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Strengths Weakness

1. Low procurement/manufacturing cost 1. Flaws in ERP system

2. Adapting to ERP practices 2. Lack of integration and coordination
between departments
3. Bargaining power of retailers request
for lowest prices from manufacturers
Opportunity Threat
1. Market Capture 1. Competitors
2. Product differentiation 2. Substitutes
3. Potential change in consumer

ERP Implemented in mid 1990s. It was icomplte and

inappropriate for an SME such as Desko. Did
not support R&D and manufacturing
Informational website and intranet Web server config, web content management
Internet tools To place orders with key supplier and receive
customer orders,to support inter-enterprise
Help desk unit To provide support to desko employees
Network management Responsible for tele communication network
that supported inter-enterprise communication
Future Proposal Invest in a better ERP system which suits the
needs of an SME like Desko

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