Aplac Condensed Syllabus 21-22

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Mrs. Waugh's AP Language and Composition

A condensed syllabus- extended class syllabus may be accessed on my classroom website. Please
keep this in the front of your notebook throughout the year

INSTRUCTOR: Tara Waugh Tips for Success

#1 You must complete all
ROOM: 316 work to be successful in
my class.
EMAIL: waughta@tulsaschools.org
or tara.waugh42@gmail.com #2 Read all directions,
look at examples given,
WEBSITE: http:// and ask questions.
#3 Be on time and be
THE SNAPCHAT: tarawaugh42 — I post homework reminders on prepared. Work hard and
there. Don’t worry, I won’t follow you back unless you want me to :) be kind.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: As stated in the AP English Language and Composition Course Overview, "An #4 If you are serious
AP course in English Language and Composition cultivates the reading and writing skills that students about getting a 3 or
need for college success and for intellectually responsible civic engagement.  The course guides
higher, buy APLAC
students in becoming curious, critical, and responsive readers of diverse texts, and becoming flexible,
reflective writers of texts addressed to diverse audiences for diverse purposes. Summer reading is an practice book and
essential part of the preparation for this course.  Students will prepare for and be expected to take the practice on your own, as
AP English Language and Composition Exam. Students may be granted advanced placement, college well as pay attention in
credit, or both as a result of satisfactory performance.COURSE GOALS: 1)Developing critical literacy:
"...The course introduces students to the literacy expectations of higher education by cultivating
essential academic skills such as critical inquiry, deliberation, argument, reading, writing, listening,
and speaking."2) Facilitating informed citizenship:"...[college rhetoric and composition courses] also Test Dates:
serve the larger goal of cultivating the critical literacy skills students need for lifelong learning. PSAT -- OCT. 26, 2021
 Beyond their academic lives, students should be a bale to use the literary skills practiced in the course
for personal satisfaction and responsible engagement in civic life. ""To support these goals, rhetoric
and composition courses emphasize the reading and writing of analytic and argumentative texts... in SAT — OCT. 28, 2021
combination with texts representing the English-language literary traditions...[The] course focuses
students' attention on the functions of written language in and out of the academy, asking students to
practice the reading as well as the writing of texts designed to inquire, to explain, to criticize, and to
persuade in a variety of rhetorical situations. In this approach to the study and practice of written 2022, EXAM COST: $95
language, a writer's style is important because of its rhetorical, rather than its aesthetic, function.
High Expectations
Class Supplies Because this is an AP
course, expect homework
*Three-ring binder every night. Throughout the
*Highlighters (various *English Department
year, you must manage
colors) Handbook - print the rst
*5 dividers labeled outside readings, projects,
8 pages from my website
Notes, Vocab, Writings, vocabulary, term quizzes,
*Pencils and pens or Canvas
Graded Work, Handouts. class readings, and many,
*Sticky notes *Box of Tissues many essays. Many of these
* College-ruled paper
assignments overlap; it is


Important Classroom Policies Class Rules and Values

• Be in your seat on time or if we go virtual, be in our Zoom
*All assignments must have a MLA heading.
meeting a few minutes ahead of time, on mute, video on. See
*Late work policy: 5 minutes or 5 days late, 70% or lower Zoom Rules.
depending on effort/ completion/ correction. 5 days max,
then it’s a zero. • Be prepared for class. Phones on silent and homework and
reading done.
*All assignments are due at the exact time posted on Canvas
or Turnitin.com, or in person at the beginning of the hour. If
there is a technical issue, email me / text through remind right • Bring notebook, textbook, and writing implement every day.
away. Otherwise, you will receive a zero.
• Respect: Out of courtesy to me and your classmates, please do
*If a student has an unexcused absence, no makeup work
not talk while another is addressing the class. Treat others as you
(including tests and quizzes) will be allowed.
would like to be treated.
*Students with an excused absence must make up quizzes/
exams within 3 days of their return to class. Please schedule a • Pay attention to me, to your peers, to deadlines, to the text, and
time so that you can make-up the quizzes/exams. to other teachers.

*Students who missed class may nd their assignments on

Canvas or on the whiteboard. It is the student's responsibility to GRADING POLICY
complete make-up work and turn it in on time (one day per day
of absence).   Daily assignments, exams, and quizzes will
be graded on a point system. Major writing
*Tardy students are responsible for getting information missed
at the beginning of class. If you miss more than 15 minutes, you assignments will be assessed using a scale
will be counted absent. adapted from the Advanced Placement
scale, the BTW English Department Rubric,
*Questions about grades/missed classwork can be discussed in and/or the AP assessment scale. The grade on this scale
a scheduled meeting with me or clari ed via Remind or email.
will be converted into a point-system grade.A= 100-90, B=
*Cheating/ plagiarism, including failure to properly cite sources, 89-80, C= 79-70, D= 69-60, F= 59 & below
will result in a zero for the assignment.
EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit assignments may be given. Do
*Begin and nish your work before the due date and you will
NOT ask for extra credit at the end of a grading period.
have no problems with machines, utilities, or animals.  Please do
not ask for exceptions; if you have problems, see me before ZEROS: Any student who fails to turn in a major assignment will
papers are due. receive a zero for that assignment and this result in a phone call or
email to your parent / guardian.

DISCIPLINE: Any issues will be handled in a variety of ways. I

always try to be fair and consistent. Just remember to be kind to
REMIND: Sign up for this service to receive texts from me
me, yourself, and others. I am here to help. and to text me any questions you have. Enter 81010 and text
this message: @aplac212 STUDENTS MUST DO THIS!

FINAL WORDS: I look forward to a great year where minds are expanded, horizons are broadened and we all become more knowledgeable world citizens. Our world is
truly a remarkable place inhabited by extraordinary people. Enjoy being transported to different times and places and celebrate the differences among the many voices
that construct American culture, while at the same time recognizing our common bonds. The only prerequisite for this course is to come to class with an open mind and
a willingness to learn!

COMMUNICATION: It is important to have constantly open lines of communication between the teacher, parents, and students. The best way to contact me is by email- I
will usually answer the same day. Also, for general class information you can visit Canvas, my really cute website, or Remind. Additionally, if a student has a bad grade
for an extended period of time in my class they can expect an email to parents or a detailed note in Powerschool. I welcome parent contact and questions, and look
forward to hearing from many of you.

HOW TO DO WELL IN THIS CLASS: Students will always ask “What’s the easiest way to pass your class?” There is a simple answer to this question: Show up to class every day on time and
do the assigned work carefully and consistently. Students who do this in mine or any other class find it virtually impossible to fail, and in fact usually do quite well. The secret to being a
good student (or, really, being good at anything) is no secret: show up and try. It’s that simple. TEXT CLAUSE: We will examine a variety of literature (written, oral, and cinematic). If any
reading material or film covered in class is a conflict of interest for any student or parent, an alternative will be provided. Please send written notification (email or handwritten) one week
before the text or film is read or viewed in class. Please read my course outline and visit my website often to see if any assignment is a conflict of interest.


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