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Al-Najah national university

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Banking and Finance

Title: Designing a job description card and designing a training program for the human
resources manager.

Student name : Helwa Hisham Mousa Odeh

University number : 11716252

Course : Human Resources Management

Dr . Nader Al-Qaryuti

The second semester of 2020/2021

The first skill: Designing a job description card for a human resources manager .

An Introductions : Job analysis is the most important activity on which human resources
management relies on all of its activities .

I prepared a job description card for a human resources manager that includes the job title, job
summary, relationships, responsibilities …… etc. Then the basic details related to it.

Job description card

Job title : Human Resource Manager Job # : 101\HRM

Job identification Preparation date : 5-5-2021 Prepared by : Helwa Hisham Mousa

Paying attention to all factors related to the human factor, which include
employment, training, determining benefits and wages, performance
Job summary
evaluation, etc.
Report to : General Director Job # : 100 \HRM

Relationships Supervises : Head of the Training Department , Head of Payroll Section

Head of the planning department, Employees Affairs Department, Head
of the Performance Measurement Department….. etc.

Internal relations : The director of human resources has a relationship

with all managers within the organization such as the director of the
public relations department, the director of the production department,
and the internal control.

External relations : The Director of Human Resources has a relationship

with the Ministry of Labor and Trade Unions, the Office of Personnel
Affairs, the Ministry of Manpower, the control and inspection bodies, and
the insurance sectors.

1.The human resource manager is responsible for recruiting in the

Responsibilities and
Duties 2.Acting as a liaison between senior management and employees and
developing plans to coordinate work style.

3.Preparing reports and budgets.

4.Determine the company's human resource needs.

5.Create a database for employees and save their data.

7.Organizing, planning and directing administrative jobs and services.

8.Enhancing employee performance.

9.Preparing and organizing training programs.

10.Determine the job qualifications, job description and job descriptions

for all positions.

1.The rate of stability of the organizational structure.

performance 2.Adequacy of the workforce.

3.Turnover ratio for workers.

4.Return on investment.

1.Provide safety requirements that reduce work injuries.

Work conditions 2.Reducing noise in the work environment.

3.Providing good services (location, temperature, air conditioning)

4.Degree of risk.

Qualifications Bachelor of Business Administration or Human Resource Management.

1.At least five years of experience in the field of human resources

2.Fluency in spoken and written English.

3.Background on employee relations, planning and organizational

1.Good communication skills.

Skills 2.Planning and report writing skills.

3.Good interpersonal skills in presenting and evaluating.

1.the ability to work under pressure.

Capacity 2.Ability to work and interact well with others.

The second skill : is to design a training program

By conducting training for individuals in Jawwal, which lasted for three months and ended a
week ago, we found and found a weakness in specialized knowledge and professional skills. In
other words, the training officials and evaluators in the company, when they made the
evaluation, resulted in a weakness in the specialized knowledge and professional skills.

Therefore, it is for these reasons that an annual training program and training plan has been
designed to address this resulting weakness.

This program, which has been designed, must pass through several stages and steps to ensure its
effectiveness and success, represented in the following ten steps: Determining the training
need, defining the program’s objectives, defining the program’s topics, determining the training
method, creating training facilities, attracting trainers, attracting trainees, preparing the budget,
preparing the schedule, and finally evaluating the training program .

Each stage is represented in the following :

The first stage: which is to determine the needs of the training program that was designed, by
reviewing specialized knowledge, re-examining the professional skills that have been applied,
and starting to work on this weakness of individuals under the title: Designing a program and a
cognitive and professional training plan for working individuals.

The second stage: This program must include objectives, the most important of which are:

 Informational goals: that the participants increase knowledge in this field in addition to
acquiring more knowledge about their specialization.
 Skills goals: for the participants to acquire the developmental skills that make them
more proficient in their field of work and specialization.
 Behavioral goals: that the trainees acquire professional values and become able to work
in a group spirit and better in their specialization.

The third stage: determining the topics of the training program that has been designed and
includes the following topics:

 The concept of specialized knowledge that must be worked on.

 The concept of professional skills and their role in the field of work.
 The importance of gaining professional values at work.
 Work in a group spirit, and clarify the relationship between them and the requirements of
the job.
Fourth stage: A training method has been determined for this program, so it must be used:

1. The lectures. 4. Brainstorming

2. Scientific application 5. Social drama

3. Case studies 6. Role-play

The method of lectures and scientific application is used if the goal is informational, and we use
case studies and brainstorming if the goal is my skills, and we use the method of social drama
and role-playing if the goal is behavioral .

Fifth stage: To carry out and succeed this designed program, we must prepare and provide
facilities, for example : providing a suitable place for training, providing transportation for the
trainees, providing food and drink services such as tea and coffee and a snack, providing the
tools and information necessary to perfect the professional skill of the trainee, determining the
start and end date of the period Training.

The sixth stage. Attracting trainers : the success of the program depends on the trainer, he
must be well qualified and he must be able to give his duties that are required of him, and from
here they must fulfill these characteristics for the success of the program:

 Personal qualities: to have sincerity, open-mindedness, confidence, ability to choose and

persuade, willingness to implement opinions and deal with any difficulty that may be
encountered in the designed training program, to be a believer in the value of what he
does with a firm belief.
 Academic qualities: To be a specialist and have correct and comprehensive knowledge
of the subject of training.
 Practical qualities: He has a number of extensive experiences in the fields of training,
full knowledge of training methods.

The seventh stage: Attracting the trainees: It is also important to take into account the
process of classifying the individual trainees (Age group, administrative and scientific level,
capabilities ) , so that if there is a consensus between the trainees and the trainers, this
facilitates the success of the training program designed within a shorter period of time than that
which was established and with a higher benefit for both parties.

The eighth stage: preparing the budget for the training program:

Revenues Expenses

A number of trainees equal to 30 - Place of training 400 dinars

have been selected and recruited,
- Transportation that saves trainees
and 100 dinars will be collected
from each trainee. 300 dinars

- Training supplies 600 dinars

- The wages of the trainers in the

program are 300 dinars

- Food and drink is available for 150


Ninth stage: preparing a timetable for the designed program:

This training program includes 16 training hours of four weeks duration - two days a week
(Tuesdays and Wednesdays) , Entitled “ Professional Skills and their Role in the Field of Work
“ , with the trainer: Dr. Nader Al-Qaryuti .

Today Session Time The topic of the session coach's name

Tuesdays First 9 – 11 AM The concept of professional Dr.Nader Al-

skills and their role in the Qaryuti
field of work.
Wednesday The Second 11 – 2 PM The importance of gaining Dr.Nader Al-
s professional values at work. Qaryuti

The tenth stage: evaluation of the program:

Through it, the efficiency of the training and its programs and the extent of its success in
achieving the objectives and the availability of the required quality are also measured, as well as
the trainers and trainees are evaluated such as: presenting tests with the information acquired
during the training period, studying cases to find out how well their professional skills have
improved, knowing how satisfied the trainees are with the program and the trainer In addition to
knowing the extent of the reflection and application of this program on the company.

Thank you Dr.

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