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5 Techniques for Improving Your Reading and Studying Skills 

"SQ3R" A Reading and Study System

Reading a chapter correctly takes a lot more time than you probably spend now, but try this SQ3R
method for just one class. Slowly add this system into your other classes too. Be patient and give
this method 2 weeks to make a difference. At first, you'll spend a lot of time on this. Remember: You
can study a lot of hours over the course of the semester or you can study all of those hours the week
before your final.

Study time rule: 1 hour of class = 2 hours of study time!

This reading method will seem slow at first, but the benefits will soon be clear: You will remember
more of what you read, and you won't waste time repeating work you've already done!

SQ3R Means:



Do not read the chapter yet! Do these steps first:

1. Read the title - prepare your mind to study the subject.

2. Read the introduction and/or summary - think about how this chapter fits the author's
purposes, and focus on the author's statement of most important points.
3. Quickly look over each boldface heading and subheading - organize your mind before you
begin to read - build a structure for the thoughts and details to come.
4. Look over any graphics, charts, maps, diagrams, etc. They are there to make a point - don't
miss them.
5. Notice the reading aids - italics, and boldface print show that something is important
6. Also, the chapter objective and the end-of-chapter questions are all included to help you sort,
understand and remember the information.

Do not read the chapter yet! Do these steps first:

Create questions from your reading to help your mind think about the material.

Look at each section at a time and turn the boldface headings into as many questions as you think
will be answered in that section. The better the questions, the better your understanding will be. You
may always add more questions as you continue. When your mind is actively searching for answers
to questions, it is learning! This is also the best way to predict test questions - where do you
think your teachers think up questions?!
Here's an example: if a heading says "Parts of the Flower," you can make a question like: "What are
the parts of a flower?" "Historic People" can be a question like "Name some historic people."

Make up as many questions as you possibly can.

Ok, now it is time to read the chapter, but follow these steps:

As you read, look for the answers to the questions you wrote, and write the answers in your notes!

Read each section of the chapter with your questions in mind. Look for the answers, and take note
of questions you didn't think of that were answered in that section.

As you read the chapter, you should recite your notes.

Reciting means practicing out loud what you’ve written down. Yes, that's right - talk to yourself!

After each section of reading, stop, think about your questions, and see if you can answer them from
memory. If not, look back again (as often as necessary) but don't go on to the next section until you
can say what you have learned!

Spend 15 minutes every day reviewing your notes.

Once you've finished the entire chapter using the steps above, go back over all the questions that
you made. See if you can still answer them. If you cannot, read the chapter again, being careful to
answer your own questions. 

Make Reading your Habit

Reading for many people is fun and enjoyable. You can improve your English reading skills by reading as
much as possible. Reading articles on topics of your interest is always an enjoyable and pleasure
experience. To make reading your habit, you may begin by reading shorter texts and after a week
progress to the longer texts. Train yourself to read daily.

Read a Variety of Materials

Newspapers, magazines, novels, encyclopaedia, etc are some typical reading materials to start with. In
addition, reading English ebooks and weblogs or blogs helps too. Magazines such as Readers’ Digest are
suitable for your general knowledge, English grammar and vocabulary. A recommended blog for
Malaysian students is Malaysia Students blog.

Read Articles form Different Disciplines

Do not limit your reading materials to your favourite topics. Instead, you should read articles and
scholarly journals from various disciplines. For instance, health, technology, education, science,
environment, you name it.

Learn Skimming and Scanning Skills

Skimming is a skill to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it while scanning is to read
something word by word quickly for a better understanding of the text. Skimming and scanning skills
come in handy in your MUET reading test since you have to answer 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQ)
based on several texts given.

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