann Seebeck found that a circuit with two dissimilar metals with different temperature
junctions would deflect a compass magnet. He realised that there was an induced electric current, which by
Ampere's law deflect the magnet. Also electric potential or voltage due to the temperature difference can drive
the electric current in the closed circuit.
To measure this voltage, one must use a second conductor material which generates a different voltage under
the same temperature gradient. Otherwise, if the same material is used for measurement, the voltage generated
by the measuring conductor would simply cancel that of the first conductor. The voltage difference generated by
the two materials can then be measured and related to the corresponding temperature gradient. It is thus clear
that, based on Seebeck's principle; thermocouples can only measure temperature differences and need a known
reference temperature to yield the absolute readings.
The principle behind it states that

V- Voltage difference between two dissimilar metals a- Seebeck coefficient

Th - Tc - Temperature difference between hot and cold junctions

There are three major effects involved in a thermocouple circuit: the Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects.
The Seebeck effect describes the voltage or electromotive force (EMF) induced by the temperature difference
(gradient) along the wire. The change in material EMF with respect to a change in
temperature is called the Seebeck coefficient or thermoelectric sensitivity. This coefficient is usually a nonlinear
function of temperature.

Peltier effect describes the temperature difference generated by EMF and is the reverse of Seebeck effect.
Finally, the Thomson effect relates the reversible thermal gradient and EMF in a homogeneous conductor.
Thermocouples generate an open-circuit voltage, called the Seebeck voltage that is proportional to the
temperature difference between the hot and reference junctions:

Since thermocouple voltage is a function of the temperature difference between junctions, it is necessary to
know both voltage and reference junction temperature in order to determine the temperature at the hot junction.
Consequently, a thermocouple measurement system must either measure the reference junction temperature or
control it to maintain it at a fixed, known temperature.
Sr. No. Th T0 T h-T 0 K V
˚C ˚C volt
1 100 -25 125 0.76
2 250 -25 300 1.923
3 500 -25 525 4.504
4 750 -25 775 7.304
5 1000 -25 1025 10.625

Graph : V vs T h-



=( 7.304-1.923)/




Seebeck coefficient a =0.01132volt/k

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